Didn't sleep all night after summer. What's the best way to cheer up after a sleepless night?

Sooner or later, almost every person is faced with the question of how not to fall asleep if you want to sleep. There can be many reasons for this - deadlines at work, a study session, long night trips. It is especially difficult to stay alert while someone is sleeping next to you.

Some people drink liters of coffee, others listen to music - everyone has different ways of staying alert. In this case, the brain can play cruel joke: after finishing work, when you can finally go to bed, you can’t sleep! Let's find out how to properly overcome drowsiness.

10 ways to stay awake at work

It doesn’t matter how many hours you slept the night before – 7 or 3 – in some situations, sleepiness at work appears constantly. Especially if the person is a night owl, and he has to work in the morning. Then it is especially difficult to concentrate, because more than half of the working day is spent fighting sleep.

To avoid sleeping at work, you can use several effective methods. Their use will reduce drowsiness, increase blood supply to the brain, thereby provoking vigor, which is necessary for a long trip behind the wheel or when working in the office.

Perhaps car enthusiasts have already been able to learn something useful from the first block of our recommendations. But let's not dwell on this. Before you go on a long journey to own car, check out proven methods to combat sleep while driving.

1. Rest for at least 8-10 hours before a long trip. Deep sleep in complete peace and quiet it will provide you with vigor and strength that cannot be replaced by more than one source of caffeine.

2. Turn on the air conditioner regularly to perk up. Most importantly, do not forget to close the windows so as not to catch a cold.

3. The presence of a good companion in the car is one of the best ways not to fall asleep. Pleasant communication conceals the duration and monotony of the ride, which often makes you feel sleepy.

4. After every hour or two of driving, stop the car and do eye exercises to relieve eye strain. First, blink actively, and then begin to move your gaze from a close to a distant object and back.

5. Chew on sunflower or pumpkin seeds. This activity, as you know, is addictive, and therefore you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep. The only disadvantage of this method is the need to clean the interior upon arrival.

Anti-drowsiness medications

Exists whole line medications that help prevent drowsiness.

Important: These medications should only be taken after consulting a doctor. Without prior consultation, you can cause significant harm to the body, especially if taken uncontrolled.

  • Caffeine benzoate. " Coffee tablets" Pure caffeine, which helps keep you alert. Acts as an energy drink. Strictly contraindicated for people with VSD hypertensive type and renal dysfunction, as it causes an increase blood pressure. In case of an overdose, migraines, nausea, and vomiting occur.
  • Phenotropil. Nootropic drug to increase the efficiency of mental activity. Helps to cheer up “here and now”. Long-term use causes exhaustion, and therefore should not be abused.
  • Piracetam. Stimulates cerebral circulation, increasing the duration of mental work. Valid only when used as a course.

What to do if you always want to sleep

If drowsiness is a constant companion, regardless of the presence or absence of exercise, you should pay attention to the following recommendations. Following them will help to significantly increase your performance and maintain your vigor throughout the day.

  • Regular sleep. You should get at least 6-8 hours of sleep every day. A normal amount of sleep helps keep you alert for a long time.
  • Consumption of vegetables and fruits. Maintaining the required level of vitamins also significantly helps in maintaining the necessary state and helps not to fall asleep at the most unexpected moment.
  • . Regular exercise stress promotes the production of endorphins, which causes vigor.
  • Sex. Great source endorphins and Have a good mood. But here it is important to take into account that partners must both enjoy the process, otherwise the desired effect will not occur.
  • Fresh air . Constant ventilation allows for normal amount oxygen in the room. This makes it possible to carry out its full transport through cells and tissues, keeping the brain alert.

If you follow these tips, you can fall asleep very quickly. If you regularly experience problems falling asleep, you should consult a doctor.

After a fun party, a night of intensive preparation for exams, overtime A working day is coming, which you need to get through safely. It’s hard to get involved in the work process and stay alert the next day. The body requires rest, reactions slow down slightly, attentiveness and productivity decrease. Appears around lunchtime desire sleep. There are several tricks on how to recover after sleepless night and hold out until evening.

The best option is to sleep for an hour and a half in the morning. Nap relieves stress, increases the ability to absorb information, improves physical state. The body receives a small supply of energy, which helps to last through the day. Don't think about how to wake up after morning sleep if you haven't slept all night. In 90 minutes, sleep will go through all stages and enter the rapid phase. At this moment it is easy to wake up. After waking up, you don’t feel drowsy or tired. When time is short, try to fall asleep for 20 minutes. Drink coffee to help you get up easier. Caffeine will take effect within 20 minutes and provide easy awakening. As much as you might want to stay in bed and take a nap for a few minutes, get up right away. A minute can turn into more long time. The brain will enter a phase deep sleep and it will be very difficult to wake up.

Invigorating smells that activate the brain help. Inhale the aroma of citrus, pine, eucalyptus after sleep, nutmeg, juniper. If rush jobs at work, late parties, and studying at night are the norm for you, buy a bottle of aromatic oil and apply a few drops on a handkerchief. You can use it at work when you feel sleepy. This way, even if you haven't slept all night, you can be more or less all cheerful day.

The next stage of preparing the body for the working day after a sleepless night is a small morning work-out. It will help you finally wake up, improve your well-being, and activate the activity of all body systems.

Contrasting colors will be of great benefit water treatments. Such a small stress for the body promotes the release of adrenaline. A small release of the hormone stimulates the nervous system and provides the brain with additional blood. A contrast shower washes away the remnants of lethargy, the person feels collected, ready for study or work.

If a woman hasn't slept all night, she will try to disguise sleepy look. Bright light is considered the enemy of sleep. During gymnastics and beauty treatments, turn on the upper bright lighting, which will reduce drowsiness and give a signal to the brain that it’s time to wake up.

What to eat for breakfast

Don't neglect breakfast, especially after a sleepless night. Pamper yourself healthy food which gives energy. A good optionoatmeal with berries or fruits. You can eat cottage cheese, eggs, hard cheese. If you don't have time, eat nuts. When it's hard to wake up and get up in the morning, drink coffee instead green tea. It gives a good tonic effect. There is just one trick: brew the tea leaves for no more than two minutes. After prolonged brewing, the drink acquires calming properties.

After a hard night, the morning will be cheerful if you eat a piece of dark chocolate. It promotes the production of endorphins, which will lift your mood and make your brain work. Good coffee will help you cheer up, but several cups invigorating drink, drinking in a row will overstimulate the nervous system.

How to stay awake during the day

Don’t despair if you haven’t managed to follow the previous recommendations. A short nap in transport will help you recover and significantly improve your condition. Nuts will replace breakfast, and a run to your place of work will invigorate you.

A night without sleep reduces the perception of information. Put off difficult tasks until 10 am. The body adapts to this time. But by 13-14 o'clock drowsiness will again begin to overcome you at the workplace. People who are constantly sleep deprived know how to cheer up after a sleepless night. Try to find 20 minutes to sleep during lunch. To wake up easier, you need to repeat the trick with coffee. The first minutes after waking up will be difficult, but later the body will thank you for the short rest by increasing its performance. There will be enough energy until the end of the working day. But what to do if you can’t sleep and need to focus on work?

A few tips will help you get through the day after a sleepless night:

  • Do some exercise.
    Run up a few steps sports exercises will increase the volume of blood flowing to the brain. You will immediately feel invigorated.
  • Refresh yourself.
    Wash your face, or open the window, go outside, lower the air conditioner temperature.
  • Take a break from food.
    Eat an apple or light sandwich, a piece of chocolate. Heavy food will make you drowsy. To sleep well at night, you will have to give up caffeine-containing drinks after lunch.
  • Maintain an upright posture.
    Correct posture while sitting allows you to maintain alertness.
  • Take a pleasant break.
    Laughter and positive emotions stimulate brain activity.

The next peak of sleepiness occurs at 18-19 hours. Resist the urge to take a nap and go to bed at your usual time. A short nap in the evening will disrupt your routine. The day will end with you being awake, you will not get enough sleep again. The morning will begin with a difficult awakening, and in the afternoon you will want to sleep again.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983.
  • Foldvary-Schaefer N., Grigg-Damberger M. Sleep and epilepsy: what we know, don’t know, and need to know. // J Clin Neurophysiol. - 2006
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Vein and Ya.I. Levina M.: “Medforum”, 2016.

