Analysis of thymol test is normal. Dysproteinemic tests (sublimate, thymol tests, Veltman test)

Laboratory and instrumental research methods do not lose their significant position, despite the fact that visualization techniques are becoming more advanced. This is especially true for diagnosing diseases. digestive tract, in particular the liver. Ultrasonography, tomography allows one to evaluate the macro-characteristics of an organ, its structure, the presence of focal or diffuse changes. Laboratory tests are designed to diagnose the functioning of the organ. Within the framework of the article, sedimentary samples are considered, among which thymol occupies an important place.

This is a sedimentary reaction, which is designed to identify a violation of the protein-synthesizing function of the liver. It is sensitive to disturbances in the relationship or balance between the globulin fraction and albumin.

In most liver diseases, which are accompanied by a decrease in the ability to synthesize protein structures, the thymol test is increased. But there are other reasons that may affect the results of the study:

  • protein-losing nephrotic syndrome;
  • systemic diseases;
  • autoimmune pathology;
  • illnesses connective tissue.

Only an adequate comprehensive approach to the problem will allow an adequate assessment of the test results and the situation as a whole.

How is the analysis carried out?

First of all, the patient should be explained the essence of the procedure and its purpose. Thymol test, like other sedimentary methods, are used to assess the protein-synthesizing function of the liver. At liver failure this ability of hepatocytes is lost to varying degrees.

The patient comes to the laboratory on an empty stomach in the morning, where the blood is collected. venous blood. It is important that he does not eat food 6-8 hours before the test. Avoid drinking alcohol several days before the test and using caffeine-containing drinks.

The blood serum of the subject is added to a special solution with known acidity ( pH value equals 7.8). The volume of thymol is 5-7 ml. It is dissolved in the veronal buffer system. Thymol is not an acid, but is a member of a group of cyclic compounds called phenols. When binding to globulins (their excess), cholesterol, phospholipids under conditions of known acidity, the test solution becomes cloudy. The degree of turbidity is assessed using the colorimetric or nephelometric method. It is compared with the turbidity of a barium sulfate solution, taken as unity. When the results of the thymol test are assessed, the normal values ​​vary from 0 to 5 units.

Interpretation of results

The test results in the conclusion of the laboratory doctors look like in the following way: the sample is positive or the sample is negative. Sometimes an indication of the degree of increase is possible. Expressed in the number of “crosses” or units (with a norm of 0 to 5).

The thymol test is elevated in liver diseases associated with an inflammatory component. These are viral and toxic hepatitis, cholestatic organ damage. Usually in case acute injury hepatocytes, due to the cytopathic (cell-destroying) effect of viruses, the test is sharply positive. If there is chronic hepatitis, the results of the thymol test may be within normal limits or slightly elevated.

Fibrosis and cirrhosis may also increase the likelihood of a positive sediment test. Liver damage from toxic products, medicines also reduces its protein-synthesizing function due to cell necrosis. Albumin synthesis decreases, while globulin fractions appear in high concentrations (relative to albumin).

Other conditions causing a positive result

The reasons for the decrease in albumin levels compared to globulins are not only liver pathology.
There are a number of diseases and conditions that can cause these study results.

First, nephrotic syndrome should be excluded. It is caused by diabetic, uremic nephropathy, and various options glomerulonephritis. Urine and blood tests with an assessment of the biochemical profile confirm the guesses.

The next group of reasons is autoimmune diseases and connective tissue diseases. Systemic lupus erythematosus (as well as lupus nephritis), scleroderma, Sjögren's syndrome, and polymyalgia are excluded. To do this, the doctor prescribes tests for immunological markers.

Often positive result observed when malignant tumors. This occurs in the so-called paraneoplastic syndrome.

Disadvantages of the method

The advantage of the analysis is that it is very sensitive. At the same time, performing a thymol test is relatively inexpensive. But there are disadvantages.

