Technique for entering a lucid dream. The Possibilities of the Subconscious in Lucid Dreaming - Out-of-Body Techniques

It has existed for over 4000 years. In this article, we have collected the most popular and effective techniques for entering into lucid dream.

This article describes the following techniques:

  • Technique "Drawing"
  • Technique "Overload"
  • Technique "Anchors"
  • Technique "Hyperventilation"
  • Technique "return to sleep"
  • self-hypnosis
  • "hatching" dreams
  • mobile phone technology

Auxiliary: dream diary and mask

Dream Diary

The first thing we need is to start a dream diary. In this case, a regular notebook and a pen are suitable, which should be located near the bed, it is best to put them under the pillow. After each awakening from sleep, we should write down all the details of what we dreamed as quickly as possible.

If we do not do this immediately, then our consciousness will forget the dream. It is desirable that the bed is not close to the window, since after waking up we are likely to scatter our attention to a large number of objects outside the window and also we will not be able to remember our dream.

Why do we need this diary? Firstly, it promotes the development of dream memory and attention, and secondly, some small details that we notice in a dream will help us in the future to improve the practice of lucid dreaming.


Get into the habit of using an eye mask for workouts. You can see such masks on an airplane, on some international buses, or buy at a regular pharmacy. They are usually simple and cheap. Of course, there are expensive relaxing masks, but the main thing is important for us - that it be dark. Therefore, a cheap Chinese, or just a home-made convenient option, is quite suitable.

In addition, a mask with regular training will help the body tune in to the OS, like an anchor in NLP.

There are also masks that give a signal (light) for a person to start doing workouts. But it is best to first master the OS techniques on your own, and then try technical innovations on yourself.

Well, often earplugs serve as an addition to the mask. This is true if your household is in different time go to bed, or do you live in major city and even at night under the window the noise from passing cars does not stop. Earplugs (the drugstore option or plain cotton) will help you keep the noise down and focus on your workout.

Remember, all the presented techniques require constant practice and repetition. The first time you are unlikely to succeed, but this is not a reason to give up and give up.

There is no best technique for entering lucid dreams, because people are individuals and what works for one may not work for another.

At the stage of choosing the technique that suits you, you need to choose: do you want to start training in a dream state or in a waking state? Starting training while awake will give you an advantage, while training from a dream state is more like luck at the beginning.

So, let's get straight to the techniques.

Drawing technique.

Also referred to as the “silent counting technique,” ​​this technique is a variation of Tibetan sleep yoga developed by Tartanga Tulk, a Tibetan teacher living and working in the United States.

From the outside it may seem that the technique is very simple. But in fact it's the other way around. What do we need to do? When we go to bed we calm down and relax the body, it will take no more than 3 minutes. Next, we draw numbers in our imagination, starting from one. In this case, the very representation of numbers is very important, it can be a board with chalk, a stick and sand on the beach, or a can and a wall. The choice is yours, let your imagination run wild.

We start drawing. We mentally draw the first number, it is important to imagine it brightly and distinctly, then we erase it and draw the next one, and so on up to 1000. At the same time, it is important to constantly repeat to ourselves: “I am sleeping.” The complexity of the practice lies in the fact that the exercise itself takes a lot of time and requires tremendous concentration. But if you do everything right, then in the end you will achieve what you want.

Soon you will realize that you are in a lucid dream, what to do next is up to you. This technique is also remarkable in that it trains well the concentration of attention, willpower and maintaining awareness. All this will be useful to us in further practices of lucid dreaming.

Technique "Overload"

This is one of the most extreme techniques that require the longest preparation.

The day before the experience, you need to spend a sleepless night. But you should not just stay awake, but do it richly and brightly. It is best to go to a nightclub or a place that fills you with experiences and events. It is very important to be sober at all times.

After our sleepless night we must have a busy day. We can go to the cinema, do something unusual, or even extreme, of course, it's up to you. It is important to spend the night and day in such a way that you do not get bored for a minute. At the end of the day, your body will be tired and your mind awake as it processes past events.

As a result, before going to bed, you will have a short gap, when the mind is still awake, and the body is sleeping. This can be used, but we need a "reference point" - Carlos Castaneda in the book "The Art of Dreaming" suggests looking at your hands at the beginning of the practice. Although the preparation for this method is rather complicated, the effectiveness of the "Overload" technique is quite high.

Hypnotic Imagery Technique

The essence of this technique lies in special condition“half-sleep,” as the Russian philosopher P.D. called him. Uspensky, who long time studied the moment a person enters a state of sleep. Later, the American psychiatrist Nathan Rapport refined the method of entering a lucid dream by focusing on hypnotic images.

When we go to bed and close our eyes, after a while we begin to notice various objects in front of our eyes, various waves, circles and figures, they are called phosphenes. If you contemplate them for a long time, then you can wait a certain moment on the border of sleep and contemplation, when we relax, various hypnotic images pop up from our subconscious.

It can be voices, light, etc., which become brighter and clearer in the future. These images are the forerunners of sleep. The difficulty with this technique lies in the fact that we have only one small time gap in order to fall into a lucid dream. If we miss it, we will wake up in the morning, but if we try to catch our attention on these images too early, then we run the risk of waking up.

In any case, we won’t succeed the first time, practice is needed here. But when using this technique, many people noted the brightness and richness of sensations during the dream itself.

Technique "Anchors"

This is the most famous and widespread technique. It is also called the "critical state examination technique", and is described in more detail in the book The Practice of Dreams by Stephen LaBerge, a man who is considered a guru and the founder of the scientific approach to the study of dreams. The essence of this technique is that we must build a bridge between dream and reality with the help of anchors.

An anchor is an object, or an event, after which a certain pre-planned action should be taken. The anchor can be anything, the main thing is that it meets us in everyday life as often as possible. It can be a sign, a car, a billboard, a person, etc. It is also important that the anchor often meets us in a dream, here we help will come aforementioned diary.

After we have chosen an anchor, we need to perform a certain procedure.

