Chew thoroughly. Why you need to chew your food thoroughly: is it really necessary? The digestive system should not be overworked

If people chewed correctly, then people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases intestinal tract, nervous system, cardiac vascular diseases, it would be significantly less. Thorough chewing promotes normal processing of incoming food, strengthens the gums and internal organs (the roots of the teeth are connected to internal organs); activates the pancreas and liver.

As a result of thoroughly chewing food (at least 50 times), gastritis, colitis, diarrhea, ulcers, diseases of the nervous system and some other diseases are cured. Thus, food must be chewed until it turns into a liquid, homogeneous pulp that does not contain solid inclusions.

Thoroughly chewed food lingers less in the stomach, is digested well and is better absorbed. Thanks to copious discharge saliva is restored to normal acidity alkaline balance body, the load on the heart is reduced. A person eats less food with the same result. Chewing food at least 50 times helps relieve nervousness. emotional stress, increase concentration and performance.

Further. When a person eats a hearty lunch with a predominance of animal fats, sugar, baked goods, refined flour products, what happens to him? He simply blocks the flow of energy in his body. Heavy animal food is nothing more than a means to block your energy, make yourself lifeless and inactive.

Such people physically feel tension in the back and shoulders. Tight muscles block blood flow. Blood insufficiently nourishes organs and tissues. Instead of creative processes, destructive processes are launched in cells. In addition, animal products, sugar and other heavy foods are poorly processed by the digestive system, which Nature intended for completely different products - with a predominance of cereals, vegetables, and legumes.

Animal food contains more toxins, decay products, and poisons than benefits. They poison the blood, which distributes them throughout the body and in turn poisons organs and tissues. You cannot create new cells from toxins - after all, they are waste, dirt. On the other hand, they cannot be taken outside. And then these decay products either accumulate under the skin, in the fat layer, or are deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

If a person finds himself in any unfavorable conditions - he becomes hypothermic, experiences stress, gets injured - then harmful substances attack a weakened, wounded organ. And a serious illness begins.

Choosing natural products and by eating right, we not only improve our well-being, but also maintain health. However, at a frantic pace modern life We sometimes forget that food must be chewed thoroughly.

More than a hundred years ago, obese Horace Fletcher put forward an amazing concept: by chewing food more than 32 times, a person can not only lose weight, but significantly improve his health.

Chewing food thoroughly helps:
Strengthening gums. Chewing muscles, like all the muscles of our body, need training, which is chewing. Depending on what kind of food you have to chew, the teeth and the gums are coming load from 20 to 120 kg. As a result, blood flow in the gums increases, reducing the risk of developing periodontitis.
Production required quantity saliva. One has only to smell food or think about something delicious dish, as saliva immediately begins to be produced in the mouth. Human saliva on 98% consists of water, contains whole line useful enzymes and biologically active substances, vitamins B, C, H, A, D, E and K, minerals Ca, Mg, Na, hormones and choline, according to chemical composition is a weak alkali. When a person chews, saliva is produced 10 times more than when calm state. At the same time, F, Ca and Na contained in saliva strengthen tooth enamel, and a protective film is formed on the surface of the teeth.
Improving the functioning of the stomach, pancreas and liver. As soon as food enters the mouth, the brain begins to send signals to the stomach and pancreas to produce digestive acids and enzymes. Therefore, than longer food is in the mouth and the longer it is chewed, the stronger the signals sent by the brain. And the stronger these signals, the large quantity gastric juice and digestive enzymes will be produced, and the more efficiently and quickly the food will be digested.
Faster and more thorough digestion and absorption of food. Our gastrointestinal system is capable of breaking down only those nutrients that are in dissolved form. Food that enters the stomach in a lump is not absorbed by the body. If the lumps are small, splitting occurs under the influence of gastric and pancreatic juice, as well as bile. However, this significantly increases the digestion time, and there is a danger of putrefactive fermentation. The better the food is crushed and processed with saliva, the higher the coefficient useful action our digestive system.
Neutralization of acids and restoration of the normal acid-base balance of the body.
Reducing the load on the heart. Swallowing large pieces of food puts pressure on the diaphragm, where the heart is located.
Better absorption nutrients . Feeding everyone's food useful components occurs in the mouth during chewing. Cereals, potatoes, sweets, bakery products– all foods containing carbohydrates begin to be digested in the mouth, and careful slow chewing of food can significantly reduce the load on the digestive system. The stomach is able to process only very small pieces of food, since gastric juice cannot penetrate larger pieces. As a result, such unprocessed pieces of food enter the intestines and are excreted from the body.
Losing weight. Chewing food thoroughly allows you to feel full with significantly less food.

How does chewing food thoroughly help you lose weight?

Most often the set excess weight occurs due to overeating. We come home hungry, pounce on food and consume it in quantities significantly exceeding the body's needs. If you eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly and get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, you can forget about excess weight forever. It’s not for nothing that there is an unspoken law in Japan: you can only eat until eight out of ten parts of your stomach are full. Constant overeating leads to the stomach stretching, and more and more food can be easily accommodated.

Chinese experts from Harbin University have come to a sensational conclusion: in order to lose excess weight, you just need to chew your food more thoroughly. 30 young men of various weight categories were invited to participate in the experiment. When given a portion of food, participants were asked to chew it first 15 times, then 40 times. Blood tests taken 1.5 hours after eating showed lower amounts of ghrelin (the hunger hormone) in those volunteers who chewed 40 times.

Scientists at the University of Birmingham have come to the conclusion that chewing each portion of food can help you get rid of evening snacks and reduce the number of calories gained. at least 30 seconds.

Yogis, recognized long-livers, have a saying: “ Eat liquid food, drink solid food" Its meaning is that even liquid food should not be swallowed immediately, but should be chewed to mix it with saliva. Solid food should be chewed very thoroughly to turn it into liquid. Typically, yogis chew one piece at least 100-200 times and can get enough of just one banana.

Many people like to wash down their food with water. It is best, of course, to limit yourself to your own saliva, however, if the food is dry and hard, you can dilute it a little with water.

As a rule, most plant food It becomes more tasty during chewing, and if you swallow quickly, you may never know the true taste of the dish.

It has been scientifically proven that people who chew their food longer than usual feel fuller faster. As soon as food enters the mouth and a person begins to chew, histamine is produced, which is so needed by the neurons of the hypothalamus ( part of the brain). Histamine reaches the brain only 20 minutes after the start of a meal, thereby giving the body a signal of saturation. Thus, chewing slowly allows you to get enough calories with much less than swallowing a quick fix. In addition to signaling saturation, histamine significantly improves metabolism, which accelerates the burning of excess calories in the body.

Our body spends a large amount of energy on digesting food. If a person chews food thoroughly, thereby improving pre-processing, he needs significantly less food to feel full, and the digestive organs work with less effort.

Chewing food thoroughly and the digestive system

The digestion process begins in the oral cavity, where digestion complex carbohydrates In simple cases, it occurs under the influence of a protein contained in saliva - amylase. Moreover, than better food wetted by saliva, the easier it passes through digestive tract and is digested faster.

From the oral cavity, unchewed pieces enter the esophagus and can injure it. During the chewing process, food is heated to body temperature, thereby making the work of the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach more comfortable. Food can remain in the stomach for up to six hours, where proteins are broken down under the action of gastric juice. Further breakdown of proteins into amino acids occurs in duodenum. Here, under the influence of lipase and bile, fats are broken down into glycerol and fatty acid.

Digestion of food is completed in small intestine. Under the influence intestinal enzymes Thoroughly chewed food is converted into simple compounds. And these compounds are already absorbed into the blood and saturate the body with energy and nutrients.

Since unchewed food is simply excreted from the body, we constantly lack vitamins, iron and proteins. In addition, large pieces of food linger in the stomach and promote reproduction. harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Small pieces of food are disinfected hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice, in large pieces the bacteria remain unharmed and enter the intestines, where they actively multiply and can lead to dysbiosis and intestinal infections.

How to learn to chew slowly?

1. Use chopsticks instead of a spoon and fork. At least until you learn how to use them just as quickly.
2. Concentrate on food, enjoy the taste
3. Eat only at the kitchen or dining room table
4. Cook it yourself, you'll appreciate the food better.
5. When eating, sit upright, breathe deeply, do not get distracted

We hope that you will listen to the simple but useful recommendations from this article. Out of interest, when next appointment food, try testing yourself - how many times do you chew before swallowing.

Chewing food thoroughly is good not only for your figure, but also for your health. So...

