How to quickly cure cracked heels. Cracked heels

We will look at the causes and treatment of this problem in more detail in this article. This common ailment of dry skin, firstly, not only has cosmetic effect. Secondly, it can cause very painful sensations from deep cracks. Agree that our legs are subjected to unimaginable tests every day. We squeeze them into uncomfortable, non-breathable shoes and spend long periods of time on our feet. And despite all the daily stress, we pay attention to our feet only when we begin to experience discomfort and pain. To get rid of the problem, it is necessary to determine the cause of the loss of elasticity and the formation of thick skin on the heels. Perhaps one emollient cream will not be enough.

The main reason for the development of dryness and cracks in the skin of the foot is hyperkeratosis - thickening of one of the layers of the epidermis with its coarsening. To understand the processes a little, let’s give a short introduction to histology. The skin on our heels is thick and consists of 5 layers:

  • Basal
  • Spiky
  • Grainy
  • Brilliant
  • Horny.

Hyperkeratosis affects precisely the most outer layer(horny). It has the densest structure and the greatest thickness. The main component is keratinocytes, which are combined into scales connected to each other by special cement. Normally, this structure provides maximum waterproofness and protection.

Under the influence of internal or external factors, the stratum corneum begins to divide excessively to neutralize trauma.

There’s no time to do it, but soon the skin will start to burst

When walking is exposed increased loads not only bone and joint formations, but also the covering of the foot. During movement, the skin stretches and contracts, deforming its own cells. Subject to particular changes side surfaces heels, where the greatest tension is created. When hyperkeratosis joins these processes, the stratum corneum thickens significantly. Moreover, as the size increases, its elasticity is lost, and accordingly, under normal loads, the skin begins to crack and burst.

The main causes of cracked heels:

  1. Fungus.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Hypovitaminosis.
  4. Anemia.
  5. Problems with the spine.
  6. Skin diseases - ichthyosis, psoriasis, palmar-plantar keratoderma.
  7. External factors

For more detailed analysis, why heel damage appears, we will consider each of the reasons separately.

Fungal diseases

Mycosis of the feet is one of the most common ailments. A high risk of infection occurs among those who visit public beaches, swimming pools, and showers without shoes. Spores are well preserved in a humid environment. Very often the fungus develops in people with in an active way life, this constant sweating stop. Since overheating almost doubles the likelihood of developing the disease.

In addition to cracks, dermatophytosis is manifested by itching, burning, and deformation of the nails.


With “abetic foot,” the changes are characterized by the absence of pain. Glucose not only disrupts tissue trophism, but also affects nerve fibers, changing the sensitivity.

Regular deterioration of blood supply leads to changes in the skin of the legs. After all, blood supplies not only oxygen, but also everything nutrients. Diabetes can also manifest itself as dry skin, the formation of ulcers, abrasions, and deep cracks. Possible foot deformity - hammertoes or hooked toes.


Insufficiency of vitamins A (retinol), E, ​​and the trace element zinc can lead to excessive dryness, decreased elasticity, and degenerative changes.

  1. If vitamin E deficiency is observed, the protective function of the skin decreases and the cells become dehydrated. Increased friction and loads become unbearable for weakened integuments, so they can burst under the influence of external factors.
  2. Lack of A provokes keratinization of the skin, since this element promotes adequate renewal. In the absence of nutrients, hardening begins and elasticity is lost, which can subsequently lead to cracks.
  3. Zinc prepares the body to absorb retinol, helping it to be active.


Iron deficiency not only affects the oxygen supply to tissues. The microelement is also found in tissues, taking part in the formation of proteins and enzymes. If it becomes insufficient in the body, the division and structure of cells is disrupted, leading to dystrophic changes.

Most susceptible negative influence epidermal cells that renew themselves quite frequently. TO skin manifestations iron deficiency anemia relate.

  • Dryness.
  • Peeling.
  • Cracks.

Spinal problems

Often, radicular symptoms disrupt innervation lower limbs. Almost the entire process suffers, which makes the skin on the legs thin, vulnerable, and with poorly healing wounds. Typically, such problems begin with prolonged compression of the root, especially with compression of several formations.

Heels are burning

Skin diseases

The most extensive factor that changes the skin on the heels. With dermatoses, the skin dries out, becomes susceptible to external influences, and becomes inflamed. Any impact can provoke microtrauma, which subsequently develops deep skin damage - a crack. Moreover, they often become gateways for secondary infection, which only aggravates the problem.

External factors

Usually these are “provocateurs” of problems, which, with constant exposure, can cause damage to the integrity of the skin of the heels.

What can cause cracks:

  • Obesity – excess weight significantly increases pressure on the foot. In addition, this condition is often accompanied by metabolic disorders, which also negatively affects the skin.
  • cramped, uncomfortable shoes– incorrect selection of shoes can result in increased, uneven load. Moreover, not only excessively narrow shoes are dangerous, but also worn-out heels and worn-out pairs. In the latter, the leg is not fixed, so when walking it constantly rubs, which provokes roughness and other “joys”.
  • Deformation of the feet - flat feet, hallux valgus, clubfoot - also lead to a redistribution of the load and, over time, provoke the appearance of calluses, corns, and hyperkeratosis.
  • Standing work or prolonged stay “on your feet” - in such cases, increased pressure is observed almost every day, the skin cannot cope with the resulting microtraumas, triggering increased reproduction of cells of the stratum corneum, and old ones due to active growth they do not have time to exfoliate, leading to roughness, dryness, and subsequently cracks.


First of all, fungus and skin diseases should be excluded. To do this, go to a skin and venereal disease clinic, where they will scrape the skin to detect mycoses.

You should also take a biochemical and general blood test, as well as a glucose tolerance test.

For patients with diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to take a Doppler test of the vessels of the lower extremity.

