Manufacturers of contact lenses under the individual order. Contact lenses

Rigid contact lenses

Today's rigid contact lenses are made from gas-permeable materials that contain silicone, which makes them more flexible than previous gas-tight lenses made of polymethymethacrylate, and is also breathable. a large number of oxygen through the lens to the cornea. This allows rigid gas permeable contact lenses to provide a significantly more comfortable and healthier wear than their gas permeable predecessors, which are now largely non-prescribed.

Advantages hard contact lenses

Compared to soft contact lenses rigid gas permeable contact lenses provide a significant better eyesight, because due to their higher rigidity they retain their shape during blinking, and therefore the image remains permanently stable. Soft contact lenses are slightly wrinkled when the eyelids are closed, which leads to the fact that the picture seems to “float”.

With proper care, rigid gas permeable contact lenses can be worn for at least 1 year due to the fact that they are resistant to almost all types of deposits, as their surface is less porous and easier to clean than the surface of soft ones. contact lenses. In addition, they are more difficult to damage or tear than soft contact lenses.

Rigid contact lenses are made taking into account the individual parameters of the patient's cornea, so their shape is more congruent to the shape of the cornea, that is, it fits perfectly. The mobility of a rigid contact lens is 2-4 times greater than that of a soft one. All this provides a much better exchange of tear fluid in the sublens space and a much greater supply of oxygen to the cornea, and, consequently, a less frequent development of hypoxic (associated with a lack of oxygen) complications.

In addition, there are situations where soft contact lysis cannot be offered to the patient in principle and hard contact lenses are the only possible means vision correction for such people.

Rigid contact lenses for high degrees of myopia (nearsightedness) hypermetropia (farsightedness)

The range of optical power (diopters) of most modern soft contact lenses does not go beyond -12.00 D - +8.00 D. And the properties of the materials of those contact lenses that will provide high-quality vision with higher degrees of myopia and hyperopia ( up to 20.00 D), unfortunately, leave much to be desired, so wearing such soft contact lenses often leads to the development of complications. In addition, it should be understood that the higher the degree of myopia, the thicker the soft contact lens along the periphery, and the higher the degree of hypermetropia, the thicker it is in the center, which, given the tighter fit compared to hard contact lenses again leads to the development of hypoxic (associated with a lack of oxygen supply through a thick lens) complications when wearing soft contact lenses.
What is left for these unfortunate people to do? Or be content with incomplete insufficient correction, depriving yourself of the opportunity to see well and enjoy full life, or use soft contact lenses, the wearing of which will almost inevitably lead to the development of complications. They, of course, can be offered spectacle correction, but in glasses with such diopters, peripheral aberrations (distortions) will be very pronounced, which will make their use very uncomfortable, and their aesthetic properties will be very doubtful ( spectacle lenses will be thick and the eyes behind them will either be very large in high degrees of farsightedness or very small in nearsightedness).
But in fact, there is a choice! Rigid contact lenses tend to have more wide range refractions ( -25.00 D to +25.00 D), but through the use of materials with high coefficient refractions remain quite thin even at high diopters. In addition, due to the better exchange of tear fluid in the sublens space, they provide an adequate supply of oxygen to the cornea.

Rigid contact lenses for high astigmatism

The optical power of the cylinder of most toric soft contact lenses does not exceed 2.25 D, some of them have limitations along the axes of the cylinder, which in some cases makes it impossible to provide high-quality vision to patients who need it.
Rigid contact lenses, due to a fundamentally different system for correcting astigmatism, make it possible to cope with this problem.

Rigid contact lenses for presbyopia (age-related farsightedness)

In addition to glasses, special multifocal soft contact lenses can be used to correct vision in patients over 40 years of age. But all multifocal lenses presented on the domestic market soft lenses have restrictions on optical power for distance ( -10.00 D to +6.00 D) and cannot be offered to patients with astigmatism, since toric multifocal soft contacts are not represented in our country in principle.
Rigid contact lenses have no such restrictions: they can be selected for patients after 40 years of age, both with high degrees of farsightedness and myopia, and for those who have astigmatism.

