Pregnancy on hormonal pills. Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

Family life has its joys and difficulties, but contraceptives have made life much easier modern women. Those who are not yet familiar with full list contraceptives and their characteristics, they are interested in whether it is possible to become pregnant while taking birth control pills. If they were not effective, they would not become popular. But there is still no definite answer - it is important to discuss all the points.

Theory and practice of contraceptive protection in cyclic tablets

Nowadays, it is customary to regulate the birth rate by means of “before” and not “after”, as was the case 50-70 years ago, in the era of rampant abortions. But also with the reception of reliable contraceptive drugs There are incidents with “pregnancy” (as unplanned conception is called).

Birth control pills or oral contraceptives, as they are called because they are taken orally, are quite popular. They are considered to be the most effective means from unplanned pregnancy (from the perspective of their reliability). Only a small percentage of women who regularly take the pill claim that it is possible to take birth control pills daily during pregnancy.

Indeed, in medical practice There are many similar cases known, but each case had its own situational reasons.

  1. The woman hasn’t gotten used to it yet – the pills “didn’t have time” to be adjusted hormonal background and affect ovulation. The egg has already reached its destination, and the sperm has successfully passed a series of obstacles on the way to the goal. It is quite possible that nothing will affect their successful merger and promotion ovum into the uterus. After that, ask whether it is possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills “Janine” or something similar.
  2. Some women are so lazy or “know-it-all” that they don’t consider it necessary to read the instructions. They know whether it is possible to become pregnant while taking the Jess or Mercilon birth control pills. And they themselves take tablet contraceptives as they please. In addition, they do not buy what the doctor advised, but what is cheaper. In relation to such ladies, the saying “well, who is their doctor?” is true.
  3. There are also those who always have problems with self-discipline. Then they write on the forums “I took birth control and got pregnant.” Women start taking pills from a cyclic package, where each color corresponds to a specific period between periods. They need to be drunk strictly every day (morning or evening). But in the gynecologist’s office, the excuse “I forgot about them” is often heard. Excuse me, but did she remember to go to bed with a man without worrying about protection? The punishment is abortion, and it is good if reproductive function is restored.
  4. There are also women who shirk marital duties under the pretext of searching for “suitable” pills. But it is not the choice of the “wrong” oral contraceptives that becomes the reason for spontaneous sex, when nothing was done “before” and “after” did not work. Then it’s too late to grab the “saving box” - natural processes work, the fertilization mechanism develops in its own spiral. When you become pregnant while taking birth control pills and start taking them after sexual intercourse, you only have yourself to blame.
  5. On forums they often ask: “Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Regulon or other birth control pills. I have heavy weight I probably need high dosage hormone." Who can answer? Yes, such questions come to mind, but experts rarely answer on women’s forums. Most often, equally ignorant girls “hang out” there, and some visitors simply “troll” topics for fun.
It goes without saying that if after taking the pills there was vomiting or drinking alcohol large doses, accepted by others complex preparations containing hormones - there is no guarantee. Some "healing potions" and recipes traditional medicine also increase ovarian productivity - you can get pregnant if you take birth control pills, especially intermittently. When there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other pathologies, vomiting or indigestion, it is better to stop taking birth control pills. A forum or website is just a food for thought if it concerns health. But women's forums are full of topics like “who got pregnant while taking birth control pills?” For serious issues, you should not be lazy and go to antenatal clinic

, and not “to gain wisdom.” Most often, online sites respond to “near-medical” topics ordinary people who have some experience, have good knowledge of the topic and are proficient. Their task is to revive the site by increasing its traffic, and therefore increase advertising revenue.

Attention: You cannot be so careless as to trust your health to “telephone operators”. Most likely, they ascribe to themselves the credentials of a real specialist from a prestigious medical center experience without real medical practice.

Surely a non-specialist will be stumped by the question about low-dose drugs. They will answer in the negative if you ask whether it is possible to get pregnant while taking Yarina birth control pills. But they will say the same for any other hormonal-containing oral contraceptive. Pseudo-experts do not know that they will contain 0.02 mg of ethinyl estradiol, and that this is enough for young girls to block full ovulation of the dominant follicle in the ovary.