  • Termination. All actions that we did before meeting with the anchor should be stopped. Everything is clear here, for example, if we were walking, then we stop.
  • Question. We ask ourselves, is this a dream?
  • Examination. We look at our hands or watches, reread the same text a couple of times, etc.
  • Action. Doing something impossible real life, for example, we try by force of will to force ourselves to take off.

No matter how ridiculous some points may sound, they must be done without fail and sincerely. When we bring these actions to automaticity, we will involuntarily perform them during sleep. As a result, our consciousness awakens, and we enter into a lucid dream.

Technique "Hyperventilation"

It also has the name Breathing method"This is quite an ancient practice. breathing exercises, or pranayama - breathing yoga, which is applicable to achieve lucid dreaming. This technique has been described by many gurus and scientists who study this phenomenon, such as Carlos Castaneda, Stephen LaBerge, etc.

This is the most simple technique but, despite its simplicity, it works, and for us this is the most important thing. Before going to bed, we set ourselves an alarm clock for 4 in the morning. When he calls, we wake up and are in a state of cheerfulness for about 20-30 minutes, although everything is individual here, two or three may be enough for some. The main task is to achieve such a state that would be aware of what is happening, but still want to sleep.

Then we move on to the hyperventilation phase. When we lie down in bed, we begin to breathe quickly and deeply, as if after a long run. We do this for no more than 2 minutes. What happens next? We somehow discover that we are already inside a lucid dream.

Technique "return to sleep"

This method belongs to the so-called "indirect techniques" for entering a lucid dream. The secret to the success of indirect techniques is that attempts to exit the OS are carried out in an awakened state. At this time, the brain, according to research, is very close to the desired phase state.

On average, when using the indirect technique, it takes 1-2 days, and about 5 attempts, to achieve a result. Those. if this method works for you, then it will be fast enough, and it makes no sense to train him for weeks and even more so for months if something goes wrong.

So, how to do the indirect technique Return to sleep:

Step 1. After a little sleep, after 4-6 hours of sleep, you wake up with an alarm. After a few minutes (but not more than an hour), you return to sleep again. In general, it will be great if during this period of time you do something related to lucid dreaming - for example, read a book with techniques, or fill out a dream diary.

Step 2 We fall asleep with the intention of making an exit into a lucid dream.

Example, you should have time - at least an hour after falling asleep again. So it is very convenient to try this method on the weekend.

Step 3 When we wake up again, without opening our eyes yet, we try to separate from the body. To do this, use the tricks in turn: get up, roll out, take off. We do this without straining physically, using sensations. The main thing is to make attempts immediately, without wasting time. Otherwise, you will fall asleep or wake up completely.

Step 4 If it didn’t work out within a few seconds, then we sort through the known light techniques (for example, visualization of hands, or the mobile phone technique), suddenly one of them will work. Do not spend a lot of time on each, use just a few seconds for each too.

Step 5 If it didn’t work out again, we fall asleep and upon awakening we make an attempt to get out of the body into a lucid dream again. So you can make several attempts until you get up.

The disadvantage of technology is that you can knock yourself out of sleep. On the other hand, very often the first lucid dreams come precisely when using this method.


The bottom line is to convince yourself in the evening, before going to bed - that today you will definitely succeed. And there will be a lucid dream.
It doesn't always work, but it can work for people who are prone to suggestion.

The second type of this technique is receiving reminders.
Before falling asleep, concentrate on the desire to remember your dreams. Repeat several times, like a mantra, a text like this: "The next time I have a dream, I will definitely remember it." You can remind yourself all day, keep in mind to go to the store in the evening and buy bread and milk. Here - the same principle.

Technologies of "awakened consciousness"

This is a collection of techniques similar to self-hypnosis, based on the attempt to maintain consciousness while falling asleep. To do this, lie down, relax completely and use any technique that suits you: direct or backward counting up to 100, mental contemplation of pictures (the so-called hypnotic images), focusing on the sound of tinnitus, etc.

Slight physical discomfort

There is no need to keep yourself sleepy here. It is enough to give yourself uncomfortable posture, or sit on a hard-backed chair, or something similar.

The fact is that if you comfortably lie down in bed, then the temptation to fall asleep will be much greater than to remain conscious in order to see a lucid dream and remember it. It is assumed that when falling asleep in an uncomfortable position, the consciousness is awake longer, and your state will be closer to a trance than to normal sleep.

"hatching" dreams

Some time before dreaming, you begin to think about your dream, for example, "I want to go snowboarding."
Write down this phrase, think it over, wish it .. And when you have a good break up dreaming of such a dream, immediately go to sleep. And try to keep thoughts about your goal as the last before you fall asleep.

mobile phone technology

When you wake up, imagine that you have something in your hand. The easiest way to imagine is a mobile phone, hence the name of the technique.

Actively concentrate on the sensation in the palm of your hand, it should become brighter. Feel it with your fingers (feeling, not physically). When the mobile phone can be twisted in your hand, use the techniques of separation from the body - getting up, rolling out.

Now you know more techniques achieving lucid dreams.
Apply them and find the best ones for you.

Lucid dreaming(OS) is guided dreams. That is, dreams in which we understand that we are sleeping, but do not wake up, but do there what our heart desires.

Computer games and movies are nothing compared to lucid dreams. This is a freedom that is hard to imagine. We become almost the gods of a new world, which.

For dreams it is normal picture=) But you can take control of your dreams and decide for yourself what you will dream about.

If everyday reality reacts to our thoughts, as a rule, with a great delay, then in a lucid dream this happens almost instantly. The plot is transformed according to our desire: we just have to wish for something, as the desired immediately appears in our dream.

Moreover, you can control how the whole dream (including all actors, environment, and so on), it's easy to create general direction development of events and let the whole thing take its course. That is, we will know that we are sleeping, but the plot of the dream will be generated automatically by our subconscious ...

➡️ Interesting fact! Do you know that when we sleep and dream, our pupils under closed eyelids move in the same way as if we were looking at something in reality? This was proven by scientists in the last century. In short, the sleeping dreamer was able to give a predetermined signal with his eyes (under the eyelids) to the outside world.

