Sheep fat application. Lamb fat for colds and coughs in a child and an adult; useful properties and contraindications; how to take at home? Useful properties of lamb fat

In the photo - melted mutton fat. Very good and flavorful for frying.
Fat different color. Do you think one is from a white ram, the other from a black one?
If only everything was that simple...
Grayish fat - rendered traditional way in a cauldron, on the stove.
Snow-white fat - melted at low temperatures in the oven.

It is visually clear that white is soft and lush. The grayish one lies on the plate in a strict monolith, like a bar of soap.
I'll tell you what you can't see. White fat has a light pleasant aroma and a very neutral taste. Gray smells like cracklings and tastes like cracklings.

What fat? Lamb mixed. “Mixed” means that subcutaneous, intermuscular and visceral fat was used (omentum, aka charvA (Uzb.))

Cut fat into small pieces. Fill with water for an hour. Drain the cloudy water.
For what? So there is a lot of extra stuff in the fat layer. Same blood, or pieces connective tissue, residual blood. Do you need to fry it? Soak it up.

Rinse the soaked fat, drain the water. Transfer the fat to a crock or cast iron pot, or a cauldron with no plastic parts. splash a little boiled water to the bottom. Send the pot to the oven without closing the lid.

Set the future oven temperature to 150 degrees. Simmer fat for an hour and a half. The time depends on the amount of fat.

Looking into the pot, you will see that liquid fat and cracklings are in a volume ratio of approximately 2:1. This does not mean that all the fat is not rendered. It's just that cracklings with this method of rendering have a porous structure. You can take a crackling and easily grind it with your fingers into a powder.

This is how it will turn out:

The fat is light yellow, clean, transparent with a light aroma.
Allow fat to harden in shape. It will turn white after drying.
Remove frozen fat. Cut into bite-sized pieces.
It is better to store in the freezer.
Remove 1-2 pieces as needed.
Good for both frying and dough.


Try to ignite a cauldron with salt, drive salt back and forth,
you will see how it turns gray (if not black).
If you drown in a clean cauldron, without hurrying anywhere, with low temperature, then the rendered fat remains exactly the same light or light yellow as in your photo.
But the reception with a small amount of water is absolutely correct.
But where now to use the fat from the fat tail, mixed with the interior?
Interior is suitable for deep-frying (mixed with vegetable oil - very good), the omentum can be used as shells. But I would not add such fats to dishes like pilaf - they are refractory.

Europeans very rarely use it, but they don’t think without it. delicious menu Asian food lovers... Lamb fat enriches nutritional characteristics hot dishes, is beneficial for the body, helps in wound healing.

History and geography of the product

Lamb fat is an indispensable and popular assistant for cooking meat dishes. It is obtained by melting animal fat. The product is mainly used in Asian or Caucasian cuisine, since Europeans most often use fats as fats. vegetable oils. Importance the product has for the British, who use it to make shortcrust pastry, sweet and savory dishes ( puddings, dumplings, pies, dumplings).

The culinary biography of sheep fat began about ten thousand years ago, when a man domesticated sheep. Historically, these animals have been in our diet before the pig or cow. Sheep were originally raised in Central Asia, from where the process spread to all regions of the Middle East. The animal is a valuable source of raw lard, which is used to make lamb fat. It is known that the trade in lamb fat began in Chile in 7th century. The export of the product played a secondary role in the country's economy. Today, sheep fat is traded in farms in Spain, Turkey, New Zealand and other countries engaged in animal breeding.

Species and varieties

The product is classified as a refractory fat of animal origin. The good quality of the product is indicated by its white color, clean structure, elastic consistency. Indicators Bad quality- yellowish tint, unpleasant aroma.

Lamb fat is classified into three categories. Product premium is made from selected raw materials, which is taken from the inner or fat tail part of the carcass. He white color (let's say a pale yellow tint), has a firm texture, a transparent structure when melted, and a lamb flavor. Products first And second class made from high quality raw materials. It is distinguished by a greenish or grayish tint and the taste of fried cracklings. The second grade product may be slightly cloudy when melted.

