When is bed rest necessary during pregnancy? What are the benefits of bed rest for a cold?

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, keeping the room and patient’s bed clean create conditions for a speedy recovery of patients and prevent the development of many complications.

Great role proper care. Adequate care is the key to successful treatment even in the most difficult cases. The sicker the patient, the more difficult it is to care for him. Caring for the sick is a direct responsibility nurse. However, the doctor also takes part not only in treatment, but also in caring for patients.

The main location of the patient in the hospital is the bed, depending on general condition, the patient takes one or another position in bed (active, passive and forced).

Active position: patients can independently turn in bed, sit down, stand up, move around, and serve themselves.

Passive position: patients are inactive, cannot turn around, raise their head, arm, or change body position on their own. More often these are patients in an unconscious state, neurological patients with motor paralysis, patients with trauma to one or another part of the musculoskeletal system or severely weakened patients (patients with prolonged intoxication, after surgery, after blood loss, etc.).

Forced position: The patient takes this position to alleviate his condition. For example, during an attack of suffocation, the patient takes orthopnea position- sits with legs down, when the pleura is inflamed (pleurisy) and there is pain - lies on the sore side, etc.

By the position of the patient in bed, to a certain extent, one can judge the patient's condition.

However, often a patient with satisfactory health is forced to comply with the motor regimen prescribed by the doctor.

A doctor may define a physical activity mode (motor mode) as:

    strict bed rest;

    bed rest;

    mode with limited physical activity;

    free (general) mode.

Strict bed rest prohibits the patient from getting out of bed. Eating food and medications medical manipulations, changing underwear and bed linen, physiological functions should be performed with the help of medical personnel and only in a horizontal position of the patient.

Bed rest allows the patient to move within the bed. In this case, for feeding or performing procedures, the patient can be turned on his side or seated.

Mode with limited physical activity(ward mode) implies the ability of the patient to move within the ward.

Free (shared) mode allows free movement of the patient around the department. These patients, in most cases, can take care of themselves.

An important condition For wellness The patient, to speed up his recovery and reduce the likelihood of complications, is bed comfort.

The nurse must constantly ensure that the patient’s position is functional (improves the function of a particular organ or system) and comfortable.

For this purpose, a functional bed is used, consisting of three movable sections. Using the handles located at the foot end of the bed, you can position the sections at different angles relative to each other. In this way, the position of individual parts of the patient's body can be changed. For example, bend your knees, provide a semi-sitting position, etc. In the absence of a functional bed, an elevated position of the head end can be created using a headrest or several pillows, the leg end can be raised using a bolster or pillow placed under the shins, etc.

The mattress on the bed should be thick enough with a smooth, elastic surface, without bumps or depressions.

The sheet should completely cover the mattress from above, from the ends and on the sides, its edges should be tucked under the mattress and not hang down. To prevent the sheet from rolling or bunching up, it can be secured at the edges to the mattress with safety pins.

For a seriously ill patient, you can place an oilcloth on the sheet, covering it with a diaper or another sheet folded in half, which is also fixed in a straightened form. (photo) Place a pillow in a pillowcase or two at the head end. The patient is given a blanket with a duvet cover, preferably flannelette or wool (depending on the time of year). Sheets or pillowcases on the beds of seriously ill patients should not have seams, scars, or fasteners on the side facing the patient. Bed linen - sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers - must be clean and changed weekly, or when soiled. Usually, bed linen is changed simultaneously with the hygienic procedure - bath, shower, drying.

Depending on the patient's condition, there are various ways change of bed linen. If the patient is allowed to walk, he can change the bed linen himself with the help of a nurse or nurse. If the patient is allowed to sit, then while the bed linen is being changed, the nurse sits him on a chair next to the bed. It is much more difficult to change bed linen for bedridden patients. This manipulation must be performed by two people. Changing a sheet, with all the dexterity and skill of the nursing staff, inevitably causes anxiety to the patient, therefore, sometimes it is advisable to transfer the patient to a gurney and remake the bed, then laying him down on clean linen.