Selection of hard contact lenses

So what exactly is hard selection contact lenses?
This procedure is carried out on the basis of examination data on an autorefractometer and visometry. After performing these studies, lenses from the diagnostic kit are installed on the patient's eyes, the "landing" of which after 20 minutes is evaluated by the doctor when examined with a slit lamp and stained with fluorescein. The visual acuity obtained in hard contact lenses is also checked. As a rule, in most cases, for a successful fitting, it is required to try on from 1 to 3 diagnostic hard contact lenses for each eye. This is necessary in order to achieve a complete perfect match of the shape. inner surface rigid contact lens of the corneal surface, and thereby ensure its proper centering, sufficient mobility and, as a result, ensure comfortable and healthy wearing.

After completing all the described procedures, having determined the parameters of the hard contact lenses required by the patient, we can already send an order for their individual production.

Manufacture of hard contact lenses

In order to offer our patients the very best, we have partnered with the German company Wöhlk, which has 60 years of experience in the production of premium hard contact lenses. The level of this company is evidenced by the fact that such an optical giant with a worldwide reputation and an excellent reputation as Carl Zeiss entrusted the production of its soft contact lenses to it. The Wöhlk plant is located in the north of Germany in the town of Schenkirchen, and each product manufactured there is subjected to the strictest control and has a guarantee of the highest quality. All orders for hard contact lenses are made on high-precision equipment according to the individual parameters of each individual patient. The waiting time for such an order, including delivery from Germany, is usually 14 business days.

Training and dynamic surveillance

If you want to wear hard contact lenses, it is important to understand that they not only provide high quality vision, but also impose a significant responsibility. Wearing such lenses requires more frequent visits an ophthalmologist to dynamically assess the condition of the eyes than with glasses and soft contact lenses. And the lenses require certain procedures when caring for them. An important factor in the safety of wearing them is the observance of hygiene rules, including when putting on and taking off.
That is why in our offices for the correction of vision for final stage when issuing hard contact lenses, we inform our patients in detail about how to wear and care for them correctly.
Sine qua non is the purchase of a starter kit, which includes a set of all necessary funds and accessories for the first time.
When buying a starter kit patient education independent skills of putting on and taking off hard contact lenses, if lenses are selected for them for the first time, as well as dynamic observation by an ophthalmologist during the entire period of wearing lenses are carried out for free.

Contact lenses were invented over a hundred years ago. For a long time, only hard lenses were produced, but in 1960 soft contact lenses were invented, which received wide use. Unlike hard lenses, they are comfortable to wear and do not take long to get used to. Today, about 90% of users prefer soft lenses made of elastic, gas-permeable materials. Properly selected, they provide the wearer with comfort, safety and perfect vision correction. Modern rigid lenses are also gas-permeable, but because of the difficulty in getting used to them, they are usually used only in certain, particularly difficult cases.

Lens manufacturing methods

The production of modern contact lenses is based on several technologies:
- turning (turning);
- casting;
- centrifugal molding;
- combined methods, combining elements of the above methods, for example, the reverse reverse process.


The turning method is used for the manufacture of both soft and hard. Their production is carried out on the same equipment, but has some differences. Disc-shaped blanks are processed on special lathes, this process is almost completely automated. The computer program monitors compliance with all parameters.

At the first stage, a diamond-tipped cutter forms the internal curve of the lens, then the surface is polished to give it absolute smoothness. Next, the outer surface is processed, which will be in contact with the eyelid, and the desired diameter is given to the workpiece. Outside surface and the edges of the lens are also carefully polished. At the end of this stage, its thickness and other parameters are measured using a very accurate instrument.

The difference between the production of soft lenses lies in the fact that after the turning stage they are subjected to hydration - immersed in saline solution with optimal pH. Hydrogel and silicone hydrogel, from which soft lenses are made, absorb moisture well and swell, increasing to right size. In the course of hydration, the hard workpiece acquires the missing softness and elasticity. At the end, the finished product is checked for compliance with optical and geometric parameters. Lenses are cleaned, packaged and labeled before being sold.


Casting begins with the manufacture of a matrix with specified parameters that correspond to the characteristics of the future lens. From the matrix, plastic form copies are made, which can be both disposable and reusable. The lower half is filled with liquid polymer and covered top, forming an internal space having the shape of a lens. The workpiece is irradiated with ultraviolet light, under the influence of which the polymer hardens. The lens is then hydrated, measured, cleaned and packaged.

