Atony of the urinary tract. Bladder atony: treatment, symptoms

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Regulation of the urination process is carried out under strict control nervous system. Many nerve fibers connects the spinal cord with bladder. If this connection is disrupted, the walls of the organ lose their tone and ability to hold accumulated urine. The medical name for this pathology is “atony bladder" The disease, popularly known as urinary incontinence, causes a person severe discomfort - both physical and psychological.

Causes of the disease

Disturbed leads to the fact that the body is unable to control the process of accumulation and separation of urine. The muscular walls of the organ, which are normally capable of greatly stretching and holding large number urine, lose tone. The brain does not receive nerve impulses sent by wall receptors, signaling their stretching as a result of the bladder filling with urine. The so-called urinary incontinence develops, its uncontrolled release drop by drop.

The causes of the disease should be sought among those factors that could affect the innervation of the organ (accordingly, treatment should be aimed at eliminating them):

  • various mechanical injuries of the spine, especially in the sacral area, damage spinal cord, perineal injuries;
  • surgical intervention;
  • dysfunction spinal roots as a result of certain diseases, for example, advanced syphilis;
  • medicinal effects on the nervous system (anesthesia, psychotropic substances);
  • general intoxication of the body, poisoning or activity of pathogenic microbes;
  • long-term infectious (cystitis);
  • colds;
  • kidney stones or sand;
  • atony skeletal muscles and muscles internal organs How systemic disease (weak muscles cannot hold the spine and spinal cord, as a result, the innervation of the body is disrupted); this point can be attributed to infancy when the muscle frame has not yet strengthened;
  • diseases of the nervous system, exposure to stress factors;
  • diseases endocrine system, metabolic disorders, excess weight;
  • untimely emptying of the bladder, frequent overflow, leading to stretching of the muscle walls;
  • age factor;
  • a combination of factors (nervous, hormonal) in women during menopause.

These factors - individually or in combination - can cause acquired bladder atony. In addition, the disease may be congenital, genetic or embryonic pathologies development. Treatment in this case can be difficult and limited only to neutralizing the effects of atony through the use of modern hygiene products.

The disease most often occurs in young children and the elderly, as well as in women who have recently given birth. These groups are united by one parameter: muscle weakness (all in general and specifically the muscles of the pelvic organs).

Urinary incontinence after childbirth

Bladder atony often develops in women after childbirth (especially in the first year). This normal phenomenon, caused by temporary weakening of the muscles of the bladder after an impressive load during pregnancy and childbirth. Treatment is usually not required as the disease goes away on its own. This process can be accelerated special gymnastics, involving muscles pelvic floor(Kegel exercises). If incontinence does not disappear several months after childbirth, poisoning the life of a young mother, you should contact medical specialist to find out its true cause.

Symptoms of atony of the bladder walls

The main sign of decreased tone of the bladder walls is, naturally, loss of control over urine excretion. Urination occurs spontaneously, and the urge to go to the toilet may be completely absent. The symptom usually occurs during strong laughter, coughing or sneezing, physical activity- when the abdominal wall muscles tense sharply, putting pressure on the bladder.

When trying to empty the bladder intentionally, the patient encounters difficulties. In order to start urinating, it is often necessary to strongly tense the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis. The stream is weak and urine cannot be completely removed.

The pathology is not accompanied by painful sensations, except for possible heaviness in the lower abdomen when the bladder is full.

These symptoms allow us to confidently diagnose “bladder atony” and prescribe treatment.

How to overcome the disease

Successful treatment of the disease is possible only after identifying it the real reason. Decreased tone of the bladder walls is sometimes just a symptom of another disease, much more serious, for example, syphilis or a bacterial infection.

Very important correct diagnosis, including the following tests and procedures:

  • blood and urine for general analysis;
  • urine culture nutrient media to determine microflora;
  • and other organs of the pelvic cavity (prostate in men, uterus and ovaries in women);
  • conducting contrast urography;
  • computer or magnetic resonance imaging.

Atony of the bladder walls is one of those diseases in the fight against which everything depends on the patient. Treatment mainly involves consciously strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and gaining control over urination.

