Electroencephalography method. Electroencephalography: what is it, indications, description of the procedure, interpretation of the results

Memory as a process of preserving and using experience is not given to a person ready-made from birth. Memory is formed and developed in the process of socialization of the individual.

WITH early childhood memory development process baby is coming in several directions. Firstly, mechanical memory is gradually supplemented and replaced by logical memory. Secondly, direct memorization eventually turns into indirect, associated with the active and conscious use of various mnemonic techniques and tools for memorization and reproduction. Thirdly, involuntary memorization, which dominates in childhood, in an adult turns into an arbitrary one.

In general, two genetic lines can be distinguished in the development of memory: phylogenetic and ontogenetic. Phylogenetic lineage is the process of improving the memory of all people in the course of their socio-historical development. ontogenetic line- this is the process of developing memory in a single individual taken in the course of his socialization, familiarization with the material and cultural achievements of mankind.

A significant contribution to understanding the phylogenetic development of memory was made by P.P. Blonsky. He expressed and developed the idea that different kinds the memories presented in an adult are also different stages of its historical development and, accordingly, they can be considered

phylogenetic stages of memory improvement. These steps go in the following sequence: motor memory, affective (emotional), figurative and logical. In the history of human development, these types of memory have consistently appeared one after another.

In ontogenesis, all types of memory are formed in a child quite early and also in a certain sequence. Later than others, it develops and starts to work logical memory . It is already present in a child of 3-4 years of age in relatively elementary forms, but reaches normal level development during adolescence and adolescence. Its improvement and further improvement are connected with teaching a person the basics of science.

The beginning of figurative memory is associated with the second year of life, and it is believed that this type of memory reaches its highest point only for adolescence. Earlier than others, about 6 months old, begins to manifest itself affective memory, and the very first in time is

motor or movement memory. In genetic terms, it precedes all others. P.P. thought so. Blonsky.

However, many data, in particular facts that testify to a very early ontogenetic emotional response of the infant to the mother's appeal, indicate that, apparently, affective, rather than motor memory, begins to function earlier than others. It may well be that they appear and develop almost simultaneously. In any case, the final answer to this question has not yet been received.

Viewed from a slightly different angle historical development memory of a person L.S. Vygotsky. He believed that the improvement of human memory in phylogeny proceeded mainly along the line of improving the means of memorization and changing the connections of the mnemonic function with others. mental processes and human conditions. At the same time, thanks to various forms speech - oral, written, external, internal - a person turned out to be able to subordinate memory to his will, reasonably control the course of memorization, manage the process of preserving and reproducing information.

A special study of the development of memory in childhood conducted by A.N. Leontiev. He experimentally showed how one mnemonic process - direct memorization - is gradually replaced with age by another, mediated one. This is due to the child's assimilation of more advanced means of memorizing and reproducing material. In formation internal funds memorization the central role belongs to speech. If in preschool children memorization is mainly direct, then in an adult it is mainly mediated.

Speech plays a significant role in the development of memory, so the process of improving human memory goes hand in hand with the development of speech.

It has been established that up to 20-25 years old memory improves. Approximately 30-40 years highest development reach socially conditioned types of memory (arbitrary, mediated, logical).

In subsequent years, a person's memory "ages" and deteriorates. First, the memory for current events weakens, then for knowledge, feelings and habits.

15. Memory Process Disorders.

Memory disorders occur not only due to age factor, but also due to emotional and physical overload, alcohol and drug poisoning, traumatic brain injuries, diseases nervous system, bruises with loss of consciousness, etc. According to the law of action of mass, a person's memory is destroyed in proportion to the weight of the damaged brain tissue (removal of 20% of this tissue does not necessarily lead to complete memory loss).

physical injury(cranial injury, severe bruises with loss of consciousness) cause memory-damaging changes at the junctions nerve cells(synapses). The information that circulates through the structures of the brain and did not have time to gain a foothold disappears. This is manifested in the fact that a person does not remember what happened to him immediately before the injury. For example, a driver cannot remember the situation preceding the accident, a knocked-out boxer cannot remember the situation that developed before the fatal blow for him.

Alcoholic and drug poisoning destroy neuronal tissue in the hippocampus. The consequences are as follows: a person of such a feast hardly remembers what happened to him, loses the ability to think abstractly and remember current events.

Usually there are two classes pathological disorders: dysmnesia and paramnesia.

