Lucid Dreaming: Fact or Fiction? Interesting cases from the lives of famous people: a dream in the "hand". A variety of beliefs: what to do with prophetic dreams

At the end of August 1883, Ed Samson, a reporter for The Boston Globe, drank heavily after checking in and, unable to walk home, fell asleep on the couch in the editorial office. In the middle of the night, he woke up in a panic: Samson dreamed that the tropical island of Pralape was dying due to a monstrous explosion of a volcano.

People disappearing in lava flows, a column of ash, giant waves - everything was so real that Ed Samson could not shake the vision. He decided to write down his dream, and then, still drunk, wrote "important" in the margin - to think at his leisure what it all meant. And went home, forgetting the notes on the table.

In the morning, the editor decided that Samson had received a message from some wire agency, and sent the information to the room. "Reportage" reprinted many newspapers before it turned out that Pralape Island was not on the map and no agency was broadcasting reports of the cataclysm.

The case for Samson and The Boston Globe could turn out badly, but exactly at that moment information came about the terrible eruption of the Krakatoa volcano. In the smallest detail, coinciding with what Samson saw in a dream. Not only that: it turned out that Pralape is the ancient native name of Krakatau...

Today, of course, it is impossible to check how true this story, which happened almost 130 years ago, is. But there is too much evidence of so-called prophetic dreams to indiscriminately declare all of them to be mere inventions.

Such dreams were witnessed by Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein, Rudyard Kipling and Mark Twain - and tens of thousands of other people.

Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein, Rudyard Kipling and Mark Twain - and tens of thousands of other people throughout the history of mankind, regardless of era, civilization and culture, testified to such dreams.

These dreams contain information that is not symbolic: the images are much more vivid than in "ordinary" dreams, and the meaning is not covered by anything. And to understand these dreams, there is no need to analyze them.

Since the birth of parapsychology at the end of the 19th century, which is trying to explore the supernatural abilities of a person from the point of view of science, its adherents have tried to understand whether prophetic dreams are a reflection of the process of “subconscious logic”.

Perhaps we are constructing future events on the basis of signs not fixed by consciousness? After all, without our conscious participation, the brain is able to register an incredible amount of the smallest details that are lost in the general array of information: barely audible sounds, images caught out of the corner of my eye, microvibrations, smells, scraps of random thoughts and words.

Without our conscious participation, the brain registers an incredible amount of tiny details.

During sleep, the brain sorts and classifies these data, establishes connections between them, and perhaps deduces from their totality the inevitability of events whose logic is not available to us in the waking state. Perhaps this could be an excellent explanation for some dreams. But not all.

What vibrations and sounds could tell the same Samson in a Boston bar that at that very moment a volcano began to erupt on the other side of the world, and even tell the name of the island, which last appeared on maps in the middle of the 17th century?

laboratory dreams

Psychophysiologist Vadim Rotenberg once dreamed that he fell, slipping near the house, and his glasses broke on the ice. Of course, there was nothing special in this dream, but the next morning Rotenberg slipped near the house - in the very place that he had seen in a dream. Glasses, of course, fell and broke.

But seriously think about strange dreams Vadim Rotenberg was prompted not by this event, but by his scientific specialty - he has been engaged in the psychophysiology of memory and interhemispheric relations of the brain for a long time and professionally. And I have come across the topic of prophetic dreams more than once.

“When I began to be interested in prophetic dreams, hypnosis and other mysterious phenomena, colleagues predicted a complete obstruction of the academic world,” he says. “But that didn't scare me. I am sure that the topic still deserves serious scientific study.”

Unfortunately, there are many difficulties along the way. The subjective ones are that the scientific community is indeed very skeptical about parapsychology.

“Academic science is dominated by the idea of ​​random coincidences of dream images with future events,” explains Vadim Rotenberg. “Such coincidences are statistically very unlikely, but they are remembered because of their high personal significance.”