Therapy includes:

  • physical therapy, Kegel exercises – targeted development pelvic muscles by tension and relaxation;
  • physical education that tones the skeletal muscles that support the spine and spinal cord (swimming is especially effective);
  • a therapeutic diet that excludes foods that can irritate the bladder (hot and spicy foods, citrus fruits, caffeine, alcohol);
  • drawing up and following a urination schedule, monitoring the fullness of the bladder and its timely emptying (even if there is no urge to go to the toilet) - this allows you to avoid stretching the muscular walls of the organ; a behavioral reflex or habit is formed;
  • DENS therapy – the effect of a neuroimpulse on biological active zones body, leading to stabilization of urinary processes, relieving spasms;
  • physiotherapy;
  • drug treatment- in this case, rather, supportive: antidepressants - calming the nervous system, calcium antagonists - helping to tone the muscles;
  • if necessary, insertion of a catheter or special device– pessary (inserted into the patient’s vagina and provides pressure on the bladder).

If conservative treatment does not bring results, surgery is indicated to change incorrect position organs of the urinary system.

Urinary incontinence: traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine and herbal medicine offer many treatments for bladder atony, some of which are truly effective. They strengthen the body as a whole, successfully fight inflammation and hidden infections, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The following folk remedies are effective for urinary incontinence:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • prickly pear roots;
  • sage;
  • dill seeds;
  • clubmoss and horsetail;
  • shepherd's purse.

These herbal remedies are usually used in the form of strained decoctions.

The use of any drug must be agreed with your doctor. Sometimes infusion medicinal herbs may cause serious side effects, for example, renal colic.

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Bladder atony is the uncontrolled emission of urine, which appears due to severe stretching of the walls and deterioration of muscle tone. There are many reasons for this. The excretion of excrement is normally vigilantly controlled by the nervous system, so damage to its connections is fraught with disturbances. Children and women are most often affected by bladder atony. old age, which brings them serious psychological and physical inconvenience.

The body loses control over the urination process due to disruptions in the nerve supply to the bladder. Wall neurons in in good condition continuously send signals along the spinal canals, which is disrupted in the case of pathology. When the stretching becomes critical, urine comes out spontaneously. Urine can be released with any slight exertion, in a lying position and during sex, after drinking alcohol. A number of provoking factors are known:

  • complications during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • unfavorable heredity;
  • chronic infectious diseases of the genitourinary area (cystitis);
  • radiation exposure, intoxication;
  • injuries to the lower segments of the spinal cord, damage to the perineum and sacrum;
  • herniated intervertebral discs and neoplasms that interfere with nerve conduction;
  • failure of the endocrine system (lack of estrogen);
  • muscle atony in a systemic form, contributing to disruption of innervation, neurological problems;
  • prostate diseases;
  • complications after surgical intervention;
  • the influence of certain medications;
  • stressful situations (one-time provocation), disruptions in mental functioning;
  • frequent filling and unnatural emptying of the bladder;
  • stones and sand in the kidneys;
  • colds;
  • excess weight;
  • syphilis;
  • old age.

Urinary incontinence after childbirth

Changes in the position of the pelvic organs relative to each other, disorder of the pelvic floor muscles due to increased load on them during pregnancy and during the passage of the fetus - causal factors urinary incontinence. During childbirth, disturbances in innervation and blood supply are possible, especially if delivery is not the first time and is accompanied by injuries, when the child is large enough or not single. As a result, abnormal mobility of the urethra and bladder and sphincter dysfunction may occur.

Approximately 25% of women experience urinary incontinence one month to a year after giving birth. The atonic state falls within the normal range and does not require treatment (however, special gymnastics is recommended).

Characteristic symptoms

Disturbances in the urinary system allow involuntary discharge, the volume of which is directly related to muscle tone (urine may drip or leak). There may be a sensation of a foreign object in the vagina, a feeling of incompleteness of the emptying process. Negative changes are accompanied the following states:

  • there is no urge (usually urination occurs due to temporary tension abdominal walls: laughter, sneezing, coughing, etc.);
  • intentional emptying causes difficulties, there is a need for effort, there is intermittency and weakness of the stream;
  • complete excretion of urine is not possible; it is constantly delayed (remains around 300 ml, whereas in healthy person– less than 50 ml of urine);
  • heaviness may appear when the bladder is full (atony is usually not characterized by pain).