They are associated with low specificity. That is, if the study result is positive, it is impossible to talk about any specific pathology. The groups of reasons causing an increase in the colorimetric characteristics of the solution are listed above. It is worth noting that the list is quite impressive.

Sediment tests are more used to confirm the fact of impaired liver function. In addition to thymol, a sublimate test is used. Its principle is based on the phenomenon of flocculation. The reagent is mercuric chloride salt - sublimate. If there is an excess of blood serum globulins, flakes are visible in the test tube - a sediment. The test is considered positive. But talk about some specific disease she cannot, just like thymol.

When examining a patient, it is important for the doctor to understand the meaning of prescribing tests. When a positive thymol test is detected, it becomes clear that there is most likely a liver dysfunction. But at the same time, other pathologies can also manifest themselves this way. This is a reason to think about it and draw up an adequate plan for further diagnostics.

A person's well-being depends on his work internal organs. Don't neglect any of them. IN this moment the conversation will be about the liver. There are many ways to diagnose it, one of them is the thymol test. Let's find out what it is now.

The essence of the procedure and why it is needed

Before understanding why this analysis is needed, let’s give it a definition. The thymol test is a biochemical blood test that answers the question of how protein synthesis occurs in the liver. A change in any protein ratio indicates that a disease is developing in the organ.

Thymol blood test is a coagulation test. Thanks to it, the colloidal instability of the plasma is determined. Based on the data obtained, liver pathology can be detected on early stages. The first symptoms have not yet appeared, but violations have already been discovered. What is colloidal instability? Normally they do not precipitate. If this happens, it means that the disease has begun its “movement”.

If we talk in simple language, then the essence of the analysis is to determine the degree of turbidity of the serum. For these purposes, a photocolorimetric method is used. The unit of measurement is maglan. Speaking about the chemical essence of the study, we can say that it consists in the formation of a globulin-thymololipid complex, consisting of:

  • forty percent globulins;
  • thirty-two percent thymol;
  • eighteen percent cholesterol;
  • ten percent phospholipids.

What the patient should know

Before you go for the procedure, you should get to know a little about how everything will happen.

  • The doctor must explain to the patient the purpose for which this test will be performed.
  • The patient must be informed that blood is being taken from a vein, at what time this will happen, and who will perform the procedure.
  • The patient is warned that there may be discomfort while applying a tourniquet.
  • You should tell your doctor if you are taking any medications that could affect the test result. Most likely, you will have to stop using them.
  • There are no dietary restrictions.
  • After the blood is drawn, the wound is pressed with a cotton ball to prevent bleeding.
  • If a hematoma has formed, a warm compress is prescribed.
  • After taking the sample, you can again take medications that were stopped before the study.

Analysis mechanism

You should know that a blood test - a thymol test - is taken on an empty stomach, early in the morning. Drinking food, coffee, tea, and juice should stop eight hours before the procedure. You are allowed to drink a small amount of water. Try to adhere to these rules, as the result obtained and the correctness of the diagnosis depend on them.

Now about the mechanism:

On this result The conditions under which the analysis was carried out are also influenced. These include: the nature of the buffer solution, its acidity and concentration, as well as the degree of purity and temperature of thymol.

Why do you need to determine the protein ratio?

Thymol test - you already know what it is. Now let's talk a little about blood proteins. Collecting in large quantities in the liver, they have several purposes:

  1. Provide the required blood volume.
  2. Support
  3. They control the pH of the blood and keep it at the same level.
  4. Carried to tissues: bilirubin, cholesterol.
  5. Medicines are delivered.

Blood serum contains five fractions of proteins: β - globulins, γ - globulins, as well as albumins, α1 - globulins, α2 - globulins. The quantity of each of them should not exceed the norm. But sometimes it fails. Globulins exceed the norm in diseases of the liver, connective tissue, tumors, and infections.

A decrease in albumin occurs with impaired liver function and malnutrition.

