Fluctuations in blood pressure during the day and day. How to determine your true weight? Vegetative signs of depression

The Process of Disorder Therapy eating behavior always very, very individual. Often it includes not being weighed (for example, for a month, so that the numbers on the scale do not once again raise emotions that a person is just learning to cope with), sometimes weekly weight control is necessary in the process of recovering from anorexia (and the therapist decides whether this will be “blind weighing” or the patient is ready to see the numbers on the scales, and this is part of the therapy) - there are many nuances. Sometimes people, despite the recommendation not to weigh themselves, "break down", stand on the scales and panic, attributing a couple of "extra" kilos to yesterday's unauthorized gingerbread or "insufficient effort in the gym." Relationships with both weights and food are a process of personal choice, and everyone has their own history of illness, recovery or a neutral relationship, but I would like to once again remind you of one, I think, an important point.

Practice and theory show that weight fluctuations during the day/week/month are natural processes organism, but the brain, obsessed with numbers (and numbers are the best way for the brain to gain control, the magic of numbers is generally about structuring the chaos of the world) is easily “bought” by changes in the readings of the scales and arranges an emotional rollercoaster.

If you still can’t give up the habit of weighing yourself, or you have had a breakdown, then remember that despite the marketing tricks “lose weight by 2 kilos in a day with our super tea” and “unique wraps minus 2 cm in the waist” and other alleged miracles , the body itself is constantly losing weight and gaining weight around its genetically defined “weight point” (set point). He has such a job, something is constantly happening in him for the sake of providing us with the energy of life and for solving current problems. The body is always in dynamics, it cannot be fixed once and for all, it has its own plans.

Further translation of the article about an interesting experiment. The author approaches the task with the curiosity of a scientist, and his final advice is more about getting accurate weight data than recommendations for everyone at all times.



If you've gotten into the habit of weighing yourself every day, you've probably noticed something strange about the numbers on your bathroom scale. They change all the time. Day by day it's like you're weighing different people. Sometimes it seems that the numbers jump regardless of how and how much you eat, drink or exercise.

And if you are trying to lose weight, such jumps are not just surprising, but simply heartbreaking. Nothing kills motivation like a change on the scale when you worked out so hard yesterday and skipped dinner.

But Martin Robbins conducted an experiment and described it in The Guardian, in which he said that you should not pay attention to the numbers on the scales in the bathroom. Why? Because various individual processes are constantly taking place in your body, and the weight itself does not say anything about them.

“Measuring weight is like opinion polls: individual results don’t tell you anything, because there are biases, errors and differences of opinion,” Martin says in his article. “Only when the sample is large enough can you talk about more or less significant dynamics.”

To better understand all the fluctuations in his weight, Robbins set himself a difficult task: for three days in a row, he weighed himself every hour to see how his body weight changes. He also carefully recorded the weight of everything he ate and drank during this period and even weighed the urine that the body excreted. “For the sake of the experiment, I weighed ... er ... and everything else, there’s no time for pride,” he says.

And after three and a half days (from Friday 6 am to Monday 9 am), Robbins swallowed as many as 14.86 kg of food, of which 3.58 kg is directly food, and 11.28 kg are drinks. And although it sounds like a lot - and it is - it was not like he only did what he ate and drank. At the end of the experiment, his weight was 1.86 kg less than before the start, which means that the body got rid of 16.72 kg over the weekend.

“7.4 kg came out with urine, about 1.8 kg with stool, but there is still 7.52 kg of mass that just dissolved into the air,” he says. "Where did she go?"

In his analysis, Robbins points out that we are losing weight all the time, and in ways we never think about. And this method has nothing to do with healthy eating or classes in the hall. True, a couple of five-kilometer runs over the weekend led to the loss of another kilogram through sweating, but there are still several kilograms of unaccounted for weight loss: 69 grams per hour (1.65 kg every 24 hours), which cannot be explained in any way.

“In fact, they really vanished into thin air. Humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide is an oxygen plus a carbon atom. All these carbon atoms come from somewhere and are added very quickly - within a day, intensive day, a person of my build exhales about half a kilo of carbon,” he says.