Video about urinary incontinence:


Success therapeutic measures depends on timely detection the true cause and degree of pathology. Sometimes deterioration in bladder function is part of the symptoms of a more serious illness. Therefore, all methods are important for making a diagnosis:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder and neighboring organs;
  • examination narrow specialists and urologist;
  • assessment of prostate condition (for men);
  • contrast urography;
  • cystoscopy (detection of relief) and cystometry (determination of volume, elasticity and sensitivity), providing information about the urea;
  • assessment of microflora to detect infection;
  • electromyography to determine the bioelectric dynamics of muscle tissue;
  • CT and MRI;
  • urofluometry to measure the flow rate of urine excreted and its volume.

Treatment with drugs

When atony of the bladder is prescribed medications from various groups:

  • antidepressants;
  • calcium antagonists;
  • myotropic drugs;
  • anticholinergic compounds.

Only a doctor can select medications, taking into account the reasons that caused the pathology.

If urinary atony is provoked by surgery, Proserin is used for prevention by injection.

Traditional methods

For bladder atony, basic treatment can become more effective through the use of drugs. Of course, you should not rule out consulting a doctor on this matter, because herbs have strong side effects.

The following recipes help speed up treatment:

  1. Dill seeds. For a glass of boiling water - one tablespoon, the product is infused for 3 hours, filtered and drunk at once.
  2. Sage. 40 g of raw material is placed in a liter of boiling water, the medicine is infused for 2 hours and consumed 3 times a day, half a glass.
  3. Collection of birch leaves, hazel bark, crushed eryngium roots, burdock and licorice. To prepare the infusion, you need equal shares of each component. Place 3 tablespoons of the mixture in a preheated thermos and brew with a liter of boiling water. The infusion is carried out for about 2 hours, after which the decoction is filtered and taken before meals during the day, 100-150 ml.
  4. Field horsetail. Atony can be treated with local baths using healing infusions. For the decoction you will need 150 g of the dry mass of the plant, 2 liters of water for 30 minutes of cooking over low heat. Then filtration is performed, and the infusion is added to the bath (can also be used for compresses).


In case of atonic incontinence, attention should be paid physical therapy. Doctors usually recommend Kegel exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles.

Prognosis and prevention

Congenital atony (including as a genetic pathology) is quite rare occurrence almost impossible to treat. In such a situation, the patient is recommended to have a stable bowel movement schedule, medication and the use of diapers.

The acquired disease can be successfully cured if all recommendations are followed, but in advanced cases, surgical intervention becomes necessary.

Important for prevention timely therapy inflammation, preventive measures in relation to traumatic situations. It is not recommended to self-medicate; excessive stretching of the bladder walls can result in a deterioration in well-being.

Atony of the bladder is a weakening of the walls of the organ.

At damage to nerve fibers, connecting the bladder and the spinal cord, due to a disruption in the transmission of impulses about the stretching of the walls, contractions of the urinary organ do not occur. As a result, the patient does not control urination.

There is obvious overflow, during which urine is released in droplets from the urethra. This disorder is called urinary incontinence due to bladder overflow.

If you periodically empty the urinary organ, preventing its overstretching through a catheter, the urination reflex strengthens over time, until it is completely restored.

Why does the disease occur?

Reasons for the violation:

  • Childbirth;
  • Resulting stress;
  • Cystitis;
  • Perineal injuries;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Excess weight;
  • Compressive fibrosis;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Severe damage to the sacrum;
  • Prostate problems;
  • Atony often appears in older women and women during menopause.

What signs are signs of illness?

The main symptom of bladder atony is urinary incontinence. Incontinence occurs mainly when

abdominal muscle tension.

Depending on the severity of the tone disorder, urine may “leak” insignificantly or be released in significant quantities.

Urge to urinate with atony, it may not be present at all or may manifest itself only as heaviness in the lower abdomen.

There is also a sudden onset of urges, so unexpected that the person simply does not have time to get to the restroom.

Characteristic a sign of atony in women there is also a violation of the urination process itself:

  • The onset is delayed, you need to strain hard;
  • Urine flows out in a small stream, the stream intensifies when pressing on the lower abdomen;
  • There is a feeling of a bubble that is not completely empty.