Medicine is developing, but the accuracy of the results obtained with the thymol test contributes to the fact that this method is used and is currently very active.

In what cases is analysis prescribed?

A blood test - a thymol test - is often prescribed if a disease is suspected. The result obtained will be especially high if the patient suffers from hepatitis A.

This examination will also help to identify toxic hepatitis. This diagnosis is usually determined in people who constantly drink alcohol and some medical supplies. In addition, thanks to the thymol test, the process of liver recovery after hepatitis is monitored.

The thymol test is elevated in the following diagnoses: rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus erythematosus.

Changes in the ratio are also affected by diseases of organs such as the kidneys. If the thymol test is elevated, the reasons for obtaining such a result are: pathological changes this organ. This test is prescribed for suspected pancreatitis, any infection, or poor nutrition and abuse of fatty foods.

Reasons for exceeding the norm

Previously, if the test result deviated from the norm, only liver disease was diagnosed. After some time, it was discovered that such data could be obtained for other ailments. Nowadays, if the thymol test is elevated, the reasons may be as follows. In the patient:

In addition to all of the above, the thymol test may be increased if the patient uses fatty foods a lot. In this case, you need to pay attention to other biochemical indicators.

In case of liver pathology, you should definitely pay attention to bilirubin, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase and the result of the sublimate test.

Analysis transcript

Thymol test - what is it? It is impossible to fully understand this without knowing how the results of the analysis are deciphered. The data obtained can only refute or confirm the violation protein composition blood.

If you have been tested, the thymol blood test (normal) should be within five units or less. If the indicator is higher, then the result is positive, which means that a pathological process is occurring in your body. When interpreting data, it is worth taking into account factors such as weight, age, period of analysis, and medication use.

As stated above, a positive result of the thymol test accompanies a large number of diseases, but still it is more significant for detecting hepatitis at an early stage. But you shouldn't rely on this analysis alone. For more full examination the thymol test should be assessed in conjunction with other studies.

More details about the results

The “thymol test” analysis is one of the most reliable tests that allows you to correctly assess the functioning of the liver. Thanks to it, inflammation syndrome can be diagnosed.

A 100% positive result is obtained with infectious, toxic hepatitis, Botkin's disease. The same indicator is recorded during the period of post-hepatitis and post-necrotic cirrhosis of the liver. With congestive, obstructive, cholestatic jaundice, in twenty-five out of a hundred cases the indicator will be positive. Based on the results of the data obtained, it is carried out differential diagnosis jaundice.

In patients with subhepatic jaundice, a positive test will be only if a complication caused by parenchymal hepatitis occurs.

For those who have suffered infectious hepatitis, the test gives an increased result for six months after discharge from the hospital.

When subsiding pathological process, occurring in the human body, the thymol test indicator decreases.


You already know and understand the thymol test, what it is and what it is needed for. Even a slight increase should alert the attending physician. A change in protein ratio indicates inflammatory processes, occurring in the liver.

Thymol test one of the sedimentary (coagulation) tests, based on changes in the stability of blood serum proteins, which is noted when various diseases accompanied by dysproteinemia - a change in the ratio of serum proteins.

Blood proteins normally have high colloidal stability, but when the ratio of globulin and albumin fractions changes, protein stability decreases. When the thymol reagent is added to the sample, the proteins precipitate, that is, if the result is positive, the test serum becomes cloudy. The more the colloidal properties of proteins are impaired, the greater the degree of turbidity.

Norm of thymol test in men and women

  • Normally (the test result is negative), the thymol test in men and women is in the range of 0-5 units. M (McLagan units). This means that there are no disturbances in the composition of serum proteins;
  • If the result of the thymol test exceeds 5 units. M, such violations do occur.

Thymol test has great importance in the early stages, when there are still no first signs of its damage. This test is important for diagnosing viral hepatitis or identifying erased forms of the disease.

Excess of thymol test

  • The thymol test is significantly elevated in hepatitis, as well as in liver cirrhosis, when liver cells are replaced by connective tissue;
  • For hepatitis due to chronic alcoholism, poisoning with heavy metals, drugs (antihistamines, antitumor, antidiabetic, diuretic, hormonal, antibiotics and antidepressants), the liver stops normally synthesizing proteins, so the thymol test is also positive;
  • In the early stages of obstructive jaundice, caused by a violation of the outflow of bile, the thymol test is usually negative, but with a long process, the liver tissue is affected and it becomes positive;
  • The thymol test is positive for hepatitis caused by infectious diseases such as mononucleosis, leptospirosis, brucellosis, as well as for acute fatty liver atrophy, autoimmune hepatitis, liver tumors;
  • The thymol test is positive not only in cases of liver damage. accompanied by nephrotic syndrome, it is also increased;
  • This indicator is recorded with an increase when systemic diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma, rheumatoid polyarthritis, dermatomyositis, periarteritis nodosa, hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • In addition, an increase in the thymol test is observed in pancreatitis, malaria, malignant neoplasms, myeloma and even excessive consumption fatty foods.

Thus, it is impossible to make a diagnosis using one thymol test. Assessing the condition of patients can only be done in combination with other research methods.

Thymol test(thymoloveronal test, Maclagan test) - one of the sedimentary or coagulation tests designed to detect changes in qualitative and quantitative composition serum proteins in various diseases.

The thymol test was developed by M. F. Maclagan in 1944. The test is based on the precipitation of serum proteins by adding a saturated solution of thymol in veronal buffer. If the test result is positive, the test serum becomes turbid. The degree of turbidity is determined by the photocolorometric method. The result of the thymol test is usually expressed in Maclagan units (M units).

The physicochemical essence of the thymol test has not been fully elucidated. It is known that as a result of the reaction, a complex complex is formed consisting of globulins, phospholipids, cholesterol and thymol.

In addition to the thymol test, in different time A considerable number of other sediment samples have been proposed. Among them are the sublimate test, the Takata, Gross tests, cadmium, formol, zinc sulfate, cephalin-cholesterol tests, the Weibrodt, Veltmann reactions, etc. With the exception of the sublimate test that is currently used in some places, for clinical practice they all have only historical significance.

Normal thymol test.

The interpretation or decoding of the thymol test is quite simple:

A negative test means that there are no disturbances in the protein composition of the blood serum, a positive test means that there are such disturbances.

What does a positive thymol test mean?

Massive molecules of blood proteins are maintained in suspension thanks to electromagnetic field on their surface

In general, a positive result of the thymol test is characteristic of the state of dysproteinemia - a violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of blood serum proteins.

As is known, blood serum proteins are represented by several fractions that differ in their physical and chemical properties. Albumins are more light fraction, ensuring the stability of the entire colloidal system blood. On the contrary, globulins and lipoproteins have a high molecular weight and are prone to sedimentation.

A decrease in the amount of albumin, or an increase in the amount of globulins, or the appearance of so-called paraglobulins in the blood, which should not normally be present - all this inevitably leads to a violation of colloidal stability and to the tendency of proteins to coagulate, that is, to their sticking together and sedimentation. It is this phenomenon that is demonstrated by the thymol test.

The liver plays a leading role in the production of blood proteins. It is natural, therefore, that the unhealthy state of this organ is usually accompanied by a violation of the harmony of the protein composition of the blood, and, accordingly, a positive result of the thymol test.

Kidney disease may be accompanied by urinary excretion large quantity albumin, which leads to a lack of the latter in the blood. The loss of large amounts of albumin is also characteristic of extensive burns.

An increase in the fraction of γ-globulins is a common occurrence in rheumatoid, autoimmune and infectious diseases.

The balance of protein fractions can also be disturbed by the appearance in the blood of so-called paraglobulins, produced in myeloma, some malignant neoplasms, and hereditary disorders of protein metabolism.

The colloidal balance of blood serum can also change due to heavy consumption of fatty foods.

For what diseases is the thymol test positive?

  • Liver diseases:
    • acute viral hepatitis
    • toxic, alcoholic and medicinal hepatitis
    • hepatitis in infectious diseases - leptospirosis, brucellosis, mononucleosis, etc.
    • autoimmune hepatitis
    • liver cirrhosis
    • acute yellow fatty liver atrophy
    • long-term impairment of bile outflow during obstructive jaundice
    • functional liver disorders due to uncontrolled use of steroid drugs and contraceptives
    • liver tumors, etc.
  • Kidney diseases accompanied by loss of albumin in urine:
    • glomerulonephritis
    • pyelonephritis with nephrotic syndrome
    • renal amyloidosis
  • Systemic rheumatoid diseases:
    • systemic lupus erythematosus
    • rheumatoid polyarthritis
    • periarteritis nodosa
    • dermatomyositis, etc.
  • Diseases digestive system:
    • pancreatitis
    • enteritis with severe diarrhea
  • Acute viral infections
  • Malaria
  • Myeloma
  • Hereditary disorders protein metabolism - cryoglobulinemia, macroglobulinemia, etc.
  • Malignant neoplasms

It is not possible to list within the framework of this article all diseases that can give a positive thymol test. However, this does not need to be done, since most of these diseases are extremely rare.

Thymol test and hepatitis.

With all the variety of diseases accompanied by a positive thymol test, the latter is most useful for early diagnosis hepatitis - inflammatory diseases liver tissue of viral, toxic and other origin.

The high sensitivity of the thymol test makes it possible to suspect hepatitis at an early stage when it even persists. normal level. And in any case, long before the appearance of jaundice.

After the postponed viral hepatitis thymol test remains positive long time- six months and even a year. During this period, it is also indispensable for monitoring the dynamics of restoration of liver function.

Diagnostic value of thymol test.

A thymol test confirms or denies the fact of a violation of the qualitative or quantitative composition of blood proteins, and also gives some idea of ​​the severity of these changes. But it does not answer the question: “What are these violations?” And even more so, it does not itself provide information about the causes of such violations. The idea that existed in previous years of the thymol test as a reaction highly specific for liver pathology turned out to be untenable.

In this regard, a positive thymol test detected for the first time can only serve as a preliminary indicator of changes in the protein composition of the blood. In relation to liver diseases, the result of this test should be interpreted with some caution. We should not forget that liver pathology is the most common, but not the only reason for a positive thymol test. In any case, the thymol test indicator should be considered in conjunction with other studies:, etc.

To study disorders of the protein composition of the blood in our time, there are more advanced methods: electrophoresis and immunological tests.

Nevertheless, due to its simplicity, the thymol test still finds wide application in medical practice.

Usage biochemical tests in medicine allows you to identify numerous diseases on initial stages, but for accurate diagnosis requires the use of highly specialized methods. These include the Thymol test. It is used to study general condition liver or to calculate positive dynamics in the treatment of certain diseases.

The thymol test is considered a highly specialized blood test. Its second name is Maclagan's test. With its help, the condition of the liver is assessed, or rather its ability to produce blood plasma protein. In addition, the doctor, based on the sample, evaluates protein fraction ratio, which makes it possible to identify some diseases and even predict them before noticeable symptoms appear.

The blood proteins themselves are divided into two general groups, which also have their own subsections:

  • globulins;
  • albumins.

With the help of the above proteins, regulation occurs acid-base balance blood plasma, changing the rate of coagulation, maintaining the required volume, as well as transporting components medicinal substances and other connections.

The sample is studied based on the rate of protein sedimentation. For this reason it is classified as a coagulant biochemical research. A test is carried out when adding special solution to the resulting serum. As a result, a chemical reaction is observed.

