Women's well-being. How easy is it to prevent gynecological problems and maintain women's health? Beauty and healthy lifestyle of a woman

Health is always desired. With the approach of old age, there is more and more desire to keep, support and preserve it. After all, it depends on what the last decades of life will be like. Dull and heavy or filled with meaning and joy.

Women's health at 45 and older

Good health and internal state of the body is valuable at any age. Few people think about him when everything is in order, implying that this is how everything should be on its own. However, with the onset of the disease, even a harmless catarrhal acute respiratory disease, you immediately understand how good it is to be healthy.

Unfortunately, many people note that over the years they become more susceptible to diseases, less energetic, more and more tired. Speaking of women, the extinction of sexual function plays an important role, serious changes in the hormonal background, which inevitably affects each individual system and the whole body as a whole. That is why the question of how to maintain and maintain health after 50, 53, 55 or 60 years is so relevant.

What is included in the concept of "women's health"

This topic is very versatile, it is difficult to give one unambiguous answer to it. Much depends on the initial state with which the decision comes about the need to do something, on hereditary predisposition, psychological attitude and many other factors.

Speaking about women's health after 45 or 50, most often they mean:

  • gynecology and mammary glands;
  • maintaining the same weight;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • cardiovascular and skeletal systems, which are the first to suffer with the onset of menopause.

Although the recommendations that are clearly useful are very individual and should be given by a qualified attending physician who is thoroughly aware of the medical history and current condition, there are still some basic principles about the correct approach to health.

Women's health and gynecology after 50

As already mentioned, it is the decrease in sexual function that is the first call to the fact that it is time to pay more attention to your body. Menopause is an inevitable reality that awaits every woman. As each of us once matured and became capable of giving birth, so sooner or later we enter a new period of life.

Features of women's health after 49

The stock of eggs donated by nature is exhausted, the ovaries slow down the production of the hormone estrogen and it is he who becomes the cause of irreversible processes, the result of which will be a general deterioration in health.

With a decrease in estrogen:

  • Elasticity decreases, thinning of the skin and mucous membranes is observed, which leads to the appearance of new, not only mimic, wrinkles, a feeling of dryness in the oral cavity, larynx, and vagina. Up to the fact that sexual intercourse can cause discomfort and pain.
  • The tone of internal muscles decreases. This can manifest as difficulty holding urine when walking fast, jumping, laughing, or coughing.
  • The process of assimilation by the body of useful substances, such as calcium, is disrupted. With it come diseases of the circulatory system, the heart, as well as an unpleasant phenomenon - osteoporosis (increased bone fragility, up to fractures with complex subsequent fusion).
  • The psychological side does not stand aside either. It is known that hormones in themselves have a strong influence on mood, besides, worries about health for a woman in her 50s and without a hormonal release lead to a deterioration in mood.

What you need to know: Menopause is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new stage. Timely contacting a specialist, conducting diagnostics, monitoring the main parameters will help to live it without any complications.

At the age of 45-50, women have a significantly increased risk of gaining extra pounds, so the choice of food requires a careful approach.

Should I rush to the doctor

There is a widespread belief that there is nothing to be done with age, it remains to take it for granted without the ability to improve the body. To some extent, this is true. However, along with there are many diseases, the prevention and detection of which at the earliest stages can reduce the risk of serious and irreversible consequences. For example:

  • Unpleasant manifestations of menopausal syndrome can be reduced with the help of hormone replacement therapy (Please note that drugs of this class are prescribed only on the advice of a specialist, a woman's health after 50 can be significantly affected by self-medication, up to the development of neoplasms).
  • Identification of the onset of osteoporosis will help to take timely measures, start appropriate treatment, and significantly reduce the risk of fractures in the future.
  • The cardiovascular system requires special attention. With age, the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes increases several times. The right recommendations and appointments will allow you to live a healthy, active life.
  • On the part of gynecology, the genitals need to be examined at least once every six months. The doctor will not only be able to identify the development of ailments, but will recommend the most suitable contraceptives (the likelihood of pregnancy remains even with the cessation of the menstrual cycle), lubricants to replace the natural lubricant during sex.

Beauty and healthy lifestyle of a woman

Healthy nutrition is the foundation of excellent health and beautiful appearance after 45-50 years.

Taking care of your own appearance and a skillful approach to beauty will allow a woman of age to remain attractive and desirable.

Beauty and health of a woman are closely related. From the point of view of psychology, the idea is widespread that over the years a woman loses her attractiveness. At the same time, there are many examples that this is not always the only way. The presence of the Internet allows you to find out about women who look great in their 47, 54, 60 and even 80 years.

These are well-known models who on the catwalk not only look no worse than their young colleagues, but are also much more advantageous, and those who, despite their advanced age, continue to teach yoga, practice ballroom dancing, and live an active full life. One look at their photo shows that they are still beautiful, and perhaps even more attractive than ever.