Basics of treating bladder atony

The treatment regimen is determined according to the severity of the disorder, the amount of incontinence, age, concomitant diseases etc.

The following methods of treating the disorder are practiced:

  • Strengthening gymnastics (Kegel exercises)– exercises aimed at developing the pelvic muscles.
  • Diet, limiting those foods that irritate the bladder: alcohol and dairy products, coffee and chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes, spices.
  • Behavioral treatment, the essence of which is to empty the urinary organ according to a predetermined schedule.
  • Drug treatment. For atony, antidepressants, calcium antagonists, anticholinergics, or combinations thereof are prescribed.
  • Symptomatic treatment performed through a medical device - a pessary, which, if necessary, is inserted into the vagina to provide additional pressure.
  • Physiotherapy to stimulate the functioning of the urinary organ.
  • If non-surgical treatment does not give a bubble desired effect, required surgical intervention. The procedure is simple, its goal is to correct the situation excretory organs.
  • Treatment traditional methods.

For bladder atony, many gynecologists advise performing Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles regularly for the purposes of treatment and prevention.

One of the complications of bladder atony can be cystocele. Details about the symptoms and treatment of this disease can be found here.

There are a lot of folk remedies for incontinence.

Herbal treatment should be selected individually.

You should adhere to the principle: do no harm. It is clear that our doctors are not always happy to see us and are especially in no hurry to advise us. Still, having chosen folk remedy, it’s worth making an appointment again

see your doctor and discuss whether this or that remedy can be used in your situation.

The bottom line is that plants also have contraindications. Naturally, there are not many of them, but still.

One of the most available funds sage. You should take 40 g of dry herb, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. You should drink this composition for enuresis, 100-200 ml three times a day.

Great fit dill seeds: 1 tbsp. l. seeds are brewed with 200 ml of water and left for 3 hours, while being wrapped. Then the resulting broth is filtered. The entire amount of the product must be drunk at once. And do this every day until you are cured. Traditional healers They claim that this can cure urinary incontinence at any age.

Bladder atony after childbirth

Many new mothers experience distress after childbirth, but only a small proportion of them report their problem to the doctor.

Don't worry too much: Illness that appears after childbirth is often temporary properties and for the most part disappears on its own some time after the baby is born.

Treatment for postpartum disorders is generally not required; the only thing that will help a woman return her urinary organ to normal is special gymnastics, the essence of which is to tense and relax the pelvic muscles.

If for several months the problem persistently interferes with life, it is worth visiting a gynecologist to determine the cause of urinary incontinence and select the necessary treatment.

It may be necessary to neutralize atony electrical stimulation or low-traumatic surgery.

When fighting a disease, the main thing is to find out the cause of the disorder. If the problem that caused atony is curable, the prognosis is positive.

For other problems, when the provoking cause is incurable, you can use modern means hygiene to partially neutralize the effects of bladder atony.

For prevention It is necessary to take preventive measures against diseases that may become the root cause.

For women, for example, stick to the rules intimate hygiene , avoid hypothermia and infections.

Video: Structure and functions of the bladder

To understand the characteristics of the disease, you need to know how the human bladder works. This information will help weigh the seriousness of the problem.

Bladder atony is a pathological weakening of the walls of the organ. Urinary incontinence - main feature the presence of a disease can be caused by a number of reasons and many factors. Uncontrollable urination causes the patient both moral and physical discomfort. However, despite the attendant painful symptoms, this disorder is treatable. The main thing is to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

The process of urination is regulated by the central nervous system. The bladder is connected to the spinal cord by many nerve fibers. Violation of this connection leads to loss of tone and the ability to hold urine.

People suffering from bladder atony can be divided into 2 groups:

  • Patients who urinate without urge. Young patients are most susceptible to this disease.
  • Patients in whom the bladder muscles exert excessive pressure, causing the person to be unable to hold back the discharge. Most often, this group includes those suffering from inflammation of the bladder.

Risk group

Bladder atony is a pathology that occurs more often in women than in men. Among representatives of the stronger half of humanity, incontinence disorder is a consequence of prostate adenoma.

