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In order to make your own neck longer, and also in order to maintain the skin of the neck in tone and strengthen the chin area (this will prevent the appearance of a double chin), it is necessary to do special, but rather primitive gymnastics every day.


1. Exercise number 1: throw your head back and at the same time try as hard as possible lower lip cover the top. Hold in this position for 5 seconds, and then lower your head to your chest, relax lower jaw, but keep your lips closed. This exercise should be repeated 3-4 times, and as the duration of training increases, increase it to ten or even twelve times.

2. The next exercise must be performed in a standing position. First put right hand hands on your left, and after that place both hands under your chin and try to throw your head back. At this time, the head should resist the movement of the arms; this will create a fairly strong tension in the neck muscles and will promote their growth. While in this position, count to 6-7, then relax your muscles and return to the starting position, lowering your head down. Repeat this exercise at least four or five times daily. Just as was said in the previous paragraph, gradually increase the duration of each exercise and the number of times.

3. Now lower your arms “at your sides”, straighten your shoulders. Lower your head onto your chest and roll it from your left shoulder to your right, then opposite. You can lower your head back and repeat the same actions. The exercise is repeated 4 times.

4. In addition, there is an exercise called “Giraffe”. You can do it every day; it helps relieve pain and fatigue from the neck and shoulder area. Stand up, straighten up, put your hands on your shoulders and try to stretch neck up as powerfully as possible (at this time, press your hands on your shoulders; they do not have to rise). Inhale, count to ten, then relax. Do the “Giraffe” exercise 5 or 6 times.

Pull height, or rather bone and connective tissues, is allowed both at home and in a hospital. Few people go for surgical treatment, because the rehabilitation afterwards is long and painful. But stretching out a few centimeters will be useful not only for people who want to become taller, but also for everyone in order to straighten the spine and improve muscle tone.


1. Sleep on a rough bed and low pillow. During sleep, the body straightens and increases height Well, by the evening everything returns to its place. But still, with regular sleep on a hard one, the spine becomes straighter, as a result of which you benefit from height it's a few centimeters.

2. Swimming is great for increasing height. Sign up for a swimming pool, but you need to go there at least 3 times a week and do vigorous water exercises, and not height about drying in clean water. It’s better to consult with a trainer so that they can recommend to you what and how to do in order to achieve the fastest result.

3. All exercises aimed at stretching connective tissues increase height. Take up regular pull-ups on the horizontal bar, doing it every day. You can also do push-ups, run and do whatever you like best. The main thing is to develop muscle tissue.

4. Eat well while exercising. You can purchase protein shakes that will provide your body with everything it needs for health. You must get the maximum amount of nutrients from your food, but this does not mean that you need to eat fatty foods. Balanced meals five times a day without excessive consumption fats and carbohydrates are the best option.

5. Stretching exercises can provoke the formation of microcracks in bone tissue Therefore, take a complex of vitamins or calcium tablets. It will not be possible to replace this with dairy products; not everyone can consume tea in huge quantities every day.

Helpful advice
Growth does not increase immediately. You will notice a positive result after at least 2-3 months of regular physical exercise.

In many cultures around the world, a long neck is a certain standard of beauty and female attractiveness. The tea is beautiful for a reason neck called a swan, comparing it with the long and graceful neck of this royal bird. The length and shape of the neck, without any doubt, depends on heredity, however, there are still several methods to improve this by nature.


1. The neck shows age more quickly than any other part of the body. In addition, she requires more careful care. In order to prevent early aging, take care of her daily. Clean with soft by special means, apply nourishing cream. Pamper your neck with masks. Let's say, milk and grape. Take milk and grape juice to equal number. Mix thoroughly. Soak cotton pads in this magical mixture and apply to your neck. After this, place a towel on top. The result will be something like a compress. After twenty minutes, remove the mask. Smear the skin nourishing cream based on kernel oils.

2. Lubricating it with “healing” ice has a delightful effect on the condition of the skin of the neck. Freeze infusions of various herbs (for example, linden color, sage, mint) and wipe with these ice cubes neck. The result will not be expected.

3. You can strengthen your neck muscles and get rid of a double chin with simple exercises. Turn your head slowly to the right and touch your chin to your shoulder. Do not raise your shoulder itself. Repeat the same in the other direction. Do it ten times in each direction. After this, slowly turn your head to the right again, but now raise it to failure. Repeat this movement five times, and do the same in the other direction. Sit at the table and lean your elbows on it. Pull first neck up in one direction, and then in the other.

4. After exercise, apply a burning compress. Soak a towel in hot water and, holding it with both hands, literally hit yourself on the chin.