Test norm


Before you start self-deliverance from unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to undergo a thorough diagnosis. After all, if the reason lies in a mycotic lesion, then cosmetic procedures will bring only a temporary effect, and salon pedicures are generally contraindicated for patients with diabetes mellitus (there is a high risk of cuts, which quickly turn into trophic ulcers).

At the very beginning of eliminating cracks, it is necessary to get rid of provoking factors - choose comfortable shoes, start using special orthopedic insoles, serious violations– consult an orthopedic doctor.

It is necessary to carefully monitor hygiene. This is especially important for patients with diabetes.

Reminder for foot care with diabetes:

  • Wash your feet in warm (not hot) water daily, drying thoroughly after the procedure. Particular attention should be paid to the spaces between the fingers.
  • Every day, inspect your feet for cracks, abrasions, wounds, and scratches.
  • If your feet are prone to sweating, treat them with talcum powder or baby powder after each toilet.
  • Do not use scissors, tongs or other tools with sharp edges. All procedures are carried out only with a nail file.

You should adjust your diet to include vegetable oils, eggs, and butter. These products are rich in vitamin A and E, zinc, which will improve skin condition. It is also recommended to additionally take medications with these elements, either separately (Aevit) or as part of complex vitamins. Good source Fish oil can serve as these nutrients (you can read more about the benefits of the supplement).

If anemia is established, it is necessary to increase red meat and liver in the menu. Apples, by latest research, do not contain iron, but they help it better absorption. Before eating meat, you should eat a couple of pieces. Iron is extremely poorly absorbed due to the difference in valence. Severe forms it is recommended to treat with special drugs– ferretin, hemofer, sorbifer.

Foot fungus therapy

It is extremely difficult to get rid of this disease. Treatment should be comprehensive and include removal external manifestations(cutting off scales and seals, removing affected nails). Hyperkeratosis is usually removed using chemicals - applying milk and salicylic acid, baths of soda and soap.

You should definitely use antifungal ointments, varnishes - miconazole, clotrimazole, etc. If the course is persistent and the proposed creams do not help, then systemic antimycotics are prescribed - fluconazole, ketoconazole, etc.

Metabolic disease

With age, it is more difficult to keep the skin toned, and women's metabolism is disrupted. Therefore, it is worth monitoring your skin more carefully, as it loses more precious moisture.

Ointments for treating cracked heels - full review

Nowadays there are many products available in pharmacies. Which at regular use can restore smoothness to our legs and relieve painful cracks. In the initial stages, when there is only engorgement of the skin and minor damage, you can remove it using pumice or special grinding files after preliminary hot baths with soda and salt.

After removing the “extra”, the legs should be smeared with any thick, greasy cream (children’s cream from Soviet times with cats and dogs from the Svoboda factory works well) or Vaseline oil. After this, put on clean cotton socks. All manipulations are carried out before bedtime.

Important: the Internet is replete with all sorts of “harmful” advice. It is strongly not recommended to seal cracks with Moment (there were such instructions) or even with BF medical glue. Perhaps you will restore the integrity of the integument, but the skin will remain dry and inelastic, and sizing will only add problems.

If the problems are more serious, then it is advisable to use special pharmaceutical ointments


How it works

How to use

Ambulance Promotes accelerated healing, and also provides bactericidal effect. In addition, the cream nourishes and moisturizes the skin well.Apply 2 times a day, applying with massage movements.
ZazhivinThanks to the oil included in the composition tea tree, the ointment has a disinfecting effect. Also, oils and plant extracts speed up recovery.Apply before bed on pre-washed feet.
BioastinIt has an antifungal effect (but only as a prophylactic), softens the skin and accelerates healing.Single use per clean skin heels
Dardia lipoThe composition includes urea. It perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin. Paraffin and wax create a protective film, protecting against damage.Apply 2 times a day
RadevidCream containing vitamins A, E, D, glycerin. Activates regeneration and also accelerates recovery.Used 2 times a day after treating the skin with an antiseptic (furacilin, salicylic acid)

Traditional methods of treatment

Baths with medicinal herbs soften the skin of the heels well: decoctions of sage, chamomile, string, oak bark. You can add sea or table salt to the water in the form of a hypertonic solution. Salt perfectly heals deep infected rashes.

Also good effect They have oil compresses (sunflower, olive) and lotions made from boiled potatoes and aloe leaves. They are applied to the fabric and applied to the damage. After that, wrap your feet loosely with a bandage. And put on socks on top.

Treatment at home, which ladies use effectively in different situations collected


Beautiful legs are not only ethical, but also an indicator of health. You should regularly toilet your feet, removing excess rough skin. At excessive sweating It is recommended to conduct courses using Teymurov's paste. Try to use a moisturizer at least once a week.

Remove uncomfortable, worn-out or ill-fitting shoes from your wardrobe. Also, be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

  • In public places (baths, saunas, swimming pools) wear only shoes.
  • Give preference to socks made of cotton fabrics.
  • At frequent visits swimming pools, public showers, treat your feet with an antifungal agent once a month.
  • Under no circumstances should you wear someone else's shoes or use someone else's towels.
  • Wash tights, stockings, socks after each wear.

Due to increased dryness of the skin of the feet, it is necessary to use once a month nourishing masks. You need to apply a moisturizing composition, wrap it in cling film and put on warm socks.

Having determined the causes of cracks in problematic heels, it is easier to select a treatment option. Of course, you shouldn’t wait for their formation, they don’t appear suddenly, because everything has an explanation.

Take care of yourself and your heels!

Cracked heels: causes

Cracked heels are a serious problem that can be quite difficult to eliminate. This is not just a cosmetic defect, but a problem associated with diseases in the body. Cracks present an opportunity for penetration various infections, as well as pathogenic microorganisms. Even minor damage to the skin should be treated, since it is at the very beginning of the development of the disease that it is easier to cope with it.

There are many causes of cracked heels. Some of them can be easily and without problems eliminated with the help of a lubricating cream, others need to be treated more seriously and for a long time. The causes of cracked heels deserve special consideration.

