Benefits of blood donation for the donor. Is donating blood painful? How to prepare for donating blood

Donor blood transfusion has almost a century of history. Despite the fact that this procedure is quite familiar to many people, the process of donating blood is still surrounded by numerous myths. Today we set out to debunk the most common of them.


Donating blood is bad for your health

The amount of blood circulating in the body of an adult is on average 4000 ml. It has been proven that the periodic loss of 12% of this volume not only does not negative influence on health, but also works as a kind of training that activates blood formation and stimulates resistance to stress.

The volume of a single donation of donated blood does not exceed 500 ml (of which about 40 ml is taken for the purpose of analysis). The body quickly compensates for blood loss without any negative consequences.

Donating blood is painful and tedious

Modern donor stations are equipped with everything necessary to make a person donating blood feel comfortable. Unpleasant sensations donor are reduced to instant pain at the time of insertion of the needle. The further procedure is absolutely painless.

Donating whole blood takes about a quarter of an hour. After its completion, the donor may experience slight fatigue, therefore, on the day of the procedure, it is not recommended to engage in heavy physical labor or go on a long trip. The donation of blood components (plasma, platelets or red blood cells) can take up to one and a half hours.

There is a risk of infection of the donor

Many believe that the donor is at risk of receiving one of dangerous infections blood-borne (for example, hepatitis C virus or HIV). At present, this is absolutely excluded: for blood sampling, only disposable instruments and devices are used, which are unpacked in the presence of the donor, and after the procedure they are immediately disposed of.

The need for donated blood is low

Blood transfusions are required for patients who undergo complicated surgical operations, women in labor with complicated childbirth, people with severe injuries or burns. Donated blood and its components are used in the treatment of leukemia and other oncological diseases. There are artificial substitutes for blood and plasma, but their use has a number of contraindications, as it sometimes leads to negative side effects.

To fully provide a health care system necessary quantity blood, 40-50 people out of 1000 should be donors. In some European countries, this ratio has been achieved, but in Russia this indicator while well below the norm.

According to statistics, every third person on our planet needs a blood or plasma transfusion at least once in their life. At the same time, blood of absolutely all groups is in demand, and not just rare ones, as is sometimes believed.

Anyone can become a donor

This is far from true. In Russia, you cannot become a donor:

  • under the age of 18 or over 60;
  • having a body weight of less than 50 kg;
  • being infected with hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus or tuberculosis;
  • having any blood disorders or blood diseases ( hematopoietic organs);
  • suffering from cancer.

Temporary restrictions on blood donation apply:

  • for pregnant women (blood will be taken no earlier than a year after childbirth);
  • for nursing mothers (they can become donors three months after the end of lactation);
  • for women during menstruation (blood donation is allowed at least a week before it starts or a week after it ends);
  • for people who have had the flu or SARS less than a month ago;
  • for patients who have undergone surgical dental intervention (at least ten days must pass);
  • for people who less than a year ago were treated by acupuncture, or who made a tattoo (piercing) of any part of the body;
  • for patients who have recently undergone vaccination (the time elapsed before blood donation depends on the type of vaccine and ranges from ten days to a year).

In addition, a withdrawal from donation can be obtained if the tests on the day of the procedure show the presence in the body inflammatory process or traces of alcohol, elevated body temperature, or if there are serious deviations from normal indicators blood pressure. Men can donate blood no more than five times a year, and women no more than four times a year.

Donating blood for a transfusion involves a responsible attitude. The donor must abstain from alcohol two days prior to the procedure. You should refrain from smoking for at least an hour before blood sampling. Three days before the procedure, you must stop taking medicines that reduce blood clotting (including aspirin and painkillers).

The donor must eat high-calorie foods before and after the procedure

A day before blood donation, you can not eat fatty, dairy, meat food, eggs, smoked meats, chocolate, bananas, canned food and fast food.

It is important that the future donor does not make mistakes that may adversely affect his health. It is better to donate blood in the morning. Before the procedure, you need to sleep well, have breakfast, preferring porridge or pastries and sweet tea. After donating blood, you should eat a balanced diet (if possible at least five times a day) and do not forget to drink more liquid to compensate for blood loss.

Donating blood causes weight gain

Donation itself (including regular donation) does not affect body weight in any way. There is a risk of getting fat in those people who, having misunderstood the recommendations for organizing nutrition, begin to use heavily high-calorie foods to donate blood and cannot stop in time.