The fat is sold frozen. In the international market, a certification system is used (Halal, ISO 9001, LDG Certified, HACCP, BCS, BRC, EEC).

Beneficial features

Beneficial features The product is due to some extent to its positive effect on the system of the gastrointestinal tract.

The product contains:

Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that suppresses the aging process, protecting the body from the aggressive effects of carcinogens.
Lanolin - used in medicine for wound healing.
Fatty acids - improve the vital activity of the body and regulate cholesterol.

Lamb fat is valued higher than beef or pork, because it has 2.5 times less cholesterol than the first and 4 times less than the second. It improves digestion, is useful for anemia and malnourished people, and also helps with constipation, as a laxative.

Lamb fat is recommended for viral infections. Compresses are made from it to remove the wen, infusions with milk for colds, remedies for the treatment of pleurisy, chronic cough smoker, skin irritations, sore joints.

Taste and culinary uses

The product has good nutritional characteristics. They change depending on the age of the ram or sheep. The fat of a young animal is distinguished by its white color and a faint aroma of lamb, while the fat of an old animal is yellowish in color and has a strong smell. The taste of the product is similar to lamb. It is most often used in melted form for cooking hot meat dishes. It melts at a temperature in the range of 45-50º C, ideal for frying and confectionery production.

What goes with mutton fat?

Lamb fat is added to hot meat dishes with tomatoes, pomegranates, lemons, apricots and dates, onions, potatoes, and beets. It is used in the manufacture of manti, chebureks, as an ingredient for minced meat, frying for borscht, grease for baking pancakes. The product goes well with spices and spices that give a piquant flavor to the dish (garlic, bay leaf, pepper, rosemary, ginger, turmeric, coriander, cumin, marjoram, thyme, mint, dill). To neutralize the rich animal smell, you can add carrots, sugar cane, green beans, spoiled milk or vegetable dressing with vegetable oil.

What to cook using lamb fat?

The product is added to bozbash, plov or shurpa. Dishes acquire richer nutritional characteristics thanks to lamb fat. The product is used for making Uzbek soup with beans, peas and pickled peppers, for frying kebabs, making curry with rice, roti, idli, shortcrust pastry. Fat can be stewed with liver, lung, ram's heart and greens.

Glycemic index (GI) – 0.

Calorie content - 897 kcal.

Lamb fat - useful product animal origin, which is used in cooking and medicine. It is produced by rendering sheep or mutton carcasses from fatty tissues (raw lard). It has three varieties, the most valuable is fat tail fat. Kurdyuk - body fat in the form of a bag under the tail of the animal.

Beneficial features

Rendered mutton fat contains mass useful elements, among which saturated and unsaturated fatty acids predominate, which are necessary for normal human life.

Stearic acid is about 30%, there are also palmitic, myristic, capric, butyric, lauric, etc. Fats occupy 99.7%. Available mineral compounds: sodium (545 mg), magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium. Vitamins: A, B1, E. The composition contains cholesterol, ash, phosphatides, sterols and water. Lamb fat is enriched with natural lanolin.

How does it affect the body

As a result of research, it was found that mutton fat activates the construction cell membranes improves the synthesis of hormones, promotes the absorption minerals and vitamins. Has a high biological activity and serves as a source of energy.

The invaluable benefits of lamb fat for women's health: helps fight infertility, restores hormonal imbalance during menopause, eliminates stress and complications during this period. Helps with colds and viral infections. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the pulmonary system, normalizes cholesterol levels, and improves bowel function. Fat tail fat among the peoples of the East is considered a means to prolong longevity and increase potency.

The chemical composition of lamb fat (the presence of lycetin) helps to normalize metabolic processes. The use of this product stimulates cerebral circulation improves memory and thought processes. Tones the functionality of the stomach, the state of the nervous system, prolongs youth. Installed positive impact on the condition of the skin and hair.