Causes of cracked heels

Exogenous causes of cracked heels should be considered:

  1. The main exogenous cause of cracked heels is fungus. There are a variety of possible ways for a fungal infection to enter the body, both from the surrounding air and after staying in a sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool. Injured skin is a source of spores entering the body; the spread of infection is accompanied by decreased immunity and impaired blood circulation.
  2. Cracks occur due to the development of vitamin deficiency, developing due to poor nutrition.
  3. Violations of personal hygiene rules, manifested in carrying out only regular washing legs Proper foot care involves taking foot baths, exfoliating, and lubricating your feet with moisturizing and nourishing creams.
  4. Also, cracks in the legs can occur as a result of overly careful care of them. With frequent peeling, the skin of the legs does not have time to recover well, as a result of which it becomes thinner and cracks form in it.

These are only the main reasons for the occurrence of cracks in the legs; in fact, there are many more reasons and it is very difficult to describe them all.

Deep cracks in the heels, causes

There are the following main causes of deep cracks in the heels.

  1. The most common cause of deep cracked heels is a disruption in the normal functioning of the heel. endocrine gland. This can happen as a result of diabetes or problems with the thyroid gland.
  2. Deep cracks in the heels can occur as a result of hereditary diseases. If parents have cracked heels, most likely their children will have them too.
  3. Quite deep cracks in the heels appear in people suffering from gastritis, vitamin deficiency, and other skin diseases.

If you find deep cracks in the skin, you should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. Only a timely diagnosis and timely treatment can guarantee relief from the problem.

How to get rid of cracked heels?

Methods for getting rid of cracked heels can be very different, and when choosing any of them, the nature of the skin damage should be taken into account.

Cream for cracked heels

Creams are widely used in cosmetology; they also help, if necessary, to treat cracked heels. For example, the Super Heels cream contains extracts medicinal plants, as well as Shostakovsky balm. The cream effectively removes corns and rough skin. High-quality softening of the skin occurs, cracks in the skin heal and the formation of new cracks is prevented. The good antibacterial effect of the cream is explained by the presence of aspen extract and Piroctonalamine in its composition. The cream should be applied with massaging movements twice a day until complete recovery and the disappearance of all cracks.

Cream Healer for cracked heels

Cream Healer is relatively inexpensive and at the same time very effective in treating cracked heels. It is also recommended to use it to eliminate keratinized skin on the legs.

Main active component The remedy's cream is urea. Healthy skin it does not damage, and at the same time softens the keratinized skin well. It is the presence of urea that makes Lekar cream an effective remedy for treating cracked heels. The effect of its action is enhanced by the presence of oak bark extract and tea tree oil in the cream. The action of such components helps accelerate skin regeneration and also eliminates strong painful sensations for deep cracks.

Emergency cream for cracked heels

Cream for cracked heels Ambulance belongs to the category of relatively inexpensive and at the same time quite effective drugs. The cream contains glycerin, stearic acid, petroleum jelly and water. The cream also contains components that promote the speedy healing of wounds received by a person.

You can purchase Emergency cream almost without problems at any city pharmacy. No special medical prescriptions are required for this; the cream is freely available. It can help well with calluses, and it is also successfully used in the treatment of foot and heel fungus.

Gevol cream for cracked heels

Gevol cream is specially designed to restore the skin to its normal state. The use of the cream helps restore the hydro-lipid balance; after using the cream, the skin again acquires previously lost freshness and elasticity, and its dryness is eliminated.

The cream contains sea buckthorn, chestnut, avocado, algae extract and other natural ingredients. This cream is used exclusively externally.

In addition to eliminating cracked heels, the cream can be used to treat fungal diseases, to remove unpleasant odor from the feet, at increased sweating, as a means of combating inflammation in the legs, as well as for caring for the skin after a patient has suffered from diabetes mellitus. The cream is freely available in tubes of 75 and 125 milliliters; you can buy it in a pharmacy or order it online.

Cream Shol for cracked heels

Cream Shol is an excellent restorative cream for the skin of the heels. To eliminate cracked heels, it is recommended to smear the skin with it every day. In this case, a month will be enough to completely eliminate the problem. The cream has a good wound-healing and disinfectant effect, eliminates microbes that have penetrated skin cracks and prevents the development of new infectious diseases. It moisturizes the skin well and soothes it, so the cream is recommended to be used after baths, before going to bed. The use of Shol cream provides a good healing effect for skin cracks on the heels. Required condition To achieve good results from using the cream, use it daily.

Pine cream for cracked heels

Pine cream for cracked heels promotes high-quality regeneration of skin cells. The cream contains mountain pine oil, allantoin, which renews the cells of the upper skin layer, turpentine, which improves blood circulation and blood supply to the legs, as well as chamomile extract, which prevents the development of the inflammatory process. The cream should be used regularly to moisturize the surface of the feet and heels, as well as to give them additional elasticity. Among the various varieties of such creams, Allga San cream can be distinguished as the most effective.

Ointment for cracked heels

Very good for cracked heels salicylic ointment concentration 20%. You should prepare a compress from this ointment and place it on your heels overnight. As a rule, a single application of a compress is sufficient to achieve the desired effect.

For the treatment of cracked heels, the use of Radevit ointment is effective. In addition to eliminating cracked heels, this ointment shows sufficient effectiveness as a treatment for burns, skin lesions due to infectious diseases, as well as dermatitis varying degrees. The ointment contains vitamins of almost all known groups, so it can be used to treat cracks that have formed as a result of the lack of vitamins.

Calendula ointment for cracked heels

Calendula ointment can effectively heal wounds on the skin, relieve inflammation and destroy harmful bacteria. Also, this ointment destroys fungus on the skin, makes the skin softer and has a good disinfecting effect. Due to the above circumstances, calendula ointment is widely used to treat various skin diseases.

