Dried apricot: benefits and harms for the body. Dried apricots: beneficial properties, indications and harm

During the cold season, the body urgently needs an influx of vitamins and other useful substances. Therefore, everyone begins to more or less regularly consume foods rich in them. Standing apart in this row are especially the beloved dried apricots. Let’s consider why exactly it is useful and whether harm is possible from this “yummy”.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Dried pitted apricots are considered high-calorie product - per 100 g have to 215-232 kcal(the specific figure depends on storage conditions).

Among carbohydrates, the latter take precedence - there are about 51-53 g of them here. There is much less protein: 5.2 g, while fats are indicated symbolically (0.3 g). The remainder of the mass is made up of water (20 g), valuable dietary fiber (11 g) and ash with organic acids.
The same 100 gram serving contains compounds such as:

  • - 5.5 mg;
  • - 4 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 3.5 mg;
  • , among which niacin stands out, also known as niacin, in a dose of 3 mg. and are presented much more modestly (0.1 and 0.2 mg each);
  • - 583 mcg.

Among them, the main one is considered (1.7-1.8 g). and much less: 160 and 146 mg. Contents - 105 mg. and with their 26 and 17 mg the role of fastening components is assigned.

From the series it is usually mentioned in an amount of 3-3.2 mg. The dosage of copper and others is much less: their share is reduced to micrograms.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for the body?

Delicious dried fruit perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger and can replace other, sometimes more harmful, sweets. But this beneficial features are not limited at all - dried apricots suit everyone.

Did you know? It still remains a mystery from which region apricots spread to their current range. Many scientists believe that the center of origin was the Chinese Tien Shan, but there are a lot of contradictions in this version.


Men value this product for the following “abilities”:

  • normalization of the cardiovascular system. This is largely due to magnesium and potassium, which in addition also prevent the occurrence of muscle cramps;
  • supporting the body during heavy physical labor;
  • regulation of blood pressure and accelerated cleaning of blood vessels - this effect is provided by nicotinic acid;
  • removal of toxins and heavy metal oxides;
  • support of bone tissue due to. Thus, testosterone is redirected to work with other systems;
  • prevention of urological problems (in particular, prostatitis).

Athletes who pay a lot of attention to their diet note another quality of this product - it is an equivalent replacement flour products, and sugar. That is, boring menu items can be easily replaced with delicious dried apricots.


Women, among whom traditionally have more of a sweet tooth, have long noticed the valuable dried fruit. Moreover, it is completely deserved, because with moderate use it:

  • cleanses the body, removing mass harmful substances(including the extra one). This prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • strengthens blood vessels, making them more elastic;
  • Penetrating deeply into the skin, vitamins rejuvenate and cleanse it;
  • raises hemoglobin levels, which is used in the fight against iron deficiency anemia;
  • dried apricots in their pure form (that is, without heat treatment) normalizes functions endocrine system;
  • relieves symptoms of gastrointestinal problems, especially chronic constipation. This is a merit;
  • acting as a diuretic, it helps in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys;
  • with stable use, it reduces the risk of occurrence to zero malignant tumors(or stops development if they are present).

Those who watch their figure know about one more property of such drying: acting as a sugar substitute, it does not increase the level of insulin in the blood and, when taken correctly, blocks it.


This delicacy will appeal to both parents and children. In addition to its taste, dried apricots are powerful tonic And natural immunomodulator, which is relevant in the autumn-winter period.

Support for the baby’s growing body is also manifested in such properties:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of hemoglobin levels;
  • stimulation of the growth of intestinal microflora;
  • quick relief of constipation, which often plagues such a tender age.

But in the case of children, the issue of dosage becomes especially acute. If 100, maximum 150 g of dried fruit per day is considered the norm for an adult, then a child needs less. The maximum share for a baby is 50 g.

There are also age restrictions. Thus, small additions of dried apricots to main dishes are allowed to be given to healthy toddlers over 1 year old. If the baby develops an allergy (but the cause has not yet been established), you will have to wait until 3 years.

First techniques healthy treats will be trial: drying in the form of puree is given half a teaspoon, while assessing the reaction. After making sure that everything is fine and the product has not caused rejection, you can gradually increase its content in the menu (up to the same 50 g).

Did you know? Archaeologists claim that humanity has been cultivating apricots for at least 6 thousand years.

Is it possible for pregnant and nursing mothers

The abundance of vitamins and minerals makes this product indispensable for women in labor whose bodies work under double load. And they will benefit the baby himself.

Supporting the heart, blood vessels and kidneys - dried fruit can do all this. Gynecologists often advise expectant mothers to eat 4-5 slices a day to support the endocrine system. If accompanied, dried apricots in the same quantities are included in the menu as an indispensable element.
True, its use will not benefit everyone. This use is prohibited for women who have low blood pressure, bronchial asthma or allergic reactions.

In the absence of such complications, this type of drying is best used as an additive to muesli or porridge and cottage cheese. Although here you will have to start small: 1 slice, then 2 and so on.

Important! Ideal for a while breastfeeding it is considered a compote of dried apricots that the mother will drink: the compounds in liquid form are absorbed by her body much faster than solid drying.