We may even dream every night that a person close to us, for example, strokes a cat: most likely, we simply will not remember such a dream. But if in a dream the same person sticks his head into the mouth of a tiger, then the dream will no longer be forgotten. And if something like this happens soon in reality, then we will completely believe in prophetic dreams. Although it will be just a coincidence.

There are also objective obstacles. How is it possible to record dreams and the information received in them? Nevertheless, such attempts are being made.

Psychologists Montague Ullman and Stanley Krippner, for example, recorded physiological parameters during sleep in the participants of the experiment: the electrical activity of brain neurons, eye movements, muscle tone, pulse.

Based on these data, the beginning REM sleep- the phase of sleep accompanied by dreams. At this moment, one of the researchers, being in a separate room, focused on "transferring" certain thoughts and images to the sleeping person.

After this, the subject was awakened and asked to recount the dream. In dreams, the information that was transmitted to the sleeping person was regularly present. Subsequently, the results of this study were repeatedly confirmed.

Through space and time

Vadim Rotenberg puts forward a hypothesis that could explain the results of these experiments. Its essence is that for the analysis, rational explanation and critical perception of reality is responsible left hemisphere the brain that dominates while we are awake.

But in a dream, the main role passes to the right hemisphere, responsible for imaginative thinking. Freed from conscious and critical control, right hemisphere can display their unique abilities.

Freed from conscious control, the right hemisphere can display unique abilities

One of which is the ability to pick up certain signals at a distance. First of all, this concerns information about our loved ones, since it is especially important for us.

“I had a friend who literally intimidated his mother: several times upon waking up, he said that he needed to contact one or another of their relatives or friends (sometimes living in another city), because everything was not all right with him. And every time it turned out that something tragic really happened, ”says Vadim Rotenberg.

And yet such dreams, although they impress us beyond measure, can hardly be called prophetic: after all, they contain information about events that occur with people separated from us in space, and not in time.

Is there any way to explain dreams that clearly tell us what is yet to happen? Perhaps yes. But for this, it will be necessary to revise no less than our fundamental ideas about the Universe.

"How can that be?"

Back in the 1960s, physicist John Stuart Bell mathematically proved what was then confirmed experimentally: two particles can exchange information at a speed faster than the speed of light, as if reversing the flow of time in this way. Completely isolated from each other, beams of photons behave as if each particle "knows" in advance how the other will behave.

Bell himself, in popular lectures, illustrated this incredible fact simple example: Suppose there is a man in Dublin who always wears red socks, and in Honolulu there is a man who always wears green.

Imagine that we somehow forced a man in Dublin to take off his red socks and put on green ones. Then the man in Honolulu must at that moment - without being able to know what happened in Dublin! Take off your green socks and put on your red ones. How is this possible?

Is the information transmitted between them at superluminal speed through some secret channels? Or do both receive it from some future, really knowing how and at what moment to act?

“Bell's theorem has presented physicists with an unpleasant dilemma. One of two things is assumed: either the world is not objectively real, or there are superluminal connections in it,” notes the founder of transpersonal psychology, Stanislav Grof.

But if so, then our usual ideas about linear time, calmly flowing from yesterday to tomorrow, become extremely doubtful. Of course, it is difficult to admit that the world does not work the way we used to think.

But here is what he wrote about our problems with understanding the Universe and its laws outstanding physicist twentieth century, Nobel laureate Richard Feynman:

“The difficulty here is purely psychological - we are constantly tormented by the question: “How can this be?”, Which reflects an uncontrollable, but completely unreasonable desire to imagine everything through something very familiar.
... If you can, don't torture yourself with the question "But how can this be?", because otherwise you will reach a dead end, from which no one has ever got out. Nobody knows how it can be."

But if the structure of the world does not lend itself well - at least for the time being - to our usual, "left hemisphere" logic, then maybe the right hemisphere can come to the rescue? This is exactly what Vadim Rotenberg suggests.