To treat cracked heels, this recipe for preparing calendula ointment is recommended. You should select a container with a lid and mix 20 grams of calendula ointment and 10 grams of vitamin A in it. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator. You should apply the ointment to your feet every day after the skin on the heels has softened. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Zinc ointment for cracked heels

Zinc ointment widely used in the treatment of fungi on the feet, nails, as well as in the treatment various inflammations. The basis of the drug's action is the use of zinc oxide. It qualitatively restores integrity violations skin, and also eliminates dry skin, itching in certain areas and unpleasant odor from inflammation. Zinc ointment is known for its antiseptic properties, is able to perfectly resist inflammation, which makes it very effective in treating cracked heels.

Zinc ointment enters free sale in aluminum tubes weighing 30 grams, the cost of one tube is approximately 35 rubles. This product is relatively inexpensive; its analogue is Zorka, a cream for cracked heels, which costs about 85 rubles per tube.

Salicylic ointment for cracked heels

Salicylic ointment for cracked heels is applied only externally. The drug contains in its composition, in pharmacies in large cities you can also purchase other varieties of this drug: zinc-salicylic paste and sulfur-salicylic ointment.

The effective effect of salicylic ointment in the treatment of cracked heels is explained by its good anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. In addition, external application of salicylic ointment guarantees a softening effect on the skin of the feet, followed by peeling of the skin on the heels.

The concentration of salicylic acid in the drug ranges from 1 to 10%. Do not allow the drug to come into contact with mucous membranes. The ointment can not only eliminate cracks in the heels, but also reliably protects against their subsequent occurrence.

Other medical products

In the event that the occurrence of cracks in the heels is caused by one of the list concomitant diseases, such as disturbances in normal activities gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, it is necessary to ensure the use of certain medical supplies, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the consequences of the disease.

If cracked heels are caused by fungal infections, their elimination is ensured by the use of topical antimicotic agents, such as Mycoterbin, Terbizil and Nizoral creams. In some cases, the problem is caused by a violation of the circulatory process; in such cases, it is recommended to use means to bring the veins into the necessary tone, such as Venoruton and Troxevasin.

In other cases, it is recommended to use topical preparations that have a calming effect, maintain the elasticity of the skin, moisturize the skin, soften damage and heal cracks. If the cracks in the heels are deep enough, they should be treated with ointments that contain antibiotics.

Vitamins for cracked heels

Lack of sufficient vitamins in the human body can also be one of the causes of cracked heels. For elimination similar reason should be included in nutritious diet vitamins, for which it is recommended to eat greens in sufficient quantities, add variety to the nutritional menu by fresh vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to take vitamins for cracked heels as part of vitamin complexes; special dietary supplements are also recommended, which are taken for several months. In some cases, the desired result can be achieved by using special creams with vitamin supplements.

Calluses on the heels and cracks are often caused by a lack of vitamin A in the body. In order to have enough of it, it is recommended to eat pork and beef liver, carrots, butter, as well as beets and apricots.

Plaster for cracked heels

Before using a patch for cracked heels, disinfect the cracks and then cover the wounds with the patch. This will prevent various infections from entering the wound. The Compid patch is recommended as an effective remedy for calluses and cracks. There are several advantages of its use:

  • cracks in the skin of the heels are protected from infection;
  • the patch remains on the skin for a sufficiently long period of time;
  • special breathable formula provides fastest healing cracked heels;
  • When there is severe pain in the heels, it decreases almost instantly.

It is recommended to keep the patch on the skin until the wound is completely healed. After the wound is completely protected from all external influences, you can think about the cause of the cracks, perhaps it’s all about the need to moisturize the skin or eliminate a fungal infection.

Socks for cracked heels

If sufficiently deep cracks appear on the heels, it is recommended to lubricate the heels with a special cream to moisturize the skin, and then put silicone socks on the feet. They provide good hydration skin, relieving dryness, enhance the effect of lavender oil, softening dead skin areas.

Socks for cracked heels can be quite effective; they can provide good result already a field three applications in a week. This saves time and effort, but if you wear socks for cracked heels every night for two weeks, you can forget about their appearance for a long time.

Cracked heels can be treated at home; there are a sufficient number of treatment options for this.

Mask for cracked heels

It is recommended to use maxi for cracked heels, prepared from aloe juice and apple pulp. It should be applied in a thick layer to the heels, after which the mask should be covered with cling film for half an hour. After removing the mask, it is recommended to treat the heels with foot cream. Excellent results are obtained by using a mask prepared from one egg yolk with the addition of a tablespoon of starch, as well as lemon juice, squeezed from half a lemon. The mixture prepared in this way should be applied to the heels in a continuous thick layer, left for half an hour, then rinsed off and lubricated the heels with a mixture of vegetable lemon essence and olive oil overnight.

At home, you can prepare a heel mask from banana and honey, if you mix them in arbitrary volumes. The presence of honey in the mask will help soften the skin on the heels and eliminate minor cracks and irritations.

Baths for cracked heels

Baths have long been successfully used as a remedy for cracked heels and are a very effective method of treating them, as they have good antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Ultimately, the success of using baths is determined by certain components that are used in baths to treat cracks. Systematic use of baths in medicinal purposes guarantees achievement of maximum results.

  • St. John's wort and sage;
  • calendula and oak bark;
  • elecampane, string and chamomile.

When preparing a bath, a tablespoon of dry prepared raw materials is used for one liter of water. The grass is poured in, after which it is placed on the fire and boiled for half an hour. The resulting decoction is then diluted cold water and then a bath is formed in which you can hold your feet. The procedure takes from half an hour to forty minutes. After completing the procedure, your feet should be wiped dry with a towel.

Compress for cracked heels

Before going to bed, it is recommended to steam your feet in a bowl of water with a teaspoon of soda for twenty minutes. After this, onions, previously chopped and wrapped in cotton cloth, should be applied to the heels. It is recommended to bandage this fabric, wrap it in film or paper. The compress is kept for one night, after which it is removed, the heel is washed and lubricated with cream, and pre-wiped with pumice. It is recommended to apply such a compress to cracked heels at least three times a week.

