Why does the child have a lump on the back of his head? What to do if you have a lump on your child’s forehead

In general, any lump is tissue swelling. And it is unknown whether the bump will go away on its own in a day or two or will lead to more severe consequences.

Where do the cones come from?

A lump on a child’s head can occur due to absolutely various reasons. Children, as a rule, do not tell their parents that they found a lump on their head, unless, of course, it hurts.

If your child gets into a fight, be sure to examine his head, as there may be a hematoma there.

Raise your child so that he does not hide anything from you, trusts you and tells you if something happens to him.

The lump may be:

First, the lymph node. This is a bulge in the head area.

It can be formed due to a lack of microelements.

You just need to contact an immunologist, he will prescribe vitamins and everything will go away in a month. Or increase after infections and diseases.

Cure the disease and the lymph nodes will go away. You can determine by clinical analysis blood.

Secondly, atheroma. If you find a lump under your child’s skin, then this is atheroma. Atheroma is a skin cyst in the form of a sac of fluid. It may increase, or it may not.

Occurs due to poor secretion release from sebaceous glands. Thirdly, wen, lipoma, wart, fibroma, hemangioma

Treatment for a head impact

If a child hits himself, hits his head, and develops a lump, then you need to urgently run to the doctor.

This can be very dangerous as there may be a fracture of the skull bones. A head injury can be treated and very effectively.

The doctor is obliged to prescribe you ointment and medications. You should definitely contact an ophthalmologist and check the fundus of the eye, since the swelling caused by the blow spreads to the eyes and bridge of the nose. To a surgeon and a neurologist.

After the conclusion of these three doctors, you are treated for a traumatic brain injury with admission to an inpatient hospital or, if it is not detected, then locally, at home, without changing the child’s regimen.

If you find a lump on the head of a newborn baby, then do not immediately get scared and panic.

The cause may be birth trauma, which time will pass, will drag on, and you will forget about it like a nightmare after waking up.

The crown and back of the head may become damaged as the baby passes through the birth canal and may not look very good; the resulting bubbles with clear liquid may be visible.

But it should pass the already by the second week after the baby is born.

This is caused by overload during the passage of the birth canal.

Or due to a difference in pressure inside the uterus and the external environment.

After all, the baby developed for nine months in completely different conditions.

But there are also exceptions to good scripts development. When a child poor clotting blood, then bubbles may form that are filled with blood.

This can be caused by poor vascular permeability, lack of vitamins, or the baby’s genes.

There is no need to be scared, you need to pull yourself together and consult a pediatrician. These cases are treated with antibiotics and vitamin drips. But these cases are very rare and doctors are always on the alert.

A hard lump on the head is a very common a painful phenomenon in both children and adults.

The reason for this may be a bruise, a “gangster bullet”, a fight, a bruise due to an accident. It is always noticeable and appears within several hours after a collision with another object.

It may change color, developing into a bruise. The most common treatment for a bump due to a blow is to apply something cold.

Pharmacies sell all sorts of drugs that short time, will help you relieve pain.

Benign and malignant tumors

If a bump on your head bothers you not only because of its appearance, but also hurts, then you need to see a doctor.

In order to sleep peacefully in the future, you need to conduct research to determine whether the tumor is benign or malignant.

You need to determine the type of bump on your head.

Children behave very moving image life and trust adults. The result is numerous bruises and bumps.

So, mommies and daddies, if you yourself notice a bump on your child’s head, or he complains to you, then give it a big meaning, don't be lazy.

The health of your children depends on what you do.

Head injury in a child: video

Neurologist M.M. Shperling (Novosibirsk) explains what TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY is and what a head injury is. What to do if you have a head injury:

Bruises, abrasions, bruises and bumps are constant companions of a child as he grows up. In most cases, injuries sustained in a fall go away without a trace over time, but there are times when it is simply necessary to seek medical help.

In the article you will learn what to do to prevent a lump from appearing, and in what cases you should urgently go to the hospital.

A lump is swelling of soft tissues after a bruise, most often formed on the head of a child or adult. Responding quickly after an injury helps prevent this from happening and speeds up the healing process.

First aid

If, after falling or hitting pieces of furniture, your child gets a lump on his forehead or other part of his head, to prevent it from growing, you need to take the following measures:

  1. The main thing is to remain calm and reassure the child.
  2. Within a few minutes, apply tightly to the affected area for 10-15 minutes. cold compress or ice wrapped in a towel. This will reduce pain and swelling of tissues and narrow blood vessels. It is important that the skin does not get too cold. Never put your child's head under cold water, since there will be no effect, and the baby may catch a cold.