5. A skillfully chosen hairstyle will also help to visually lengthen neck and hide small snags. If you have a short neck, then up-swept hairstyles are recommended. This installation will help to make neck visually longer. The main thing is that the hairstyle has vertical lines, this will also visually increase the length of the neck. You should shun as much as possible short haircuts or hairstyles with huge volume in the neck area. In this area, it is best to cut your hair in the form of an elongated “cape”.

6. Do neck Positively selected accessories and clothing will help make your look more refined. A long string of beads or a pendant will visually lengthen what is too short. neck. And if you unbutton the top few buttons on your blouse, it will make your neck look sleeker. Please note that turtlenecks and high collars do neck Briefly speaking.

Helpful advice
At the very beginning of training, do not allow huge loads, increase them slowly. Adjust the duration of each exercise according to how you feel.

Once again we have prepared for you amazing story about which ones. The customs of some wild tribes may seem creepy to you, but, on the other hand, rhinoplasty is also not for the faint of heart. In any case, such transformations do not always really bring happiness, and the women of the Padaung tribe are a living example of this.

The Padaung tribe is a real landmark of Myanmar and Thailand. The fact is that the women of this small nation have fantastically long necks, on which they wear gold rings. Girls decorate their legs and arms with the same rings. A disproportionately long neck is considered the standard of beauty here.

This custom is called "yang pa dung". Girls begin to wear neck rings at the age of five. Experienced women tightly wrap a spiral of 1 cm thick brass rod around the child’s neck - at first there are no more than a dozen rings, but with age the number of turns increases. The whole process takes several hours. Adult women wear about twenty rings with a total weight of approximately 10 kg, and sometimes more. Thanks to the constant increase in the number of turns of the spiral, on average, a woman’s neck extends up to 30 cm, but there are also exceptional “beauties” with necks up to 40 cm long.

Because of constant pressure the skin in places where the iron presses on the shoulders becomes inflamed and crusted, and the spine is severely deformed. People say that these women can no longer live without rings: if they are removed, their necks will simply break. But that's not true. Of course, muscle atrophy and deformation does not go away without a trace, but from time to time these women still take off their rings to wash their necks.

A number of researchers claim that in fact from the rings cervical vertebrae are not deformed, but under the weight of the metal the shoulders are deformed and strongly droop down, as a result of which the neck appears longer. However, after removing the rings, the neck and shoulders return to their normal look already in a year.

It’s amazing how these women endure such inconvenience, because they sleep, eat, and work in their rings. It is absolutely impossible to bend your neck or stretch it in them. They go to all this torment just for the sake of beauty.

There is no single theory of the origin of this tradition, but there is an opinion that in this way the men of the Padaung tribe marked their women so that they would not run away to neighboring tribes. According to another version, this is how women kept family jewelry. Be that as it may, today this custom serves only as a bait for tourists and the only means of income for the Padaung tribe.

Probably girls who wear Louboutin shoes experience similar sensations, however, rings on the neck are, in our opinion, still too much. The women of the Padaung tribe showed the whole world that in pursuit of beauty you can easily lose your head!

Photos. Photos of strange, long-necked women adorned with metal rings and spirals stared back at me from the pages of books and magazines about travel and distant lands. They sat against a background of colorful stripes and weaved with concentration. Their heads, supported by their necks in brass rings, seemed to hang in emptiness. With their incredibly long, giraffe-like necks, these women seemed no more real than the inhabitants of some fairy-tale Narnia or Middle-earth, and maybe even less. I certainly never thought that one day I would come face to face with them.

Tribal connection

The state of Myanmar occupies a large area in South-East Asia and many live in it different nations and nationalities that are the source of cultural wealth and enormous political problems. The restive Karen people have been at war with the government for almost 60 years. It was not until January 12, 2012 that representatives of the Burmese government and the Karen National Union shook hands during peace talks. Perhaps now, after amendments are made to the current Constitution, they will receive the much-desired autonomy and calm will reign within the country.

The number of this people is about 7% of the total population of Myanmar, that is, approximately 4 million.

Karen live in the southern and southeastern parts of the country. This is not a homogeneous group, a community of five closely related tribes, whose names come from the color of national clothing: black, white, red Karens... It’s the red Karens that interest us. They, in turn, consist of several Kayan subgroups, one of which is Kayan Lahwi. Phew, we barely got to the right one. This tribe also has several other names: “Padaung”, “long neck Karen”, “giraffe women”, “tribe of long neck women”, “long neck women”, but they call themselves Kayan.

But what is beauty?

What women don’t do in the name of beauty! They wear high heels and act very dangerous operations for breast enlargement or painful piercings and tattoos... But all this pales in comparison to the ideal of beauty with an almost 30-centimeter neck and brass rings on it, from the collarbone to the chin, weighing ten kilograms... Not only the necks are decorated, but also heavy bracelets are put on the hands, and on the legs, below the knees, they also wear metal spirals.