Consequences of lack of sleep

Many of us say: “I sleep only 3 hours a night and feel great.” In fact, this statement is far from the truth. Because of constant lack of sleep The following processes occur in the body:

  1. During a night's rest, the body is cleansed of toxins that negatively affect memory and attention. Scientists believe that one night without sleep is comparable in its consequences to a concussion. The very next day after it, you may notice unpleasant symptoms: dizziness, tinnitus, difficulty concentrating, nausea.
  2. Disruption of the body's biorhythms is stress for the body. If you systematically do not allow your body to rest, it will suffer the consequences. chronic stress. This leads to an exacerbation of diseases with a hidden course, as well as the emergence of new ailments. Because of constant fatigue depression begins, sudden changes in mood, outbursts of anger appear.
  3. Adequate sleep is very important for normal functioning all organs. First of all, it suffers from its lack the immune system, which leads to frequent colds.

To get rid of these consequences, you need to know the rules that will help you regain your strength. The main thing is to get a good night's sleep, properly prepare for full-time rest and get sufficient quantity vitamins from food.

What to do if you want to sleep

If you haven't slept all night, then the best solution before a new working day is a 90-minute rest. But not everyone can afford to spend time in bed. In this case, it is time to use the following tips:

  1. Accept cold and hot shower, after which you need to rub yourself with a hard terry towel.
  2. Try Hatha Yoga methods. There is one thing in this practice good exercise, which cleanses the sector of the brain responsible for the rhythms of sleep and rest. It is called "Kapalabhati". To perform it, you need to sit with a straight back and do deep breath and begin to make intense, noisy exhalations through the nose. You will inhale instinctively. You need to breathe in this way for about 2 minutes. This exercise can be used during the day, it will not cause harm.
  3. Place yourself in uncomfortable conditions - sit with your back straight, choose a hard chair, turn on the lights brighter, ventilate the room.
  4. To intensify work nervous system and blood supply, maintain physical activity. It has been proven that a 15-minute walk at a brisk pace gives a boost of energy that allows you to do office work for 2 hours. Squats and jumping help to speed up the blood and increase the volume of oxygen delivered to the brain.
  5. Breakfast should be light. It's best to include fruit, juice, nuts and a strip of dark chocolate.
  6. Many people advise drinking coffee after a sleepless night, but this is not the right approach. Replace coffee with green tea as it is rich in theanine and caffeine. These substances act more gently and last longer. After espresso, you will be drawn back to sleep within 1-2 hours, while the same amount of green tea will invigorate you until the middle of the working day. Don't forget to drink throughout the day more water to prevent dehydration.
  7. Menthol is a good energy drink. Use mint leaves, chewing gum or mints with this flavor to activate your brain. You can add mint leaves to green tea to speed up the recovery process.
  8. Morning sex provokes the production of the hormones oxytocin and serotonin. They encourage motor activity and improve your mood.
  9. Place some essential oils on a handkerchief. Oils of mint, rosemary or any citrus fruit (orange, lemon, bergamot, lime) help to invigorate.
  10. Try acupuncture: rub your nose, ears, feet and palms. Apply light pressure to your temples.

Some of these tips can be used throughout the day. Remember that the body cannot be deceived; in the evening you need to go to bed early to get a good night's sleep.

Everyone, at least once in their life, has experienced situations accompanied by an urgent need to stay awake throughout the night. This is usually due to a large amount of physical or mental work, for which there is not enough time during the day. Knowing how to stay up all night can increase your productivity and finish important work on time. At the same time, a sleepless day will not leave an imprint on your well-being and health.

How to stay up all night and be alert

The human body obeys biological rhythms. After prolonged work, it takes time to recover. The body recovers best during night sleep. Therefore, natural fatigue and drowsiness appear in the evening. There are ways to stay awake at night by cheating your rhythms, and they help you stay alert for a long time.