If the skin has been damaged and blood is flowing, then before applying cold water, the wound should be disinfected, and then you should consult a doctor.

What to do with a bump that appears on a child’s head?

A large bump on a child’s forehead needs to be lubricated with a special ointment that will relieve swelling of the soft tissues. Keep on hand one of such remedies as Sinyak-off, Troxevasin, Aibolit, Traumeel S, Rescuer and others. They can be bought without a prescription at the pharmacy. If the lump is small and there is no ointment on hand, then use folk remedies, such as applying cabbage or burdock leaves.

Most often, bumps and bruises from minor injuries will go away within a few days. During this period, it is important to monitor the child’s condition and, if the child’s lump does not go away or there are complaints about his health, then he should consult a doctor.

Symptoms of severe injuries

Dangerous cases of a child developing a lump on the back of the head, in the temporal or parietal part of the head, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • convulsions;
  • blood from the nose or ears;
  • crying for more than 15 minutes;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • paleness and heavy breathing;
  • disorientation in space;
  • pupils of different sizes.

In such a situation it is necessary to call ambulance or urgently take the baby to the hospital. These symptoms may be caused by more serious problems, such as a concussion or brain injury.

In children under one year of age, head injuries are very dangerous, since the skull at this age is not yet fully formed, and also because the baby cannot tell where it hurts. It is strongly recommended that if a child falls, even from a small height, or receives a blow, despite the fact that he is not in pain, he should immediately contact a surgeon, neurologist and other specialists. Sometimes the consequences of the injury appear later and sharply worsen the baby’s condition, even to the point of coma.

Severe cases require special conditions treatment, and sometimes even required surgical intervention. Delayed diagnosis increases the possibility of complications and also lengthens the recovery period.

Parents should always closely monitor their children and pay attention to any changes in their behavior and condition, then unpleasant situations will be much less. It is necessary to talk with older children about safety rules when playing at home and on the street, as well as during breaks at school.

In this article:

Every mother closely monitors the health of her baby, especially in the first days of his life. And when bumps are discovered on the head, quite understandable concern arises. But is it justified and is it worth seeing a doctor?

Types of cones and reasons for their appearance

Most often, small pea-sized bumps are lymph nodes, quite normal phenomenon in young children. It is not difficult to identify them - they move freely under the skin during palpation, without causing discomfort to the baby. Such bumps on the head of a newborn appear during the formation of the immune system and go away on their own without specific treatment.

Often, bumps in a newborn appear as a result of birth trauma. Damage to the head from gynecological instruments or the birth canal leads to the formation of hematomas and small tumors that disappear after a few days.

And the third reason is cephalohematoma. It looks like a small tumor filled with fluid. Upon palpation, the skin should not change color - this is considered normal and goes away on its own after 5-14 days, leaving no consequences.

When are bumps a reason to see a doctor?

When found following symptom you need to visit a doctor for an in-person consultation:

  • tumor growth;
  • the appearance of new tumor-like formations;
  • the appearance of redness, rash on the bumps;
  • the skin on the bumps became hot;
  • Liquid began to emerge from the formations.

Alarming symptoms include sleep disturbance in the newborn, poor appetite, anxiety and neurasthenic disorders. In this case, you need to contact your pediatrician, who will refer you for examination and consultation to a pediatric surgeon.


Normally, the cephalohematoma is small in size, and when pressed, fluid movement is felt. If there is a little blood in the cavity, the swelling goes away on about the 10th day. But often the cephalohematoma begins to progress and increase in size. The skin becomes hot to the touch, and discharge from the cavity may appear. In this case, the child should be taken to the doctor immediately to prevent possible consequences in the form of paralysis, impairment brain activity and so on.

The causes of cephalohematoma in newborns are considered to be jaundice and birth trauma. If the immune system develops well, then the body is able to overcome the disease even in such at a young age. In other cases, the lump enlarges and appears life-threatening condition.

Treatment methods

Most often, bumps do not require treatment. The mother only needs to monitor the condition of the tumor and, if possible, take measurements. If the tumor rapidly decreases in size, then you can calm down - the formation will disappear on its own.

In case of cephalohematoma, observation by a doctor is indicated for a steadily decreasing lump. It is not recommended to rock the child or touch the formation. Bathing is carried out carefully, preferably without using shampoo and soap.

When the disease develops, surgical intervention is prescribed - doctors make a small puncture and remove fluid from the cavity. Then a tight bandage is applied and recommendations for scalp care are given. If the operation is performed correctly, the cavity will disappear within 5-7 days.

Your concern regarding the health of your newborn is completely justified. But still, you shouldn’t start panicking ahead of time, which will negatively affect nervous system baby. It’s better to show the child to a specialist and make sure that the baby is healthy and you have no reason to worry.

