Famous people born under the zodiac sign Cancer. How Zodiac Signs Succeed: Famous Cancers




Cancer is receptive, sensitive, endowed with imagination and empathy, he is kind and emotional, has an active, insightful and intuitive mind.

GOVERNING PLANET Moon, Earth's only satellite. The moon periodically waxes and wanes, exerting a powerful influence. It governs emotions and intuitive behavior.

SYMBOL Cancer or crab. The impenetrable shell protects the soft flesh inside. At the first sign of danger, the crab hides under the shell and rushes into the water, where it feels safe.

GLIF (GRAPHIC SYMBOL) xxx A pictogram depicting the claws of Cancer, as well as the chest of a person (a part of the body ruled by Cancer). The symbolic meaning is two solar circles connected by a pair of crescents. The Moon symbolizes Cancer's desire to keep memories and personal belongings. Circles connected by crescents represent strength and energy expressed through emotion and imagination.


POLARITY Capricorn

Cancer is a sign of home family life. Cancerians strive for intimacy, they are happiest in familiar surroundings, among those they love. Capricorn, opposing Cancer, strives for social recognition and high position. Those born under the sign of Capricorn take care of their image, seek power and self-realization in the outside world.

BODY PARTS RULED BY CANCER Chest and Stomach: Cancerians love to eat and struggle with being overweight as they get older. They are prone to disease digestive tract caused by tension and stress.


DAY Monday

NUMBERS 3 and 7

STONE Pearl. He turns failure into success, disagreements into harmony, brings the support of influential people.

COLORS Turquoise and silver - shimmering colors of water and the moon.

CITIES Venice, Amsterdam, New York

COUNTRIES Scotland, Holland, New Zealand

FLOWERS Spur and bear paw

TREES Species with succulent wood

METAL Silver

CANCER-GOVERNED ANIMALS All shelled species.

DANGER Cancers are prone to domestic injuries. They often become victims of theft.


No one will say that Cancer is easy to understand. You may seem soft kind person, sympathetic and patient listener. Then someone asks you for advice, and you get annoyed, become sharp, completely indifferent to other people's problems, remembering only your own affairs. You can swim in an ocean of self-pity, lament endlessly about how unfair the world has been to you. But here is the next day on the calendar, and you are again responsive, sympathetic, ready to do everything you are asked to do.

What is your secret? Cancer, ruled by the Moon, inhabitant of the water element, is like the sea with its ebb and flow. It's a sign powerful forces moving under the surface. It is very difficult to penetrate deep into it, because Cancers tend to build strong barriers behind which they hide their emotions and heightened sensitivity.

Complex, fragile, unpredictable, emotional Cancer needs constant support and encouragement. You need love and approval, but you are angry with yourself for this need. When you receive them, you give in return the best of what you have. The one who gives you a sense of security can count on your eternal devotion. If you really love someone, no one's slander will affect you. You are blind to the shortcomings of your loved ones.

You are prone to restlessness and silent sadness. People may pour out their souls to you, but the flow never goes in the opposite direction. You carefully keep your secrets. If you are offended, you do not respond with a frontal strike. You take revenge by darkening and withdrawing into yourself, and often this method is very effective. It resembles a ruthless whipping with a dozen boiled spaghetti. Cancer, the symbol of this zodiac sign, has a strong shell that protects soft, vulnerable flesh. The same is true for a person born under the sign of Cancer. He is often harsh, irritable, but has a heart of gold. Behind your hard facade hides sentimentality and softness; you will sacrifice everything for the sake of the one in need. If someone asks you for a favor, your first reaction will probably be no, but in the end you will always say yes. You should be judged by your actions, not your words.

You are the owner. A person who has become a part of your life loses complete freedom forever. You try to keep in touch with friends, ex-lovers and wives, business partners, people you've known since childhood. If you release someone from your life, you do it reluctantly and not completely. This reflects your preoccupation with the past. You live in an aura of nostalgia, events and people from bygone years continue to inhabit your memory and usually become even more dear to you over the years. You are devoted to family, home, continue to share the old-fashioned idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eternity of marriage - even if your personal experience contradicts this.