How to choose

You can buy fat tail fat in the market and in a pharmacy. Quality can be determined by elastic consistency, specific aroma and pure white color. Fat made from raw bacon may have shades of green or gray. Bad smell, and the presence of yellowness indicate improper storage and expired shelf life.

It is important to know that high-quality fat tail fat at room temperature resembles a cream. When heated, any kind of lamb fat becomes transparent and does not form a precipitate.

Storage methods

In the refrigerator, it does not lose its useful properties for 3-4 months.

What is combined with in cooking

Lamb fat is used for cooking meat, vegetables, cereals. Classic Recipes uses: pilaf, bozbash, shurpa. In Russian cuisine, it is usually used with vegetable oils. In this combination, it helps to reveal the taste of products, to give tenderness, juiciness and a pleasant aroma to the dish. "Sheep smell" is easily eliminated with the help of spices and herbs.

Useful food combination

The correct use of dishes with lamb fat provides for their use only when hot, since it has the ability to solidify when cooled. The combination with fresh vegetables and leafy greens brings benefits.

Lamb fat in small quantities is used in diets for weight loss, as it quickly eliminates the feeling of hunger, improves mood and gives strength. A glass of fat tail fat warm with a spoon will not bring many calories, but satiety will remain for a long time. For those who calculate calories, it is important to know:

  • 1 tsp contains 5 g (45 kcal),
  • 1 st. l. - 17 g (152 kcal).


Application in medicine and cosmetology

Lamb fat is known for its beneficial properties and is considered the most effective among other animal fats. It is used to treat various diseases. Lanolin, which is part of mutton fat, is used in official medicine.

IN folk medicine tail fat is the most popular remedy for colds and inflammatory processes in the pulmonary system. IN practical application there are various methods of use, for example: ointments, compresses, syrups, rubbing (even for infants).

With the help of lamb fat, you can cure pneumonia without taking antibiotics. For this, rubbing and massage with warm fat are done. When coughing and bronchitis, a napkin soaked in a molten fatty substance is applied to the chest in the form of a compress. Inside, they are used for colds in the form of a cocktail (for 200 ml of hot milk, 1 dessert spoon of fat). Rubbing helps relieve joint pain, eliminate swelling.

In cosmetology, wen are removed with melted fat. To get rid of excessive sweating, fat is mixed with garlic and sunflower oil, then rubbed into problem areas. Eliminates when warm dermatological problems(irritation, inflammation). When applied to the skin, it acts as a nourishing cream, especially effective for dry skin and flaking.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


Most often, mutton fat is used in food in oriental and Caucasian cuisine. For European cuisine, this product is a rarity.

It is obtained either from a special greasy "bag" (fat tail), which is found in special fat-tailed breeds of sheep, or from internal fat sheep carcasses.

There is a lot of controversy about animal fats. Some experts constantly talk about their undoubted benefits, while others consider them almost poison. As always in such cases, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. So what are the benefits and harms of lamb fat?

IN retail you can find mutton fat of three varieties:

  • top grade. This product is obtained by melting fresh internal or fat tail mutton fat of selected quality. The finished fat of the highest grade is of a solid consistency and snow-white color (although a slight yellowishness is acceptable). If you melt it, it will become completely transparent;
  • first grade. Such fat is prepared from high quality raw fat. The color of the finished product is grayish or greenish, and if melted, it is transparent;
  • second grade. Such fat also makes raw fat enough good quality. If it is melted, a slight haze may appear.

This product (of the highest grade) has its own, unique, specific mutton smell and taste. Fats of the first and second grades taste like fried cracklings.

What are the benefits of lamb fat?

First, this product contains a lot of saturated fatty acids, which just causes the most fierce debate about its usefulness for the body.

Many experts claim that saturated fat very harmful. However, it should be said that in small quantities they are not only useful, but also vital for normal operation human body. Their absence or deficiency disrupts the synthesis of certain types of hormones (for example, sex hormones). Vegetarians and regular dieters eliminate these substances from their diet completely, which can lead to infertility in women and impotence in men.