Changing linen for a bedridden patient who is allowed to turn over in bed


    Roll a clean sheet up to half lengthwise;

    Remove the pillow;

    Turn the patient on his side, moving him to the edge of the bed (an assistant holds the patient so that he does not fall);

    Roll the free edge of the dirty sheet towards the patient;

    Turn the patient onto his back, and then onto the other side, onto a clean sheet (the person covering and holding the patient switch roles);

    Remove the dirty sheet and place a clean one in its place;

    Place a pillow under your head, changing the pillowcase on it;

    It is convenient to place the patient on the bed, cover with a blanket, having previously changed the duvet cover;

    Remove dirty laundry;

    Wash the hands.

(photo series)

Changing linen for a bedridden patient who is prohibited from turning over in bed


    Roll up a clean sheet halfway across;

    Raise upper half patient’s torso, remove the pillow;

    Roll up the dirty sheet from the head of the bed to the lower back;

    Spread a clean sheet on the vacant part of the mattress;

    Place the pillow, change the pillowcase on it, and lower the patient onto it;

    Raising the pelvis and then patient's legs, remove the dirty sheet, spreading a clean one in its place;

    Tuck the edges of the sheet under the mattress;

    Remove dirty laundry;

    Wash the hands.



    Raise the upper half of the patient’s torso;

    Carefully roll up the dirty shirt to the back of the head;

    Raise both the patient’s arms and move the shirt rolled up at the neck over the patient’s head;

    Then remove the sleeves. If the patient's arm is injured, first remove the shirt from healthy hand and then with the patient.

Dress the patient in the reverse order: first put on the sleeves (first on the sore arm, then on the healthy arm, if one arm is injured), then throw the shirt over the head and straighten it under the patient’s body.

Bedridden patients perform all physiological functions in bed; they need to be helped without causing disturbance or polluting the bed. If necessary, the patient is given a bedpan. The vessel can be metal with an enamel coating or inflatable rubber. (photo series)

Giving a bedpan to a bedridden patient


    Before serving the vessel, rinse it warm water and leave some warm water in it;

    Place your left hand under the sacrum, helping the patient raise the pelvis (the patient’s legs should be bent at the knees);

    With your right hand, bring the vessel under the patient’s buttocks so that the perineum is above the hole;

    After defecation and urination, wash the patient;

    Pour the contents of the vessel into the toilet, rinse the vessel hot water, disinfect it with a 10% chloramine solution;

    Wash the hands.

In patients with urinary incontinence, permanent urinals are used (photo series)

For bedridden patients, bed urinals (glass or plastic) - ducks - with a capacity of 1 - 2 liters are used.

The bed of a patient with involuntary urination and fecal discharge should have special devices. The mattress and pillow are covered with oilcloth. In addition, for such patients, special mattresses consisting of 3 parts are used; the middle part has a device (niche) for a vessel. Bed linen for such patients is changed more often than usual - as it gets dirty. If a sick woman has copious vaginal discharge, then to keep the bed clean, an oilcloth and a small soft pad are placed under the patient. Diapers are widely used in caring for bedridden patients. (photo series)

Bed rest for a seriously ill patient.

Daily care for a bedridden patient at home is divided into special and general.
General care is regularly performed manipulations that are performed for any disease. Special includes additional procedures and activities prescribed by the doctor, which are selected individually, depending on the physical condition the patient and the nature of his illness. There is also specific care, necessary for infectious patients, elderly people, children.

Characteristics of bed rest.

Most people associate the phrase “bed rest” with the image of a sick person forced to lie on his back in bed during the day. In fact, there are many types of body position, the choice of which depends on the nature of the existing disease, the severity of its course, and also individual characteristics sick.
In the active position, a person assigned to bed rest can stand up, sit down, turn around, and walk around the room.
The passive position is usually associated with paralysis - the patient is unable to move his limbs, lift his head from the pillow, or change his body position.
Forced is the body position that the patient takes on his own, trying to at least slightly alleviate the physical suffering he experiences (for example, when severe pain in the abdomen, a person most often assumes the fetal position; if he has shortness of breath, he cannot lie horizontally).
The motor mode also has several varieties. The appointment of one or another of them is the responsibility of the attending physician.
There is a particularly strict bed rest, in which the patient is prohibited from any active actions, up to turning the body in bed; strict bed rest, allowing the body to move from side to side, but prohibiting sitting up in bed; bed rest, limiting the patient’s activity within the confines of his bed; half-bed, in which you are allowed to go to the restroom or bathroom several times a day; general, without restrictions on movement and movement in space.
As the patient recovers, the doctor changes his prescriptions, allowing the patient to gradually increase physical activity. Unfortunately, most incurable illnesses require particularly strict and strict bed rest, otherwise the patient's condition will deteriorate sharply. In a state of rest, the body's reserves are spent sparingly - the strength necessary for recovery is not spent on work skeletal muscles. Of course, a forced passive position negatively affects mental condition sick.
You must remember that long-term compliance Bed rest leads to the development of various somatic complications: natural muscle tone decreases, some reflexes fade, blood circulation slows down, the blood becomes thick, which leads to the threat of blood clots. Pressure on the skin and muscles caused by the weight of the body can cause bedsores.

The special science of orthodontics deals with correcting bites and straightening teeth. The doctor who corrects teeth is called an orthodontist. Nowadays, orthodontics uses new technologies to correct bites that will satisfy the most demanding patient.

Further -

When prescribing treatment, the doctor strictly says: “First, bed rest!” This recommendation is usually followed by a harmonious list of medications, by the end of which you already forget about bed rest. And what is it? How long will you have to lie down, how long will it last, is it possible to get up, at least to go to the toilet, or not? Let's try to clarify all aspects of this most basic, but quite important medical recommendation.

Why do you have to lie down?

Indications for bed rest include some complications of pregnancy. These include: pregnancy at any stage; (a condition in which the placenta blocks the exit from the uterus); ; such a serious complication of pregnancy as gestosis, and some other conditions and diseases. An elementary cold also requires that future mom stayed in bed, and did not walk around the house, and especially outside of it.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, bed rest allows you to avoid mechanical effects on the fertilized egg or the fetus. The fact is that when walking, and even more so when running, and even when performing seemingly simple household chores, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, constantly changing intra-abdominal pressure, which helps to increase the tone of the uterine muscles. In turn, this can lead to detachment ovum, beginning labor activity. When the expectant mother lies in bed, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are relaxed, which also helps to relax the muscles of the uterus, and the fertilized egg is not affected by the vibration that occurs when performing any work.

Bed rest also protects against bleeding in case of placenta previa, because in this condition, the placenta blocks the exit from the uterus, it is not tightly attached to the wall of the uterus, but lies above internal hole cervical canal. Even with little physical activity, the placenta can detach from the walls of the uterus, which can lead to bleeding, which will lead to a deterioration in the condition of mother and baby.

Bed rest is of particular importance for gestosis. Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy in which the functioning of many systems and organs of a woman is disrupted due to the fact that the vessels in them narrow and blood circulation is disrupted; the fetus also suffers. This complication is manifested by an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of edema and protein in the urine. It is believed that while in bed, in horizontal position When a woman is warm and comfortable, blood circulation in the kidneys improves and blood pressure decreases.

Thus, bed rest is an important factor in treatment.

Another condition for which bed rest would be a good idea is varicose veins. lower limbs. In this disease, the venous valves, which normally prevent blood from flowing back through the veins, are weakened. The venous wall experiences increased load, especially in vertical position- when walking or standing for a long time. In a horizontal position, blood flows more easily through the veins. But when varicose veins veins, bed rest should not be permanent - it is recommended to take a horizontal position, if possible, several times a day for 10-15 minutes. In this case, the legs should be higher than the level of the body - on the armrest or on a pillow, this promotes the outflow of blood from the lower extremities. Such episodes of bed rest are recommended for any manifestations varicose veins(tired legs after walking, standing, the presence of “snakes” of varicose veins).