Donation is bad for appearance

Some women are hesitant to donate blood, believing that this will adversely affect their complexion and skin elasticity. In fact, regular donation activates the work of hematopoietic organs, makes blood renew itself faster, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Donors, as a rule, do not have problems with the tone and complexion of the skin. They are cheerful, fit, active and positive.

Regular donation is addictive

In this case, we can talk about addiction only in the sense of increased resistance of the body to various stresses, diseases and negative impact external environment. So, regular blood donation teaches the body to quickly replenish blood loss, which can play a positive role in case of injury or illness, from which no one is immune.

Donation has been clinically proven to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. Some men note that regular blood donation has a positive effect on potency.

For a successful blood transfusion, the donor and recipient must be of the same nationality.

The statement has nothing to do with reality. The compatibility of the donor and the recipient (the person receiving the blood transfusion) depends solely on the composition of the blood, that is, the presence or absence of certain proteins in it. For transfusion, blood group compatibility (AB0 system) and Rh factor matters. These indicators are distributed almost equally among different races and ethnic groups.

With a suitable protein composition Donor blood can be transfused to a recipient regardless of gender, age or nationality.

One blood donation can save three lives, says the Red Cross. Blood donation is not only for the intended recipients. Blood donors also improve their health by donating blood.

We often hear the expression that it is much more pleasant to give than to receive. This is backed up by research - people who do good deeds strengthen their mental health And:

Recall that any healthy person from 18 to 60 years old and weighing more than 45 kg can donate blood.

Donating blood reduces the risk of heart attack and heart attack. A 2013 study found that blood donation can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood. This is the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Regular blood donation reduces the amount of iron in the blood. This is also the prevention of a heart attack, since it is provoked by an excess of iron in the blood.

In 2008, scientists proved that blood donation reduces the risk of developing cancer of the liver, intestines, esophagus, stomach and lungs. This protects against the development of cancer.

Another advantage of blood donation is free testing. Before you donate blood, doctors take your pulse, blood pressure, temperature, and hemoglobin levels. These options will help determine if you have health problems. Additionally, you will be tested for hepatitis, HIV, syphilis and other dangerous viruses.

Donating blood helps you lose weight. For one blood donation, the body loses approximately 650 kcal, which is equivalent to 1 hour of running.

After you donate blood, your body starts to work hard to make up for the lost blood. This stimulates the production of new blood cells. This effect improves health.

Harm of blood donation

Blood donation is not harmful to health if it is carried out according to the rules. For each donor, doctors should only use new and sterile supplies to avoid contamination.

When donating, blood is drained through a vein. Loss of some blood leads to a fall blood pressure. Blood loss stimulates the bone marrow, from which young red blood cells enter the bloodstream. After donating blood, a person feels an influx of strength, freshness, vivacity. Feeling better. Water from the cells rushes into bloodstream. The thickened blood is liquefied, toxins from the tissues, through the blood enter the kidneys and are excreted from the body. This information is the answer to the question: is it useful or harmful to donate blood to men, women?

Supporters alternative opinion present arguments against. And, they are partially right. Because there are contraindications against donating blood.

IN old times, was considered effective medical procedure in the treatment of many diseases. From the beginning of the 20th century, the practice of blood transfusion to the victim with severe blood loss began to develop. There was a theory according to which the blood transfused from a young man to an old man could have a rejuvenating effect.

The pioneers experimented on themselves. After a few successful experiments followed by the death of the Soviet scientist Alexander Bogdanov. It turned out that not all blood is suitable for transfusion from one person to another.

Four are open. In addition to them, blood is distinguished that has the Rh factor and is free from it.

Non-compliance with the rules of blood transfusion leads to the destruction of red blood cells in the recipient of blood and lethal outcome. Therefore, for those who are going to present special requirements for the donor.

Doctors say that the blood donation procedure is useful for the donor. But, there are the following barriers to donating blood:

  • It is required to observe the recommended intervals between blood donations;
  • There should be no contraindications due to the health condition of the donor;
  • The donor should not have infectious, parasitic and bodily diseases;
  • It is required to take into account his state of health: temperature, pressure, etc.;
  • The donor should not have tattoos, piercings, etc.;
  • You cannot donate blood immediately after returning from abroad.