The Kayan Lahwi tribe or the tribe of long-necked women (“Long Neck”) are the inventors of that incredible and exotic beauty that for me was somewhere between pygmies and cannibals. The number of this ethnic group in Burma is very small, and about 400-500 of them moved to Thailand and live there in three villages. But interestingly, this tribe has a closely related group called “ Long ears” (“Long Ears”), for which all female beauty consists no longer in long necks in women, but in elongated ears. The ladies of this tribe insert pieces of carved elephant tusk into their pierced ears. At first the pieces are small, then larger and even larger. As a result, the hole in the earlobe grows and can reach 18-20 centimeters. Not weak, huh?

The women of the tribe are dressed in colorful costumes, the material for which they weave themselves. If a woman is wearing a white blouse with beads, then this is unmarried girl, and the red and blue outfit is supposed to be married lady. Purple and green headdresses complement this unusual beauty.

How the neck lengthens

But the neck doesn’t lengthen at all. This is impossible. Neck lengthening is optical illusion due to deformation of the collarbone under the weight of the worn rings. Therefore, calling women “long necks” is not entirely correct: after all, traditional brass coils do not change the size of the cervical vertebrae, but the weight and rigidity of these “decorations” force the collarbones and shoulder blades to move down and towards the chest, making top part chest lower and flatter. On done x-rays it was clearly visible.

Children from the age of five begin to wear one ring on their thin necks, and then, every year, an additional one is added to the neck. The weight of the copper pushes the collarbone down and compresses chest. And so they add pieces up to 20-25. Do they hurt? It doesn't hurt them, but there is still discomfort - not from the weight of the rings, but from their friction against the skin, so they put a napkin under them.

Women with long necks, just like everyone else, get married, have children, perform homework, weave and sew. Girls play volleyball. True, they have to drink through a straw.

Despite the fact that there is no actual lengthening of the neck, it is precisely this custom that gave rise to the name “giraffe women” for a lady with such an unusual appearance.

Origin of the tradition

The origins of its origin are hidden in the depths of thousands of years. There are only more or less probable assumptions about the origin of this tradition:

  • Cultural identity
  • Long and slender necks make them more beautiful and attractive in the eyes of men, this is a sign of well-being
  • Ugliness, from the point of view of representatives of other tribes, protects them from kidnapping and slavery
  • This is protection from evil spirits
  • Hint of resemblance to a dragon, which is an important figure in Kayan folklore
  • Protection from tigers, who are known to grab their prey by the scruff of the neck
  • A kind of family bank of precious metals.

Choose according to your taste. I adhere to the first, as it seems to me, the most plausible version.

What happens if you remove the rings from your neck?

They say that a woman's long neck will break under the weight of her head. That the poor thing from the tribe of long-necked women would certainly die if she took off the rings. Legends report similar cases of tragic deaths of women who died slowly and painfully from suffocation after the rings were removed from their necks. Like, this is how adultery is punished mercilessly and severely in the tribe.

The present and future of this tradition

It is very difficult to predict the future of this custom. On the one hand, women with long necks are uncomfortable with disrespect for their privacy, their culture and traditions. They are also annoyed by the restless and unceremonious curiosity of tourists. On the other hand, this is no longer so much a way of life as a business that brings them a very good income, which they do not want to give up. Like in the cartoon: Crocodile Gena in a suit and hat comes to the zoo, where he works as a crocodile. He carefully takes off the attributes of civilization, carefully places them on a hanger and, in a negligee, goes to his workplace depict a crocodile.

I have already talked about my impressions of meeting female giraffes in. Before the trip, reading reports from tourists, looking at photographs of these women, I kept wondering how similar all these women are to each other. Indistinguishable, well, like the Japanese or the Chinese. It turned out that the casket opened simply. It was the same grandmother in many photographs different people! An exposition for tourists sewn with white thread, a representative village, so to speak. Duty smiles, posing for photos, demonstrative work on weaving looms under the gaze of tourists, offers to buy souvenirs... But all this is not real.

Young women of this tribe began to strive to get an education, so most of them stop following the tradition of wearing rings and leave. There are a few middle-aged women and girls left.

On the other hand, is it necessary to preserve a tradition that is harmful to the health of women and girls? An analogy with the bygone Chinese custom of foot binding immediately suggests itself. In Burmese society, opinions on this matter are very mixed.


At the beginning of the 20th century, a man named Bertram Mills traveled around Europe with his circus, which featured Karen women among human wonders and anomalies. It’s great that those times have sunk into oblivion. But female giraffes, of course, remain the most famous brand Asian region. For many tourists, these long-necked women are the only reason to travel to Myanmar. But don't forget that even though they have spirals of copper rings around their long necks, these are not aliens, but people. Ordinary people, the same as the rest of us! And the beautiful country of Burma, a country with friendly people, exotic culture, rich nature and incredible sights, has something to show and besides this!

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