What is a thymol test in the blood? The thymol test is elevated, what does this mean?

Quite rarely used today in blood tests, the thymol test has its advantages and indications for use. The essence of the test is to determine the imbalance in protein fractions. This occurs as a result of a violation of the synthetic function of the liver due to hepatitis and other diseases.

Thymol test is an analysis in which thymol acts on blood serum as a precipitating agent. This test determines the liver's ability to synthesize blood proteins. Data on the sample result are entered into the biochemical analysis form.

To perform a thymoloveronal study, take 0.1 ml of serum and 6 ml of thymol. As a result of the coagulation reaction, after 30 minutes a precipitate forms, which consists of a globulon-thymol-phospholipid complex. This complex produces solution turbidity, which is determined photocolorimetrically and measured in Maclagan units (M.U.) or thymol turbidity units. (ED S-H).

If the patient has a predominance of globulins in the blood, the solution becomes cloudy faster, and the thymol test becomes elevated. There is a certain ratio of albumin and globulin in the body. Albumins are synthesized by the liver, and globulins are synthesized by plasma cells, which are formed from B lymphocytes. Therefore, liver pathologies entail a decrease in the amount of albumin and an imbalance in the ratio of blood proteins.

With a decrease in albumin and an increase in the globulin fraction, a violent reaction to thymol and deviations from the norm in the thymol test occur - the cloudiness is more than 4 units.


Both Maclagan units and ED turbidity units S-H norm thymol test is 1-4 units - so it is considered negative. If the indicators exceed this value, then they speak of a positive test.

The normal level of thymol test in the blood of women, men and children is the same!

Reasons for the increase

Table 1. Comparison of test for hepatitis B and C

When the synthetic function of the liver suffers, the amount of protein due to the albumin fraction decreases. Globulins do not decrease, but even increase as a result infectious process. Therefore, when thymol was added to this patient's serum a large number of globulins are precipitated, the turbidity increases and the thymol test increases.

So what pathologies lead to deviation from normal values? The main reasons why the sample increases are pathological processes, affecting the liver parenchyma:

  • hepatitis of both viral and other origin (alcoholic, toxic, cryptogenic)
  • cirrhosis of various etiologies;
  • neoplasms localized in the liver;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • long-term use hormonal drugs, contraceptives.

If the patient has developed jaundice associated with obstruction of the bile ducts by a stone or tumor, then the thymol test is not increased, since the protein synthesizing function is not impaired.

In addition to liver diseases, the following pathologies can give a positive result.

  1. Severe damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys, when significant loss of protein occurs: amyloidosis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.
  2. Gastrointestinal disorders with severe diarrhea, pancreatitis.
  3. Oncological processes.
  4. Hereditary or acquired dysproteinemia.
  5. Multiple myeloma.
  6. Rheumatic, or systemic, pathologies - systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis And so on.
  7. Malaria.
  8. Septic endocarditis.

It's important to note that increased amount Low-density lipoproteins, which are based on cholesterol, are also precipitated by this reaction. Therefore, abuse of fatty foods and the development of vascular atherosclerosis are accompanied by increased serum turbidity when thymol is added. Excess cholesterol in the blood of women and men after 50 years of age leads to the development of atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, heart attack, and stroke.

When it increases in children

The thymol test in children increases due to the same mechanisms as in adults. In newborns, this study may be relevant in the development of infant jaundice, as well as in prematurity, when the liver is not fully formed and cannot yet perform its functions.

Unlike adults, children are more likely to have hepatitis A and E. These are the mildest forms and in this case have great importance thymol test, which helps to identify damage to the liver parenchyma when there is no jaundice and enzymes are not elevated.

Indications for testing

Indications for the thymol reaction in the blood are:

  • diagnosis of pre-icteric hepatitis;
  • assessment of hepatitis activity;
  • detection of dysproteinemia.

How to donate blood correctly

The study is carried out on an empty stomach. You can't eat the day before fatty foods and drink alcohol. Blood is taken from a vein, since this analysis is part of the biochemical one.

What to do if the indicator is higher than normal

The causes of an elevated thymol test are most often associated with damage to liver cells. In this regard, the patient needs treatment aimed at maintaining normal protein levels, reducing nitrogen metabolic products in the blood, and restoring liver cells.

Since the thymol test is associated with impaired liver function, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty foods; protein in food should not be more than 1 gram per kg of the patient’s body weight. Animal fats must be eliminated and replaced with vegetable fats.