Advice: Value your health - go to your doctor. Only the doctor you are seeing can really assess your hormonal levels, body weight ratio and drug dosage. It takes into account the history of childbirth, abortion and medical indications each patient will be told on what day to start using oral contraceptives.

There are also family planning specialists who, in conditions medical office, in a confidential conversation they will receive all the necessary information from you. It’s better to ask a real expert if you are taking birth control pills and decide to get pregnant, how to stop the pills correctly, and when to plan to conceive.

Of course, if a woman becomes “temporarily infertile” due to stable use of a hormonal analogue, it is important to return to her natural course.
But there are pills of a different plan, they do not block the onset of ovulation, but they change the structure cervical mucus to impede the passage of sperm.

It is important to cover the topic of the likelihood of pregnancy when taking birth control pills in detail - there is an alternative. Women should know about “mini-pills,” which are not as reliable as combined contraceptives in tablets, but they are also often used in sexual practice. Such mini-pills do not affect lactation; they are preferred by nursing mothers who are afraid of becoming pregnant again soon.

How to take birth control pills to avoid getting pregnant

Often nursing mothers ask on forums “is pregnancy possible when taking birth control pills during lactation.” But the hormonal background of women during this period does not contribute to full ovulation, and cases of pregnancy are periodically recorded.

Attention: It is recommended to take the tablets as prescribed by your doctor, strictly following the recommendations in the instructions. Violation of admission rules cyclic tablets– You can get pregnant while taking birth control. Sometimes it makes sense to use another method of contraception in parallel.

Tip: Set a reminder on your mobile phone that it’s time to take your pills, this will reduce the likelihood of missing them. If for some reason you miss taking at least one pill, this gap must be filled as soon as you remember about the contraceptive you are taking.

Pill contraceptives - affordable and convenient way protection. They have been proven to be effective if you do not disrupt their consumption schedule as prescribed. In the pharmacy chain, hormonal pills to block conception are presented in a large assortment, but they cannot be chosen spontaneously. They vary slightly in dosage, and different contraceptives are needed at 37-45 years of age to block pregnancy in married couples or for young girls, taking them “just in case.”

It is important to understand that we're talking about about taking hormones! It is recommended to periodically (at least once every 2-3 months) visit the women's office, get tested and tell the doctor about how you are feeling. Possible deterioration in health, which is worth mentioning:

  • increased heart rate;
  • general weakness and drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • sudden weight gain;
  • promotion or demotion blood pressure;
  • nausea and stomach problems, etc.
When taking hormonal drugs, it is important to control the blood sugar level of prothrombin. Please note that the synthetic “double” of natural female hormones– this is a double burden on the body and glands internal secretion, in particular, on the work of the ovaries and appendages. It is also important to discuss other issues with your doctor, such as when pregnancy will occur after stopping birth control pills.

Practice shows that no synthetic drugs, whether vitamins, amino acids or hormonal analogues, cannot compare with natural molecules. Nature is called upon to defeat invading “counterparties”. Therefore, no one can give a 100% guarantee to oral contraceptives, or what will happen if you take birth control during early pregnancy. Just stop taking them when you receive confirmation that you are pregnant.

One wise grandmother, in a conversation with her granddaughter about the effect of birth control pills on pregnancy, replied: “if my grandmother became pregnant at 22, my mother and I became pregnant at the same year, your mother gave birth to you at 23, then you will pass the baton, no matter how you protect yourself. And this also has its own worldly wisdom. Love and be loved, give birth to children if nature has taken over oral contraceptives!

In our difficult times, family planning is given Special attention: not every young couple can afford a child financially.

Thanks to the general availability of information, most young families know that mechanical means of contraception (condoms, IUDs, etc.) don't give 100% guarantees, as well as calendar method, based on calculating the time of ovulation.

Therefore they are gaining great popularity chemicals, especially since progress in this direction has advanced significantly. Modern birth control pills have become much safer and more effective than their counterparts of previous years. But is their effectiveness 100%? Unfortunately, not yet. But first things first.