Health is not the absence of disease, but complete physical and mental well-being, i.e. harmony. Accordingly, health is joy and relaxation, calmness and the ability to manage energy flows, the ability for rapid self-healing and harmonization.

Health is a state of complete order in the system. The harmonious state of a woman is the disclosure of her full potential at all levels of the system. Harmony is a prerequisite for any order. Again, health is everything.

Women's health always affects the health of the whole family. It is like a battery, an energy battery of the family. If she has problems, then all family members lose their joy, they become, as it were, dependent on the mother's condition. Therefore, it is important for every woman to regularly set aside time for herself, in order to keep herself whole and in order. I am sure that the Creator created a woman to make life more colorful and give a man something that will make him wise and happy. We are so different from men that we should simply love each other and trust the wisdom of the Creator.

female bodya particularly complex system, and this system has different aspects (components):

  1. the physical body (which is very different from the male body)
  2. psycho-emotional sphere (female emotions, thinking, intuition, receptivity, etc.)
  3. spirituality (a woman's desire for development and self-knowledge, as well as for improving the world)

In order for all aspects to be in order, a woman needs to know certain laws and take them into account. First of all, a woman should be able to restore the integrity of her psyche, as this is the key to her physical health and spiritual growth and development. on men? Clearing your own inner space from resentment means opening it to meet new feelings.

This means admitting that love can be different and, nevertheless, once again, if it didn’t work out, look among the billions of people on earth for the one with whom you want to test the formula for a happy life. And having met him, looking into his eyes, you will never confuse him with anything. The flame will immediately run between you. That light, from which everything just trembles, without words, it will be clear that it is him. This is the flame of Love!

A woman is more emotional, it is inherent in her nature and therefore her health is directly related to the nervous system and mental activity. Women's health is usually associated with the monthly cycle, which is one of the main distinguishing functional features of the female body from the male.

Some women, more often than men, experience mood swings - tearfulness, irritability, fatigue, lethargy and apathy. More pronounced violations are characteristic of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). With the onset of menstruation, such changes in the body disappear, and many men believe that this is a reason to simply manipulate them.

I would like to address men. Dear ours! It's just that we're the most different from you. Menstruation is the force that we give into the blood that flows out of us. We are too sensitive to this loss, and often unconsciously we are not ready for it. That is why we have such nervous breakdowns. Just forgive us for them and show your care and love. Then we will remain healthy and happy, which we will share with you.


The menstrual cycle is a form of manifestation of femininity, as well as the ability to conceive and bear an unborn child. Speaking of femininity, we mean the universal principle, which the Chinese called Yin, the alchemists represented in the form of the Moon, and esotericists interpret with the help of the element of Water.

We already know that the main property of femininity is the ability to give oneself to the world and to a man, this is the quintessence of all other properties such as discovering oneself, accepting a new life, conceiving, sheltering and enduring in oneself, energizing. The ability to give oneself is the rejection of the active principle, which a man manifests as a Yang aspect, as the Sun and as the element of Fire.

Let's look at the two original symbols of the feminine, Moon and Water. Both refuse from active radiation, from active influence, in contrast to the male symbols - the Sun and Fire. But on the other hand, they are able to perceive, absorb and reflect light and heat. Water refuses form, taking any other, showing flexibility and plasticity. She adapts, obeys. This is how a real loving woman manifests herself.

There is no evaluation in oppositions Sun-Moon, Fire-Water, male-female. Evaluation is meaningless, because both poles are imperfect, they do not have the integrity that can be achieved by completely giving up their specific features. Only together, complementing each other, harmony and integrity are acquired.

Emancipationists ignore this. Just imagine Water complaining that it can neither burn nor shine. Would she really be so stupid as to conclude from this that her own inferiority? It is precisely because of its inability to burn that it can absorb into itself, that is, do what is inaccessible to Fire. One pole is no better or worse than the other. He's just different.

Trying to equalize them, we will not achieve unity. A woman who feels her femininity cannot feel flawed. Dissatisfaction with one's own femininity is the main cause of menstrual irregularities and many other symptoms associated with sexuality and women's health in general.

The ability to give oneself, to agree unconditionally, is a very difficult task for any person. This requires the rejection of the presentation of one's own Self, the desire for superiority and the recognition of the strengths of the other. You have to sacrifice a particle of yourself - and this is exactly what is required of a woman during menstruation.

Until now, in the subconscious of many women, there is an attitude that menstruation is dirt, that she is not worthy even to enter the temple during this period, she is inferior. This deeply offends a woman and she can unconsciously start processes that stop her monthly cycle. This can in the future cause even deeper physical and mental disorders, as well as become the cause of female diseases.

It must be remembered that with blood a woman gives away part of her life force. But it is also a release from anger, tension, accumulated stresses - a kind of cleansing of the female body, preparing it for the arrival of a new life. Violations in the menstrual cycle indicate that some part of a woman (often unconscious) does not want to give herself - menstruation, sex, man. Because of this, a woman develops painful symptoms or develops female diseases.

