How to improve your baby's daytime sleep. After bathing and massage, the baby needs to be fed

During the first months of life, your baby is awake very little and sleeps a lot. This is very important because... healthy and good sleep affects the baby's development. So it’s in your hands to do everything to ensure your sleep infant was strong and sweet.

After birth, constant contact with the mother is extremely important for such a baby. It is vital for him to feel his mother’s hands, his mother’s smell, her warmth and the beat of her heart. Many experts recommend carrying the child in your arms and hugging him more often. Don't be afraid to spoil him at such a tender age. It is very convenient to use, because... they reduce the load on the arms and spine.

Co-sleeping is also encouraged. You shouldn't be afraid of him, because... young mothers sleep lightly, which eliminates the possibility of injuring the child during sleep. Thanks to co-sleeping, you won't have to constantly jump up and check on your baby, and he, in turn, will wake up less and sleep more peacefully. Also, night feedings will be much easier.

An older child can be taught to sleeping separately. When he is tired and wants to rest, put him to bed. Pat him on the head or back, sing a lullaby or tell him a story. A baby who is sure that his mother is nearby.

For good and deep sleep also set up the following procedures:


A decoction of chamomile or chamomile has a calming effect on the baby's nervous system.

Light massage before bed

Stroking relaxes and calms the child. You can stroke the whole body, palms, heels, fingers. Stroke the baby's tummy clockwise, this is a wonderful prevention of colic.

After bathing and massage, the baby needs to be fed

Moreover, newborns make a lot of effort while sucking a breast or bottle. Very often, babies fall asleep while eating. If the baby does not fall asleep during feeding, you should hold him upright to allow excess air to escape.

At the very last resort A child's sleep depends on how comfortable he is in his crib. It is better not to put a pillow on your child until he is one year old, and you can leave dim lights in the room.

The optimal sleeping position is on your side. If a child burps in a dream, it will not bother him. In the tummy position, the baby will suffer from colic much less often, and he will not freeze, because... less heat is lost.

What to do if your infant doesn't sleep well? Its development suffers from sleep disturbances, because it is normal, full-fledged and healthy holiday very important for a little person.

What is the reason and how to improve a child’s sleep, let’s figure it out.

Features of children's sleep

  • A newborn almost always sleeps, waking up only to eat;
  • At one and a half months, the baby is already able to distinguish between day and night;
  • And by three months, a clear pattern of dreams and wakefulness appears. It becomes easier for you to plan your day.

Although, of course, for a pre-pregnant woman, free life it's not very similar.

Normally, children should sleep certain time, which depends on age. Up to three months, a newborn should sleep at least 16-17 hours a day, but from three months to six months – 14-15 hours.

After seven months, up to a year, the baby should sleep 13-14 hours. Minor deviations are considered the norm over time.

Up to three months, the baby’s life consists mainly of eating, sleeping and communicating with his mother.

Know! Among infants there are those who do not recognize the regime and wake up whenever they want. At the same time, the child does not care at all whether it is day or night. He woke up - that means he needs attention.

Babies have two stages of sleep - fast and slow sleep.

During fast phase he dreams and during this period he can move, shudder, sob.

In the first months, the child receives a huge amount of information, which is processed during sleep. His dreams reflect the impressions and emotions of the past day, as indicated by sobbing, smacking, and whimpering.

Causes of sleep disturbance in infants

With the problem of being restless children's recreation Many young parents face this problem. Doctors begin to prescribe various medications for the child and consider this a neurological disorder.

Take your time.

Doctors know little about the sleeping habits of infants, but they can treat healthy child always ready.

A baby may sleep restlessly if:

  1. his tummy hurts (colic);

The problem of colic and gas appears from 2 one week old and ends only by 3-4 months. At this moment, the child needs your help and support, but it is better not to give medications.

Try to help the baby natural ways. Learn more about them in the online seminar Soft Tummy >>>

  1. teeth are being cut;

If a child does not sleep well for a long time, the reason must be sought in an improperly organized daily routine.

  1. the child is uncomfortable;

A wet diaper or the desire to go big can cause intense sensations in the baby. He begins to whimper, twitch, blush, and cry. Here it is important to stop putting him to sleep and help the baby cope with physiological needs.

  1. he is overtired or very excited;

This already relates to the question of how you spend time with your child. Long walk, trip to shopping mall, noisy guests can disrupt a child’s sleep for 2-3 days. Try to provide your child with a quieter time.

  1. there is no mother nearby;

For babies under 4-6 months, this can be the most important moment. This most often occurs in children who have had a difficult birth or cesarean section. They are not ready to let you go for a minute.

Both in sleep and in wakefulness you must be close.

I understand that this is hard to accept, but in order for the child to survive the stress of childbirth, such concessions will have to be made.

  1. the weather changes;

Children under one year old, who have not yet developed a fontanelle, react very strongly to changes in weather. Rain, wind, magnetic storms, full moon - all may be accompanied by some glitches in the mode.

It is important here not to start attributing any error in dreams to natural phenomena but keep it on hand moon calendar it wasn't too bad.

  1. incorrect daily routine;

This is the most common reason, with whom I have to work in individual consultations. A child's sleep rhythms change very quickly.

If at 1 month he could stay awake for 40 minutes, and then he had to be swaddled and rocked to sleep, then at 2 months the situation changes:

  • If you start putting your baby down after 40 minutes, he will resist it;
  • You don’t understand what’s happening, you pump even harder, and the baby cries and cries;
  • There is only one way out - keep a table in front of you showing the sleeping and waking times of a child up to one year old and constantly check it.

You will receive such a table, as well as templates for keeping a baby’s sleep diary, in the course on correcting sleep: Restful sleep for a child from 0 to 6 months >>>.

If the child is older than 6 months, then the basics of sleep remain the same. It’s just that after 6 months you can already work more actively with sleep habits, such as motion sickness, sleeping outside, sleeping only with the breast.

I give you detailed plans for teaching a child to fall asleep independently, in the online course How to teach a child to fall asleep and sleep without breastfeeding, night awakenings and motion sickness >>>.

  1. mastering a new skill;

When children learn something new, for example, begin to crawl, sit or walk, this is considered a definite achievement for them. They experience such moments in their own way, which can also affect the quality of sleep.

How to put a baby to sleep

The main principle on which the child’s sleep and wakefulness regime will be based is the time that the child can spend without sleep and, at the same time, processes of overexcitation will not occur in his nervous system.

Know! If you have chosen the right bedtime, the child will fall asleep without crying and will do it in 5-10 minutes. Laying down for more than 20 minutes shows that you have over-walked your baby and he is already nervous.

Methods to help your baby sleep peacefully

How to improve your child's sleep?

  • It is imperative to follow a regimen that includes bathing and feeding before bedtime;

The child gets used to a certain sequence actions and he knows what will happen and when. This allows you to relax your child before bed and put a calm baby to bed.