How do the pills work?

The principles of operation of contraceptives vary. Some of them hinder exit eggs (ovulation), and therefore there is nothing for sperm to fertilize. Others allow fertilization, but prevent the zygote (an already fertilized egg) from attaching to the wall of the uterus, which leads to the death of the zygote (in fact, the first cell of the new organism).

Finally, there are means for medical abortion, the intake of which causes the death of an already multicellular embryo on early stages development (this type of abortion is considered acceptable until the 42nd day after the disappearance of menstruation).

In all three cases active ingredients are hormones that influence the functioning of the reproductive system accordingly.


Because the human body is not a machine with precisely calibrated parameters, then the possibility that the tablets will not work always remains, for example, the dosage will be insufficient, or the quality of the drug will be low.

The probability depends on conditions such as:

  • Quality of the drug;
  • Specific type of drug;
  • Phase of the menstrual cycle (if ovulation has already occurred, then it is too late to take pills that prevent it);
  • Individual characteristics of the organisms of a woman and her partner.

But on average, the probability of becoming pregnant while taking contraceptives is extremely low, since the pills “do not work” in 1 case out of a hundred or even a thousand (i.e., the probability of becoming pregnant ranges from 1% to 0.1%).

For comparison: when using only condoms, failures in the form of unplanned pregnancy occur in 2%, with unprotected sex in the absence of any contraception and provided that both partners are healthy, pregnancy occurs in 85% of cases.

It is important to understand that the pills only protect against pregnancy, but do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, allergic reactions, erosions and other problems related to the genital area.

During your period

Fertilization can occur during a certain period, called the fertile period. This period begins after menstruation and lasts on average from the 8th to the 20th day from the start of menstruation.

In addition, sperm can live in the cervix for 2-3 days. This means that you need to add these days to the beginning of the cycle and it turns out that you can conceive a child by having sex from 5-6 days from the start of menstruation to the 20th day.

Since menstruation can last up to 8 days (in pathological cases it can be longer), then when having sex during menstruation there is also a risk of getting pregnant, which means you need to use contraceptives, but it is better to use mechanical means (condoms) during this period.

It is also important to keep in mind that when you start taking the drug menstrual cycle Maybe be violated: delays of each phase occur up to several days. Then the body “gets used to it” and the cycle is restored.

Let's consider the effect of certain popular drugs.


Many women believe that this is a drug of “yesterday” due to numerous side effects: mood swings, allergies, speed dial excess weight and so on.

When using the drug, people became pregnant about 0.05% women, which is quite normal from a reliability point of view. After the cancellation, 90% were able to get pregnant in the first year, which is also a good indicator for those who want to have children as soon as the opportunity arises.


0.07% became pregnant who have used this drug.

Just as much side effects: migraine, nausea, pain in the mammary glands, depression, etc. Also, after withdrawal, menstruation may disappear for 2-3 months, and if taken after 30, infertility may occur.


0.8% of women became pregnant who have used this drug. After cancellation, problems usually do not arise, the cycle is rarely disrupted.

Many people who take the drug complain of side effects that occur after withdrawal. For example, massive hair loss that continues for several months. At the same time, while taking the drug, the condition of the hair improves.

Lindinet 20

About 0.07% of women became pregnant while taking these pills. Some women complain of side effects: loss of libido, allergies and pain in the mammary glands, but most note that Lindinet better than, for example, Yarina.

After discontinuation, you can get pregnant within a month (although for some, the period of infertility lasts up to six months). It is advisable to take after withdrawal folic acid(vitamin B9).


An even more reliable drug compared to the previous one. They only get pregnant 0.05% of those who took it. Both doctors and women who have taken the drug deservedly praise it for its effectiveness and harmlessness, as well as for the fact that side effects are rare.

If they do happen, it is usually pain in the stomach and nausea, sometimes vomiting, in in rare cases– conjunctivitis. After withdrawal, cycle disturbances occur.