Many of our diseases are from a large number of sexual partners. They say that in a man who lives with only one woman, sensitivity becomes dull over time due to the fact that a woman emits the same substances (which means it always smells the same) to which he adapts and which no longer excites him. Good excuse for cheating, right?

I often hear such exquisite excuses for cheating from my male clients. Then I tell them the following.
The individual smell of a man and a woman depends on many reasons, but mainly it is associated with the characteristics of the hormonal and immune systems, the bioenergy field and the bacteria that live on our skin. This smell is as unique as fingerprints and determines to a large extent for us the attractiveness of a particular person. “Each species of plants and animals has its own smell, each race, people and individual genera. Each individual person has its own specific smell ”(“ Edges of Agni Yoga ”, vol. 7.)

When a man communicates with a woman, the incoming signals in the form of smell are converted by his brain and lead to a change in the biochemical processes in the body of the man himself. At the same time, the amount of testosterone increases in him, the aura and energy potential change, which pushes the man to sexual exploits. “Each thought is accompanied by its characteristic smell, causing a corresponding aromatic reaction in the human body” (“The Facets of Agni Yoga”, vol. 7.)

Therefore, we must also take into account the fact that if we change our thoughts, developing, then the smell of our body also changes. Therefore, if you lose attractiveness for your man, pay attention to what you think about, how you think and engage in spiritual development. This will immediately be reflected in your smell and may begin to attract a man again, as if he had met a new woman. After all, men want variety, so let them get it from their beloved! A small, divine and very eco-friendly secret!

In turn, after receiving the appropriate response signal from the interested man, the amount of estrogen in the woman increases even more, and she becomes supportive and receptive to his courtship. This is where what we call falling in love or love at first sight begins, the strength of which depends on the biochemical and energy characteristics of the body of each individual. And of course the amount of secreted hormones.

Thus, at the first stage of communication, a man and a woman, as it were, “sniff out” each other, and then “addiction” already occurs. This sensitivity to each other is especially evident during the period of ovulation, when the amount of estrogen in the woman's body increases, which involuntarily enhances sensual aromas.

A woman has a special aura that attracts men. In one survey, 71% of men and women identified smell as a strong trigger. Nearly a third of women believe that sexy men smell stronger. It was the need to choose a man "by smell" that made nature reward living beings with the ability to "sniff out" each other.


“When people have very strong emotional experiences associated with a relationship with a partner, they tend to place them in the genital area. Women, for example, may hide their experiences in the area of ​​the uterus. And the more often they return to them, the more likely it is that a cyst or tumor will form.” Louise Hay

We have to admit that in their diseases and their treatment, women differ from men. As Mr. de Renal said in the novel "Red and Black": "Oh, these women, something is always wrong with them, they are painfully cunning!" We are forced to constantly maintain our health, strengthen it, get rid of sores and diseases with the help of massage, folk and traditional medicine, apply psychotherapy and much more.

At some point, we become walking medical reference books or, finally, we learn healing practices and discard everything that has been invented in the modern world to fight diseases. We remember that we are capable of self-healing and begin to work intensively on it.

Illness is a lost harmony on the one hand and an attempt to restore it on the other. If a woman's body failed in a balanced life support, then there was a deep reason for this. The destruction of harmony or the loss of order first occurs at the level of consciousness (subtle mental activity) and only then is reflected in the form of physical symptoms. They may manifest in different ways, but they reflect the same process, which we call disease.

The body cannot exist without consciousness, so the whole person can get sick, and not just his body. If a symptom appears in the body, then it attracts attention and disrupts the usual course of events in life. Paying attention to this symptom, we feed it with energy. He begins to lead us. We completely submit to it, if it intensifies, then we try to get rid of it in the usual ways for us: take a pill, lie down, go to the doctor.

What the symptom needed was to be dealt with and distracted from the main activity - to live in love and harmony with oneself and the world. He, like a living substance, inside us, convinces us that all the reasons are in the malfunction of the body and that it needs to be treated. At this time, we forget about our divine nature and move away from the main thing - to find a solution within ourselves, remove the cause on the subtle plane, and not “dig” on the physical. This reason can be called psychosomatic or metaphysical. It is she who affects our consciousness.

Symptoms are light bulbs that signal an incident, energy problems in the general human system, and not a separate organ. Therefore, when we talk about holistic perception, we must remember that attention is needed for the whole organism, the person as a whole, and not for a separate organ. And it is necessary to treat a person, not a diseased organ. Therefore, if we look at what the given organ or system of a person is responsible for, in which a failure occurred, then this will provide us with the opportunity to find the cause of the imbalance in relations with the world as a whole.

All women suffer from their own grievances! This is the main cause of all female diseases. By learning to forgive and learn positive lessons from the past, a woman acquires full health. She will be able to finally get rid of suffering and pain.

Grievances are the accumulation of mental laziness, hidden stubbornness, isolation and the desire to insist on one's own, a means of manipulation and causing self-pity.