Regarding the benefits of donating blood, you should determine the gender of the donor. To the question: is it useful or harmful to donate blood to men, the answer is unequivocal: it is useful, provided there are no contraindications to donating. Men over forty benefit more from bloodletting than younger men.

It is not so with women. It is known that every month, during the period, the body loses a tangible portion of blood, so ladies, to a lesser extent than gentlemen, need bloodletting. Therefore, answering the question: is it useful or harmful to donate blood to women, we can answer: you need to know the age of a potential donor.

Bloodletting brings women childbearing age less good than men. Therefore, the intervals between blood donations should be longer for them than for men. But, for older ladies, bloodletting is more beneficial than for young ones, due to the lack of critical days.


Routine procedures are carried out beforehand. Assess the health status of a potential donor. It is necessary to make sure that the loss of blood does not harm the health of the donor, and the donor himself does not suffer from diseases that can be transmitted to the recipient.

The future blood donor, the presence or absence of the Rh factor. They carry out tests for the content of pathogens in the blood of AIDS, syphilis, viral hepatitis and other diseases. Age restrictions donation is not. The blood of an old man and a young man is equal.

And here, individual characteristics donor render decisive influence suitability for donating blood. People who have undergone some surgeries, as well as having tattoos and piercings and body weight are not allowed to donate<50 кг. В особом порядке рассматривают пригодность к донорству беременных и кормящих матерей

Donation should not be abused. Excessive or too frequent do not allow it to recover in sufficient volume. There are a number of diseases in which donation is contraindicated for him. Failure to comply with such rules for a blood donor can cause irreparable harm to health.

Professional blood donors are so accustomed to donating blood that they feel an irresistible need for it.

What are the benefits of donating blood?

  • Stimulation of the work of the organs of hematopoiesis;
  • Prevention;
  • Activation of immunity;
  • Normalization of the spleen. Spontaneous unloading of the liver;
  • helps prevent heavy bleeding

All positive changes are achieved without the use of drugs, which avoids their side effects.

Despite all the advantages of donating blood as a donor, there are certain limitations:

  • It is not recommended to donate blood more than five times a year for men and once a quarter for women;
  • Two days before donating blood, it is necessary to limit physical activity;
  • It is required to limit the use of eggs, fatty, fried, alcohol;
  • After donating blood, you should not expose yourself to high physical exertion and travel for several days.

Plasma donation does not require a long recovery time, because the red blood cells are returned to the donor. In this regard, you can donate plasma twice a month. Contraindications are the same as for blood sampling.

After donating to plasma, the body quickly recovers

List of contraindications

Distinguish unconditional contraindications to blood donation and temporary. Unconditional include:

  • Infectious diseases;
  • infestations;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Emphysema of the lungs;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Recurrent obstructive bronchitis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Chronic hepatitis and hepatosis;
  • Ulcers of the digestive system;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney disease;
  • Blindness;
  • Inflammation of the ENT organs;
  • Skin diseases.

Temporary contraindications include:

  • Transfusion;
  • postoperative recovery;
  • Foreign business trip> 2 months;
  • visit tropical countries> 3 months;
  • Contact with patients with hepatitis;
  • Influenza, SARS;
  • Angina;
  • Removal of a tooth;
  • Menstruation;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Breast-feeding;
  • Taking medications;
  • Reception of alcoholic beverages;
  • recent vaccinations.

Other points of delivery

It is dangerous to be a donor if the rules are not followed. Blood must be donated at special collection points provided necessary equipment and qualified personnel. You can not give consent to the collection of blood without preliminary tests and examination by a doctor.

Donating blood - free procedure. To recuperate, a person is given a paid day off. The blood sampling process takes about 30 minutes.

Sometimes, a transfusion from a donor does not involve taking blood, but some part of it. For example, erythrocytes, leukocytes or plasma. In this case, the donor's blood passes through a centrifuge, where the components necessary for transfusion are selected, and the rest of the blood is returned to the donor's vessel.

According to studies conducted in Finland and the United States, people who regularly test donated blood are prone to atherosclerosis and heart attacks to a much lesser extent. Also, according to the observations of foreign researchers, blood donors live 5-8 years longer than the average person.

Donating blood in a significant amount for the body is a kind of training. In the event of a car accident or other incident related to great blood loss, the donor has more likely survive.