Taking this drug is associated with a risk of bleeding and bloody spotting. Other side effects are rare. Gets pregnant less than 1% taking the drug, but with incorrect reception this figure may increase.

After cancellation, you can get pregnant in 2-3 months; due to cancellation, various side effects are possible ( bad feeling, skin rashes, etc.).


If you become pregnant while taking this drug, only 0.44% of cases. When withdrawing, weight fluctuations, allergic reactions on the skin, mood swings and cycle disruptions occur. Side effects during use often include headaches and mood swings.

You can usually get pregnant after discontinuation within 3 months.


Here the efficiency is high and reaches 0,34% pregnant women among women taking the drug. Side effects such as vomiting and nausea, headaches, cycle disorders.

It is also interesting that the drug can be used to treat acne(this is not a side effect, but an additional one).


Thus, modern drugs to prevent pregnancy act on different stages maturation of the egg or the beginning of embryo development.

Most of them are complex, i.e., they act in several directions at once. This poses a serious challenge for women ethical problem(after all, a multicellular embryo may already die).

No contraceptive product provides a 100% guarantee against pregnancy, but when taking most hormonal pills, the chance of getting pregnant is less than 1%, that is, such products are more reliable than condoms and other mechanical means.

On the other hand, tablets they don't save from STDs, and therefore you can use only them, abandoning condoms, only with a healthy regular partner.

Birth control pills are traditionally considered almost the most reliable means of preventing pregnancy. However, in some cases, the medication may malfunction, which means the risk of becoming a mother at the most inopportune moment increases.

Birth control pills

Oral contraceptives are considered completely safe for women's health. This information is not far from the truth, because negative consequences Little was detected from their intake. In addition, tablets almost never cause allergic reactions. The secret is that the main component of these products is safe for the body - ethinyl estradiol. The tablets contain very little of it.

Despite the uniformity of the composition, the tablets have two options for influencing reproductive system female body:

  1. The active substances block ovulation, making the woman infertile for some time. The result is achieved due to the estrogens present in the tablet: they prevent the formation of a dominant follicle in the ovary.
  2. The tablet thickens, making it difficult for sperm to move further from the vagina. Such drugs are less effective, but safer than classic tablets.
Despite all the effectiveness, pregnancy is possible while taking birth control pills. It's not about contraception, it's about individual characteristics women, as well as in her current state health.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

The main reason for the decrease in the effectiveness of birth control pills lies in violation of the rules for their use. This note is especially relevant for the intake schedule.

The effectiveness of oral contraceptives is greatly reduced if the woman vomits less than three hours after taking the drug. At this point, the active substances have not yet had time to be completely absorbed by the body, which means that even if there is an effect, it is clearly insufficient to prevent pregnancy. The solution to the problem is simple - you need to take another pill.

There are other reasons that can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. These include:

  • Interaction with other drugs;
  • Intermenstrual bleeding;
  • The body's immunity to active substances facilities.
By the way, it is recommended to additionally use other means of contraception if a girl takes pills for less than 14 days in a row. The body has not yet adapted to the drug, which means its effect is incomplete.

The effect of birth control pills on the fetus

Most often, oral contraceptives do not pose any danger to the baby during the first weeks of pregnancy. They don't contain much a large number of hormones, which means the fetus is relatively safe. If a woman happens to become pregnant while taking birth control pills, then she needs to take into account the specific brand of the product:
  1. Jess and Lindineth safe for the baby in the first four weeks. There is no need to worry, because by this time the woman will already know for sure that she is pregnant, which means taking the drug will be stopped.
  2. Regulon provides Negative influence to the fruit in the form genetic disorders. There is also a high chance of miscarriage.
  3. Preparation Yarina has a toxic effect on the child during three weeks of pregnancy. But there is no reason to worry - by this time the pregnancy will already be known.
  4. Janine safe for the baby, but can cause miscarriage early. If everything goes well, then you can sleep peacefully.
There are many other oral contraceptives, but they are not as popular as the ones listed above. In any case, before starting to take the drug, it will be useful to talk with a gynecologist.

Important: no matter what drug a woman uses, it should be stopped immediately after pregnancy is established. This is a matter of health for both the baby and his mother.