All of the above is not worthy of a Woman Goddess. Therefore, when we talk about a symptom or ailment in the body, we should always look for the true cause. The words metaphysics and psychosomatics are to some extent synonyms. In both concepts, it is clear that the physical world (body) is connected with the subtle (psyche, spirit). This connection is even in the word itself: "psycho" - the soul, "soma" - the body.

Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine and psychology that studies the relationship of the psyche and its effect on diseases that have arisen in the body. The metaphysics of diseases is a branch of the same science that studies the influence of something supernatural (meta) on the physical, real, material, i.e. our health is always affected by something that was at first on a subtle level, on an invisible level. Yes, at first, what traumatized us manifested itself in the form of emotional reactions, informational clues, but we did not pay attention to them. Therefore, the symptom has already manifested itself in the body in the form of a disease.

The features of the female body and the female psyche are undeniable, and many female diseases have precisely emotional or mental causes. The body and spirit are constantly interacting, as the conscious and the unconscious interact. Illness is a hindrance to human happiness, and it is possible to eliminate a symptom without clarifying the underlying metaphysical cause only for a while.

Over the years, a woman accumulates her memories, and a sense of dissatisfaction, a sense of duty, guilt or resentment, gradually fills her entire personality. What upsets - it feeds on the subtle life-giving power of our soul, makes it difficult to distinguish true desires from false ones, disrupts the circulation of energy in the physical body and, of course, leads to problems in relations with, as well as problems of an intimate nature.?

Every woman can not only understand the causes of her illness, but also protect herself from it, not succumbing to the temptation to shift all the blame on some external factor.

Women's health - women's happiness, beauty and harmony originate from it. A healthy woman is a woman filled with energy, radiating light and warmth, attracting goodness, abundance and love into her life.

1. healthy eating.
We include sweets, milk and vegetables. The nature of a woman, according to Vedic knowledge, is very different from the nature of a man. We must live in harmony with our feminine essence, only then can we find true happiness. What should a woman eat? You need to include sweets in your diet. Sweet food normalizes the work of a woman's hormonal system, improves her mood, well-being and gives a sense of satisfaction. This does not mean at all that you need to constantly eat fatty cakes and chocolate. Food can be sweet, but healthy at the same time. Eat sweet fruits and dried fruits, prepare Vedic sweets. And remember: in order for sweet food to strengthen the health of a woman, it must be taken in the morning.

Women should also eat more dairy products (but of course, natural, not store-bought), as they are strongly associated with the energy of the moon, which gives us energy and supports a healthy hormonal background. Vegetables also have powerful female energy, so they simply need to be included in your diet. Flour is best consumed to a minimum. And meat, fish and eggs should be completely excluded from consumption. They are woven from the energy of violence, murder and aggression, which is contrary to the soft female nature.
Thus, in order to follow her nature, be healthy and develop feminine qualities in herself, a woman needs to eat more vegetables, dairy and sweet foods.

2. the right time to sleep.
Now it is customary to go to bed late, but it is in the first half of the night (until about half past one) that female hormones are produced when the moon rises. Therefore, it is better to go to bed no later than 22.00, and better - at 21.00. In the event that the body sleeps from this time on, over time, worries will leave your mind, you will find peace, tranquility, inner balance, stop being nervous and you can do more. It is better to get up from 6 to 7 in the morning.

3.Women's clothing: skirts or trousers?
Today, many women wear jeans. Here it is necessary to talk about the flow of energy in the body: where it is clamped, the energy stagnates, and where it is free, it comes out. In men, the energy in the body goes up, which develops activity, will, and activity in it. Therefore, for men, trousers and a loose top are a natural form of clothing.
For women, it's the other way around. The top should be covered, and the bottom should be loose. The female energy is going down, and this downward flow is related to childbearing. Therefore, the legs need to be closed, but not pulled together. Women's beauty depends on the fullness of female hormones: if their level decreases, health and beauty also go away. Therefore, a woman should take care of her hormonal system and wear the right clothes.

4. the right attitude to work.
A serious reason for a woman's health problems lies in her education and attitude to work. By nature, the female psyche is created for love: the mission of a woman is to love, take care, create an atmosphere of warmth and happiness. For the health of the family, 70% of female energy is needed. A woman forms the harmony of family life.
Modern education has little to do with family and family values. It allows you to be active and businesslike in society and live "according to the Masculine Type". As a result, the psyche becomes tense, hormonal functions are upset, chronic depressions appear, as a woman lives in contradiction with her true nature. There is no real happiness in life, where the main thing is a career.

5. habitat: home or society?
A man is healthy when he is active and achieves goals, and a woman is healthy when she is emotionally satisfied. Excessive exposure to people, in public places wastes our strength, while at home we draw these forces. Therefore, the natural environment for women is the house, and for men - society. A man who spends too much time in the family becomes unhappy, and a woman who lives in the family and family becomes happy and healthy.
It is good for a woman when she spends most of her time in her house. She needs to walk barefoot, getting energy from the earth, look at the sun, listen to the birds sing, and garden. So she lives in harmony with nature and becomes healthy and friendly.