It is difficult to deceive you, because you are able to catch the subtle nuances of behavior. You have an almost supernatural intuition. A photographic memory and keen powers of observation allow you to skillfully decipher the motives of other people.

Those born under this sign are like a crab moving towards its intended goal in a zigzag. Watch the crab crawling along the shore. You will see a strange broken trajectory as it approaches the target. Cancers avoid a straight forward approach. They take a step in one direction, then in another, even turn in the opposite direction. But in the end they are in the right place.

If channeled in the right direction, your exceptional sensitivity can be a powerful source of strength. If you overcome shyness and resentment, cope with seething emotions, your intelligence and imagination will allow you to succeed in almost any business. Contrary to the impression you give, you are capable of being nimble and cunning in business. Cautious and conservative, you have an antenna that quickly picks up people's tastes and market changes. This business instinct, combined with imagination, can be seen in such famous couturiers as Bill Blass, Oscar de la Renta and Pierre Cardin.

Cancerians cling to money as tenaciously as to everything that belongs to them. For you, money means security, but no matter what fortune you have amassed, it will not bring you a sense of complete security. The same is true for your emotional security. Cancerians always lack love and approval, you always need more. It is easy to fall in love with this devoted, loyal, loving and caring child of the moon.


Alexander the Great Susan Hayward Nelson Rockefeller

Louis Armstrong Ernest Hemingway Ginger Rogers

Polly Bergen Al Hershfeld Linda Ronstadt

Bill Blass Lena Horne Francoise Sagan

David Brinkley Franz Kafka Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Yul Brynner Helen Keller George Sand

James Cageney Rose Kennedy Carly Simon

Pierre Cardin Kris Kristofferson Neil Simon

Marc Chagall Ann Landers Isaac Baschevitz Singer

Gover Champion Gertrude Lawrence Barbara Stanwyck

John Chancellor Janet Leigh Isaac Stern

Van Cliburn Ann Morrow Lindberg Irving Stone

Jean Cocteau Gina Lollobrigida Donald Sutherland

Tom Cruise Mary McCarthy Sylvester Stallone

Olivia deHaviland George McGovern William Thackeray

Oscar de la Renta Marshall McLuhan Henry David Thoreau

Princess Diana Amedeo Modigliani Mike Tyson

Duke of Windsor Bess Myerson Abigail Van Beuren

Harrison Ford Clifford Odette James Whistler

Stephen Foster George Orwell E.B. White

Erle Stanley Gardner Joseph Papp Billy Wilder

Cynthia Gregory Marcel Proust Andrew White

Merv Griffin Erich Maria Remarque

In astrology, it is believed that in the period from June 21 to July 22, the sun is in the sign of Cancer. The ruling planet of the Moon makes the sign extremely emotional, and the element of water gives it sensitivity, developed intuition And Creative skills. The Cancer zodiac sign is considered one of the most reserved and mysterious. Its location is difficult to earn. An astrological characteristic will help to find common ground.

Cancer zodiac sign: description

People born under this sign are emotional and reserved. They can open up only to a very close person.

Inner world

Prone to feelings and very vulnerable. From the outside, they may seem calm and even cold, but this is just a protective mask. They react sharply to negative events and criticism. They are characterized by compassion. Their actions are based not on logic, but on feelings and emotions. Their excellently developed intuition protects them from mistakes.

Dive deep into your thoughts and memories. They often cling to the past, which hinders their development and movement forward. They are afraid of unforeseen circumstances. They like to be in control.

Love and family relationships

In love, they are sensitive and tender.. Closely watching emotional state partner. Zealously protect their family from external intrusions. The ideal life partner for them is a faithful companion and a cordial friend. Relationships with them will almost always begin slowly. These people tend to look closely at the chosen one for a long time. It's hard to take the first step. spiritual and emotional connection with a partner means a lot to them.

Traditions are deeply respected. Cancers are born family men, they are loved by children. They like to invite guests. They are hospitable hosts, in whose house it is pleasant to be. Home for them is a source of strength and energy, a place of relaxation. They love to do home improvement and cooking.

Sign Features

Such a characteristic of the zodiac sign Cancer, like empathy, makes them born psychologists. They know how to listen carefully and support the interlocutor. A love of art and innate creativity will help Cancers succeed in the music and film industries. Most often, they choose a case that is directly related to their interests. Recommended professions: psychotherapist, Social worker, nurse, pediatrician, educator, veterinarian, designer, restaurateur, confectioner, cook.

Celebrities born under the sign of Cancer

Representatives of the first decade (June 21 - July 1) often found in politics, as well as among rich and influential people:

Cancers born in the second decade (July 2-11), often become successful in the field of the film industry.

Among cancers of the third part of the astrological month (July 12-22) often meet musicians, writers and artists.

Talisman stones

Lucky colors for crayfish These are light shades of gray, green, blue and purple. lucky numbers: 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25.

When choosing a stone, you need to build on the month. For those born in June, tourmaline, sapphire, cat's eye and belomorite are best suited. Tourmaline calms the nervous system, relieves anxiety and normalizes sleep. Sapphire gives confidence and brings good luck to the life of its owner. cat eye will help in achieving goals and increase charm, and belomorite will relieve fears and help open up intuition.

Talismans of crayfish born in July e: emerald, hematite, pearl and aquamarine. Emerald will help develop creativity and intuition, and hematite will give determination and courage. Pearls bring longevity, good luck and wealth. Aquamarine will make its owner bolder and protect from misfortune.

There are also common talismans that do not depend on the month of birth. The first amulet is a moonstone. He is the strongest amulet against evil, and also develops the gift of clairvoyance. The stone will protect the owner from bad deeds, help to maintain peace and love in his family. The second common amulet is topaz. It will make its owner successful and popular, help to neutralize such characteristics of the sign as a tendency to excessive worries and soul-searching.

It is better for cancers to have 2 talismans: hang the first one at the head of the bed or put it next to the bedside table, and carry the second one with you during the day. The constant action of the amulet normalizes the work nervous system, improve sleep and protect sensitive cancers from negative impacts from the outside.

Attention, only TODAY!

Absolutely different Cancer man and the Aries woman agree on one thing - the seriousness of the relationship to marriage. Therefore, the union of such people you will meet infrequently, but if it has already taken place, it will be stable and reliable. They are hardworking and appreciate wealth and comfort. But such couples cannot do without “grinding”. The Leo woman and the Cancer man will converge and forever strengthen their relationship, as only two absolute opposites can do.

His intercessor is the Moon itself - the mistress of the night and magic. His element is Water. Cancers are kind and noble people, they have excellent intuition. But on the other hand, the wards of the Moon are very vulnerable and indecisive. Cancer - female sign. Consequently, people born under this constellation are endowed with feminine character traits - sentimentality, emotionality, kindness and responsiveness. People of this sign are great aesthetes. As for Pisces, this is an even more complex and mysterious sign than Cancer. In addition, Pisces strive more for the spiritual, and material stability is important for the children of the Moon.

Love and Compatibility Cancer Man

Representatives of this zodiac sign appreciate their beloved woman, they are afraid of losing her, but at the same time they themselves can easily and without hesitation commit treason. For family life, a Cancer man carefully selects applicants for this role, since he himself has rather high requirements for relationships. A Cancer man is best suited to create a family for women born under the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio.

Cancer men do not spend too much time on appearance, but at the same time they like to dress beautifully. At times like these, they really need support. good words, since Cancers are pessimists by nature and it is extremely difficult for them to get out of similar states. Despite their natural shyness and modesty, Cancer men can achieve considerable heights in their careers. The magnetism of Cancer, which the Moon endowed him with, makes the representatives of this sign charismatic personalities capable of controlling other people. Knowing about these features of theirs, men born during this period may well become successful and authoritative people in the professional field. Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity would be happy to connect their lives with any of these men!

A reverent attitude towards oneself beloved “results” at times into bouts of laziness. But under any circumstances, a Cancer man does not lose common sense, and there is logic in any of his reasoning. Men, whose astrological destiny is the zodiac sign Cancer, are subject to unexpected mood swings, and at times with bouts of anger and aggression.

Great people born under the sign of Cancer

She was born on July 22, 1946. She sang in front of a very different audience, in many countries. Born June 25, 1852. Known as the author of bizarre and fantastic architectural works, most of which are located in Barcelona. Antoine Saint-Exupery is a world famous French writer and poet. Born June 29, 1900. Known as a writer and professional pilot. The main works of Antoine Saint-Exupery are the novel "The Planet of the People", "Wind, Sand and Stars", "The Little Prince".

Cancers are the most vulnerable of all zodiac signs. Wrong look, wrong joke - it seems that literally anything can hurt their feelings. For all their touchiness, Cancers do not have problems with a sense of humor, they know how to joke caustically and laugh contagiously. One of best actors of his generation, Tom Hanks, born on July 9, despite his multifaceted talent and boundless charm in cinema, in ordinary life not so open to others. He appreciates family values, for which he earned the title of "most reliable celebrity" in Hollywood, but for the outside world he is more closed. It is these qualities - vanity and a thirst to dominate everything - that constantly move Cancers to conquer new heights.

Despite the fact that traditionally Cancers are considered cold and reserved people, in their best moments they are incendiary, popular merry fellows. Indeed, people born under the sign of Cancer highly value themselves, love fame and respect. Sometimes Cancer men are accused of loving melancholy and tragedy. The girls of this sign are prone to excessive suspiciousness and sensitivity: often an accidentally spoken word, look or gesture can throw them out of calm and balance. Those born under the sign of Cancer tend to constantly reassess their past, not let it go, worry about missed chances.

Cancer feels equally awkward at a scientific debate and at a disco. He is generally quite sentimental and loves melodrama; at movie screenings where such films are played, you will not see many guys, but there will definitely be a Cancer among them. You don’t recognize Cancer by his clothes, but his look ... But if you don’t want to be a nanny and guardian, if you are annoyed by regularity and wandering in the clouds, he is not the hero of your novel. If it seems to Cancer that you do not appreciate him, he will seek understanding on the side.

Your difficulty will not be in the absence of options for your personal life, but in the fact that there will be too many of them. Because of this, even a long-standing and stable relationship is waiting for a test of strength. If you are not ready for such a responsibility, or if there are only people nearby who are not ready to share the hardships of everyday family life with you, then personal life remain at the level of the novel. Cancers, be attentive to new acquaintances: one of them in the future may develop into serious relationship. Cancers, stars are advised to spend this day as intuition suggests.

Have you met a caring man born under the Zodiac sign of Cancer (June 21 - July 22) and want to win his heart? The man of this zodiac sign appreciates the institution of marriage and everything connected with it. Cancer man is attracted to courageous and intelligent women who are characterized by worldly wisdom. By becoming the wife of a Cancer man, you will receive a strong family hearth. Your spouse will always remember your birthday and your wedding anniversary.

Cancer men are born from June 22 to July 22. This zodiac sign is under the influence of the Moon, which endows people with delicacy, romance and sensitivity.

Under the constellation Cancer were born such famous people like Valery Meladze, John Cusack, Nicole Scherzinger, Sylvester Stallone, Zhanna Aguzarova, Sergey Zverev and Grigory Leps. All these people have a similar stock of character, which they inherited from the zodiac sign Cancer.

Singer Valery Meladze, despite his outward masculinity, has a fine mental organization, which is characteristic of all Cancers. He is very vulnerable and sensitive to external factors which is reflected in his work. In his character there are strengths. Already in adulthood a real Cancer opened up in him: he loves freedom and does not tolerate power over himself.

American actor John Cusack is also a typical Cancer. The roles that he plays in the movies fully reflect his essence of Cancer. This is a mystery man who is attracted by everything unusual and unidentified. There are always a lot of fantasies in his head, but he still tries to live in the real world.

Singer Nicole Scherzinger is a romantic and emotional person. As a true representative of the constellation Cancer, she has a childish naivety and spontaneity. The singer keenly feels the disposition of a person towards her. She painfully perceives criticism in her address and does not like it when someone commands her.

Action hero Sylvester Stallone, despite his on-screen image, is a prominent representative of the Zodiac sign Cancer. At heart, he is a vulnerable romantic. His behavior can change depending on his mood. Stallone has many friends and admirers, but by nature he is a rather closed person, like all Cancers.

It is impossible not to add singer Zhanna Aguzarova to this list. She, like no other, reflects the essence of her constellation. This mysterious person has an extraordinary mindset, insight and secretive nature. Many Cancers tend to change the surrounding atmosphere with their mood. Zhanna Aguzarova is just such a person. Possessing incredible energy, it can make a person sad or happy.

Another representative of the Zodiac sign Cancer is stylist Sergey Zverev. He does not hide his natural essence, but often hides emotions inside himself. Sometimes it is difficult for him to exist among people, but he finds an outlet in creativity. It is difficult for him to argue, he is used to doing as he sees fit. And critical remarks addressed to him will be perceived as a signal for military action.

Grigory Leps completes the list of the most famous people of the constellation Cancer. This person will always leave behind a residue of mystery and mystery. He is quite sociable and likes to be in public, but he feels better when he is alone. He is not satisfied with everything in life. The singer's mood can change at lightning speed, thereby causing inconvenience to people around him. Grigory Leps, like many Cancers, is drawn to everything unknown and mysterious. He is a believer and finds peace in religion.

creatively gifted and emotional Cancers born to be actors and singers. Favorites of the public, they are interesting to her not only as artists, but also as ordinary people with their passions: Cancers, with their penchant for unpredictability, give journalists and fans a lot to gossip and gossip.

Crayfish - subtle natures They are impressionable and changeable. Cancers have a strong instinct for self-preservation, which is why they sometimes seem cold pragmatists. Don't believe the first impression! People born under this zodiac sign are actually romantic and caring, but only with those they trust...

Obviously, the planet that has a huge impact on the character of Meryl Streep is the Moon. Acting talent only benefits from this: the Moon gives a person the ability to change, acute sensitivity and the ability to get used to different roles. No wonder the magnificent Meryl was nominated for an Oscar 16 times. Cancers are ambitious - Meryl Streep is probably proud of her awards, including two Oscars, seven Golden Globes, a commanding degree of the French Order of Arts and Letters.

Meryl Streep was born in New Jersey, and after graduating from university, she went to conquer New York, where she played in the theater and met her love, actor John Cazale, who later, when Streep started acting in films, was diagnosed with cancer (black irony of fate! ). When her lover died, Meryl was inconsolable, but Cancers have a strong instinct for self-preservation: the actress went headlong into work, which allowed her to psychologically rehabilitate herself. In 1978, the actress married again - to the sculptor Don Gummer, with whom she still lives. The couple is raising four children. Meryl is an excellent mother, like all Cancers: according to the actress, when the children were small, she could not concentrate on work properly, all her thoughts were occupied by offspring. In addition, the actress is a wonderful wife: she knows how to admit she was wrong in disputes with her husband. And Meryl, like all Cancers, is rather shy: by her own admission, they are embarrassed to order coffee on the set.

Cusack as an actor is known for his penchant for improvisation. Indeed, ever-changing crayfish are alien to strict frameworks, clear concepts: the more uncertainty, the better! Cusack is a highly paid actor who moves in the elite spheres, which could sincere person transform beyond recognition. However, John remains sensitive and sentimental: the actor has a house in Malibu (California), but at the same time he regularly visits Chicago, because he, like a true Cancer, is tormented by nostalgia: Chicago, where the actor's family moved when John was little, Cusack believes hometown. It was here that the actor once created a theater The New criminals.

Becoming a film actor, young Cusack quickly achieved fame. Cancers are prone to imitation, they are subtle psychologists, therefore, as actors, they are extremely successful. The actor does not like to talk about his private life: people born under this sign of the Zodiac prefer to hide the most intimate and guard their personal space well. It is known that the star of the films "Being John Malkovich", "The Thin Red Line" and "2012" had affairs with Lili Taylor, Rebecca Romijn, Sheryl Crow, Clint Eastwood's daughter Alison Eastwood and other equally famous and beautiful women.

Not a woman, but a storm warning! The actress gained notoriety for her alcohol abuse, but Lohan wasn't always like that. Of course, she had enough drive at all times - it was not for nothing that she starred in films with the names “Freaky Friday”, “Mean Girls”, “Crazy Races”. However, in adolescence Lindsay was a pretty emotional girl. She played in several Disney films, became popular and ... fell in love with one of the actors. Soon, Lohan's personal life turned into a nightmare. Persistent problems with lovers for emotionally vulnerable Cancers- real hell.

Having survived a series of separations from her loved ones, Lindsay became uncontrollable: she became mentally unbalanced, began to abuse alcohol, take drugs, several times became the culprit of an accident. Offended Cancer behaves recklessly, he is childishly stubborn: despite treatment in several rehabilitation centers, exhortations from friends and the police, Lindsay continues to make mistakes (many Cancers are generally prone to depression, alcoholism and drug addiction). Fans hope that the family will help Lohan overcome problems: the actress has a warm relationship with relatives, as it should be for Cancers.

Superstar Tom Cruise considers his best friend your mom. Spoiled by fame, the actor is touchingly attached to his family in a childish way. Tom had difficult childhood: divorce of parents, constant moving and related change educational institutions both hardened and wounded Tom at the same time. After all, what could be worse for Cancer than family disorder?

In his youth, Tom, who worked in New York as a waiter, constantly attended casting auditions. Cruz received his first cameo role in the film Endless Love. Then came fame, money, love. On the set of the film "Days of Thunder" in 1990, the actor met Nicole Kidman, with whom he had been married for 9 years. Love turned out to be not endless, but Cruz found the strength to hope for a new family happiness, which is so necessary for Cancers. The affair with Penelope Cruz ended in a breakup, but Cruz did not lose heart: in 2006, he married Katie Holmes. Cruise starred in such famous films as Rain Man, Interview with the Vampire, Vanilla Sky, Eyes Wide Shut.

“American Dad,” as Bill Cosby was nicknamed by his compatriots, was at the peak of his popularity in the 1960s. The famous American comedian hosted his own television show, starred in serials and comedies. Cancerians have a great sense of humor and can manipulate other people's emotions, so Cosby easily guessed how to make viewers laugh. Cosby's talent was appreciated: the comedian received Emmy, Grammy and Golden Globe awards, won his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Cosby, who is fond of Cancer, also tried his hand at music and directing.

The comedian proved to a white audience that African Americans are the same people as Europeans. Cosby also wrote several books in which he criticized parents who are not responsible for their children. In addition, Cosby earned his PhD by developing a program for underprivileged youth. The desire to take care of others is characteristic of many Cancers. The name of Bill Cosby is well known not only to moviegoers and lovers of humor, but also to fashionistas. calling card showman became his sweaters - clumsy, with ridiculous patterns. The Cosby Sweaters remain a cult trend to this day.



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