You should worry about the upcoming sleepless night in the morning. It is advisable to get a good night's sleep the night before. Daytime naps are encouraged.

It is not recommended to start the day with exercise. They reduce energy reserves.

During night work it is necessary to create the most uncomfortable conditions. There must be factors in the room that prevent you from falling asleep. These include bright light, extraneous sounds, uncomfortable body position, low temperature in room. It is recommended to sit away from comfortable sofas, armchairs and beds.

1 Chewing gum

Regular food helps replenish energy chewing gum. It is advisable to pay attention to the mint taste. Menthol has an invigorating effect on the body, relieving drowsiness and fatigue. Chewing movements of the jaw send a signal to the brain to digest food. This leads to the production of insulin, which helps you stay awake at night.

2 Cool

Comfortable room temperature is conducive to muscle relaxation and helps you fall asleep quickly. To drive away fatigue and drowsiness, you should let him into the room cool air. Cold has a good tonic effect on the body and encourages active physical and mental activity. It is important to avoid excessive hypothermia.

3 Physical education

Exercises for vigor help speed up the blood and help saturate cells with oxygen. An alternative could be walking fresh air. You need to force yourself to perform the complex effective exercises at intervals of every half hour. Squats, push-ups and light running help to get rid of fatigue.

4 Washing

Washing cold water promotes the development of vigor and increased energy reserves. You should wash your face every 2-3 hours. This method also helps if the room is too hot, reduces the intensity of headaches and banishes drowsiness.

5 Hunger

A feeling of fullness in the stomach is considered a comfortable state, conducive to falling asleep quickly. Hunger helps you work longer than usual. It is believed that when empty stomach Productivity increases significantly. Avoiding food helps you stay awake for 24 hours.

6 Music

Loud dance music helps you stay awake for a long time. It affects the areas of the brain responsible for emotions. It leads to nervous excitement, which excludes the possibility falling asleep quickly. It is advisable not to have music playing in the background. This method helps to arrive at positive disposition spirit until the morning.

7 Lighting

Biological rhythms people react to the degree of illumination in the room. Dim light is subconsciously associated with sleep. Therefore, you should turn on all the lights in the room. This will trick your body and keep you alert all night.

8 Massage

A regular massage helps you fall asleep faster. Massaging certain points sets you up for work and tones the body. These points include the area under the knee, the crown of the head, the earlobes and back neck. Fatigue is eliminated by improving blood circulation.

9 Aromatherapy

The use of olfactory receptors helps you survive the night without sleep. Strong aromas help replenish energy in the body. Used to scent a room essential oils rosemary, spruce, eucalyptus and patchouli. Coffee beans have a similar invigorating effect.

10 Discomfort

A hard and uncomfortable chair will help you avoid falling asleep while doing monotonous work. Instead, any surface that is not suitable for sitting will do. A comfortable environment will increase fatigue and lead to spontaneous falling asleep at work.

11 Coffee

Caffeine is considered the main assistant in the fight against sleep. The drink begins to act 30 minutes after consumption. It irritates nerve receptors, causing an invigorating effect. A person notices a pronounced surge of strength and elimination of fatigue. The disadvantages of caffeine include its slow effect on the body. Dark chocolate helps to enhance it.

12 Tickling

Tickling is considered an extraordinary way to cheer up upper sky tongue. Light movements cause the areas of the brain responsible for mental activity to become active. Regular tickling works in a similar way. Someone close to you can help with this.

13 Trolling

Laughter not only prolongs life, but also affects the nerve receptors responsible for human activity. By doing something funny or watching a humorous video, you can replenish your energy reserves for a long time.

What not to do

Certain moments will not allow you to cheer up after a sleepless night. It is recommended to avoid them. These include the following:

  • working in a lying position on a bed or sofa;
  • a hearty dinner the night before;
  • breaks for computer games;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • carrying out rituals that are strongly associated with sleep;
  • work in complete darkness or in dim light;
  • staying in one position for a long time (especially if it is comfortable).

When working at night, it is important to exclude conditions favorable to sleep. It is not recommended to work without taking breaks. This will eventually deplete your energy reserves and cause you to fall asleep.