“The complex network of real interconnections that determines the future does not fit into rigid coordinates logical thinking, slips out of them and creates the impression of indeterminacy.
But right hemispheric imaginative thinking simply does not use this grid of coordinates, and for it the real interweaving of connections does not look either unnecessarily complex or internally contradictory.
And therefore, the right hemisphere is able to capture these connections in their entirety in such breathtaking fullness that, as a result, it is possible to predict the future.

And in this case, prophetic dreams not only do not look like something surprising, but, on the contrary, become almost inevitable - after all, it is in a dream that our right hemisphere receives maximum freedom.

“Of course, this is just my point of view, it is by no means universally recognized, and, of course, I cannot prove it scientifically,” Vadim Rotenberg stipulates.

But perhaps science should pay more serious attention on the phenomenon of prophetic dreams? Who knows, suddenly it will not only not contradict physics, but on the contrary, it will push it to create a new model of the world.”

Prophecies without miracles

The founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, believed in the possibility of anticipating events in a dream that had not yet happened. He himself had dreams that can be called "prophetic".

But in his psychotherapeutic practice, Jung sought, above all, to find realistic explanations for the dreams of his patients.

« I remember one incident with a man hopelessly entangled in some dark deeds. As a kind of outlet, he developed a passion for climbing. He tried thereby to "rise above himself."

Once he dreamed that from the top of a mountain he was taking a step into the void. When I heard his story, I immediately saw the danger that threatened him and tried to convey this warning to the patient ... He did not listen. Six months later, he "stepped into the void."

The guide-guide saw how he and a friend descended the rope. A friend found a foothold on the edge of a cliff, and my patient followed him down. Unexpectedly, he let go of the rope, the guide said, and seemed to jump ...

Another case associated with a woman whose complacency knew no bounds ... However, her dreams reminded her of unseemly situations in the past.

When they were discovered by me, the patient indignantly refused to acknowledge any such thing. Then her dreams began to be filled with hints of the danger that lay in wait for her while walking through the forest. (Usually she walked there alone, reminiscing.)

I realized what was threatening her, and warned her repeatedly, but to no avail. Soon, during one of these walks, this woman was attacked by a sexual maniac. If it were not for the help of passers-by who heard her cry, she would not have survived.

There is no magic here. The woman's dreams told me that she secretly longed to experience something similar - just like the climber, who subconsciously sought the final solution to his difficult problems ...

Thus, dreams can sometimes anticipate certain situations long before they happen. It is not necessarily a miracle or some form of foreknowledge. Many crises in our lives have had a long, unconscious prehistory.

We are approaching them step by step, unaware of the accumulating dangers. However, what we overlook is often perceived by the subconscious, which can convey information through dreams.”