The same situation with: healthy woman And her baby will benefit from dried apricots in small doses. The main thing is to adhere to the measure (2-3 pieces entering the mother’s body have a good effect on lactation and milk content, while 5 or more pieces can cause serious disorder stomach).

Although there is one nuance here: when breastfeeding during the first 3 months of life, it is advisable to abstain from fruit.

How to choose a quality product when purchasing

Let’s make a reservation right away - it’s better to buy dried apricots at the market, where they are offered by weight. Purchasing a packaged product in a store or anywhere else calls into question its benefits.

The fact is that industrial processing of raw materials often involves sulfur dioxide. It extends shelf life, but at the same time neutralizes some of the beneficial substances.

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • Color. Natural dried apricots are visible by their dark orange or brownish color (a grayish tint is allowed). At the same time, the surface itself seems a little dusty and matte. But a uniform and too bright orange color indicates that “chemistry” could not be avoided.
  • Shimmers on the skin itself. The surface should not be transparent or shiny. Having noticed this, put the drying aside: it was probably rubbed with glycerin or oil to give it presentation.
  • Size. It is advisable to take the largest slices - the larger the fruit, the heavier the ripe apricot was (hence, there are more vitamins here).
  • Taking the fruits in your hands, make sure that they are wrinkled, but without cracks, slightly crumbly and not sticking together. Naturally, no traces of mold or insects. If the product has been stored correctly, it will feel firm to the touch and a little tough. A soft, damp “smudge” indicates that the product has been stored improperly;
  • Smell and taste. Usually sellers give you a couple of pieces to try. If they have a distinct fruity taste and smell pleasant, you can take them. A barely perceptible aroma of gasoline is characteristic of apricots that have been left in the oven, and a distinct sourness is the result of accelerated fermentation.

Did you know? In Chinese culture, apricot symbolizes timidity.

Choosing the most quality product, many are wondering how best to store this sweetness in order to retain the vitamins longer.

How to store at home

Dried fruits purchased for future use are stored in clean and sealed glass or plastic containers (a tight-fitting lid is required).

Ordinary plastic bag Suitable only for temporary maintenance. For the longest possible storage, the slices are poured into a sterile wooden container, not forgetting to check it for the absence of insects.

The easiest way is to put the covered workpiece in, or even in the freezer. Frozen food will thaw at room temperature. No heating is required: heating too quickly destroys useful material.

Particular caution should be taken by pregnant women and people suffering from. They should coordinate the use of dried apricots with their doctors. They will determine the dosage and frequency of use.

Remember to use a sense of proportion: too much additive in the form of valuable dried fruit can result in side effects. Their list is quite modest, but there is something to think about: these include allergies and digestive problems (diarrhea, constipation), as well as dangerous attacks Hypoglycemia is a drop in blood glucose levels.

As you can see, moderation in food will not hurt. We hope our readers will take this information into account, and delicious dried apricots will only be beneficial. More sweet moments every day!

Dried apricots are considered a controversial product when it comes to dietary nutrition. There are various conflicting opinions. Some believe that this product should be categorically rejected by anyone who wants to lose weight, others express the opposite point of view, and still others choose the middle path. Most likely, this is what can be considered correct, since in this case the principle of moderation and reasonableness is observed.

Dried apricots in the diet

The effect of dried apricots on health and weight loss

First of all, it should be noted that dried apricots are a healthy product. It contains the whole complex biologically active elements that contribute to the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, strengthen muscle and bone tissue, provide good nutrition tissues and give a boost of energy. Such dried fruits help cleanse the body and stimulate intestinal motility. They are great for snacking, providing a quick feeling of fullness.

But even taking into account all these useful qualities, a natural question arises - is it possible to eat dried apricots while on a diet, because they are quite a high-calorie product. The answer will be positive, but ambiguous. Consumption of dried apricots while on a diet may occur. But in order to benefit from it while avoiding recruitment excess weight, it is important to follow certain rules.

Rules for eating dried apricots on a diet

The main rule for eating dried apricots is moderation. And it concerns not only dietary nutrition. Even if you do not set yourself the goal of losing weight or maintaining it at a certain level, you should not abuse dried fruits. In addition to the fact that you risk adding a few extra pounds, you are also at risk of intestinal problems. When dieting, you should limit yourself to no more than 20 - 30 g of dried apricots per day.

The second rule determines the time of consumption of dried fruits. Since dried apricots are rich in carbohydrates and high in calories, you need to give your body the opportunity to burn the energy obtained from it. It's very easy to do. Eat dried fruits in the morning. Moreover, the most effective would be to use it as a dessert after lunch.

Dried apricots provide cleansing and elimination of excess liquid. And these processes directly affect weight loss. But in order for these qualities of dried apricots to fully manifest themselves, it is important to drink sufficient quantity water - at least 2 liters per day.

By following these simple rules, you don't have to worry about gaining extra pounds. If your diet is balanced and healthy, then be sure that your figure will remain in order. If you want to lose weight and are looking for an effective diet in which you can consume dried apricots, then pay attention to the options presented below.

