Profession anesthesiologist. Who chooses anesthesia? Interview with the management of the medical institution

(An (Greek)- without; aithesis- feeling. R e (lat.)- return; anima- life.) - a doctor responsible for ensuring that surgery was painless and safe for the patient. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Also in preoperative period the anesthesiologist selects the composition and dosage of painkillers based on the patient's health status, taking into account all examinations, tests and chronic diseases the last one. All this is done in order to avoid any complications from anesthesia, or to mitigate them. Then, working in parallel with the surgeon and his assistants, he conducts anesthesia and monitors the patient throughout the operation, after which he resuscitates him, then takes him out of anesthesia.

Anesthesia can be general, which is anesthesia, and local, which is local anesthesia, including spinal anesthesia, which is injected into the spinal cord.

Local anesthesia can be performed not only by an anesthetist, but also by another doctor, for example, a dentist, an ophthalmologist, and other doctors who use local anesthesia. General anesthesia, as well as this type local anesthesia as a spinal one, it is performed exclusively by an anesthesiologist-resuscitator.

General anesthesia is not just about rendering the patient unconscious. In addition, during anesthesia, the operated person must experience complete inhibition of all types of sensitivity. To do this, the anesthesiologist selects whole complex chemical and pharmacological agents, taking into account their dosage, depending on the examination of the patient in the preoperative period. The dosage must be both safe and strong enough so that its action is enough for the duration of the entire operation with a small margin. At the same time, it should not cause any harm to the operated. And after the end of its action, consciousness should safely return to the patient. And the anesthesiologist himself should always be aware of the emergence of new drugs and drugs that provide the introduction and removal of a person from anesthesia.

To relieve anxiety before the procedure planned operation in a patient, he is prescribed special sedatives, taken immediately before the operation itself, after which he is taken on a gurney to the operating room. After placing the patient on operating table, he is given intravenous catheter through which drugs are administered for anesthesia. After the person gradually loses consciousness, the anesthesiologist performs intubation: he inserts a tube into the trachea to maintain breathing, or puts on a laryngeal mask for the same purpose. Throughout the operation, the anesthesiologist monitors the work of the heart, brain and breathing of the operated person in order to reduce all possible complications. After the end of the operation, the anesthesiologist removes the breathing tube and stops the flow of anesthetic drugs, as a result of which consciousness gradually returns to the patient.

No less responsible spinal anesthesia which can only be carried out by highly qualified doctors with extensive experience.

As for local anesthesia, although it is much safer than general anesthesia, mental condition the patient still needs to be monitored, so special sedative drugs are also very actively used here.

A separate type of this profession is the profession of a pediatric anesthesiologist, which takes into account the peculiarities child's body as well as the child's psyche. It is important not only to control possible complications but also to avoid mental trauma because children are many times more sensitive and impressionable than adults.

The profession of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator is difficult because it requires increased stress resistance. In addition, the anesthesiologist has to breathe fumes from all the anesthetic drugs used, and often work at night. In this regard, in order to work as an anesthesiologist, you must love your profession very much, otherwise it will be very difficult to endure the above difficulties.

Before anesthesia was invented, the most long time The operation could only take five minutes. That's why renowned surgeon Pirogov could amputate a leg in just three minutes, and surgeon Larrey could perform two hundred such operations in one night. Anesthesia has brought great changes to the surgical practice. In 1846, the dentist T. Morton used anesthesia for the first time.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitator training

AT Medical University innovations and development (MUIR), you can take remote advanced training courses (certification cycle) or professional retraining in the direction in a remote format. Training can be completed by doctors with specialized specializations. Upon completion of the course, MUIR issues documents: a certificate or diploma, and a certificate.

Organizes training on the job and place of residence on licensed educational programs:

  1. Advanced training in the course "Anesthesiology-resuscitation" (144 academic hours).
  2. Professional retraining (542 academic hours) for specialists with higher medical education in the areas of "Neonatology" or "Nephrology".

Diploma state sample allows you to lead professional activity in a new specialty.


The workplace of such a specialist may be a hospital or clinic that has surgery department and an intensive care unit. The anesthesiologist may become the head of these departments. He can also make a career in the academic field, that is, develop in the scientific field.


Salary as of 21.02.2019

Russia 25000—70000 ₽

Moscow 74000—140000 ₽

Important qualities

This profession requires maximum responsibility, as well as such qualities as kindness and sympathy, the ability to think in stressful situations, self-control, increased attentiveness, the desire to continuously learn new things and develop in their field, the ability to work in a team and readiness for routine work.

Knowledge and skills

An anesthesiologist-resuscitator must have fundamental knowledge of the field of medicine, be well acquainted with the anatomy and physiology of both the whole organism and its cells and organs. This is necessary for the immediate diagnosis of any deviation in the functioning of organs and for timely therapy.

Nikita Pozdeev, anesthesiologist-resuscitator

The ancient Romans used to say: "divinum opus sedare dolorem", which means "God's work is to soothe pain." Inhabitants the greatest state antiquity knew a lot about medicine, and even then highly appreciated those who are today called anesthesiologists-resuscitators. It is on the lot of these doctors that a noble mission falls - not only to save lives, but also to save people from suffering.

The report contains content not for the faint of heart.

Let's be honest: we know very little about anesthesiologists-resuscitators. Even the very name of the specialty is seen by many in this version for the first time. More often we are sure that there is a certain anesthesiologist who is needed in order to “do anesthesia”.

Meanwhile, despite the common misconception, the functions of anesthesiologists-resuscitators are much wider. Imagine there are many medical specialties: hepatologists, endocrinologists, neuropathologists, infectious disease specialists, therapists and so on. Everyone treats certain diseases of the patient in his own way, within the framework of his specialization, knowledge and powers. If the treatment is carried out according to the standard scheme, the patient recovers. It would seem, what do anesthesiologists-resuscitators have to do with it?

Whatever they think about doctors, they don't get used to it. Especially if it seems to you that you could save a person, but for some reason you didn’t have time, it didn’t work out ...

Yes, despite the fact that often, despite competent work specialist, the disease becomes uncontrollable, and the patient, regardless of the diagnosis, may fall into a critical condition. And no matter what he was ill with, the only one who will save him is the resuscitator. And only when he stabilizes the patient, brings him out of a critical state and restores the mechanisms of autoregulation, the attending physician will again take up the patient.

So it turns out that, despite the usual opinion of the layman, general anesthesia- only a small part of the work of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Of course, in surgery, anesthesiologists are indispensable, because any operation involves exposure to aggressive surgical methods in which the patient is in critical condition and just won't survive without anesthesia protection.

That is why, contrary to the prevailing stereotype, permission for any surgical intervention is given not by the surgeon, but by the anesthesiologist. It is he who decides whether it is possible to carry out surgical manipulations on the patient in current state, it is with its actions that any operation begins and ends with its actions. And he also leads the patient to complete stabilization of the condition in the postoperative period.

Our hero, Nikita Pozdeev, an anesthesiologist-resuscitator at the Republican State Enterprise at the REM of the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology, like any other of his colleagues, had to go a long way towards his goal. It is no secret that doctors study all their lives, otherwise it will not work to be a real professional.

- My training began with admission back in 2004 to the National Educational Institution "Kazakhstan-Russian Medical University", - says Nikita. - The first stage ended only in 2010.

"Kuvez" - a heated bed, with the option of X-ray control for intensive care children (no more than 60 cm tall)

The next step in education was residency in anesthesiology and resuscitation, including pediatrics. Her Nikita was held at the JSC "NNTSH named after A.N. Syzganov" from 2011 to 2014. At this time, he was already fully working in his specialty.

Operation to eliminate the "giant intestine" - "megacolon"

Of course, Nikita works not only in operating rooms.

— Any anesthesiologist-resuscitator in without fail not only conducts anesthesia, but also participates in treatment, intensive care. Thus, doctors get necessary experience and qualifications.