Folk remedies for cracked heels

There are enough proven folk remedies for treating cracked heels.

Glycerin for cracked heels

Glycerin is useful as a treatment for cracked heels due to its ability to extract water molecules from the air. By absorbing moisture from the atmosphere, glycerin moisturizes the skin of the heels, disinfects the feet, and prevents the spread of harmful bacteria. The result is tightening small wounds and cracks in the skin. High-quality and effective glycerin must be almost completely purified and produced from natural ingredients.

Glycerin is effective in combination with vinegar or vinegar essence. Depending on how deep the cracks in the heels are, the duration of treatment courses is selected. After each procedure, heels are treated nourishing cream. IN pure form Glycerin is not used; the addition of vinegar or other components is required.

Cracked heels: treatment with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is widely used as a treatment for cracked heels. I can recommend this recipe for its use.

Hydrogen peroxide is used in a volume of 200 milliliters, as well as water in a volume of 1200 milliliters. A solution of hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3% is added to the water, after which the liquid is thoroughly mixed. From of this composition A bath is prepared in which you should soak your feet for five minutes. Then the soles of the feet and heels can be cleaned using pumice or a brush of sufficient hardness. After this, to soften the skin, you should treat your feet with a cream using glycerin.

Aspirin for cracked heels

Aspirin is inexpensive and accessible means treatment that is in almost every first aid kit. It softens dead skin areas well, which makes it useful for treating cracked heels at home.

Ten aspirin tablets should be ground into powder, then filled with vodka in a volume of 150 grams. Add two teaspoons alcohol solution Yoda. After two days of infusion, the composition can be used to treat cracked heels.

The heel should be treated with the solution twice a day, it is applied for half an hour, after which it is washed off warm water. You should not apply the solution at night, as this can damage the skin of your feet.

Wax for cracked heels

There is such home recipe using wax as a treatment for cracked heels. The wax is melted in a water bath, after which a little licorice root is added to it. Thorough mixing is carried out. The warm composition is applied to the skin of the foot in a dense, thick layer. The mask is kept on the heel for a quarter of an hour. Then the maxa is removed and the surface is treated with spermaceti cream.

Oil for cracked heels

The use of various oils gives a good effect in the treatment of cracked heels. The use of castor, flaxseed, sunflower and almond oil is recommended. All of these oils can effectively moisturize the skin, heal wounds, and also have good antimicrobial properties. You can lubricate problem areas of the skin with oils, and also use them as a means to prepare compresses.

Honey for cracked heels

To treat cracked heels, it is recommended to use fresh linden honey. It should be rubbed into problem areas at night, and then washed off in the morning with warm water. To fix the honey at night, put it on the foot. plastic bag or a sock. In the morning, after washing off the honey, the heel is treated with moisturizing cream. The total duration of treatment takes no more than a week.

Bow for cracked heels

Onions have properties that are widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Juice onions It is successfully used to treat cracked heels, eliminating pain and healing cracks.

The onion compress is placed on the heel for two parts, after which it is removed and the feet are washed in warm water. Immediately after washing, the heels are treated with pumice and lubricated with a high-fat moisturizer.

Aloe for cracked heels

Fresh aloe leaves can be successfully used to treat cracked heels. A freshly cut leaf should be washed well, dried and the spines should be cut off. The aloe leaf should be applied to the cracked heel with the inner mucous side, and then bandaged thoroughly. Thanks to its good wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties, aloe juice can quickly and effectively heal cracked heels.

Heel cracks not only worsen the appearance of the feet and create an unkempt image, but also cause great discomfort. If such injuries are not treated promptly, it will eventually hurt to stand on your heel and you will need to see a doctor for tissue inflammation.

Alas, you don’t always have time for thorough self-care, but for the sake of beauty you need to make sacrifices, so it is better to follow daily care procedures than to then waste time, effort and money on treating serious problems.

The beauty of home heel care is that it doesn’t have to be expensive at all; all creams and treatments can be made from natural ingredients.
But first, let’s outline the reasons why heels can crack:

  • Dry skin on the feet;
  • Lack of vitamins in the body, especially A, E and F;
  • Fungal infection;
  • Diabetes;
  • Other serious illnesses, are associated with blood circulation and metabolism;
  • Tight, uncomfortable shoes.

Deep cracked heels

Cracks don't always look like broken skin. Very often on initial stage they look like small cuts, which gives the impression that the person did not wash his heels well. If you don’t start taking care of your feet at this stage, this can later develop into deep wounds with pain.

Therefore, as soon as peeling, keratinized particles or minor damage are visible on the heels, the following measures must be taken:

  • wash your feet daily with soap;
  • steam your feet and clean your heels with pumice stone;
  • use nourishing foot cream;
  • make masks from oils at night;
  • take care of shoes;
  • change insoles every day;
  • dry wet shoes.

If your lifestyle does not allow you to prevent the problem at an early stage, there are many natural recipes that will help you quickly get rid of cracked heels at home.

Foot baths

Before the procedure, wash your feet thoroughly and then soak them in a warm bath for 15 minutes. Be sure to rub your heels afterwards special brush so as to remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Then rinse your heels under running water and dry well with a towel. After the bath, you need to lubricate your feet with greasy ointment or oils.

With a decoction of herbs

Chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, sage and many other herbs have wound healing properties. For cooking herbal bath you need to take 4 spoons of any medicinal herb, pour boiling water (2 l) into it and leave to cool and infuse. After 25 minutes, the infusion should be strained and poured into a basin or deep bowl. Keep your heels in a warm (not hot) bath for 20-25 minutes.

With starch

When your heels crack, dilute one tablespoon of potato starch with a liter of boiling water, cool slightly and pour into a basin. It is necessary to steam your feet in this way for half an hour, periodically adding to the container. warm water, to save desired temperature. After the procedure, clean your heels with pumice stone
and spread with nourishing cream or cocoa butter.