Most susceptible to developing atony the following groups patients:

  • women suffering from inflammation of the bladder (cystitis);
  • having an adenoma prostate gland men;
  • women who have given birth;
  • people experiencing nervous system disorders;
  • patients who have undergone surgery affecting the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • people whose spine has been injured.

Atony after childbirth

Often, after the birth of a child, a woman's bladder loses normal functionality. The consequence of this is urinary incontinence.

Childbirth taking place naturally, - most common reason postpartum atony. This occurs due to excessive stretching of the muscle and ligamentous apparatus. Long labor and a large baby increase the risk of muscle overextension. As a result of the loss of elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles, pressure on the urethra and bladder.

For many women, the lack of normal bladder tone becomes a real disaster, which can actually be solved quite simply. Regular Kegel exercises and the use of sanitary pads will help you avoid daily discomfort.

When a woman who has given birth coughs or laughs, a few drops of urine may be released due to the fact that the bladder has lost the ability to completely close.

Postpartum atony occurs in 25% of women, but this disorder is most often short-term and goes away without any treatment after 2 or 3 weeks. Pathology that does not go away within several months - good reason to contact a gynecologist. Examination by a specialist and necessary tests will help identify the cause of urinary dysfunction.

Is atony possible in childhood?

Bladder atony in children is possible if there is damage to the central nervous system.

In children under 2 years of age, the process of urination is regulated nerve centers sacral region spinal cord and occurs reflexively

If such a process of emptying is observed in an older child, we're talking about about urinary incontinence. In this case, automatic emptying occurs, and a small amount of urine remains in the bladder.

Why does the disease occur?

Among the causes of atony are:

  • lack of normal skeletal muscle tone, leading to disruption of the innervation of the body;
  • stressful situations;
  • bladder infection;
  • excess body weight;
  • advanced age;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • degenerative pathologies of the spine;
  • injuries of the sacral spinal cord;
  • lack of normal tone of internal organs, for example, intestines;
  • disorders of the influence of the central nervous system on the contraction of muscle fibers;
  • taking psychotropic substances that affect the nervous system;
  • formation of sand and kidney stones;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • menopause;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • damage to the dorsal roots of the spinal cord.


Main symptom pathological change in the bladder is considered urinary incontinence. The amount of discharge directly depends on the degree of violation of the muscle tone of the bladder. Most often, incontinence occurs during any physical activity and tension of the abdominal muscles (fast walking, sneezing and coughing).

The process of urination during atony may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, including:

  • delay in the onset of urine output (the patient has to strain his stomach very hard for the process to begin);
  • too weak stream of urine, which can be strengthened by pressing bottom part belly;
  • lack of feeling complete emptying bubble

With this disease, there may be no urge to urinate at all, and in other cases, patients describe the urge as heaviness in the lower abdomen. It happens that the signal to urinate occurs so abruptly that a person does not have time to get to the restroom.

Making a diagnosis

The first signs indicating bladder pathology should not be ignored. When they appear, it is necessary to contact a urologist to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe an adequate treatment complex.

Examinations to diagnose a developing disease:

  • clinical blood and urine analysis;
  • ultrasound examination of the bladder and other organs of the genitourinary system;
  • examination by doctors narrow specialization(surgeon, gynecologist, neurologist);
  • conducting contrast urography;
  • determination of microflora;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography.


The treatment course is selected by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the pathology and all the characteristics of the patient’s body. When choosing treatment methods, the doctor should pay attention to existing chronic and acute diseases. Treatment of bladder atony is a complex that includes:

  • strengthening Kegel exercises designed to develop and strengthen the pelvic muscles;
  • drug therapy prescribed by a specialist. Typically, doctors prescribe suitable anticholinergic drugs, antidepressants, calcium antagonists, prostaglandin E and other necessary medications;
  • a diet that excludes foods that irritate the bladder. It is recommended to limit alcohol-containing drinks, caffeine, chocolate, and dairy products. The water consumed must be distilled and free of gases;
  • elimination of the main symptom - urinary incontinence. It is performed using a pessary - a device that is inserted into the vagina to provide additional pressure;
  • emptying the bladder according to a schedule drawn up in advance;
  • traditional medicine recipes;
  • Bladder-stimulating physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • use of a catheter (if necessary);
  • surgical intervention necessary to correct the pathology of the excretory organs.