Secondly, mutton fat is the most easily digestible among other animal fats.

Its use does not put pressure on the digestive organs. And in some Eastern countries in general, it is believed that melted fat tail fat is able to prolong a person's youth.

Thirdly, this product is high-calorie. Even in small quantities, it causes a feeling of fullness in a person and quickly replenishes the energy reserve.

Fourthly, mutton fat is rich in vitamin A, which is extremely important in the processes of fat and protein metabolism, and also actively helps visual analyzers and is essential for the normal functioning of the immune system.

Fifthly, such fat is a good natural antioxidant.

Its moderate consumption positive influence on the processes of blood circulation and natural tissue regeneration.

The high concentration of vitamin B1 in this product slows down the aging of brain cells, which makes it possible to maintain concentration and good memory to the very old age.

Seventh, mutton fat has a positive effect on the beauty of hair, skin and nails.

As mentioned above, the use of such fat allows you to accelerate the regeneration of all levels of tissues, which allows the body to renew cells in a timely manner and protect itself from harmful effects ultraviolet rays.

And finally, the last argument in favor of this valuable product. Rendered fat tail fat contains about half of all essential monounsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-9.

This substance takes Active participation in the construction of cell membranes and acts as a powerful energy source for the normal functioning of the human body.

This fat is actively used as a folk external remedy. It successfully treats different kind cuts, abrasions, burns and other non-suppurating injuries. It is also used to treat baldness.

Also folk methods advised to use this product in cases where there is a violation of the normal fat metabolism and hepatic dystrophy. And that's not all:

  • this fat brings general relief from colds. It is used as a medicine for chronic bronchitis, they are treated for a long dry cough. For these purposes, pre-melted mutton fat is rubbed into the chest and back of the patient, after which the smeared places are covered with plastic wrap and wrapped with a warm cloth. Usually such procedures are done before bedtime. Positive effect achieved even after one such procedure. It is possible to treat a cold with fat tail fat even in children, as it has a deep warming effect and is absolutely not allergic;
  • external application is usually combined with oral administration of the product. To do this, one tablespoon of sheep fat is melted and mixed with one glass warm milk. Should be taken before bed. Three to five doses can completely cure a cough;
  • helps mutton fat and from wen. It is melted in a teaspoon, then cooled, and the wen is smeared with the resulting product. The procedure is carried out daily until the bulge disappears completely;
  • they are also treated unpleasant disease, How heel spur. For this one a raw egg together with the shell, mix with one hundred grams of fat tail fat with the addition of one hundred grams vinegar essence. The resulting mixture is placed in a dark place for one day. After that, gauze is moistened in it and applied to the spur. Fix the bandage with a regular sock. It is best to put such a compress at night. After seven days, the heels will again become smooth and soft;
  • Lamb fat is also used to treat varicose veins. To do this, it is cut into thin slices, which are then applied to painful areas and fixed with a bandage. Change fat once a day. The effect is achieved approximately one month after the start of therapy;
  • well-melted lard also helps with joint pain. Application - night compresses. The sore spot is covered with a warm melted product and wrapped with a warm cloth.

The main medicinal properties of mutton fat are: warming and warming effect; acceleration of tissue regeneration, improvement of blood circulation, analgesic effect.

All this has long been tested by our ancestors and helps so far.

What is the benefit of this product?

Lamb fat, like any other animal fats, contains cholesterol. That's why overuse it in food can lead to the formation cholesterol plaques and, as a result, to clogging of blood vessels. And this significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Particularly careful when using fat tail fat should be people who have any diseases of the digestive tract.