The donor's blood is tested for various infections (such as HIV, hepatitis and syphilis) and indicators such as hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes, etc. For six months, the blood is in quarantine, after which infectious diseases not previously identified can also be detected. Therefore, one who is a donor for regular basis may not worry about your health.

Immediately after blood sampling, the body begins to restore it. The bone marrow begins to produce new red blood cells - erythrocytes. These are the cells that deliver oxygen to all organs. In addition, stem cells are formed in the bone marrow, from which the tissues of our body are formed. Thus, the blood renews the entire human body.

And, finally, donating blood is useful, because the donor feels the joy of doing a good deed, because thanks to him someone's life will be saved.

Donation safety

Donating blood today is quite safe procedure. Blood transfusion stations use disposable medical systems(needle, tubes and bag), which are sterile and opened with the donor. Therefore, contrary to fears, a person has no chance of becoming infected with anything.

The loss of blood experienced by the donor does not pose any threat either. Usually, about 450 ml of blood is taken at a time, which is no more than 10% of its total volume. Almost immediately after this procedure, a person can get up, drink a cup of tea and go home. In a day or two, the amount of blood in the donor's body will be replenished.

Requirements and contraindications

The blood applicant must be healthy, the allowable age is from 18 to 60 years. Men are advised to donate blood no more than once every two months, women - once every three months. You will not be able to become a donor if your weight is less than 50 kg.

A person who has recently had the flu or acute respiratory infections will be able to donate blood only after a month, and after the surgery - not earlier than six months later. Those who have been ill are excluded from donation viral hepatitis and other infectious diseases (there are more than forty of them). Medical institutions only high-quality blood is needed, so it is extremely important that the donor has no health problems.

If you think that donating blood is harmful, then this article is for you. Blood loss is a process to which the body has evolved to adapt during fights and wars. For healthy person a loss standard dose blood, which is equal to 450 ml, in no case affects physiological functions and well-being. Moreover, bloodletting has health effect. In addition, now in order to donate blood, you need to undergo a thorough medical examination, and the doctor will tell you in detail how to donate blood correctly and will not allow even the slightest risk to your health, as the state cares about the safety of donors and patients.
Nowadays, many potential donors are interested in the question, is it useful to donate blood?
The benefit of donation for the body is that during blood donation, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diseases immune system, pancreas, atherosclerosis, digestive disorders and develop resistance to blood loss during accidents, operations, burns or accidents. Also, donation can remove ballast from the body in the form of excess blood and its elements, prolong your youth by stimulating bleeding and self-renewal of the body, and, of course, bring considerable satisfaction from the good deed you have realized. Do you still doubt whether it is useful to donate blood?
Donation activates the bleeding system - red cells bone marrow and boosts immunity. The unloading of the spleen and liver affects the body, and according to recent data, the risk of developing atherosclerosis, thrombosis and coronary disease hearts. Finnish scientists claim that men who donate blood have a tenfold lower risk of heart attack, and American researchers report that male donors are much less likely to suffer from heart attacks. Regular blood donation keeps cholesterol low.
When donating blood, all the so-called "accumulation diseases" are prevented, which include gout, indigestion and pancreatic activity, as well as diseases of the basic metabolism and liver. Blood donations are also useful for preventive purposes.
If you are still wondering if donating blood is healthy, remember that those donors who donate regularly are some of the healthiest people in the world! According to WHO, donors live 5 years longer than the average person.
Blood donors do not have to worry about their health, since absolutely all procedures are performed with disposable sterile systems under the supervision of a doctor.
A capable person who has reached the age of 18, has passed medical examination and is permanently registered. He is entitled to two days off, one of which falls on the day of blood donation, and the second at the choice of the donor himself, determination of the blood type, blood test, blood test for diseases such as HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, as well as a doctor's examination.
Donor infection is absolutely excluded, since doctors use individual disposable systems for blood sampling, and the sensations of blood donation are purely individual, but most donors do not experience any pain. Some people experience a surge of vivacity and a desire to work, and absolutely everyone feels a mass positive emotions for helping to save a life!
Within 30-40 days, the composition of the blood is completely restored. The process of blood donation is absolutely safe and does not cause any harm to the body. To ensure complete safety, the donor's blood is quarantined, and after six months the donor must undergo a second examination, according to the results of which the blood is supplied to city hospitals. So what do you think is it good to donate blood?

