Hypoallergenic dog food Purina Pro Plan. Dietary food for dogs with allergies: what to feed your pet

Allergies are a common occurrence in dogs, requiring special corrective nutrition. For such animals, Purina has developed a line of special hypoallergenic Pro Plan food that optimally meets the needs of dogs with sensitive digestion.

Features of hypoallergenic food for dogs

Allergies in dogs manifest themselves as both skin manifestations and digestive disorders. Most common cause allergic reactions in dogs is intolerance certain products nutrition. Compared to the influence of contact allergens, food allergies are 60% more common.

Therefore, the use of specialized hypoallergenic Purina food effectively solves the majority of problems associated with food sensitivity.

The digestive system of allergy-prone animals reacts sensitively to the following common components of dog food:

  • whole grains - oats and corn;
  • glutens;
  • chicken;
  • fatty fish;
  • yeast;
  • artificial pigments and flavoring additives.

Therefore, Purina Proplan hypoallergenic dog food is made without the addition of synthetic additives based on low-reactive products:

  • duck or lamb meat;
  • lean salmon;
  • gluten-free rice and corn starches;
  • hydrogenated oils and fats.

Purina food for dogs with sensitive digestion also includes a probiotic complex that facilitates digestion and absorption. nutrients.

Pro Plan lines of adapted hypoallergenic dog food:

  • OptiDigest- a series of food for dogs with sensitive digestion, severe digestive disorders. Contains active probiotic and prebiotic complexes that normalize the absorption and metabolism of nutrients and improve the function of the gastrointestinal system. Implemented in food lines for all breeds and ages.
  • OptiDerma- a specially developed series for dogs prone to skin manifestations intolerance. These salmon-based foods do not contain wheat gluten and include a complex of Omega acids, antioxidants and useful microelements, improving the condition of the skin and coat. Like the previous one, it is available for all categories of dogs.
  • Diets HA- specialized therapeutic diet for treatment allergic diseases. Provides daily requirement dogs in nutrients while reducing the load on the immune system and digestive system. The food is based on a mono-source of protein, high content refined carbohydrates and omega fatty acids. Available universally for all age and weight categories of dogs.

Analysis of the composition of hypoallergenic dog food Purina

Considering the sensitivity of dogs with protein and gluten allergies, Purina Pro Plan HA Hypoallergenic medicinal hypoallergenic food for dogs with sensitive digestion is created on a carbohydrate basis with one hydrolyzed low molecular weight mono-protein source.

  • Increased content carbohydrates compensate for the calorie content of the composition depleted in components, and the saturation with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants supplies the body with the necessary for normal development substances.
  • Increasing the proportion of Omega acids reduces inflammatory reactions, including the natural immune process.

Natural and veterinarian-approved hypoallergenic food fully meets the requirements of premium and super-premium classes.

You can order and buy hypoallergenic dog food Purina Proplan in our online store by selecting convenient form payment. We are ready to offer you the most low prices in Moscow and the region.

KEY BENEFITS Single source of low molecular weight hydrolyzed protein to help prevent allergic reactions. Only highly purified carbohydrates in the composition to prevent possible allergenicity of the diet. Increased1 content of Omega-3 fatty acids for maximum activation of natural anti-inflammatory processes. INDICATIONS Hypoallergenic elimination diet for food testing Long-term dietary correction of food allergies Inflammation of the skin or gastrointestinal tract caused by food allergies Inflammatory diseases intestines Enzymatic pancreatic insufficiency Hyperlipidemia Dilatation lymphatic vessels in the intestine Malabsorption Non-inflammatory lesions of the gastrointestinal tract with loss of protein CONTRAINDICATIONS No Provides the body dietary fats, which are much easier to digest Contains MCFAs (medium chain fatty acid) Supports the health of dogs with gastrointestinal dysfunction by promoting improved nutrient absorption Due to exceptionally high digestibility of proteins, carbohydrates and fats Helps maintain the integrity of the epidermis Increased content of zinc, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin A Ensures that the diet is easily consumed by the patient High taste qualities Designed for dogs at all life stages, including puppies Suitable for dietary therapy during the growth period and for adult dogs

The information below should be considered as guidelines only. The amount of feed consumed may need to be adjusted to maintain optimal weight your dog, which depends on factors such as environment, activity, physical state and characteristics of the breed. Give your dog fresh water in a clean container every day. Canine HA Hypoallergenic is also suitable for puppies, please ask your veterinarian for feeding recommendations. Don't forget! It is important for your dog to eat only the recommended diet. Unless your veterinarian allows it, give your pet no table scraps, milk, treats, raw bones or food additives which may cause allergic reaction. Feeding recommendations Body weight (kg) Amount of feed consumed per day (for an adult animal - g/day) 2.5 75 5 120 10 190 15 250 25 350 35 440 45 520 70 700 For every additional 5 kg of body weight should be given additional 35 g of feed per day.;HTML

INGREDIENTS Corn starch3, hydrolyzed soy protein4, minerals, Coconut oil, sugar3, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, fish fat. All ingredients are easily digestible. Nutritional value Dry food Moisture 7.5% Proteins 21% Fats - Omega-6 fatty acids - Omega-3 fatty acids - Medium chain fatty acids 9% 1.9% 0.6% 1.3% Carbohydrates 55 % Living fiber 2% Zinc 210 mg/kg Vitamin A 20,000 IU/kg Vitamin E 300 mg/kg Metabolic energy (ME)2 3.42 kcal/g;HTML

Every year, diseases become more rapid, and this is especially true for food allergies. In dogs various breeds allergies occur quite often, and different products. A rash begins, redness of the skin and other horrors that need to be gotten rid of urgently.

