Nicknames for female dogs of different breeds. Nicknames for Maltese dogs Names for Russian lap dogs

Names for small breeds should be chosen taking into account the small size of the animal. Today, popular nicknames for males are in fashion, associated with literary characters or celebrities, and containing a certain number of sonorous letters. However, cool nicknames, chosen with a sense of humor, sound unusual and emphasize the individuality of the pet.

Small dogs should be named according to the following rules:

  1. 1. Light and short nicknames consisting of 1-2 syllables are suitable for miniature breeds, since animals perceive only the first pair of sounds by ear. You should not choose a name that is long or difficult to pronounce, or that includes several words.
  2. 2. Dogs respond well to voiced consonants - b, c, d, d, g, z, l, m, n, r, c.
  3. 3. It is inappropriate to name a dog with a name for a large breed or too simple, for example, Bobik.
  4. 4. When giving your pet a common nickname, you need to be prepared for the fact that more than one dog on the site may run up to the call. Each animal is unique, so its name must be special.
  5. 5. It is also undesirable to use human Russian names, so as not to get into an awkward position when strangers turn around when you call.
  6. 6. Country of origin can also play an important role when choosing a nickname. For example, a Chinese Crested can be called by a Chinese name, a French Bulldog by a French name.
  7. 7. Puppies taken from the kennel have already been assigned “legal nicknames” in the documents. They are formed from the names of the parents and the name of the nursery. The entire litter is named after one letter of the alphabet. These beautiful but complex names can always be shortened, for example, Martin Newman Onyx - Marty, etc.
  8. 8. It is undesirable that nicknames for male dogs resemble any commands, otherwise confusion with training may occur. For example, Sid is very reminiscent of the order “Sit”, and Funtik is “Fu”.

You have a pet in your house. It is small in size and this is what gives it even more charm. Now it’s important to come up with a name for him. The names for dogs of boys of small breeds, as well as girls, differ from the names that are recommended for dogs of impressive size.

There are many different nicknames, and from this list you can easily choose something suitable. But the nickname must be suitable. It is better to name pets, taking into account what breed the dog is. It is clear that the name of a shepherd dog should be different from the name of a Pekingese.

You should take into account the behavior of the dog and its appearance. The owner must remember that the dog is given a nickname for life. The nickname should be easy to remember so that the dog reacts to a simple combination of sounds. Ideally, the name would be so suitable for a small pet that when it is pronounced, an image of this particular dog would appear in the imagination.

As for the selection criteria, first of all, follow the censorship rules. It will be easy for the dog to identify with the name Max. But Maximilian Louis XI will cause confusion in the dog. Therefore, even if you put the entire pedigree in the nickname, the pet should be called a shortened version.

You can give your pet an elaborate or simple nickname, call it an unusual rare or cool name, the main thing is to take into account the dog’s character and size. Of course, the name Zorro or Pirate is not at all suitable for a small, affectionate Spitz. A cool, nimble pet of the Dachshund breed will fully live up to the nickname Figaro.

You can choose a name based on the color of the coat or eyes. A white pet can make friends with the names: Frost, Chalk, Snowball, Umka, Pearl.

Video “Choosing a nickname for a small breed dog”

From this video you will learn what nicknames are often given to small breed dogs.

Options for boys


Fashion is changeable. This statement is also true for the pet's name. On the other hand, the nickname should not be so common that a pet on a walk is confused about whose name is: his or the “neighbor’s.” Therefore, when choosing a nickname for a small pet, pay attention to the fact that it is not only popular, but also unique. Among the nicknames for boys of small breeds, the leading positions are occupied by the following:

  • Smile;
  • Chico;
  • Ludo;
  • Spike;
  • Archie.


If you have an excellent sense of humor, it will not be difficult for you to choose a cool nickname for your pet. A funny name will give positivity to others. But here the owner needs to be careful and not forget the fact that what seems funny today may cause negativity tomorrow. When choosing, it is worth remembering that a funny nickname should not be offensive.

It always looks funny and original when the name plays on the pet’s small size. For example, a large boy can be called: Giant, Vityaz, Schwartz, Tyson, Rimbaud, Conan, Samurai. There is such a surprisingly accurate observation that pets are at least a little like their owners. So sometimes owners encode concepts in their names that are in some way related to their profession. The list, including the names File, Basic, Byte, Google, Server, Chip, Unix, will tell programmers how to name their pets.

Often food references are used to name small breed dogs: Bagel, Toffee, Nuts, Shortbread, Baguette, Milky, Biff, Twix, Muffin, Cupcake.

Examples of other cool nicknames include: Stirlitz, Sheikh, Yakuza, Shakespeare, Chernomor, Pele, Macho, Yorick, Veksel.


One of the rules for choosing a dog's name is that it should be short. Ideally, the number of letters should be about five. Such a name will be easy for the owner to pronounce, and it will be easier for the pet to get used to it. These can be the following nicknames: Bim, Bonya, Pif, Rich, Stif, Tima, Ulf, Phil, Cent, Chip, Sean, Andy, Young, Hugh.

With meaning

Four-legged friends are often called with a lot of meaning in the name. This suggests that the owner took this issue more than seriously.

Here are some of them, indicating their meaning:

  • Nari - thunder;
  • Aiko – beloved;
  • Dominic – dominant;
  • Timothy - reverent;
  • Morgan – great, bright;
  • Joy - joy;
  • Smart – smart;
  • Buster is happy, restless.

Options for girls


Next, let's look at how to name a pet dog for a girl of a small breed. The four-legged lady should be called by a beautiful and gentle name. The variety of beautiful names for girls is great: Ada, Agnessa, Alba, Becky, Biya, Vesta, Vizi, Wilma, Gabby, Goldie. A lady with black fur can be called Blackie.


For little girls there are funny, cheerful and funny nicknames: Babette, Gadget, Geisha, Deborah, Jeanette, Juju, Givenchy, Juzha, Carmen, Madame, Nefertiti, Button, Toffee, Matryoshka, Simka, Fanta, Yupi, Klepa, Flash Drive, Bentley , Weasel, Button, Dyusha, Squirrel.


When you choose a nickname for your baby, pay attention that it does not sound like the names of family members, and also that all household members pronounce it correctly. Otherwise, such a nickname will mislead the dog. Examples of suitable nicknames: Lyusya, Busya, Snezhka, Zhuchka, Zlata, Mila, Asya.

With meaning

There is a large selection of nicknames for cute babies with meaning:

  • Lucky - good luck;
  • Darling - dear;
  • Emma – faithful;
  • Stella – starry;
  • Bonita – beautiful;
  • Rada – graceful;
  • Lyme - happiness;
  • Michiko is a child of beauty;
  • Yuri - lily;
  • Hana – flower;
  • Rita is a gem.

Before you name your puppy, find out what the name means. If your pet is not easy-going and shows signs of aggression, then you should not choose a nickname that contains many “r” letters. According to dog handlers, such a name can help increase aggressiveness.

When choosing a nickname for your pet, watch his reaction, so you will see which nickname he likes. In this case, he will quickly get used to the nickname and will be more willing to respond to it.

Well chosen for the nickname (scientifically a “zoonym”) reflects the individual characteristics, character and temperament traits, and exterior qualities of the pet. Name the Maltese not an easy matter. There are many subtleties and bottlenecks in the task: conciseness, gender specificity, originality and ease of memorization, both by the dog and the owner. These are just the surface importance and features choosing a name to a pet.

Document flow of Maltese dogs

In the pedigree books, the breeder registers each litter and assigns it the next letter of the alphabet. After the nickname, the origin (“factory”) is written through a hyphen. According to the template: Rocky–MorningStar, Rada–MorningStar.

Litter activation ends with the creation of litter-wide and individual passports, in which nicknames, identification codes and digital combinations of microchips are recorded.

Options for choosing a Maltese nickname

To speed up and simplify the process choosing a Maltese nickname, Some aspects to consider:

  • All family members are required to take part in the creative process;
  • the event is serious: the nickname will have to be pronounced loudly in public places;
  • selectable Name should not be consonant with official commands;
  • the chosen nickname will reflect the individual characteristics of the owner and his feelings for the shaggy dog;
  • The nickname is assigned once, renaming is not recommended.

Haste in the selection is unacceptable: it is better to think for a couple of days, discuss and consider various options, than to endlessly and stupidly go through the name of the pet. There is no need to delay either. The sooner maltese will acquire its own “call sign”, the faster socialization and education activities will start lap dogs .

Choosing a name is a creative and fun field of activity for the whole family. Options nicknames of Maltese Bichons infinite number. Take your choice responsibly: your pet's name will become a word repeated many times a day.

Creative brainstorming

Choosing a nickname for a Maltese dog Most often this is done subjectively, based on tastes, knowledge, and memorable stories. Sometimes fashion trends, popular books, films, and television shows become the selection criteria.

In any case, the naming process must be full of positive emotions and a powerful charge of excellent mood. The “proper name” obtained as a result of creative brainstorming will invariably bring joy and energy to both the owner and the shaggy pet.

The selection criterion may also be the exterior features of the Maltese. Link the name you choose to the characteristic virtues and features of the dog:

  • the dog’s magnificent snow-white fur;
  • miniature fragility and aristocratic article of a favorite;
  • tireless playfulness and energy of the Maltese.

Come up with Maltese's name history will help. “Cleopatra” is an excellent choice for a magnificent Maltese: slightly pretentious, but stylish and dignified. Unless in household use it turns into “Klepa”. Somehow it didn’t sound very good... Think about how the pet’s pet name will sound, it is used much more often than the full name.

What's in your name?!

Name of the lap dog full of secret energy swirls and mystical connections with fate. Breeders and experienced owners Maltese dogs claim that nickname The development of dogs greatly influences the formation of the dog’s character, his behavioral reactions and habits.