  • Bathing the baby for best holiday, can be in chamomile or a string, these herbs calm the nervous system;
  • Up to 3-4 months, the baby can be swaddled for sleep. There is no need to swaddle tightly, as was done in Soviet times. No. It is enough to wrap the baby loosely in a diaper, or you can buy a sleeping bag in which the child can calmly move his arms, but does not get into his face and does not wake himself up in this way;
  • If you want to move away from him while your baby is sleeping, leave your robe and T-shirt next to him. Children sleep better if they smell their mother's scent nearby;
  • Create a comfortable temperature in the nursery so that he does not feel hot or cold. Optimal is about 20-22 degrees. Do not wrap your child up for sleep, as babies quickly overheat and this worsens the child’s sleep and well-being;
  • At night, feed your baby quietly, without turning on bright lights, but during the day, on the contrary, during feedings, talk and play with him so that he knows when to sleep.

From the very first day, provide conditions for a comfortable rest for the baby. Do not think that the child will begin to monitor his own rhythms - this is the mother’s task. We focus on improving the sleep of babies up to 6 months in the course Peaceful sleep for babies from 0 to 6 months >>>

This is an online course, which means it doesn't matter where you live. You can quickly get your baby to sleep and get enough sleep.

I hope that with the help of the tips in this article, you will be able to normalize your children's sleep.

  • If the child is full, he will sleep peacefully!
  • You can prevent frequent night awakenings by taking care of your baby's health; and even if, despite all your efforts, the baby begins to sniffle, there are ways to make his sleep as comfortable as possible.
  • Establish your own sleep schedule by simply saying “no” phone calls and guests.
  • Postpartum depression is real, but it is treatable... and sometimes it can even be prevented.

Your next big goal: sleep longer!

With 5 special techniques you can quickly stop your baby's crying and calm him down when it's time to go to bed. The baby falls asleep - wonderful moments... but, as all parents of newborns know, the obstacles do not end there.

Your next goal is to help your baby sleep soundly and for a long time. I'll tell you another painless way that doesn't cause tears to fall and helps teach sleep to even the little ones.

How much do you sleep during these crazy first months? We have learned that we cannot do everything conscientiously if we are sorely lacking sleep.

But first... let's look at how satiety is related to sleep and how you can use this connection to your advantage.

Sleep better on a full stomach

Let's imagine that the clock is 2:00. You are just falling asleep, and then you hear a squeak from the crib. You beg, “Oh please... please... just give me a few minutes, my dear!” But you're already awake - waiting for the baby to cry again - and your dreams disappear like the road in the rearview mirror.

Your baby's sleep cycle ( full cycle which involves the transition from light to deep sleep and back to slow phase and a short segment REM sleep) lasts only an hour. So about once an hour your child will find himself in lung stage sleep... or even wake up on a short time, moan or squeak.

If your child is not screaming, give him a few minutes to calm down and go back to sleep. If you've pre-swaddled him and have the right white noise turned on, your baby will likely calm down on his own within half a minute.

However, if your prince or princess insists that you wait on their majesties at one in the morning (and three o'clock... and four), then something may be bothering them. All sorts of noises - a parent's snoring or the sound of passing trucks - can wake a child every time he goes to bed. easy sleep(especially if the baby is sensitive). But one thing is certain: the first and main reason your baby waking up and fussing in the middle of the night is hunger.

Solution: Frequent feedings during the day

In the first months of your baby's life, sleep may be the limit of your dreams, but your child most often dreams about food!

In his mother's womb, he ate literally every second. It is not surprising that he needs to eat often in order to grow quickly. In fact, in some countries, mothers feed their babies fifty to one hundred times a day! I do not recommend that you follow their example, but I will say that newborns breastfeeding at least ten to twelve feedings per day are required. (Children who are on artificial feeding, you need to eat six to eight times.)

Is it possible to follow this schedule and still sleep more than two hours at a time? Yes! The most important thing: in the first few months of life, feed your baby every one and a half to two hours. daytime(if he sleeps for more than two hours, wake him up). This will allow you to get two longer periods of sleep (three, four, or even five hours) per night.

This is absolutely real! And thanks to swaddling, white noise and additional feeding, the period of uninterrupted sleep at night should increase to six... and then seven hours by three months.

Below I will describe how to build a baby’s diet if you are breastfeeding. (If you're using formula, the same approach will work—you just have a bottle instead of a breast.)

Breast milk or formula? Choosing the type of food for your baby

Each mother has her own characteristics. In some cases, breastfeeding is not possible - or due to medical indications, or for personal reasons.

If you are unable to breastfeed your baby, there are good alternatives to breast milk. Artificial feeding is a convenient way of feeding that can be easily combined with your sleep schedule. (Before bed, simply place a thermos of clean warm water and a bottle with a pre-measured amount of formula next to your bed. When your child is hungry, mix them and - voila\ You are all ready, without having to run to the kitchen and start the preparation process from scratch formula.) Your partner is also able to feed the baby formula, and thanks to this you will get the opportunity to sleep a little longer.

But if you can breastfeed, then this is definitely the best way. Breast milk contains hundreds of ingredients that help the body and brain grow and develop successfully, as well as many specific immune stimulants (even white blood cells) to strengthen the immune system and prevent disease. Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of SIDS.

Plus, breast milk is always clean, warm, and available (saving you a ton of time and money). Breastfeeding can also help you lose weight (in the process, you're giving your baby the same amount of calories as a multi-mile run.) Amazingly, breastfeeding even reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer!

How to “sleep train” a baby’s belly

If you're breastfeeding, you may feel like you're staying up most of the night, but one recent study found that breastfeeding moms get about as much sleep in the first few months as those with formula-fed babies. Another study found that breastfeeding mothers actually sleep forty-five minutes longer.

But even if breastfeeding moms sleep a little longer overall, they definitely wake up more often. And as months pass, their babies continue to wake up a couple of times a night, especially if they sleep in the same bed with their mother (unlike bottle-fed babies, who sleep longer and longer without waking up over time). The point is not that your baby is not able to sleep longer - he is capable, but only if you yourself make an effort and teach him this.

The University of Illinois conducted a surprising experiment to answer the question, “Can breastfed babies sleep better?”

Researchers asked thirteen first-time mothers to wake up their newborn babies between 10:00 pm and 12:00 am and offer them something to eat (called “boost feeding”). Mothers were also told that when the baby cries at night, they need to take a short pause - first change the baby, change his diaper, pat him on the back and stroke him, and only then breastfeed.

The results were amazing.

The kids ate less at night, but got their fill throughout the day (and first thing in the morning!). They gained weight beautifully. Plus, they soon began to sleep longer - and by two months, 100% of children were sleeping between midnight and 5:00 (compared to 23% of those whose mothers fed as usual).