Regular baths will restore the attractiveness of your feet


Based on reviews from people online, baking soda is a very effective treatment for cracks. It softens the rough layer of skin on the heels well, and also prevents the development of fungal infections and removes unpleasant odors.
You need to take a level tablespoon of baking soda and a couple of drops of any essential oil for scent (you can use ylang-ylang, lemon, cinnamon, geranium) and dilute it in a liter of warm liquid. It is recommended to take a bath with soda for 15-20 minutes until the water becomes cool. After the procedure, lubricate your heels with Vaseline or fatty cream and put on socks. It is better to do the bath in the evening, the course is 8-10 procedures every other day.


Salt penetrates well into the pores, cleansing the skin of small impurities that have gotten into the cracks. In addition, sea salt perfectly heals wounds and makes nails strong and healthy. Salt for such baths should be taken in the same proportions as soda, only it is better to do the procedure several times a week, and not daily.

Natural ointments

After therapeutic baths It is very important to nourish the skin of the heels with moisture and treat them with thick creams that will heal the cracks.
Such ointments will be a hundred times more useful if you prepare them from natural ingredients at home.

From propolis

To make this ointment, first fry the onion in vegetable oil. Strain the onion oil through cheesecloth. Place one glass of this oil, 100 grams of wax, a piece of propolis in a small saucepan and set to boil, waiting until the wax is completely dissolved in the oil. Pour this mixture into a cream jar and let the ointment thicken.
This product copes well with dry skin and quickly regenerates it, especially in places where the heel has burst.

Wax and oil ointment

In a water bath, melt a teaspoon of wax, add a teaspoon of cocoa butter and shea butter. To this warm mixture add a little calendula oil or oil apricot kernels. We pour everything into a convenient container and store it in a cool place. This ointment can be used to treat dry elbows, hands, and heels.

From calendula

To treat cracks, you can purchase natural inexpensive ointment calendula, after using which your heels look much better. It is better to lubricate your feet with ointment before going to bed after a shower. Course duration is 10-12 days.

Calendula ointment will help if your heels are cracked

From the yolk

To prepare you need to beat one egg yolk, pour in 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil(olive is possible) and 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar. Before going to bed, you need to steam your heels and apply ointment to them, then wrap them with film and put on thick socks. In the morning, rinse everything off with running water. It is recommended to treat cracks with this ointment for at least a week.

From essential oils

In 1 tbsp. l. Vaseline (or fatty baby cream) add 3 drops each of lavender and geranium essential oil, mix everything. It is better to store the ointment in a tight jar in a cool place and apply it daily to the heels until the microcracks are completely healed.


From oatmeal and flax oil

If your heels are actively cracking, you need to cook oatmeal in water, add a few tablespoons linseed oil, mix well and put the porridge into two separate bags. Then put the bags on your feet for 2 hours and insulate them with a towel on top. 3-4 such compresses can quickly improve the condition of the skin and remove damage.

From milk and coltsfoot

Finely chop the leaves of this plant and add them to a glass of boiled milk. Leave the mixture in a water bath for about an hour. Then you need to remove the chopped herb from the milk, place it on gauze and apply to the damaged areas for half an hour. You need to treat your feet in this way every day until the cracks are completely healed.

Elecampane decoction

Grind 2 tbsp. l. elecampane root and pour a liter of boiling water. Soak gauze or a cotton pad in the finished broth and wipe the cracks regularly. After 5-6 days of use, the damage where the heels burst begins to heal.

A decoction of elecampane roots will heal wounds from cracks

From cabbage and honey

The universal cure for cracked heels is always honey and cabbage. Steam your feet before going to bed, rub honey into the cracks, and place a cabbage leaf on top. Secure the compress with a bandage or piece of cloth, and put on socks on top. In the morning you need to remove the compress and rinse the skin with cool water.


After you have steamed your heels in the bath, mix olive, linseed and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions and rub the cracks with the mixture. Wrap everything in film or put it on plastic bags and bandage them to the ankle, go to bed with a compress. In the morning, wash your feet and do any skin peeling.

Folk recipes

Curdled milk and butter

100g butter soften in a bowl and add a glass of yogurt to it, stir. It is better to apply this mixture after the bath, rubbing it into the cracks to remove the problem. The procedure can be done several times a day.

Raw potatoes, onions, apples

The pulp of a raw apple or grated onion is also an effective wound healing agent. Apply the pulp mixture onto gauze and apply to the cracks for 15-20 minutes. For such procedures, it is better to boil potatoes and dip the feet in warm mashed potatoes.

Honey cakes

To treat imperfect heels, mix a tablespoon of honey and a spoon of flour and replace the cake. Divide the dough into two parts and after steaming your feet, place a flat cake on each heel. After this, you need to wrap the dough around the heels with cling film and put on socks on top. In the morning, remove the compress and roll the cakes into balls, leaving them for next time. Dough from one cake can be used 2-3 times.
Applications must be done throughout the week, during which time rough skin it will do and you will have smooth heels.

Glycerin and vinegar

Mix a spoon of vinegar with 3 tablespoons of glycerin, apply to the heels, insulate with a cloth and leave for an hour. Then you should rinse your feet and apply cream. After 3-4 sessions, the skin on the heels becomes much more well-groomed.

Glycerin is one of the the best means to soften the skin

Milk and prunes

Boil several prunes in milk and apply warm to problem areas for 20 minutes. After the procedure, you can also wipe the cracks with the milk that remains. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Olive oil

To prevent cracks and moisturize the skin, it is also useful to rub your heels with simple olive oil and put on cotton socks on top. You can make this mask every day and wear it all day long.

It is important to remember that treatment at home will only be effective if the cause of crack formation is related to external factors your life, and not internal health problems. Also folk remedies work on a cumulative basis, so you need to be patient and find one effective recipe, which will help you.