What to do if pregnancy occurs?

You need to immediately go to a gynecologist for consultation and tests. This is necessary to establish the nature of pregnancy and recognize possible pathologies. If everything is in order, then there is no reason to panic, the pregnancy will proceed in the same way as with a planned conception.

Possible psychological problems. A woman using oral contraceptives clearly did not want to become pregnant. If you suddenly have a feeling of approaching depression, then you need to consult a psychologist. And even better - to the child’s father, he will only be happy. Every woman should remember that if you take birth control pills, you can get pregnant. The likelihood of this, of course, is small, but you need to be prepared for it!

The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills interests every woman who plans her life. It would seem a strange question, because advertising, the media, and gynecologists claim that oral contraceptives are an excellent protection against unwanted pregnancy. But sometimes it is still possible to become pregnant while taking contraceptives. We should talk about this in more detail. By the way, all situations when a woman can become pregnant while taking pills are described in the instructions for contraceptives, but many simply do not read them, and in vain. Many people say that I take pills, but I get pregnant, all because of my own mistake.

Cautions: is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

Most likely, women will agree that the first negative factor is the “wrong” choice of an oral contraceptive, with the “wrong” hormonal concentration. It's a delusion! All innovative drugs have almost the same composition. Young girls are advised to take low-dose medications containing 0.02 mg ethinyl estradiol, and this is enough to prevent a person from becoming pregnant.

Yes, if a woman drinks a product with estrogen, ovulation does not occur, a dominant follicle does not form in the ovary, and pregnancy cannot occur.

However, there are drugs with other effects - 100% blocking of ovulation is not guaranteed, but the cervical mucus definitely thickens, which prevents sperm from penetrating from the vagina. These drugs, or as they are also called - mini-pills, are not so reliable combination tablets, which were discussed above, but have fewer negative effects on the woman’s body. So, taking a mini-pill does not provoke the amount breast milk, and therefore doctors advise the medicine to women during lactation.

If you drink them according to the plan and on time, problems with the heart and blood vessels do not occur, so doctors prescribe them to women over 35 years of age, especially to those who smoke more than 10 cigarettes daily. However, there is a risk that pregnancy will occur while taking cotraceptives of this type, so mini-pills are prescribed only according to strict indications, to those representatives of the fairer sex whose fertility is slightly reduced, which is precisely what is observed in women during lactation and women after 35 years.


  1. The instructions for the drug indicate that they should be taken at the same time, but if more than half a day is missed, the contraceptive effect will be low, which means that the likelihood of getting pregnant is high.
  2. Another point is if a woman vomits less than 90 minutes after taking the drug. In this case, doctors advise taking another tablet without wasting time, since the first one may not be completely absorbed. The same steps must be taken for diarrhea. By the way, doctors advise women with gastrointestinal problems to protect themselves with a Ring vaginal ring or contraceptive patch. In this situation, it is better not to use oral contraception, as a problem with the stomach or intestines may arise.
  3. The reliability of the drug may also decrease due to its interaction with other medications and even a number of drugs alternative medicine. Among medications, the possibility of fertilization may increase due to antibacterial agents. So if a woman drinks contraception You cannot prescribe medications yourself. If the doctor has prescribed therapy, it is important to tell him about your method of contraception; you may have to use barrier protection or spermicides for a week or how long during the treatment period. It is also necessary to act in any situation where there is a risk of decreased contraceptive effectiveness.

Cases when the effect of drugs can be reduced if a representative of the fairer sex systematically experiences intermenstrual discharge and blood. However, if the first 90 days of taking the contraceptive have already passed, when such a reaction of the body is normal (getting used to the product). More the most important moment– conception while taking contraceptives can occur if additional protection is not taken in the first two weeks of taking the contraceptive. This restriction applies only in the first month of contraception.