In the first month:

  • turn on rumbling white noise and swaddle your baby;
  • Use the "Wake Up to Sleep" method every time you put your baby to sleep - both day and night;
  • let the child sleep next to your bed;
  • Feed him every one and a half to two hours throughout the day. (During the day, try not to let him sleep for more than two hours.);
  • Feed on one breast for five minutes and finish with the other breast. This way, both breasts receive the necessary stimulation, and the baby still gets enough nutritious hind milk;
  • Wake up your baby for extra feeding around 11:00 p.m. so that he gets his fill;
  • If your baby sleeps five hours straight at night, wake him up for another feeding. (Some babies sleep so soundly that they forget to wake up and end up malnourished.)

For the next two months, do everything the same, but:

  • Let your baby sleep longer at night (he'll probably sleep six to seven hours, maybe a little longer);
  • express milk from the breast if there is too much milk at night; but it’s best to express literally 60 ml (if you express more, your breasts will produce milk even more actively at night).

Amazingly, the breasts will automatically adapt to the baby's feeding schedule: more milk will be produced during the day and less at night.

You don't have to worry about your child being malnourished if:

  • at the beginning of each feeding you hear pleasant swallowing sounds;
  • you feel how by the time of feeding your breasts swell (milk may even flow out), and after feeding they become softer;
  • your baby seems happy after feeding and does not want to eat for about two hours;
  • he has a wet mouth;
  • per day you have to change from five to eight diapers; they become so full that they become heavy; urine is clear or slightly yellowish;
  • The baby’s stool is thin and grainy (from one and a half to three months, the stool may become thicker and acquire a golden brown color; the baby poops once or twice a day, and sometimes there are days when there is no stool);
  • the baby is gaining weight correctly (in the first days of life, the child loses from 5 to 10% of the weight that was recorded at birth, but after that he should gain steadily).

“Sleep training” for the baby’s tummy - great way Provide him and yourself with a few extra hours of sleep.

Apchhi! Colds, dust and other factors that interfere with sleep

Severe colds and other viruses seriously disrupt infants' sleep. This happens because...

  • the baby's nostrils are so tiny that they easily become clogged... and the baby wakes up;
  • coughing sometimes causes vomiting... and the child wakes up;
  • Diarrhea can lead to a painful rash...and baby can't sleep.

And this list can go on for a long time. The good news is that you passed on a lot of immune stimulants to your baby during pregnancy. And if you breastfeed, then with each feeding the baby receives even more of these powerful body protectors.

The bad news is that newborns have about the same resistance to disease as they can play golf, so babies need all the help they can get. At this age, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat later.

Disease Prevention

For most parents, it comes as a revelation that the vast majority of diseases are not transmitted by airborne droplets...but through touch. You open the store door and then involuntarily scratch your eye or nose. It is at this moment that microbes enter your body and begin their vile work.

You can safely leave the house with your child, but only if you avoid crowded places. For example, if you want to go to a restaurant, go there before the usual rush of customers. Microbes will not jump onto the baby’s body from anywhere; you should worry about contact.

Here are some germ control measures:

  • Wash your hands... wash often. This is really very important, especially when you return home from public places. Perfect regular soap(do not use antibacterial, it contains strong chemical additives).
  • Reduce the number of visitors. Limit your guest list to close family and friends or people who help you around the house.
  • Make sure that small children are in your home as little as possible (they often have colds).
  • Post a notice on the door that all visitors must wash their hands immediately and put on a large, clean T-shirt over their clothes - keep a stack of them near front door- before they start hugging you and showering you with their germs.
  • Breastfeed your baby if possible.
  • Get the necessary vaccinations for both your child and yourself!

But if your dear baby does get sick, there are several ways to ensure that he sleeps long and soundly during his illness.

Simple Treatment Methods

If your baby catches a cold, try to relieve his condition with the following methods.

  • RINSE THE NOSE. Place a drop of fresh breast milk in each nostril. (At the end of the feeding, simply collect some milk from the nipple into the dropper.) Sound weird? But immune cells and the antibodies contained in milk are your only helpers in the fight against colds! If you are not breastfeeding, try using a sterile brine(sold at any pharmacy).
  • CLEANING THE NOSE. Young children breathe through their noses, so accumulated mucus can cause serious problems. Buy a nasal blower (I like the blue ones with a long nose) and ask your nurse or doctor to show you how to use it. First, swaddle your baby (to prevent him from waving his arms), put breast milk or saline solution in his nose (to soften the mucus), and then suck it out.
  • NOSE PROTECTION. An excellent nasal protection device is a humidifier. Humidified air will help keep the mucus in your baby's nose from hardening, which is especially important if you live in a dry climate or at high altitude. Fill your humidifier with distilled water and wash it every day to prevent bacteria from accumulating in the water.

Oh, and one more thing: ask your doctor if in your case it is possible to raise the head of the crib a few centimeters to help your baby breathe easier. The easiest way to do this is to place a folded towel under the mattress.

Vaccination: a blessing for us all

Hooray! This and only this in a short word It's possible to express the joy and relief that billions of parents have felt in the decades since vaccines became available.

We are incredibly fortunate that tens of thousands of our children no longer gag from whooping cough, die from measles and meningitis, or become crippled from polio.

To fully protect your baby, make sure he has the required vaccinations by two months. Why so early? Because some diseases are especially dangerous in the first months of life.

In America, whooping cough (also called whooping cough) remains the most dangerous threat because it is highly contagious - any family member can bring it home - and occurs everywhere, in every community!

The number of whooping cough cases fell dramatically in the 1990s (due to aggressive vaccination programs). However, in last years Many parents either delay or skip vaccinations that their children need.
This is bad! The number of children needlessly suffering and dying from this preventable disease has increased significantly. In 2010-2011, California experienced the largest whooping cough epidemic in the last sixty years: tens of thousands of children fell ill. And antibiotics rarely helped.

Flu is another serious problem that may be knocking on your door. It causes 200,000 hospitalizations and 36,000 deaths in the United States each year. Flu is especially dangerous for babies - even if the illness is mild, a cough can disrupt sleep for weeks or months.

I also want to remind you that you should also get the necessary vaccinations! You need, like a caterpillar, to place your child in a kind of “cocoon” and make sure that whooping cough and flu do not enter your home. Since a newborn child cannot be vaccinated against these diseases, an important point for his protection is timely vaccination of all other family members. (And make sure your temporary and permanent nannies are also tested for tuberculosis and hepatitis B.)

For your health: sleep whenever possible!

After the birth of children, parents first complain of fatigue. Of course, you were warned that you would be very tired in the first few months, but it still comes as a surprise. Fatigue is especially - especially - severe if you are also recovering from caesarean section. Some women have a hard time in the first month, and then the fatigue gradually fades away. But for others it accumulates over time.

Moreover, fatigue can cause many serious problems: for example, family quarrels, infectious diseases(from colds to mastitis), overeating, car accidents... and postpartum depression.

  • SLEEP IN THE DAY. This will help you compensate for the lack of sleep at night. (Many mothers find that they can sleep easier during the day with the help of white noise and an eye mask that blocks light.)
  • TURN OFF YOUR PHONE. Write a polite message on your answering machine: tell him in a nutshell how your baby is doing... and add that you will not call back for the next month. (This will allow you to filter calls and ignore all but the most important ones.)
  • SCREEN YOUR VISITORS. As my mother used to say, “you don’t have to be stupidly polite!” A few people wishing you well is normal, but only if they are healthy and actually benefit you.
  • EAT WELL. Eat less ready food(it has too much salt, sugar and fat). Ask friends to bring you food that is easy to freeze and reheat (healthy rice or potato casseroles with vegetables, lasagna with vegetables, stir-fries, etc.). And the less time you spend shopping, cooking and cleaning, the more time you can devote to sleep.

Support your man... or woman

When we are under stress or severe fatigue, we tend to take it out on the people around us. That is why the house in which a newborn is born often turns into a real fight club! Below are some tips that will help you during these crazy times.

Note to Dad

Try your best to be sweet and kind. This woman is the mother of your child. During pregnancy, it was she who carried the child under her heart, which is very difficult, and it was she who endured the contractions and gave birth. Serious and difficult changes have occurred in her body. Now she needs to put in a lot of effort to get back in shape.

In a survey conducted by the American National Sleep Foundation, it was found that in 89% of cases, it is the mother who gets up to the child in the middle of the night. So give her some rest!

When she complains, let her blow off steam and remember to think about her feelings before you start giving her advice. Don't bother her with laundry and cooking. Accept what you have and help (even though you work all day and are also tired and stressed). Buy her flowers every Friday for at least a couple of months. This will make a big impression on all her friends, and she herself will remember your support for the rest of her life.

You both probably want to sleep more than have sex. But, if you miss sex, please remember that women often have muscle problems after childbirth pelvic floor, and the chest is painfully sensitive. Also be aware that your spouse may be embarrassed by her breasts leaking during lovemaking, or by the fact that you are doing it in close proximity to your baby.

But touch her. Hug and cuddle. There will still be sex.

Note to Mom

Men work hard all day long, so if you ask them to also help around the house, they feel like they are being asked to give 110% of their effort. Also, mothers wake up more often at night, but sleep more during the day. As a result, by the end of the first month you may find that your spouse sleeps less than you!

Show your partner how much you appreciate their efforts. Men are proud of themselves when they help, but they are very sensitive to failure. So don't barge into the room to tell your husband what to do when the baby cries. Give him a minute, let him feel that you trust him. If things are not going well after a minute, then you can ask if he needs help.

Your curves and swollen breasts can excite your partner. But if he is bursting with desire, and it has not yet returned to you, then just hug and touch each other for a while. And as a special gift, you can give him a light erotic massage.

Sleep disturbances in children are quite common; almost all parents are familiar with this problem. The reasons for this are very different. They can be caused not only by the age characteristics of children, but also by an improperly organized day and night routine. Below you will find out whether the child sleeps poorly, often wakes up, cries, and how to cope with this problem.

Why does an infant have trouble sleeping at night?

These disorders include difficulty falling asleep, intermittent, fragmented sleep (with awakenings), early waking up, and terrible and nightmare dreams. In most cases, they indicate the presence of neurosis in the child and the need to improve psychological climate in family.

The question of why a child sleeps poorly at night and often wakes up worries parents, regardless of childhood, because sound, full sleep is equally important for both junior school student, and for babies. It is worth taking note of the fact that if a child does not get enough sleep more than 3 times a week, a visit to the pediatrician is necessary.

Sleep disturbance in infants occurs when you have a stomach ache, headache, or health problems internal organs, nervous system. Children do not sleep well when they experience physical discomfort. Sometimes a runny nose, sore throat, or cough prevent you from falling asleep.

Causes of sleep disturbances in children include anxiety. Childhood experiences are often associated with the psychological situation in the family. When parents quarrel, the child feels their emotions and at the same time worries and experiences emotional discomfort. These experiences persist during sleep. The tension experienced does not go away, the baby is not able to relax and fall asleep.

Sometimes a child sleeps poorly during periods associated with significant changes for him. This may include the baby’s separation from the breast, the start of attending kindergarten, school, the appearance of a brother or sister, a pet, or an incorrect daily routine.

During these periods, the mother’s contact with the child and her attention to him become especially important. At these moments, sleep problems are usually short-term; they disappear without a trace as the baby adapts to other circumstances and with sufficient parental support. He becomes calm again, and his sleep mode is restored.

Sometimes a child’s sleep disturbance at night occurs due to fear of the dark, nightmares, and increased child excitability. In this case, leave the night light on at night and stay close to your baby until he falls asleep completely. He needs confidence in security, in the closeness of mom and dad.

It happens that a child does not sleep well at night if he has been exposed to overload during the daytime, or if he is characterized by increased emotionality and mood instability.

If violations persist long time, the child’s body becomes exhausted, both nervous and physical. The baby looks tired, lethargic, exhausted, night sleep doesn't bring good rest. Overwork develops, which, in turn, is often the cause of many diseases.

If your baby cannot sleep for a long time, often wakes up and cries in his sleep, walks at night, and experiences increased sleepiness during the day, find out what is bothering him. If the reason why a child is sleeping poorly is identified, it is easier to restore sleep.

Why does a one-month-old baby sleep poorly, often wake up and cry?

What do parents need to know if their baby is one month old and doesn’t sleep well? In that age period it is difficult to overestimate the importance of healthy and quality sleep, because it plays important role for the development and growth of the baby. Sometimes problems are just starting to arise at this age.

IN one month old The baby should sleep 15.5-18 hours (of which 8-10 are at night and 6-8 during the day). It is undesirable for breaks between sleeps to exceed 1.5 hours. During this time, the child eats, is prepared for bed and falls asleep.

If one month old baby sleeps poorly, may be disturbed this mode and the baby suffers from lack of sleep. In this case, the first thing you have to do is adjust the “sleep” mode.

By the end of the first month of life, a newborn undergoes a developmental leap, which in most cases leads to problems with falling asleep and quality of sleep. At this moment the body is in the phase fast maturing, which affects not only the development physical body and organs, but also the emotional sphere.

The baby is frightened by new sensations, so he wants to be near his mother all the time, he may “hang on his chest” for a long time, and cry more than usual. Therefore, it is not surprising that during this period, parents most often wonder why the child sleeps poorly every month.

Closer to 1.5 months, the baby experiences another round of development: he begins to see better, he can begin to smile, thus showing his joy. Parents note that at six weeks, babies may begin to cry more and most often the crying attacks occur in the afternoon until midnight.