Dysmnesia is characterized by partial or complete loss of memory, in which a person cannot restore information in the required amount. There are many varieties of dysmnesia. These include:

- hypomnesia, when a person remembers only the most vivid, significant events for him. It manifests itself to a mild degree when we forget names, dates, numbers, etc.

- amnesiawhen there is a complete or partial loss of memory for events related to a certain period of time. It may manifest itself in different types, namely:

- How retrograde amnesia when a person does not remember the events preceding the illness with loss of consciousness;

- How anterograde amnesia when there is no memory for events following the illness with loss of consciousness;

- How fixation amnesia when the ability to remember everything that happens in this moment;

- How progressive amnesia, when there is a gradual loss of memory for events, from the latest to the latest.

Amnesia is caused by a malfunction of the hippocampus, which is responsible for transferring information to long-term memory.

Hypermnesia is a phenomenon of a weakening of a person’s memory for current events and at the same time an aggravation of old events that are of little relevance to him at the moment.

Paramnesia is characterized by erroneous memories. It manifests itself:

attributing real events to a completely different period of time (this phenomenon is calledpseudo-reminiscence);

in the "frankly" appropriation of other people's thoughts and actions with their most detailed details, to which in fact the person had nothing to do (this phenomenon is called confabulation).

In addition, a person's memory can also be in states opposite to those listed above. These include:

intrusive memories a certain thematic focus;

memory hyperfunction when an unexpected reproduction of an image occurs, in subtle details, usually caused by overexcitation, hypnosis, drugs etc.

According to the law of memory recovery, less complex and old impressions are restored first, followed by more "fresh" and complex ones.

Violations of memory processes can be represented as following scheme(Figure 4.8):

Figure 4.8 - Types of memory impairment

16. Memory management tricks.

Psychological practice has whole system memory management. This system combines individual tricks improving memory. All of them are based on the laws of memory.

Memory management refers to targeted efforts to improve memory performance. Management processes include impact on objective and subjective factors.

Objective factors controls are: environment; the nature of the memorized material (its consistency, coherence, visibility and external accessibility); pharmacological agents; electrical, electromagnetic and acoustic influences.

TO subjective factors controls include: various kinds of hints; psychological attitudes; motivation; individualized memorization techniques; physical and mental state of a person.

Reception of prompts allows you to transfer yourself to the situation or environment where this information was "born".

For example, during our preparation for an exam, a need suddenly arises for some thing that is in the next room. Busy with previous thoughts, we go there, but once in the next room, we forget why we came. And only return back to former place work helps to remember forgotten information.

Reception of hints is intensively used in the work of the investigator. To activate the process of reproducing information for the witness, he refers to the situational details of the incident: it started to rain before or after the incident, in what direction the train was going along the neighboring track, what smells were felt, what passers-by were wearing, etc.

The characteristics of memory can be significantly improved if you formulate for yourself a specific goal and a mindset for memorizing information with a particular activity.

Interesting material, causing positive emotions, contributes to memorization.

How better material understood logically, the easier it is to remember. No need to spare time to comprehend the material.

Memorization is more effective when structuring information into relatively complete fragments (according to the “tree” scheme) and repeating them spaced apart in time. It is preferable to repeat not all at once in a row, but in separate fragments or in aggregate for several periods of time - hours, days.

It greatly helps to memorize the method of summarizing the material with the highlighting of the main thoughts and strong points in it.

For better memorization, you can use the technique of accompanying fragments of information concrete examples or their comparisons.

what we can express in words is remembered more easily and better than what can only be perceived visually or by ear. Therefore, it is important to speak, i.e. verbally compose memorized material.

If the subject of memorization is a text, then the presence of pre-conceived and clearly formulated questions to it, the answers to which can be found in the process of reading the text, it contributes to its better memorization. In this case, the text is stored in memory longer and reproduced more accurately than when questions are put to it after it has been read.

Before a responsible event that requires reproduction of the material (exam, public speaking etc.), immediately after memorization, you should go to a night's sleep. It has been found that reproduction is less effective if it is preceded by prolonged wakefulness. Sleep also reduces Negative influence the phenomenon of information interference.

Very effective technique memorization is repetition. It should be taken into account that:

memorization of information occurs unevenly, stepwise (in particular, complex material is first remembered poorly, then better; simple material, on the contrary, is easier to memorize at first, then more difficult);

it is better to repeat the material in fragments (in logically meaningful parts) than everything in a row and without a break;

the number of repetitions does not compensate for poor attention to the material, therefore it is important during the repetition to focus on the material and not be distracted;

it is recommended to repeat the memorized material for the first time after 30-40 minutes after its perception;

in the first days, the repetition should be more frequent than in subsequent days;

several tens of repetitions within a month in small fragments are more productive than hundreds of repetitions per day of the material as a whole;

most effective repetition before going to bed at night. The main condition for the effectiveness of any memory management techniques is

their individualization. All techniques, methods and technologies will give good result only when they correspond individually

personal characteristics of a person, take into account his temperament, character, professional interests.

Using memory development methods, you will significantly improve mental functions and change your life for the better!

I don’t know about you, but for me it has recently become a real discovery that one of the main components of successful study, work, is a good memory.

No, you think how much easier it is for those who easily remember new information and is able to keep it in his head for a long time.

Alas, someone naturally possesses such a gift, but someone needs to study memory development methods to show similar results.

But the main thing is that we can all gain the ability to easily memorize new information.

What is memory and what are its main elements?

The first thing you should understand is that memory is not some special gift that was given to someone by higher powers, but not to someone.

Everything is much simpler: memory is a type of mental activity, the main purpose of which is the preservation, accumulation and reproduction of information.

And since this is a type of mental activity, it means that any person can master it and all that needs to be done is to develop their mental abilities.

Memory consists of 4 main elements:


    You take in new information and write it down on your brain's hard drive.

    Memory, perhaps critical process and it is on this element that those who want to work most often work.


    If you memorize information and immediately forget it, then there will be little sense from it.

    It is important to work to ensure that the data is kept in perfect condition in your head and you can use it at the right time.


    Very often this element is called memories, although this is not quite the right definition.

    Some information is stored in your head, at the right time you extract it from the bins and use it for its intended purpose.


    Alas, it is impossible to do without this element of the described type of mental activity.

    Those data that you rarely use are first crammed into the farthest corners, and then completely disappear as unnecessary.

    Often this data can be revived if the data is "refreshed", but it happens that they will sink into oblivion if they are never used.

Household methods of memory development

Often we train our memory without even noticing it.

For example:

  • sorting through in memory what we need to buy in the store, because we are too lazy to make a list or simply do not want to rush with it;
  • trying to remember as many names as you find yourself in a new company or in a new work team;
  • retelling to someone the contents of a book or movie that we were particularly impressed with;
  • memorizing brands of clothing or cosmetics to appear knowledgeable in front of girlfriends;
  • mastering the knowledge that relates to our work in order to make a career, etc.

And such examples can be cited as many as you like.

Memorizing new information that concerns our everyday life is one of the most popular and effective methods for developing the ability to remember.

Try to make fewer lists, the same purchases, for example, and if you do, then only to play it safe and make sure that you remember everything correctly.

Right now I am writing this article and I remember my classmate Olya, who amazed both us and the teachers with her excellent memory, assimilating information on the fly.

All the verses that we were asked to learn by heart in Ukrainian and foreign literature, she taught during the break before the lesson.

Olya, laughing, said that she was just too lazy at home to spend time on this.

But now I think that in this way the girl subconsciously or consciously invented her own method of developing memory.

Memory development can and should be done at any age.

It is important to use all methods for this.

And also stick to useful tips psychologists:

    Give up bad habits such as cigarettes and alcohol.

    All this stuff is killing brain cells.

  1. Spend at least an hour a day on fresh air so that your cells get enough oxygen.
  2. Go in for sports.

    So you improve blood circulation and activate brain processes.

    Get enough sleep.

    Yes, those same 8 hours that I so often mention in articles.

    Without them, your memory simply will not be able to work at full capacity, and the brain will not have time to rest and recover.

    Eat right.

    You will find it much more difficult to remember new information if your body lacks phosphoric acid and calcium salts.

    You can get them with hard cheese, fermented milk products, eggs, nuts, liver, chicken and veal meat, oily fish, vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Methods for the development of visual memory

Most people remember visual images better than auditory, tactile, or odor ones.

Therefore, it is necessary to train the type of mental activity that we are talking about by memorizing visual images.

The most effective methods for developing visual memory:

Methods for developing auditory memory

Auditory memory is just as important as visual memory.

Heard information is stored on the “hard disk” of the brain for a longer period than seen.

Three most effective methods development of auditory memory:

    To train your auditory memory, try reading books aloud.

    If you devote at least 10 minutes to such reading every day, then very soon you will be much better at listening to information.

    Learn poetry.

    I told you the story of my classmate Olga not by chance, since memorizing poems and then playing them out loud is an excellent method of developing memory.

    Start by memorizing a short verse (2-3 stanzas) every week, gradually moving on to longer poetry, and then to poems.

    Explain to yourself and other people what you want to remember yourself, for example, when you train a new employee.

    Most often, this method develops the auditory memory of teachers who are forced to repeatedly explain new material students.

We invite you to take a simple test

How good is your auditory memory?

Turn on video:

As you can see, using such simple and free memory development methods, you can significantly improve your mental functions, and indeed - change your life for the better.

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Lectures on general psychology Luria Alexander Romanovich

Memory development

Memory development

The development of memory in childhood can least of all be represented as a process of gradual quantitative growth or maturation.

In its development, memory undergoes a dramatic history, full of profound qualitative changes and fundamental changes in both its structure and relationships with other mental processes.

There are many reasons to assume that the ability to imprint and preserve traces in the first years of life is not weaker, but even stronger than in subsequent ones, and that visual (eidetic) memory is much more developed in a child than in an adult; L. N. Tolstoy repeatedly said that almost half of all the memories that he had had formed in his first years of life.

However, the memory of a child of the third and fourth years of life, along with its strength, also has its weaknesses: it is difficult to organize it, to make it selective, it is by no means an arbitrary memory, for which it is possible to purposefully memorize what is necessary, selecting imprinted traces from all the rest. This can be easily shown if a child of 2.5–3 years of age is asked to memorize, and then reproduce 5–6 words or, after giving him 5–6 pictures, say exactly which pictures he was given. In this case, it is easy to see that the child will reproduce, along with the words (or pictures) given to him, also others associated with them, and will not be able to slow down his secondary associations by selectively reproducing only the necessary series of traces. The process of voluntary selective recall is not yet ready for this age, and the child's ability to subordinate his mnestic activity to verbal instruction matures much later, along with the general development of goal-directed controlled behavior.

Such a contradictory nature of development, a certain decrease in the possibility of direct visual-figurative memory, along with an increase in the controllability of mnemonic processes, is the first hallmark memory development in childhood.

Another distinguishing feature of the development of memory is the gradual development mediated memorization and the transition from direct, natural to indirect, verbal-logical forms of memory.

This basic fact of the development of memory was once studied in detail by L. S. Vygotsky and his co-workers (A. N. Leontiev and L. V. Zankov).

In order to represent the qualitative changes that the child's memory undergoes as it develops, L. S. Vygotsky spent different ages two series of experiments. In the first of these series, he gave the child a task directly (without any auxiliary techniques) memorize and reproduce a series of 10–12 words; in the second series, he gave the child a series of auxiliary pictures as a means of memorizing words, linking each word with the corresponding picture by some kind of auxiliary connection.

Experiments have shown what complex nature is the development of memory processes in a child.

The younger group of children - schoolchildren could successfully keep a certain number of words without using any tricks; however, the pictures he proposed as an aid did not improve the memorization process; children of this age could not verbally - logically connect the proposed picture with the given word, declaring "there are no such people here" or trying to directly see the image of the given word in the picture (for example, when one of the children was asked to remember the word "sun" using the picture "samovar" , he pointed to a small bright spot on the samovar and said: “Here it is - the sun!”). So the look was like extra work, which only distracted the child from remembering the right word. When the child was asked to remember the corresponding word for each picture, he turned out to be completely helpless and either simply described the picture given to him, or gave the associations that arose in him about the picture. As a result, the operation, in which the auxiliary picture was used only to recall the desired word, was replaced by a simpler and more direct operation of further associations, and the required scheme (Scheme 2.1) was replaced by another, more elementary scheme (Scheme 2.2), the child younger age was not yet able to establish or use auxiliary ("mpemotechnical") connections and in the experiment with the use of pictures gave no better, and sometimes even worse results than in the experiment with direct memorization.

Scheme 2.1

A (word)? X(picture) ? A(word)

Scheme 2.2

(tina the word "sun" - the picture "samovar" - this is the samovar)

(the word "sun", the picture "samovar" is to drink tea ... a teapot ... a glass)

These facts made it possible to establish that the memorization of the child preschool age in its predominant part is still involuntary (and therefore difficult to manage) character.

A different picture was revealed when the researchers conducted the same experiment on younger, and then on older students.

Children of this age, naturally, better controlled the processes of their memorization and therefore performed the experiment with the direct memorization of the series of words proposed to them better. However, the most significant shift observed in school age, was that children were now able to use external aids for the memorization process, establish auxiliary connections that gave them the opportunity to use pictures as reference signs for memorizing the desired word.

At first, this possibility was limited to the use of relatively simple ready-made links. Children were able to use the picture “notebook” to memorize the word “school” (“notebooks at school”), but they could not yet create new auxiliary connections on their own, refusing, for example, to memorize the word “school” to use the picture “steamboat” ( "No, the school - they study in it, and the steamer - it is on the sea ..."). However, this difficulty was overcome at subsequent stages of development. Children began to master the possibility of independent formation of new auxiliary connections that could be used to memorize the proposed words.

As a result of this process, the number of words memorized with the help of auxiliary pictures increased sharply and began to overtake the number of words that the child could retain directly.

However, errors typical of preschool children (of the type A-X-X or A-X-Y) disappeared here, and the child who was presented with the pictures he used in the control experiment either returned to the original word (the word "school" - the picture "steamboat" - the word "school", or A - X-A) or gave an inaccurate reproduction of the given word, replacing it with some word close to it (the word "school" - the picture "steamboat" - the word "teacher", i.e., giving the scheme A - X - B).

Experiments clearly showed that school age is a stage when, along with direct memory, the child develops processes mediated memory, and the transition to the study of the memory of older schoolchildren and adults made it possible to describe the next stage of its development.

Experiments carried out on senior schoolchildren and adults show that they easily establish auxiliary connections that allow them to use any supporting external funds to memorize the words given to them; the presence of familiar connections between a word and a picture does not present any noticeable obstacles for them, and they easily use any pictures as aids for memorization. However, the most significant feature that distinguishes these subjects is that now they are already no longer need external supports and are in a position memorize the proposed words with the help of their internal logical organization, putting them into a certain logical structure and "coding" them into certain semantic groups. This allows them to turn direct rote memorization into a logically organized mnestic activity. Those methods of memorization, which at the previous stage had an outwardly direct character, are now reduced and acquire the character of an internal mediated process. Mechanical memory gradually turns into logical memory.

The result of this process is a significant increase in the results of memorization in the first series of experiments, where the subject is not given any external auxiliary supports, and the curve of this series of experiments begins to rise rapidly, revealing a tendency in its limit to merge with the curve of externally mediated memorization. This fact, which in its time was called the "parallelogram of memory," gives a scheme of the basic facts of the development of memory in childhood. He shows that if at school age the main process of restructuring elementary direct memory into externally mediated memory occurs, then with the transition to senior school and mature age the person is able to master internally mediated memory. Therefore, the sharp rise in the curve of "direct" memorization to this age is explained by the fact that this memorization actually becomes internally mediated here.

The process of memory development in childhood is thus a process fundamental psychological restructuring, the essence of which boils down to the fact that the natural direct forms of memorization turn into complex, social in origin "higher psychological processes", decisively distinguishing the psychological processes of man from the psychological processes of the animal.

It is easy to see that this radical reorganization of memory processes during the development of the child is not only a change in the structure of memory itself, but at the same time a change in the relationship between basic psychological processes. If on early stages development, memory was visual in nature and to a large extent was a continuation of perception, then with the development of mediated memorization, it loses its direct connection with perception and acquires a new and decisive connection with thought processes. Senior student or adult who conducts complex operations logical coding of the material to be memorized perform complex intellectual work, and the process of memory begins to approach the process of verbal thinking, without losing, however, the nature of mpestic activity.

Such a radical change in the relationship between individual psychological processes and formation of new functional systems is the main feature mental development the child, and the process of development of memory throughout ontogenesis can only be understood as that radical restructuring of processes, the path of which we have just outlined.

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The development of the memory of a preschooler occurs in the direction of the growth of its arbitrariness, controllability. By the end of preschool age, involuntary memory still predominates in the child. The condition for its improvement is the characteristics of the memorized material. The child remembers best emotionally rich, rhythmically built, unusual, bright, dynamic material, the perception of which activates involuntary attention. A child can remember his favorite toy, doll, hat for the rest of his life.

Along with the dominance of involuntary memory in its development comes important point- at the end of the younger preschool age, the child has elements of arbitrariness. Arbitrary memory, firstly, is subject to a special mnemonic goal - to remember, and secondly, it is regulated. The emergence of arbitrary memory occurs in the game, and psychological conditions it is the formation of the child's self-awareness, his purposefulness, independence, organization, mastering the skills of self-regulation based on verbal self-instructions.

Development of the ability to set a mnemonic goal. In involuntary memory, memorization of material occurs as an unplanned result of performing some activity: I memorized a poem, because an adult often read it.

The first mnemonic tasks are set by an adult when he asks the child to remember the name of a certain object, tongue twister, poem; retell the story you heard. Receiving approval, the child rejoices, gradually she sets herself the task of remembering something, so that later she can remember and evoke the approval of an adult.

Performing such tasks, the child learns the simplest mnemonic techniques and means (repetition, translation). Under the influence of the instructions of an adult, the child corrects mistakes in what he remembered, he has a desire to remember correctly.

For the first time, the ability to correct errors in the reproduction of material appears at the age of four. Subsequently, there is a desire to avoid these mistakes, and for this he tunes in to remember correctly and accurately, that is, she begins to understand the connection between the moments of memorization and reproduction. Due to the spread of the mechanisms of memory regulation to all its processes, especially at the time of memorization and reproduction, there is a sharp decline memory inaccuracies. The depth of control over recall is growing: at the age of four, the child monitors the correctness of the sequence of basic constituent parts material and in the older preschooler, control extends to the content within these parts.

Intellectualization of memory, the growth of its meaningfulness makes it possible, under the condition of appropriate pedagogical work, for the child to master the semantic methods of memorization: comparing the new with the known, various parts material among themselves; groupings, classification.

CONCLUSIONS about the development of elements of arbitrariness of memory in preschool age:

Along with the predominance of involuntary memory, elements of arbitrary memory appear from the age of 4;

Elements of arbitrariness of memory are manifested as the child's ability to set mnemonic tasks and to self-control during memorization and recall;

Under the condition of appropriate pedagogical work, by the end of preschool age, the child masters the semantic methods of memorization.

Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of memory

Involuntary memorization is provided by the inclusion of material in the subject and cognitive activities.

Infant age. The child's innate ability to memorize must be developed in the process of direct emotional communication between an adult and a child. From about 6 months of age, communication should be based on the manipulation of the child with objects, which creates favorable conditions to enrich the sensory experience of the child. Based on the baby's interest in the surrounding objects, the actions of an adult with them in the course of household processes for caring for a child, it is necessary to acquaint the baby with all the objects used by clearly pronouncing their names, showing how they are used. An adult comments on his actions with objects, their sequence: "What do we need for bathing? Let's take our towel. It's so fluffy, but where is our soap? Let's check the temperature of the water. Here's a thermometer." At the same time, an adult expresses his positive attitude to the actions performed, to objects. His speech is clear, the tone is soft, not loud, built in the form of a dialogue. An adult demonstrates openness, readiness to accept the child's help, support her desire for joint action. Acting with objects, the adult calls them each time and shows them to the child. Multiple repetition household processes for caring for a child, as well as the organization of the child's perception of his environment, contributes to the child's memorization of the type of object, and subsequently its name. So, the child does not yet know how to call an object with a word, but already shows it to an adult when he asks "Where ...?"

Thus, an important condition that ensures involuntary memorization and reproduction, accumulation of experience in life, communication, knowledge, is daily regime.

Early age. An adult closely monitors the process of imitation by the child of his actions and words. Corrects their incorrect execution, shows how it should, achieving the correct repetition. A word that is not given to the child in pronunciation should be repeated several times, to encourage the child to pronounce it correctly.

Significant reserves for the development of memory are contained in work with children's literature. Accompaniment by an adult of various moments of a child's life by reading poems by heart, pronunciation of tongue twisters leads to the fact that the child also remembers and reproduces them. Reading fairy tales, stories, accompanied by the display of illustrations, contributes to the development of not only verbal, but also figurative and emotional memory. The child's need for objective activity should be taken into account and the reading should be accompanied by an image of the corresponding actions, showing how the hero literary work a ball rolled, or how he built a bridge or drove a car, etc.

Gradually, the child is taught to process the memorized material with the help of observation. The adult draws the child's attention: it's raining today, so we'll go to kindergarten under an umbrella; many birds flew into the clearing, because mother scattered bread crumbs there. It is worth taking care that in the process of observation the child learns to establish causal relationships: birds fly to the feeder when you put food there. It is also necessary to conduct observations when organizing the productive activities of children. For example, to draw an apple, let's see what parts it consists of, what shape and color it has. By directing the child's attention to various aspects of objects, organizing the activities of children to examine them, commenting on their own and the child's actions, the educator ensures the formation of a complete and accurate image of memory.

Thus, the activation of the sensory-perceptual, and subsequently mental activity child favors essential condition involuntary memory.

Memorable material should challenge interest, emotions, especially intellectual feelings (surprise, pleasure from discovery, enthusiasm, doubt). At the same time, there is a psychological pattern regarding the influence of emotions on the productivity of activity: only experiences of medium strength increase it. Therefore, overly emotional material leaves vague, amorphous images in the child's memory. Turning the child into away various kinds activities, providing space for her activity contributes to the preservation and use of what she has memorized. The habits of household activities and self-service learned by a child are easily destroyed when the usual mode of organization of children's life is violated, so an adult must ensure their stability.

Special attention aged 3-7 years should be given to the development of elements of arbitrary memory. The first of them appear when setting mnemonic tasks for adults. First it is the task of "remember", and then "remember". It is easiest for a child to remember events, names of words, faces, recently perceived: who was seen yesterday at the zoo? who flew to our windowsill this morning? Teaching a child random reproduction, an adult explains the connection with the moment of memorization. So, during the perception of the material, an adult sets the task "look (listen) carefully, because you will need to remember." For example, during a walk in the park, the teacher directs the children's attention to looking at an oak leaf, sets the task of remembering what color and shape it is, since the children will then draw it.

The high possibilities of arbitrary memory of a preschooler turn out to be in role-playing game Therefore, an adult must create all the conditions for its development. During a visit to the post office, he also shows and tells what should be remembered, so that later the children will organize the game "To the post office". Didactic influences should be presented in a playful way, or flow into the game. The appearance of games with rules puts before children the requirement to remember these rules and be guided by them during the game.

For older preschoolers, the setting of mnemonic tasks becomes more complicated, it becomes more specific and variable: the rhyme must be memorized, the story in your own words in order to translate. Children can be easily explained how to learn a rhyme by heart. Most effective method memorization, when perception alternates with reproduction. Children should be accustomed to the principle "understood, then remember", to reveal the procedure for memorizing material that is significant in volume, dividing it into parts. It is advisable to compare the results of reproduction with a sample, prompting peer and self-assessment.

CONCLUSIONS about the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of memory:

For children under the age of four, it is important to create conditions for the development of involuntary memory;

In the development of involuntary memory, the most important condition is the activation of the sensory-perceptual and mental activity of the child;

For children 3-7 years old, the task of forming elements of arbitrary memory comes to the fore by setting various and increasingly complex mnemonic tasks for children.

These are the questions everyone asks sooner or later. And this is understandable, because every day huge flows of information pass through us, and therefore it is not at all surprising that we constantly forget something: either the telephone number of the clinic, or the shopping list, or the bus number, or the birthday of a loved one.

The development of memory is extremely important not only in Everyday life but also in professional activities. After all, we must remember what we need to do, with whom to meet, and for most professions, memory is a very valuable tool. Those who have it above average have an advantage.

Developing memory is not so difficult, and even quite real. In one of the previous articles - How to develop memory, attention and speed reading, I offered multimedia manuals prepared by professional psychologists and containing practical exercises. This article will present the rules, the observance of which will ensure the brain best conditions work, as well as ways to develop memory.

Memory development. Rules:

The first rule of memory development: Ensure regular sufficient oxygenation of your blood. The blood must carry enough oxygen to provide high activity and performance of the brain, and hence good memory. How to do it? At least one day a week should be spent outdoors. Mental work should be interrupted for small "oxygen" pauses, open the window for 1-2 minutes. It is impossible to work mentally in an unventilated or smoky room. And of course, move more and play sports, physical activity improves general circulation and the brain as well.

The second rule of memory development: Enough sleep. This provides normal work brain. During sleep, processes occur with the participation of the most important neurotransmitter (a substance with the help of which the nerve impulse is transmitted between neurons). Without normal sleep, the memory at the chemical level is unable to work at full capacity. In addition, the human brain is tuned to biological rhythms change of day and night, so you need to sleep at night - it is in the dark that the full recovery brain cells. An adult should sleep 7-8 hours a day, a teenager - 9.

The third rule of memory development: Do not smoke! Of course, a smoker who trains memory has a greater ability in this regard than a non-smoker who does not train it. However, if we take people under all equal conditions, then it should be recognized that tobacco impairs memory. This has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies. So the desire to develop memory is a good reason to quit smoking.

The fourth rule of memory development: Avoid alcohol! If you want to keep all the flexibility of your mind, you need to avoid alcohol. It is undeniable that drinking alcohol leads to a weakening of memory. The more alcohol consumed, the less fixation. Everyone knows that it is very difficult to restore in the head the events that took place in a state of intoxication. A simple dinner, “flavored” with wine, reduces the ability to memorize for several hours. All alcohol should be avoided, even wine and beer, if you need to study something, attend classes or participate in a conference.

The fifth rule of memory development: Eat right. Numerous experiments have made it possible to determine that chemical activity is accompanied by a loss of phosphoric acid and calcium salts. It is necessary to compensate for these losses: cheese (special fermenting masses, Swiss, Dutch and chester), eggs, grain sprouts, almonds, nuts bring the necessary balance of phosphorus-calcium to the body.

During intense mental effort, you need to eat food: rich in protein(meat, eggs, liver, fish), well digestible (grilled meat, boiled vegetables steamed or water), avoiding fatty, floury, sweet. You should eat a little at a time full stomach relaxes the mind.

A healthy lifestyle, including nutrition for memory, giving up bad habits, healthy sleep And physical activity is the most natural rules preservation of memory for many years.

Memory development. Ways:

If you want to remember something, focus on the process of remembering. Listen, think, draw parallels with own life or with previous knowledge. The more your own thoughts and feelings get hooked on the information flow, the more likely you are to remember what is really important.

If you forgot something: a number from the report, the meaning of a word, the name of the singer, the phone number of your parents, before you immediately go to the right folder, dictionary, Internet or phone book, try to remember what you forgot yourself for a few minutes.

If you need to remember something important, create some image in your mind about it, perhaps funny or amusing. It is much easier for the brain to remember something unusual. You can even draw the resulting image.

When memorizing numbers, it is most convenient to either memorize them by breaking them into small groups, or try to build some associations in your mind. For example, let's take the number 2467. 2+4=6, the six is ​​followed by the seven. this method of memorizing numbers turned out to be the most effective.

A good way to remember something better and faster is to try to explain to another person what you need to remember or understand yourself. The brain will remember information better if you pronounce it.

Free time (for example, if you are standing in line) devote to solving the simplest arithmetic problems in your mind.

Daily scrolling in the mind of all the events of the past day will help you develop your memory. Remember them down to the smallest details and the smallest details. In addition, you should evaluate your own actions committed that day, asking yourself the following questions: “What did I do today? What didn't he do right? What actions deserve condemnation and require rocking? What should be rejoicing?

Read books - it's good! When reading, the brain concentrates, involuntarily remembers the details.

Learn poetry. At school, torture is not just out of harm. The method is reliable and time-tested. But it is better to learn what you like. For example, the lyrics of your favorite song. It is best to remember the material that we already partially know. New materials must go through a process of awareness.

Remember - to memorize without understanding, without seeing the images before your eyes, without retelling the text in your own words, is unprofitable. Further random access memory cramming won't work. In the same way, it is unprofitable to teach “for tomorrow” or “before the exam”, etc. If you put the arrow on “forever” when memorizing, you will win.

Repetition is the mother of learning. You better not say. Only it is better to repeat not five times in a row immediately after reading, but once within five days. And better at night.

Suppose someone tells you his name. Try to connect this name with what is already familiar and be sure to add something from yourself: “Ksenia. Like Ksenia Sobchak, only a brunette, married and does not lead Dom-2. And the nose is similar. Believe me, this new friend Xenia will be remembered for a long time.

Do something with your hands. Women: weave baubles, cross-stitch. Men: hammer in a nail, change plumbing without resorting to the help of a professional - all these actions activate the brain and memory.

Psychologists have proven that the study foreign languages is the best remedy for prevention senility and hence to improve memory.

With the development of memory is also connected our emotional condition. Happiness leads to improved memory and contributes to a fuller and deeper perception of information. For every new joy in life, your memory will thank you.



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