Experts divide “soft” and “hard” nicknames. Nicknames with the presence of sounds [L], [M] and [N] guarantee the light, slightly absent-mindedly languid character of the Maltese. For example: Sonya, Musya, Yuna, Tommy, Nikki.

“Terrible” consonants [B], [D] and [R] will contribute to the rigidity and even aggressiveness of the Maltese: Jackie, Romulus, Margot, Gordy. Nicknames of Maltese dogs ending in “ii” (Boniface, Horace) guarantee the sedateness and impressiveness of the snow-white lap dog.

The main thing is practicality

Being original and striking with creativity, thinking painfully and for a long time about name for Maltese , we must not forget about primitive practicality and everyday good quality. Yes, nickname should correspond to the pet and reflect its entire being, but at the same time the word should be easy to pronounce and easily remembered. No more than two syllables with a maximum presence of sibilants and sibilants: most Maltese Bichons “have a soft spot” for them.

Basic rules for choosing a nickname

Inevitable Given: Chosen nickname of the Maltese dog will sound in the owner's home for many, many years.

The nickname should:

  • easy to speak out;
  • sound decent, without any insinuations, so as not to be embarrassed in society;
  • logically correlated with the gender of the pet and the characteristics of the Maltese breed.

Five “secret” rules for choosing nicknames for maltese :

  • Polysyllabic constructions and constructions are unacceptable: small dogs perceive no more than two syllables. And it’s incredibly difficult to operate structures like “Vitualdo the Magnificent” in everyday life.
  • Human names for dogs are bad manners. The name of a mountain or waterfall is better than the name of a close friend or relative.
  • Fun and humor are good in moderation. Laughing yourself and making others laugh is a good thing. But a little dog will have to respond to “this dissonant nickname” all his life.
  • The use of the names of former, now deceased dogs is fraught with mystical continuity.
  • Diminutive forms disorient the puppy. Abbreviations and declensions of nicknames are perceived by the dog as completely different words. It is advisable to use the dog's full name when communicating with him. This disciplines the Maltese.

The British have a great saying: “call a magnificent dog a bad name and feel free to drown it in a pond.” Mystical dog handlers interpret the name of a pet as “coded information” that affects character and destiny.

The main selection criterion Maltese nicknames is the Maltese itself. Look into the puppy's eyes, listen to the echo of your heart: the little Maltese will certainly tell you what its real name is.

TOP nicknames

Nicknames for Maltese boys: Austin, Monty, Vander, Cupcake, Roland.

Nicknames for Maltese girls: Charlie, Lucy, Blondie, Emmy, Zhully.

Nickname for a lap dog- an important component of her life. With all your heart, with all your sympathy and love, choose a magnificent maltese dog beautiful Name , which will determine the entire long and joyful life of the dog next to you.

With the advent of a dog, a person’s life changes dramatically, new responsibilities appear, and not always pleasant chores. From the very beginning, the problem of choosing a name for a pet arises, because it must have a beautiful sound, match its appearance or reflect the characteristics of its character. Nicknames for girls' dogs are especially difficult to choose.

On the forums of various online communities for dog breeders, topics periodically arise regarding the choice of a name, a future or recently adopted puppy. Attempts to find an answer to the question of how to choose a name for a pet using a forum look rather ridiculous, but the question still remains open. The procedure for finding a name for a puppy requires a certain individual, personal approach. You should be as responsible when choosing a name as you are when choosing a name for a child, because this creature will delight you for perhaps even 20 years. Leave the right of choice to yourself, do not lose such an exciting opportunity to show your own creativity. There are several psychological points, the observance of which will help you choose the ideal name for your dog, which would be in perfect harmony with its character.

What should a dog's name be?

  • Firstly, dog names for girls should be simple, but at the same time catchy and memorable. Obviously, the animal gets used to a short name that is easy and clearly pronounced much faster and reacts to it much better. The dog's name is perceived by it as an integral part of a certain command, so its clarity ensures faster execution of your request and better mutual understanding with the animal.
  • Secondly, nicknames for girls’ dogs should be unique or at least rare, because then it will be much easier for you to control and communicate with your pet during walks. Imagine if several more dogs that have the same name as yours respond to your call during an evening walk in a park or square. The behavior of completely confused dogs will certainly be funny, but it is unlikely to bring them pleasant feelings. In the end, you yourself may begin to confuse your pet and someone else’s pet.

It is also very important that the nickname matches the appearance and character of the animal. However, it is worth not just stating the presence of a certain trait (for example, calling a white Maltese dog simply White), but interestingly focusing attention on it. A competently and creatively chosen nickname can advantageously represent your beauty or even reflect the history of the origin of her and her breed.

It’s not bad if your dog’s nickname contains whistling or growling sounds, for example, R, Sh or S, because they are perfectly perceived by these animals. Then the process of getting used to the name will take very little time, and the dogs will always hear clearly and perceive such a name perfectly.



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