Treatment of liver pathologies with folk remedies should be carried out only after consulting a doctor.

Other sedimentary methods

Along with thymol, there is also sublimate and Veltman's test. They are also based on the ability of the reagents to precipitate with the patient's blood serum.

The mercuric chloride reaction is a test based on the formation of a colloidal suspension of mercury chloride with albumin. If there are a lot of globulins in the serum, then this suspension precipitates in flakes. In the case when such flakes are observed in three test tubes, the test is positive. This reaction is not specific, it only indicates disturbances in the functioning of the liver parenchyma. The norm for the sublimate reaction is 1.6-2.2 ml of mercuric chloride.

Veltman's test 0.4-0.5 ml Ca solution (V-VII tube)

Veltman's colline-sedimentary reaction, based on the formation of protein precipitate under the influence of calcium chloride, can change in two directions: towards shortening the coagulation tape (strip) or lengthening it.

Increased growth leads to strip lengthening connective tissue in organs (fibrosis), tissue proliferation, acceleration of cell division, destruction of red blood cells (hemolytic conditions), damage to the liver parenchyma. Strip elongation is observed when viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, acute yellow atrophy of the liver, malaria, after blood transfusion, autohemotherapy and many inflammatory diseases(pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis). Elongation of the coagulation band can also be caused by an increase in the content of gamma globulins, which reduce the colloidal stability of the serum.

Shortening is detected in acute inflammatory and exudative processes, in which the content of alpha and beta globulins increases and thereby increases the stability of blood serum, namely: in the exudative phase of rheumatism, active pulmonary tuberculosis, nephrotic syndrome, Waldenström's macroglobulinemia, alpha-2- , beta plasmacytomas, malignant tumors, exudative peritonitis, necrosis (necrosis, tissue destruction), acute infectious diseases. Extreme shortening of the band (negative test) is observed in patients with acute rheumatism.

Sublimate test 1.6-2.2 ml mercuric dichloride

Sublimate test (Takata-Ara reaction) is a flocculation reaction used in the study of liver function. The sublimate test is based on the ability of serum albumin to maintain the stability of a colloidal solution of mercuric chloride and sodium carbonate. When the ratio between the protein fractions of the blood plasma changes towards globulins, which most often occurs when liver function is impaired, the stability of the colloids is disrupted, and a flocculent precipitate falls out of the solution.
Normally, the formation of flocculent sediment does not occur. The reaction is considered positive if a precipitate is observed in at least 3 test tubes.
The sublimate test is not strictly specific and is positive both in parenchymal liver lesions, and in some neoplasms, a number of infectious diseases, etc.

Thymol test 0-5 units SH

Thymol test - test for determining functional state liver. It is based on the property of a saturated solution of thymol in veronal buffer with pH = 7.8 to produce turbidity in the blood serum. The higher the content of gamma globulins in the serum, the greater the degree of turbidity (with a simultaneous decrease in the content of albumin). The degree of turbidity is usually determined nephelometrically by comparing the turbidity of the sample with the turbidity of a series of standard suspensions of barium sulfate, one of which is taken as one. Normally, turbidity is from 0 to 4.7 units. Increased performance Thymol tests indicate an increase in the blood concentration of α-, β- and γ-globulins and lipoproteins, which is most often observed in liver diseases. At the same time, the thymol test is not absolutely specific, as it may be elevated in some infectious diseases and neoplasms.

The thymol test belongs to a category of tests that are not often used in themselves. Moreover, it is almost always included in the indicators of a standard biochemical blood test. This is due to the fact that the thymol test, the norm and deviations from it, indicate certain health problems, but do not allow a more accurate diagnosis of the disease.

Thymol test is normal in women’s blood

The normal thymol blood test is the same for women and men. This is an indicator from 0 to 5 units. Let's take a closer look at what this means.

Using the thymol test, you can check the stability of blood plasma proteins; this is a coagulation test. The fact is that blood serum contains several different protein fractions, and deviations in the composition may indicate serious problems with health in one of the following areas:

All listed diseases are presented in descending order - from the most common to the rarest. As a rule, in 80% of cases a positive thymol test indicates liver disease.

