Bed rest for a patient during illness. When is bed rest necessary during pregnancy?

Very often, people who have a cold continue to go to work. It is believed that this is a simple disease that will go away on its own. However, this is not at all correct. Doctors strongly recommend taking sick leave and bed rest. With this attitude towards your health, the cold will soon recede.

Failure to comply with bed rest can result in serious consequences. They can affect the most important human organ – the heart. The body, tired of the cold transferred on the legs, will not be able to prevent the penetration of viruses into the bloodstream. And then they get to the heart, which will lead to the development of an autoimmune reaction. This is a situation in which the immune system attacks healthy tissues and cells in your body. Once such an attack is completed, the function of the heart muscles may be damaged, in other words, cardiomyopathy occurs.

Other complications are also possible, such as rhinitis. To do this, infectious pathogens must reach the nasal mucosa. Pharyngitis can also begin - pharyngeal inflammation, laryngitis - laryngeal, tracheitis - tracheal. Often the consequences include bronchitis, pneumonia, and otitis media.

It is worth highlighting that the worst complication, if bed rest is not observed, can be meningitis or viral pneumonia. Meningitis is an inflammatory process affecting the brain of the back and head. Viral pneumonia develops very quickly and can be fatal within two days. The good news is that it is extremely rare.

Many people know about hundreds of thousands of deaths that occur after suffering from the flu. Still, not everyone realizes that 90% of these cases occur precisely from the consequences caused by the flu. All this happens due to the fact that the sick did not comply with bed rest, but still went to work.

Treatment in bed.

Why is bed rest so necessary? The fact is that there are no such drugs that would purposefully destroy influenza viruses. Some of the funds only support the human immune system, while the rest eliminate the symptoms of the disease. That is, only our immunity can help recover from the disease. And if you carry it on your feet, the body will not be able to cope, it will spend all its energy on everyday activities, work, fuss.

Most people who get sick make the mistake of taking common cold and flu symptoms. In this way they only make the situation worse. All the symptoms of the disease are the result of the body fighting hard. There is a rule: you can not drink antipyretic drugs if the temperature is below 38.5 degrees. An elevated temperature indicates the production of interferons. They block and destroy the virus. To enhance this process, active sweating, that is, bed rest, is necessary.

If you drown out the symptoms of the disease with all-in-one drugs, the cold will subside for a while. But when she returns, she can bring with her the most serious complications.

Basic rules of treatment

What should be the correct bed rest? When you take sick leave, you shouldn’t lie in bed all the time. Since this leads to impaired blood circulation in the lungs, and then to complications. Bed rest should be observed in the first three days of illness, when the condition is very serious. Still, you sometimes need to get up, walk around the apartment, or at least sit. This will help improve blood flow throughout the body, which means speeding up recovery.

The optimal temperature (about 18 degrees) and humidity (45%) must be observed. If the patient has a high temperature and the room is very hot, the body will overheat and the condition will worsen. And too low humidity will lead to dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose, lungs, and complications will also arise.

Bed rest, observed for a very long time, entails a violation of the processes of metabolism and thermoregulation. Viruses and bacteria in the lungs will begin to multiply at increased speed. And then you won’t be able to do without bronchitis and pharyngitis.

You should not overuse vitamin C. In large quantities, it will speed up the work of the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of adrenaline (stress hormone). And it, in turn, helps suppress the immune system. You shouldn’t go to extremes either; you can’t stop taking the vitamin completely. A sufficient amount of vitamin C is 0.5 mg per day. You can replace the tablet form with 3 lemons or one and a half glasses of orange juice. 50 grams of currants contain the same amount of vitamin C.

The work of this substance is that it improves vascular permeability. Metabolic processes in the body are improved, the healing process is accelerated. The possibility of complications is minimized. In addition to all this, vitamin C serves as an antioxidant. By binding toxic hazardous substances that arise during the inflammation process, it removes them from the body.

It would be a good idea to remember the ancient Chinese proverb: “Sometimes, in order to move forward, you need to stop and take a break.” This is also true in a situation with illness. After resting at home, observing bed rest, the body will heal, get stronger and become stronger.

Bed rest is a word from the deep past. But going to work with a cough and snot is also stupid. So how should you get sick correctly?

Even 50 years ago, it was necessary to lie down until complete recovery for bronchitis, flu and even a common cold, not to mention more serious illnesses. And today, people get out of bed within a couple of days, even after surgical interventions. Some people even get up on the day of surgery and go home. Even bed rest after a heart attack was reduced from six weeks to several days.

This is because scientists have proven that no drugs can replace the beneficial effects of movement. Only with its help do all systems of the body self-adjust and strengthen.

Bed analogues

The first serious work that questioned the need for long-term bed rest appeared 50 years ago. An article written by the eminent physician Richard Asher, “The Dangers of Staying in Bed,” caused a mini-revolution in medicine. Escher rightly presented that after just a couple of days of lying down, blood clots may appear in the vessels of the legs, pneumonia may begin, constipation may form, kidney stones may develop, depression may occur, and bones will begin to lose calcium.

But no one has canceled this regime yet. After all, in addition to bed, there is home and even free.

This means that we lie in bed only during the most acute period of the disease - if we have a high temperature, and if we have a serious illness. But not for long.

Once the crisis has passed, bed rest should switch to home rest.

It is not at all necessary to get sick while lying down, but the main thing is to get sick at rest. This means no need to do strenuous exercise, solve work problems, or run around the city.

Of course, it’s very difficult to force yourself to sit at home if nothing seems to hurt or bother you. Well, you need to try to convince yourself that this is simply necessary for the reasons listed below.

You will speed up your recovery. A scarf around the throat, woolen socks, rinsing, rubbing, the ability to do inhalations, and the absence of drafts can only be ensured at home.

You'll get some sleep. As we know, extra hours of sleep are beneficial.

You will give your nervous system a rest. A couple of days away from the office will reduce the usual dose of stress.

By putting your body into a gentle mode, you will avoid complications.

Save working time. It is better to miss a couple of working days than to work at half capacity for a month because the body is not strong enough after an illness.

A good remedy against chronic fatigue and cardiovascular diseases. The drug q10 is an achievement of modern medicine; it is easily absorbed by the body and helps improve the patient’s well-being. It is available to everyone - contact your doctor for more detailed advice.

3 compelling arguments for workaholics

Argument No. 1. People who, despite ARVI, go to work, significantly shorten their lives. This conclusion was reached by scientists at University College London, who observed 10 thousand civil servants for 10 years. It turns out that 35-40% of those who practically never take sick leave, after a couple of years, are almost 2 times more likely to end up in hospitals with serious diseases of the blood vessels, kidneys, heart and other especially important organs.

Argument #2. Have pity on your colleagues on whom you unleash your pathogenic bacteria. This is inhumane.

Argument No. 3. It is unlikely that your superiors will appreciate your sacrifice. This will in no way affect bonuses or salaries.

To each his own time

The length of house arrest usually depends on the nature of the disease and your genetic characteristics. It can be:

2-3 days after high fever and if there are no other clinical manifestations;

7-10 days for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, acute respiratory infections without complications;

10-12 days for sore throat, of which the first 2 days must be spent in bed.

12-15 days of home rest are necessary for bronchitis (you can and should get out of bed as soon as the temperature drops).

It is important to remember that if you endure untreated sore throat on your legs, then you are on the way to diseases of the joints and heart.

Pregnancy is a very pleasant and responsible period in the life of every woman. But, unfortunately, things don’t always go smoothly. Some women have to be especially careful about their health and reduce their activity. In case of any threat to the health of the mother or child, the doctor can put in a hospital for preservation. This means strict bed rest, which can vary in duration and severity. It all depends on the detected pathology.

What is bed rest

If the doctor has discovered a very real threat of miscarriage or a complication has arisen that may subsequently affect the development and growth of the baby or adversely affect his health, then he suggests that the woman go to the maternity hospital for preservation. If the woman's condition is relatively satisfactory, then the doctor can give her a sick leave so that she can rest at home.

Many women, especially pregnant women, are frightened by the word “hospitalization.” Pregnant women are afraid that they will have to stay in the hospital before giving birth. There are cases when almost the entire pregnancy has to be preserved, but it is very rare. In most cases, rest and reduced activity are only needed for a while. As soon as the threat has passed, you can return to the normal rhythm of life, but you should not overexert yourself.

Reasons for hospitalization

The main reasons for referral to hospital may be the following threats of abortion:

1. Hypertonicity of the uterus, which is accompanied by nagging abdominal pain.

2. Spotting or bleeding.

3. Isthmic - cervical insufficiency, in simple words we can say that this is insufficiency of the cervix.

4. Threat of placental abruption.

If you are admitted to the hospital with such symptoms, then most likely you will have to spend a long time there. As soon as the danger has passed, you will immediately be transferred to free mode.

Reasons for strict bed rest

It is also worth noting that bed rest during pregnancy (14–26 weeks) does not always mean being in bed all the time. Of course, you are allowed to get up and walk around. But there are also special cases in which you cannot even go up to the toilet. Of course, you wouldn’t want to spend your entire pregnancy in a hospital room. Such cases are very rare and are caused by the following reasons: postoperative period, bleeding, placental abruption. This period can last from several hours to several weeks.

Bed rest options

Let's take a closer look at what the regimes are and the importance of following them.

1. Strict bed rest, during which a woman is prohibited from getting in and out of bed.

2. Extended bed rest. During this regime, you are allowed to sit several times a day for several minutes.

3. Ward bed rest. During this period, you can only spend half the day in bed. The rest of the time you can change positions - reclining or half-sitting, and also take short walks of 100 - 200 meters at a slow pace.

4. Free mode. This mode allows movement of up to 1 kilometer per day. You can walk up the stairs. It is important to take a break every 200 meters so as not to overwork yourself.

5. Gentle mode. It's the normal rhythm of life, but with plenty of rest. This type of bed rest is common even in completely healthy pregnant women. If a woman went in for sports before pregnancy, then during a gentle regimen, moderate physical activity is acceptable.

Now it has probably become clearer that hospitalization does not provide only strict bed rest. As soon as the condition of the expectant mother improves, the regimen expands. Prolonged bed rest is not only very tedious, but also not very useful for a pregnant woman. After all, with insufficient movement, muscle tone decreases. This is fraught with such consequences as atrophy, the development of osteoporosis, the washing out of calcium bones, impaired joint mobility. Therefore, as soon as the threat to the health of the baby passes, you will definitely be allowed to get up and move.

Bed rest during pregnancy 14 - 28 weeks is not as easy to endure as in the first weeks, but also not as difficult as in the last. During this period, the uterus occupies a sufficient part, which sometimes causes discomfort. At this time, you can lie on your back, with the head end raised, as well as on your right or left side.

Tips that are important to use during bed rest

Only a doctor who monitors the progress of pregnancy can prescribe bed rest. He knows the true cause of the threat and what is causing it. The reasons may be related to complications during pregnancy itself or to exacerbation of chronic diseases that pregnancy provoked. In order to avoid circulatory problems, you need to change position, turn over from one side to the other. If the baby is lying incorrectly in the womb, then special methods of positioning in bed are used.

Diseases come unexpectedly and significantly complicate human life. But they can be treated not only with medications. Often, in order for therapy to promote complete recovery of the body, bed rest is necessary.

General understanding of limitation of physical activity

Each disease is individual and affects the body differently. But there is a generally accepted set of measures and rules that should be followed for various ailments. In particular, this is the need for bed rest. Depending on the diagnosis, the type of motor limitation may differ. The decision on its mandatory nature and duration is made by the doctor. The specialist does this on the basis of medical prescriptions applicable to the given disease. It is necessary to realize that such a measure is as important as taking medications, and ignoring it can lead to a worsening of the condition and unpredictable consequences. Therefore, bed rest is mandatory for patients to whom it is prescribed.

The feasibility of this measure

Like everything in medicine, this restriction has a clearly defined meaning and expediency. First of all, the following goals are pursued:

  • To a certain extent, limit the patient’s movement activity (in some cases, practically immobilize him) in order to reduce the cells’ need for oxygen, which will reduce the consequences of hypoxia and allow adequate adaptation to the conditions that arise.
  • A horizontal position and a state of rest will inevitably reduce pain, for example after surgery. And this, in turn, will lead to a reduction in the dosage of painkillers.
  • Provide the body with proper rest and restore the strength of a person exhausted by illness.

It is worth noting that we can talk about the physiological nature of bed rest only if the patient is able to move at least a little. Otherwise, over time, complete immobilization will lead to a number of problems, and the task of the medical staff is to carry out a set of measures to avoid possible complications.

Types of bed rest

What is a mode? It is the fulfillment of rules or clearly defined conditions. There are different types of it: daily routine and others. This article discusses the hospital regime, thanks to which the patient recovers.

Types of restrictions on physical activity include the following positions:

  1. Strict bed rest. This type involves almost complete immobilization and is the most difficult from the point of view of physiology and psyche. The patient is strictly not allowed to rise or sit down, and sometimes the person is prescribed complete immobilization.
  2. Regular bedding. Limited physical activity within the bed is allowed. Further, when the patient begins to recover, he is allowed to sit down and even do gymnastic exercises under the supervision of a specialist.
  3. Ward. This type of regime is called semi-bed rest. The patient usually goes to the toilet and dining room, partially serves himself, but his main life activities are limited to the hospital ward.
  4. General. Movement and walking are allowed without restrictions. The patient takes full care of himself.

Strict bed rest: responsibilities of medical staff

When prescribing this type of regimen, all work to care for the patient falls on the shoulders of medical personnel. This category of employees is responsible not only for providing for the physiological needs of a seriously ill patient, but also for supporting his moral state. Therefore, sensitivity and mutual understanding between the health worker and the sick person are very important. The most difficult thing from a care point of view is strict restriction of activity. In such cases, the nurse’s responsibilities include:

  • Feeding. Food should be warm, attractive in appearance and served at the same time.
  • Delivery of the vessel (diaper change). This is a special moment. There are intimate situations in life in which a person tends to withdraw. Considering that the patient cannot independently fulfill a physiological need, but is forced to ask strangers for help, this often brings moral suffering to the patient. The health worker must understand this and provide the person with at least a screen separating him from others.
  • Hygienic measures. During strict bed rest they are especially important. It is necessary to provide the patient with diapers and wet wipes to relieve him of the feeling of inferiority. But treatment of the inguinal folds and genitals after each act of defecation or urination is mandatory.
  • Change of bed linen.
  • Transfer to a gurney.
  • Necessary medical procedures: placing a gas tube, enema, etc.

Fighting bedsores

In addition, if prolonged bed rest occurs, the health care provider should monitor for possible formation of pressure ulcers and promptly avoid this. To prevent the appearance of irritations and ulcers on the skin, you should regularly treat it in vulnerable places (shoulder blades, sacrum) and periodically turn the patient over. You also need to make sure that the linen is cotton and without tight seams, and that there are no crumbs left over from dinner in the bed. For a helpless person, these are not trifles at all.

As for other motor limitations, partial assistance from a nurse may be needed during bed rest. It can be expressed in the participation of the ward nurse in hygiene measures and feeding the patient. In addition, the health worker must ensure peace and quiet on the premises of the department.

What diseases limit motor activity?

Bed rest of varying degrees can be prescribed for many diseases. First of all, these are, of course, injuries, post-operative conditions, concussions and other craniocerebral disorders, infectious diseases, difficult pregnancy, all ailments that are treated in intensive care units and intensive care wards. In general, as already mentioned, the patient’s bed rest is important for the healing process to the same extent as drug therapy.

Resuscitation: features of bed rest

As for the intensive care unit, only strict bed rest is used here. This is obvious because in the wards and emergency rooms there are people who were practically born twice. Many of them have experienced clinical death, others are in the state of death. Considering that the patients are completely immobilized, the care of medical staff is especially important here. The specificity of such departments is that patients in them are kept without underwear and in general wards that are not separated by gender. As for the first, this is necessary for full access to the body in case situations arise when a person needs to carry out life-saving measures. In addition, medical staff must have 24-hour access to treat skin and wounds to avoid complications.

Complete rest

Complete immobilization here is of particular importance, since patients in extremely critical condition are constantly connected to IVs, catheters, pacemakers and other equipment. Naturally, its disconnection due to careless movement of the patient can cause bleeding, disruption of tissue integrity, respiratory arrest and lead to death.

Bed rest for concussion

Let's look at several common conditions in which bed rest is vital. Such diseases include traumatic brain injuries, in particular concussions. It comes in different degrees of severity, but in any case a certain regime is necessary (strict bed or semi-bed - the doctor decides).

In severe cases, of course, hospitalization is required. But if the condition allows you to stay at home, then you should remember that with such diseases you need to stay mainly in a horizontal position for about a week. In some cases, it is allowed to get out of bed to rest and eat. It is important not to forget that the patient needs complete rest: watching TV, working at the computer, reading books, etc. is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to a significant deterioration of the condition.

Bed rest during pregnancy

There is another period in a person’s life when bed rest may be necessary - this is a difficult pregnancy. The doctor makes a decision on hospitalization in the event of a threat of miscarriage or the possibility of disturbances in the development of the unborn child. What kind of bed rest will be needed in each specific case is decided by the gynecologist. But there are conditions in which a pregnant woman will have to spend almost the entire period in a horizontal position without the right to get up and sit down. This happens when there is a threat of placental abruption, uterine hypertonicity or cervical insufficiency. But basically, pregnant women are prescribed a ward regime with a gradual transition to general and gentle (at home).

It is worth noting that with, for example, extended bed rest, the expectant mother is allowed to sit for no more than a few minutes a day. If ward rest (bed rest) is prescribed, then the woman should stay in bed for half a day, and the rest of the time be in a semi-sitting position, sometimes slowly moving up to 200 meters. In general mode, you can walk at a leisurely pace (up to 1 km) and use stairs.

How to keep a sick child in bed?

All parents are familiar with the situation when a child has a high temperature, and he tries to run around the apartment. Many people are perplexed, not understanding how to explain to their child that an infectious disease requires a regime (even more so in bed). But, since compliance with this condition in the acute period is necessary, parents have to resort to various tricks to calm the child. First of all, mother should understand the consequences of non-compliance with the regime. This can lead to complications in the functioning of the heart, urinary system, and serious vascular disorders. Therefore, bed rest in children is prescribed when body temperature rises, of course, only during an exacerbation of the disease. This measure will save the child’s energy to fight the disease, help avoid complications and speed up recovery.

There are diseases for which bed rest cannot be avoided, for example injuries, when strict fixation of the damaged area is necessary. In such cases, so that being forced to sit without movement does not lead to whims, and in older children to depression, it is necessary to help the child successfully survive this period. Provide your child with toys, printed board games, interesting books, and you can allow him to watch TV for a while. It would be a good idea to occasionally invite relatives or friends whom the child will be happy to see. It is imperative to help the patient change position to avoid muscle stiffness and numbness of the limbs. If long-term bed rest is provided, it is recommended to purchase special devices used to avoid bedsores. In the case of infectious diseases, you can sometimes take a sitting position, and after the acute period has passed, begin to gradually intensify your motor mode.

Gymnastics during bed rest

It is important to remember that exercise is recommended even when strict bed rest is prescribed. They involve passive movements of the limbs and active ones in the area of ​​small joints. Breathing exercises and massage have worked well.

For other types of motor limitations, the following exercises are recommended:

  • At the initial stages of bed rest, it is important to adapt the patient to later life, so it is necessary to pay attention to the resumption of self-care skills. First of all, this is feeding, which the medical staff gradually begins to perform provided the patient is in a sitting position. These measures are designed to return the patient to a full life. In addition, daily exercises are gradually included: active movements of the limbs at an average pace lasting no more than 15 minutes.
  • When prescribing a ward regime, slow walking is allowed for a distance of about two hundred meters, gentle exercises at an average pace in a lying and sitting position.
  • In the case of a general regimen, exercises performed at moderate intensity for half an hour are required. They are carried out mainly while standing, gradually becoming more difficult, and throwing a light ball is also allowed. Often groups of such patients work with a specialist in a physical therapy room.

Complications of prolonged bed rest

Prolonged bed rest after various serious illnesses is not uncommon. But we must understand that forced long-term immobilization has extremely negative consequences for the human body. Physical inactivity causes metabolic deterioration, vascular changes, congestion in the respiratory organs, skin disorders, dysfunction of the urinary system (sometimes infection) and psychological problems. In addition, it has been proven that a person without exercise loses up to 3% of muscle mass every day, which can lead to complete muscle atrophy and weight loss. This is why, after a long coma, people learn to walk again. A conscious, bedridden patient should at least manipulate the comb and brush his teeth independently - this will help avoid severe

It must be remembered that any restriction presupposes feasible activity. If this is followed, a person’s recovery will be significantly accelerated.

Each disease is accompanied by a set of different symptoms that have different effects on the general condition of the patient. Bed rest is prescribed mainly in cases where the disease is severe and there are risks of serious consequences. To avoid or minimize them, the patient is recommended to rest in bed, because more forces are expended during movement, and these forces are important for fighting the disease.

What diseases require bed rest?

It is most important when a person experiences general weakness, dizziness, has a high body temperature, and loses concentration in space.

It can be:

  • high blood pressure, especially during a crisis;
  • vascular crisis;
  • flu or cold with complications;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • threat of miscarriage, risk of placental abruption, symphysiopathy in pregnant women;
  • heart attack;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in blood sugar;

This is not a complete list of diseases and conditions for which bed rest is indicated. If necessary, it is prescribed by the attending physician. This appointment is advisable depending on the person’s health condition. For example, after surgery and anesthesia, a person may feel dizzy for a long time and a person may add to his bruises by getting out of bed early. And after an attack of cardiac ischemia, the supine position will provide the patient with a better supply of oxygen to the cells than when moving. During movement, the cells' need for oxygen increases significantly.

Forms of bed rest

  1. Strict bed rest. During strict bed rest, the patient is strictly forbidden to get out of bed at all. Serving the needs of such a person falls entirely on the medical staff if he is in the hospital, or on his relatives if the patient is at home. This includes feeding, all hygiene procedures, timely delivery of the vessel, change of linen, etc.
  2. Bed rest. The patient is allowed to get up to use the toilet and wash himself, but the rest of the time must be spent in bed, including eating.
  3. Semi-bed rest. The patient can serve himself, walk quietly to the dining room, and periodically sit on a chair or in bed. However, he is shown to spend the rest of the time in bed.

The purpose of bed rest depends on the severity of the patient’s condition, type of illness, complications and other factors.

Bed rest results

Results vary and depend on the factors that led to the regimen being prescribed. For example, with a high temperature during the flu, a large amount of energy and strength is spent on overcoming the disease. When a person lies down, these forces go to fight viruses, the person recovers faster.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, bed rest is also important for pregnant women, and such patients are placed in a hospital under full supervision. The cause of the threat of miscarriage may be uterine hypertonicity or isthmic-cervical insufficiency, and mechanical effects on the uterus can accelerate fetal loss. Prescribed procedures and bed rest make it possible for a woman to still be able to bear a child. Once the threat has passed, she will be allowed to get up and lead the lifestyle prescribed by the gynecologist.

If the pressure rises sharply, there is a vascular crisis, bed rest is extremely important. During this condition, severe dizziness and loss of consciousness are possible, which will lead to serious complications and even injuries. A calm, relaxed state in bed and long sleep will help to quickly relieve the crisis and normalize blood pressure.

Possible problems after prolonged bed rest

If strict bed rest is necessary, when a person is forced to lie in the same position, without moving, without being able to turn around, much less stand up, some problems often arise. First of all, these are bedsores, which look on the skin in the form of ulcers and severe irritations of a reddish color.

The task of the maintenance personnel is to prevent such complications. To do this, you need to turn the patient on the other side in a timely manner, if possible, wipe well or wash the patient’s body with a clean napkin to wash off the sweat. After hygiene procedures, it is necessary to apply special products to the skin to promote the healing of bedsores and prevent the formation of new ones. The most vulnerable places for bedsores are the shoulder blades, sacrum, leg muscles, and buttocks.

Ward nurses are required to perform these procedures. It is also their responsibility to promptly change bed linen, which may contain crumbs after eating. Crumbs can also irritate the skin, causing sores and bedsores. This is especially true for the delicate skin of children and women.

Also, during prolonged forced lying, muscle atrophy, congestion in the lungs, blood clots in the vessels, and kidney stones can develop. To avoid these negative phenomena, special therapeutic massages and therapeutic exercise are performed on the part of the body that can be moved.

For example, a patient after a serious fracture of one leg can and should gradually perform therapeutic exercises with the other, healthy leg, as well as with the arms and neck. A physical therapist or exercise therapy instructor will help you perform such exercises. Thanks to exercise therapy, blood circulation in tissues and vessels improves, blood flow and the transfer of useful substances and oxygen to the body’s cells are enhanced; stool is normalized (especially for constipation), physical inactivity is reduced. Congestion is eliminated, muscle tone, the general condition of the patient, and his mood are improved. Breathing exercises, which can be performed even in the most immobile patients, have also proven themselves well.

All additional procedures and therapeutic exercises are prescribed by the attending physician.

Rehabilitation after bed rest

Sometimes recovery from prolonged lying down is long and difficult. Immediately after getting out of bed, you may feel suddenly dizzy and nauseous, and your legs may not obey you. Therefore, you need to know some simple rules:

  1. Before you try to get out of bed, you need to stretch quietly in bed: arms up, toes down. The stretching must be performed at least three times.
  2. Carefully sit on the bed and try to bring your breathing back to normal. Sit quietly for 3 minutes and try to do a small exercise: raise both arms up, then put them behind your back. Do it 3 times.
  3. It is important to get out of bed slowly, not abruptly, preferably with the help of someone.
  4. Take your first steps around the room holding onto someone or surrounding objects.

Such rules are important so that after a long period of lying down, breathing and heart rate return to normal. At first, palpitations and weakness may be felt, but as movements increase, blood supply will improve and the person’s general condition will return to normal.

In the first days, you should not immediately overload yourself with walking and other household chores. Everything should be gradual. In a week, it will be possible to take short walks in the fresh air, which start at 15 minutes and increase according to the person’s general condition, by about 10 minutes a day.

Proper nutrition is also important for a speedy recovery. Unless there are special medical instructions, it is important to consume as much fresh juices, vegetables, dairy products, legumes, and grain porridges as possible.

The most effective for health will be what brings moral and spiritual pleasure to a person. Alcohol and smoking are prohibited.

Galina Vladimirovna



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