Therefore, if the baby is one month old and does not sleep well at night, do not rush to run to the pediatrician for magic pills, you need to monitor the baby, adjust the time of wakefulness and sleep time.

During the daytime month old baby sleeps 4 to 5 times, sleep duration is 40 minutes. - 2 hours. If the baby is one month old and he doesn’t sleep well during the day, perhaps the parents have drawn up the daily schedule incorrectly, the baby doesn’t spend much time on fresh air, the waking time is longer than acceptable.

To find the reason, you can keep a sleep diary. It will help determine the intervals of sleep and wakefulness, the number of daytime dreams, and their regularity.

An important question is why a month-old baby does not sleep well at night. The reason may be parental mistakes made due to inexperience. At night, you should not wake up your baby to give him something to eat.

There is no need to turn on the lights at this time or be too noisy when the baby wakes up. He should develop the understanding that night is a time for sleep and rest, not entertainment. An excellent indicator if you have one night's sleep lasting from 3 to 5 hours.

IN in rare cases the question of why a one-month-old baby sleeps poorly requires a trip to the doctor for an answer, because sleep difficulties are indeed sometimes provoked various diseases, disorders, developmental disabilities.

Therefore, if the sleep and wakefulness routine is established, the baby receives normal amount food, walking outside is enough for him, but he still sleeps poorly, cannot fall asleep for a long time, and the situation does not improve in a couple of weeks, it is better to consult a pediatrician for advice and to rule out the development of the disease.

Why does a 2-11 month old baby sleep poorly at night and during the day?

Why does a baby sleep poorly at night and cry at 2-3 months? This age is characterized by an increase in waking time, children become more active, and begin to explore with great curiosity. the world. The number of “sleepy” hours is reduced to approximately 15 (of which 10-11 are “night” and 5-6 “daytime”).

During this period there is sudden jump V mental development, children begin to demand increased attention, they are more capricious and sleep worse.

If a child sleeps poorly and often wakes up at 4-5 months, this may be due to a new round of development. At this time, infants are discovering the world of events, which means that they can already build connections between individual events that follow one after another. The baby's hands are able to take toys, shake them, making sounds.

Why does a child sleep poorly and cry at 6-7 months? There may be several reasons, ranging from teething to new skills in physical development. It is now that most children master crawling and sitting. Waking up at night, the baby begins to crawl around the crib and tries to sit up; he becomes so involved in the process that he begins to protest against being put to bed, becomes capricious and refuses to fall asleep.

Does the child sleep poorly, wake up and cry at 8-9 months? At this age, the child still sleeps 13-15 hours, but nap There is already less time left (about 2-3 hours).

The reasons for a poor night's rest may be increased emotional activity during the day, which contributes to overexcitation in the evening. Frequent awakenings occur at night, the baby sleeps superficially, may wake up crying and then not fall asleep for a long time.

Why else does a child sleep poorly at night at this age? The baby experiences dramatic changes in consciousness regarding the discovery of the world of categories and its interrelations. These changes provoke the appearance of fear and anxiety, which can last for 3-6 weeks.

During this same period, children are afraid of their mother leaving; it seems to them that she might leave them and not return. Physical development at 8 months allows some toddlers to get up, which they successfully do at night, sometimes without even opening their eyes, but it is not always possible to go back to sleep.

Does the child sleep poorly at night and cry at 10-11 months? During this period, some children make the transition to one daytime sleep, the duration of which is about 2-2.5 hours, the nightly norm is 11-12 hours. There is a fear of separation from the mother, children are afraid to fall asleep, and at night, when they wake up, they check to see if their mother is nearby.

The transition to one nap during the day affects nighttime sleep because children are more tired during the day. To avoid this, maintain a flexible daily routine during this period, focusing on the child’s condition. Those. one day you may need two naps, and the next one, and so on until a more or less constant schedule is established.

Why does a child sleep poorly at night after one year?

Many mothers and fathers are interested in why a one-year-old child does not sleep well at night. One-year-old toddlers usually sleep 13-14 hours a day. This age is characterized by problems with poor night sleep, which are most often associated with the need for increased physical activity, which is not always so easy to satisfy.

If a child cries and sleeps poorly at 1.5-2 years old, this may be due to the fact that during this period his character and whims begin to “manifest”; he may refuse to fall asleep not because he does not want to sleep, but because to prove their independence and the right to “make decisions” themselves.

It is also important during this period not to support a “false” refusal of daytime sleep, which is caused by resistance to any action of the parents.

At 2-3 years old, it happens that a child sleeps poorly at night and often wakes up, even if he slept well before. The first reason is age crisis, which is characterized by pronounced independence, negativism, and denial.

Children also begin to attend kindergarten, adaptation to which does not always go smoothly. Parents are required to understand, be patient and demonstrate love during this difficult period of life for the child.

Why does a child sleep poorly at night at 3-6 years old? There may be several reasons. Typically, this age is characterized by a “lull”, but sleep problems can still arise. Most often they are associated with the fact that children are “moved” to a separate room or big bed. If you have to wake up your baby in the morning to get him ready for kindergarten, you need to move his bedtime earlier in the night.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a child sleeps poorly at night and often wakes up; they can be different at each age. It's important for parents to watch for signs of fatigue so they can set a good bedtime schedule and make sure their baby gets enough sleep.

An indicator of a sufficient amount of sleep is a good mood during the day, normal activity, and curiosity. A well-rested baby strives to explore the world, learns something new, his development proceeds well, and he endures age-related crisis periods more easily.

Such a child has a stronger immune system, a good appetite, better health, he is emotionally stable. According to medical research, children who regularly lack sleep often experience deviant behavior.

At any age, do not forget about the importance of daytime sleep. Children must have it before the age of 3, and it is advisable to keep it until the age of 7.

During daytime sleep, the baby rests both physically, emotionally, and intellectually. If your child refuses to sleep, let him just lie in bed. Such " quiet time"also useful children's body for general relaxation.

How can you help your baby sleep better at night?

How to improve your child's sleep before and after one year? There are several general recommendations for any age, following which you can qualitatively influence your baby’s sleep. The routine has been established, the waking time is observed in accordance with age, what else can be done?

With patience and following a few rules, you can learn how to help your baby sleep better:

  1. Learn to fall asleep yourself. When the first signs of fatigue appear, you need to start getting ready for bed and going to bed. You don't want your baby to fall asleep in your arms or with the breast in your mouth.
  2. Another recommendation on how to improve your child's sleep concerns activity regulation. During the waking period, immediately after awakening, it is necessary to provide a fun and active pastime so that the baby has the opportunity to expend a sufficient amount of energy. But don't get too carried away: active phase should be replaced by calm wakefulness, which precedes falling asleep. At an older age, you can draw or read books at this time.
  3. How to help your child sleep better at night - introduce a daily ritual that will indicate the approach of sleep. What exactly this will be is decided individually in each family, depending on the child’s age (putting toys to bed, a bedtime story, for babies - sequential actions, for example, shopping, feeding, singing a lullaby and putting them to bed).
  4. Another tip on how to improve your child's night sleep concerns day walks. At any age, the baby should spend a sufficient amount of time outdoors throughout the year (except in unfavorable weather conditions).