How to recover after a sleepless night

Staying on your feet for 24 hours is not as difficult as recovering from it. Difficulties can arise when you are unable to get a full night's sleep. Experts say that you need to set aside at least 30 minutes for sleep. It's important to set an alarm. He won't let you get caught up in deep phase sleep, after which it will be difficult to wake up.

Energy drinks containing caffeine or taurine can help you survive the day after a sleepless night. They tone the body and improve mood. But they should not be abused, since they have negative impact on the heart.

Helps you stay alert all day physical exercise or muscle stretching. It is not necessary to resort to strength training and long distance running. It is enough to complete basic exercises which help improve blood circulation.

It should be remembered that work at night should be sporadic. Systematic disruption of sleep and rest patterns provokes the development serious illnesses. After a sleepless night, you need to get a good night's sleep.

Your body works in accordance with biorhythms, regardless of whether you are sleeping or not. Late in the evening, in the middle of the night, at dawn and in the middle of the day, inhuman fatigue will roll over you. You'll feel like if you don't lie down right now, you'll just fall asleep sitting up. This state will last about 20 minutes, and then a surge of vigor will come. But few people like to sit for 20 minutes in a state of suspended animation, so the body will have to be deceived. Coffee won't help here, but physical activity- quite. Get up, stretch, jump and do some exercises. The more active the movements, the better. Our bodies haven't changed much over millions of years, so physical activity is after school hours means one thing - there is danger somewhere nearby. You seem to be running from a saber-toothed tiger, otherwise why would you jump in the middle of the night? This means that the body mobilizes strength and drowsiness will disappear as if by hand. This also works during the day.

Don't drink too much coffee

Only the first cup invigorates, and all the subsequent ones only aggravate the situation and you become more and more sleepy. Here's the thing: caffeine is absorbed very quickly and increases blood pressure, so you'll feel much more alert within 15 minutes. But after an hour you will be even more drawn to sleep, and with each subsequent cup it will be more and more difficult to fight sleep. The fact is that coffee contains not only caffeine, but also theophylline, theobromine and vitamin R.R. These substances, on the contrary, lower blood pressure, which makes you want to sleep. Therefore, with each cup of aromatic drink, it’s like you’re rocking a swing more and more: you’re becoming more and more energetic every half hour, and then you’re drawn more and more into horizontal position. And the more coffee you drink, the more difficult it will be for you to fight sleepiness.

Drink green tea

A cup of green tea has as much caffeine as a cup of espresso. But its effect on your body will be much milder, and you will remain cheerful longer. The combination of caffeine and tannin found in tea works a little differently than caffeine alone.

Turn on the lights

If you need to spend a sleepless night at home, don't skimp and turn on bright lights everywhere, not just in the room where you are. The same goes for cloudy day after a sleepless night. This is just a way to trick the brain: when it is light around, it is more difficult for it to go into sleep mode. If you haven't slept at night and need to spend the day at the computer, adjust your monitor settings: the brighter the colors, the easier it will be to fight drowsiness.

take a shower

Everyone knows that a contrast shower helps to cheer up. Of course this is the best remedy come to your senses after a sleepless night, but on one condition: if that night you didn’t drink anything stronger than coffee. If you come from a party in the morning, a contrast shower is contraindicated for you. Your blood vessels have already suffered, they don’t need the extra load now. You will be invigorated for 5 minutes, and then your head will hurt and you will fall asleep. It's better to take a warm bath and gradually change the water temperature to cool.

Make a coffee scrub

Don't skimp and don't use the grounds from your cup - you need freshly ground coffee. Apply shower gel to your body, then take a handful of coffee and rub yourself all over. The skin will become fabulously smooth, and the charge of vigor will definitely last for three hours.

Eat something tasty

And finally, the most pleasant advice: try to eat only what you love all day. On the Internet you can find a list of products that supposedly charge you with energy, but in this case they will not help you. But your favorite food is a guaranteed pleasure, that is, a guaranteed increase in endorphin levels. And this cunning hormone makes us feel not only happy, but also cheerful, full and strong and ready to move mountains.



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