Prophetic dreams- truth or fiction. What kind of dreams do not happen! Pleasant, nightmarish, easy to remember and very confusing ... Probably, one of you in a dream had to solve a problem that was not given the day before, or maybe compose poetry ...
Dreams… How long they occupied the minds of people, in what they did not see their reason, as soon as they were not interpreted!
In ancient Sparta, there were even officials - ephors, whose duty it was to draw up state laws based on ... their dreams. From the 2nd century AD Ancient Greece special dream books began to appear. The author of one such dream book that has come down to us, Artemis from Daldis, wrote in it: “Someone saw that he was eating bread, dipping it in honey. After that, he took up philosophy, became wise, and thereby acquired great wealth. Honey means the sweetness of knowledge, bread - wealth and abundance. An interesting detail: when explaining the dream of a certain person, Artemis did not at all predict that the same thing would happen in reality as in a dream. No, he interpreted the dream in his own way, giving the objects seen in the dream a special, prophetic meaning.
Many dream books were published in Russia before the revolution. And here the fantasy of their compilers was played out with might and main. Some argued that seeing a spider - to the news, others - to illness, and still others - to trouble. And so several of the most diverse, often vague and vague explanations - and choose for yourself which one you like best.
But first of all, why do we dream? Indeed, in our body there is no such incorporeal double that could leave the body of the owner during sleep and roam somewhere in other cities, in other countries. This is how the ancients explained the cause of dreams.
in the bark hemispheres the human brain is about 14-16 billion nerve cells. Astronomical figure! Right now, when you are reading, some part of these billions is busy focusing your attention on reading. If at this moment you catch the music coming from the radio out of the corner of your ear, it means that another part of the nerve cells of the brain is on guard. Or maybe so, as happened once with the famous Italian poet Dante. He once went into a pharmacist's shop and suddenly noticed a book on the table that interested him. He was not allowed to take the book with him, and he immediately plunged into reading. Only in the evening the poet looked up from the book. Customers in the shop and the owner asked how he liked the tournament that took place in front of the shop. It was hard not to pay attention to the loud cries of the crowd, music and laughter that accompanied the celebration. But Dante didn't hear anything. In his cerebral cortex, cells not associated with reading a book were at rest, or, according to scientific definition, in the braking state. It is these processes of inhibition, when certain centers of the cerebral cortex rest, and excitation, when they are actively working, and dreams are explained.
The man fell asleep. His sleep is strong and calm. Nothing before that excited him, bothered him. But then he accidentally threw off the blanket and restful sleep already violated. He suddenly dreams that he is walking barefoot in the snow, or sinking waist-deep into ice water, or something like that. An “unprecedented combination of past impressions” takes place, as the great physiologist I. M. Sechenov very accurately described such bizarre dreams. Why is that? Yes, because only when all nerve cells act in concert, so to speak, control each other, no fantastic transformations take place in the brain.
It happens differently. In the afternoon you could not solve the problem, and this upset you. Going to bed, you continued to be annoyed at the decision that was not given. And suddenly in the morning you remember that you solved the problem in a dream. What happened? When you slept, in the cerebral cortex, that sentry point of nerve cells remained awake, which did not complete during the day the right job. Focusing on one thing, not being distracted by other stimuli, the cells definitely worked - and you saw in a dream correct solution tasks.
By the way, creative dreams were dreamed by many famous people. The German chemist Kekule, for example, once dreamed of a complex structural formula benzene, Voltaire composed new version the poem "Henriad" by the Russian physiologist V. M. Bekhterev illuminated new thoughts, which he later used in his writings. Well, how can you still explain that some dreams come true?
Anya walked for several days sad and silent. When asked what was the matter with her, she replied that she was very worried about the health of her beloved sister, who was seriously ill, and then she also dreamed that she was being buried. A few days later, Anya really had to bury her sister. What is this - a prophetic dream? “Of course!” some of you will say. No, this dream cannot be called prophetic or prophetic. Anya knew that her sister's illness could end tragically, because the situation of the patient was very difficult. Distressed, agitated, she only thought of her sister all these days. And even during sleep, this part of the cerebral cortex continued to work. Heavy thoughts evoked in Anya's sleeping imagination the most diverse pictures. Either she dreamed that her sister was recovering, then she was leaving somewhere, then she was talking to her cheerfully, and then she was dying. Her sister died, and only one dream remained in Anya's memory - about her death. She, shocked by grief, forgot all the rest.
Anyone who believes in prophetic dreams always tries to find evidence that confirms the belief. And finds them. After all, a person sees many dreams, in which, one way or another, the events he has experienced, his desires and hopes are reflected. What is surprising in the fact that one of these dreams can be "in hand"? But this is not proof, because such people are silent about dozens of other dreams that do not confirm subsequent events.
However, we must make a reservation - there are prophetic dreams! But wait in this statement to look for a contradiction with what was said before. It happens like this. The guys play football, they are passionate about the game, excited. One of them even hurt his leg, but in a fever he did not notice it. At night, when all the heated feelings subsided and the boy fell asleep, the bruised leg made itself felt. She signaled through the "wires" - nerves - about her trouble in the brain, and the young football player dreamed that he was bitten in the leg by a neighbor's dog. In the morning he got up, found pain and a bruise, and immediately remembered his "prophetic" dream.
By the way, it is precisely such diagnostic, disease-foreshadowing dreams that sometimes help experienced doctors identify the onset of a disease that the patient himself does not yet suspect.
As for dream books, then, of course, they should not have any faith. When compiling such books, their writers were primarily guided by the same principle on which most signs are based - like causes like. And on the basis of similar letter combinations, predictions appeared: an oven - to sadness, eggs - to phenomena, girls - to a diva. And since in any family bread is good, therefore, they say, he should dream for good.