How else can you improve the sleep of a child up to one year and older?

How to improve your infant's sleep if the above tips are ineffective? In this case, you need to pay attention to the baby’s condition, maybe something is bothering him or he’s starting to get sick.

If the child is too excited and cannot calm down for a long time, you can try giving it before bedtime soothing teas, which are sold in stores and pharmacies. Mom can drink them too, since she emotional condition has a direct effect on the condition of the baby.

Treatment of sleep disorders in children must be carried out from a very early age, since it has been established that they naturally lead to sleep disorders in adults.

Children spend their waking hours actively, so they desperately need proper night and day rest to gain strength and recover. Also, during dreams, the baby’s brain is engaged in “processing” the information received. Therefore, it is not uncommon for children to laugh or scream in their sleep.

Closer to 2 years of age, toddlers may begin to experience nightmares and bad dreams. When this happens, the baby usually screams and cries hysterically in the crib, and may not recognize the parent or act aggressively towards him. You cannot turn on a bright light, shout at the child, or tug at him, trying to wake him up. You need to wait until he calms down, the main thing is to be close.

The first tip on how to improve your child's sleep concerns normalizing the daily routine. This can include the correct redistribution of time allotted for daytime and nighttime sleep, because a baby who has “overslept” during the day is unlikely to want to go to bed earlier or will sleep less at night.

Depending on your age, it is important to maintain proper intervals between sleeps when small man is awake. If you shorten the time, then the baby will not be tired enough to fall asleep normally, and if you “over-walk,” this causes overexcitation and also leads to problems with falling asleep. In both the first and second cases, the quality of sleep suffers.

No less important are the “organizational” aspects regarding the microclimate in the children’s bedroom. It would be better to sleep in a well-ventilated room with clean cool air, sufficient humidity and fresh bed linen.

Try to go to bed at the same time every day. In the evening hours, create a relaxing environment. Before bed, you can engage in quiet activities that will help your baby relax. Do not allow him to play active noisy games, watch TV or sit at the computer before bedtime.

If your baby is capricious and refuses to go to sleep, do not insist on falling asleep immediately, but simply agree with him that he must follow two rules: do not get out of bed and lie quietly. The child himself will not notice how he falls asleep. It is recommended to feed infants before bedtime.

Currently, there is a method that allows us to evaluate and record the components of human sleep. It's called polysomnography. Use this method if it is not possible to identify exact reason sleep disorders

From medicines prescribe nootropics (piracetam, aminalon, pantogam), herbal sedatives (valerian, mint), homeopathic medicines. Only a doctor can prescribe this or that remedy after first conducting the necessary examination.

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About the norms

Parents often complain to the doctor that children often wake up or sleep restlessly and can toss and turn, which does not allow the parents to fully rest. However, parents often believe that a child should sleep just like an adult, go to bed in the evening and sleep peacefully until the morning, although for children this is not at all considered the norm, and intermittent sleep is quite normal. To completely dispel myths and doubts about a child’s sleep, it is necessary to determine what is considered normal sleep for children at different ages.

In the first months of life, babies sleep quite a lot, but their sleep is intermittent; until about one and a half to two years old, babies can often wake up at night. At the same time, everyone believes that frequent waking up at night is typical mainly for children who are breastfeeding, although this is completely false; mothers of bottle-fed children wake up as often as mothers of infants. This is quite understandable from the point of view age physiology, sleep in children should not be long and it is quite normal for a child to wake up frequently. In his mother's stomach, he did not distinguish between day and night, and he did not have a change in the phases of sleep and wakefulness according to the changes of day to night. The child simply alternates successively between sleep and wakefulness as he becomes tired and needs rest.

Until three or four months, babies will sleep most of the time in the day, mostly waking up to eat and interact with their parents a little, or if something is bothering the baby. As the baby becomes saturated or the factors interfering with well-being are eliminated, the baby falls back to blissful sleep. On average, babies sleep for 1-3 hours, lengthening slightly at night and amounting to approximately three to four hours of continuous sleep. On average, during the day, dreams can last from 40 minutes to two hours, which many parents perceive as a pathology or a sign of illness. However, this is absolutely not true; just such a rhythm of dreams is necessary for the baby’s health.

A child's sleep can be divided into certain phases, which will sequentially replace each other during periods of sleep. They can distinguish periods - the stage of falling asleep, then rapid (shallow) sleep, and then slow (deep) sleep. The duration of each phase can last up to half an hour; as you age, they reach two hours for each period. At the same time, shallow sleep is typical for children, and deep sleep lasts only a short time. In the first months of life, shallow sleep reaches 60-80% of the time, and by the age of six months it approaches 50% of the total sleep time; by the age of three years, shallow sleep reaches 30% of this amount of sleep; in older children and adults, shallow sleep lasts only 20% of the entire sleep phase. That's why babies sleep completely different from adults.

So, the child’s sleep begins with the superficial sleep phase, and the child’s eyes are closed, but the eyelids tremble and you can see movements of the eyeballs, breathing is irregular, there may be smiles and trembling. At the same time, babies can dream during this period. And during this period of dreams, the formation and maturation of the nervous system and brain structures occurs. During this period of sleep, the toddler’s brain assimilates and analyzes the amount of information received during wakefulness, and its skills are still being formed. During this period, if something goes wrong with the baby, he can easily wake up. But after 15-20 minutes, babies experience phase changes from superficial to deep, breathing becomes less frequent, it is deeper and more measured, the heart rate decreases, and the eyeballs no longer move, there are no flinches, the muscles relax, the baby sweats and the fists relax. During deep sleep, it is quite difficult to wake up a baby.

Now, knowing these features of babies' sleep, it becomes clear that when putting a child to sleep, it is necessary to wait until the transition of the superficial period of sleep into deep dream, and only after that you can put him to sleep in a crib. If you hurry, the baby will superficial sleep he will wake up and then it will be very difficult to put him down again.

What could be the problem?

Sometimes a child's sleep can be disturbed and there can be many reasons for this. However, most of these causes will not require medical intervention or any medications. At the same time, doctors, especially neurologists, can distinguish four main groups of reasons that lead to bad sleep kids:

  1. physiological characteristics of the baby and natural causes sleep disorders,
  2. emotional overload in children,
  3. problems in child health, children's illnesses,
  4. emotional overload of children,
  5. neurological pathologies.
We talked a little about the physiological characteristics of children’s sleep above when we looked at sleep issues, since a child’s sleep is subject to certain rhythms, which must be taken into account when creating a daily routine.