Is it possible to eat dried apricots while on a diet? You can definitely consume dried fruits in reasonable quantities, as they have a positive effect on health and help you lose weight

Diets with dried apricots

Fasting day with dried apricots for weight loss

A great way to maintain a normal figure and cleanse the body is to arrange a fasting day on dried apricots. It can be done once every week or two. It will help restore balance in the body after overeating. There are two popular options for fasting days.

The first of them is the most strict. The bottom line is that you only need to eat 200 g of dried apricots per day and nothing more. You are allowed to drink tea without sugar in unlimited quantities, adding lemon and mineral water if desired.

The second option for a fasting day is based on eating purees. To prepare it, you only need two components:

  1. Dried apricots - 300 g;
  2. Freshly squeezed apricot juice or apricot puree - 200 g.

Combine the products by grinding them using a blender. The resulting dish will make up your daily ration.

No matter which option you choose, the rules for following the diet will be the same. You should eat at equal intervals, dividing your daily diet into 5 parts. And the second point is to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

Keep in mind that dried apricots have a laxative effect. Try to spend a fasting day at home. And remember that such an extreme diet should only last 1 day. If you have problems with digestive system, consult your doctor.

Strict buckwheat diet with dried apricots for weight loss

Dried apricots can be useful for anyone who chooses a strict mono-buckwheat diet. They are not suitable for everyone, and sometimes cause a feeling of weakness, dizziness, etc. unpleasant symptoms. If you realized that buckwheat diet is given to you with great difficulty, soften it by adding 5 - 7 pieces of dried apricots to your daily diet.

Diet of dried fruits and nuts for weight loss

This diet is quite strict, so it is not suitable for everyone. If you have any chronic disorders or digestive problems, be sure to consult your doctor.

The diet should last no more than 5 days. Its meaning is extremely simple. You will need to make a mixture by combining equal proportions of dried apricots, raisins, prunes and two types of nuts to your taste. The result should be 500 g of the composition. This is the amount that should be eaten throughout the day in small portions at equal intervals. There should be 5 - 6 meals in total. In this case, be sure to drink at least 2 liters of liquid. It is best to use pure still water without additives. If this dietary option suits you, you can lose up to 4 kg of excess weight in 5 days.

So, we found out that you can eat dried apricots on a diet. But it is important to take into account its features and follow simple rules. Use dried apricots wisely, and you will be able to maintain normal not only your figure, but also your health.

Dried fruits contain many useful substances: minerals, organic acids, vitamins and dietary fiber. They have a particularly good effect on the body during the winter cold, strengthening the immune system. The most popular dried fruit can be considered dried apricots, that is, dried apricots. It is added everywhere: to porridge, bakery products, drinks or consumed as an independent product.

What is dried apricots?

Dried apricot fruits are commonly called dried apricots; they are healthy and nutritious. You can get dried apricots yourself from fresh product. For preparation, you will need half a kilogram of fresh raw materials, at the end of this amount you will get 150 grams of dried fruit.

Before preparing dried apricots, fresh apricots were sorted for rot or spoilage. Then they chopped and removed the seeds. The prepared raw materials were laid out “under the sun” in the heat and covered with natural cotton cloth or a kitchen towel to protect the dried apricots from insects

On this moment dried apricots are made more in a modern way using chemical components. Sulfur dioxide gives the dried fruit its orange tint and shine. Dried apricots are soaked in a solution specially prepared from it. To reduce the cooking time, use an oven or oven.

Dried apricot fruits are divided into:

  • dried apricots (apricots are cut into halves, pits are removed and dried)
  • kaisu (dry in the sun whole, after removing the seeds)
  • apricots (the fruits are first washed and prepared for further drying with a bone)

Dried fruits have found their use everywhere: they are used in the preparation of food and drinks, medicinal purposes and dietary nutrition.

The benefits of dried apricots for a woman’s body

Dried apricot can replace any sweets, so it is perfect for women trying to combat extra pounds and don't want to gain weight.

The dried fruit contains fructose and glucose, which do not increase the amount of insulin in the blood, as happens with regular sugar. But we must not forget about the abuse of dried apricots, otherwise you can provoke the appearance of excess weight.

Dried apricots stabilize the functioning of the endocrine system, which is responsible for hormonal background person. Therefore, eating dried apricot during menstrual cycle, restores the volume of hemoglobin in the blood and reduces painful sensations at muscle spasms. During menopause (menopause), dried fruit reduces hot flashes and normalizes psychological condition women.

Dried apricots are often used during a diet; they have a mild laxative effect and rid the body of excess toxins and cleanse the intestines.

Vitamins A and E tidy up nails, hair and skin. Therefore, a woman’s curls become thick and shiny, dandruff disappears, the nail plate does not flake or break, and the skin glows with health.

Systematic consumption of dried fruit prevents the formation cancerous tumors. Also, the benefit of dried apricots for a woman’s body lies in the fact that it removes bad cholesterol, prevents the formation of blood clots, making blood vessels elastic and strong.

A decoction of dry fruit has a diuretic effect, so it is useful for kidney diseases and urinary function. It is also important that with constant consumption of dried fruit, the human immune system is normalized.

The nutritional value

Dried apricots contain a lot of water; per hundred grams of dried fruit there are up to seventy grams of liquid, and an average of 25 grams of carbohydrates. Dried fruit is also rich in fiber, proteins, fats and ash, although not in such large quantities.