IN summer period Women prefer to wear nice open shoes, and the condition of their feet becomes of great importance. Therefore, dermatologists are increasingly being asked how to cure cracked heels quickly and effectively, without using painful therapeutic procedures. Unfortunately, this is not so simple, especially if the cause of the problem is unknown.

How to cure deep cracked heels?

Any therapy will not be effective if the factor provoking the pathology in question is not determined.

Dermatologists have found that almost 50% of cases of cracked heels are caused by fungal infections of the feet. Other causes include endocrine disorders, diseases internal organs and improper or insufficient care of the skin of the feet.

If cracks in the heels are formed due to mycoses, it is necessary to use local antifungal drugs based on terbinafine under the supervision of a dermatologist. Accession bacterial infection requires the use of complex ointments and creams that affect both types of microorganisms, for example, Miramidesa.

When the skin of the feet is cracked due to endocrine disorders, as a rule, only a specialist can recommend how to treat cracked heels with medication. In such situations, medications are selected strictly individually, and for hygiene, special emollients are used that do not require steaming the feet in baths, in particular SixtuMed oil.

When cracks appear in the background internal pathologies, should be cured first the real reason skin damage. Otherwise no cosmetic procedures will not bring results.

Cracking of the skin on the feet due to external unfavorable conditions, errors in care, and climate is easier to correct. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

How to cure large cracked heels?

The most effective and quick way To get rid of the described foot defects - visit the office of a professional cosmetologist. The treatment procedure for cracked heels consists of the following steps:

  1. Grinding. First of all, the master will perform a hardware pedicure using various attachments to remove rough skin. When the edges of the damage are as thin as possible, it will be easier for the crack to heal.
  2. Antiseptic treatment. Applying disinfectant solutions to cracked skin to prevent bacterial infection.
  3. Compress. The application of a soft tissue or cellulose compress to the heel using professional medicinal drugs. A series of products from the German company Gehwol is especially recommended.

After the procedure, the specialist will explain how to properly care for the skin of your feet in the future to prevent relapses.

How can you quickly cure cracked heels?

Get busy drug therapy the problem under consideration can be done at home.

The following ointments and creams effectively combat cracks:

  • Radevit;
  • Alantan Plus;
  • EVO with urea 10%;
  • BioAstin;
  • Cycaderma;
  • Pantoderm;
  • salicylic ointment;
  • Sesderma;
  • Zazhivin;
  • Dardia Lipobalsam;
  • Eplan;
  • Medicine with urea;
  • Balsam.

Glycerin is also very effective in treating cracked heels. But before applying it, as well as before treating any of the above products, you should steam the skin of your feet and carefully remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis with a pumice stone or a special scraper so that the active ingredients begin to act as quickly as possible.

Here's how to treat cracked heels with glycerin.

Hello, dear readers! Recently, my husband posed a question to me point blank: how to treat cracked heels at home? It turned out that he had deep cracks that caused a lot of inconvenience, the skin on his heels was dry and even cracked in places. Well, the task has been set, we need to look for a solution.

I understood that the formation of cracks is related to internal processes in organism. Somewhere there was a failure, and the result showed up on the heels, among other things. But you can’t drag him to the hospital. In any case, for such a trivial matter, in his opinion. And since I am a doctor, a nurse, and a wife in one bottle, then be so kind as to find a solution. Which is what I did thoroughly and leisurely.

Moreover, I found out along the way that the appearance of cracked heels mainly occurs in women. Men suffer from such inconvenience much less often. We, as always, were “lucky”.

I spent a long time on the Internet and found out how and with what it is necessary to treat cracked heels. I was especially interested in the question of whether this could be done at home. All sources recommend that you first visit a dermatologist to clarify the diagnosis. After all, the treatment regimen depends on this. But my husband categorically refused this. I had to ask for help myself.

Why do heels crack? Causes

Luckily we have family doctor, and after consulting with her, I learned about the existence of several possible reasons occurrence of this defect. To begin with, it is recommended to try to implement proper care behind the feet. And if usual hygiene care there won't be enough for the legs, then you need to look for the problem - what causes the cracks?

To avoid having to treat cracks, use regular foot care, especially in summer, when dryness and open shoes provoke the development of peeling. If the skin on your feet has become dry and rough, or small cracks have appeared on your heels, you need to urgently take care of your feet. It's easy to do at home.

I had to master the craft of a foot care specialist and help my husband save his heels from corns and cracks.

So, the rules of foot care

  1. To begin, I take a metal grater and dry scrape off the dead skin. When wet, the grater does not work. A couple of months ago, my husband bought me a Kemei electric roller file for convenience. It is suitable for both dry and wet processing. The difference from the SCHOLL file is in power, and most importantly, there is a battery that can be charged from the mains;
  2. After removing the stratum corneum, we place the feet in a basin. The temperature should be comfortable, not scalding. You can add skin softening agents to the water (sea salt, soda, herbal decoctions of chamomile or calendula, starch). Keep your feet in the water for 15-20 minutes;
  3. You can use a ready-made scrub, or make your own from sea salt or coffee;
  4. Rub again with pumice. Dry your feet with a towel, apply oil (peach, olive, shea butter or any other). For better absorption, put on socks and keep your feet like that for a couple of hours. If possible, leave it overnight.

The most important thing is to do this regularly. I talked in more detail about foot care. There you will find recipes for foot baths and masks.

Foot cream for cracked heels

After carrying out the necessary foot care procedures, you must use cream. It will soften and heal the skin of the feet.

One of the simplest and cheapest means is B6 glue. Do not be surprised! The glue really helps and is recommended by dermatologists. How to use it? Pre-wash and dry your feet. Then apply glue over the entire crack and let dry. Allow the glue to work on the damage for several days and only then remove the stratum corneum.

After a week, you can make softening foot baths using pumice until the cracks disappear completely. The procedure must be carried out in several stages. After finishing the baths, apply cream to the skin. Self-massage of the legs up to the knee gives a very good effect. Massage helps improve blood circulation in the legs, reduce congestion and prevent the appearance of cracks. It is better to do it daily.

  1. The affordable and inexpensive Zorka cream has proven itself very well. This veterinary cream, very greasy, with a specific smell. But it copes well with the problem of healing cracks;
  2. The therapeutic effect of using the Healer cream is visible with constant use. It contains natural substances, including tea tree essential oil, oak bark, and celandine. And most an important component is urea. With regular use, the cream helps save your feet from dryness, corns, dry calluses, cracked heels;
  3. Emergency cream for cracked heels and feet. It contains natural ingredients, the pricing policy is very wallet-friendly. Heals cracks, helps eliminate peeling and tidy up the legs. It helped my friend cope with the problem after 2 months of constant use;
  4. Intensive balm Shungite effectively cares for the skin of the feet. Refreshes, soothes and deodorizes, helps heal wounds faster. Apply to clean skin until completely absorbed;
  5. SCHOLL ACTIVE REPAIR K+ cream British origin. Contains glycerin, lanolin, keratins, urea. These components help speed up the healing of cracks;
  6. Healing foot cream of the GalenoPharm brand. Honestly, the cream with a healing effect is my favorite. He is with sea ​​buckthorn oil for healing cracks and caring for rough skin on the feet, and with tea tree oil to prevent fungal diseases and heal cracks. When used regularly, they prevent the formation of calluses, abrasions and corns. The composition includes natural ingredients: tea tree and sea buckthorn oils, chamomile and sage extracts, glycerin.

Ointment for cracked heels

Pharmacies have a large selection of ointments for healing cracked heels to help get rid of heel problems.

  • Ointment Radevit. It contains vitamins, so the ointment good helper to replenish the lack of vitamins in the body;
  • D-Pantonol – heals and moisturizes the skin of the feet;
  • Solid oil. Oddly enough, it is recommended to use it to eliminate problems with heels. You just need to take the fatty one. Apply to heels, wrap in cling film and put on socks. Warning - you should not use it in the summer, because... The heels will be black for a while. Agree, showing off black heels in the summer is not comme il faut.

Treatment of cracked heels with folk remedies

You can use the services of beauty salons and get your legs in order by doing peeling and masks with professional products. But this takes time and money. Fortunately, you can cure cracked heels at home using traditional methods. I offer you a choice of different complexes to combat the problem at home.


With their help you can very well nourish and moisturize the skin of your feet. But before applying the composition to your feet, you need to prepare them - wash and dry. After applying the slurry, wrap it in a plastic bag, put on warm socks on top, or wrap it with a woolen scarf. Hold required time, rinse off the composition and lubricate with nourishing cream. I have selected options - choose the one that suits you:

  • Grate raw potatoes on a grater and apply the resulting mass to your feet. Leave for two hours;
  • Wash the potato peelings, add a tablespoon of flaxseed oil to the pan, and boil. Knead the mixture and apply an even layer on your feet for 15-20 minutes;
  • Onion, camphor oil and internal pork fat take in equal proportions, mix and apply to the skin of the heels. This recipe helped my friend get rid of cracks in one go. True, they were not deep;
  • Grind aloe leaves using a blender or meat grinder and use as a mask overnight.

Foot baths

Baths steam your feet and help speed up the treatment of cracked feet

  1. By using herbal decoctions You can nourish the skin, make it soft and tender. And some herbs, such as chamomile and calendula, will relieve inflammation and redness of the skin. In order to prepare a decoction, take a tablespoon of herb or collection and brew with boiling water for 1-3 minutes, leave until comfortable and warm and strain. Then put your feet in the water for 15-20 minutes;
  2. A sea salt bath will nourish the skin with minerals and vitamins. It helps heal wounds, and also gives your legs a feeling of lightness and relieves fatigue. To prepare it you will need 100 grams of salt per one and a half liters of water;
  3. If you add starch to a bath essential oils or herbal decoctions with a wound-healing effect, then the wounds on your legs will quickly heal and stop bothering you. It will require 1 tablespoon of starch per liter of warm water.


A good effect can be achieved using ointments. You can buy them or make them yourself:

  1. Heat the badger fat in a water bath. It is rich in vitamins A and E. While it is heating, we make a strong herbal decoction of celandine and calendula. Then pour it into badger fat, stir thoroughly and cool. Before use, heat the required part of the composition and use it every evening;
  2. You can prepare a mixture of Vaseline ointment and calendula and plantain herbs. Grind the herb into powder and mix with a few drops of vegetable oil. To obtain an ointment, combine Vaseline with herbs in a ratio of 1:10;
  3. This recipe is my favorite. Take equal amounts of vinegar (9%) and glycerin, mix and apply to cracked heels. Thick socks on top and go to bed. Another option for using this composition is to smear your heels morning and evening instead of cream. The effect will be noticeable in a few days.

Mechanical removal of dead cells

This includes:

  • First, steam your feet with a decoction of herbs, salt or soda;
  • We do peeling using pumice or special brushes;
  • We treat with antimicrobial compounds;
  • Apply moisturizer or ointment.

Preventing cracked heels

Prevention of cracks involves proper and regular foot care. What experts recommend to us:

  • It is mandatory to wear personal closed rubber slippers when visiting a bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool. With their help you can protect yourself from fungus. You can also use special antifungal creams;
  • Daily change of socks and tights;
  • Buy shoes made from natural materials, suitable size, weather-appropriate and comfortable to wear;
  • Do not use someone else's shoes;
  • Do not use porous mats in the bath - breeding grounds for infections;
  • Everyone in the family should have their own foot towel. Ideally, everyone should have their own pedicure accessories. IN as a last resort, treat with alcohol;
  • Your menu should include foods rich in vitamins E and A.

Now you know how to treat cracked heels at home with simple recipes. If the article was useful to you, share it on social networks with your friends. And don't forget to subscribe to the blog! Healthy legs to you!



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