At colds during pregnancy, especially in acute phase, it is also necessary to stay in bed. This recommendation is good to follow outside of pregnancy. By observing bed rest in such conditions, you save your energy, because all the energy expenditure of the body is aimed at fighting the infection. It is especially important to help the body during pregnancy, as natural protective forces(immunity) during this period are somewhat reduced.

Is it possible to get up?

As already mentioned, staying in bed with varicose veins is episodic; otherwise, the woman leads a normal life. For other conditions, the rules of bed rest are stricter.

Bed rest should be extremely strict when there is a threat premature birth, when there is a small hole in it, and amniotic fluid flows through this hole in small portions. This condition is called leakage amniotic fluid. If at the same time the woman stands up even for a short time, there is a high probability that water under its own pressure will begin to pour out of the hole, which will become larger. And if a large amount of amniotic fluid is lost, it is impossible to maintain a pregnancy. I would also like to mention that when amniotic fluid leaks, due to the violation of the integrity of the amniotic membranes, the likelihood of infection of the fetus increases. Considering the above, if amniotic fluid leaks, a woman must strictly observe bed rest: food, hygiene procedures, bowel movements - everything in bed. In this case, it is necessary to change bed and underwear daily to reduce the likelihood of infection of the fetus.

Bed rest should be quite strict even in cases where there is slight bleeding during placenta previa, because such discharge is caused by detachment of the fertilized egg or placenta from the uterine wall, and with the slightest physical stress I can peel off more and more chorionic villi.

With others pathological conditions a woman is allowed to go to the toilet and eat while sitting, with her legs off the bed.

As you can see, in any case, maintaining bed rest requires that the woman have assistants who serve her ready food, perform medical purposes. Of course, compliance with such a regimen at home is unlikely, therefore, even if there is a threat of miscarriage in the first trimester, when taking pills predominates among the prescriptions, hospitalization is recommended. Yet, in a hospital setting, a woman is completely free from everyday household duties.

Bed rest is usually recommended until all symptoms of the complication disappear or significant improvement condition. For example, if there is bloody discharge criterion for expansion motor activity there will be a disappearance of discharge, if there is leakage of amniotic fluid - the pad will be dry for several days, if there is gestosis - normalization of blood pressure, laboratory parameters, etc.

How to lie “correctly”?

It would seem a strange question, but yet it requires some clarification.

In the first trimester of pregnancy - up to 12 weeks, when the uterus does not yet emerge from the symphysis pubis and its size is small - you can afford any position in bed.

Then, until approximately 28 weeks of pregnancy, you can lie on your back or side. And when the size of the uterus is already large, you can only lie on your side. Lying on your back is not recommended, as in this case the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, limiting blood flow to the heart. As a result, blood flow in the kidneys, uterus and placenta is disrupted and may decrease arterial pressure, dizziness and loss of consciousness will develop, and blood supply to the fetus will deteriorate.

The question often arises: on which side is it better for a pregnant woman to lie? It is clear that you cannot lie only on your right or only your left side and remain in this position the whole day: this is tiring, leads to irritation, and can worsen the patient’s condition. However, it is better to stick the following recommendations: in general, during pregnancy, especially in the second half, it is better to lie predominantly on the left side, in such conditions the fetus is well supplied with blood. And for those whose fetus is in a transverse position (the fetal head is on one side, and the pelvic end is on the other, the tummy or back is facing the exit from the uterus), in order to change the position of the fetus, it is recommended to lie on the side where it is located. fetal head (this circumstance can be clarified by the doctor).

If, having assimilated the above information, you decided that you need to lie down throughout pregnancy, because bed rest is very good in itself, then I would like to remind you once again that this recommendation has medicinal value and you should not prescribe bed rest for no reason. After all, with prolonged lying down, negative effects are also possible.

Firstly, while you are in bed you produce minimal physical work, while during childbirth - final and important stage pregnancy - physical training is quite important for mothers. Therefore, as soon as the doctor allows the minimum physical exercise, do not neglect this permission.

Secondly, prolonged bed rest, especially along with non-compliance with recommendations for rational nutrition, can lead to a significant increase in weight both in the mother and, in some cases, in the baby; the result will be the birth of a fetus with a high birth weight. It must be said that childbirth large fruit are fraught with injury for both mother and baby.

I hope you understand that bed rest is important medical procedure, which the doctor prescribes along with pills and injections, but you won’t abuse this prescription either, since pregnancy itself, especially one that proceeds without complications, is in no way an indication for constant stay in bed.

Larisa Travnikova
obstetrician-gynecologist, maternity hospital at City Clinical Hospital No. 8, Moscow
Article from the October issue of the magazine

Comment on the article "Bed rest: who needs it and why?"

Her main advice is bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids. He says there is no cure for the flu. Well, the flu is a virus, but antiviral drugs it seems like there is. Bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids. The most effective against the flu.

Now the most important thing is bed rest and correct treatment, so be sure to call a doctor. Pregnancy and colds. Good afternoon! I had a cold during pregnancy 9-10 weeks, see the doctor I wasn’t, because I’m not registered yet, I’m living I had...


Don’t worry too much, I was sick too, I was 7 weeks pregnant, in general, probably if there were statistics, it would be clear that most pregnant women had colds, because whatever one may say, part of pregnancy still leads to cold season . Now the most important thing is bed rest and proper treatment, so be sure to call a doctor. Regarding special masks, I haven’t seen any, but during pregnancy the doctor told me to use Viferon gel as a preventive measure, it can also be used in case of illness, it is applied to the nasal mucosa, I first sea ​​water I washed my nose, then after 20 minutes I applied the gel, and constantly repeated the procedure at work. And in the evening I washed my nose and ate garlic, and drank ginger tea. Propolis by the way good remedy, I was saved from a sore throat with it, there is also a spray based on sea ​​water from the throat, it can be taken during pregnancy. You can also gargle with furatsilin or herbal decoctions. Drink a lot warm drink Of course, you can brew rose hips, linden, and chamomile. Get well soon, everything will be fine!

In both pregnancies, it was in the fifth or sixth week that I had a cold. I just have a cold additional feature pregnancy :) Fortunately, I didn’t know what was there and when it was laid, so I wasn’t nervous, which is what I wish for you. Everything, judging by the result, seemed to work out as it should :) By the way, I didn’t get sick even once, although the eldest one from the kindergarten regularly carried the infection.

“A really sick child will choose bed rest for himself. With bed rest too, but going outside after a fever, even if there is no fever, but the child is not yet well. Well, let’s say a cough, a cold... If there is a fever and snot, of course we won’t leave the house. .

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, keeping the room and patient’s bed clean create conditions for get well soon patients and prevent the development of many complications.

The role of proper care is great. Adequate care is the key to successful treatment even in the most difficult cases. The sicker the patient, the more difficult it is to care for him. Caring for the sick is the direct responsibility of the nurse. However, the doctor also takes part not only in treatment, but also in caring for patients.

The main location of the patient in the hospital is the bed, depending on the general condition, the patient takes one or another position in bed (active, passive and forced).

Active position: patients can independently turn in bed, sit down, stand up, move around, and serve themselves.

Passive position: patients are inactive, cannot turn around, raise their head, arm, or change body position on their own. More often these are unconscious patients, neurological patients with motor paralysis, patients with trauma to one or another part of the musculoskeletal system, or severely weakened patients (patients with prolonged intoxication, after surgical intervention, after blood loss, etc.).

Forced position: The patient takes this position to alleviate his condition. For example, during an attack of suffocation, the patient takes an orthopneic position - sits with his legs down; in case of inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy) and pain - lies on the sore side, etc.

By the position of the patient in bed, to a certain extent, one can judge the patient's condition.

However, often a patient with satisfactory health is forced to comply with the motor regimen prescribed by the doctor.

The doctor can determine the regimen physical activity(motor mode) as:

Strict bed rest;

Bed rest;

Mode with limited physical activity;

Free (general) mode.

Strict bed rest prohibits the patient from getting out of bed. Eating food and medications, medical procedures, changing underwear and bed linen, and physiological functions should be performed with the help of medical personnel and only in a horizontal position of the patient.

Bed rest allows the patient to move within the bed. In this case, for feeding or performing procedures, the patient can be turned on his side or seated.

Mode with limited physical activity (ward mode) implies the ability of the patient to move within the ward.

Free (shared) mode allows free movement of the patient around the department. These patients, in most cases, can take care of themselves.

Bed comfort is an important condition for the patient’s well-being, to speed up his recovery and reduce the likelihood of complications.

The nurse must constantly ensure that the patient’s position is functional (improves the function of a particular organ or system) and comfortable.

For this purpose, a functional bed is used, consisting of three movable sections. Using the handles located at the foot end of the bed, you can position the sections at different angles relative to each other. In this way, the position of individual parts of the patient's body can be changed. For example, bend your knees, provide a semi-sitting position, etc. In the absence of a functional bed, an elevated position of the head end can be created using a headrest or several pillows, the leg end can be raised using a bolster or pillow placed under the shins, etc.

The mattress on the bed should be thick enough with a smooth, elastic surface, without bumps or depressions.

The sheet should completely cover the mattress from above, from the ends and on the sides, its edges should be tucked under the mattress and not hang down. To prevent the sheet from rolling or bunching up, it can be secured at the edges to the mattress with safety pins.

For a seriously ill patient, you can place an oilcloth on the sheet, covering it with a diaper or another sheet folded in half, which is also fixed in a straightened form. (photo) Place a pillow in a pillowcase or two at the head end. The patient is given a blanket with a duvet cover, preferably flannelette or wool (depending on the time of year). Sheets or pillowcases on the beds of seriously ill patients should not have seams, scars, or fasteners on the side facing the patient. Bed linen - sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers - must be clean and changed weekly, or when soiled. Usually, bed linen is changed simultaneously with the hygienic procedure - bath, shower, drying.

Depending on the patient’s condition, there are different ways to change bed linen. If the patient is allowed to walk, he can change the bed linen himself with the help of a nurse or nurse. If the patient is allowed to sit, then while the bed linen is being changed, the nurse sits him on a chair next to the bed. It is much more difficult to change bed linen for bedridden patients. This manipulation must be performed by two people. Changing a sheet, with all the dexterity and skill of the nursing staff, inevitably causes anxiety to the patient, therefore, sometimes it is advisable to transfer the patient to a gurney and remake the bed, then laying him down on clean linen.


Each disease is accompanied by a set various symptoms, affecting the general condition of the patient in different ways. Bed rest is prescribed mainly in cases where the disease is severe and there are risks serious consequences. To avoid or minimize them, the patient is recommended to rest in bed, because more forces are expended during movement, and these forces are important for fighting the disease.

What diseases require bed rest?

It is most important when a person experiences general weakness, dizziness, has a high body temperature, loses concentration in space.

It can be:

  • high blood pressure, especially during a crisis;
  • vascular crisis;
  • flu or cold with complications;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • threat of miscarriage, risk of placental abruption, symphysiopathy in pregnant women;
  • heart attack;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in blood sugar;

This is far from full list diseases and conditions for which bed rest is indicated. If necessary, it is prescribed by the attending physician. This appointment is advisable depending on the person’s health condition. For example, after surgery and anesthesia, a person may feel dizzy for a long time and a person may add to his bruises by getting out of bed early. And after an attack of cardiac ischemia, the supine position will provide the patient with a better supply of oxygen to the cells than when moving. During movement, the cells' need for oxygen increases significantly.

Forms of bed rest

  1. Strict bed rest. During strict bed rest, the patient is strictly forbidden to get out of bed at all. Serving the needs of such a person falls entirely on medical staff, if he is in the hospital, or on his relatives, if the patient is at home. This includes feeding, all hygiene procedures, timely delivery of the vessel, change of linen, etc.
  2. Bed rest. The patient is allowed to get up to use the toilet and wash himself, but the rest of the time must be spent in bed, including eating.
  3. Semi-bed rest. The patient can serve himself, walk quietly to the dining room, and periodically sit on a chair or in bed. However, he is shown to spend the rest of the time in bed.

The purpose of bed rest depends on the severity of the patient’s condition, type of illness, complications and other factors.