Pregnancy after birth control

If a woman becomes pregnant while taking contraceptives, what could this mean? Taking it in the first 24 days is, in fact, not dangerous in any way and is not a reason for an abortion. But, if during the period of time between taking medications ( seven day break) menstruation does not come, then there is no need to start taking another package until the woman knows for sure whether she is pregnant. A pregnancy test will help determine whether a woman is pregnant. Also, the chance of clarification increases if you donate blood for hCG.

By the way, sometimes menstruation may actually be absent when taking contraceptives, or menstruation is very scanty (spotting) and ends quickly.

This is the norm; this often happens when low-dose drugs are taken. hormonal agents, as a result of which uterine endometrium it simply does not grow to the thickness when it detaches - menstruation occurs. So usually the drugs help to avoid pregnancy, but sometimes taking contraceptives, you can still get pregnant. However, this is an exception to the rule; everything is in the hands of the woman.

Manufacturers provide an almost 100% guarantee of protection if you follow the instructions for the products:

  • Logest;
  • Dimia;
  • Diana;
  • Regol;
  • Median;
  • Belara;
  • Janine;
  • Chloe;
  • Novinet;
  • Jess;
  • Coc (combined tablets).

Reviews are good about taking Regulon, Zhanin and analogues of Yarina, Regividon and Klayra. Your gynecologist will tell you which medications to start taking.

Symptoms of pregnancy while taking birth control pills

When a woman is not yet ready to bear a child, she thinks about contraceptives. The question - conception while taking contraceptives: symptoms - interests such ladies. Toxicosis at the onset of conception begins at about 5 weeks; the body needs to determine what to do with it. a new cell. If toxicosis begins, it can last for weeks. When taking contraceptives, toxicosis appears with taking the second tablet or after 2-4 hours. There is no 3-day or 7-day menstrual cycle unless she misses a dose.

This weak discharge blood and they usually begin when the course of taking the drug is completed.

Sometimes there is no discharge, and the woman begins to worry: is she pregnant? Everything is easy. Pregnancy tests will help. If a woman’s mammary glands begin to grow and ache, this also worries her. The breasts enlarge when the hormone is produced, and the woman drank and takes these hormones in tablets every day. How can the glands fail to respond? So signs such as pain and breast growth cannot accurately indicate pregnancy. If a woman has developed sensitivity to odors and has changed taste qualities- this can also indicate conception.


  1. When you take medications, a woman has the same symptoms as pregnant women. However, nausea should go away quickly, plus bleeding should begin in 2-3 days.
  2. The mammary glands will grow, but will not hurt. It is important to stock up on pregnancy tests. For full confidence If pregnancy has not occurred, you need to get tested for hCG. The hCG blood test will show the level of the hormone that is secreted by the embryo. HCG increases from 4 days after conception.
  3. Nausea goes away, discharge is present, which means the drug is working. Well, if the symptoms do not go away, then pregnancy has occurred.

Attention! Some drugs have a negative effect on the fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy. It is important to stop taking medications in a timely manner, if the woman took contraceptives, then the consequences will not occur.

Are there pills to get pregnant?

It happens that with the help of pills, women, on the contrary, want to get pregnant. What medications should I take? If conception does not occur, it is sometimes possible to help yourself with medications.

The problem may be due to:

  • Hormone failure;
  • Poor sperm motility in the partner;
  • Weak ovulation;
  • Obstruction of the uterine tubes;
  • Anomalies in the structure of the reproductive organs.

After thorough examination The doctor may prescribe pills that will induce conception. What medications will help positive influence? The most popular and effective in medicine are Utrozhestan, Duphaston, Cyclodinone, Bromicriptine. But a doctor must prescribe the drug. Usually when correct intake When a break is not taken, pregnancy occurs. No one knows what the probability of conception is, it is important that it does not occur. ectopic pregnancy. True, after stopping contraceptives, for example the drug Rigevidon, conception can also occur.

Hot question: is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills (video)

Planning a pregnancy important question. A woman must approach the process carefully. Knowing which contraceptive to use, how long to take it and when to stop it, you can plan conception by using the drugs for several weeks.

Resorting to contraceptive method, a woman wants to be sure of the effectiveness of this product. Statistics show that pregnancy during use contraceptive drugs possible. Familiarization with the reasons will help protect against unforeseen situations.

    How do birth control pills work?

    Oral contraceptives(OK) are drugs that provide contraceptive effect. Their action is based on the content of hormones that block ovulation. The effect lasts for the period of taking the pills in the current cycle.

    OCs are taken daily, at the same time, starting from the first day of the cycle. Included with the tablets detailed instructions by application. Each pill is numbered. The number must match day of the cycle, in which the reception takes place.

    Contraceptive pills are taken for 21 days. Then a 7-day break is taken. During this period comes menstrual bleeding. Opening next package carried out exactly 7 days after the end of the previous one.

    A certain concentration of hormones provides inhibition reproductive function. The follicles do not grow to the required size. The meeting of the sperm with the egg becomes impossible. Even if ovulation occurs, growth will be blocked corpus luteum. Implantation will not take place due to insufficient thickness of the endometrium.

    There are many drugs that have contraceptive effect. They are selected individually, based on the woman’s hormone levels. IN mature age prescribe medications with high content hormones. For the young nulliparous girls provided low-dose OK.

    The duration of taking the pills depends on the purpose of their use. For contraceptive purposes, you can take the pills for an unlimited amount of time.

    Oral contraceptives are also prescribed for infertility. In this case, treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months. Conception occurs against the background drug withdrawal.

    In some cases, contraceptives are used to normalize the cycle and treat certain diseases. By using contraceptive pills you can achieve the following:

    • improvement of skin condition;
    • cycle regulation;
    • contraceptive effect;
    • rebound - effect(conception after drug withdrawal);
    • treatment of ovarian cysts;
    • for recovery in the postoperative period.

    PECULIARITIES! Hormone therapy stimulates appetite. It is recommended to control your diet while taking pills. In this case, gaining excess weight is not scary.

    Is it possible to get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

    Low chance of conception during use contraceptives, subject to compliance with the rules of admission, exists. It is 1-2%. Some factors increase the risk of pregnancy. These include:

    • use of antibiotics;
    • skipping a pill;
    • treatment with drugs containing St. John's wort;
    • vomit;
    • violation of the dosage regimen;
    • diarrhea;
    • expired expiration date of tablets.

    If there are factors that reduce efficiency medicine, in the current cycle are used additional methods contraception. The scheme for further taking the tablets is described in the instructions.

    How to avoid a decrease in contraceptive effect?

    To avoid a decrease in contraceptive effect, you must comply intervals between tablets. Their increase leads to the release of hormones responsible for the maturation of the egg. It is recommended to set an alarm for the time when you need to take pills. Keeping a menstrual calendar will help in controlling the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

    It is important to monitor the condition of your body. Poor quality food, excess alcohol and viral infections can provoke vomiting. It leads to premature release of hormones from the body. Preventing such situations will ensure a stable contraceptive effect.

    ON A NOTE! If side effects occur from OK, you should contact your gynecologist to change the drug.

    Signs of pregnancy while taking birth control pills

    Signs of pregnancy while taking OCs can easily be confused with side effects tablets. Taking contraceptives has the following features:

    • breast enlargement;
    • decreased libido;
    • nausea;
    • blood pressure surges;
    • swelling;
    • increased or decreased appetite;
    • irritability.

    The main signs indicating the development of pregnancy are delay and positive test for pregnancy. While taking contraceptives, the woman does not have any discomfort in the small pelvis. And during the process of embryo implantation, characteristic pain may appear.

    How does pregnancy occur while taking OCs?

    Experts say that a pregnancy that occurs while taking birth control pills is exactly the same as any other.

    Hormone concentration in the preparation is too small to have an effect negative impact on the development of the child. Despite this, if pregnancy is detected, the use of OCs is discontinued.

    In some cases, spontaneous pregnancy may be problematic due to insufficient endometrial thickness. The solution to the problem is to prescribe progesterone support. This will allow you to avoid miscarriage.

    Oral contraceptives are the strongest medical supplies. Their selection and use should be treated with extreme caution. Before the beginning hormone therapy tests are required to determine hormonal status.



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