It should be noted that when dried, apricot loses some nutritional properties, most of them vitamins, but the strongest of them still remain. Usually, vitamins A, B, C and E remain among the most “resistant” components.

Among other things, the dry fruit contains:

  • iron;
  • copper;
  • potassium with calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • zinc.

The benefits of dried apricots for the human body also include amino acids. The calorie content of the product does not exceed 250 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Keep yourself active and vitality, supply the body necessary vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements, acids, daily consumption of dried apricots helps. You need to eat from 5 to 10 fruits daily.

Useful properties of dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots for the body are quite great. Therefore, the product is recommended for almost everyone. Dried fruit has the following medicinal properties:

  • Diuretic (the decoction removes sand and stones from the kidneys and prevents their appearance);
  • Dietary (recommended for obese people, daily intake no more than 30 grams);
  • Thinning (pectin thins the blood, prevents blood clots);
    Painkillers (helps cope with headaches).

Among other things, the dietary fiber included in the product helps speed up metabolism. Eating dried apricots helps improve digestion, stabilizes heart rate, and prevents vitamin deficiency.

To people who can't brag good eyesight, it is useful to consume dried fruit to prevent the development of cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases.

The benefits of dried apricots for the human body involved in sports have been scientifically proven. This product is always included in the menu of athletes, because the components in its composition increase endurance, strengthen morale, and raise emotional mood and strengthen muscle mass.

People engaged in mental activity are also recommended to systematically eat dried apricots. The product increases concentration and improves memory. Therefore, it is very important to include dried apricot in the diet of school and university students, as well as in the menu of scientific workers.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for weight loss

For people with large weights and those who are struggling with extra pounds, dried fruit helps remove excess fluid from the body and normalizes stool. WITH excess water come out toxic substances and slags. Dried apricots can satisfy hunger as they are nutritious.

But you should eat it little by little, otherwise you may not lose weight, but, on the contrary, gain weight. Normal quantity When following a diet, it is considered to consume no more than 80 grams of dried fruit per day. These factors are the benefits and harms of dried apricots for weight loss.

Effect of the product on health

When taking antibiotics, dried fruit is simply necessary for the body; it helps the drug to be quickly absorbed into the blood, and it immediately begins to act. The rate of consumption of dried apricots per day should be 20 grams.

With the onset of the cold season, the body suffers from vitamin deficiency, so it is reasonable to compensate for their loss with dried apricots; the product also strengthens the immune system and has a good effect on metabolic processes.

It is useful for hypertensive patients to eat the product to lower their blood pressure, but hypotensive patients do not need to exceed daily norm consumption of more than 10 grams.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body are considered from the point of view of the dosage of product consumption. So, if you exceed the daily dose, dried fruit can cause side effects. Ideally, adults, without any contraindications to consuming dried fruit, are not recommended to eat more than 70 grams per day.

After all, dried apricots contain 2.5 times more sugar than fresh apricots. Therefore, if a fresh fruit contains 2 grams of dietary fiber, then a dried fruit contains up to 18 grams, as you can see, the difference is impressive.

Since the calorie content of dried apricots fluctuates between 230-250 kcal (per 100 grams), you should not overuse dried fruit. You don't need to eat more than 4-6 pieces a day.

If you do not want to use the product in kind, it can be added to main courses, fruit salads, porridges, smoothies. It also makes excellent jelly, delicious compotes and fruit drinks.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for children?

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for a child’s health are also limited by the dosage, which should be strictly observed. It is dangerous to introduce dried fruit to your baby until the child is six months old. Moreover, the product must be introduced gradually.

The compote should not be too concentrated; you should start with 1 teaspoon per day, gradually increasing the dosage. The same goes for fruit puree. The dried apricots are crushed using a blender and a small spoon is added to the main mass.

Since dried fruit contains calcium, magnesium and iron, children who eat dried apricots develop better bone and muscle, blood circulation, heart and brain function improves. In addition, dry apricot can energize a child and increase the tone of the body.

Schoolchildren also need to eat dried apricot, because it can relieve muscle and emotional stress and increase thought processes. The norm for preschoolers and schoolchildren is 15 grams per day.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the male body

The male body also needs beneficial and nutrients, he should receive required amount vitamins, microelements, amino acids contained in dried apricots.

Dosed consumption of dried apricots (about 45 grams per day) increases work reproductive system and increases potency, also serves prophylactic against prostate diseases.

Activates the activity of the testicles, thereby increasing the quality of sperm. Moreover, hormonal levels also return to normal, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is stabilized.

Men who play sports or physical labor, should eat dried apricots regularly, because it helps increase stamina, gives vigor and energy. Has a beneficial effect on heart rate and blood circulation.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for weight loss in men are due to compliance correct dosage. If you do not exceed it, there will be no health hazard. Conversely, a large amount of food eaten can become a source of extra centimeters on the stomach and buttocks. Moreover, cause irritation to skin and allergic reactions.

The benefits of dried apricots for the body of pregnant women

Of course, during pregnancy the weaker sex should take vitamins, nutrients and adhere to healthy eating. Correct usage dried fruit in a reasonable dosage will help reduce blood pressure and eliminate swelling from the legs, arms and face.

The benefit of dried apricots for a woman’s body is that the product helps eliminate constipation, which often occurs in pregnant women. Dried fruit has a beneficial effect on the intestines, providing a mild laxative effect.

Dried apricots also stabilize work heart rate and endocrine system. Often, gynecologists recommend reducing the consumption of foods containing sugar or not eating them at all. However, dried apricots are not included in this list, despite great content it contains glucose and fructose.

Harmful properties of dry apricot

The product can be harmful to human health, so the benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body should be taken into account:

  • Firstly, as already written above, you can’t get carried away with dried fruit, you need to follow the dosage. Otherwise, unpleasant symptoms may begin: bloating, loose stool, stomach discomfort and abdominal pain.
  • Secondly, people suffering from bronchial asthma or chronic diseases should not eat dried fruit. gastrointestinal tract and those who are allergic to this product.
  • People diagnosed with diabetes can eat dried fruit, but the quantity should not exceed 3 pieces.

The health benefits and harms of dried apricots have long been proven by experts; numerous studies have been conducted in medical laboratories. Despite the fact that the product has maximum beneficial properties, you just need to follow the correct dosage.

As a rule, harm to the body is caused by the abuse of dried fruit or by violating contraindications.

Use of dried apricots for culinary purposes

Due to its beneficial properties, this dried fruit is very popular and is often used in cooking. It is added to porridges; it goes especially well with rice, oatmeal and millet, which are prepared with milk.

The product is also used in making jams and preserves. Pumpkin jam with dried apricots has excellent taste. Dried apricot is also added for confectionery purposes when baking baked goods.

Pies filled with a combination of dried fruits can be very healthy. For example, you can add dates, raisins, prunes to dried apricots and flavor everything with ground nuts.

Gourmets love meat dishes in combination with dried apricots, the taste of the side dish is piquant and quite refined. If we talk about second courses, then most often the product is added to Uzbek pilaf.

From dried apricots you can prepare compotes, non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails, tinctures and liqueurs, smoothies, as well as decoctions for treatment various diseases. But the benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body must be strictly taken into account.

The use of dried apricots in folk medicine

Dried apricots can cure a number of diseases, so the product is often used in folk medicine. There are a lot of worthy recipes that should be used only taking into account the health benefits and harms of dried apricots.

If a person has problems with bowel movements or constipation, then it is worth soaking several fruits in a small container, for example, in a regular glass, overnight. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over them and let them brew. In the morning, on an empty stomach, dried apricots are eaten and washed down with the resulting infusion.

Eating should be no earlier than 30 minutes after the procedure. Problems with stool will no longer bother you in a month, bowel movements will be regular and will no longer cause discomfort.

Ophthalmologists never stop talking about the benefits of dried apricots for the body and, in particular, for human vision. Like blueberries, dried apricot reduces the risk of cataracts, improves vision and eliminates the occurrence of any new eye diseases.

Let's sum it up

The benefits of dried apricots for the human body are obvious, but you need to remember about the harm that can affect your health, although it is minimal. The main thing is to always follow the dosage, use the product in reasonable quantities and do not forget about contraindications. Persons who are allergic to dried fruits are recommended to consume dried apricots only with the permission of an allergist.

A seedless dried fruit obtained by drying apricot fruits is dried apricots, the benefits and harms of which are the topic of this article. It is of great interest not only from the point of view of cooking, but even traditional medicine.

Various types of dried apricots

Among the varieties of dried apricots is apricot. Apricots are dried with pits; their fruits are small and significantly smaller in size than ordinary apricots, but nutritional value no worse. Dried fruit is made in specially designated places, leaving it in the sun. Production usually takes five to eight days, after which the product is ready to eat.

If moisture gets on the fruit during drying, the dried apricots turn out to be dark in color and taste different from the usual ones. If the fruits are not treated with chemicals when dried, their color turns gray and becomes faded; when processed, it turns out orange and very bright. This type of processing is commonly used in bulk dried fruit production to improve the presentation of the finished product.

Natural dried apricots may also have a brownish tint. If it has an unusual taste, most often wine, it is better to avoid consuming such a product, since this indicates that low-quality fruit was used during drying, or that the processing technology was violated. Natural dried apricots made according to the right technology, has a sweet or sweet-sour taste.

This dried fruit is also classified by grade: table, first, highest and extra.

The benefits of dried apricots for the human body

Dried apricots are used to treat diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disorders. Its beneficial properties are that it helps remove excess from the body - this significantly improves heart function.

It also normalizes the functioning of the insulin apparatus of the pancreas, so in case of diabetes, doctors recommend dried apricot for consumption.

Dried apricots are a product rich in vitamins, microelements and minerals. It contains vitamin C, which promotes and is distinguished by its powerful antioxidant properties, vitamin A, which in everyday life is called the vitamin of youth, which activates the synthesis of collagen, taurine and hyaluronic acid, as well as providing the synthesis of sex hormones. Vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid, contained in dried apricots, normalizes tissue respiration, is involved in the metabolism of fats and proteins, glycogenolysis and biosynthetic processes. B vitamins are involved in metabolic processes body, hemoglobin synthesis and improve vision.

In terms of the amount of vitamins in its composition, dried apricots are significantly inferior to fresh apricots, but they contain quite a lot of minerals, like the fruit itself. Among them, iron, which is responsible for hematopoietic processes, prevents the development of anemia and improves function thyroid gland, potassium and calcium, which help maintain the acid-base balance and prevent the development of osteoporosis, as well as magnesium, which is essential for normal heart function.

And this is dried apricots in their youth...

Use in folk medicine

What are the benefits of dried apricots if you use them directly to treat diseases? In folk medicine, there are many recipes using dried apricots that can cure some diseases and disorders physiological functions body.

Like other dried fruits, dried apricots help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. People suffering from constipation are recommended to pour boiling water over several fruits in the evening, leaving them covered overnight in a small bowl. In the morning, the fruits are eaten on an empty stomach, and the water remaining in the container is drunk. Within a month, bowel function returns to normal, stool becomes regular and no longer bothers the person.

Regular consumption of dried apricots prevents the development of oncological diseases. To prevent them, it is recommended to eat several dried fruits per day in their pure form. Application of dried apricots in culinary recipes and desserts is also useful, however, the visible effect due to its beneficial properties occurs when it is consumed as a separate product.

In both adults and children, dried apricots can cure vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis without resorting to the use of pharmaceuticals.

Dried fruit is used for treatment kidney diseases and thyroid dysfunction.

For hypertensive patients, dried apricots are useful for their properties that help normalize arterial pressure and prevent its increase.

It is also useful and effective for anemia, as well as for preventing its development in people who have a tendency to.

Dried apricots can improve vision and preserve its functions. It is useful for the prevention of ophthalmic diseases, due to the content of B vitamins.

Dried fruit has a mild laxative and diuretic effect, so using dried apricots is useful for general cleansing of the body from toxins. The product is also capable of removing various harmful substances. Among them - heavy metals and radionuclides, as well as free radicals. Dried apricot maintains optimal levels of hormones in the body, in particular, due to vitamin A, promotes the production of sex hormones.

Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, it has contraindications for consumption - people suffering from certain diseases should refrain from eating it altogether, or reduce the amount it enters the body as food.

Contraindications to eating dried apricots, some of its harmful properties and features

First of all, dried apricots are not recommended for people suffering from serious stomach disorders and intestinal disorders, in particular chronic diseases. The product may cause digestive problems if consumed in large quantities Oh.

People suffering from diabetes and using dried apricots during treatment should also be careful about the amount of product consumed. Dried apricots are dried fruits that contain a high concentration of glucose and fructose, and despite the fact that these elements are natural sugar substitutes, they can also cause attacks of hypoglycemia if consumed in excessive dosages.

Dried apricots are also not recommended for those who suffer from various stages of obesity. However, to stabilize weight, nutritionists recommend fasting days based on dried apricot. Approximately 500 grams of dried fruit is divided evenly into 5-6 parts for each meal. This method of unloading involves drinking sugar-free drinks. It is best to drink dried apricots with water, brewed loose leaf tea (or), without adding sugar or its substitutes.

Dried apricots are able to remove excess fluid and harmful elements from the body, including waste and toxins. In addition, it speeds up metabolic processes. Therefore, this type of fasting days is extremely useful for those who practice diets and try to maintain a stable, normal weight. People suffering from heart disease and edema associated with it can spend such fasting days once a week. This will not only strengthen cardiovascular system, but also to cope with the side effects that develop against the background of disruption of its functions.

Contraindications include the presence of a person who is allergic to food products. If you are allergic to apricot and other fruits, you should refrain from eating dried apricots. If in doubt, you should consult a doctor for advice. An allergy to dried apricots can manifest itself in an itchy rash on the skin; there are also manifestations of swelling during allergic reactions.

The harm of dried apricots to the body is minimal, but the methods of its processing should be taken into account. If the dried fruit was treated with chemicals during drying to improve it appearance Before placing on the market, such a product should be completely discarded or used in small quantities.

If the color of dried apricots is unnaturally bright, deep orange, it is possible that during cooking the apricot was treated with a special chemical - sulfur dioxide. Anhydride can be not only harmful, but also dangerous for the human body. This chemical is toxic and can cause serious consequences, in particular strong allergic reaction and even bronchial asthma. Eating a product treated with sulfuric anhydride can cause severe poisoning.

Calorie content and application in dietetics

The calorie content of dried apricots significantly exceeds the energy value fresh fruits apricot This is a very concentrated product, and like any other dried fruit, it is quite heavy in terms of calorie content. 100 grams of dried apricots contain approximately 225-232 calories, the protein content per 100 grams is 3 grams, fats are 0.5 grams, and carbohydrates are approximately 51-55 grams.

Despite these indicators, his energy value is not “empty”, since the product is very nutritious and saturates the human body for a long period of time. In reasonable quantities (up to 100 grams per day), dried apricots are useful for those losing weight, as they rid the body of harmful substances, prevent the accumulation of excess fluid in tissues and help normalize stool.

Dried apricots in cooking

The most common desserts in cooking are those with the addition of dried apricots. The baking industry offers pies and buns filled with dried fruit. An incredibly healthy and tasty combination is a mixture of dried apricots with other dried fruits (,) and nuts.