All diseases are from the head. Old Believers - (eyewitness story). Last year, fate brought me to Lake Baikal from Buryatia. I am a hydrographer and we worked on the Barguzin River. Almost untouched nature, clean air, good simple people - everything was enthralling. But most of all I was struck by the Semey settlements there. At first we could not understand what it was. Then they explained to us that they were Old Believers. Semeysky live in separate villages, they have very strict customs. To this day, women still wear sundresses to their heels, and men wear blouses. These are very calm and benevolent people, but they behave in such a way that you can’t go to them once again. They just won't talk, we've never seen anything like that. These are very hardworking people, they never sit idle. At first it was somehow annoying, then we got used to it. And later we noticed that they are all healthy and beautiful, even old people. Our work took place just on the territory of their village, and in order to disturb the inhabitants as little as possible, we were given one grandfather, Vasily Stepanovich, to help us. He helped us take measurements - very convenient for us and the residents. For a month and a half of work, we became friends with him, and my grandfather told us a lot of interesting things, and showed us too. Of course, we also talked about health. Stepanych repeated more than once that all illnesses come from the head. Once I clung to him with a demand to explain what he meant by this. And he answered this: “Let's take you, five men. Yes, I’ll tell you by the smell of your socks what you think!” We became interested, and then Stepanych simply stunned us. He said that if a person has a strong smell of feet, then his strongest feeling is the desire to postpone all things for later, to do them tomorrow or even later. He also said that men, especially modern ones, are lazier than women, and therefore their feet smell stronger. And he added that he didn’t need to explain anything to him, but it was better to answer honestly to himself, whether it was true or not. This is how, it turns out, thoughts affect a person, and legs too! My grandfather also said that if old people's feet begin to smell, it means that a lot of garbage has accumulated in the body and you should starve or strictly fast for six months. We began to torture Stepanych, but how old is he? He kept refusing, and then he says: "That's how much you give - that's how much it will be." We began to think and decided that he was 58-60 years old. Much later we learned that he was 118 years old and that it was for this reason that he was sent to help us! It turned out that all the Old Believers are healthy people, they don’t go to doctors and treat themselves. They know a special belly massage, and everyone does it for himself. And if the indisposition has gone, then the person understands, together with his loved ones, what thought or what feeling, what business could cause illness. That is, he tries to understand what is wrong in his life. Then he begins to starve, pray, and only then he drinks herbs, infusions, is treated natural substances. The Old Believers understand that all the causes of diseases in a person are in the head. For this reason, they refuse to listen to the radio, watch TV, believing that such devices clog the head and make a person a slave: because of these devices, a person stops thinking for himself. They consider the greatest value own life. The whole way of family life made me reconsider many of my views on life. They do not ask anyone for anything, but live well, with prosperity. Each person's face glows, expressing dignity, but not pride. These people do not offend anyone, do not offend, no one swears obscenities, does not make fun of anyone, does not gloat. Everyone works, big and small. Special respect for the elderly, the young do not contradict the elders. They especially respect purity, and purity in everything, starting with clothes, at home, ending with thoughts and feelings. If you could see these extraordinarily clean houses with crisp curtains on the windows and valances on the beds! Everything is washed and scraped clean. All of their animals are well cared for. The clothes are beautiful, embroidered with different patterns, which are protection for people. They simply do not talk about the infidelities of a husband or wife, because this is not there and cannot be. People are driven by a moral law that is not written anywhere, but everyone honors and observes it. And for the observance of this law, they were rewarded with health and longevity, and what! When I returned to the city, I often thought of Stepanych. It was difficult for me to put together what he was saying and modern life with her computers, planes, telephones, satellites. On the one side, technical progress- this is good, but on the other hand ... We really lost ourselves, we do not understand ourselves well, we shifted the responsibility for our lives to parents, doctors, the government. Maybe that's why there were no really strong and healthy people. What if we really die out without understanding? We imagined that we had become smarter than everyone, because our technology is unusually diverse. And it turns out that because of technology we lose ourselves. These old believers shocked me greatly. They wiped our noses with their strength, poise of character and gentleness, their health and diligence. Their ninety-year olds look like ours in 50-60 years. Aren't they a good example of how to live in order to be healthy and happy?



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