Interesting facts about medications. We have collected facts about medications, after which doubts arise as to whether we are being treated correctly at all

To be convinced once again how strong and, basically, harmful effects provide medications, I suggest you read the ones I have selected Interesting Facts about tablets:

  • The very first instructions on the rules for taking pills consisted of 120 words. Currently, the instructions for some tablets contain more than 6,000 words.
  • Scientists from the American research center named after F. Hutchinson declared, excess weight in women, it reduces the effectiveness of contraceptives.
  • Popular in Western Europe and the USA in the 40s and 50s of the 20th century, diet pills contained worm eggs.
  • Scientists from the University of California at Irvine discovered birth control pills significantly improve memory.
  • Medical observations have revealed an interesting by-effect antidepressant drug clomipramine - 5% of patients who took it experienced orgasm when yawning.
  • Ancient Greek famous doctor Hippocrates in his studies described about 200 tablets and other drugs. Today there are more than 200,000 drugs.
  • There are historical materials that contain information about the use of the drug methamphetamine by German soldiers in World War II. His pills were an official part of the rations of tank crews and pilots.
  • An interesting fact about tablets was discovered by American researchers - approximately 85% of medications do not lose their medicinal properties after the expiration date. Some drugs can be treated with almost the same effectiveness even after 15 years.
  • Doctors are of the opinion, despite a large number of a variety of medications for toothache, the most effective is regular Aspirin, as well as tablets based on it.
  • Historical facts prove that in the 19th century. Heroin was used to treat cough.
  • During the period of numerous strikes in Venezuela from late 2002 to early 2003, Viagra use skyrocketed. In terms of sales volume, Venezuela ranks 3rd among countries around the world, while in terms of population it ranks 45th.
  • Alkazeltzer significantly increased sales figures (by 40%) due to a marketing move - in advertising, instead of 1 tablet, 2 were shown at once.
  • The power of self-hypnosis (placebo effect) is so high that doctors often use dummy pills to treat depression, stomach ulcers, cramps, headaches, etc. They usually contain lactose.
  • In the 1960s, newly emerging contraceptives had in one tablet the same amount of hormones as the whole package now contains.

Interesting facts about medications December 5th, 2016

Often people have no idea how many interesting and unusual things are hidden within the world. Take, for example, the medications we are used to. Some of them hide such interesting facts that sometimes you can’t believe them. For example, you suddenly noticed a strange craving for gambling, although you previously walked around gambling establishments a kilometer away. But the reason for this may be side effects medicines!

There is a reason why doctors recommend taking medications only with water. For example, if you take a pill with milk, it will lose its effectiveness and simply won’t work. But a couple of centuries ago, medications were washed down only with beer. IN medical institutions Petersburg, the foamy drink was even given to patients preparing for discharge. In the 19th century, beer was considered a generally accepted means of disinfection, strengthening the immune system and increasing general tone body. In Germany they even founded a special beer institute. Scientists who studied the foamy drink came to the conclusion that a liter of unfiltered beer will bring human body more benefits than drinking a liter of milk.

In 1872, British-born American chemist Robert Augustus Chesbrough patented the process for producing petroleum jelly. But initially this ointment was not used as a laxative at all. Vaseline was widely used as a stain remover for furniture upholstery. But a year later, the scientist concluded that medicinal properties Vaseline, the use of which internally causes a laxative effect, and use as an ointment promotes the healing of damaged skin.

In the early 90s of the twentieth century, Pfizer decided to introduce pharmaceutical market new heart drug- sildenafil citrate. However, clinical trials of this medicine ended in failure - no therapeutic effects it had no effect on the heart. At the same time, male representatives of the control group noted that the use of the medicine caused them excitement. Thus, sildenafil citrate, instead of improving blood supply in the heart area, contributed to an increase in blood flow in reproductive organs. This is how it was invented future drug Viagra.

In 1886, pharmacist John Stith Pemberton introduced a new drug to the United States. broad action, intended for the treatment of diseases nervous system, impotence, as well as for removing pain symptoms of various origins. The medicine was a mixture of coca leaves and cola nuts in a 3:1 ratio. 17 years after Coca-Cola appeared on the market, manufacturers were accused of aiding and abetting the riots caused by townspeople under the influence of the intoxicating substance that was part of the drink - Coca juice. Coca-Cola production technology has been changed, and when processing fresh leaves coca, cocaine was first removed from them.

In the first ten days of August 1897, Felix Hoffmann, a staff pharmacist of the German company Bayer, using the acetylation method, received salicylic acid V pure form and stable shape. This is how Aspirin appeared - the world's first medicine based on an artificially created substance.

In the 20s of the 19th century, regular ketchup was sold in American pharmacies. He was considered the right remedy in the treatment of eczema and baldness, and was even patented as a drug. Although today ketchup is used in cooking and not in medicine, the pigment lycopene included in its composition is a very useful antioxidant for the body. Even in fresh tomato the concentration of lycopene is much lower than in ketchup. Nowadays, lycopene can be purchased at the pharmacy in tablet form.

Everyone has probably heard about the placebo effect. This effect is based on a person’s own belief in a cure for the disease by using “dummy” drugs. Thanks to self-hypnosis, a person convinces himself of the effectiveness of such a drug, although in fact it contains none medicinal substance. Lactose is used as a placebo base.

Antibiotics were invented due to the laziness of their creator, Alexander Fleming. He did not want to wash the laboratory glassware that contained bacterial staphylococcal cultures, so the test tubes and Petri dishes stood dirty for several days. A colony grew there molds, which began to kill bacteria. Surprised by this effect, Fleming decided to isolate the active substance that inhibits bacteria. This is how the first antibiotic, penicillin, appeared.

Although the first antibiotics began to be actively used in medicine only in the last century, even the ancient Egyptians treated some infectious diseases flatbread with mold. So we can say that antibiotics appeared in ancient Egypt.

Chemist Robert Chesterburg, the creator of Vaseline, originally recommended his invention as a stain remover for furniture. He then came to the conclusion that Vaseline - excellent medicine, and advised everyone to eat a teaspoon of the drug daily. It is not known whether Vaseline improved the health of other people, but Chesterburg himself lived to the age of 96.

In 1992, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer conducted clinical trials of a new heart medicine– sildenafil citrate. The trials ended in failure: the drug had almost no therapeutic effect on the heart. However, many men from the control group flatly refused to return the pills, because felt like real sex giants after taking them. This is how an unplanned side effect allowed the famous Viagra to be born.

A funny side effect has also been observed with the antidepressant clomipramine: 5% of patients taking it can experience an orgasm simply by yawning!

The famous German pharmaceutical company Bayer AG launched on the market in 1898 children's medicine for a cough that was... heroin! It was only in 1913 that it was no longer prescribed to children, although this “medicine” could be freely purchased in German pharmacies back in 1971.

In the second half of the 19th century, cocaine was used as a pain reliever. Sigmund Freud experienced the effects of cocaine himself and, as a result, prescribed it to his patients as a cure for depression, sexual dysfunction, alcoholism and syphilis. For some reason, Freud was sure that cocaine was not addictive, but, as it turned out, he was seriously mistaken.

Until 1913, American doctors prescribed Coca-Cola to their patients as a remedy for headaches and stomach pain. This is not surprising: at that time the drink contained cocaine.

In the 30s of the 19th century in the United States, ketchup was sold as a cure for baldness and eczema on the legs.

Diet pills, popular in the USA and Western Europe in the 40-50s of the last century, contained worm eggs.

American doctors often prescribe to junior high school students who complain of mild ailments during classes, special medicine Obecalp, the active substance of which is regular sugar. About him therapeutic effect It's easy to guess by reading this title in reverse order.

What set of numbers equals one in the UK in the legal sense?

In the UK, in the legal sense, all numbers greater than 0.5 and less than 1.5 are considered to be one. The reason for this decision was trial between two pharmaceutical companies. One of them holds a patent for a wound healing agent containing silver ions from 1 to 25% of the drug’s weight, while the other has released a similar product that contains 0.77% of such ions. Previously, in similar cases, numbers greater than 0.95 were taken as a unit, but when considering the case, the court discovered an asymmetry in the definition, decided to consider everything in the range from 0.5 to 1.5 as a unit, and thereby satisfied the claim for patent infringement.

In which animals is it detected? positive effect from taking a placebo?

Not only people, but also animals are susceptible to the placebo effect. In a control group of epileptic dogs given pacifiers, the number of seizures decreased in 79% of participants. Scientists suggest that the improvement in condition is explained either by the expectation of the dogs themselves, who have become accustomed to the medications after many years of illness, or by the expectation of their owners, who convey to the animals confidence in the benefits of treatment. We also cannot exclude a more prosaic explanation related to the cyclical nature of epilepsy: since taking a placebo may occur during an exacerbation phase, after some time there are fewer seizures due to natural reasons.

How does the effectiveness of placebo tablets depend on their quantity, color and cost?

The effectiveness of a placebo depends on many characteristics of the dummy pills themselves. For example, taking two tablets instead of one has a greater effect on the patient. Tablets are suitable for different diseases different color: Depression is best treated with yellow placebos, and stomach ulcers with white placebos. The cost of the tablets is also significant - in many cases, the more expensive ones give a greater effect than the cheaper ones that are identical to them.

Where and when did Bayer knowingly sell drugs that could be contaminated with HIV?

In the early 1980s in the United States, after evidence of the existence of AIDS appeared, the disease began to be recorded not only in the most at risk people from among homosexuals and drug addicts, but also in patients with hemophilia. It turned out that the virus was transmitted through drugs to improve blood clotting, which contained plasma from infected donors. After the scandal broke, Bayer and other presenters pharmaceutical companies began producing a safe, heat-treated version of the drug, but its supply began only within the country. And in Asian and Latin American countries, sales of old drugs continued for several more years, since corporations were not eager to destroy their stocks, produced in large quantities.

What is the choice between Western and Indian medicine did Gandhi do for himself and his wife?

In 1944, at the age of 74, Mahatma Gandhi's wife Kasturba fell ill. bronchial pneumonia, having previously suffered several heart attacks. One of Kasturba's sons offered to treat her with penicillin, but Gandhi refused, allowing only traditional Indian methods to be used - for example, rubbing with water from the Ganges. At the same time, Gandhi stated that the fate of his wife was in the hands of God, who was testing his faith, but a few days later she died. A month and a half later, Gandhi himself fell ill with malaria, and after three weeks unsuccessful traditional treatment agreed to take quinine and recovered. It is worth noting that quinine was known as remedy for several centuries, and penicillin began to be used in 1942, and its mass production in the West was only in the project.

What wounds are not recommended to be treated with hydrogen peroxide?

For the treatment of small superficial wounds The use of hydrogen peroxide is not advisable, since it damages the cells adjacent to the wound and, thus, increases the healing time. This tool it is justified to use only to clean complex wounds from dirt, blood clots and pus before introducing an antiseptic solution.

It is not recommended to drink grapefruit juice while taking medications. It contains furanocoumarins, which contribute to a multiple increase in concentration active substances medications in the blood, which can lead to an overdose. To the group increased risk includes antiarrhythmic, antihistamine, lipid-lowering and antitussive drugs, and in total unwanted effects from mixing with grapefruit juice identified in at least 40 drugs, including drugs for erectile dysfunction.

Why don’t they treat wounds with brilliant green in the USA and Europe?

A solution of brilliant green dye, popularly known as “zelenka,” is used as an antiseptic only in Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space. In the USA and European countries, green stuff is allowed, but no one uses it. Russian doctors suggest several reasons for this: from the unaesthetic appearance of the patient after treatment with brilliant green to uncertainty regarding its possible carcinogenic properties, since no one has conducted relevant studies.

How does the Coca-Cola manufacturer acquire coca leaf extract?

Coca-Cola contains coca leaf extract, although in much smaller quantities than in the first years of its sales. This extract The Coca Cola Company buys from only one supplier - Stepan Company, the only company in the United States, which is allowed to import coca. Moreover, leaves are supplied to Coca-Cola after all the cocaine has been obtained from them, which, in turn, is supplied pharmaceutical plant Mallinckrodt. This is the only plant in the United States that has government approval to produce cocaine-containing medicinal products.

Can hormone injections mimic physical exercise to combat obesity?

In humans and other mammals, there are two types of fat cells - white and brown. Exactly white fat cells associated with obesity and overweight, while brown ones are much more active in helping the body replenish energy deficiency by burning calories. Scientists recently discovered that exercise triggers the release of a previously unknown hormone, irisin, which causes white fat to turn brown and also increases the body's sensitivity to glucose. Experiments on mice showed that simple injections of irisin without physical activity help reduce weight. It is assumed that drugs based on this hormone will radically increase the effectiveness of treating obesity and diabetes.

How long after the expiration date can medications remain effective? therapeutic effect?

According to research by the American Quality Assurance Administration food products And medicines, approximately 85% of medications retain their therapeutic effect for a long time after the expiration date - some up to 15 years. At the same time, their effectiveness may decrease slightly over time, but most of the original potential remains. Exceptions to this rule include nitroglycerin, insulin, and some liquid antibiotics.

Where can you try a drink made from a live frog?

There are many cafes in Peru where you can try a special drink made from frogs. One recipe for its preparation involves mixing a live frog with bean soup, honey, aloe juice and poppy plant root in a blender. It is believed that this drink helps against various diseases such as asthma or bronchitis, and also increases potency.

What events led to Venezuela becoming 3rd in the world in terms of Viagra sales?

During the general strike in Venezuela from December 2, 2002 to February 2, 2003, Viagra consumption increased sharply. In terms of sales of these tablets, Venezuela then took 3rd place in the world, although it ranks only 45th in terms of population.

Although people began to use medicines thousands of years before our era, pharmaceuticals as a science was formed relatively recently.

The profession of a pharmacist is rooted in the culture of the Sumerians, a people who lived in the territory of modern Iraq. Starting around 4000 BC, they began to use medicinal plants such as licorice, mustard, myrrh and opium for healing various diseases. Most often, the preparation of medicines was carried out by clergy.

The ancient Egyptians are known to be the founders of medicine. In those days, the profession of a pharmacist was considered very prestigious, and priests, like the Sumerians, were engaged in this craft. From the surviving Ebers Papyrus, which dates back to 1500 BC, it became known that the Egyptians used infusions, ointments, suppositories, lotions, tablets and enemas to treat diseases. The Ebers Papyrus includes a list of 700 drugs and 875 recipes.

Meanwhile, in China, at about the same time (2000 BC), someone named Shen Nung writes his work Pen T "sao, which contains a description of 365 herbal medicines.

The first shops and shops selling medicines existed back in 1900 BC in the city of Sippar on the Euphrates River. However, the first officially registered pharmacy appeared in London in 1345.

It's no secret that most medical works were written in Ancient Greece, it is on this literature that it is based modern medicine. For example, such a disease as cancer was discovered precisely in those days. It is quite logical that after the ancient Greeks, the ancient Romans made their contribution to the development of pharmaceuticals. After the collapse of the Great Roman Empire, pharmaceuticals stopped developing for some time, but interest in it arose already in the Middle Ages.

Many representatives of science during the Middle Ages made significant contributions to the development of medicine, and in particular pharmaceuticals. They carried out their work in terrible conditions, constantly risking their lives under fear of being captured by the Inquisition. In those days, only three methods were used to treat all diseases: consecration, fasting and bloodletting. Last method was used especially often, and in most cases led to the death of the patient.

The most famous doctor and healer of the Middle Ages, Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna), in his work “The Canon of Medical Science,” described such forms of medicines as pills, cakes, ointments, and decoctions. In addition, he was the first to openly declare that all medicines must undergo preliminary testing on animals. The Swiss physician and chemist Paracelsus once expressed a profound idea for his era that disease is the result of an imbalance in the chemical balance of the human body. He proposed using metals and their chemical compounds for treatment.

Great contribution to development modern pharmaceuticals contributed by ancient Russian medicine.

Medicines in Ancient Rus' were made in herbal shops, and the assortment was very diverse. In 1654, the first school of doctors was opened, where people could learn the rules of preparing medicines. In 1701, Emperor Peter I issued a decree that all medicines should be prepared only in pharmacy-type institutions. In the same year, the first pharmacy was opened, which served as the prototype of modern pharmacies.

On modern stage Pharmaceutics faces completely new high-tech challenges, the solution of which allows us to radically change the approach to the production of drugs. In the recent past, a new pharmaceutical industry was opened - biopharmacy, which marks new stage in the development of modern pharmacology.



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