Often, parents may complain that their children slept well until six months or a little more, and then they were replaced. Children begin to toss and turn, wake up, or even get on all fours and crawl around the crib in their sleep. You need to immediately reassure the toddler's parents - this is quite normal phenomenon, children from about six months old get a lot of emotions per day, master many skills - movements, controls own body or receive positive emotions.

The nervous system begins to analyze this entire bouquet of daytime emotions in detail at night, during night dreams, while carefully working out and remembering the smallest details. That's why toddlers wake up at night, trying to crawl and get on all fours, they can laugh, whine or gurgle, without even waking up at all. If, with such a night's sleep during the day, the child is cheerful and alert, he eats normally and does not show signs of illness, then he has enough sleep and does not need to do anything. The child's body can perfectly control its functions and can regulate sleep times without your intervention.

Often, parents are bothered by the child's shuddering at night, but this does not indicate any pathology at all. Such startle processes occur due to the functioning of the nervous system during the nocturnal sleep phase and can be manifested by single or regularly repeated contractions of muscle groups in the limbs or body. Most often, they appear in particularly excitable children in the first year of life, or they arise after emotional shocks - joy, resentment or hysterics, and with age they usually progressively decrease.

Children often experience whims or sobbing at night, and sometimes even crying babies. The reasons for these phenomena are similar - excessive emotions during the day or evening. You will most likely need to review your child's daily routine and move active games or noisy fun into the first half of the day so that the nervous system does not become overexcited before going to bed.

The child's sleep will greatly depend on the state of his health; if the baby is teething or has a tummy ache, then his sleep may become restless or intermittent, the baby will often cry or wake up. In addition, the child’s clothing will greatly influence his sleep - if his elastic bands, seams or laces are tight, then the child will toss and turn in his sleep, whimper or wake up.

The child's sleep can be disturbed if the air in the children's room is too dry or too warm, then the mucous membranes in the nose dry out too much, it may be difficult to breathe, and the baby may wake up because of this. In addition, the baby may suffer from the heat, especially if mothers carefully cover him with a blanket, which can also reduce the quality of babies' sleep.

Most optimal temperature For sleep, humidity is about 60% and temperature is about 18-20 degrees, but if it is impossible to maintain such a temperature in the room, you need to regularly ventilate the room before going to bed and use a humidifier.

Sleep disorders in children

In terms of defining sleep disorders, there are no unambiguous classifications today, but the most successful one today is the division of sleep problems proposed by the Americans:

  1. primary sleep disorder in which there is no related problems, sleep disturbances occur without any obvious external reasons or internal diseases.
  2. secondary sleep disorder, in which disturbances may be a manifestation of any internal diseases or pathologies of the child – emotional stress, digestive diseases, allergies, infections or any other problems.
Often problems arise due to disease affecting the nervous system, which regulates and coordinates the sleep process. Typically, disorders are divided into short-term, which disappear in a few days, and long-term, which can last for months or even years.

Infants may often exhibit behavioral insomnia, difficulty getting the baby to fall asleep, and an inability to maintain continuous sleep long enough. This occurs in babies from three to four months, since in children more early age waking up again quickly gives way to sleep after eliminating disturbing factors.

Children who are excitable and anxious, who simply cannot fall asleep without their mother’s presence, or without certain rituals, are susceptible to sleep disorders. They require long-term motion sickness processes every day; it is imperative that there is someone adult nearby. The main differences between sleep problems in children are the inability to sleep for a long time without outside help fall asleep, with the same number of awakenings as ordinary children. The most basic problems of such sleep are overtiredness of children, an excess of daytime emotions, and disruption of the organization of the daily routine by parents.

Confused day and night

Typically, the processes of formation of daytime and night sleep are formed by approximately three to four months of life. However, the child’s biological clock plays an important role here - whether he is an owl or a lark. If you give your child a routine that does not coincide with the child’s biorhythm, sleep disturbances may develop. Kids simply cannot fall asleep at the time their parents set them to sleep, and then it is difficult for them to wake up according to the allotted schedule, since it does not coincide with internal clock baby. At the same time, the processes of daytime and night sleep are disrupted, disruptions occur within the body and moodiness develops, appetite may be disrupted and even immunity decreases. Long course This process can lead to problems. Which can then be eliminated only with the participation of a doctor, and strict adherence by all family members to a strict given rhythm will be required.

Therefore, when creating a daily routine, look first of all at the child, and not at books and other parents; the baby himself will quickly and accurately tell you the time when it is time for him to go to bed and get up.

What can you do to improve your sleep?

First of all, you need to stop being nervous about your child’s sleep, thereby making him nervous; your hysterics and nervousness are passed on to the child. First of all, analyze his diet and eliminate the factors. Those that interfere with normal sleep are fatty foods, and for older children, a more satisfying dinner so that he does not wake up from hunger.

Create sleep traditions and ceremonies and repeat them day after day so that your baby gets into the mood for sleep and develops the habit of going to bed at the same time. Put children to bed at the first sign of fatigue. And not when they are already overexcited and won’t fall asleep right away. Before school, the child’s schedule should include: mandatory there is a daytime nap, then the baby will not be overtired in the evening.

How can you improve your child's sleep?

A child is the most beautiful gift you have. You take care of him with all the warmth, but sometimes the baby still sleeps restlessly. In order to improve your child’s sleep, it is necessary to carefully provide the regime and conditions for proper rest. Perhaps try home remedies first.

Let's say you start to notice that your child cannot fall asleep for a long time, whines at night, is capricious a lot, you see an excess of emotions in him, sometimes too cheerful, sometimes very upset, and all this entails a violation healthy sleep. This means that measures need to be taken now.

1. The first thing that will balance your baby’s mood is soothing herbs and natural oils

However, it is worth paying attention so that the child does not have an allergy to one or another composition. aromatic oils or herbs. Otherwise, a good idea to help improve sleep will turn into chronic illness. First, you need to inform your pediatrician about your intentions. He will give more reliable recommendations for the use of aromatic oils. We do not recommend trusting pharmacists at the pharmacy, because they do not know your baby’s body. Don’t take risks with the “will fit or not fit” method!

The most the best option will be if you give your child a preliminary test. Wet a napkin or piece of cotton wool with a drop of oil. Let the baby inhale it once. If there is no sneezing or tearing reaction, then try putting a drop on the child’s hand. After 4-5 hours no side effects, then try to conduct the first aroma session.

Remember that it is better to purchase aromatic preparations in pharmacies; here they will give you a receipt and you will check the expiration date. And the inscription on the packaging “GOST” will indicate the quality of the purchased product. Don't trust low prices in regular stores, otherwise you will get a bottle with impurities or synthetics. Natural oils sold in small packages at medium and high prices.

One of sedatives is tea tree oil. As a rule, rarely does anyone have an allergy to it. This oil is often used for children during various inhalations and baths. When you come to the pharmacy, you will definitely be able to choose a universal component with which you can improve your baby’s sleep.