6. taking care of your loved ones and yourself.
The purpose of a woman is to decorate the world with beauty. Women's energy must find a way out. An idle existence and idleness has not yet brought happiness to anyone. Therefore, you need to direct your efforts to take care of your loved ones and yourself. The vocation of a woman is to give warmth, to give love and affection. Cooking with love, washing with love, cleaning with love - this brings true happiness. When a woman takes care of a man, he has the energy to grow and develop, and his career goes uphill.
In addition, it is important to monitor your internal and external state. A woman should feel like a flower, beautiful, perfect, loved. A man feels this and always goes home with inspiration and joy.

7. we develop feminine qualities.
Many women lack feminine power. It is in the nature of a woman to be caring, kind and gentle. But at work, these qualities are not developed. Therefore, we must learn to think, dress and treat people like women. Then personal life will begin to improve, because men value us not for the ability to earn and lead, but for the ability to be sensitive, fragile, affectionate, obedient!

The famous proverb says: "A healthy mind in a healthy body."

Health is an important factor in the life of every person, because a healthy body allows a person to be strong and engage in any activity.

Ayurveda is an ancient science of health that teaches that a disease should be treated when it is not there yet, and not when a person is already sick. That is, it is easier (and, by the way, sometimes cheaper) not to get sick at all than to be treated every time.

When a person is sick, it is very difficult to live a full life. Of course, there are exceptions when people rise above their illness and perform miracles. For example, A. Meresyev, who, having lost his legs, not only survived, but also continued his career as a pilot. There are, of course, other examples of those who, despite their limited opportunities (or increased needs?), have achieved success in life and reached their goal, but this is only an exception that confirms the rule.

That is why it is important to understand that taking care of your body is essential for a fulfilling life and achieving your goals.

An ancient Vedic scripture says: "One should only desire a healthy life, that is, self-preservation, for one's business is to inquire about the Absolute Truth. Nothing else should be the goal of one's activities." Srimad Bhagavatam (1.2.10).

This means that a healthy body is the tool that helps us fulfill our destiny, and if we do not take care of it, then this is tantamount to going on a long journey by car and, for example, not changing the oil in the engine, filling it with poor quality fuel or do not monitor the condition of the brake system.

All this is because the car needs maintenance and, if we do not pay attention to it, then it is unlikely to take us to our destination.

It is the same with health, there are necessary things without which our body cannot be strong and resilient.

People often ask themselves: how to become healthy? Usually, thoughts that health needs to be taken care of arise during illnesses or life failures. Health is usually perceived as physical health, that is, the coordinated work of all organs of the body, allowing you to live and fully engage in some kind of activity. But the answer to this question actually lies deeper, because our mental and spiritual health is no less important than our physical health.

Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? You don't have to run marathons, diet, or do yoga to answer yes. A healthy lifestyle, first of all, is a constant work on yourself, your movement forward along the path of abandoning harmful, negative things and habits and achieving harmony with both your body and soul.

A healthy lifestyle should not be taken as a goal or as a big, serious choice in life. The best way to become healthy is to move in small confident steps, gradually removing the factors that lead to illness. And as you see the changes taking place, you will strengthen your confidence that you are on the right path.

It is not necessary to immediately change everything radically, since in this case there is always a chance to break loose. You just have to start, little by little. For example, during the day you can do a few simple actions that will gradually make your life healthy and harmonious.