Prophetic dreams (the truth and their fictions are often found) are characteristic of insightful people. Sleep is a common everyday occurrence. But if you try to give more precise definition this feature of our body, it turns out that this task is not an easy one. Any person will give their interpretation and definition of the word - a dream and prophetic dreams (which can be both true and fiction), and it is unlikely that there will be similar answers, even if you ask a lot of people. Sleep studies have been carried out by scientists for a long time and it seems that an exact definition should already be formulated and placed in explanatory dictionaries. But this is not at all the case. In various book dictionaries and on the Internet, there are many various explanations, but no interpretation will give a complete understanding of this amazing process. Are prophetic dreams fiction or truth?

There is an opinion that our dream is a set of certain events that have already taken place once, they just gathered in an unexpected and unusual order. Is it always like this? This is what we're trying to figure out. modern science categorically assures that prophetic dreams do not exist and all "prophecies" are just coincidences. But ancient history proves the opposite, there are many references to prophetic dreams. For example, the parable about the wife of Julius Caesar, who saw prophetic dream on the eve of his death. The woman warned her husband, but Caesar did not listen to her advice, for which he paid. It turns out that prophetic dreams are true.

Prophetic dream played important role in the fate of the famous Emperor Augustus. His friend had a prophetic dream, and the superstitious emperor temporarily left the place where he usually spent the night, which helped him avoid death.

Some scientists believe in the existence of special prophetic dreams. Scientist Camille Flammarion from France wrote a book in which he connected many stories about prophetic dreams. Flammarion was sure that it was necessary to come to terms and accept the existence of "night prophecies". Flammarion describes a kind of vision that is inside us and allows us to hear and see without the help of the usual senses. The soul, with the help of such vision, feels events that occur at a distance, and predicts the future.

There are many examples written in the historical literature and described by our contemporaries, when bad dream and premonition saved people from death, that is, prophetic dreams meant truth, not fiction. Before sailing the famous Titanic, 18 passengers simply canceled the trip. They motivated their refusal by a bad presentiment, which did not give them rest in last days. 5 passengers saw prophetic dreams, and the wife of one of the passengers, who also refused to travel, made a drawn sketch of a sinking ship.

Academician Bekhterev carefully studied prophetic dreams. Together with the doctor Vinogradov (his good friend) he did the research. For four years, Vinogradov questioned his patients on the subject of prophetic dreams, about whether this phenomenon was true for them. The result obtained by scientists is stunning: half of the people surveyed said they saw prophetic visions in their dreams. Vinogradov carefully considered serious evidence and did not take into account the stories of people who did not inspire confidence in him. The war prevented two researchers from publishing their book on the results of the survey.

Today in the world there are several hypotheses that tell about the nature of prophetic dreams. One of them was put forward by bioenergetics. According to them, falling into a dream, our body loses touch with reality. It is in this state that we receive information from external environment- noosphere. Our brain extracts all the essentials, but not all people are able to receive such information, but those who believe that prophetic dreams are true.

Another hypothesis put forward by neurologists: according to their version, during sleep, our brain is activated and processes the information received during the day. It is analyzed and only then combined with the already existing data in the subconscious. It is in this way that a person can, “leaning” on sleep, change and analyze his behavioral habits.

Ardent opponents of these theories assure that such dreams are not prophetic, but only convey events that have already occurred. Maybe they are right. For example, the famous Freud also believed that dreams cannot predict events that have not yet occurred. According to Freud, dreams come from the subconscious in a distorted form. There is a mixing of various memories and the replacement of our thoughts with visual abstraction and symbols. Dreams are reflections of our desires, which a person consciously suppresses in himself, sending them to a certain area of ​​the unconscious. During the sleep process, a person cannot control his thoughts, and they successfully break out, pouring out into our dreams. Often waking up, a person does not remember his dream and does not know about its content.