It is important to know that there are some restrictions for everyone age categories: Oil is prohibited for up to 1 year peppermint, up to 6 years - thyme, geranium, tea tree and rosemary, up to 12 years - cloves.

A drop of tangerine or orange juice before bed is useful. orange oil. Mint or lemon balm relieve fatigue and promote sound sleep.

2. The second thing that small and middle-aged children really like is massage.

Light stroking will relax the baby and immerse you in a fabulous sleep. It is also recommended during a massage to drop a drop of oil into the cream that you rub on the child, or just one drop on the bed in the far corner of the crib. And then massage treatments ventilate the room.

3. Medicinal herbs

A suitable phytocomponent can always normalize the sleep of both children and adults. Again, we emphasize that it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and an allergist. Herbal medicine is strictly prohibited for children under one year of age. Herbs need to be used wisely, only then will they give excellent results. The components must first of all be of high quality and environmentally friendly.

4. One of important methods To improve your child's sleep, it is basic to follow the routine and prepare for bed!

  1. Your daily bedtime should be the same. In individual cases, when restless sleep Experts recommend putting children to bed half an hour earlier or later.
  2. The baby needs the same bed, and this is where he should wake up.
  3. Be sure to stop all games an hour before bedtime, emotional stress minimize, do not start arguments with the child, try to avoid quarrels that lead to hysteria and excitement. This applies to all relatives of the family. It’s better to go for a walk, or talk in a calm tone interesting stories, or engage in reading, drawing, etc.
  4. For some, a warm bath has a calming effect, while for others, on the contrary, it promotes a cheerful state. So, observe your baby and decide if this method is right for you.
  5. Instead of bright light for the whole room, buy a dim night light.
  6. When you get your child ready for bed, let dad turn down the TV. Eliminate all possible loud sounds.
  7. Be sure to feed your baby before bed.
  8. Sing a lullaby and read children's poems, let dad recite the story in a semi-tone baritone.
  9. Caress your baby during the lullaby, gently stroke his head and back.
  10. Alternate double daytime sleeps with single ones, because the baby can sleep twice during the day and be awake at night. Also, on a day with a single nap, go to bed a little earlier in the evening.
5. About what time and how to feed children correctly
  1. Make yourself and your child the first rule - eating at any time exclusively in the kitchen! Never on a crib or in front of the TV in the bedroom.
  2. If your baby is very small or an infant, be sure to feed your baby tightly at night. Walk more in the evening so that he really wants to eat before going to bed.
  3. You should not allow your child to fall asleep without eating.
  4. If you feed your baby at night, then under no circumstances communicate with him, feed him quietly and then put him to sleep.
  5. It is important to know and you can try, according to doctors’ recommendations, to gradually reduce night feeding after 4-5 months, and after 6-7 months, slowly switch to 5-8 hours of sleep.
  6. When you feed your child during the daytime, during meals you can and even need to tell something interesting, joke and sing with positive emotions.
  7. Give up the habit of feeding your baby by the hour; feed him as he wants.
For the child, do everything with good mood, and there will be a return, believe me!

6. The necessary conditions for healthy sleep

  1. First of all, install the crib away from noise, drafts, computers and TVs. There should be no arguments, hysterics or quarrels in this place!
  2. Cleanliness and order in the room where your baby and his place to sleep.
  3. Make sure it's comfortable for your child! The blanket should provide thermal comfort, the mattress should be hard, and the pillow should be low.
  4. Do not teach your child to walk in his sleeping place!
  5. The room in which the child rests should always be ventilated, the air should be fresh, and the temperature should not exceed 20°C.
  6. Monitor the humidity in the room, if it drops below 45%, install humidifiers!
  7. Remember that the wrong clothes for your baby can disturb your sleep. Stuffiness, cramped conditions, cold and other discomfort factors will prevent the child from sleeping soundly.
  8. Cell phones, laptops, TVs, radios, take them out of the children's room. Waves from operating electrical equipment are contraindicated for children.
7. Is napping good for you?
  1. Your baby may be sleeping restlessly at night because he oversleeps during the day. Try waking him up earlier than usual.
  2. Work out the right approach for a day's rest. There is no need to remove all unnecessary sounds; let the parents speak to each other in halftones, let the radio play quietly, let the water flow. The child will fall asleep to light noise, especially if he has run around and is tired. Don’t teach him complete silence, otherwise he won’t even take a step, he will hear and cry.
  3. Unless you have a doctor's advice, do not wake your baby to eat. He will wake up and make it clear that it is time to start eating.
8. Should the child sleep on his own or with his mother?
  1. Competent doctors, discussing this issue, came to general opinion: An infant wants to sleep with his mother, and this is absolutely normal.
  2. However, there is a group of views that the baby should have his own separate bed. Experts are trying to determine whether there are more pros or cons to this problem.
  3. It is imperative to stop co-sleeping in time. The baby should feel independent.
9. Parental work on the child’s wishes
  1. If your baby is favorable conditions(the room is ventilated, all hygiene rules are observed in it, a favorite toy) suddenly woke up, you restrain yourself and wait a minute, a little less, a little more, quietly enter the room. It will be even better if you just stop by. The main thing is for the baby to understand that mom is nearby, but not too close.
  2. Don’t look at the fact that this is a little man, he already feels everything and absorbs the slightest smells, movements, colors, he develops his own habits. That’s why don’t force him to sleep right away, convincingly explain as to an adult that the baby is not alone, that he wasn’t abandoned and didn’t go anywhere. After two or three decisive phrases, the mother leaves the nursery.
  3. When you hear a child crying, do not run headlong, but quietly and confidently approach the baby. And increase the time before each subsequent entry by 2-3 minutes.
  4. Increase the waiting time daily, but it should not exceed 15 minutes. As a result, you get the fact that while you come in, the baby will calm down and fall asleep on his own.
  5. When you enter the nursery, practice singing a soft lullaby or speaking calmly without coming close.
  6. The main thing is not to turn on bright lighting devices. The baby will definitely wake up.
  7. Rock your baby's playpen.
  8. If all else fails, only then lull him in your arms, give him a drink or a pacifier, and feed him (after 6 months, it is undesirable at night).
10. Unnecessary habits that you should get rid of
  1. Fall asleep in your parents' arms.
  2. Play (especially outdoor games) before bed.
  3. If a child falls asleep only with a finger in his mouth, when he eats food, or when rocked, urgently wean yourself and him from these habits. Otherwise, you will never be able to go anywhere, and the habit of thumb sucking may remain until the age of 12-13!
  4. Frequent awakenings at night to check if mom is nearby.
Remember, if your child does not respond to any of the methods and folk remedies described above, then you should sound the alarm and show your baby to the doctor. Perhaps sleep disturbance is primarily associated with some kind of disease. Timely treatment and assistance will be restored normal sleep without consequences.


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