The normal thymol blood sample demonstrates the absence of a serum protein reaction to the thymol solution. If a reaction occurs, turbidity of the laboratory material and the formation of flakes occur, which means that the composition of the blood serum has been changed. This may be a decrease in the amount of albumin or an increase in globulins, or the appearance of special paraglobulins that are absent in the blood healthy person. As a result, the tendency of blood proteins to coagulate increases, colloidal stability fails and the proteins stick together and precipitate upon contact with an alcoholic thymol solution. The strength of the reaction is determined visually using a special scale. Indicators can be from 0 to 20 units.

Biochemical blood test - thymol test, norm and deviations

A blood test indicating a violation of the thymol test norm first of all gives grounds to check the health of the liver. It is this organ that is responsible for the protein composition of the blood and any deviation in its work leads to a positive test result. Until recently, the thymol test was used exclusively for diagnosing liver diseases; only in the 80s was it proven that this indicator also depends on other factors.

The thymol test test norm will be exceeded in the following diseases not related to liver functions:

  • pyelonephritis and some other types of nephritis;
  • kidney amyloidosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lupus;
  • dermatomyositis;
  • and enteritis;
  • oncological diseases.

The doctor will have reason to suspect one of the listed diseases only if liver pathologies are excluded:

In order to be confident in the accuracy of the analysis, you should consciously approach the process of blood sampling. A week before the thymol test, it is recommended to switch to dietary food with limited fat and sugar. The day before the test, you should stop drinking coffee and alcohol. Blood for the sample is taken from a vein in the morning, on an empty stomach. 12 hours before the procedure, you must stop eating and slightly limit the amount of drinking. It is permissible to drink only clean water.

The thymol test is the precipitation of plasma proteins when thymol and veronal are added to them. The test shows whether there are changes in the properties of albumins and globulins that are formed in the liver. It is applied for early diagnosis hidden hepatitis. Read more about the advantages of the method, the reasons for increased results and the treatment of deviations in this article.

Read in this article

What does the thymol test show?

Blood proteins regulate blood acidity, its oncotic pressure, immune reactions, form cholesterol and bilirubin transport complexes, transport iron ions, a number of hormones, and medications. Albumin and partially globulins are synthesized by the liver. If its functions are impaired, then the following changes:

  • ratio of protein fractions (albumin decreases);
  • the configuration of the molecule, its mass and charge;
  • resistance to settling (colloidal stability).

As a result, proteins combine into complexes and precipitate. This loss of stability of the protein part of the blood is the basis of the thymol test. It is not specific, as it becomes positive in many liver lesions.

The sample is not used often because there are more modern methods studies of liver cell function (ALT, AST, bilirubin, prothrombin index). However, the McLagan test can help in differential diagnosis

and assessing the severity of hepatitis damage and the effectiveness of therapy.

  • Indications for determination
  • temperature increase;
  • sore throat;
  • slight cough;
  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bloating, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;

unpleasant or bitter taste in the mouth. The study is indicated for patients without clinical manifestations

  • , if identified:
  • contact with a patient with viral hepatitis;
  • autoimmune diseases (dermatomyositis, lupus, scleroderma);
  • alcoholism;
  • cytomegalovirus or herpes infection;
  • undiagnosed liver disease in the past (shows changes over a year after viral hepatitis);
  • working with toxic and chemical substances;
  • malaria, tuberculosis;
  • signs of changes in the structure of the liver on ultrasound;

long-term chemotherapy.

An important advantage of the thymoloveronal test is its high sensitivity. It helps to make a diagnosis even before the appearance of the main symptom of hepatitis - jaundice.

The McLagan test responds to liver damage earlier than others. This makes it possible to identify the disease initial stage, prescribe therapy and prevent the destruction of liver tissue and the spread of viral infection.

The thymol test is also used to distinguish mechanical blockage biliary tract and liver damage. In both cases, the symptoms are similar, but jaundice when obstructing the flow of bile rarely gives a positive result.

The analysis is also carried out to monitor the effect of treatment. It can be prescribed repeatedly, since the thymol test does not require lengthy preparation or financial costs. There are no contraindications for its use.

Watch the video about AST and ALT blood tests:

Sample preparation and conduction

One day before, you need to completely eliminate fatty foods, fried and spicy dishes, alcohol. Needed in the evening light dinner, and then a break of at least 8 - 10 hours from eating. On the morning of the test, you can drink only clean drinking water.

Juice, tea or coffee, and carbonated drinks can skew the results. Blood for analysis is given only in the morning on an empty stomach.