Dried apricots go well with cereals, especially oatmeal. Various are made from it useful infusions and concentrates aimed at treating diseases. Lovers of refined and piquant taste will love the addition of dried apricots to meat dishes and a variety of side dishes. In Uzbek cuisine, the use of dried apricots for preparing pilaf is widespread.

Jams and jams with the addition of dried apricots, for example, pumpkin jam, are tasty and healthy. The combination with dried apricots is often found when preparing porridges, in particular rice.


Dear readers, do you like dried apricots? I think that many of us include it in our diet. Dried apricots are a sweet, sometimes slightly sour dried apricot fruit that is a desired delicacy for children and adults. This popular dried fruit serves as a substitute for fresh apricots during the cold season. It is good not only for its absence of seeds and delicate taste, but also for its range of health benefits. Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of dried apricots.

Apricot trees spread from China to the Middle East and then to European countries. History is silent about where exactly apricot fruits began to dry. Perhaps the Chinese began to dry this bright fruit. Today, dried apricots are a culinary delicacy known throughout the world. It is eaten on its own and added to a variety of dishes and desserts. The largest producer of this dried fruit is Türkiye.

Apricot, dried apricots and apricots. What is the difference? Apricots - fresh fruits, dried apricots are a dried fruit without a seed, and apricots are a dried fruit together with a seed. The “closest relative” of dried apricots, apricots, is just as healthy as natural dried apricots. There is also kaisa - a dried whole fruit without a seed. Dried apricots in the form of halves of the fruit are considered classic.

The benefits of dried apricots are the same in all its varieties. And there are enough types of this dried fruit. There are dried apricots from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China and Turkey. It varies in color, size and flavor nuances. What should we pay attention to?

Dried apricot color. What do we need to know

Pay attention to the color of the dried apricots. Dried apricots can range in color from orange to yellow and brown. Gray or Brown color may well correspond to natural dried apricots. But bright orange can be suspicious. Is something that is bright and slightly shiny useful?

Manufacturers, for the sake of an impressive presentation, go to various kinds tricks. Wholesale manufacturers When drying apricots, chemicals are used. This could be an anhydride, a toxin that provokes poisoning, allergies, and asthmatic attacks. This could be the preservative E-220, that is, sulfur dioxide - just as dangerous toxin. For large volumes of dried apricot production, alkalis and caustic soda (E524) can be used.

If coal, gas or fuel oil was used when drying apricot fruits, then the dried fruits will be rich in carcinogens and will not have a fruity aroma at all. The most valuable in terms of taste and beneficial properties are those types of dried apricots that have been dried in the shade.

Naturally dried apricot fruit will darken. To give dried apricots shine, low-quality oils and fats can be used.

Too bright orange, or less often yellow, dried apricots are most often a sure sign of chemical processing and the use of food coloring.

What do we need to know when buying dried apricots? Natural dried apricots will have a grayish or brown color. It should also be dry and not shiny, matte. Such dried apricots have benefits for the body, and taste qualities much higher. This dried apricot can be bought for children. Today there are four varieties of dried apricots. These are the highest, first, extra and table.

Composition of dried apricots

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body are associated with its chemical natural composition. It resembles the composition of fresh apricot, second only to the concentration of vitamins. Natural dried apricots contain:

  1. Vitamin set – A, B-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -9, C, E;
  2. Fatty acid;
  3. Mineral elements - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc.;
  4. Mono-, disaccharides;
  5. Starch, fructose, glucose.
  6. Dried apricots have a lot of carbohydrates, a little less protein and very little fat. She is a dietary fiber supplier.

To replenish your daily supply of ascorbic acid, iron and potassium, you will need very little dried apricots. We'll talk about this a little later. It contains youth vitamin A, antioxidant and immune guard vitamin C. The mineral set in dried apricots has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Calorie content of dried apricots and glycemic index

Due to the saturation of carbohydrates, the calorie content of this dried fruit is 240 Kcal per 100 grams. The hypoglycemic index of the product is 30. This means that dried apricots can be used for weight loss.

Useful properties of dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots for the body are already well known over centuries of its use. This general strengthening the body and its healing and normalizing effect on its various systems. How are dried apricots good for our health? Among the effects of dried apricots on the body are the following:

  • General strengthening;
  • Mild laxative;
  • Diuretic;
  • Antioxidant, incl. supporting tissue regeneration and preservation;
  • Antitumor;
  • Removal of waste, toxins, radionuclides;
  • Normalization of metabolism;
  • Maintaining hormonal balance.

For the body, the benefits and harms of dried apricots are not the same. It is as beneficial as it pleases our taste. This oriental delicacy will bring us more benefit than harm and will help normalize the functioning of our organs or eliminate some ailments.

Dried apricots for the heart and blood vessels

The benefits of dried apricots for the heart and blood vessels have long been known. It allows you to remove excess cholesterol. The potassium, magnesium and sodium in dried apricots are important for healthy heart function. This delicious dried fruit is recommended for atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, anemia and spasms in blood vessels.

Iron improves hematopoiesis and... dried apricots are very useful for everyone who monitors their hemoglobin. Interesting fact: 100 grams of dried apricots contain the same amount of iron as 250 grams of beef liver and 40 mg of iron supplements. We draw our own conclusions.

To strengthen the immune system

Dried apricots will be beneficial for weakened immune system. Vitamin C is responsible for strengthening the immune system in dried apricots. Dried fruit will be very useful for weakened patients, people with low muscle tone. Dried apricots are recommended after complex operations and strokes for speedy recovery. It is also an excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency and dysbacteriosis.

For the stomach and intestines

Being dried fruit, dried apricots improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In folk medicine, the benefits of dried apricots are known for constipation. In general, dried apricots activate digestion.

For metabolism

The elements in dried apricots are beneficial for metabolism. This includes tissue metabolism, protein and fat metabolism. A nicotinic acid in dried apricots it is valuable for biosynthesis in the body, and vitamin A is important for hormonal synthesis. Regular intake of this dried fruit is important for hemoglobin synthesis.

In the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Scientific studies have shown that taking dried apricots is useful for diabetes mellitus. It affects the normal production of insulin in the pancreas.

To cleanse the body

Dried apricots help well in cleansing the body. As a mild laxative, it allows you to remove toxins and toxic substances. This also applies to heavy metal salts.

For the prevention of tumors

When taken regularly, dried apricots produce antitumor effect. A few fruits daily will reduce the risk of cancer.

For the visual system

Dried apricots are good for vision and improve performance visual apparatus. The B vitamins in this dried fruit are good for the prevention of eye diseases.

Benefits for the female body

The benefits of dried apricots for a woman’s body are great. First of all, hormonal levels are brought back to normal. Dried apricots also improve lactation (especially when mixed with oatmeal and nuts). During pregnancy, dried fruit will help transport the vitamin and mineral composition to the fetus and normalize intestinal function.

Dried apricots for weight loss

It turns out that you can lose weight with dried apricots. Although this is enough high-calorie product, dried apricots remove toxins from cells and tissues. It is as an agent for cleansing the body that dried apricots are introduced into diets.

A one-week weight loss course with dried apricots is recommended. Every day you need to take 200 g of dried fruit. A single intake of protein products is important. For the full effect of such a diet, constant monitoring by a specialist is required. And you definitely need to look at the contraindications.

Other beneficial effects of dried apricots

The benefits of dried apricots also include supporting the functioning of the kidneys and thyroid gland. It is recommended for diseases of the urinary system. Dried apricots have a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on the health of hair and nails.

If you are not allergic to dried apricots, these dried sweet and sour fruits are suitable for both adults and children.

What is healthier: apricots or dried apricots?

Apricots contain a lot of water. And dried apricots are a dried product, so if we are talking about the concentration of microelements, then there are more of them in dried apricots.

Daily intake of dried apricots, how much should you eat?

How much dried apricots should you eat per day for health benefits? It is enough to eat 50-100 dried apricots per day. It is worth choosing clean, moderately soft fruits. They should smell nice, and in no case have the smell of wine. Dried apricots should not be overly sour.

Dried apricots must be washed before eating. And it’s best to pour boiling water over it for 15 minutes and let it sit there, drain the water, dry it a little and eat. Boiling water is poured over dried apricots to get rid of possible dyes and what can be used to treat the fruits. You can eat it separately or add it to other dishes. I really like adding it to cottage cheese.

You can also cook compotes, desserts, cereals, salads, soups, and meat dishes with dried apricots (dried apricots go with meat as a sweet and sour seasoning). Dried apricots harmonize with nuts and prunes. In jam, in porridge, in fruit salad or in the form of a wonderful thirst-quenching compote, dried apricots will bring pleasure and take care of our health.

How to store dried apricots

It is stored in a tightly closed container. If dried apricots get wet, it will cause mold to appear. I don't like this product sunlight. In the light, dried apricots will lose their valuable ascorbic acid and will lose its delicate taste. The ideal place to store dried apricots is a dark and slightly cool place.

Harm and contraindications of dried apricots

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body are determined by its natural composition and consumption standards. Some people may have an allergy to the product, which will manifest itself in itching and swelling.

You should not use it in the morning on an empty stomach for those who have a sensitive stomach and intestines, or are prone to inflammation. You should not drink it with a large amount of water at once, because... At the same time, dried apricots greatly increase in volume and thereby stimulate intestinal motility.

Dried apricots may be harmful to people with acute diseases Gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, digestive disorders. When consuming large quantities (above daily norm) the body will receive excess potassium. This is dangerous for the intestines and in some cases for the heart.

Dried apricots (if you do not follow the norm) will be harmful at low blood pressure and kidney diseases. You should eat dried apricots if you have diabetes and obesity if you follow the recommendations of experts. But again, we remember wisdom: everything is good in moderation.

And in this video there is a lot interesting facts about dried apricots, the value of the composition, its use in the treatment of diseases and contraindications, as well as the peculiarities of its use.

Knowing the benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body, we can use this and lead healthy image life. Dried apricots, as an oriental product that is already familiar to us, can give beauty, good tone and normal work body systems.

And for the soul, today we will listen to a video clip with music R Paulsa Winter's Tale . Happy first day of winter everyone!

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