Physical exercises that strengthen skeletal muscles (for proper maintenance spine)

Medicines and therapeutic methods must be selected by a qualified physician. Consequence self-treatment may become more serious problems with health.

Traditional medicine recipes

Conservative treatment of urination disorders can be accompanied by traditional methods of treatment. Do not forget that herbal medicine must be agreed upon with the attending physician. Self-selected folk methods may cause the situation to worsen.

Recipes to help speed up the process of treating pathology:

  1. In the treatment of the disease, a collection consisting of warty birch leaves, common hazel bark, eryngium roots, burdock and licorice has proven itself to be effective. To prepare the infusion, you need to take an equal part of each plant, chop and mix. Place 3 tbsp in a preheated thermos. spoons of dry collection, and then pour 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture is infused for about 2 hours, then filtered. The decoction is drunk before meals several times a day (3-4 times) 100 or 150 ml.
  2. Therapy for atony includes taking baths with the addition of healing infusions. It is recommended to take a local rather than a general bath. For example, with the addition of a herbal decoction horsetail. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 150 g of the dried plant, pour 2 liters into the same container cold water and then cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Before adding to the bath, the horsetail decoction should be strained. The medicine is also used for wraps and compresses.
  3. To prepare the mixture you need to take ½ kg of flowers and 5 liters of cold water. Both components are added to the pan and placed on fire. The mixture must be boiled (with the lid closed) for 20 minutes. The strained broth is poured into hot bath and stir. You don’t have to lie in such a bath; you just need to sit and relax. Flower decoction has a calming effect and improves the muscles of the bladder.

Warm bath with wild flowers - good remedy to eliminate unpleasant symptoms atony resulting from nervous overstrain


The lack of normal bladder tone may be a congenital problem that appears due to genetic pathology or disorders that arose at the stage of embryonic development. In this case, atony is almost untreatable. Discomfort in such a situation can be eliminated with the help of hygiene products.

Atony acquired after childbirth or as a result of a combination of provoking factors can be successfully treated.


Prevention of bladder atony involves preventive measures to eliminate the root cause diseases. Women must maintain hygiene and avoid hypothermia and infections. Despite the favorable prognosis, it is not recommended to restore normal bladder tone on your own. A timely visit to a doctor will help you choose the right course of therapy and prevent possible complications.

The bladder is a reservoir in which urine is collected. It can hold about 750 ml of liquid. At normal functioning organ, a person feels the urge to urinate when there is about 200 ml of urine in the bladder.
Like all other organs, the bladder has its own network of nerve plexuses.

After it is filled with urine, impulses are formed that enter the central nervous system, which, in turn, give back signals, after which the sphincters of the organ open and the act of urination occurs.

Bladder atony - what is it? This is a condition that occurs most often after overstretching an organ. The main symptom is involuntary urination. The patient loses the ability to control the process of urination. The pathogenesis lies in the fact that there is a disconnection between the innervation of the organ and the central nervous system. As a result, the sphincters of the bladder lose the ability to adequately respond to sent impulses.

Urine may fill up to critical level, after which it is released.

There are a large number of reasons for the development of bladder atony.

Pathology most often develops against the background of other pathological conditions.

They can manifest themselves in acute or chronic form.

For bladder overdistension to occur, a strong trigger factor, which leads to a violation normal operation urinary tract.

One of common factors influencing the occurrence of pathology is a strong emotional shock.

In addition to this, the reasons that trigger pathological process, include the following factors:

  • prostatic hyperplasia in men;
  • inflammatory diseases of the bladder;
  • kidney infections;
  • injuries of the spinal cord and pelvic organs;
  • demyelinating diseases ( multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis);
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nervous system (poliomyelitis, encephalitis, myelitis);
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • spinal cord tuberculosis;
  • neoplasms in the central nervous system;
  • radicular damage;
  • complete rupture of the spinal cord;
  • surgical interventions on the pelvic organs;
  • pathological childbirth;
  • congenital malformations of the urinary tract and nervous system;
  • decreased muscle tone of the bladder in old age;
  • complications of gynecological manipulations;

Women are more susceptible to developing this state. This is due to a complicated obstetric history, which leads to disruption of the functioning of many organs. The first sign of the development of atony is long absence urination in postpartum period. During examination and palpation, a tense bladder is determined, several bloated belly. In this case, there is no urge to urinate.