In a lucid dream, any situation and any actors can be modeled. Everything that you can imagine will be embodied in your dreams. Even what is impossible in our usual reality.

In lucid dreams there are no boundaries, laws and restrictions.

Have fun, improve, enjoy, travel, try something new - you can really do everything. To do this, you just need to have knowledge of how to get into a lucid dream. And, of course, put this knowledge into practice. Everything else is a matter of technique.

A little patience - and the first lucid dream will not keep you waiting. Dear SILS reader, it is a great honor for me to be your guide in this new dream world. A world where everything is possible. I'm sure you'll like it!

How to manage sleep? How to get into a lucid dream? Maximum detailed information you will find about entering the OS in this article, you just have to scroll through the page a little lower.⬇️

In the meantime, with your permission, I will tell you about the history of this phenomenon, as well as about the people who discovered and popularized lucid dreams.

Well, then we will smoothly move on to the techniques of entering lucid dreams. The information is selected specifically for beginners, so that even a person who is not familiar with this can quickly learn and plunge into the world of lucid dreams and fantastic adventures.

Personal experience is what this article is based on. Here you will learn about all my successful and unsuccessful attempts to achieve lucidity in dreams. I am ashamed to admit, but at the beginning of my journey, I complicated everything too much and therefore spent much more time and effort than required. Could have done with much less effort.? But in any case, all this was not in vain: after all, now I can tell you all the pitfalls of lucid dreaming and how to get over them.

By the way, for starters: lucid dreams can be used not only for entertainment. I had a safe at home, the key to which I hid somewhere and could not find for more than 2 years. In a lucid dream, the idea came to me to look for the loss, because in that dream I was just in my room. Mentally, I gave the command to the lost key to glow. It’s easier to find the type with backlight)) And it lit up (through objects - don’t forget, it’s not necessary to follow the usual laws in the OS). In short, I found a hidden key to the safe in a dream. Woke up. And what do you think? Yes, this key was really where I found it in the dream.

Thus, a lucid dream gives us access to the subconscious, from where, if desired, information can be pulled out. You can, for example, learn something, and these skills will be preserved in the real world.

What? Sounds unrealistic? Then just try it and see for yourself.?

So, dear friend, we will talk further about how to induce a lucid dream (below on this page are simple and effective techniques, as well as books and videos), but for now, let's briefly study the history of this amazing phenomenon.

History of Lucid Dreams

The history of lucid dreaming dates back to before our era. “Sometimes when a person is asleep,” wrote Aristotle, “something in his mind allows him to understand that everything that happens is just a dream.” And the first written evidence of the existence of knowledge of lucid dreams comes from a letter written in 415 AD. Blessed Augustine. Thus, it becomes clear that OSes have been with people since ancient times.

But only since the 20th century, lucid dreams have received great development and distribution. The term "lucid dreaming" was first used in 1913 by the Dutch psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden in his article "The Study of Dreams". And even Sigmund Freud studied this phenomenon. But then the OSes were still not known to the general public ...

A truly significant contribution to the study of lucid dreams was made by Stephen LaBerge. He defined OS as a special altered state of consciousness, when a person understands that he is sleeping and dreaming, and therefore can control the course of its course. LaBerge wrote books that became a kind of bible for dreamers. He is the founder of the Institute for Lucid Dreaming. In short, the man did indeed great job to promote the OS. Steven is a prime example how pleasant and effective it is to do what you really enjoy. All you need is

Here is a list of books written by Stephen LaBerge:

  • Lucid dreaming
  • Practicing Lucid Dreaming
  • The world of lucid dreams
  • Lucid Dreaming Course
  • Exploring the world of lucid dreaming

But let's go back a couple of decades. Carlos Castaneda- an esoteric writer who told in his books about learning from an Indian shaman named Don Juan. Castaneda's books saw the light in the 60s of the last century, when the hippie movement was flourishing. Since hippies and an altered state of consciousness are practically synonymous?, the information presented in Carlos's books got to fertile ground and gave fruit. They learned about lucid dreams, they started talking about it. By the way, the author wrote many books, the book we needed was called The Art of Dreaming.

And in the Soviet Union they learned about Carlos Castaneda around 1980. For Soviet man it was very new and unusual, so don Juan's teachings quickly found their admirers. Time passed, the 90s came - the period of the birth of the Internet in Russia, sites dedicated to Castaneda's books began to appear. Based on this movement, Dream Hackers. These guys began to spread their unique designs for traveling in dreams online. For example, such an effective technique as "dream mapping" was created by dream hackers. More about this technique is written below, in the practice section.

Mikhail Rainbow- another OS researcher, also our compatriot. He is the author of more than a dozen books, the creator of the website, and the founder of the School of Out-of-Body Travel. Actively develops the theme of lucid dreams in the post-Soviet space. Or rather, not lucid dreams, but OBEs - out-of-body travel (which is essentially the same thing). As a rule, the entrance to the OBE occurs not from sleep, but from the state of wakefulness (although it is also possible through sleep). Mikhail can be thanked first of all for creating a system of simple but effective techniques. Yes, some techniques were already known before, but it was Mikhail Raduga who selected the best and threw out everything superfluous. It turned out to be an incredibly effective mixture of theory (5%) and practice (95%). You don't need to invent anything - just follow step by step detailed instructions, and everything will definitely work out.

There were other researchers who made a significant contribution to the study and systematization of knowledge on how to enter a lucid dream.

Robert Monroe- Conducted impact research sound waves on the capabilities of the brain. In 1958, Monroe got into the OS, which interested him very much, and what he later devoted all his activities to. In 1974, he founded the Monroe Institute, which was entirely dedicated to the study of altered states of consciousness and the possibility of influencing it with audio stimulation and other technologies. He invented the Hemi-Sync technology, the principle of which is to synchronize the work of the hemispheres of the brain, which, in turn, leads to the achievement of unusual states. Author of the books: Out-of-Body Travels (1971), Far Travels (1985) and Ultimate Travels (1994). On the net, you can find special Monroe audio programs to stimulate the OS and enter altered states of consciousness.