Nikita, as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, not only has the full knowledge and understanding of the nature of any surgical intervention, but also must equally understand all body systems - blood circulation, respiration, the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, etc. In addition, anesthesiologists must be well versed in pharmacology.

Today's work schedule of a young doctor will make many shudder. His day starts at 8:00. Then Nikita works until 16:00 - eight hours without lunch. In addition, he has an average of 4 to 7 daily shifts per month, after which he also has to work all day. That is, at least once a week, our hero works more than a day without a break.

Like any normal professional, Nikita plans his schedule depending on the operations, but the peculiarity of his profession is that plans often do not come true.

- It is difficult to talk about any plans in case emergency operations and processing,” he notes. - Here the plan is simple: do everything so that the patient survives.

All necessary records are made right during the operation: every five minutes, information about the patient's condition is entered into a special card, based on which treatment will then be carried out.

Nikita has up to four operations per day. In general, in the REM of the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology, there are up to twenty such operations daily. The resuscitators spend daily duty in the wards, where patients come to their senses.

Daily duty can fall on any day of the week and year, whether New Year, Constitution Day or Ait. Unfortunately, diseases and accidents, after which only an anesthesiologist-resuscitator can save a patient's life, have no respect for weekends or red dates of the calendar - misfortune can strike on any day and at any time of the day. And the anesthesiologist must be where he is most needed - at his workplace.

Despite the need for the profession and the enormous responsibility of doctors, Nikita, like his fellow anesthesiologists, alas, cannot boast of high earnings. The rate of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator is 44,700 tenge, to which is added an additional payment for the category, duty, harmfulness, psycho-emotional load and special conditions labor. You will not become rich in this position.

However, our hero refers to the situation with the dignity and calmness of the Roman Stoics. The future prospects are described as follows:

- I plan to enter the doctoral program and become a department. Further life will show, I count on administrative work - the head physician or the director. And since we have very few anesthesiologists, and they are in demand almost everywhere, I, of course, will not be a millionaire, but I will always earn a living.

The principle of work of anesthesiologists is teamwork.

- We all, one might say, hit at one point, work as a whole team on overall result, says Nikita.

Nikita shared his favorite aphorisms of his colleagues.

  • To be an anesthesiologist, one must not only know anesthesiology, one must also have character.

  • In many ways, anesthesia is not a science, but an art, and, like any art, it is understandable and interesting only to those who have known its subtleties.

  • High rank, kinship and medical education are the three most severe comorbidities.

  • Do not attribute the success of the operation only to yourself - do not be like a surgeon in this!

  • A good surgeon needs good anesthesiologist, bad - even more so!

The young doctor admits that even at home he has a whole arsenal: from clamps and spinal needles to endotracheal tubes, catheters and more. The specialty becomes a way of life, and the anesthesiologist thinks about work 24 hours a day, regardless of location.

Anesthesiologists-resuscitators are guardian angels on last frontier. That is why the most difficult, hardest morally endurable thing in their profession is the death of a patient.

“No matter what they think about doctors, they don’t get used to it,” says Nikita. “Especially if it seems to you that you could save a person, but for some reason you didn’t have time, it didn’t work out ...

Of course, among the girls there are excellent anesthesiologists. But I would not wish such a fate on my daughter.

Of course, anesthesiologists also have ongoing difficulties that are not directly related to the return of patients to life. According to Nikita, one often has to argue with the "dinosaurs" from the administration, who are stuck in the past and do not recognize evidence-based medicine, on some banal technical or organizational issues.

That is why Nikita considers the ability to perceive new knowledge one of the main features good doctor.

– In our business, constant self-development, intelligence, good reaction, analytical mindset and the ability to pacify pride. And we were taught this way, and I always tell everyone: if you don’t know or you don’t know how, ask or ask for help!

But, according to the doctor, melancholy temperament and elementary stupidity interfere with the work of an anesthesiologist.

- In our business, the absence of brains is simply unacceptable! Nikita is sure. – Intellectual myopia, inability to adapt and apply new things, lack of spatial thinking and elementary knowledge of physics, chemistry and all medical disciplines are in principle incompatible with the profession of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. I would also add belonging to female gender and it's not sexism in any way. It's just that the work is very difficult, often there is no time left for a family, relationships, for anything other than directly what the specialty requires. Of course, among the girls there are excellent anesthesiologists. But I would not wish such a fate on my daughter.

Anesthesiologists-resuscitators have to sacrifice not only their time, weekends and holidays for the sake of work, but also their health and normal mental state. But they are sure that saving human lives is worth it.

Our photojournalist honestly helped doctors, nurses and orderlies in the department during the day, and made sure own experience that even the work of an orderly in intensive care is a very difficult job, for which special knowledge, skills.

The anesthesiologists themselves are really obliged to understand literally everything, and quickly, efficiently, and most importantly - without the right to make a mistake.

From time immemorial, people have sought to reduce pain arising from the "invasion", for example, during a surgical intervention, into the human body. Currently, this function is entrusted to such a specialist as an anesthesiologist.

Who is it?

An anesthesiologist is a qualified specialist who deals with pain relief for all kinds of surgical interventions, pain, shock and post-traumatic conditions.

It is this doctor who is responsible for the well-being of the patient during anesthesia, is responsible for choosing the most safe and comfortable anesthesia.

The anesthesiologist not only immerses in anesthesia, but also ensures the maintenance of the patient's body throughout the entire period of the surgical operation. It is this doctor who brings the patient to his senses after the operation and controls his condition in the postoperative period.

A bit of history

Surprisingly, the first anesthesiologists appeared in the Middle Ages. True, their methods of anesthesia were, to put it mildly, peculiar. So, in those days, the method of hitting the patient on the head with a heavy object was widely used. After the blow, the patient, of course, lost consciousness. The loss of consciousness was the anesthesia. In this state, the patient did not feel for some time what was happening to him: this period was used for the operation.

Over the next centuries, scientists around the world conducted active work in search and development of reliable methods of anesthesia. And so, in 1864, the famous dentist Thomas Morton was the first to use inhaled ether as a method of pain relief. By the way, at that time, the duration of this "anesthesia" was a record and was just over an hour.

AT modern medicine anesthesiology has reached such high level that the anesthetist can easily calculate the time of action and localization of anesthesia for each individual patient.

Strict requirements

Becoming an anesthesiologist is not easy. Indeed, in addition to the mandatory presence of specialized medical education, the specified specialist must perfectly know both human anatomy and body physiology.

The anesthesiologist-resuscitator must also have deep knowledge in the field of the structure of cells and organs (in order to instantly diagnose the occurrence of any deviation in the patient).

Personal factors also play an important role. Such a specialist must be able to work in stressful situations, take right decisions in non-standard situations. In addition, Russian anesthesiologists are distinguished by such important quality like empathy and compassion for the patient.

Naturally, the work of an anesthesiologist involves constant increase qualifications and obtaining new knowledge related to the introduction of new technologies and the release of modern medicines.

Functions and responsibilities

An anesthesiologist is a doctor who is responsible for ensuring the safety of the patient during the operation. In this regard, the specified specialist, even before the introduction of anesthesia, should carefully familiarize himself with the patient's medical history, as well as conduct a personal conversation and examination with him (if necessary). The doctor must find out if the patient has any chronic diseases (for example, heart or lung disease), allergies to certain drugs.

Only after a comprehensive study of the patient's personality and his disease, the main work of the anesthesiologist begins.

Besides, experienced specialist be sure to offer the patient to undergo sensitivity tests that will help minimize the occurrence of any complications during the operation and after the end of anesthesia.

Who chooses anesthesia?

Everyone knows that in practice several types of general and spinal (it is also called epidural) are used. In addition, anesthesia differs in the way it is introduced into the human body, in the number of drugs used, and also in the use at various stages of the operation. It is the anesthesiologist-resuscitator who chooses the most appropriate type of anesthesia for a particular patient.

By the way, most often during the operation, it is used which involves a complete loss of consciousness. The anesthesiologist then injects intravenously and within 10 seconds the patient loses consciousness. The injection dose is also calculated by the indicated doctor, based on the complexity of the injury and the duration of the operation.

Typically used in dentistry. Using this method a specific area of ​​the patient's body is subjected to freezing. In this case, the patient is conscious.

Known to many of the fair sex, as it is widely used in childbirth, spinal and gynecological operations. The anesthesiologist injects into a certain area of ​​the spine and after a few minutes the patient stops feeling pain.

When using any type of anesthesia, the anesthesiologist-resuscitator monitors and controls the patient's physical condition throughout the operation.

"Grey Cardinal"

Despite the fact that the operation itself is performed by the surgeon, the anesthesiologist performs a seemingly invisible, but very significant work. An anesthesiologist is that person, from literate and right action which depend on the life and health of the patient.

So, if during the operation the patient's condition deteriorates sharply, it is the anesthesiologist who takes measures to stabilize the patient's condition. The specified specialist can apply additional anesthesia stop bleeding, etc.

In addition, it is the anesthesiologist who gradually brings the patient out of anesthesia and continues to monitor him. physical condition after the end of the operation.

Anesthesiologist or resuscitator?

As already mentioned, an anesthesiologist is a doctor who specializes in pain relief for a patient during an operation. Who is a resuscitator?

If you delve into history, you can find out that the term "anaesthesiologist" with Greek Literally translated as "no feelings". The resuscitator (translated from the same Greek language) is the “return of life”. Indeed, this specialist not only introduces the patient into a state of anesthesia, but also brings the patient to his senses.

Thus, it would be more correct to say that a specialist who deals with pain relief during all kinds of surgical interventions and bringing to life after surgery is not just an anesthesiologist, but an anesthesiologist-resuscitator.

The successful result of the operation mainly depends on the well-coordinated and qualified work of doctors. However, the patient himself must follow certain recommendations.

So, experienced anesthesiologists advise before any operation to adhere to the following rules:

At least a week before the date of the proposed operation, exclude the use of alcoholic beverages and try to stop smoking;

Eliminate animal fats from the diet and consume poultry meat, fish and dairy products as much as possible;

If the patient suffers ischemic disease hearts or diabetes do not stop taking medications prescribed by your doctor;

Do not hide from the doctor information about the presence of any allergic reactions and other features of the body.

Compliance with these rules will help reduce the risk of emergency situations both during the administration of anesthesia and the operation, and in the postoperative period.


Much needed in any medical institution anesthesiologist. Patients' feedback on the work of these specialists shows that the trust in the doctors of this specialization is colossal. And this is not accidental, because sometimes the life and health of the patient depends on the quality work of the anesthesiologist-resuscitator.

The introduction of anesthesia, monitoring the patient's condition, gradual bringing to senses, exercise postoperative rehabilitation- all these duties are performed by the anesthesiologist. The operation is considered successful only when the entire team of specialists (surgeons, anesthesiologists, resuscitators, etc.) medical staff) works smoothly, clearly and competently.

You can download the job description of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator is free.
Responsibilities of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator.

I approve

________________________________ (Surname, initials)

(name of the institution, its ________________________

organizational and legal form) (director; other person

authorized to approve

job description)




(name of institution)

00.00.201_ #00

I. General provisions

1.1. Real job description determines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the anesthesiologist-resuscitator _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "enterprise").

1.2. A person who has a higher medical education and has been trained in the specialty "Anesthesiology and Resuscitation" is appointed to the position of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator.

1.3. Appointment to the position of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator and dismissal from it is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the healthcare institution.

1.4. The anesthesiologist-resuscitator reports directly to ____________________ (head of the department, deputy chief physician)

1.5. The anesthesiologist-resuscitator must know:

Laws Russian Federation and other regulations regulating the activities of health care institutions;

Current regulatory and methodological documents regulating the activities of medical institutions;

Methods and rules for the provision of medicinal and emergency medical care;

The content of anesthesiology and resuscitation as a separate clinical discipline;

Organization, structure, tasks, staffing and equipment of the anesthesiology and resuscitation service;

The procedure for conducting an examination for temporary disability, as well as a medical and social examination;

All legal about regulations in your specialty;

Methods for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the patient;

Planning of activities and all reporting of the anesthesiology and resuscitation service;

The methodology and procedure for monitoring your service;

Rules and norms of labor protection, industrial sanitation, safety and fire protection;

Basics labor law Russian Federation

Internal labor regulations;

1.6. During the absence of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties in in due course performed by an appointed person bearing full responsibility for their proper performance.

I I. Responsibilities


2.1. Provides pain relief and the provision of anesthetic and resuscitation care to patients in need.

2.2. Transfers to the duty anesthetist-resuscitator the lists of patients who require careful monitoring and medical measures.

2.3. Prescribes the type of anesthesia taking into account the patient's condition.

2.4. Applies modern facilities diagnostics and proven methods for the treatment of diseases.

2.5. At various complications coordinates the issue of choosing a method of treatment with the head of the relevant department.

2.6. According to the approved schedule, he is on duty at medical facilities as an anesthesiologist-resuscitator

2.7. Modifies treatment plan as needed

2.8. Advises doctors of departments of healthcare facilities in their specialty

2.9. Manages junior medical staff

2.10. Monitors the correctness of the diagnostic and medical procedures, as well as for the operation of equipment and apparatus, tools, medicines, reagents

2.11. Supervises compliance with the rules of safety and labor protection by lower-level medical personnel.

2.13. Timely and competently executes orders, instructions and instructions of the management of the institution

2.14. Complies with internal regulations.

2.15. Complies with the requirements of labor protection, industrial sanitation and safety.

I I I . Rights

The anesthesiologist-resuscitator has the right to:

3.1. Make suggestions to the management of the enterprise on optimization and improvement medical and social assistance, including in relation to their work activities.

3.2. Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of its official duties and right.

3.3. Receive information from the company's specialists necessary for the effective performance of their duties.

3.4. Pass certification in accordance with the established procedure with the right to obtain the appropriate qualification category.

3.5. Take part in meetings scientific and practical conferences and sections on issues related to their professional activities.

3.6. enjoy labor rights in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation

I I I . A responsibility

The anesthesiologist-resuscitator is responsible for:

4.1. For the proper and timely performance of the duties assigned to him, provided for in this job description

4.2. For the organization of their work and the qualified execution of orders, orders and instructions from the management of the enterprise.

4.3. To ensure that subordinate employees comply with their duties.

4.4. For non-compliance with internal regulations and safety regulations.

For offenses or omissions committed in the course of therapeutic measures; for errors in the process of carrying out their activities, which entailed serious consequences for the health and life of the patient; as well as for violation labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, an anesthesiologist-resuscitator can be brought in accordance with applicable law, depending on the severity of the misconduct, to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability.

(An (Greek)- without; aithesis- feeling. R e (lat.)- return; anima- life.) - a doctor responsible for ensuring that the surgical operation is painless and safe for the patient. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Even in the preoperative period, the anesthesiologist selects the composition and dosage of painkillers based on the patient's health, taking into account all examinations, tests and chronic diseases of the latter. All this is done in order to avoid any complications from anesthesia, or to mitigate them. Then, working in parallel with the surgeon and his assistants, he conducts anesthesia and monitors the patient throughout the operation, after which he resuscitates him, then takes him out of anesthesia.

Anesthesia can be general, this is anesthesia, and local, this is local anesthesia, including spinal anesthesia, which is injected into the spinal cord.

Local anesthesia can be performed not only by an anesthetist, but also by another doctor, for example, a dentist, an ophthalmologist, and other doctors who use local anesthesia. General anesthesia, as well as such a type of local anesthesia as spinal, is performed exclusively by an anesthesiologist-resuscitator.