A dog's salvation from this terrible disease will be super-premium hypoallergenic food.

Hypoallergenic food is a food product that does not cause allergies in the animal. Different brands of food add different products. Some companies differ in the addition of special components and additives. For example, some add by-products to the feed, others; soybeans Don't forget about useful elements and minerals, in general, do everything to ensure that the animal is not only well-fed, but also beautiful and healthy.

To prevent your pet from developing food allergies, only selected and fresh food. They are often fortified with prebiotics and other vitamins. Some companies exclude chicken and beef, corn and brewer's yeast from the composition.

So what does hypoallergenic food consist of? It is designed for dogs different breeds and is distinguished by specific unique composition. To ensure that it is safe to feed your pet some hypoallergenic products, you must show the animal to a veterinarian and find out the cause of the food allergy.

Once you find out which product your dog is allergic to, you can go and buy hypoallergenic food with the right composition. Just remember to read the directions on the package before use. Dogs prone to allergies are not that difficult to feed. The main thing is to find out the reason and then everything goes like clockwork.

So, hypoallergenic products most often do not contain grains, but instead there is a balance of microelements, vitamins and minerals, as well as useful herbs. In such food you will not find any additives or dyes, as well as meat from ordinary animals. This includes types of fish such as pike perch, pike, and salmon.

Alkaline mineral salts (probalance) help maintain acid-base balance for a puppy prone to food allergies, at the proper level.

It is also worth adding that such foods contain less protein of animal origin, but only by 3-5%. squirrel. Usually he; cause of food allergies in large and large dogs small breeds(author of the video – About dogs).

To ensure that the balance of a puppy prone to allergies is at its best, prebiotics and a set of vitamins A, C, E, D are added to super-premium hypoallergenic food to improve immunity and suppress symptoms such as itching, redness of the skin, etc.

Some super-premium dry foods contain additives to improve metabolism. Thanks to listed components a dog of any breed - large or small - will be healthy and live long life.

Determining which hypoallergenic food is suitable for a particular dog, possibly by elimination, also needs to take into account the availability of this food so that the animal can eat it constantly, and not depending on supplies.

Some brands of super-premium hypoallergenic dry products are worthy of more attention than others, based on customer reviews. Some owners of four-legged friends express amazement that there is quality feed, which are not particularly well known, while Russian analogues more popular.

Thanks to this super-premium food, a puppy prone to allergies will forget about unpleasant symptoms how about nightmare. Bosch food can be fed to dogs of any breed from small to large.

This super-premium food contains the necessary balance that will help a puppy prone to allergies forget about them. This brand of food pleases many owners of furry friends.

The following brand of super-premium hypoallergenic dry food is also different good performance. After all, in it, as in other feeds, you will not find harmful substances, which can cause a puppy food allergies. 1st choice – imbalance of nutrients.

The composition includes parsley and even green tea, which has a tonic effect, as well as duck meat and fiber. All products are processed with high quality, but do not lose their beneficial properties.

The only drawback of this wonderful food is that you rarely find it on the shelves of even specialized stores.

The company that produces this food is already more popular. Like most other foods, it is designed for large and small dogs and puppies. Contains salmon, rice and corn, along with a balance of other micronutrients. Any breed of dog will be happy eating this food.

This company adheres to a holistic philosophy: any food should be natural and, of course, tasty. Fresh fruits, for example, apples and pumpkin are the components that distinguish this brand of dry food from others. The composition also includes seaweed and lamb meat.

Of course, for a high-quality product, which is this super-premium food, you will have to spend money.

We got to the very food that, according to many owners, is the best of the best. This is what can be found in many specialized stores, of course, at an appropriate price. The composition includes rice, animal fat, soy protein and other products that will maintain balance not only small dog, but also larger at the proper level.

And yet, despite the ascribed advantages, it should be noted that the composition Royal Canin Hypoallergenic contains questionable components that still occasionally cause food allergies in some breeds.

Of course, choosing hypoallergenic food for your pet is of paramount importance. But do not forget that before this you definitely need to visit a doctor and find out the essence of the allergy. As soon as the reason has been established, you can safely go to the store and purchase the necessary food.

Dry food should be the best, because your dog, no matter what breed, can only live a healthy and therefore long life by eating good food. There is no need to aggravate the situation of a puppy suffering from allergies with other diseases that can be caused by poor nutrition.



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