10 little tricks to get healthy

  • Start your day with a recharge. All you need to do is get up 10-15 minutes earlier to start the day with morning exercises. It will help you wake up, energize and prepare the body for a new active. Everything will do - the usual warm-up, easy running, yoga, qigong, stretching exercises and so on. Read more about morning routines in the article Morning exercises and other ways to start the day well.
  • Refuel your body only with natural, high-quality fuel. The most important meal of the day should be breakfast, which includes complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and healthy fats. The best breakfast foods are vegetables, cereals, lean meats, and eggs. A healthy, natural breakfast will help you maintain and improve your health and stay energized all day long.
  • Don't forget tea. Natural tea contains antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on your immune system and heart, as well as reduce the likelihood of cancer and increase metabolism. The healthiest teas are white and green.
  • Drink cold water. It takes more calories to heat cold water to body temperature than warm water. You can additionally burn about 60-70 calories just by drinking two liters of water a day. In addition, a plentiful intake of water allows you to effectively remove toxins from your body.
  • Breathe deeply. Deep breathing has many benefits. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, trains the lungs and saturates the blood with oxygen. It is very simple and yet effective.
  • Avoid stressful situations, and if they arise, deal with them without delay. Frequent stress leads to long-term illnesses such as ulcers, headaches, depression, and heart disease. As soon as a reason for stress appears - eliminate it, if it doesn’t work out - occupy your thoughts with something pleasant: read books, chat with friends, take a walk, think about good and pleasant things.
  • Eat little and eat often. In order for the body to get used to spending calories only for current needs, without storing for future use, do not let it feel hungry. 6-7 meals in small portions are much better than 3-4 regular meals, but "to satiety". Frequent meals remove hunger and allow you not to overeat, while improving the process of digestion of food.
  • Add two healthy foods to your menu and remove two bad ones. It's the same principle of small steps. Once you get used to these new foods, add two more (removing the same number of bad ones). Even if you do not come to an all-natural diet, you will become much healthier.
  • Have sex more often. Regular sex brings great benefits to your health. It reduces stress, boosts immunity, burns a lot of calories, strengthens the heart, muscles and blood vessels, provides sound sleep ... What can I say, you yourself know that sex is one of the best things in the world!
  • Go to bed earlier (but with the previous point in mind;) For a healthy sound sleep, an adult needs about 7-9 hours, although many of us would consider it lucky to oversleep at least a minimum of this. Nightly gatherings with friends, TV, the Internet - there are many things in the world that delay our going to bed. And, meanwhile, it is in a dream that the body is restored, strengthened and fights against diseases. Lack of sleep threatens with weakness and drowsiness throughout the next day. We often struggle with this by taking large doses of coffee and energy drinks and do not even think that instead of all this violence, it is enough just to give ourselves the opportunity to sleep.

Summarize. Using these little tricks, you can finally get rid of the question of how to become healthy and really become one. Your heart will become stronger, extra calories will gradually go away, and clarity and clarity of thoughts will appear in your head. 10 little tricks on how to become healthy will help you take the first step towards your own health and happiness.

People often ask how to restore a woman's hormonal background and support women's health, how to use NSP products to normalize hormonal levels ... In this article, we'll talk about just that ...

Household, kitchen, everyday life and constant fuss - today takes a woman most of her time. Despite dishwashers, washing machines and powders, vacuum cleaners and all sorts of devices, the stress load on a woman has increased. Stress, constant fatigue, nervousness, exhaustion of the nervous system, health problems have become almost the norm for a modern woman. Who does not agree, he is probably just not a woman ...

Have you met a woman in your life when, to put it mildly, she is too emotional, nervous, when her inner world breaks through some kind of aggression, some kind of attacks on others, nitpicking, when a woman is in critical days or in a state of preparation for critical days or already in the climax or before the climax infuriates the whole team?

Who has heard or seen when they say: “oh, she’s in menopause now and until she passes, don’t touch her” or “don’t bring this aunt to sign ... she’s generally creepy now ... three days will pass - and then come ... »

As a result, the woman becomes the "enemy" of man...

NSP has three products that help restore a woman's hormonal levels - these are C-Ex, NSP Wild Yam and F-C with Dong Qua. These products are also very important for maintaining the health of the female body.

And if you have ever caught yourself becoming an “enemy” of a person, then try the C-Ex product, which both gives strength to the nervous system and increases stress resistance (to unpleasant news, to weather changes, and to everything that going around).

C-Ex is also good for mom to drink when the family has a real discord, when the children are in their teens or they are older, but still react that their mother somehow “runs over” them.

C-Ex is an ideal assistant in maintaining the health and beauty of any modern woman, it helps restore hormonal levels, does not slow down or excite, but harmonizes! Si-ex has a rich composition, helps to balance the hormonal status and eliminate the troubles associated with pre- and post-menopause.

The only problem is that not every woman notices that the problem is inside her ...

What is good NSP Wild Yam?

This is the prevention of CANCER (breast, intestines);
- detoxifying effect;
- reduces spasms;
- reduces stress load;
- increases the resistance of the nervous system to stress;
- reduces the activity of inflammatory processes;
- helps restore hormonal levels.

Wild Yam has a different composition of herbs compared to C-Ex, and therefore can be taken with C-Ex or simply alternate products.

Fc with Dong Kwa is a product that can be given to teenagers! When problematic skin during critical days, painful critical days, nervousness, etc. This product can be offered to a teenage girl.

How to maintain women's health. How to maintain women's health?

Doctors say that you should pay more attention to yourself, take various measures to preserve youth. Initially, you need to understand the veracity of the expression that the first half of a woman’s life accumulates various diseases, and only then they try to cure them by all means.

If you do not want such a scenario to develop, you need to take care of your health already at a young age. Only in this way can you prevent the development of diseases in the future. What needs to be done for this? Watch your diet, be sure to prevent colds and control your hormonal levels. It is these tips that should help you in the future, that is, protect you from problems at an older age.

We will tell you how to maintain your health in middle age. It must be borne in mind that the female body, unlike the male, is much more complicated. The state of health of the female body is determined by the proper functioning of the hormonal system. This concept includes the interaction of the two main female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) with other hormones.

When a woman reaches the age of 40-45 years, some changes begin in her body. They mainly relate to the work of the organs of the reproductive system. This is due to the fact that the level of production of sex hormones decreases in the body. It is easy to notice such changes - there are problems with the menstrual cycle, that is, the body begins to prepare for a new stage - menopause.

How to become a healthy person is the topic of this article, knowing how to become a healthy person, you can make your health strong.

Take a look around. There are practically no healthy people left in the world. Everyone is sick of something. More and more congenital diseases.

A person does not even know what real health is. People think it's normal to get the flu twice a year. But it's not natural. Everyone can become healthy, you just need to take responsibility for your health into your own hands and do something.

This article will tell you how to make your body flourish and healthy.

Human health depends on four main criteria in his life:

  • thinking;
  • breath;
  • nutrition.


It is important in life to think positively and be a cheerful person. Do not forget about humor and be simple. It is easy to perceive unforeseen accidents and overcome them. Don't think bad.

Imagine more bright moments, and even better, learn to see them around you. The most interesting thing is that the more you think about the good and pay attention to it, the more it will be in your life. This is how the law of attraction works.

Therefore, make it a rule to think about the good and not dwell on the bad, remember less insults and not be vindictive, laugh more and be positive.

After all, the main damage to health is brought by thoughts of a negative plan, which make you angry, offended, angry, worried, worried, afraid, hated. All these emotions, as a result of your thoughts, destroy your body, so bring more laughter, humor and positive into your life and your body, on the contrary, will only be stronger and healthier.


A person does not even notice how he breathes. But if he can live for several days without food and water, then without air he will not last even a few minutes.

Breathing is your connection with the outside world, through breathing you become one with everything that exists. Pay more attention to your breath.

By regulating breathing, you can regulate the vital processes in the body and slow down the mental flow, if, for example, it is of a negative plan. Paying attention to breathing and slowing it down, you become more calm and balanced, your mind becomes peaceful, and only great ideas come to such a mind.

Pay attention to your breathing more often, breathe deeper and slower, this is another huge plus for your body. The deeper you breathe, the more your lungs are ventilated from dirty air and the more oxygen enters your body, the faster the blood, enriched with oxygen, moves through the body, and the more cheerful you feel.


Sleep greatly affects your health. Sleep is important. Go to bed before twelve o'clock at night, then you will get better sleep.

Without sleep, a person will also not last long, thanks to sleep, the human body is restored and renewed.

Learn more about sleep here.


Try to eat fresh and nutritious food. Eat less chemicals. Have a good breakfast, nourish the body with all the necessary substances. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Don't overeat, eat in moderation. Do not overload your stomach at night. Eat less fried foods, do not harm the liver, more boiled foods and fresh fruits. Don't get too carried away with sweets.

Eat three times a day. Avoid carbonated drinks and coffee, drink more good drinking water and green tea. All of these are good for your body.

Thus, we can sum up:

Your body will be healthy if you balance the four areas of your life - food, sleep, breathing, thinking. Everything is in your hands, act.

How to be happy. What is happiness?

In order to figure out how to become a happy person, you first need to understand what happiness is.

After all, happiness cannot be touched, cannot be described. In fact, it is just a word that means that we are good. But for some reason, this is not enough for many. They are waiting for something so supernatural, significant, that goes far beyond their natural experience, and at the same time this state should always be!

Is it achievable? If you put the question like that, then it's unlikely. It's better to think about something else.

How will you know that you are happy?

The lack of happiness in many people lies in the fact that they simply do not understand what it is, and therefore are unable to recognize the good in their lives. Try to answer these questions for yourself:

  1. What do you need to get to be happy?
  2. What should you feel about it?
  3. Why can't you feel it now?

When are we good? We feel good when our life becomes better. When there is something to compare. For example, if we were very hungry and then ate something, then we feel that we feel good. Or when a person could not go to the toilet for a long, long time and suddenly this desire was satisfied, then he feels very good!

In order to feel happiness, it is necessary to have some relative point with which we can compare.

Happiness is to feel that your life is better today than yesterday.

Notice, not just that our life would improve, but that we should feel this process, pay attention to it.

Many people, recalling their childhood and youth, believe that it was then that they were happy, although when they were young, they did not think so. Why is this happening? Because in youth, many things were really better: there was better health, some positive dynamics were observed, every day we became smarter, stronger, got more rights, we had more opportunities. But in youth, people do not pay attention to this and therefore do not feel happiness.

Only after losing their health, many people understand what a happiness it is to have health.

Only after losing love, many understand what a happiness it was to have it.

Beauty and success are what modern women strive for, calling for help all the achievements of fashion designers, cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. And only the wisest of the fair sex remember that a happy life is unthinkable without sexual health and proper attention to it.

Women's health is a very broad concept, which includes not only body and appearance care, but also an attentive attitude to the work of internal organs, which together gives the beautiful half of humanity excellent well-being and unfading charm.