Today, donation of blood and its components is widespread. This is one way to help people who have suffered a lot of blood loss as a result of complications from operations or accidents. There are a lot of such people. Because everything more volunteers respond to the call to become donors, the question arises - is it useful to donate blood for donation to men and women? What changes occur in the body if you give part of your own blood to other people several times a year? Let's figure it out.

Regular check for infections

If you frequently donate blood, your blood is tested for infections before each sample is taken. This allows the donor to constantly monitor their own health, and in case of abnormalities, immediately begin treatment. Most people do not have this opportunity, because they rarely go to the hospital for tests, so they learn about their ailments only when the disease manifests itself on physical level and is progressing. This is one of good points, showing why being a donor is useful. But that's not all, by donating blood, a person literally heals his body.

What are the health benefits of donation?

It is believed that bloodletting has a healing effect if done in small volumes. When a volunteer donates his blood to a patient, he donates about 450 g of life-saving fluid. The loss of such a volume is insignificant and cannot harm the donor in any way.

Donating blood for donation allows you to accustom your body to small blood loss. In the event of a situation, for example, an accident or a major operation, the body of a person who has repeatedly donated blood will find himself, as it were, in a familiar situation. It activates processes that allow you to quickly replenish the lost volume of red blood cells.

Small blood loss contributes to the rejuvenation of the body, its self-purification and cell renewal. This process gives the liver some rest, which usually recycles old red blood cells. The bone marrow, on the other hand, works hard to produce new blood cells to make up for what was lost. good influence moderate blood loss also affects the cardiovascular system.

Donating blood for the donor's body is a little stress, due to which its protective functions. The immune system comes to combat readiness”, thanks to which donors are less likely to get colds and viral diseases.

According to American doctors, people who donate blood regularly are less likely to develop atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, because their veins are constantly cleared of excess blood. bad cholesterol. According to the results of several studies, donation prolongs life by at least 5 years.

Donating blood for donation is useful and psychological point vision. Helping others, you get joy and satisfaction, and such emotions are necessary for every person. As you know, they contribute to good health. Well, for a patient who needs your blood, the benefit is obvious - you will save his life.

Rules for donating blood

If you want to participate in the donation program, then you should familiarize yourself with the rules, recommendations and restrictions in this regard. Anyone who wants to donate can become a donor. infectious diseases person over the age of 18. The upper age limit was removed not so long ago, so even people over 60 years old, provided wellness can donate blood or plasma. The weight of a volunteer should not be less than 50 kg, however, persons of this weight category can also become donors in the absence of contraindications. No more than 300 ml of blood is taken from such people.

Men can donate blood no more than 5 times a year, while women are allowed to do this 4 times within 12 months. Women are often not allowed to donate blood. Such a restriction makes sense for them, since their body loses a small amount of blood every month during menstruation. The break between fences should be at least two months. During this time, the body of a healthy person is completely restored.

Preparation for the collection of blood or its fractions includes a full healthy diet(rejection of fatty foods, smoked, fried) for 2-3 days before the procedure. During this period, no medical preparations and also refrain from alcohol. Immediately before the procedure, the donor is examined and tested for the presence of various infections. If everything is in order, the person is admitted to this procedure, he is allowed to become a donor. After the procedure, the donor is recommended to rest. You can not engage in hard physical labor, make long trips. During the recovery period, it is desirable to include in the diet beef liver, pomegranate, cranberry.

Donating blood for donation is not only a useful, but an honorable procedure that allows you to do good disinterestedly to other people, giving them a piece of yourself so that they can live. For such actions, the state rewards donors who have undergone this procedure more than 40 times in their lives with benefits and annual payments, provides them with additional days off and vouchers to a sanatorium.

Harm and benefit of blood donation

There is no single answer to the question of what is the harm and benefit of donating blood. Therefore, adhere to the rule that everything is good in moderation. Of course, you do not need to donate blood on days when you are sick or not feeling well. It is also not recommended to donate blood more than once every 60 days, plasma - more than once every 2 weeks. In general, you can donate blood 3-5 times a year, and plasma 6-12 times. The rest of the time, the body should be able to recover.

Anyone over the age of 18 who has good health and can physically donate blood without harming his own body. The standard amount of blood that can be taken from a healthy person without affecting his well-being and physiological functions is 450 ml.