Centrifugal molding

The technology of centrifugal molding was developed by the Czech inventor of soft lenses, Otto Wichterle. A special mold with a concave bottom and cylindrical walls is filled necessary quantity monomer. In the process of its rotation on special equipment, the composition spreads over the inner surface and hardens. The shape and thickness of the resulting lens depend on the amount of polymerization mixture and the speed of mold rotation.

Reverse reverse process

The reverse reverse process successfully combines the two technologies described above. First, the convex side of the lens is obtained by centrifugal molding, then it is processed by turning inner part. The resulting lens acquires the advantages of each of the methods - smoothness outer surface and edges are combined with excellent functional qualities obtained during turning.

We work with various types hard contact lenses (Wohlk, Boston, Rose-K, SoClear, etc.).

Our specialists can choose exactly those contact lenses that will provide the highest quality of vision in your case.

What are rigid gas permeable contact lenses?

Sounds kind of intimidating.

Soft contact lenses are a much more pleasant name. However, you will be surprised that hard contact lenses allow oxygen to pass to the cornea in much more than conventional soft contact lenses and even the newest silicone hydrogel lenses, which are now the safest and most advanced soft contact lenses. And this indicator is almost the most important for those who constantly wear contact lenses.

Besides hard contact lenses provide better vision clarity, are more resistant to deposits, and are much cheaper than soft contact lenses, since one pair of lenses is designed to be worn for up to 1-2 years.

Why doesn't everyone wear hard contact lenses then?

First - You need adaptation, i.e. necessary certain time to get used to wearing hard contact lenses. This time is very individual from 3-4 days to 2-3 weeks. And it doesn't hurt.

Second, in order to successfully wear hard lenses, you must be worn every day(with a few exceptions), because if you do not wear them for a while, then you will need some time to adapt again

Rigid contact lenses - an excellent option for those people who cannot achieve perfect vision in soft contact lenses. This is possible in several cases:

  • those people who make higher demands on the quality of vision, such as shooters, operating surgeons, pilots, jewelers, etc.;
  • those. who have astigmatism, especially a high degree, and due to this, 100% vision is not achieved in soft contact lenses;
  • patients with keratoconus irregular shape cornea);
  • patients who need correction after previous surgical operations on the cornea ( laser operations for the elimination of myopia, corneal transplantation, removal of the lens).
  • patients with problems when wearing soft contact lenses (corneal vascularization, recurrent eye inflammation, excess accumulation deposits)

If you already wear hard contact lenses and would like to purchase a new set, please note:

You can order or purchase hard lenses from us if the selection of lenses was made in our office. Rigid lenses cannot be ordered in absentia, eyeglass/soft lens prescriptions, or old hard lens options. To purchase lenses in our office, you need to make an appointment, take a break from wearing your lenses for a few days, and bring all the data you have with you (from examination data to old glasses and contact lenses).

You can sign up for a consultation and selection of hard contact lenses…
Ask a question about hard lenses doctor online right now ... or by phone. 730-52-60, 730-53-35.


American company Cooper Vision over 45 years. For the past decade, it has firmly held the status of one of the world's leading manufacturers of contact lenses.

The company was founded in 1958 in Rochester, New York by Dr. Stanley Gordon. Initially, it consisted of two small enterprises: a research laboratory (Cooper Laboratories) and a modest workshop for the manufacture of hard contact lenses (The Contact Lens Guild), which at that time were only becoming fashionable as an alternative to glasses. Demand for the workshop's products steadily increased, so the workshop itself expanded, and 7 years after its founding, it was renamed Gordon Contact Lenses, Inc. Dr. Gordon himself by that time had become widely known as a public lecturer actively promoting contact lenses.

Since the beginning of the 70s. The 20th century is connected with a historical turn in the fate of the company. In 1970, Stanley Gordon created tetrafilcon, a hydrophilic polymer for soft contact lenses. Six years later, the company launched Aquaflex lenses made from tetrafilcon. It was the third brand of soft lenses in the US officially approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). medicines) for production and sale. Since 1979, Cooper Laboratories have become known as CooperVision. Later, this name was assigned to that part of the company that was engaged in the development and production of contact lenses. It was part of it - since the range of the company's activities gradually expanded. By the mid 1980s. CooperVision was already a solid and expansive enterprise, producing not only lenses and care products, but also whole line medicines, as well as some surgical materials. The company has grown so much, and its specializations have become so diverse that they had to be formalized legally. In 1986, the name Cooper Companies was registered - it now belonged to the company entirely, and the name CooperVision was given to a branch engaged only in the production of contact lenses and accessories for them.

At that time, CooperVision produced three lines of soft lenses: Aquaflex, Permalens ("permanent lenses" - the first 30-day continuous wear soft lenses in the US, registered by the FDA) and Permaflex.

In the second half of the 1980s. the situation on the world market has changed somewhat, and the management of CooperVision reacted to the changes late. As a result, the company began to lose its leading positions, and a production and business decline began. A crisis was brewing. Prospects for CooperVision, in the opinion of its management and prominent experts, are primarily related to the production of contact lenses and, in addition, to surgical gynecology. These two areas are the focus of the activities of the former "Dr. Gordon's Contact Lens Guild", and now one of the world's largest corporations in the medical industry. Its main goal for the near future is to satisfy the demand of all categories of people in need of contact correction vision.

Products: Color Tones colored lenses. Replacement period: 1 month; Cooper Clear FW. Contact lenses prolonged wear. Replacement period: 9-12 months; Cooper Flex Premium. Contact lenses monthly. Replacement period: 1 month; Cooper Flex UV. Contact lenses monthly. Replacement period: 1 month; Crazy. Colored lenses with a pattern. Replacement period: 3 months; expression accents. Tinted colored lenses. Replacement period: 1 month; High Time 55 UV. Contact lenses monthly. Replacement period: 1 month; images. Color contact lenses. Replacement period: 1 month; Silver 07. Extended wear contact lenses. Replacement period: 6-12 months.

Johnson & Johnson was founded in 1886. It is one of the largest American manufacturers of cosmetics and medicinal purpose as well as contact lenses. Johnson & Johnson products are known worldwide and sold in many countries.

In 1987, Johnson & Johnson made innovative contact Acuvue lenses designed for a seven-day wearing period. Since then, more than 2 billion contact lenses have already been produced. As for the lenses supplied on Russian market, then most of them are produced in Ireland at the well-known Limerick plant.

Popular brands : 1-Day Acuvue TruEye , Acuvue Oasys , 1-Day Acuvue Moist , 1-Day Acuvue Define , Acuvue Oasys 1-Day .

Cooper Vision

CooperVision is an American manufacturer of contact lenses. The company was founded in 1958. The main factories for the manufacture of contact lenses of Cooper Vision are located in English city Hampshire, as well as in the American cities of Rochester and Huntington Beach.

The company is headquartered in Irvine, California.

The US facilities mainly manufacture soft toric and spherical contact lenses, while the UK manufactures soft replacement contact lenses.

It was the specialists of Cooper Vision who first developed soft contact lenses for regular replacement. The basis of these lenses is the innovative material Tetrafilcon.

Popular brands : Proclear, Biofinity, Avaira, Myday, Biomedics 55.


Alcon is a recognized world leader in the manufacture and sale of ophthalmic products. The company's head office is located in Texas. More than 2,500 employees work for the benefit of Alcon.

Initially, the company was founded in Fort Worth in 1947 (Texas). At the origins of the company were two American pharmacists - Robert Alexander and William Conner. It was the first syllables of their surnames that served as the basis for creating the name of the company.

In 1977, Nestlé acquired Alcon, as a result of which the sales area for ophthalmic products of this company was expanded. So the manufacturer entered the European market. Alcon currently has factories in Spain, Belgium, Mexico, France and Brazil.

Later, Alcon also began to develop and establish the production of surgical equipment for ophthalmology.

Bausch & Lomb

Bausch & Lomb is a leader in the manufacture and sale of contact lenses.

The company was founded in America in 1853. The founders of the company were emigrants from Germany J.Bausch and H.Lomb. They chose the production of special and high-precision optics as the main specialization of their activity: telescopes, microscopes, binoculars, night vision devices. In 1971, Bausch & Lomb was the first to receive FDA clearance for soft contact lenses.

Bausch & Lomb manufactures a wide range of ophthalmic products and surgical equipment, formerly under the Chiron and Stortz brands.

Bausch & Lomb has sales outlets and factories in 25 countries.

Popular brands : PureVision 2, Biotrue ONEday, Soflens Daily Disposable, Optima FW.

Korean companies

In the past few years, several Korean firms have entered the contact correction market, such as OKVision, G&G Contact Lens. The most popular among their products are colored contact lenses because of the bright colors and affordable price.



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