Patricia Garfield- one of the founders of the Association for the Study of Dreams, Ph.D. clinical psychology. She has written many books on lucid dreams, her most famous book being Creative Dreaming (1974).

Also, speaking about the OS, it is impossible not to mention Thompson Bradley, author of Lucid Dreaming in 7 Days. Simple and effective leadership, telling about how to learn lucid dreams in just a week.

Dear readers of the Healthy Lifestyle, this is where the excursion into the history of OSes ends. It's time to get right into practice.

The practice of lucid dreaming

So, as I promised earlier, I will tell you my story first.

Dreams (ordinary, not lucid) have always attracted me.

First, it's just very interesting. In fact, dreams are a second life. How many feelings, how many emotions in our dreams! Probably, each of us had dreams so beautiful that after them we didn’t even want to wake up. Do you remember??

Secondly, I have always been strangled by a toad because a third of my life seems to go nowhere. After all, by default, dreams are practically not remembered, fell asleep, woke up, that's all. Wanted more rational use allotted time for me.

This inspired me to study dreams. At that time, I did not know about the possibility of conscious stay in dreams. I accidentally stumbled upon a lecture on lucid dreaming by Stephen LaBerge. This lecture really interested me. Read Stephen's books. It lit up even more. I realized that the OS is exactly what I was missing. And rushed!

I will say right away that I did not succeed in inducing a lucid dream the first time. I raised the importance of the goal too, too much. You can read about how overestimated importance interferes with the path to the goal.

I managed to enter a lucid dream only a year later. Year, Carl! Although all this could be done in a few weeks. The maximum is a month. But it's my own fault, because I'm too obsessed with this. And a year later, the importance decreased, as I became banal do not care. No, seriously, if you purposefully do something every day, but do not get a result, then sooner or later you will get tired of it. This is what happened in my case. And as soon as the importance decreased, a whole stream of lucid dreams fell upon me.?

THIS WAS UNBELIEVABLE TO HOW COOL! It's like I've found a long-lost part of myself. I am writing these lines now, and goosebumps run down my skin from the memories of how it was ...

It is difficult to put into words my feelings and emotions. It's like trying to explain the taste of fruit to someone who has never tasted fruit before. Yes, theoretically this information can be transmitted, but a true understanding of this taste will come to a person only when he tries it himself.

The only thing I can promise is that you will feel like Alice in Wonderland. Don't believe in magic? It doesn't matter, just go into a lucid dream, and you will become a wizard without wanting to. And yes, it will change you forever. Shall we start?

Lucid Dreaming: The Entry Technique for Beginners

1⃣ Keep a dream diary. This is the key point. You need to write down all your dreams. It trains dream memory.

Interesting fact! Do you know that we dream every hour and a half? And we wake up every hour and a half, we just don't remember it. This is due to the fact that our sleep consists of 4 phases. In the fourth phase, we have a dream, and then we wake up, and these four phases are repeated anew. On average, a dream consists of 4-5 such one and a half hour segments.

Thus, we have about 5 dreams per night. But how many of them can we remember? One? None at all? Alas, we usually do not remember our dreams, and if we do, they are quickly forgotten (almost immediately after waking up). It's embarrassing, right?

The diary helps to train your memory so that after a night you will remember up to 5 dreams! In my case, it did. At night, after each awakening, I made brief notes / audio recordings, and in the morning, based on them, I wrote down dreams in a diary in great detail.✏️

Important: dreams should be recorded as detailed as possible. This trains dream memory (each time dreams are remembered and remembered more and more easily), plus in future dreams you can see something similar to yours previous dreams(which you prudently wrote down in your diary) and, accordingly, become aware of yourself in a dream.

2⃣ Check during the day to see if you are sleeping. Periodically stop and check if this is a dream or reality. Ask yourself the question: “Am I dreaming?” And then try to really figure it out. Look around. Is there anything strange around? Why is everything happening this way? It is important to arrange such checks not mechanically, but with full awareness. Try to discover in reality the elements of the dream. And gradually this habit will pass to you in dreams.

? Interesting fact! In a dream, the light switches do not work, the time on the electronic clock is shown incorrectly, and the written / printed text is constantly changing (you just have to turn away - the text will change). These are the identification marks of OSes.

You can check exactly these identification marks. Let this become your habit in real life. And all habits sooner or later pass into our dreams. Thus, when you make such a test in a dream, you will most likely realize that you are dreaming. And this is what we need!

3⃣ Use a lucid dreaming mask. Principle of operation: infrared sensors are installed in the mask, fixing the movement of the eyes. And our eyes move, as you remember, at the time when we dream. So, when we move our eyes in a dream, the mask determines this and starts flashing red light through our eyelids. Accordingly, in a dream, all kinds of devilry with light begins to happen. For example, if we are in a room, then in it the light suddenly starts to light up and go out.?

Well, the mask has done its job. She informed you that you were sleeping. Then everything depends only on you. There are 2 scenarios. In the first, you fool yourself into believing that flashing lights are normal. After all, something strange and unusual often happens in our dreams, but our sleeping brain believes that this is in the order of things. The second option is much more interesting: you will understand that the blinking of the light is a sign that you are sleeping. That is, the dream will pass under your control. Do whatever you want. ?

I used the mask DreamStalker. Satisfied with the device. At the beginning, it can be a little uncomfortable to fall asleep, but I won’t say that the mask delivers just some severe discomfort. Rather, it's just strange the first few nights. It was this mask that helped me to realize myself in a dream. But I bought it a long time ago, now they have probably invented something more convenient / more functional. With the mask, I got about 10 OSes, then I stopped needing it (consciousness in a dream began to come steadily without a mask) and sold it.

Attention! The mask for lucid dreams is not a panacea. Yes, it can help, but first of all, you need your unwavering intention to enter the OS.

4⃣ Make a dream map. The principle is the same as with the diary. It doesn’t matter how you draw, whether you do it in detail or schematically, something else is important - attempts to orient yourself in the dream world lead to the development of dream memory. Just along with the plot (diary) you concentrate on the area (map). Dream mapping is considered " calling card» Dream Hackers, which were told in the history of OSes.

Why? This orientation of the map to the cardinal points comes from the ancient traditions of the shamans of Siberia.? Siberian shamans made maps of the Lower Worlds (our subconscious) in this way. Whether to change north with south is up to you. Try both options, and you yourself will feel what suits you better. I made a map according to the shamanic tradition, for a map with usual location sides caused some discomfort when plotting the terrain from dreams on the map. So see for yourself how it is more convenient for you to do it.

Dream Hackers promise when a certain amount of cartography is accumulated explosive dream recall which we dreamed about almost throughout our lives. Be that as it may, mapping dreams really helps to remember old dreams.

5⃣ Listen to psychoactive audio recordings. This method is at your own peril and risk, there are no guarantees here, since no one knows what is encoded in this audio.

There is special music that you listen to before going to bed, and…

  • dreams become surprisingly vivid and memorable;
  • it becomes easier to realize yourself in a dream.

Sounds good, right? But, I repeat, there are no guarantees here: you never know what can be inscribed in our subconscious after listening. ?

So, if this does not stop you, then type "alterson" in Yandex. This is one track, after listening to which you will not recognize your dreams. A very strong thing.

It is necessary to listen to this track before going to bed with headphones (preferably large ones, not plugs). Equalizer (Balance audio frequencies) should be set by default (there shouldn't be any Rock, Bass, and so on). After the first listening, I was shocked by the quantity and quality of the dreams that came flooding in.? Perhaps I overdid it a little with the listening time (I turned it on on repeat and stuck, as a result, I listened for about an hour).

There is other music for lucid dreams. There are recordings with a voice, there are with a strange noise, there are for hypnosis, there are for induction into a trance. In short, for every taste and color. Be that as it may, remember that only you are responsible for your psyche.

OS books

Questions and answers

Q: How long does it take to learn lucid dreaming?
Answer: From 1 day to 1 year. Usually within a few weeks (maximum - a month) the first successful results appear.

Question: Isn't it dangerous?
Answer: There are different approaches. Some dreamers believe that through lucid dreams they travel to the astral or other worlds, meet all sorts of intangible entities ??? that can harm them, and so on. Others preach an extremely pragmatic approach to lucid dreams, such as all this is just the fruit of the work of my subconscious. Personally, I lean more towards the second option. As for health, people have been actively engaged in OS since the last century, and scientists are now investigating this direction. None negative consequences health has not been identified.

Question: Will I be able to rest during the OS?
Answer: Lucid sleep is just as refreshing as regular sleep. BUT positive emotions from adventures in the dream world give a charge of vivacity and Have a good mood for all day.? On the contrary, an unconscious dream, in which you have to run away from someone or something, overcome obstacles, experience psychological stress, is unlikely to give such a surge of strength as a smartly and usefully performed lucid dream.

Question: I go into OS, but I wake up or quickly lose consciousness. What to do?
Answer: So you have already learned how to enter a lucid dream. Congratulations! For the first time, almost everyone is thrown out of the OS due to excessive enthusiasm, this is normal. Deepening and anchoring techniques in lucid dreaming are well developed by Mikhail Raduga, please check out his books and videos.

Question: Will my ordinary dreams disappear after I become lucid?
Answer: Still, to realize yourself in a dream, you need to make certain efforts. If you get tired of being aware in your dreams, then just stop striving for it. Gradually, lucid dreams will be replaced by simple ones. Although occasionally OSes can return.


How to enter a lucid dream? Just use the above techniques. A little patience, and everything will definitely work out.

Read books, watch videos, connect with like-minded people. Surrounding ourselves with the topic of OSes in reality, we thereby increase the likelihood that this topic will pop up in our dream. Some beginners manage to get into a lucid dream the first time, just by reading or talking about this topic. Of course, such a freebie is not available to everyone, but it does not matter. The main thing is that you should not get hung up on getting into the OS, you should not overestimate the importance of this. Try to enjoy the very process of exploring your dreams.

What else is desirable to do to get into the OS? Of course, lead healthy lifestyle life. The higher your energy level, the easier it is to learn how to manage your sleep.

Dear reader of the Healthy Lifestyle, I hope this article will help you. It was written with soul, in it I tried to convey all my personal experience lucid dreams. Have questions? Feel free to ask in the comments. I'll be glad to help you. See you!

Lucid dreaming is an exciting and interesting phenomenon when a sleeping person is clearly aware and understands that he is dreaming. In this case, all events in a dream are controlled and completely subject to the one who sees the dream. This is the main difference from ordinary dreams, where a person acts only as a spectator and cannot influence the unfolding of events in any way.

Many people confuse lucid dreams with the astral, but they are two different things. However, it is through lucid dreams that one can easily get into the astral plane, into an even more exciting world. There are many methods and techniques on how to realize yourself in a dream. And everyone chooses the one that resonates with him the most and works well.


Lucid dreaming practice

For those who practice lucid dreams, the practice of entering the astral will no longer seem like something transcendental and incomprehensible, which is why it is advised to start with lucid dreams. One of good practices for awareness in a dream, is the developed habit of checking all the time and asking yourself: “Am I dreaming?”. You can start doing this right now in real life, and after that the habit will be transferred to sleep. This is considered one of the easiest ways.

And of course, who wants to see lucid dreams every night, practice and perseverance should come first. From the first time, few people succeed in becoming aware of themselves, but then it becomes almost automatic. For some, this will take a matter of days, or rather nights, and for some, months or years. It is important to set an intention, then it will definitely turn out.

There is also such a technique of lucid dreaming as falling asleep after waking up. To do this, you need to set an alarm clock in such a way as to wake up in five hours. After the alarm wakes you up, do not immediately try to fall asleep again, but remember and analyze what you dreamed about before and try to plunge into that interrupted state.

This lucid dreaming technique is very helpful, especially for beginners who want to quickly become lucid. There are other techniques, so you can easily choose what will work for you for sure. But no one forbids you to create your own techniques, using your imagination and practical experience.

Books about lucid dreaming have been published massively in the last 10-15 years, when interest in this phenomenon has increased significantly, when a person began to strive to know himself and his essence.

And in books you can read not only the techniques of lucid dreaming, but also reviews of practicing authors, tips and even warnings. In general, you can learn from the mistakes of others. You can read in detail about lucid dreams in one of the books of Carlos Castaneda, in which there is a very unconventional opinion in general about the world of dreams, which cannot but interest the reader.

Stephen LaBerge devoted a lot of time to such a topic as lucid dreams, whose books are known all over the world. This book is called Lucid Dreaming.

Some may wonder: “why do I need all this? Why have lucid dreams, you can get by with simple ones? However, if you experience such dreams a couple of times, then simple dreams you will find it boring and uninteresting. After all, the world of lucid dreams knows no boundaries or boundaries.

Everything is possible there, and it is limited only by your own desire and intent. Having studied this process subtly and carefully in dreams, one can transfer, project it into life. This is what Vadim Zeland writes about in his books on reality transurfing. That is, with the help of lucid dreams, you can learn to create reality yourself, and the dream in this case will be like a draft.

Also, the world of lucid dreams promotes travel to any space and any time. There are no boundaries, it is so captivating, because you can survive so different condition, while the experiences will be difficult to distinguish from real ones. In lucid dreams, you can ask any question and get an answer instantly.

Many people diagnose the state of their body in this way. And what can I say, because a dream is a conversation with the soul, and it's nice if this conversation is remembered and used for good. it powerful tool not only for self-knowledge, but also for the spiritual development of the individual.

AT recent times many began to study lucid dreams, how to enter this state, how to then go to the astral and out-of-body experience. Forums are being created with numerous users to exchange experiences, techniques, and tips.

Many advise keeping a diary to write everything down right during sleep or immediately upon awakening. Thus, you can analyze a lot, and the brain will receive instructions. He gave and gives a lot of information to everyone who wants to practice lucid dreams, how to enter whole line a technician for beginners, and who has been in the subject for a long time, is Mikhail Raduga.


For many, Mikhail Rainbow and lucid dreams have become almost synonymous. Ten years ago, or so, he was so inspired by his lucid dreaming that he decided to tell the whole world about it, and most importantly, to teach this process how to more people, which he does well.

They were taken off documentary several books have been written on this topic, there is a rather popular website of its own, hundreds of thousands of people who want to learn from their own experience what lucid dreams are and how they can be used in your life are inspired by its example.

Mikhail Raduga presents lucid dreams and exit techniques in different ways for beginners and those with experience. Therefore, on its resources, everyone can find something interesting and understandable for themselves. It can be seen that a person loves what he does and shares it with joy.


First, I will tell you about some of the main lucid dreaming techniques for beginners, then I will tell you in more detail about the methods for each technique, then I will tell you about the methods I use. I will also give you a personal opinion which one I consider more productive. Perhaps I can throw some information you need.

2 Basic Lucid Dreaming Techniques

According to the method of entering the OS, all methods are divided into two main groups: direct and indirect.

The Direct Lucid Dreaming Technique is a technique that allows you to move from the waking state to the dream state without losing consciousness.

If you are a person who is interested in unusual things, you have wondered if it is possible to go to sleep without losing consciousness. As a child (and still) I fell asleep for a very long time. It took me about 40-60 minutes to fall asleep. But I didn't know for sure. I had the idea to time the time it takes me to fall asleep. I did not tell anyone about this idea, because I thought that no one would want to do it.

Gradually I came to the conclusion that the only way, which I was not too lazy to try, was to remember the time when I went to bed, and somehow remember the time when I passed out. Unfortunately, I immediately realized that in my entire life I had never been awake while falling asleep to memorize this number. A few minutes before bedtime, I felt that the course of my thoughts was disturbed, and it was much easier for me not to think about anything at all. And what happened next, I do not remember!

I became interested in this phenomenon, but still could not maintain awareness to check how long I fell asleep.

I had no idea about it, but at that moment I was very close to the OS world. With the direct technique of lucid dreaming, a person can fall asleep without losing consciousness.

The indirect lucid dreaming technique assumes that you will regain consciousness while you are sleeping. In other words, you will realize that you are in a dream only after being there for a while.

Direct Lucid Dreaming Technique: Methods

You can find information on the Internet that the direct OS call technique is the easiest to use. There may be something wrong with me, but in all my life I have never achieved direct entry.

Most effective methods applied at a time when you accidentally wake up at night. At this time, you should carry out some manipulations with your consciousness, which I will describe below.

So, you are awake. Try not to move! In fact, don't move at all. If you make at least one movement, it will drastically reduce the chances of getting into the OS.

Can you submit any active actions. It is recommended to imagine yourself as a swimmer in the sea. Imagine that you are swimming, and in a few minutes you will realize that you are swimming not just in your fantasies, but in a real dream! Lucid dream.

You can also try the phantom movement method. Try to imagine in your mind that you are moving your finger without moving it. At first you will be aware that there are no physical movements, but after a few minutes you will believe that you are doing them! After a while, you will be in a lucid dream.

Direct entry into lucid dreaming can also be tried in the afternoon or evening before bedtime.

You will again have to lie still. If you do not move at all, then in 30-60 minutes you will be possessed sleep paralysis. You may not be able to move, your chest may feel heavy, and your ears may ring. Don't be scared. This means that you are entering the OS.

Indirect technique of lucid dreaming. Methods

To take advantage indirect technique, you should check every few minutes that you are not in a dream. When you sleep, your habit will work and you will be able to understand where you are.

In addition, you can study the phenomenon of lucid dreams in order to think about them more often. This also contributes to the achievement of success in our field.

Below I will list several ways to check reality:

  1. Try to breathe through your nose, covering it with your hands. In a dream, you will succeed.
  2. Try to remember the last hour of your life. You won't be able to do this in a dream.
  3. Look at your hands. You will notice something strange. And everyone is weird.
  4. Turn on the light! In a dream, you cannot do this.
  5. Try to take off. If you have been to the OS before and learned how to do it, then you can do it.