Prophetic dream - fiction or truth? Probably no one can say for sure about the existence of prophetic dreams. We have to solve this riddle of the human mind.

We can look into our future while we sleep. So our ancestors thought, many modern people they also believe that a dream will certainly mean something. The statement is very curious, but very controversial. Let's remember our own dreams Or rather, their theme. Watching horror movies before bed is not uncommon for you. Love the REN-TV channel with its mystical stories? Then in a dream you probably had to witness the end of the world or the visit of aliens.

Our dreams are just impressions received during wakefulness, but processed by the subconscious. It turns out that this is something like a donut diet, tasty and useless. However, for the sake of entertainment, you can look into the dream book every day, looking for an interpretation in it. various images who came to us at night. But no sane person would take it seriously. However, if you are an impressionable person, fortune-telling for a dream will help you tune in the right way. But for this purpose, come up with your own own dream book, where there will be only good interpretations.
However, the nighttime process is not so primitive as to unequivocally state that divination for sleep is a hopeless occupation. Such conclusions can be reached by studying scientific sources.
exist, there is no doubt about it. But according to eyewitnesses, warnings do not come to us in the form of incomprehensible images. Usually in a dream there is a clear and clear situation that does not allow for ambiguous interpretation. It turns out that some force, hitherto unknown to us, gives a sign to individual individuals in order to warn them or direct them along the right path?
According to one of the scientists' hypotheses, during sleep human brain connects to the general information field, the so-called noosphere. This explains the phenomenon of prophetic dreams. If all this is true and the noosphere contains information about our future, then in our dreams we can look into it. I must say that in Slavic household magic there are many ways of divination in dreams, including fortune telling on cards for sleep, Christmas and Christmas. Let's try to figure out how true such a prediction will be.

Let's remember the familiar: "mummer-betrothed, come to dinner." The girl asks a question, wanting to get a clear answer. If at that moment the young lady has a gentleman, most likely it is he who will dream. Those whose heart is still free may dream of a nice neighbor or former classmate. However, if the lady, after such a dream, proceeds to decisive action, it is quite possible that he will turn out to be prophetic.
Based on our short analysis, we can conclude that dream fortune telling is rarely true. But what about the general information field and information about our future? Perhaps this will seem strange and contradictory, but it is possible and even necessary to guess in dreams, but to put it modern language, using a different technology.
Did you know that dream work is present in ancient occult sciences such as Voodoo. Many of us have heard that Voodoo magic is quite strong, and this is true, since Africans have not lost their ability to communicate with the forces of nature. According to Voodoo rules, divination begins with a purification ritual, usually a bath with herbs and oils. Then comes a prayer - an appeal to the spirit of Legbe, which opens the gate to dreams. In this case, it is necessary to clearly and clearly formulate your question. Pay attention to how the ritual goes. Just putting an object under the pillow and using a set of words is not enough. For divination, you need to prepare. By the way, in a dream, you can analyze existing relationships. After all, our brain picks up certain signals in the behavior of a lover, but is too clouded by "love hormones" to analyze them. But the subconscious is free from rose-colored glasses and will be able to do it for him.
You can use your dreams very productively, but for this, first learn to separate truth from fiction, information from above from signs and superstitions. After doing some work, you will learn to use dreams even to see your future.

Good evening!
Each of us saw on the shelves of a bookstore, books with the intriguing title "Dream Interpretation" or "Dream Interpretation of Dreams". Now, without SMS and registration, giving obvious arguments and facts, I will help you understand the issue of the veracity of Dream Interpretations and help you find out if they really help to understand our dreams or is it just good marketing?

What do our dreams say

The first person to start analyzing the interpretation of dreams was Sigmund Freud. He believed that in a dream, our consciousness conducts, so to speak, filtering what happened to us during the day, thus unloading our head from unnecessary information. He also believed that in dreams we are shown our dissatisfaction in life, in particular sexual desires and psychological trauma.

Sigmund Freud, did great job, dealing with this issue, and came to the conclusion that dreams are based on two main and natural instincts for human nature: sexual (the desire for procreation, the instinct of self-preservation, love of life) and the attraction to death (the order of things, the cycle of life in nature, striving for peace and balance).

Freud also had a student, not without the famous Carl Gustav Jung, who, while studying dreams, made a huge breakthrough in their interpretation. While doing his research, he realized that Freud was wrong and that dreams are not just a garbage dump located in the human subconscious. Dreams are communication, so to speak, of the second consciousness, our unconscious, which people call the soul. He realized that thanks to dreams, our unconscious communicates with us. Dreams seem to be chaotic, fully showing how it seems to us that things are not connected, passing from one to another, but they are not.

Everyone had such that, for example, in a conversation with an interlocutor, the thought that they wanted to voice was lost, it seems that it disappeared from our head, but then, after a while, diligently remembering, it returns again, just as suddenly as it disappeared. What really happened? It's just that our thought, from a conscious form, logical, passed into the unconscious, becoming our intuitive knowledge, the thought passed from the form of thinking into the form of understanding. This explains how we learn to drive a car, for example, we think logically what and where to press, and then another month later, we already do it all unconsciously on autopilot.

When we are awake, our consciousness is ordered, operates in accordance with logic and common sense, but we can still fly in the clouds, forget ourselves in dreaming and imagining. The same thing happens in a dream, it’s just that there is no control (filter) of consciousness that tries to streamline everything. It turns out that our unconscious part is always active, just at night, it completely prevails at 100%. Our emotions, desires, feelings can be strongly suppressed, and through dreams, the subconscious carries so much psychic energy that it makes a person pay attention to it.

Dream interpretation

Carl Gustav Jung, found the solution to this incredible riddle of mankind, how to decipher our dreams. He realized that it was useless to try to interpret dreams, relying on generalized symbols, for example: "A snake is a danger, a threat," "The death of a person is fortunate," and so on. Dreams are completely individual and the only one who can accurately decipher them is only you. If for one, a red car was dreamed of, it will be a symbol of sexuality, then for you it may have a completely different meaning. Therefore, do not even try to interpret dreams with the help of all sorts of "Dream Interpretations", this will only confuse you or make you make the wrong decisions.

Remember that our unconscious is smart enough and uses analogies in communicating with you. For example, a man who often set himself impossible tasks, suffered from excessive conceit and the goal of his whole life, which was a car under the BMW brand, had a dream. He was on the side of a very large mountain, and against him at the cliff stood the six-armed gum hero "Boomer". And just at the moment when the man wanted to approach him, Boomer fell off the cliff, falling far into the abyss. At first glance, it may seem that complete heresy and a dream is absolutely delusional, but it is not. It’s just that he is quite logical, it turns out that even in his youth, the man was impressed by the film Boomer, and the unconscious took the association from far away childhood, when at that time there were chewing gums Boomer, consonant with the name of the film, and there was a chewing gum on the logo, the hero in blue suit. So, the man, in his slang, constantly called the dream of his life "Boomer", which is why it was deposited in the subconscious.

It follows from this that the man had a dream that his dreams would sink into the abyss, because he takes on too much and cannot adequately assess his strength. But you wonder why the hero of the chewing gum was six-armed? Everything is simple here, when a man thought about BMW, he imagined a BMW 6 series. From this it follows that from the side of our unconscious, a dream is quite logical and understandable. That is how it is worth deciphering them.

Sleep decoding

To correctly interpret your dreams, ask someone to write on a piece of paper the main words that we use in everyday life. For example: car, work, fear, love and so on. The more words the better. And then let them show you this sheet and you quickly, without hesitation, write your associations associated with these words, this will give you the opportunity to understand your dreams a little better. For example, famous celebrity for you can symbolize success in the same spirit.