Useful video about the beginning of a baby's life

Childhood is a wonderful time, you can play and fool around, ride a bike and climb trees. Of course, most fun games not without bruises, scratches and bumps. What to do if a child falls and hits his head? Or you found a bump on the head, but the baby did not fall. Should I worry and when should I consult a doctor?

Why might a bump appear on your head?

Bumps on the head appear for various reasons. Most often this is mechanical damage, the result of a blow or insect bite. This lump appears very quickly because tissue swelling occurs. It is painful, but goes away on its own over time.

In all other cases, the lump should definitely be shown to a doctor; treatment or observation is necessary. Possible reasons lump appearance:

  • neoplasm (atheroma, fibroma, hemangioma, lipoma);
  • inflammatory process (increased lymph nodes, ulcers);
  • congenital pathology (cephalohematoma).

Types of pathologies with symptoms

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The main types of bumps on a child’s head:

  • Hemangioma is a small red lump consisting of clots blood vessels, grows with the child, can affect neighboring tissues. Occurs in newborns or appears in the first months of life, requiring constant monitoring. More often girls are born with hemangiomas, but boys also have them. On the head they are usually localized in the eye area or behind the ears. If the hemangioma continues to grow, it requires treatment. If in the first year of life it does not increase in size, then it goes away without treatment by 10-12 years.

  • Lipoma or wen. In itself, it is harmless, easily mobile, and grows slowly. If it causes discomfort, you can remove it.
  • Atheroma - blockage sebaceous gland(sebaceous cyst). It often grows and reaches impressive sizes. It is removed surgically. Usually located behind the head under hairline. It is usually not painful, but when infected, it becomes inflamed, causing discomfort and painful sensations.
  • Fibroma is a hard, benign tumor. To determine the nature, it is necessary to consult an oncologist and undergo tests.
  • A wart is a small lump of flesh or Brown, often under the hair. The cause of the appearance is unknown, perhaps due to decreased immunity or heredity.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes. Often this happens on both sides simultaneously - symmetrical bumps form behind the ears.

The baby may have a birth injury or cephalohematoma. This small tumor on the occipital region. On palpation, liquid is felt inside. It requires only observation and by the age of two weeks it completely goes away on its own. Concerns arise when the swelling grows, turns red, or produces fluid. You should immediately consult a doctor and take action, as an increase in formation can be life-threatening.

Cephalohematoma on the head of a newborn (more details in the article:)

Bumps on a child's forehead are simply individual anatomical feature structure of the skull (more details in the article:). They are not pathological and do not require special treatment. Don't worry if your baby is born with such a bump - by the age of two months, proper care everything disappears without consequences.

Which doctor should I see?

The children's clinic will refer you to a surgeon. If clinical picture will not be sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis, consultations with an oncologist, allergist, ENT specialist, as well as the results of various analyzes And additional examination. The bulk of such diagnoses is within the competence of the surgeon; it is he who will undergo further examination and observation.

Diagnosis of pathology

Birth injuries are not uncommon. The bones of the skull are subjected to enormous loads when passing through birth canal. The newborn is carefully examined by a neonatologist, who diagnoses pathology if it is present. To clarify the diagnosis of cephalohematoma, ultrasound, head X-ray and other examinations are performed (we recommend reading:).


By appearance and the characteristic red color is the easiest way to identify a hemangioma. In the future, the surgeon should monitor it, monitor its growth and dynamics.

If you find a ball-shaped lump on the back of a child’s head after a bruise, it is better to immediately show it to the doctor. The main criteria that the doctor focuses on during the examination:

  • size;
  • number of cones;
  • location;
  • color;
  • amount of blood leaked (in case of injury);
  • general condition of the patient.

Having compared all the parameters and assessed possible risk damage or danger to the brain, the doctor will determine accurate diagnosis. Only with light blows can you do it yourself.

Treatment options

Blows and bites do not require treatment. If necessary, you can relieve suffering by briefly applying ice wrapped in soft cloth. Relieves itching and swelling from a bite antihistamine. If the blow is not severe, you can treat the damaged area with a special ointment that relieves swelling.

Cases when you need to see a doctor:

  1. Cephalohematoma after childbirth. In most cases, the watery bump on the top of the head will disappear on its own over time. If this does not happen, a puncture is used - the doctor uses special needles to pump out the liquid from the lump.
  2. How to treat one small bump on the head that did not appear as a result of a blow? Atheromas, fibromas or warts may be located on the back of the head (see also:). This case often requires surgery.
  3. Enlarged lymph nodes often result from recent past illness(sore throat, infectious mononucleosis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the adenoids) (we recommend reading: ). Inflammation of the lymph nodes can be combated only by identifying the source of the disease. It is possible to use antibacterial or immunostimulating agents. IN as a last resort surgery is shown.
  4. Wen on the head is removed using cryodestruction. This treatment effective and virtually painless.

If the bump requires surgical removal Due to the nature of the tumor or for aesthetic reasons, the operation is performed in a hospital. Sometimes a laser is used (hemangiomas, warts). Recovery occurs within a week.

Bumps that appear as a result of severe injuries require immediate medical care. The following symptoms will indicate the seriousness of the situation:

  • a sharp deterioration in health;
  • dizziness and severe drowsiness;
  • cramps in the limbs;
  • constriction or dilation of the pupils;
  • severe pallor of the skin;
  • heavy bleeding from the wound;
  • muscle paralysis.

Parents need to call a team of doctors, and until they arrive, place the child on his side and ensure peace. This position will prevent the child from choking if vomiting begins.

There are many reasons why a lump may form on the back of the head. This often happens when mechanical damage, bruises, blows. Some neoplasms are the result of developing diseases. When a lump forms on the skin, you should consult a doctor to find out the source of its origin.

Why do bumps appear on my head?

Often people suffer soft tissue injuries or are exposed to various diseases. This may cause a lump to form on the back of the head or another area of ​​the head. In most cases, hard or soft ball under skin is a consequence of a bruise, insect bite or benign tumor. To avoid health problems in the future, you should inquire in advance about the symptoms of bumps on the back of the head of various origins.

A bite of an insect

If a lump on the head hurts when pressed, itches, or itches, then this is the result of an insect bite. To get rid of the tumor, you can use special antihistamines medical supplies. An antiseptic, wound-healing agent will also cope well with this problem. If the swelling does not go away for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor.


One of the most common reasons The appearance of a lump on the back of the head is a blow, bruise, or any other soft tissue injury. You can fall unsuccessfully and get injured on the left or right. In this situation, swelling and growth appear. Sometimes when pressed, painful sensations occur. As a rule, such skin damage goes away on its own, but you can speed up healing by using a regular cold compress.


A lump on the head under the skin is sometimes an atheroma - solid formation, which is formed due to blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Such a tumor does not cause pain, but can grow quickly and become inflamed due to infection. As a result, it appears painful neoplasm. To eliminate a tumor on the head in the form of a lump, you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe treatment (laser therapy or standard surgery).


When the bump on the back of the head is red, rounded shape, then it is probably a hemangioma - vascular tumor benign (as in the photo). Often it is formed due to failures in the development of blood vessels. This growth is very painful when injured and can bleed. It is recommended to remove the hemangioma, otherwise there will be a risk of a number of complications. A tumor on the back of the head is eliminated using different techniques: surgical intervention, laser surgery, cryodestruction.


Mobile, soft bump on the head of an adult without a bruise - a lipoma (wen). This tumor refers to benign connective tissue formations that form under the skin. In most cases, this bump does not threaten the health and life of the owner. The wen increases in size very slowly and does not cause discomfort. However, it is worth undergoing a medical examination.

Fibroma on the head

A hard or soft lump in the occipital region, which may have a stalk - fibroma. This neoplasm consists of fibrous and connective tissue. Sometimes such a noticeable growth under the skin causes pain if it is accidentally touched or injured. Fibroma is always eliminated, this happens through cryodestruction, laser therapy, electrocoagulation and other techniques.


A type of bump that can pop up under the hair, on the top of the head, at the back of the head - a small “pea” called a wart. This subcutaneous formation appears due to HPV infection (papillomavirus). The dermatologist prescribes one of several treatment options, which depends on the type and size of the wart (from taking medications to removing surgically).

Which doctor should I contact?

Absolutely any new formation that can be detected at the back of the head is a safe superficial bump or the first sign dangerous disease. To avoid deterioration of health or more serious problems health problems, it is recommended to show the “ball” to the doctor. Inspection, diagnostics similar pathologies are performed by a general practitioner, ENT specialist, surgeon, allergist, dermatologist or oncologist.

What to do if a child has a lump on the back of his head

A lump on a child's head or irregular shape skulls of a newborn may be the consequences of birth trauma or birth tumor. In progress labor activity a situation may arise that provokes displacement of movably connected bones, leading to asymmetry. The appearance of tumors on the head or neck of a baby sometimes indicates lymphadenitis (enlarged lymph node). If the tubercle begins to grow in the first months of life, protrudes too much, and causes discomfort to the baby, then this indicates tissue inflammation, which requires emergency treatment.



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