General anesthesia is not just about rendering the patient unconscious. In addition, during anesthesia, the operated person must experience complete inhibition of all types of sensitivity. To do this, the anesthesiologist selects a whole range of chemical and pharmacological agents, taking into account their dosage, depending on the examination of the patient in the preoperative period. The dosage must be both safe and strong enough so that its action is enough for the duration of the entire operation with a small margin. At the same time, it should not cause any harm to the operated. And after the end of its action, consciousness should safely return to the patient. And the anesthesiologist himself should always be aware of the emergence of new drugs and drugs that provide the introduction and removal of a person from anesthesia.

To relieve anxiety before a planned operation in a patient, he is prescribed special sedatives taken immediately before the operation itself, after which he is taken on a gurney to the operating room. After placing the patient on the operating table, he is injected with an intravenous catheter, through which drugs are supplied for induction into anesthesia. After the person gradually loses consciousness, the anesthesiologist performs intubation: he inserts a tube into the trachea to maintain breathing, or puts on a laryngeal mask for the same purpose. Throughout the operation, the anesthesiologist monitors the work of the heart, brain and breathing of the operated person in order to reduce all possible complications. After the end of the operation, the anesthesiologist removes the breathing tube and stops the flow of anesthetic drugs, as a result of which consciousness gradually returns to the patient.

No less responsible is spinal anesthesia, which can only be performed by highly qualified doctors with extensive experience.

As for local anesthesia, despite the fact that it is much safer than general anesthesia, the patient's mental state still needs to be monitored, so special sedative drugs are also very actively used here.

A separate type of this profession is the profession of a pediatric anesthesiologist, which takes into account the characteristics of the child's body, as well as the child's psyche. Here it is important not only to control possible complications, but also to avoid mental trauma, since children are many times more sensitive and impressionable than adults.

The profession of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator is difficult because it requires increased stress resistance. In addition, the anesthesiologist has to breathe fumes from all the anesthetic drugs used, and often work at night. In this regard, in order to work as an anesthesiologist, you must love your profession very much, otherwise it will be very difficult to endure the above difficulties.

Before anesthesia was invented, the longest operation time could be as little as five minutes. Therefore, the famous surgeon Pirogov could amputate a leg in just three minutes, and the surgeon Larrey could perform two hundred such operations in one night. Anesthesia has brought great changes to the surgical practice. In 1846, the dentist T. Morton used anesthesia for the first time.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitator training

At the Medical University of Innovation and Development (MUIR), you can take remote advanced training courses (certification cycle) or professional retraining in the direction in a remote format. Training can be completed by doctors with specialized specializations. Upon completion of the course, MUIR issues documents: a certificate or diploma, and a certificate.

Organizes training on the job and place of residence on licensed educational programs:

  1. Advanced training in the course "Anesthesiology-resuscitation" (144 academic hours).
  2. Professional retraining (542 academic hours) for specialists with higher medical education in the areas of "Neonatology" or "Nephrology".

A state-recognised diploma allows you to conduct professional activities in a new specialty.


The workplace of such a specialist may be a hospital or clinic that has a surgical department and an intensive care unit. The anesthesiologist may become the head of these departments. He can also make a career in the academic field, that is, develop in the scientific field.


Salary as of 21.02.2019

Russia 25000—70000 ₽

Moscow 74000—140000 ₽

Important qualities

This profession requires maximum responsibility, as well as such qualities as kindness and empathy, the ability to think in stressful situations, self-control, increased attentiveness, the desire to continuously learn new things and develop in one’s field, the ability to work in a team and readiness for routine work.

Knowledge and skills

An anesthesiologist-resuscitator must have fundamental knowledge of the field of medicine, be well acquainted with the anatomy and physiology of both the whole organism and its cells and organs. This is necessary for the immediate diagnosis of any deviation in the functioning of organs and for timely therapy.



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