I dreamed that I was lying on the floor with a man, both naked, in beautiful pose. Imagine a naked man and woman lying in an embrace, sprinkled with scarlet rose petals. Represented? So, in my dream everything was like this, but ...... Instead of petals of scarlet roses, there were pieces fresh meat. Meat, meat all around, also shaped like rose petals. And so something we with it squeezed out, squeezed out and here I have understood, that it is time for me to go home. It looks like the husband is waiting. I rushed, didn’t even get dressed, and he followed me, didn’t let go. He asks to stay a little longer. Well, it seems like the end of the dream is like this, in general, I didn’t go anywhere ... By the way, intuitively this man is not one of the familiar men in my environment. And in the dream, that man was an actor.

For your information, maybe there is some connection with the events that happened the day before in my life. I asked my husband to take me to the forest for mushrooms. During the week! He agreed, and every day confirmed that he agreed, and the day before the trip he got drunk. As a result, that evening I grumbled, I was very upset, for a long time I didn’t have such firmware in my soul. She also told her relative that it was time to start a lover, so that he would take me where necessary. Well, in general, I dreamed ...., what I dreamed about.

10/30/2016 at 16:37:39

In this case, Meat - Symbolizes the inner, inner feeling, in relation to the external situation. The act of your husband greatly damaged his authority as a man, which caused a strong reaction from you and about his lack of consistency in male terms. That unity with which you hugged may indicate a lack of intimacy, and judging by the dream, your subconscious mind indicates that there is no need for a husband as a sexual partner. Perhaps interpreting your dream, I would venture to suggest that you lack intimacy both physically and spiritually (so that you are understood and appreciated as a woman, a feeling of love), but the fact that the identity of that man was not determined indicates that there is no such person who could fill it all.

But, again, this is a superficial view. It is necessary to know you better in order to decipher your dream, and to know your associations.

10/31/2016 at 14:36:48

I have the following question..
Don't the authors of "dream books" know that they don't actually decipher the dream? You can’t write such a book so easily, you need knowledge or their knowledge is the same as the appearance of a person from a monkey, i.e. just a theory?

01.11.2016 at 11:04:25

Good marketing where you can make good money. They take records of the interpretation of dreams that were collected among the people or simply use the language of symbolism, but only their own. It turns out that they are projecting their experience of dreams and their research. But this is useless, since the article states that dreams are individual.

11/01/2016 at 19:37:05

Dima Dandy, what do you think about my dream?

Not so long ago I had a dream with a guy I like ... and the most interesting thing is that this dream lasted three for, you can say like a small "series" ...
Numbers May 20,21,22.
The dream on the 20th was about how we met, talked a little about our current lives, walked around the microdistrict, and then he disappeared ...

The dream of the 21st was about how I was in a hurry to dance practice, and there were his former classmates, friends and himself, I remember exactly that there were about 13 people with him ... he looked at me and nodded, and I just left ...

The dream on the 22nd was about how we had fun in the company of our friends, hugged, and he disappeared again ...

One moment, he arrived those days only in the city from Germany, went there with his whole family for a year ...
In general, we didn’t communicate so closely, we can say exchanged glances, he smiled at me and that’s it ...

Thank you for reading, I hope you answer my question, what does this mean?

11/04/2016 at 00:50:28

Waliyha_S, The dream is most likely about a missed opportunity or about the consequences of your choice (or inaction). This dream does not speak of the future, it shows the present. Alternative option events that make you feel good.

The dream is trying to show that if you deceive yourself: "you like him, but at the same time you just move on" this is the guy you like, he will disappear from your life (more precisely, the opportunity to be with him). The usual nod, instead of an interesting conversation? The guy you liked wasn't there for a year. Arrived from Germany great occasion to talk to him and find out how it was. Or say, wow, I know you, you went to Germany for a year.

Apparently you are with him good compatibility and the dream asks you to pay attention to it and start acting. In any case, you have nothing to lose from this.



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