A vein puncture (ulnar, hand) is performed in the manipulation room. About 5 ml of blood is drawn into a sterile tube, then labeled and sent to the laboratory for testing. No anticoagulant is required. After separating the serum, it is mixed with veronal buffer and concentrated thymol. The result is assessed after half an hour. With intense turbidity of the solution, the formation of globulin + thymol + lipids complexes occurs.

After this, the laboratory technician compares the degree of change in the transparency of the material with the calibration graph (photocolorimetric method). With a decrease in albumin and an increase in globulins and lipoproteins, the thymol test becomes positive. When referring a patient to urgent diagnostics

the result can be obtained within an hour. If a routine examination is carried out, the answer is issued on the same day or the next.

Normal for women, men, children

Measurement results are given in Maclagan units - from 0 to 5 units. M. In the range of up to 4 units, the thymol test is considered negative.

Reasons for the increase

Greatest diagnostic value thymol test appears when detecting acute form viral hepatitis. Positive result recognized as a marker of this disease.

The McLagan test is the first to respond to the multiplication of the virus in the liver, during a period when there is no jaundice, changes in other liver tests, and an increase in bilirubin concentration.

A violation also leads to a positive test result. protein composition blood caused by other reasons.

This is due to the fact that the liver reacts to inflammation and tissue destruction of any location. In the presence of such processes in the body, the relative content of albumin decreases, since globulins for the immune response begin to be intensively synthesized. The loss of albumin in the urine in kidney disease can change the ratio of blood proteins. Thymol test is at the level of 3 - 4 units. M and with an increase in the level of lipoproteins in the blood. To diseases occurring with elevated test

  • McLagan include:
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • toxic (including medicinal), infectious, autoimmune hepatitis;
  • viral infections, including HIV;
  • neoplasms in the liver or beyond with metastases;
  • chronic alcoholism (especially when consuming surrogate drinks);
  • fatty liver degeneration (steatosis);
  • glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome;
  • acute pancreatitis, enterocolitis;
  • hereditary disorders of the ratio of protein fractions (dysproteinemia);
  • multiple myeloma; malaria, typhoid fever
  • , mononucleosis;

autoimmune diseases.

Treatment of abnormalities Even slight increase the result of the analysis is an indication for examining the liver, conducting virological tests for hepatitis, and ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity

, and sometimes a needle biopsy of the liver is needed.

  • Treatment is prescribed taking into account the cause of liver dysfunction. To restore it you need: limitation physical activity
  • during exacerbation;
  • minimum amount of medications;
  • exclusion of alcohol, fatty and fried foods;
  • sharp limitation of canned food, smoked foods, marinades, hot sauces, spices and strong coffee, tea;
  • ensure the supply of proteins from lean meat, dairy and fish products;

include boiled vegetables and non-acidic fruits in the menu. These drugs prevent the destruction of hepatocyte membranes and accelerate the processes of restoration of albumin synthesis. They are usually prescribed in courses of 2-3 months at least twice a year. The most effective are Essentiale Forte N, Heptral, Glutargin, Hepa-merz, Gepadif.

For viral hepatitis, interferon is administered intramuscularly or intravenously in combination with antiviral drugs(ribavirin), and also use new interferons long acting(PEGylated) – Pegasis, Algeron. If hepatitis is caused by an autoimmune process, then hormonal therapy is indicated.

The thymol test is highly sensitive to liver destruction, especially with viral hepatitis A. It helps to identify it at the preclinical stage. A positive result also occurs with infectious, autoimmune, tumor processes in organism. It is fast and recommended for monitoring treatment. In case of deviation from the norm, it is indicated additional examination And compulsory treatment, dieting.

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  • Thymol test (TT) is one of the types biochemical research blood, determining the presence in the body of abnormalities associated with a violation of the concentration of serum proteins. It helps control the liver's ability to create protein compounds.

    Identical names are thymol turbidity test or Maclagan test.

    The study itself is based on the processes of sedimentation of protein components. The analysis examines the sedimentation and turbidity of proteins in the thymol reagent. The more cloudiness occurs, the more severe the abnormalities in the body.

    To determine the state of the body and normal functioning internal organs, doctors prescribe blood biochemistry.

    This type of study is not one of the frequently used ones, and is used only in cases of suspicion, mainly of liver disease or pathological conditions of the kidneys, as well as as a result of a failure of salt metabolism.

    What is TP and what are its advantages?

    • It is necessary to donate blood in the morning and on an empty stomach;
    • Food intake should be limited for at least eight hours before blood donation;
    • For several days, it is recommended to limit the large amount of fried, spicy, salty foods consumed, as well as strong coffee and tea, juices;
    • Before analysis, only clean, non-carbonated water can be drunk;
    • If you are using any medications at the time of the test, you need to mandatory report this to your doctor.

    Analysis transcript

    Determining the results yourself is very simple. After laboratory research a form is issued indicating a negative (ranging from 0 to 5 Maclagan units) or positive (over five units) analysis reading.

    This type of study can only indicate weak albumin production, and not a violation of the rest of the protein ratio.

    In such cases, the doctor sends the patient for additional laboratory and hardware tests of the organs to accurately diagnose the disease.

    What to do if the indicator is higher than normal?

    First of all, you need to contact a qualified doctor to determine the root cause of the disease. Experienced specialist will help you adjust your diet and prescribe effective treatment.

    The use of any medications is permitted only after they have been prescribed by a doctor, based on the results of other tests.

    So as not to entail serious complications– do not self-medicate.

    Diet for elevated blood samples

    It is very important, in combination with the use of medications, to eat properly. Since cholesterol greatly affects liver processes, it is necessary to regulate the rate of its consumption in the body.

    After all, 50% of cholesterol enters the blood from food products, and the remaining half is produced by the body.

    To prevent an increase in the thymol test as much as possible, reducing the consumption of foods with high concentration cholesterol.

    The restriction applies to the following list of products:

    Consumption of animal fats must be replaced with unsaturated ones fatty acids, which are concentrated in plant products. It is also recommended to consume more foods rich in vitamin B and iodine.

    Your daily diet should contain the following foods:

    • Nuts;
    • Beans;
    • Bran (reduces cholesterol by 7-14%);
    • Berries;
    • Red vegetables and fruits (reduce cholesterol by up to 18%);
    • Citrus;
    • Flax seeds (reduces cholesterol by 8-14%);
    • Olive and peanut oil (reduces cholesterol by up to 18%);
    • Eggplant;
    • Garlic (reduces cholesterol by 9-12%);
    • Cauliflower;
    • Broccoli;
    • Almonds (reduces cholesterol by up to 10%);
    • Watermelon (removes negative cholesterol);
    • Green tea (reduces cholesterol by 2-5%);
    • Sea kale.

    The use of the above products, in combination with effectively prescribed therapy, will help in most cases to prevent an increase in TP levels.

    Treatment with folk remedies. Is it possible to?

    It is used quite effectively to prevent the absorption of cholesterol. folk remedies. This means that they will help prevent the growth of the thymol test.

    One of the possible medicinal fees is:

    • Kidney tea;
    • Mint leaves;
    • Carrot seeds;
    • Eleutherococcus roots;
    • Burdock root;
    • Cassia aculifolia leaves;
    • Birch leaves.

    Preparing the collection involves putting 4 tablespoons per half liter of boiling water. Take one hundred milliliters three times a day, after meals.

    So there is another collection of herbs that counteracts the growth of the thymol test:

    The method of preparation and consumption is similar to the previous herbal collection.

    Another recipe is:

    • Arnica flowers;
    • St. John's wort herbs;
    • Yarrow herbs.

    Three tablespoons of finely chopped ingredients, pour into 400 grams of boiling water, leave, strain and drink 400 grams throughout the day.

    To normalize the condition of blood vessels, the following collection is used:

    • Mistletoe;
    • Hawthorn roots;
    • Vinca leaves;
    • Caraway.

    Infuse 4 tablespoons of the mixture into half a liter of boiling water, filter and drink two glasses a day. Consumption does not depend on food intake.

    Important! Therapy medicinal fees can only be used in combination with medicines, since by itself it will not give the desired effect.

    Before using any preparations, both for treatment and prevention, it is recommended to consult a qualified doctor.


    Controlling this indicator used mainly in cases of suspected pathological conditions liver, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. IN preventive measures, in most cases, is used biochemical analysis blood.

    The study of the thymol test allows you to determine the early stages development series serious illnesses, including diabetes mellitus.

    Get your blood tested regularly to prevent and control the course of diseases. Any use of funds traditional medicine, medicines and therapy based on the results of the analysis, is allowed only after consultation with the attending physician. Do not self-medicate and be healthy!



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