Robbins estimates that we lose about the same amount in exhaled water vapor and we lose water through the pores of the skin. When he added those kilos to his estimated losses, the mystery of the missing kilos over the weekend was solved.

"There is another one interesting truth; When we are talking about who removes pounds from the body, the anus, literally and figuratively, is at the end of this list, ”says Robbins in the article. "My penis, lungs and skin contribute much more to freeing me from excess."

Robbins comes to the conclusion that in light of the above, our bodies are constantly gaining and losing weight, there is little or no point in attaching importance to the numbers that appear on the scale at some point in the day.

“I can't say that any of this is a big surprise, but I think it shows how unreliable single weight measurements are,” he says. “In one day, my weight fluctuated by 1.8 kg, and through me, like through a giant meat pipe, about 5.4 kg of mass entered and exited that day. If you think that you need to lose 110 grams per day, then such interference is hardly possible to trace this loss.

The best way to weigh yourself, especially if your mood strongly depends on it (and most of us are like that), is to stand on the scales, but do not give the numbers you see any special significance. Instead, just get down from them and look at the dynamics in the long term, this is the only thing that can more or less show how our weight changes over time.

“You can weigh yourself every morning, but don’t [emotionally] pay attention to the numbers on the scale,” advises Robbins. “Instead, calculate a weekly average (preferably 10-14 days), and after a few weeks see how that average has changed. It will be closer to the truth."

Level blood pressure- an indicator that constantly changes during the day.

And it depends not only on the state of health of the patient, but also on many external factors.

Let's see how it goes diurnal change blood pressure, how this indicator can be tracked, and most importantly, how it can be influenced.

The blood pressure of each person is subject to the daily, or circadian rhythm. If every day the mode of work and rest for a person is approximately the same, then the peaks and drops in the level of blood pressure are almost identical, and, speaking in medical terms, are predictable.

Changes in blood pressure during the day are observed approximately as follows: in the morning, the level of blood pressure rises slightly, during the day there is a decline, in the evening there is an increase in indicators, and at night, at rest, blood pressure falls again.

How does blood pressure change during the day? The peak of indicators is usually observed from 8 to 9 in the morning, and also around 19.00 in the evening. From 24:00 to 04:00 there are minimum numbers that grow until 09:00.

Specialists in cardiovascular pathologies say: pressure should be measured in the same position, at the same time of day, ideally in a familiar environment. These factors are fundamental.

  • , overwork;
  • abrupt change of weather;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • serious physical activity;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • severe cold in the room;
  • constipation, desire to urinate;
  • the menstrual cycle in a woman (in the second half of it, fluid accumulates in the body, emotionality seriously increases, which can lead to an increase in the analyzed indicator);
  • impatience or excitement felt by a person;
  • some other factors.

How to take measurements?

Before consulting a doctor about jumps in blood pressure levels, it is necessary to take measurements for at least one week. To build a correct picture of the disease, it is extremely important to monitor the patient's condition as reliably as possible.

You need to keep a diary in which to record the readings of the tonometer in the morning and evening hours for 1-2 weeks (it is extremely important to make observations at the same time).

How to measure blood pressure correctly

Brief instruction:

  1. you need to sit down at the table, placing your hand on a flat surface at the level of the heart, rest your back on the back of the chair, trying to keep the body straight (“falling apart” on the chair is not necessary);
  2. free your hand so that nothing presses it down (even a rolled up shirt sleeve can distort the accuracy of the results);
  3. make a measurement, during which you can not move, talk, worry, etc.

Before starting the measurement, it is extremely important to calm down, try to forget about everything that is to come / happened during the day. An hour and a half before the procedure, it is forbidden to eat, smoke, drink tea and coffee, engage in heavy physical labor, run or walk fast.

Coming to the doctor's office, most patients notice that the pressure is higher than usual. This is manifested by the so-called “fear of white coats”, that is, for 99% of adults, a meeting with a doctor is a serious stress.

What is daily monitoring?

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is a procedure that allows you to track how a person's pressure changes during the day.

Such a study is carried out in cases where standard measurements do not allow us to identify exactly at what time the patient has jumps in blood pressure levels.

This is extremely important in the treatment of not only hypertension, but also many other cardiovascular pathologies.

Compared to standard two-three measurements during the day, ABPM is considered not only more effective way monitoring the patient's condition, but also more reliable.

Indications for daily monitoring:

  • the need for selection efficient scheme taking antihypertensive drugs;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of the treatment;
  • clarification of the reasons why there is no effect of the ongoing antihypertensive treatment;
  • choice right way delivery in women in the third trimester with a diagnosis of hypertension;
  • the patient has concomitant diseases: diabetes, vegetative-vascular disorders, etc.;
  • identification of systemic hypotension;
  • forecasting for possible development diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • selection adequate therapy with a heart attack, a tendency to hypertensive crises etc.

The method is used in children from seven years of age if it is necessary to identify the causes frequent fainting, hypertension, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia.t

How is SMAD performed?

The patient comes to the hospital, the doctor installs a measuring device with a monitor, gives recommendations and lets the patient go home exactly for a day.

The measurements are taken in automatic mode(the standard daily interval is a quarter of an hour, the night interval is half an hour), practically no manipulations by the patient are required.

There are few rules: the hand must be held vertically along the body, a warning signal is made before the measurement begins, so the person has time to stop and take the desired position.

You need to sleep at night so that lack of sleep does not distort the readings. In addition, it is forbidden to look at the results produced by the device, in order to avoid unnecessary stress.

A day later, you need to visit the doctor again so that he removes the device, analyzes the results, selects a treatment regimen, and most importantly, evaluates and analyzes your personal circadian rhythm.

Sometimes the procedure is carried out for a different period of time, for example, 12 hours.

It is obligatory to keep a diary during the day, in which it is worth noting all the important facts in a state of health, for example, the time of occurrence, taking a pill for pressure, or otherwise.

Pregnant women need to be in the hospital for the day during which monitoring will be carried out. Often, an ECG procedure is performed in addition to build a more accurate picture.

A Few Important Facts

Let's list a few important facts about SMAD:

  1. ABPM procedure is not carried out in the following cases: serious mental disorders; skin diseases; prone to bruising caused by blood problems; damage to the arteries or veins in the arms, making monitoring impossible;
  2. direction for daily monitoring can be obtained from a cardiologist, in his absence - from a therapist;
  3. if the doctor insists on ABPM, you should not refuse in any case. This is one of the most effective procedures, which gives a real picture of the state of cardio-vascular system person.

Scientists have been able to prove that the same " The biological clock”, which also includes daily fluctuations in blood pressure, are inherited by a person.

Related videos

This video clip presents brief information O daily monitoring blood pressure (ABPM):

Changes in blood pressure during the day normal phenomenon, which is observed in all people, regardless of the presence / absence of hypertension or hypotension. Healthy people, as a rule, do not notice such differences, since they coincide with the natural rhythms of the body. If you notice that a change in blood pressure negatively affects your well-being: headache, nausea, anxiety, dizziness, trouble sleeping, or other unpleasant symptoms, this indicates the need to immediately consult a doctor in order to select a drug treatment.

Which is correct: during the day or during the day? This question is asked by many students. high school. An exhaustive answer to it can be obtained from the presented article.

general information

Summing up

Now you know in which cases the letter “and” should be written at the end of the expression “during ...”, and in which - “e”. To remember the described rules, we present them in a shorter form:

1. The letter “e” is always written at the end of the word “during” if it is a complex preposition that means “in a certain period of time”. Such a service part of speech can also be recognized by the fact that it cannot be questioned, but can be easily replaced by a synonym (at the time).

2. At the end of the word “during”, the letter “and” is written, if this is a noun in In order to determine this part of speech, it is enough to ask the question to the presented expression: “in what?” - during. Also, between a preposition and a noun, you can easily put a word (for example, in a slow current, in a rough current, etc.).

Exercises to consolidate the material

To remember the above rules of the Russian language, we recommend that you independently complete the following tasks:

1. Find mistakes in sentences:

  • Within 14 days I must return to Moscow.
  • There were many whirlpools along the river.
  • I will be released within the day.
  • During my life I have seen a lot.

2. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences:

  • Why didn't you come to me during the lesson?
  • Oh, how many months we used these papers, no one knows.
  • In the turbulent flow of the river, I noticed a man.
  • Over the course of the year, we fought several times.
  • During this year, I will definitely visit you.
  • How was it possible to swim in the strong current of the river?
  • In the turbulent course of my life there were so many events that you can’t remember everything.

During the day, a person's weight fluctuates by an average of one to three kilograms. This is due to food and water intake, bowel movements and loss of fluid during breathing and sweating. And sometimes weight fluctuations are explained by the inaccuracy of household scales. But the most common cause grief associated with weighing - water retention in the tissues.

A person who strives to lose weight by climbing the scales every time hopes to see his weight there less than the day before. If these numbers are large, then inevitably Bad mood, despair, accusing oneself of lack of will and weakness of character.

In order not to be disappointed, very often losing weight subordinates all their activities main goal- see weight loss. Denies himself fluids, avoids large amounts of food, even if it is vegetables, food is low-calorie and healthy. Sits in the sauna. And what is completely unacceptable, he uses diuretics and laxatives. That is, it does everything that either does not contribute to weight loss in any way, or directly prevents it.

Therefore, both the weighing procedure and the interpretation of the result are very serious things. You should approach them armed special knowledge and skills. So, according to experts, you need to take into account several important points.

First, we are not weighing the mass of fat, but total mass placed on the scales of the object, including the water accumulated in the tissues, the contents Bladder and intestines, the weight of clothes and other things.

Secondly, even with a very well-chosen and well-chosen regimen of weight loss, the reduction in fat mass rarely exceeds one kilogram per week. Therefore, if you lost a whole kilogram in a day, then you should not think that all this kilogram is fat. And vice versa, if you gained a kilogram in a day, do not despair. Gaining a kilogram of fat in a day is almost impossible.

Thirdly, the results of weighing sometimes depend on your position on the scale platform, whether you are standing on one leg or two. To eliminate these inaccuracies, choose a balance that is accurate to at least 100 grams. Better if it were electronic scales. When checking, pay attention to whether you managed to get the same result when weighing again, does the result depend on whether you are standing straight on the scale or leaning to the side?

The most common cause of all the frustration associated with weighing is water retention in the tissues. And there are a number of situations when fluid in the body is retained for a very long time. high probability. These are the situations.

Use large quantities salty and spicy food. Salt(sodium) in the body is present in the form of a so-called isotonic solution with an approximate concentration of 0.9-1%. That is, each extra gram of salt, before it leaves the body, will hold 100 ml of water. Accordingly, 10 g of salt will already hold a liter of water, and this will ensure an increase in weight by a whole kilogram. For reference, 10 g of salt is contained in 100 g of salted and 50 g of dried fish.

Fluid retention due to alcohol use. Same situation. Alcohol and its decay products require dilution with water to some less toxic concentrations.

Many women experience an increase in the accumulation of water in the second phase of the menstrual-ovarian cycle, one to two weeks before the next period. Sometimes weight fluctuations cycle-related are very significant and reach 3-5 kilograms. interesting moment, the result of a short, for example, weekly course of weight loss very often depends on the phase of the cycle in which this weight loss began. If immediately after the end of menstruation, then the effect can be two times greater than if you took up yourself a week before they began.

The state after a sudden attempt intense workout. In this situation, fluid retention may also be observed, associated with swelling of overtrained muscles. It often happens that a person, starting to lose weight, at the same time begins to fulfill both a too harsh dietary regimen and a too rigid training regimen. He hopes that the weight with this combination will go away twice as fast. But it often turns out to be disappointing - in the first days, despite the inhuman living conditions, the weight either does not decrease at all, or decreases very slowly.



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