If the course is positive, cloudiness of the serum is observed. Depending on the severity of the turbidity of the resulting solution, the result of the sample is determined. It is indicated in Maclagan units, that is, in units of M.

Thymol test is considered obsolete type research, but is still used in some laboratories. It is prescribed mainly when it is necessary to identify:
  • hepatitis type A;
  • drug intoxication;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • other diseases.

Normal for women

Normal test results depend on the correctness of the tests. This must be done on an empty stomach in the morning, but you are allowed to drink water before the test. When applying the study against the background drug therapy , before trying, you should notify your doctor about using medicines so that he can correct for distortion of the results.

Among women normal indicator thymol test is up to 5 units M. However, with dysproteinemia and taking oral contraceptives the rate is rising. If the indicator is elevated outside of these conditions, then there is a high probability of liver failure. The test itself allows you to identify the stability of proteins, and depending on the indicators, health problems are identified.

An increase in the indicator may not be diagnosed with obstructive jaundice, only when the disease progresses to a more serious stage and when inflammation develops can the problem be diagnosed.

In addition to jaundice, the absence of a positive result of the thymol test can be observed when the natural ratio of alpha and beta globulins differs, or in the presence of significant amounts of excess or insufficient weight.

It is worth noting that if a person develops hepatitis B, the thymol test does not give a positive result, since its result will vary from 1 to 5 units M., this is not a deviation from normal indicators.


If the test result is positive, liver damage is diagnosed. Today, a positive test result is also observed in diseases of the kidneys, digestive system, and the appearance of malignant neoplasms. Due to inaccuracy in diagnosing the disease, it is necessary to carry out additional research, allowing to identify exact reason deviations of the thymol test from the norm.

Increased test results can be observed without pathologies. More often improved results appear in people who often eat fatty foods. There is an increase in cholesterol in their blood.

The gradual accumulation of lipoproteins will contribute to their deposition in blood vessels and the formation atherosclerotic plaques. Their formation contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Thus, if the result of the thymol test is elevated, and clinical manifestations there is no illness, it is necessary urgently change your diet.


An increase in sample values ​​may be caused by the following reasons:

  • kidney diseases;
  • large area burns;
  • strict diets;
  • genetics;
  • frequent consumption of fatty foods;
  • systemic diseases;
  • endocarditis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rheumatoid diseases;
  • myeloma;
  • pancreatitis;
  • energite;
  • hepatitis;
  • various types of neoplasms in liver tissue;
  • damage to the liver parenchyma by alcohol substitutes or alcohol;
  • poisoning by poisons, metals, drugs;
  • cirrhosis;
  • fatty damage to liver tissue;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • liver diseases of various etymologies.

It is the last point that most often leads to increase indicators samples. However, to calculate accurate diagnosis It is recommended to visit a doctor and get a prescription for treatment.

A special feature of the thymol test is its ability to detect type A hepatitis in the early stages, however, the test is not informative if a person has already had hepatitis before and was successfully cured. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to undergo additional tests.

In order for the research results to be as reliable as possible, it is necessary to first prepare for the test. A week before the test, it is recommended to follow a diet with limited consumption fats and sugar. The day before the study, you must give up coffee, tea, and alcohol.

The sample itself is taken in morning time on an empty stomach, for this reason it is not recommended to eat food 12 hours before the test. In the morning you can only drink water in limited quantities, and you cannot eat anything.


When the thymol test increases, the most common cause is liver disease. For this reason, in order to normalize the analysis parameters, it is first necessary to accurately identify the cause of the change in the state of blood proteins. And depending on the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

However, in addition to this, if the thymol test indicators increase, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet. It consists of limiting the patient's use fatty foods, regardless of whether they are of animal or plant origin.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude from the diet fast carbohydrates, some sour fruits, citrus fruits, tomatoes, meat or fish based soups, broths.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs