Healthy lifestyle in elementary school. Lesson for primary school "healthy lifestyle"

Extra-curricular activity on a healthy lifestyle (participants in grades 2-4)


    to give students an idea of ​​what a healthy lifestyle is;

    to introduce students to a healthy lifestyle;

    to achieve the formation of an active position among students on this problem;

    develop Creative skills, memory, attention, cognitive interest.

Event progress

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys. Today we have an unusual event, today we will travel around the Land of Health. In our today's voyage, we will refute the commutative law of addition. Who will name the commutative law of addition? But life is different. Look at the formula.

Life = health + family + studies + friends.

If we put health in some other place, then not only the amount of “life” will change, its quality will also change. 3 teams are going on a trip today: “Vitamins” (welcome), “Fortress”, “Lightning”. For each competition, the team receives a star. The motto of our trip:

I can think
I can reason
What is good for health
That's what I'll choose!

1st stop. Avenue “Human Health” (slide)

Contest 1 You need to choose the correct answer (each team raises cards)

1. Why do you need to know your body?

A) to maintain and improve health;
B) so that a person can think, speak and work;
C) to skillfully use their capabilities.

2. Which line contains words that describe a healthy person?

A) stooped, strong, clumsy, tall;
B) humpbacked, pale, frail, low;
C) slender, strong, dexterous, stately.

3. Which line lists only human organs?

A) eyes, heart, stomach, skin;
B) heart, brain, kidneys, blood;
C) liver, spleen, ears, bile.


Host: Guys, they always talk a lot about a healthy lifestyle. Question to the teams: what rules must be observed in order to maintain their health? (each team in turn calls the answer)

Competition 3" folk wisdom

Make up proverbs from scattered words-cards,explain their meaning. (1 min)

    “A healthy person is a rich person

    "IN healthy body– healthy mind”

    "Health is more valuable than gold."

While the teams are preparing to respond, I suggest you take a break and do a little exercise. (2 classes)

Competition 4: Question - answer: I will ask you questions. The team that knows the answer quickly raises their hand.

    What should be done in the morning? (charging)

    What sport is used sports equipment"washer"? (hockey)

    Where will the 2014 Olympics be held? (in Sochi)

    It happens football, volleyball, tennis...? (ball)

    Name three winter sports. (skis, figure skating, hockey)

    What can't you play football without? (without ball)

    Name at least three signs: what you need to do to maintain good vision.

    Start of a run? (start)

    Part of the game of football? (half)

    A place to practice swimming? (pool)

    What should be done to avoid caries? (brush your teeth)

    What dangerous gifts can we receive from the sun?

    When should you exercise?

    Why do you need to follow the daily routine?

    How often should you brush your teeth?

    What sports are played with a ball only with hands?

Well done boys. To be strong and healthy, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene, observe the daily routine and play sports. Here about the benefits of sports will tell us guys 4 - x grades. (sketch)

We arrived at the STATION Cafe " Bon appetit»

We have not yet said anything about nutrition, and yet, as you know, sometimes our whole life depends on nutrition. No wonder the ancient sages said: "Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are." And it is true. It is known that a young growing organism needs 30 types of various products every week.

Assignment to commands: Unscramble the word I give you a card. Collect the word from the letters, it is related to the theme of our game (VITAMIN). Whoever makes it first shows the jury card.

While the teams are working, with the rest of the game, "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."

You guys don't yawn. answer in chorus

Who wants to be healthy, vigorous, slim and cheerful? ***

Who, according to the schedule, performs physical exercises? **

Well, who will start dinner with cola, pizza and sweets? ***

Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education? ***

Who is not afraid of frost, who flies on skates like a bird? ***

Who doesn't love tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons? ***

Who ate and brushed their teeth every day, twice a day? ***

Which one of you kids walks dirty to the ears? ****

Which of you, friends, is ready to live life without doctors? ***

What word did our teams guess? The word "vitamin" comes from the Latin "vita" which means life. Already from this name it is clear that the health and longevity of a person depends on them. After all, vitamins are involved in the processes of assimilation of all nutrients. Thanks to them, the growth and restoration of cells and tissues occurs. When we lack some vitamin, beriberi develops, which can lead to serious illnesses. It is known that most vitamins are found in vegetables and fruits.

Assignment to commands: names in front of you various products. It is necessary to leave only useful ones, and delete the rest. A point is earned by the team that completes the task first and without errors. ****

Please note: healthy foods are often dairy Among the foods that nature has given to man, milk is one of the most useful. It is no coincidence that in ancient times it was called the "elixir of longevity" and was recommended to children and adults, healthy and sick. And a real queen healthy breakfast at all times was milk porridge.

Well done boys. And we invite students of grade 3, they will tell us about proper nutrition. (sketch)

Next station Rest in the park “Help yourself”

To talk about health, it is necessary to remember about stress. They watch over us at every turn. They say that a sharp awakening and rise is already stressful. Lessons are stressful. The road is stressful. Parents scold... Quarreled with friends... And so on... In your opinion, how can you relieve stress? (You can scream loudly, get under the shower, try to dance). Today I want to teach you how to fast withdrawal stress, and if you use them during your life, I think you will quickly get out of stressful condition.

The host shows the exercise - rubbing the palms.

Another great stress reliever is to turn on some quiet music, close your eyes, relax, and imagine something good. Or dance.

(PHYSMINUTKA 2 classes)

Everyone should know for sure that health must be maintained.

You need to eat right and exercise.

Wash your hands before eating, brush your teeth, temper -

And always be friends with water.

There is no better recipe in the world: be inseparable from sports,

You will live to 100 years old - that's the whole secret for you

And then all the people in the world

For a long, long time they will live.

And remember: you can't buy health in a store.


Guys, learn to see the beauty in life, enjoy life, then stress and illness will bypass you. Be healthy.

Nature itself helps a person to maintain one hundred percent health. Fresh air, solar energy, pure water, physical activity, and most importantly the mind is created by nature for our competent disposal. However, to educate the child's desire to lead a healthy lifestyle must begin with early age. After all, he must learn from childhood to understand the value of his health and those around him. Therefore, all the adults around him - and teachers primary school at school and the parents of the child at home, it is necessary to demonstrate by personal example how to strengthen and protect health.

Parents should start teaching their children a healthy lifestyle with motivation. It is about this and about how a primary school can instill a healthy lifestyle in students, how this can be facilitated by their home, we are with the editors of the site www..

The process of forming a healthy lifestyle should be fixed daily in the family. Moms and dads, take a look at yourself! Can you be an example for children? Do you love yourself, the nature around you? Are you happy that you live in this world? If in doubt about these issues, then clearly articulate the goals of changing your behavior, the health risks from negative habits. After all, you need to show your child by personal example how to strengthen and protect your health. Only in this case, he will learn to understand the value of his health and those around him. If there is no personal example, there will be no sense in teaching.

Parents should also take into account the fact that educational environment factors significantly affect the physical and emotional condition child. Briefly list what I mean when talking about the impact on health junior schoolchildren.

The positive impact on the child of receiving education at school:

A certain duration of classes and changes is observed. After 20 minutes of the lesson, a physical minute is held.
A positive psychological background is created, the style of communication is democratic.
Sanitary and hygienic conditions are observed: the room is ventilated during breaks, the lighting is sufficient, the height of the furniture corresponds to the norm, temperature regime.
The food is rational and varied.
Running mode.
Medical control is carried out.

And here are the factors that negatively affect the health of students during training:

The physical activity of students is insufficient, which means there is a lack of hypodynamia.
Learning programs overloaded - the child's brain is also overloaded.
Educational technologies are used to the detriment of health-improving ones - again an overload of the psyche.
Improper nutrition children - mostly at school they eat dry food. And this in the near future provokes gastritis.
Authoritarianism of the teacher, and, as a result, conflict in communication, suppression of the psyche.

Main negative factor educational environment - insufficient physical activity children. To make up for it, you can easily compensate for the lack physical activity by enrolling your child in the sports section, playing outdoor games with him on walks, doing exercises. A student's day should begin with morning fun exercises. Only by studying with parents, the child will be able to tune in to the positive, recharge with energy.

An important factor is the mode of the day. That is, meals are strictly on the clock, rise strictly at the same time and hang up no later than 22 hours. An important part of the daily regimen, in addition to exercise is food.

When compiling the menu, combine the preferences of the child and recommendations for proper nutrition. Keep in mind that the metabolic rate of a younger student is very high.

To strengthen immunity, take daily hourly walks on the street, include vitamin dishes in your diet at home. Also conduct antiviral fortifying courses with the whole family folk remedies. Explain to your child their importance for the preservation and promotion of health.

Vitamin fees for younger students:
Berries of black currant and rose hips (1:1).
Viburnum fruits, currant fruits and cranberries (2:2:1).
Rose hips, cranberries and nettle leaves (2:1:2).
Nettle leaves, currant leaves and rowan fruits (1:1:2).
Rose hips, rowan fruits and raspberries (1:1:1).
Application: 10 g collection per glass of water. Boil, insist two hours. Drink 50 g each. Rinse your mouth after use so that the acid does not corrode your teeth.

At school, during lessons and when doing homework, the load on the organ of vision increases in children. compensate harmful effect and restore the sight of a younger student will help vegetable juices containing vitamin A. But do not forget to drink them with a snack with a butter sandwich containing fat.

carrot juice can be consumed with other juices, honey or milk.
Carrot juice, parsley juice, celery juice (3:2:1).
Carrot juice, beetroot juice, spinach juice (3:1:1).

Bilberry extract improves visual acuity. Give the child 30 g as a preventive measure. For the timely identification of pathologies in your student, consult an ophthalmologist annually.

Talk with your child about a person's responsibility for their health; about the factors negatively influencing it (alcohol, drugs, smoking); about the meaning physical activity and qualities (daily walks, agility, flexibility, endurance, etc.); about hardening.

Hardening will significantly increase the resistance of the body of a younger student to adverse influences and develop thermoregulation reactions. IN warm months it is necessary to use hardening procedures as often as possible. And in cold weather should be used cold and hot shower, air baths, combine being outdoors with outdoor games. When hardening, gradually increase the stimulus. Be sure to consider individual characteristics your child's body. With heart defects, asthma, anemia, hardening is not carried out until full recovery. Easily excitable children are shown soothing procedures (rubbing, air baths), and contrast procedures suitable for those who are dominated by braking processes.

Exceptionally effective folk methods hardening applicable for younger students:
Pouring, contrast shower, rubdown.
Long stay on fresh air.
Air baths.
Sunlight, tanning.
Walking barefoot.

Of course, in the review we have begun, most of the issues of the formation of a healthy lifestyle have not been touched upon, the question of what role the elementary school can play as an educational institution in this has not been sufficiently considered. But this is not possible to do within the framework of one article - an entire book can be devoted to this consideration. It is important that we covered at least part of the material and the parents understood what exactly at this age they can form. right attitude child to the world, which will then protect him from alcohol, drugs, smoking, suicide. For a child, the main thing is not the fulfillment of all these norms, because it is necessary, but a sound understanding, conveying to his consciousness, the idea that for a happy future life, it is necessary to take into account many factors, try to deliberately approach “forging” and maintaining your health!

Healthy lifestyle - Lifestyle individual for the purpose prevention diseases and fortifications health. The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by an increase and a change in the nature of stresses on the human body due to the complication of social life, an increase in man-made, environmental, psychological, political and military risks that provoke negative changes in health status.

In our time, various activities have been developed to promote a healthy lifestyle for children. These are: sports holidays, class hours, competitive programs, extra-curricular activities, olympiads, etc.

In our extracurricular activities We do not devote as much time to a healthy lifestyle as we would like. By holding events to promote a healthy lifestyle, we could involve parents (such events as “Mom, Dad, I - healthy family" and etc.). It is imperative that active children be involved in the preparation of such events (when selecting material, when developing presentations).

Here are some scenarios for activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle:

Scenario competitive program for elementary school "It's great to be healthy!"

April 7 is World Health Day. It is celebrated on the day of the founding of the World Health Organization. The annual celebration of Health Day has been a tradition since 1950. This date is set so that people can understand how much health means in their lives and decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world. On this day, various events and competitions can be held at the school.

The purpose of the competition: to form in students the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks: help students realize the importance of a reasonable attitude to their health; promote the health of children; develop group work skills, communication skills, attention, imagination, ingenuity, creativity, speech; to cultivate a culture of behavior and communication when working in groups.

Age of students: 7–8 years old (2nd grade).

Cabinet layout: a poster with the name of the competition program "It's great to be healthy!"; drawings of students on the board; along the perimeter of the office are family wall newspapers "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"; tables for two teams.

Equipment: computers or interactive whiteboard; sheets with letters З, Д, О, Р, О, В, b, Е; cards with proverbs; chest and items for it; sheets for tasks; markers; juice; letters.


Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults!

Girl: Good afternoon, students and teachers of our school!

Boy: Hello dear guests! We are glad to see you at our health holiday with the name "It's great to be healthy!".

Together: Hello! We wish everyone good health!

Teacher: per century technical progress and the development of space technology, what do you think is the most expensive? Of course health! Human health is the main value in life. Money can't buy health. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to decide in life important tasks. We all want to grow up strong and healthy. Being healthy is a natural human desire, sooner or later everyone thinks about their health. Each of us must be aware of what a priceless treasure this is. Let's think together about what health, a healthy lifestyle is.

So that we are beautiful, so that we are not whiny,
So that in the hands of any matter arguing amicably, burning ...

So that songs are sung louder, so that we live more interestingly ...

Boy and girl: You need to be strong and healthy.

Teacher: Our competition is called "It's healthy to be great!" And today we will try to prove it to each other and to ourselves. The game is played by two teams of students from our class. We welcome the participants: the first gaming table is the team " Name"; second game table - team " Name". Follow our competition will be a strict jury composed of " name composition". So, we begin our competitive program. The first competition is called "Health".

Competition "Health"

For each letter in the word "health" you need to choose other words that are related to health, a healthy lifestyle. Each word will bring the team one point. You have one minute to complete the task. (Music plays during commands.)

Teacher: There are 19 families in our class, and each stands for a healthy lifestyle. This is demonstrated by newspapers prepared by families. Let's find out what health means to you. (The teacher asks the children.)

Contest "Folk Wisdom Says"

Teams receive cards with unfinished proverbs. The task of the participants is to complete the proverbs about health. At the end of the competition, team representatives read out their options for ending the proverbs. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Purity - ___. (Answer: a guarantee of health.)

Health is in order - ___. (Answer: thanks to the charger.)

If you want to be healthy - ___. (Answer: temper.)
In a healthy body - ___. (Answer: a healthy mind.)

Teacher: Now let's rest a bit. Reply in unison" It's me, it's me, it's all my friends", if you agree with me. If this is not about you, then be silent, do not make noise.

Questions for students:

    which of you is always ready to live life without doctors;

    who does not want to be healthy, vigorous, slim and cheerful;

    which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education;

    who is not afraid of frost, flies on skates like a bird;

    well, who will start lunch with a chewing gum with a couple of sweets;

    who loves tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons;

    who ate and brushed their teeth regularly twice a day;

    which of you, from the kids, walks dirty to the ears;

    who, according to the schedule, performs physical exercises;

    who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and relax?

Competition "Health can not be bought - his mind gives"

Questions are displayed on the computer monitor or on the interactive whiteboard, which must be answered in the affirmative or negative. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

    Do you agree that exercise is a source of vitality and health? (Answer: yes.)

    Is it true that chewing gum saves teeth? (Answer: no.)

    Is it true that teeth should be brushed once a day? (Answer: no.)

    Is it true that bananas cheer you up? (Answer: yes.)

    Is it true that carrots slow down the aging of the body? (Answer: yes.)

    Is it easy to quit smoking? (Answer: no.)

    Is it true that a lack of sun causes a bad mood? (Answer: yes.)

    Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for whole year? (Answer: no.)

    Is it true that you should drink two glasses of milk every day? (Answer: yes.)

Teacher: To be healthy, you need to know and be able to do a lot. During the next competition, you will also need to answer questions.
For each correct answer, the team will receive two points.

Competition "Knowledge is power"

Questions that need to be answered are displayed on a computer monitor or on an interactive whiteboard. Questions:

    What is the name of the effect of frost on the human body? (Answer: frostbite.)

    Who can infect a person with rabies? (Answer: animals.)

    What are the names of drinks that ruin human health? (Answer: alcohol.)

    What is the name of the dressing material? (Answer: bandage.)

    What is a fire injury called? (Answer: burn.)

    What contributes to the hardening of the body? (Answer: sun, air, water.)

Friends, I have poems for you, but you will help to read them.
As soon as I raise my hand up, the word "health" is pronounced by everyone!
We must know the laws of ____________ for sure!
Take care of your _________ and protect it!
____________ means a lot!
____________ is the most important!

Raise your hands, please, those who have never been sick. Now those who get sick once a year! And who gets sick twice or more? Look, we are all used to getting sick, but this is the wrong attitude. Let's try to change it and remember that it is natural for a person to be healthy. None of you like to get sick, but do you observe the daily routine? Let's check! Now I will read to you the beginning of the phrase, and you must finish it. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Competition "Mysteries about the daily routine"


Teacher: And now answer the riddles from the casket. You will be given a verbal clue, and you must guess what is in the box. Listen carefully to the prompt:

    these plants with a characteristic pungent odor are a good tool in the prevention colds(answer: onion, garlic);

    substances that must be consumed if you are taking strong medicines(answer: vitamins);

    liquid, not water, white, not snow (answer: milk).

Contest " healthy image life is stylish!"

Students should write down the rules of a healthy lifestyle on sheets of paper. Teams work to the music, then read out their rules. For each rule, the team receives one point.

Girl: Now let's rest a bit. I ask everyone to stand up. Align your socks, clasp your hands behind your back, sit down several times. Close your eyes, open your eyes (5 times). Raise your shoulders in turn (5 times). Hands on the belt, tilts to the right, to the left. How can you call what we are doing now? That's right, warm-up, exercises, that is, we are active image life that promotes health. (The jury summarizes the results of the competition and awards the teams with diplomas.)

A man was born into the world, got up on his feet and went!
He made friends with the wind, the sun, so that he could breathe well!

He accustomed himself to order, he got up early in the morning.
He cheerfully did exercises, took a cold shower.

Every day he ran, jumped, swam a lot, played ball,
Gaining strength for life, and he did not whine, did not get sick.

I went to bed at eight-thirty, fell asleep very quickly.
I went to study with interest and received fives.

(The boy picks up a basket filled with juice bags.)

Get up early in the morning, take a cool shower,
Get on the exercises, refresh yourself with porridge with butter!
And as a gift from myself, I present all the prizes.

(The boy distributes juice bags to everyone.)

Teacher: Health is an invaluable wealth in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy as long as possible and to achieve longevity. I hope that today's game was not in vain and you learned a lot from it. No wonder they say: "If you are healthy, you will get everything." So be healthy everyone, goodbye!


"I'll save my health, I'll help myself."

Target: to form an idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​of life;


    educate interest in a healthy lifestyle; create a joyful mood;

    development of a common culture students' personalities, expanding horizons;

    consolidation of knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene;

    promotion of a healthy lifestyle (slide 1).


When we meet the dawn
We say hello to him.
With a smile, the sun gives, in the wake
Sending us your regards.
And you remember the advice
Say hello to all your friends.
When we meet after many years
You will say hello to your friends.
Let's all answer together
We say hello to each other.

Can we say hello to everyone?

How should adults be greeted?

What does the word "hello" mean?

What do the words “A sound mind in a sound body” mean?

I want to tell you one story:

In one fairy-tale country, on the shores of a beautiful sea, there was a palace. It was inhabited by a ruler who had 3 sons. The father loved his sons, and they responded to him in return. Children grew up kind, obedient, hardworking. One thing upset the ruler - the children were often sick. The ruler invited the most wise people country and asked, “Why do people get sick? What needs to be done so that people live happily ever after? The wise men conferred for a long time, and the oldest of them said: “A person’s health depends largely on the way of life, behavior and the ability to help oneself and others in difficult situations” (slide 2).

    For primary schools. D.B.Kabalevsky 34 1 1 a, 2 a, 3 a, 4 a “Music. Program For primary schools". D.B.Kabalevsky Continuity in the work of the preschool department of GOU No. 1846 and primary schools. IN school ...

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Useful materials in this section will be useful to you for preparing and conducting healthy lifestyle events at school. Whether it's extracurricular and extracurricular activities, "health lessons" or class hours dedicated to a healthy lifestyle...

To organize any of these events, there are ready-made notes, scenarios, plans, programs, explanatory notes. A large number of of the publications presented on these pages is devoted to the prevention bad habits among schoolchildren - smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. Also pay attention to the materials on the conduct at school world day Health April 7th.

Healthy lifestyle: lesson notes, extracurricular activities

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 238 .
All sections | Healthy lifestyle: health lessons, class hours and extracurricular activities

Health lesson “You will be healthy - you will get everything” for students in grades 4–5 of a correctional school State budgetary general education institution of the Pskov region "Opochetskaya special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care, with handicapped health» health lesson« Healthy you will - you will get everything "...

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MAAM Pictures Library

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Lesson equipment: Tasks:

Ø promote a healthy lifestyle;

Ø to form an active position among students on this issue;

Ø to consolidate knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene;

Ø develop common culture students' personalities, broaden their horizons;

Lesson equipment: posters, musical accompaniment, food packaging, a model of the School of Health palace, signs “Healthy person”, “ Proper nutrition”, fruits for prizes, baskets, drawings of children.



Department of Education and Science

administration of the Gubkinsky urban district

MOU "Scientific and Methodological Center"

MOU "Secondary school No. 11"

Extracurricular activity-game

for elementary school "Journey to Health School"

(as part of the municipal stage of the All-Russian competition "Educate a Human")

Vialova Elena Petrovna

Gubkin 2011

Goal of the work: to form in students the need for a healthy lifestyle


Lesson equipment:posters, musical accompaniment, food packaging, a model of the “School of Health” palace, signs “Healthy People”, “Proper Nutrition”, fruits for prizes, baskets, children's drawings.

Characters in the scene:girl, grandma.

There are posters on the walls:

Live clean - be healthy!

Health is more valuable than gold.

Health is weak, and the spirit is not a hero.

To children's songs, students sit down on benches in the gym.


  1. Introduction. - Let's get to know you a little (finger greeting)

Teacher : - Today we have an unusual lesson - we will make a short trip to the School of Health. And also compete in agility, speed, endurance. You will learn how to take care of your nutrition, and hence your health, what foods to eat so as not to get sick, grow strong and healthy.

I want to tell you one story:

In one fairy-tale country, on the shores of a beautiful sea, there was a palace(the teacher exposes the layout of the palace). It was inhabited by a ruler who had 3 sons. The father loved his sons, and they responded to him in return. Children grew up kind, obedient, hardworking. One thing upset the ruler - the children were often sick. The ruler invited the wisest people of the country to the palace and asked: “Why do people get sick? What needs to be done so that people live happily ever after? The wise men conferred for a long time, and the oldest of them said: “A person’s health depends largely on the way of life, behavior and the ability to help oneself and others in difficult situations.” The ruler listened to the sage and ordered to open a school of Health (the inscription on the palace - "Health School") for all children in the country.

Today we will go to Health School.

We have two teams. The first is called “Runaways”, and the second “Catchers” (the name of the team is attached to the first student sitting on the bench).

Children read poetry.

1 student.

Greetings to all who found the time
And he came to our school for Health.
Let the cold wind knock on the window
And in the hall we have warm and light.

2 student.

Want to be healthy
Adults and children.
How to keep healthy?
Let's try to answer.

Lesson 1. "Healthy person"

Teacher: What kind of person is called healthy? We will find out after you complete the task. On the table are cards that characterize a person. Choose only those that can be said about healthy person and attach them to the wall (double-sided tape on the wall).

A healthy person is …………….a person. (performed in the form of a relay team).

  • cheerful slow lazy
  • distracted weak fearful
  • good memory sad energetic

Summing up the results of the 1st competition (for winning the competition, the teacher hands a fruit, the children put it in a basket)

Teacher : Now let's rest a bit. Reply in unison"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends", if you agree with me. If this is not about you, then be silent, do not make noise.

Questions for students:

Which of you is always ready to live life without doctors;

Who does not want to be healthy, vigorous, slim and cheerful;

Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education;

Who is not afraid of frost, flies on skates like a bird;

Well, who will start lunch with a chewing gum with a couple of sweets;

Who loves tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons;

Who ate and brushed their teeth regularly twice a day;

Which of you, from the kids, walks dirty to the ears;

Who, according to the schedule, performs physical exercises;

Who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and relax?

  1. The second lesson in our school "Proper nutrition"

Teacher: Let's go to a lesson called "Proper nutrition." We will learn what foods are useful and necessary for a person, learn how to choose healthy foods, learn the rules of nutrition. While I will make riddles for you, 2 girls will prepare to participate in the skit. You will be the girl Varyusha (attach a bow to the girl), and you will be grandmother Lucy

(tie a scarf)

Girls, read your words, learn to read them expressively, with intonation.

And you guys Now I'm going to do some riddles.

Clear sky, but not water

Sticky, but not resin

White, but not snow

Sweet, but not honey.

They take from the horned

Give to small children. (Milk)

I put tea on it sometimes

The tea becomes

Delicious, fragrant,

Rich in vitamin C. (Lemon)

3) Everyone needs it for dinner, but not everyone will do it. (Bread)

Like your ball

Just tasty and edible.

Though the green sides

The pulp is red and sweet. (Watermelon)

Red and white.

Delicious, ripe.

And she is black.

Who will guess it here? (Currant)

On the bake at the stumps

Lots of thin stems.

Each thin stem

Holds a scarlet light.

Unfolding the stems

Collecting lights. (Strawberry)

Would you classify our guesses as harmful or beneficial products? Why?

3) Analysis of the situation

Now the guys will act out S. Mikhalkov's poems "About a girl who ate badly." - And you guys, prepare the answer to such a question "What kind of food did your granddaughter choose?" Listen carefully to the poem.

(students recite a poem in the form of a scene)

Once granny Lucy was visited by her granddaughter,

A tiny girl, dear Varyusha.

Grandma bought sweets for joy,

Delicious soup cooked Fresh Juice opened.

Grandmother - Eat, Varechka, you will soon be stronger, healthier.

You will grow up like this - smart big.

The eyes will be well-aimed, the teeth will be strong,

Eat soup, meatballs, yogurt and more cheese.

Varyusha. - I don’t want to, grandma, I’ll only drink juice.

Again the grandmother is busy, she wants to please the baby:

Grandmother - Cheesecakes, meatballs, pancakes, dumplings.

Varya wrinkles her nose - she does not want to eat.

Varyusha - Do not be angry, granny, you cook very tasty,

But compote, ice cream sweets are the main food

All other products are rubbish.

Grandmother - Tell, children, Varya, what will happen to her,

If Varya eats only sweets and compote?


What food did the granddaughter choose? (children's answers)

But what will happen if Varya eats sweets, compote and ice cream? (children's answers)

What foods did grandma offer? (children's answers)

What should be done before eating?

Doctors advise us: in order to eat right, you need to fulfill two conditions: variety and moderation. What is moderation?


Let's see if you can separate harmful products from useful ones.

(on a chair in a box for each team are products, packages of chips, yogurt, milk, kefir, chewing gum, tea, noodles fast food etc.) you need to jump over the bench, run to the box, take useful product and bring it to your team. Just run back.

Checking, explanations of children. Prize giving.

Teacher : There are golden rules of nutrition that you must follow. I will introduce you to them.

The main thing is not to overeat.

Eat simple, freshly prepared meals at the same time.

Chew food thoroughly, do not rush to swallow.

Refrain from fatty foods.

Beware of very spicy and salty foods.

Eat vegetables and fruits - they are real stores of vitamins.

Don't get carried away with sweets. There are thousands of sweets, but one health.

And so that you do not forget them, get a memo on the rules of nutrition.

Teacher : Friends, I have poems for you, but you will help to read them.

As soon as I raise my hand up, the word "health" is pronounced by everyone!

We must know the laws of ____________ for sure!

Take care of your _________ and protect it!

Means a lot!

All the more important!


Teacher: Guys!

When should you start taking care of your health?

Who can be called a happy person? A healthy person is truly happy.

- Now count your prizes. How do you get everyone to try every fruit? (children's suggestions)

Guys, we are going to make a delicious fruit salad with yogurt, everyone can try it. It will be tasty and healthy. Bon appetit!

Theme: Extra-curricular activity-game

for elementary school "Journey to School of Health".

Grade 3 Classroom teacher Vialova Elena Petrovna

Lesson form: non-traditional - a game-journey with elements of sports relay races.

This form of conducting a lesson significantly increases interest in the material presented, provides Active participation in the activity of all the children of the class. For third-graders, this form of holding is interesting.

When preparing for the lesson, we took into account the age and individual characteristics of students: high interest in lessons physical education, the level of knowledge for children of this age.

Target: to form in students the need for a healthy lifestyle through the use of active forms work.


  • promote a healthy lifestyle;
  • to form students' active positions on this problem;
  • to consolidate knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • to develop a common culture of the personality of students, to broaden their horizons;

Methods we usecorresponded to the tasks of the lesson, the nature and content educational material, the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Yes, they were used verbal methods: explanation, questions, dramatization; visual methods: visual presentation; practical: partially exploratory, methods of stimulating the motives of interest in learning: cognitive tasks.

Forms of organization of activities at the lesson : frontal, group. The activity of students on different stages the lesson was high. At first there was a fairy tale, then tasks for thinking with a relay race, then a collective task for attention, riddles with a dramatization, a practical task. The last task convinced the children that products should be chosen carefully, not all are good for the body.

Psychological atmospherewas friendly in class. Conclusion: the game was held on a high emotional upsurge, with a high pace. All the assigned tasks were achieved. This form of holding extracurricular activities gives children the opportunity to feel new sensations and experience new situations, learn by playing. Such light emotional shakes are very useful for the development of the child's psyche and have a beneficial effect on nervous system child.



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