In addition to reality checks and studying the OS, you should study and own dreams. You must keep a dream journal. Unfortunately, many dreams are forgotten after a couple of minutes after waking up. Some dreams are forgotten after a couple of seconds! To do this, you should have a voice recorder or a notebook nearby. As soon as you wake up, write down some details of your sleep. If it's already morning and you're about to get up, then write down your dream in full before you forget it.

My relationship with lucid dreaming

Since I have a specific dream, you should not look only at me. I will only say what will help people like me.

First, I would advise you not to waste your time on direct entry if you are taking too long to fall asleep. In addition to the fact that entering the OS will take you a lot of time and effort, you are unlikely to last long there. Experiments I've read about on the Internet show that a lucid dream lasts 5-15 minutes with direct entry. This is too little.

It fits me indirect technique lucid dreams. First of all, it's damn effective for me. When I did this for the first month, I experienced such short span time 10 OS! This is a lot for a beginner. And I'm sure you can do the same.

In addition to being effective in achieving, the indirect lucid dreaming technique allows you to be in the OS for up to an hour. Everything is individual, it depends on your efforts, but with the help of direct entry, I would never achieve such a result.

I think that I have covered the topic of entering lucid dreams most fully, and I hope that you succeed in the study of their own dreams.

All for now.

Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Somewhere below, in the midst of endless green fields, a river meandered like a blue ribbon. She seemed to be playing with him. Who will be the first to reach the hill on which the city stands? He soared silently under the clouds, enjoying every moment. It's hard to describe. Just a desire arises in the heart, and every cell of the body responds to this wonderful call. And now it was calling ahead. To his own city. With a magnificent palace in the center and a beautiful garden behind it. There was a wonderful gazebo among the trees, where he liked to sit alone, enjoying the birds singing.

There was a soft rustle nearby. Looking around, he saw a pair of young dragons. The heart fluttered. But not out of fear, but out of joy. It was like meeting old friends. They sailed majestically across the sky like two huge ships. golden scales shimmered in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. At the sight of such a sight, he wanted to scream with all his might, but the dragons outstripped him. They let out a long cry of joy, soared up and disappeared into the clouds.

And he flew and thought how the doors of his city would open before him, how his friends would meet him. Birds will sit on their hands and sing their songs for him. After all, this is his city. This is his world...

Do you think this is a fairy tale? Fiction? Didn't guess. The world described above is quite real. This is the world of lucid dreaming, and everyone is capable of the same or better. Of course, you can say that this is all fiction, unrealistic, and so on. The fact is that with reality, too, everything is not so simple. Our brains don't care whether they take a picture from the dusty archives of memory (maybe even from an old movie) or get it from an external source. You won't even notice the change. To a simple question: “Are you sure that you are not sleeping right now?” Most people won't even be able to answer. How to have lucid dreams? This is what we will learn today.

What are lucid dreams?

How to enter a lucid dream? Before you get an answer to this question, you need to find out what it is all about? In fact, the answer follows from the name. A person sees a dream, realizing that he is sleeping. This is the very first, main and most difficult step on the way to building your own world in your dreams. The problem is that most people on the planet are not only unable to control their dreams, but they are not even able to understand that they are in a dream. And at the same time, we are still trying to talk about what is real in this world and what is not!

Exist different types of people. Some people have bright beautiful (or scary) unforgettable dreams. Others do not remember at all what they saw in their dreams after waking up. There are also people to whom the gift of self-awareness in dreams is given from birth, without any training and exercises.

No need to think that this is some kind of modern invention. The first mentions date back to the distant 8th century AD. Even then, people thought about traveling in a dream. serious Scientific research began to be carried out much later, in the 20th century by S. Laberge, and later by other scientists.

Why is this needed?

Before we start talking about how to enter a lucid dream, we need to find out why this is needed at all? Let's forget about things like hidden reserves our body, inexhaustible sources of new knowledge, additional sources of energy, and so on. Let's turn to dry and banal mathematics. For hundreds of thousands of years, man has been looking for a way to extend his relatively short life even for a couple of days. Whatever is done for this: new medicines are invented, diets, exercises are invented. No matter what people go to, in order to linger at least for a while in this world. But very few people think about the fact that every day we delete from our lives as much as 8 hours for sleep (someone less or more). It seems not so much, one third of the day. Okay, we lose 10 days out of the month. More interesting, right? For 30 years of life, lost time is accumulated by 10 years! But we can't stay awake, you say. That's right, we can't. But it is in our power to fill this void with meaning! Imagine you have the opportunity to increase your life for years, this is no joke! Time in a lucid dream is full of surprises. It seems that he slept for several hours, and the hand moved only fifteen minutes. Moreover, there are cases when a person lived in a dream for several days, weeks and even months. And in the real world, as if nothing had happened, he woke up in the morning after 8 hours. Is it worth neglecting the opportunity to increase your life expectancy by an order of magnitude?

There are many "supernatural" possibilities that open up to us in such dreams. These are unexpected knowledge and talents, which earlier man did not notice myself. There are more interesting "revelations", but it is better to leave them behind the screen, since every traveler in the world of dreams must discover them for himself.

Psychologically, this is a great way to relax and give vent to your emotions. After all, this is your world! Everything here lives according to your laws, although it will not be possible to fully realize this right away. If you want to fly - fly, swim underwater - please. If you want to relax on the beach in Crimea every day - to your health! Your brain can create amazing landscapes and panoramas if you put it to work for you. How to do this, we will talk further.

Is it possible?

How to get into a lucid dream? Is it possible? Many people, after several unsuccessful attempts, are disappointed and come to the conclusion that either they were deceived and all this is a fairy tale, or they do not have the ability to do so. Both of these are fundamentally wrong. Firstly, everything that is written here is true! Secondly, there are no people who are unable to realize themselves in a dream. Some get it right away, others take weeks or even months, but in the end they will still succeed. It may not be possible to build beautiful castles and raise golden dragons right away, it's quite difficult. Everything will come with time, if you do not stop and go to the end! First you need to step over the main barrier - awareness. What are we going to do now. Are you willing to go down the rabbit hole? Ready? Then go ahead! Mastering the entrance to a lucid dream (OS).


How to get into a lucid dream? Don't try to call the OS when you're tired. If you have a hard job, go to bed early, set an alarm, and after you wake up, try to enter the OS.