Most often these complications are associated with:

  1. Multiple pregnancy.
  2. Sluggish labor.
  3. Incorrect caesarean section technique.
  4. Application of obstetric forceps.

This complication can also arise when using a vacuum extractor to extract the fetus.

Video: Bladder injury

Associated symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

Besides involuntary act urination, this pathological condition entails the development of other symptoms.

It is important when differential diagnosis diseases and making the correct diagnosis.

You should pay attention to special manifestations.

If the cause is diseases of the nervous system, disorders most often appear in the form of paralysis, paresis various parts bodies. They can also be combined with disorders in the sensitive area.

When the spinal cord is injured (rupture, crushing, compression, hemorrhage), the innervation of all underlying organs is disrupted, and, for example, voluntary defecation may occur.

Neoplasms entail changes in blood tests (anemia), general cachexia, weakness, and disruption of the nervous system.

With prostate adenoma, there is a delay in urination, interruption of the stream during the act of emptying, and a feeling of fullness of the bladder.

May happen involuntary urination during coughing, emotional stress.

The patient feels discomfort, pain in the abdomen, which radiates to the lower back, perineum, and legs.

There may be an increase in body temperature due to infection.

In order to correctly prescribe therapy, it is necessary to carry out a complex diagnostic measures. They will help determine the cause that led to the development of bladder atony.

  • ultrasound examination of the urinary organs;
  • computer diagnostics;
  • retrograde urography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal column;
  • X-ray examination with contrast;
  • general urinalysis;
  • clinical blood test;
  • biopsy of neoplasms.

Also, due to the fact that the diseases that led to the development of this condition may concern various systems, consultation with the following specialists is necessary:

  1. Surgeon.
  2. Oncologist.
  3. Gynecologist.
  4. Neuropathologist.

Treatment and prevention of bladder atony

To eliminate this disease it is necessary to resort to a complex medical procedures, aimed at the cause of the condition and act directly on the organ.

First of all, you should avoid overfilling your bladder, as this aggravates the situation. For this purpose, a urethral catheter is installed in the patient.

A catheter is a device in the form of a rubber tube that is inserted through the urethra along the urinary tract into the bladder.

According to the length of stay in the organ, the catheter is divided into:

  • temporary;
  • constant.

Due to the fact that the pathology does not resolve overnight, it is rational to use a catheter, which is installed for 3-5 days. This will avoid unnecessary trauma to organs and will avoid further stretching bubble Catheters are also made from various materials, such as:

  1. Silicone.
  2. Latex.
  3. Polyvinyl chloride.
  4. Brass.

Metal fixtures are not suitable for long-term use and significantly injure the walls of the urinary tract. Inner walls The catheter is coated with silicone, which avoids the development allergic reactions on foreign body and reduces the accumulation of salts on the device, excreted in the urine.

The silver coating has an anti-inflammatory effect and allows you to use the tool for a long time.

The most functional in this situation is the Foley catheter.

With its help, you can not only remove urine, but also cleanse the bladder of pathological impurities.

From drug treatment positive effect provide potassium supplements.

They improve passing nerve impulses. Raise muscle tone bladder.

Also, such groups are appointed medicines as blockers calcium channels(Verapamil) and anticholinesterase drugs (Prozerin).

In addition, it is important for the patient to re-develop the urge to urinate reflex. To do this, you need to go to the toilet according to a schedule - after a certain amount of time (1.5 - 2 hours). This will prevent bladder overflow and involuntary urination.

If drug treatment is unsuccessful, it may be advisable to consider surgery or organ transplantation.

To prevent the disease from occurring, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Maintaining healthy image life: quitting smoking and alcohol abuse.
  2. Playing sports
  3. Timely treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract.
  4. Periodic preventive examinations to exclude neoplasms.
  5. Timely registration during pregnancy.
  6. Comprehensive treatment of chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension.
  7. Body weight control.
  8. Timely request for medical care at the first signs of the disease.

Also, if there are indications, you should not delay surgical intervention for prostatic hyperplasia.

Video: Caring for your forehead catheter



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs