Skin diseases of shepherds. What skin diseases await your four-legged pet? Stress or boredom

Skin diseases in dogs are becoming more common today. The reason lies in many aspects: improper and inadequate nutrition, deterioration ecological atmosphere air, sedentary lifestyle life, crossing with infected individuals. Often skin diseases in animals they manifest themselves as hereditary predispositions of the skin to diseases.

Types of skin diseases in dogs

At the slightest change hairline the dog goes to the veterinary clinic for necessary tests and productions accurate diagnosis diseases. Here are some common skin diseases in dogs. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Symptoms of the disease

If skin diseases appear in dogs , symptoms are divided into 3 groups.

  1. Excruciating itching, in which the dog scratches the body until there are abrasions and scratches.
  2. The appearance of neoplasms on the skin: plaques different sizes And color range, warts, blisters. On the damaged body of the dog, peeling and redness of the skin develops, which turns into baldness.
  3. If the damaged areas of the skin get infected or get microbes, the dog’s skin becomes inflamed, swollen and festers.

Skin diseases in dogs are dangerous for animals and humans. It is important to provide timely medical care to a pet.

Treatment of skin diseases

Selected simple diseases of dogs and skin diseases can be cured at home.

Healing properties has a home flower - aloe. Aloe juice applied to the dog's damaged skin will relieve itching, discomfort and burning sensation. It’s easy to squeeze aloe juice yourself or buy it ready-made product at the pharmacy.

Herbal decoctions have similar effects: chamomile, calendula, echinacea. Drugs reduce painful sensations in dogs, relieve inflammation and eliminate microbial suppuration on the skin.

These products are used exclusively for initial stages development of the disease. If complex skin diseases are observed in dogs, treatment is carried out in conditions veterinary clinic. Before prescribing drugs, the doctor must conduct full diagnostics suspected disease, take appropriate skin tests and blood tests, and scrape the dog's skin. After determining the exact diagnosis of the disease, effective treatment is prescribed.

An accurate diagnosis of the disease cannot be made solely by visual inspection. Will need to be carried out laboratory tests dog hair.

If the doctor, looking at the dog, immediately prescribes medications, you cannot treat a dog under the guidance of such a doctor. Remember incorrect treatment can lead to the death of the animal.

Preventive measures

Dog diseases are often associated with improper maintenance and care. It is necessary to fulfill simple conditions so that the pet remains healthy and alert.

Don't let me suffer four-legged friend, remain a responsible owner.

Among the most common factors contributing to the development of skin diseases are the following:

  • Poor nutrition. If your dog's food does not contain the required amount vitamins and microelements, then this will have a detrimental effect on general condition animal, including on the skin. When choosing a diet, it is advisable to consult an experienced breeder or veterinarian.
  • Negative influence external environment. A dog living in the city, breathing polluted air, walking in winter without a blanket that would protect the pet from chemical reagents is unlikely to have healthy skin. But if the dog is not taken out at all, this will also negatively affect its skin.
  • Hereditary diseases. In some dog breeds ( Dogue de Bordeaux , chow-chow, bulldog, poodle, etc.) are predisposed to skin inflammation.

Symptoms and hallmarks of scabies

Compliance with the rules of caring for your dog and keeping it clean does not protect against infection with scabies, so you should carefully monitor changes in your pet’s skin and start treatment on time.

The disease begins with redness of the skin on the head, face, neck, and the dog actively itches. After some time, small nodules appear at the site of redness, gradually turning into bubbles filled with liquid.

With scabies, the skin on the dog’s face and head turns red and peels, and the dog actively itches.

The liquid flowing from the bubbles sticks the fur together and crusts grow on the skin. When scratching, the skin is injured and non-healing wounds. Scabies is characterized by increased itching while being in the heat, especially near a radiator or heater.

The next stage of the disease is the beginning of the dog’s baldness. Hair loss is most severe on the head. In places devoid of wool, dense crusts form. Comes from the dog bad smell with sour undertones.

The dog becomes lethargic and loses its appetite. If the disease is not treated, it begins to increase lymph nodes, general intoxication of the body.

The dog begins to rapidly lose weight and refuses to eat. The skin is completely covered with scabs, the fur resembles matted felt, and the dog gradually becomes completely bald.

This condition of the animal leads to inevitable death.

Fungus symptoms

Skin diseases in dogs and their signs are given below.

It should be noted that the above ailments pose a danger not only to the pet, but also to the breeder. So if you notice symptoms or even a slight manifestation of them, then the dog needs help as quickly as possible.

Of course the best option will consult a veterinarian, but there are certain rules that every dog ​​owner should know.

The most common signs of fungal infection are:

The first symptoms of sarcoptic mange and notoerosis in dogs differ from each other. Most of all this concerns the localization of scabies.

Sarcoptic mange develops predominantly in the head area, chest area, at the root of the tail, as well as on the abdominal part of the body, where there is less hair volume.

A distinctive symptom of sarcoptic mange in males is the appearance of lesions on the foreskin.

Notoedrosis is localized primarily on the dog’s head, in almost any area - above the eyes, dorsum of the nose, forehead and outer surface ears. On next stages lesions develop in the forelimbs, then in the hind limbs.

Basic characteristic symptom sarcoptic mange and notoedrosis, this, of course, is itching. Almost with the first visible signs When sick, the dog begins to actively itch, which attracts the attention of its owner.

It is worth noting that the symptoms of scabies in dogs, regardless of the type of pathogen, develop gradually and step by step, and the treatment will be almost the same at any stage.

Conventional stages of disease development in dogs:

  • The appearance of areas of redness on the skin. As a rule, at this stage, owners rarely independently determine similar sign, since not every one of us looks at the dog’s skin under the fur, immediately after the dog has scratched its face. Although this is one of the basic principles of early prevention of scabies.
  • Small pustules form - red dots on the skin filled with liquid contents, the scabies lesion is depleted of hair. When scratching, the dog damages the thin shell of the pustules, their contents moisturize the skin.

Scabies in dogs - photo of the first symptoms 2.5 weeks after the initial infection.

  • The skin in pathological foci becomes coarser, the hair loss becomes more intense. On the remains of wool and skin in large quantities rejected particles of the epidermis are formed and a phenomenon somewhat reminiscent of large dandruff can be observed.

Notoedrosis in dogs - photo of one of the first stages of the disease. Epidermal scabs are clearly visible.

  • As scratching becomes more and more intense, until the dog bleeds, in addition to the above symptoms of scabies, hard crusts are added in dogs, the skin becomes very rough, cracks until it bleeds, loses elasticity, and an elephantiasis effect is observed. The remnants of the fur, where the hair was long and thick, fall together with the products of skin inflammation, forming a kind of felt.

Methods for diagnosing scabies

It is useless to examine a tick on a dog’s skin, since its size is microscopic. The only method for sensitive fingertips is to feel the skin for the presence of the smallest bumps.

The presence of scabies mites in the epidermis can be detected by scraping from the affected area. It is placed in a glycerin solution and examined under a microscope. If you have a microscope, you can analyze the scraping at home.

To make a diagnosis, the veterinarian examines and feels the dog’s skin and shines light on the affected areas. ultraviolet lamp.

Treatment of skin diseases

It is quite possible to get rid of some ailments, if they are uncomplicated. pet on your own. As practice shows, excellent healing characteristics has a flower that is found in almost every home.

We are talking about aloe, which can be used for treatment. Healing juice of this plant must be applied to damaged areas of the skin.

This treatment will relieve your pet of itching and burning, as well as discomfort in general - you can prepare the juice yourself or purchase it at the pharmacy.

It should also be noted that other herbal decoctions are characterized by almost similar properties. For example, you can use echinacea, calendula or medicinal chamomile for treatment.

In addition to the fact that these herbs significantly reduce the pain of your pet, they also help relieve inflammatory process. Also healing herbs allow to eliminate microbial suppuration.

Herbal treatment is possible only as adjuvant therapy, which will not cause harm (although with eczema it may do) (author of the video - dog-channel. tv).

Complex diseases and their treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of specialists in a hospital.

Before prescribing medications and prescribing treatment, the veterinarian must:

  • carry out diagnostics of the animal’s body;
  • take a blood test;
  • do necessary tests skin;
  • remove scrapings from your pet's skin.

Treatment for scabies is carried out at home, and the dog must be isolated from people and other animals.

Most effective following diagrams treatment:

Despite the complexity of the symptoms and the active progression of scabies in dogs, treatment, if correct, can quickly achieve a cure.

Prevention of skin diseases in dogs

Of course, you won’t be able to protect your pets from all misfortunes, but you can still significantly reduce the risk of infection. What can be done for this?

  • provide for the dog good nutrition;
  • during the off-season, in poor health and other situations, give your pet vitamin complexes;
  • do not allow the dog to communicate with stray relatives;
  • monitor the condition of the skin and general health pet;
  • keep the dog clean, wash and brush its coat on time.

If you adhere to these simple rules, then you can completely protect your beloved pet from any misfortune, especially from skin ailments.

Now it’s time to figure out what skin diseases exist in dogs, what their symptoms are and how to treat them!



In addition, there is some tendency to fungal diseases in Yorkshire Terriers. Dermatophytosis is a contagious disease, it is transmitted from dog to dog, as well as through their contact with fungal spores. Which, by the way, even you and I can bring into the house without knowing it.


The main symptom of fungal infections is spontaneous alopecia (baldness). Moreover, concomitant lesions are almost never observed on bare areas of the skin and itching is rarely present. Sometimes with trichophytosis, onychomycosis can be observed - damage to the claw and periungual bed. At the same time, the claw turns yellow and splits.

Quite rarely, dermatophytosis occurs in the form of kerion - nodular lesion skin. In this case, it can be released from the kerion purulent exudate. With severe fungal infections in animals, microsporic lesions of the paw pads may be observed.


Treatment of fungal infections involves external treatment and bathing in special antifungal shampoos such as Nizoral or Dermazol. Can also be used veterinary drug Imaverol. In addition, dermatophytosis is treated with systemic antifungal drugs Ketoconazole, Itraconazole and Terbinafine.

Please note that the treatment of fungal infections is not complete without measures aimed at cleaning the dog’s habitat. It is imperative to treat their bedding or bed to destroy all fungal spores.


Symptoms of otodectosis and sarcoptic mange are often severe itching. At the same time, with otodectosis, ear lesions and a symptom of excessive accumulation of sulfur in them can be observed. Sarcoptic mange is characterized by symptoms such as severe itching on the paws, in the head and neck area. Scratching can cause wounds and skin inflammation. And also the so-called self-induced baldness, when the dog combs its own hair.

Allergic reactions

Allergies are the most difficult to diagnose, because isolating a specific irritating component—the allergen—is always very difficult. The very nature of the origin of allergies is not fully understood.

Allergies in dogs are usually divided into:

  • food;
  • allergy to components environment(dust, plant pollen, fluff, feather).

Diagnosis of allergic reactions has the following standard algorithm:

However, blood allergy diagnosis is carried out in only a few European laboratories. At the same time, it is advisable to carry out it if it is possible to carry out exclusive expensive treatment - allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT).


Allergies always manifest as severe itching. Since allergies reduce protective properties skin, it creates favorable conditions for the development of various bacterial processes on the skin. Therefore, redness, pustules or rashes are almost always integral symptoms of allergies. Due to strong scratching, bald spots naturally appear.


If your dog has a food allergy, he will be treated with specific diet, which will have to exclude allergenic products. However, veterinarians claim that it is food allergy It is rare; allergies to environmental components are much more common.

Skin cancer

Many owners mistakenly believe that any tumor in their pet is cancer. While cancer is just one type tumor process. And as such, skin cancer is uncommon in dogs, unlike other skin tumors. Cancer is a tumor of epithelial cells and can only be malignant. Much more often than cancer, the type of tumor that veterinarians see in their patients is mastocytoma or mast cell tumor.


Cancer often manifests itself as skin lesions on the fingers or head. These lesions look like non-healing extensive ulcerative lesions skin. These lesions are quite painful and in order to make a disappointing diagnosis - cancer, you need to carry out a smear-imprint followed by microscopy. More common than cancer, mastocytoma appears as cutaneous and subcutaneous swellings and is often malignant.

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Cancer treatment is always surgical surgery. After surgical removal the veterinarian decides further treatment: This may be radiation or chemotherapy.

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Video “Skin diseases of dogs”

The video below will help you learn more about what skin diseases exist in dogs!

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Allergic dermatitis

Dogs may have allergic reactions on shampoos and wool cosmetics, food and environmental products, substances such as pollen or insect bites. A dog with an allergy may scratch its skin until sores appear, and the dog's skin will break out in a rash. Corticosteroids may help relieve itching, but most effective method treatment is to identify and avoid contact with allergens.

Yeast dermatitis

If your dog is constantly scratching its ears, cleaning its paws, especially the area between its toes, then it needs to be taken to the veterinarian, it may be fungal disease. Symptoms include itching, irritation, and changes in skin color. The infection affects the ears, between the fingers, chin, neck, abdomen, armpits and around anus. In some cases, the veterinarian prescribes preoral medications; ointments, drops, and shampoos will also help.


Superficial bacterial folliculitis is an infection that causes sores, bumps, and scabs on the skin. Manifests itself as inflammation hair follicle, with the formation of pus. These skin disorders are easier to detect in short-haired dogs. In a long-haired dog, signs of folliculitis include dull fur and reddening of the skin on the face and ears. Folliculitis often occurs in combination with other skin problems, such as scabies, allergies. Treatment may include oral antibiotics and antibacterial ointments and shampoos.


This type bacterial infection is most common among puppies (puppy pyoderma). With this disease, a rash forms in the groin and axillary areas. Sometimes the disease may be accompanied by slight itching. Most often, impetigo occurs with other viral diseases.


Seborrhea - peeling of the skin, can be caused by the fact that the dog's skin begins to secrete too much sebum or vice versa is not enough. Some dog breeds are predisposed to seborrhea, such as the cocker spaniel, Irish Setter, Doberman. Seborrhea can be a sign of hormonal disorders and allergies.


Ringworm (trichophytosis) is a disease that affects skin both animal and human. The disease is caused by pathogenic fungi. Ringworm starts with small rash, then a reddish crust forms on the skin, and the hair in the affected area falls out. Puppies aged less than a year are the most susceptible to infection. Various antifungal drugs are used for treatment.

Hair loss (alopecia)

Any dog ​​sheds, and the amount of hair lost during shedding depends on the breed of the dog and the time of year. Hair loss can be influenced by stress, poor nutrition, diseases. But if your dog suddenly begins to lose large number wool, then this alarm signal, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Scabies (Mites)

Changes in the color and appearance of skin and fur

Changes in a dog's skin color and coat texture may indicate metabolic and hormonal disorders. If you notice this in your pet, contact your veterinarian.

Dry and rough skin

Dry and rough skin can indicate a number of problems. This is common symptom for allergies, scabies and other skin diseases. This could also be a sign of a vitamin deficiency, but if your dog is constantly itching and it is causing him discomfort, then contact your veterinarian.

Wet dermatitis

Acute wet dermatitis is the appearance of small inflamed areas on the animal's body that cause severe itching and discomfort in the dog. They most often appear on the dog's head, chest, thighs and are very hot to the touch. Such spots can occur due to a number of problems, such as allergies, infections, insect bites, etc.

One of the most common pathologies in dogs is skin diseases. The causes and characteristics of the manifestation of these diseases are varied.

However, despite the fact that skin diseases in dogs are much easier to notice with the naked eye than, for example, lesions internal organs, many owners ignore the symptoms, and then learn from the veterinarian that a timely visit to the clinic could save them from struggling with complications.

is an inflammation of the dermis (the second layer of skin) located under top layer– epidermis. With dermatitis, all skin functions are disrupted, and this can lead to systemic disorders.

Invisible Enemy

This group of skin diseases in dogs includes:

  • dermtophytosis (superficial infectious mycosis), or. The disease is characterized by the appearance of rounded alopecia (bald patches). Moreover, the hair in the affected areas seems to have been cut. Itching with dermatophytosis is not expressed. Peeling of the affected areas (seborrhea) is possible.
  • infection with the Malassezia fungus (pitarospora). Frequently appear in the area ear canals(), lip folds, chin. Characterized by seborrhea, chronic wet discharge.

Insects in dogs

Sarcoptic mange is caused by microscopic intradermal mites and is characterized by severe itching. With demodicosis, the itching is moderate, and alopecia appears on the skin.

Dangerous reaction

Allergic skin diseases in dogs are manifested by itching, alopecia, which appears when the animal scratches a certain place for a long time, and weeping eczema is often observed. There are:

Skin pathology manifests itself when the body produces any hormone in excess or deficiency. The cause of this skin disease in dogs may be a dysfunction thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, gonads. Main features similar violations– the appearance of symmetrical hair, thinning hair, skin pigmentation. There is no itching.

When food kills...

These skin diseases in dogs occur due to improper feeding of pets. It happens very often when they give cheap ones for food. Deficiency of zinc, essential fatty acids or too great content calcium in food leads to skin lesions. Symptoms vary: from changes in skin and coat color to the appearance of weeping eczema.

Symptoms of skin diseases in dogs

Autoimmune diseases are manifested by itching, rash, and inflammation is noticeable in certain areas. After analyzing the most common skin diseases in dogs, we can identify the main symptoms.



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