Before donating blood, you will be carefully examined by a doctor who will confirm the safety of this process for the donor. In general, a person is evolutionarily adapted to blood donation, although earlier this was encountered only with injuries and therapeutic bloodletting. In addition, bloodletting in moderate doses has a very positive effect on the human body and heals it.

Benefits of donating blood:

*Decrease in the amount of iron in the blood.

* prevention of the state of the body, it becomes more resistant to blood loss in case of possible accidents, injuries, burns, heavy operations and other cases.

* prolonging the youth of the body due to the stimulation of blood formation, as well as promoting the self-renewal of the human body.

* prevention of various cardiovascular diseases.

* prevention of diseases of the immune system, as well as various violations digestive system, liver, pancreas.

* prevention of atherosclerosis.

* removal from the body of excess blood and substances contained in it.

*correction of arterial pressure.

* for women before menopause, donating blood prolongs youth.

* getting moral satisfaction from doing a good deed.

* the donor is entitled to a benefit - two days off from work (one - directly on the day of blood donation, and the second on any other day).

* honorary donors, i.e. those who donated blood 40 times or plasma 60 times, are entitled to a monthly allowance, as well as some other benefits.

When donating blood, the hematopoietic system (red bone marrow cells) is activated, improves immune defense. "Unloaded" those organs that are involved in the process of removal from the body of the dead erythrocytes, namely the spleen and liver.

The latest data from American and Finnish scientists indicate that with periodic blood donation general risk development of coronary disease, thrombosis and atherosclerosis decreases tenfold.

Male donors are much less prone to heart attacks, they suffer fewer heart attacks, and their cholesterol levels in their blood are kept low.

An interesting fact: if a woman donates plasma before planning a pregnancy, then a girl will be born, and if a man donates plasma, then a boy.

Donors who constantly donate blood are the healthiest people on the planet, according to WHO, they live 5 years more than the average person.

Do not be afraid to donate blood, because the blood of a donor in without fail checked for infections before delivery. If any infections are found in the blood, the donor is offered to take a course free examinations and treatment if necessary. We also want to assure readers with the editors of the site that

harm from blood donation

The donor cannot be inflicted during the sampling process itself, because all systems for this have long been disposable.

After treatment, the donor has no right to donate blood for another 6 months. But even after quarantine, blood tests will need to be taken again, as new infections may be detected.

And remember that your blood can save someone's life. Maybe your friend, friend, and maybe you. After all, no one is safe from misfortune.

A question for doctors: how harmful is it to donate blood as a donor? And is it harmful at all if I have a strong body?


A healthy person is not harmful.
I donate blood regularly, I don’t find any cons for my health.

"For a healthy person, the plasma donation procedure is absolutely safe, harmless and, moreover, useful. According to WHO, blood donors who constantly donate blood / plasma live an average of 5 years longer than the average person" ( /).

By the way, you can ask questions directly to doctors - for example, in the "Specialists answer you" section of the website.

Eva Shlykova

I am not a doctor, but I know that this is useful due to the fact that the blood is renewed, it becomes "cleaner", and due to this, everyone works better. internal organs. But at the same time, you need to eat very well so that hemoglobin and other things return to normal. Even in ancient times, when there were no proper medicines, almost all diseases were treated with bloodletting.

Ludmila Falko

she worked in a hospital, somehow an aunt came, dumb, she used to be a donor for many years, she says: “do at least bloodletting ...” - it’s scary ... like a drug addict, she probably feels bad “without this business!”


Donated blood for a long time.
since 2000 Honorary Donor.
Has handed over in total 24 l.
Donated for free, to convince the need for donation.
None negative influences was not on the body.

Harmful or useful to donate blood?


About bruises. They usually do not happen if you do not remove the bandage ahead of time (I wear a tight bandage for at least 3 hours). But if a bruise has already appeared, hepatrombin or troxevasin will quickly help.
About donation. According to American researchers, donors are ten times less likely to suffer heart attacks. Regular blood donation keeps cholesterol levels low.
Blood donation is useful for the prevention of all "accumulation diseases" - atherosclerosis, gout, digestive disorders, pancreas, liver, basal metabolism. Yes, and for the prevention of diseases of the immune system, blood donations are useful: after all, this is also associated with the renewal of the body. In scientifically based doses, bloodletting has a stimulating effect.
Donation is useful for preventing blood loss: in case of an accident, an injured donor has a much better chance of surviving.
Probably, you don’t need to talk much about the benefits of clinical examination - you must admit, usually people don’t pay preventive visits to doctors every 2 months. The donor undergoes an in-depth examination at each visit (moreover, quickly and free of charge).
I also consider an increase in self-esteem and an emotional lift from a perfect good deed as a plus for health :-)).
You can read about donation on my blog. Welcome!
You can ask questions about health on the website of the Blood Service of Russia