Do not drink before bed, the urge to go to the toilet will ruin any

Prepare a notebook and pen for journaling.

A diary

Always keep a pen with a notebook near the bed. After waking up, dreams are erased very quickly, you need to have time to write everything down. Record everything that you can remember: the area, people, animals, tastes, sensations. Try to draw a map of your movements. Over time, you will notice some patterns. Something like locations will be drawn, as in computer games. Transitions will appear. You probably remember how in a dream you are suddenly transported from one place to another. When you start keeping a diary, you will understand that such places are also natural. Remember them. Constantly reread your diary, analyze and plan for next dream. Even if you can’t control yourself yet, make a plan over and over again: go there, explore such and such a place, try to take off ... One day everything will work out.

We change consciousness

Everyone calls this exercise differently - “ critical thinking” or “reality check” - but the essence remains the same: make yourself doubt the reality of the world around you. Sounds pretty fantastic, but there's nothing wrong with that. Constantly ask the question: “Am I dreaming?” - and find convincing evidence. For example, look twice at the same inscription or object. In a dream they will change. Or try to fly. However, the most effective method is the first option. Over time, this habit will be fixed and will manifest itself even in a dream.


It will be nice if during the day you yourself will constantly tune in to positive result. Repeat to yourself: “Today I will succeed” or “Today in a dream I will take off.” This should not sound like a cry of desperation. You must unconditionally believe in your success. If you didn’t succeed and you just fell asleep, when you wake up, tell yourself: “It’s okay, I’ll try again.” Sooner or later, this fortress will collapse, and victory will be yours. Just don't give up!


One of the main criteria for success in our event. Increased arousal is a disaster both when you try to enter a dream, and when you are already there (instantaneous departure). Meditation can be a good help in this case. If you learn to control your thoughts and feelings, this will be a big step towards success.

fixing attention

A rather complicated, but effective technique for lucid dreaming from a waking state. As mentioned above, you should not try to enter a lucid dream when you are tired, otherwise you will simply pass out. Either enter a lucid dream during the day, or set an alarm, wake up and do it at night.

So. We lay down on our back (it is better to choose a pillow harder), close our eyes. Relax and calm your breath. Mentally walk through the body, all muscles should be relaxed. Now it is important to free yourself from thoughts. This is quite difficult (that's when meditation practice will help), but necessary. You will feel how you fall into some kind of viscous substance (like resin). Do not be afraid, this moment is very important. It only lasts a few seconds. The main thing is not to let consciousness turn off at this moment. A few seconds - and you are on the other side! You are in a lucid dream! This method is extremely complex and simple at the same time. Difficult, because it is difficult to relax, concentrate and not let the consciousness turn off during the passage of the “resin” layer. simple because it is the most short cut into the world of lucid dreams. This technique has several undoubted advantages. If something goes wrong, you can stop, calm down and continue instead of waiting next day. Don't need any additional exercises, settings, devices or substances. If performed correctly, a transition to a lucid dream is guaranteed. Many recommend for such exercises to use daytime. The advantages of such a choice are obvious, especially at the beginning of the journey. It's less likely that you'll just "turn off". When everything starts to work out, you will be less dependent on fatigue, the state of the body and the time of day.


Perhaps banal phrases will follow, but it is still worth recalling this for the common good. The technique of conscious sleep should not be mastered by an unhealthy body. Therefore, if you suffer from fever or headache reschedule your classes. Also don't do this with full stomach drunk or hungover. Believe me, our consciousness is a fragile, precious instrument. Handle him with care!

What's next?

Suppose you succeeded, and this will certainly happen if you have desire and perseverance. What will happen next? How will your first life start conscious journey in a dream? First of all, you want to look at your hands. No one knows exactly why, but most often it starts with this. Later, if you feel that the dream is starting to fade (waking up), specifically look at your hands. This will deepen the situation somewhat. Amazing sensation is the second most popular action performed in lucid dreams. At the beginning of the article, such a flight is described, it is difficult to describe physical sensations experienced during it. After such dreams, the feeling does not leave that our laws of the universe are not so unshakable, as we were told about them from childhood.


Even in a lucid dream, you often have to remind yourself who is the boss here. Our consciousness can be compared to a large garbage dump. What and who is not here! You can meet both beautiful and terrible creatures. Until you have learned to control and create something in your dreams, you remain just an observer. The main thing is not to be afraid! It is important to remember that this is your world and you are the master here. Whoever you meet, you can order him or make him disappear. For this, one condition is necessary - self-confidence! People, animals, things, buildings will appear in front of you. You can remove or correct them, but always remind yourself that everything here is subject only to you.


No need to think that the technique of lucid dreaming requires you to draw every branch or leaf. Your brain remembers perfectly well what a forest, a river or a dog is, but if you want to correct something, the matter is limited only by your imagination. Write down everything you do in a dream, mark it on a map. Write what you are going to do. There is a good chance that one day you will return to the house or castle that you built last night. Or get yourself a golden dragon that will meet you and protect you in your every dream. You can create multiple locations and move between them using the transitions described above.


Many people use the state of lucid dreaming to get answers to their questions. open hidden talents and opportunities. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in a dream our consciousness does not have the usual limitations. People often create a secret room, a magic ball or a magic box in their dreams, which they use to get answers to their questions. And, oddly enough, it works, a person really often receives information that is inaccessible to him in the real world.


Now you know what the lucid dream technique is. Reviews about it are the most controversial. There are people who say that being in the OS for a long time worsens a person's connection with the real world. Someone says that a person can go into a lucid dream and never come back. Some people think that you can go crazy there. As a rule, these are people who have either never been in such dreams, or made a couple of unsuccessful attempts and left this occupation.

There are others. Those who have been helped by the practice of lucid sleep to get rid of various complexes. Some learned to write poetry, music, made discoveries, learned foreign language. And someone just found a place for rest and solitude. The practice of lucid dreaming is a vast, unexplored realm that holds so many wonders and possibilities that we can't imagine. But all you need is a little desire, patience and faith in yourself!



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