We all go through stages of growing up during our lives and turn from a girl into a girl, then into a woman. Each stage is characterized by certain internal and external changes in the body. And in case of a lack of knowledge about your reproductive health, you can quietly lose it, after spending years on recovery and unsuccessfully dreaming of a happy motherhood.

The importance of a gynecologist in a girl's life

From year to year, girls are concerned about the same questions regarding the normal duration of the menstrual cycle, the proper development of the mammary glands, sexually transmitted diseases, and the mechanism of action of contraceptives. Answers to all these questions can not always be obtained by scrolling through the pages of medical portals. After all, every girl is unique and beautiful in her individuality, which means that a gynecologist who will give comprehensive answers to all the most difficult questions should become an ally in building her happy future. You should visit the gynecologist regularly.

Health care for everyone and for everyone

As a rule, the first examination by a pediatric gynecologist takes place before the girl enters school, or no later than at the age of 12. Before the first visit of the mother of the girl, it is necessary to show special sensitivity and take the time to explain to the daughter in an accessible language the need for such examinations. It would also be useful to explain to the girl the rules of behavior at the doctor. Examining children and adolescent girls, the gynecologist pays attention to the physique, the degree of development of the mammary glands, and the severity of hair growth of the external genital organs. Sometimes palpation of the internal genital organs through the rectum is performed. If necessary, the doctor can also take a swab from the vagina without disturbing the hymen and without causing any discomfort to the girl. The most important thing that a girl should learn before visiting a doctor is that you should not be afraid of a specialist. Also, do not be shy to honestly answer the gynecologist's questions - he asks not out of curiosity, but for professional purposes. At ON CLINIC Baby, specialists have undergone special training and have extensive practical experience working with girls from birth to 16 years old

Regular check-ups during pregnancy and involutional processes

The gynecologist becomes the most important friend of a woman when planning a child and during the bearing of future sons and daughters. Regular examinations by a gynecologist during pregnancy are a necessary condition for preventing problems related to the health of the child and the well-being of the expectant mother.

When involutional processes begin to develop in a woman's body, as a result of which the synthesis of sex hormones decreases and menopause sets in, the gynecologist should also be there and lend a helping hand to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, individually selecting the most effective methods of therapy.

When to contact a gynecologist?

After the onset of sexual activity, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and take tests to detect latent infections regularly. You should be especially careful when changing your sexual partner. Even if you have no complaints, you should see a gynecologist at least once a year.

You should also consult a gynecologist in the following cases:

Painful, irregular menstruation, cycle disorders;

intermenstrual bleeding;

Burning, irritation and itching of the genital organs, discharge with an unpleasant odor;

Pain during intercourse and after it;

Bloody discharge after intercourse;

Pain in the lower abdomen, pain when urinating;

The appearance of seals in the genital area or mammary glands, discharge from the nipples.

Help of a gynecologist with PMS and the selection of contraceptives

A gynecologist is needed for the individual selection of contraceptives - you should not rely on the experience of friends or authors of articles on the Internet in this matter. The help of a doctor is also necessary for severe symptoms of PMS, when overwhelming apathy, weakness and irritability at the same time prevent you from leading a normal life.

Remember - a good specialist will quickly help get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of PMS and return you to good health. The international medical center ON CLINIC presents all the possibilities for modern diagnostics and treatment of gynecological diseases, including its own international laboratory, as well as doctors who are regular participants in well-known medical symposiums, conferences and seminars.

How to prepare for an appointment with a gynecologist?

Before visiting a gynecologist, it is worth carrying out hygiene procedures, as well as:

Do not use vaginal suppositories, creams and tablets;

In some cases, you will need to stop taking antibiotics and antiviral drugs, which should be discussed with your doctor first;

Exclude sexual intercourse 2-3 days before visiting the gynecologist;

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed with an empty bladder, and a study of the hormonal status is performed on certain days of the menstrual cycle, which the doctor will warn you about in advance.

How to find your gynecologist?

A highly qualified gynecologist, who is popular among patients, not only has a diploma in his specialty and constantly learns new things in his profession, but is also a good psychologist who can talk heart to heart with a woman. Choose a doctor who knows how to ask the right questions and listen to the answers. If the gynecologist immediately suggests proceeding to the examination, without taking an anamnesis, you do not need such a specialist.

In addition, a good doctor will always try to explain to a woman the essence of the diagnosis and the prescribed therapy, leaving her the right to choose. In medicine, unambiguous decisions are very rarely observed; as a rule, there are alternatives to choosing more or less expensive examinations and drugs. A conscientious gynecologist who values ​​his profession will never insist on the most expensive methods of treatment if they are not suitable for the patient.

Don't be embarrassed and ask your questions

Do not hesitate to ask the doctor any questions that interest you, ask again and clarify if something remains unclear in the diagnosis and treatment regimen. We are talking about your health, which means that any embarrassment here should recede. Ask about the risks or side effects of the prescribed treatment, demand detailed explanations of the results of the examination. You and your doctor should become allies and trust each other unconditionally.




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