Argument one: weight loss

The more careless we are with the chewing process, the more we risk gaining overweight. This was proven by Japanese doctors who were not too lazy to devote to the problem major study with the participation of 5 thousand volunteers. Scientists divided them into groups depending on the speed of chewing food.

There were five groups: “fast”, “quite fast”, “regular”, “quite slow”, “slow”. So, the “average” participant in the “fast” group weighed on average 4 kg more than the “slow” ones. Based on the study, scientists came up with a formula: chew quickly - you gain weight (plus 2 kg), slowly - (minus 3 kg).


To be fully digested, food must be well ground. Large pieces disrupt the motility of the gastrointestinal tract with all the ensuing consequences. They lead, for example, to an unpleasant condition, which is described by the expression “swelling in the stomach.” In addition, chewing for a long time and thoroughly is also necessary because food digestion begins in the mouth.

This primarily applies to carbohydrates, which are broken down by the action of the amylase enzyme contained in saliva. Saliva also produces mucin, a substance that helps food gently slide down the esophagus into the stomach. In order for enough mucin to be produced, you need to make at least 20 jaw movements. Are you lazy?

Remind yourself that a “dry” lump of food injures the delicate mucous membrane of the esophagus, and you will immediately earn them with enthusiasm.


Chewing food thoroughly reduces the load on the heart, which is especially important for people with cardiovascular diseases. There is a little-known pattern: with each sip, the heart rate increases by 7-10 beats. If a person swallows rarely, then the rhythm quickly returns to normal, but if often, tachycardia may develop.


Prolonged chewing significantly reduces the risk of gum disease - gingivitis, periodontal disease, this has been proven by American scientists.


The longer food is in the mouth, the lower the risk of poisoning. The fact is that saliva contains lysozyme, a substance with a bactericidal effect. The better the food is mixed with saliva, the more dangerous people will be killed by the brave.

Convincing? Then we start doing “it” correctly. Doctors have come up with the optimal formula: for every 22 chewing movements there should be one swallowing movement.

It only brings benefits. Scientists have long proven this statement. In different research centers Observations were made that provided answers to the question: why do you need to chew food thoroughly? If food does not linger in the mouth and is quickly sent unprepared through the esophagus to the stomach, a lot of health problems are at risk. Let us highlight a number of reasons why food should be ground thoroughly and slowly.

Chewing allows you to lose weight quickly

It may seem strange, but by chewing food thoroughly, we actually help the body control how it absorbs food. And this contributes fast weight loss. As a rule, a person gains excess weight if he overeats. At moments when the feeling of hunger is too strong, we quickly chew and swallow food, without noticing how well it is processed. Trying to get enough as soon as possible, we send unchopped pieces into the stomach. As a result, much more food is absorbed than is required to saturate the body.

If you chew your food thoughtfully and slowly, your likelihood of losing weight increases. By carefully grinding food to a mushy state, it is quite possible to get enough of small amounts, thereby avoiding overeating. This is what leads to excess weight gain. When the hormone histamine begins to be produced, the brain receives a signal and a feeling of satiety occurs. The maximum concentration of histamine is reached approximately 20 minutes after the start of the meal. If you chew slowly during this time, the amount of food consumed will be much less than if you swallow it in pieces. The feeling of satiety will come in any case, but there will be no harm large quantity There will be a lot of poorly ground food.

Examples of research

One of the most bright examples is a study where scientists observed two groups of subjects. Everyone was offered the same portions of food for the meal, but the first ones had to chew the food, limiting it to 15 movements. The second group chewed food 40 times. After finishing lunch, all subjects had their blood taken for analysis. The results were incredible. Those who chewed their food more thoroughly had significantly less hunger hormone (ghrelin). Experience has proven that with a calm, measured meal, satiety lasts much longer than for those who are in a hurry.

So, by chewing food thoroughly, you help the body not only keep weight under control, it also stabilizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, minimizing the possibility of harmful deposits - toxins, waste, stones.

Digestion of food begins in the mouth

A large number of people tend to think that food begins to be processed and broken down as soon as it enters the stomach. This is a wrong opinion. The digestive process begins already in the oral cavity, which is why food must be chewed thoroughly. Our salivary glands They perceive the chewing process as a signal for the production of saliva, and also give a “go-ahead” to the stomach so that it prepares for food intake. How longer food remains in the mouth, the more it mixes with saliva. Saliva contains a lot of useful enzymes that help the process of breaking down food and provide an antibacterial effect.

The longer you chew, the less work your stomach and then your intestines have to do. Saliva begins to break down carbohydrates and starch into simpler glucose. Teeth play a primary role in the digestion process. They grind food into a pulp, then it will be much easier for the gastrointestinal tract to process it.

Don't overload your digestive system

This point smoothly follows from the previous one. You need to chew food thoroughly; this will not only facilitate rapid digestion, but also serve as an excellent prevention of various stomach disorders. If the pieces are very small, the formation of gases in the intestines will be minimal. This also helps get rid of discomfort bloating and heaviness after eating. The gastrointestinal tract receives from thorough chewing maximum benefit. Large pieces of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach can be injured, this leads to the formation various ailments Gastrointestinal tract, including ulcers.

Well-chewed food, which is sufficiently saturated with saliva, easily passes through the digestive tract, is digested without problems and is eliminated from the body without difficulty.

Digestion Aid

Answering the question why food needs to be chewed thoroughly, it is worth noting the fact that when it is in the mouth for a long time, its temperature approaches body temperature. It will be easier for the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach to work with this consistency. Large pieces can linger in the intestines for a long time until they are fully digested. This often causes severe abdominal pain. Also, complete chewing helps the body quickly absorb small foods, while blood receives more necessary substances and enzymes. Lumps are difficult to process, so saturation with vitamins, proteins, microelements and other useful substances does not occur fully.

After being poorly chewed and not soaked in sufficient quantity With saliva, food enters the digestive system, it becomes a breeding ground for microorganisms and bacteria. Already in the mouth, saliva processes the food, removes bacteria, then small pieces in the stomach are saturated with hydrochloric acid. If the lumps are large, they are poorly disinfected. Acid simply cannot penetrate them. This means that the bacteria located there remain alive and then freely enter the intestines. There they multiply intensively and provoke dangerous intestinal infections and diseases, including dysbacteriosis.

Beneficial effects on the heart

High-quality chewing has positive impact not only on the digestive tract, but also on others important organs, perhaps, for the entire body as a whole - this is how you can answer the question why you need to chew food thoroughly.

The load on the heart is significantly reduced. When food is quickly consumed, the heartbeat accelerates by about 10 beats per minute. Large lumps, being in the stomach, cannot be distributed evenly there, so there is pressure on the diaphragm. This significantly affects the work of the heart muscle and its rhythm. With calm, slow, long chewing, the heart rate will always be normal.

Help for all organs

Chewing thoroughly strengthens the gums. Hard foods put serious stress on our teeth and gums. At the same time, an excellent workout occurs, blood flow to the tissues increases. The effect of acids on enamel is significantly reduced with intensive chewing, because more saliva is produced. The longer we chew, the more saliva we produce. It neutralizes acid, fights microbes, has a positive effect on enamel, and strengthens teeth.

Why do you need to chew your food thoroughly? It’s worth saying here that prolonged processing of food in the mouth helps relieve nervous tension. Long chewing helps to concentrate and improve performance.

Processing food in the mouth reduces to a large extent risks of intoxication. Lysozyme contained in saliva has antibacterial properties. It destroys various microbes before they enter the body. Therefore, before swallowing, food must be saturated with your own saliva.

Improving the taste of food

At chewing thoroughly a person more clearly discovers the richness of the aromas and taste of food. This happens thanks to saliva. As already mentioned, it breaks down the pieces into simple sugars with its enzymes. The taste buds that are located on the tongue begin to respond better to the constituent components. More refined impulses are sent to the brain, and a sharper pleasure of taste comes.

How long should you chew food?

We have briefly answered the question why you need to chew your food thoroughly, now we find out how long it takes to do this? There is no clear answer. It depends on how and what the dish is prepared from, in general, what type it is classified as. For example, there is no point in chewing soups and purees for a long time. The former contain a lot of water, while the latter already resemble in consistency the mass that normally fills our stomach.

One has only to say that you need to saturate food with saliva in any case. For correct processing For solid food in the mouth, it is recommended to make 30-40 chewing movements; for everything else, 10-15 will be enough. Experts advise focusing on the fact that the food turns into a liquid pulp, and you feel full disclosure taste.

Conclusions: briefly about the main thing

Let's draw conclusions and give a brief answer why food should be chewed thoroughly.

To stimulatework of the pancreas and stomach. Entering oral cavity food gives a signal to the brain, which in turn gives a signal to the digestive system. Acids and enzymes necessary for the digestion process begin to be produced. Thorough chewing enhances the signal, resulting in the amount of enzymes needed to process the food. This improves the digestive process.

Accelerates nutrient absorption. Well-dissolved pieces in the mouth are broken down faster in the body. It is no coincidence that foreign elements are not processed and are often removed only surgically. To process large lumps, bile and pancreatic juice are forced to be released. The stomach makes extra work. At the same time, your health worsens, your energy becomes minimal. Only thoroughly chewed food increases our efficiency and accelerates the absorption of nutrients.

Saliva. It consists of 98% water, 2% vitamins, minerals, enzymes. During chewing, saliva is released 10 times more than in a calm state. Increased quantity useful elements have a beneficial effect on the condition of the enamel and the entire body as a whole.

Strengthening gums. All components of our body need constant training. For the gums, this is the process of chewing. The load on the gums when chewing can reach 100 kg, which increases blood flow and reduces the likelihood of periodontal disease.

Pressure on the diaphragm decreases. Everyone felt how difficult it was for a large piece to pass through the esophagus, making its way to the digestive tract. This is how you feel the load on the diaphragm. The heart is located next door.

Weight loss. When food is thoroughly processed, taste buds are quickly satisfied, and a feeling of fullness comes. In this case, overeating is excluded, and it is this that causes excess weight gain.

Unified State Exam question: “Why do you need to chew food thoroughly?”

When entering prestigious universities in the country, many students require Unified State Exam results in biology. Those who are going to medical school educational establishments must prepare well for the exam in advance. The question in block C1 “Why should food be chewed thoroughly” has the following correct answers:

  • Thoroughly chewed food is quickly soaked in digestive juices.
  • Chewing thoroughly accelerates the digestion process, while complex insoluble organic matter turn into less complex ones and are absorbed into the lymph and blood.

So, we answered the Unified State Exam question “Why should you chew food thoroughly” simply and in detail. Shorter answers are also provided. Our information will help you prepare to answer this question, and will also be instructive for all readers.

Why you need to chew your food thoroughly - it brings obvious benefits, this has been scientifically proven. Various scientists from countries around the world have conducted special studies and were able to prove that if you chew food for a short time and then quickly swallow it, you can develop a lot of health problems.

In total, there are five reasons why you need to chew food completely, and do it slowly.

Reason one: fast weight loss

No matter how trivial it may sound, chewing food thoroughly actually contributes to fairly rapid weight loss. Gaining excess weight usually occurs when a person overeats. This is also facilitated by the fact that when strong feeling hunger, we eat quickly, paying little or no attention to how well we chew the food. Trying to get enough as soon as possible, a person sends food poorly chopped, and this inevitably leads to the fact that he eats many times more than his body actually needs.

If you eat slowly and thoughtfully, you can lose a few pounds.

If you chew each portion of food in your mouth thoroughly, grinding it to a mushy state, you can completely fill yourself with a small amount of food and prevent overeating (which is what leads to excess weight gain). At the same time, the body will begin to produce a special hormone called histamine, thanks to the presence of which the brain receives a kind of signal that a feeling of satiety has already occurred. Its maximum concentration is reached approximately 20 minutes after the start of a meal.

If during this entire time you eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly, then after the release of histamine it will turn out that not so much was eaten, but a feeling of fullness has come. But if you eat quickly and chew your food poorly, then you can eat a lot during this period of time.

Histamine, by the way, also helps improve metabolism, which significantly speeds up the process of burning calories.

Examples of research and testing

One of the most striking examples is a study in which scientists divided a group of people into two parts. The first was offered a meal and the condition was set that they must chew each portion of food 15 times, and the second - 40 times. At the end of the meal, a blood test was taken from everyone. It showed that those who chewed more had much less ghrelin, the hunger hormone, in their blood. As a result of this, they were able to prove that supporters of calm eating have a feeling of fullness that lasts much longer than those who eat quickly.

High-quality chewing of food leads to weight loss because it stabilizes and improves the functioning of all gastrointestinal systems, and also minimizes the amount of harmful deposits - waste, stones, toxins and everything else.

Reason two: Digestion of food begins in the mouth

Many people believe that the digestive processes in their body are initiated only when food ends up in the stomach, where it begins to break down. However, it is not. Key moment Digestion begins from the moment food enters the oral cavity. The fact is that the beginning of chewing is perceived salivary glands as a signal to begin saliva production. It is also a “signal” to the stomach that food will soon enter it. So that's what longer person will chew food, the more saliva will mix with it.

Saliva contains enzymes, so it is important to “saturate” the food you eat with it.

Our saliva is 98% water; despite this, it contains many useful enzymes that have antibacterial properties. They initiate chemical processes affecting the breakdown of food. The longer a person chews, the less work remains in the stomach and intestines, as these enzymes begin to break down starch and carbohydrates into simpler sugars. At the same time, teeth also play an important role - thanks to them, food is broken down into tiny particles, making it much easier for the digestive system to cope with it.

Reason three: do not overload the digestive system

This reason smoothly follows from the previous one. Chewing food thoroughly not only makes it easier to digest, but is also an excellent preventive measure. The smaller the pieces of food that enter the digestive system, the less gases will be produced in the body. This will also help relieve the feeling of bloating after eating lunch or dinner.

The gastrointestinal tract receives the greatest benefit from high-quality chewing of food. Large pieces of food can injure the mucous membrane of the esophagus, which will ultimately lead to the formation of ulcers and the development of many ailments of the digestive system. But thoroughly chewed food, which is also fully moistened with saliva, passes through the digestive tract very easily, is digested without any problems and is then quickly eliminated. Even when a person chews food for a long time, its temperature becomes close to body temperature, which facilitates the work of the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. Large pieces get stuck in the intestines, sometimes for long term(until completely digested).

Poorly chopped food may cause strong pain in a stomach

Full chewing of food is also useful because smaller food can be absorbed by the body faster, as a result of which circulatory system will receive more useful enzymes and substances. Lumps of food are not digested as they should normally, so a person gets much less microelements, proteins, vitamins and other necessary substances.

When poorly chewed food enters the digestive system, bacteria and various microorganisms begin to actively multiply in the body. Properly crushed food is treated with hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach, and large particles cannot be completely absorbed. This means that the bacteria lurking in the food remain safe and sound, and in the same form they enter the food supply. Already inside it they begin to multiply, provoking the development of various intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis.

Reason four: beneficial effects on all body systems

Thoughtful and high-quality chewing of food has a positive effect not only on the digestive system and the process of processing food, but also on the entire body as a whole:

  • The load on the heart is reduced. When a person eats quickly, his heart begins to beat about 10 beats per minute faster. Along with this, large pieces of food in the stomach are located unevenly, causing pressure on the diaphragm, and this in turn cannot but affect the heart and the rhythm of its work.

    Your heart will beat more rhythmically and calmly if you chew slowly and for a long time.

  • Gums are strengthened. Depending on how harsh the food is, a person’s gums and teeth may be subject to serious stress. Thorough chewing (especially hard foods) perfectly trains the gums and also promotes better blood flow to the tissues.
  • The level of exposure to acids on enamel is reduced. When a person chews food, his body begins to produce saliva. The longer you chew, the more it will be, and such an increase in the amount of saliva has a positive effect on the enamel, since it neutralizes harmful effects various acids. Along with this, saliva contains useful elements, which also help strengthen teeth.
  • Removed nervous tension. Long and complete chewing of food helps nervous system– this helps increase concentration and improve performance.
  • The risk of intoxication is reduced.
  • Since saliva contains lysozyme, a substance that has antimicrobial effect. It helps destroy various bacteria even before food reaches the stomach. That is why it is better to saturate the food with your own saliva and then swallow it.

    Reason Five: Evaluating Every Serving of Food to Improve Taste

    If a person begins to spend more time chewing food, he will be able to discover for himself all the richness of the taste and aroma of food. This happens because, as mentioned earlier, saliva contains enzymes that break down food into simple sugars. After this, the taste buds located on the tongue will respond much better to processed food and, accordingly, send more powerful impulses to the part of the brain responsible for pleasure.

    By chewing slowly, you can fully enjoy the taste of your food.



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