Bed rest results

Results vary and depend on the factors that led to the regimen being prescribed. For example, at a high temperature during the flu, it costs a large number of energy and strength. When a person lies down, these forces go to fight viruses, the person recovers faster.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, bed rest is also important for pregnant women, and such patients are placed in a hospital under full supervision. The cause of the threat of miscarriage may be uterine hypertonicity or isthmic-cervical insufficiency, and mechanical impact on the uterus can accelerate fetal loss. Prescribed procedures and bed rest make it possible for a woman to still be able to bear a child. Once the threat has passed, she will be allowed to get up and lead the lifestyle prescribed by the gynecologist.

If the pressure rises sharply, there is a vascular crisis, bed rest is extremely important. During such a state, severe dizziness and loss of consciousness are not excluded, which will lead to serious complications and even injuries. A calm, relaxed state in bed and long sleep will help to quickly relieve the crisis and normalize blood pressure.

Possible problems after prolonged bed rest

If strict bed rest is necessary, when a person is forced to lie in the same position, without moving, without being able to turn around, much less stand up, some problems often arise. First of all, these are bedsores, which look like ulcers on the skin and severe irritation reddish in color.

The task of the maintenance personnel is to prevent such complications. To do this, you need to turn the patient on the other side in a timely manner, if possible, wipe well or wash the patient’s body with a clean napkin to wash off the sweat. After hygiene procedures must be applied to the skin special means, promoting the healing of bedsores and preventing the occurrence of new ones. The most vulnerable places for bedsores are the shoulder blades, sacrum, leg muscles, and buttocks.

These procedures must be carried out ward nurses. It is also their responsibility to promptly change bed linen, which may contain crumbs after eating. Crumbs can also irritate the skin, causing sores and bedsores. This is especially true for the delicate skin of children and women.

Also, during prolonged forced lying, it can develop muscle atrophy, congestion in the lungs, blood clots in the vessels, kidney stones forming. To avoid these negative phenomena special therapeutic massages, physiotherapy that part of the body that can be moved.

For example, a patient after a serious fracture of one leg can and should do a little therapeutic exercises another, healthy leg, as well as arms and neck. A physical therapist or exercise therapy instructor will help you perform such exercises. Thanks to exercise therapy, blood circulation in tissues and vessels improves, blood flow and transmission to the body cells increases useful substances, oxygen; stool is normalized (especially for constipation), physical inactivity is reduced. Congestion is eliminated and improved muscle tone, the general condition of the patient, his mood. Well justified itself and breathing exercises which can be performed even on the most immobile patients.

Assigns everything additional procedures And therapeutic exercises Therapist.

Rehabilitation after bed rest

Sometimes recovery from prolonged lying down is long and difficult. Immediately after getting out of bed, you may feel suddenly dizzy and nauseous, and your legs may not obey you. Therefore, you need to know some simple rules:

  1. Before you try to get out of bed, you need to stretch quietly in bed: arms up, toes down. The stretching must be performed at least three times.
  2. Carefully sit on the bed and try to bring your breathing back to normal. Sit quietly for 3 minutes and try to do a small exercise: raise both arms up, then put them behind your back. Do it 3 times.
  3. It is important to get out of bed slowly, not abruptly, preferably with the help of someone.
  4. Take your first steps around the room holding onto someone or surrounding objects.

Such rules are important so that after a long period of lying down, breathing and heartbeat. At first, palpitations and weakness may be felt, but as movements increase, blood supply will improve and the person’s general condition will return to normal.

In the first days, you should not immediately overload yourself with walking and other household chores. Everything should be gradual. In a week it will be possible to do short ones hiking on fresh air, which start at 15 minutes, increase with the general condition of the person, by about 10 minutes per day.

Proper nutrition is also important for a speedy recovery. Unless there are special medical instructions, it is important to consume as much fresh juices, vegetables, fermented milk products, legumes, grain porridges.

The most effective for health will be what brings moral and spiritual pleasure to a person. Alcohol and smoking are prohibited.

Galina Vladimirovna



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