User deleted

I needed to donate blood for my daughter. So they didn’t take it from me, they said that I needed to inject blood myself. I think that this is not useful for everyone, but it is noble ... And a bruise from the unprofessionalism of the medical staff or your friend immediately threw out the cotton wool and did not keep his arm bent after blood sampling.

Is donating blood harmful to the body?

Ben Zvi-Ari

"Not all yogurts are equally healthy!" (C)
My half (another medical luminary the highest category) I really do not advise to donate blood.
Also, by the way, she does not favor flu shots.

Julia E.

Donating blood is even useful, at least according to doctors. Even in the Middle Ages, many diseases were treated with the help of bloodletting. In some conditions, it is used in our time. Bloodletting is useful for hypertension and for menopausal women. It is also useful for men, as it adapts the body to possible blood loss, with injuries or stomach ulcers.

Regular blood donation triggers self-renewal processes in the body. According to numerous studies, blood donation serves as a preventive measure for cardiovascular disease. In men who donate blood constantly, the risk of getting a heart attack is reduced several times.

Here also think: whether it is harmful to hand over a blood or it is useful. We think not. In addition, you get moral satisfaction from donating blood, because you help people, which guarantees good mood for a long time.

Yuri Viktorovich Vedeneev

Donating blood is not harmful. Human body evolutionarily adapted to bloodletting: this is a universal reaction mechanism for injuries, and in women, in general, it is part of the functioning of the body.

Exiled to planet Earth

Itself in due time handed over.... and nobody considered that it is useful... .
Blood is renewed in the human body every 4 years, and blood donation, i.e. blood loss, provokes it to start the process of developing new red blood cells, thereby knocking down normal work... .
Only one-time blood donations at long intervals of time can not be harmful, since, too, nature, in the process of evolution, took care of this on examples of injuries with large blood loss ....

Alas! Frequent and regular blood donation leads to the fact that the body adapts to the constant replenishment of blood.
In case of not donating blood after a certain period of time, a person is overcome headache, pressure.
Roughly speaking, such an unpleasant malaise begins. People who were once donors themselves repented that they were too fond of blood donation.


For healthy body- not harmful.

According to foreign researchers, donors are ten times less likely to suffer from heart attacks. Regular blood donation keeps cholesterol levels low.

Blood donation is useful for the prevention of all "accumulation diseases" - atherosclerosis, gout, digestive disorders, pancreas, liver, basal metabolism. Yes, and for the prevention of diseases of the immune system, blood donations are useful: after all, this is also associated with the renewal of the body. In scientifically based doses, bloodletting has a stimulating effect.

Donation is useful for preventing blood loss: in case of an accident, an injured donor has a much better chance of surviving.

You probably don't need to talk much about the benefits of clinical examination - you must admit that usually people do not pay preventive visits to doctors every 2-3 months. The donor undergoes an examination at each visit (moreover, quickly and free of charge).

I also consider an increase in self-esteem and an emotional lift from a perfect good deed as a plus for health.

Is it harmful to give blood to women and how does it manifest itself?

Elena N

On the contrary, there are even medical indications for donating blood. Useful bloodletting for people with increased blood pressure, women during menopause. In favor of donating blood is the fact that, from the Middle Ages to our century, many diseases were treated precisely by bloodletting. Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) is now widely promoted, which, in fact, is the same bloodletting that benefits the body.
Regular blood donations are also useful because they train compensatory mechanism human body.
According to the WHO, blood donors who regularly donate blood live an average of 5 years longer than the average person.
As an example, I can cite one case when donation saved a man's life. Because of the sudden opening stomach bleeding old man, honorary donor lost a lot of blood. The man had practically no chance of surviving, experienced doctors assured, if not for many years of donation. Accustomed to regular blood loss, the body quickly mobilized its forces. The same compensatory mechanism was activated. The patient soon got better.



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