Is it possible to stay in a dream forever. Lucid dreaming

People often ask me questions: “How can I stay asleep longer?”, “Why, as soon as I become conscious, I immediately return to the body?” etc. The issue addressed in this topic is one of the most important in dream practice. Almost every beginner faces this problem, so it is very important to give ways that will help you stay longer in the dream world.

For most people, the time in a dream ranges from a few seconds to 15 minutes. It can be extended up to 30 minutes, sometimes up to an hour. In this article, I will talk about how to increase the time spent in a lucid dream.

There are only 2 things you need to do:

  1. Carry out dream tuning (deepening).
  2. Stay aware.

If you do not take into account at least one of these points, then the time spent in a dream is significantly reduced.

How to set up a dream? Many experienced dreamers insist on this important action. As a result of experiments, I myself came to a method that I will describe below.

When you confess in a dream, begin to focus on each organ of perception. Rub your hands, touch objects around: a TV, a table, a computer - everything that comes to hand. At the same time, look at what is happening in the smallest detail, peer into the surrounding space, quickly shifting your gaze from one object to another, without fixing your attention on one thing. If possible, include other senses: hearing, smell and taste buds. Smell things around, listen to the sounds, if necessary, you can lick the wall if you don’t find anything tasty around. So, mixing sensations from various organs of perception, you must go deep into the space in which you are.

The problem of many dreamers is inattention. The world around you can enchant you. At the same time, you lose awareness, the surrounding space is “blurred” and you are already lying in your bed or sleeping soundly. Therefore, focus on what is happening. A good way is to remind yourself, “Now I am in a dream. I need to fix myself in the picture of the dream.” Repeat this as often as possible. You also need to monitor your every action, what is happening around. It doesn't matter what you are doing - having sex or flying around the city. In sex, you can follow the tactile sensations, in flight, feel the touch of the wind. Observation not only increases the time in the OS, but also improves its quality, enhances the range of feelings.

So, focus your attention on your surroundings, adjust the dream as soon as you feel that you need to do it. And travel the world of dreams longer!

People of various professions and ages, having tried at least once to "realize", can no longer stop. Traveling in a dream to other worlds is breathtaking, and an ordinary night's rest turns into an unrealistic extreme. To visit Paris, to become a billionaire, a famous artist - everything is possible in lucid dreams.

School of out-of-body travel

Usual Ulan-Ude two-room apartment. The kitchen, hallway, corridor and one of the rooms look casual, nothing special. But the situation in the hall is a little strange: there is no furniture here, some rugs and mattresses lie in rows on the floor. Near the window, curtained with thick curtains, there is an armchair with a plaid. As it turns out, it was here that some of the Ulan-Ude residents first tried what a waking dream is.

“We are not a sect, we are not drug addicts and we are not psychos,” smiles Dmitry Kukshinov, one of the practitioners of lucid dreaming. “Here I sometimes give lessons to those who want to realize themselves. I've been doing this myself for a little over a year. So I'm just learning myself. And I had no intention of becoming a teacher. I taught this to my friend, he told someone else, and that's how word of mouth got to me. People call, ask to tell, show - you have to help. It's completely free, I'm just very interested in it myself.

The essence of this practice is simple. We are all used to having dreams at night. At the same time, it’s as if someone is showing us a movie, without asking whether we want or don’t want to see this particular film right now. Lucid dreamers make the rules themselves. They dream whatever they want. And they can do whatever they want in their sleep the day before, while going to bed. The main thing is to learn the basic things: to be able to correctly enter a special dream, to be able to determine and realize in a dream that you are sleeping now, and so on.

Dmitry remembered his first lucid dream in detail. He had never experienced such vivid sensations.

- Amazing feeling! Very bright and like nothing else. Realizing that you are in a dream, you realize that you can do whatever you want. And it's real. Of course, the first thing I decided to try was to fly. Probably, many people have such a dream since childhood. And I did it! All sensations, pictures, emotions - everything was real.

After the first successful experience, Dmitry could not find a place for himself. All the time I wanted to go to bed as soon as possible. But, as it turned out, not everything is so simple. Nothing happened the next time. And then fail again and again. Then I had to take up books, the Internet, in order to study the experience of other people, to understand my mistakes. It started to get better. But until now, “realizing” does not work every night. But Dmitry is not going to give up.

5 minutes is like a lifetime

Natalya Alekseeva also knows how to see lucid dreams. She did not learn this from anyone, she independently collected information bit by bit on the Web.

- I got it on the first try. But for the first time throws out very quickly. Literally in moments. You don't get to do much of anything. And so several times a night - it throws me out, and I get there again. Gradually, the time in a lucid dream began to increase, emissions back became less frequent. By the way, in a dream, time seems to stretch. You sleep for only five minutes, and in a dream you get the feeling that you are there for a long, long time. It always happens in different ways: sometimes you spend several hours there, sometimes months, and sometimes it’s like you live your whole life, Natalya assures.

Like Dmitry, Natalia started with flying. Then I moved on to travel. Like many other women, she always dreamed of visiting Paris. Now the opportunity presented itself to her.

“I wandered the streets of Paris, saw people around, looked at the sights, it was interesting,” recalls Natalya.

After exotic desires, the woman decided to remember about earthly affairs. She suddenly wanted to see people dear to her heart, whom she had not seen for a long time and who live in other cities and countries. It was after these dreams that something happened that she did not expect. Dream and reality are intertwined.

- Once again, I realized and decided to visit my old friend Vadim, whom I had not seen for a long time. He lives in Novosibirsk. I've already seen what it looks like from photos on social media. And in a dream he was the same. We chatted, laughed, I wandered around his apartment, watched how he lives. When I woke up the next day, I decided to contact him.

Vadim laughed for a long time when he learned that an hour ago he, it turns out, talked with Natasha. Neither in a dream nor in reality did he feel anything like that. The playful mood disappeared at the moment when Natasha began to tell her friend about what she saw in his apartment, what kind of furniture was there and where everything was. With rare exceptions, all descriptions coincided with reality.

“Then I first encountered something fantastic. It was scary, but still interesting. Since then, there have been other moments that also struck me and sunk into my soul. My friends who do such things also told me about their experience of a similar “clairvoyance,” says Natalia.

According to Natasha, the experiment is as follows. Before going to bed, a person opens any book without looking and puts it on the table next to him. The main thing - in no case do not look at the numbers of the opened pages. Then the person falls asleep, is realized in a dream. Gets out of his body and walks over to the book. Remembers the page number. Waking up, he checks the numbers. As a rule, the number - the number of the open page seen in a dream, always coincides with the one in reality.

Limitless Possibilities

But all these little miracles are nothing compared to what lucid dreams can actually give. Natalya is sure that during such a dream a person connects to the information field of the Earth's biosphere, and therefore at this moment he can ask any questions and receive comprehensive answers to them. By the way, unlike Natalya, other "dream hackers" explain the prophecy of dreams with clues from the subconscious, which, as you know, knows everything and everything.

One way or another, dream hackers are sure that in a dream you can not only find out the truth about your life, any person, or make the right decision in a vital issue, but also learn something useful.

On the one hand, it's fun. But there is another side. This can be an unusual form of learning. If there is a desire to learn something and become stronger in something, then welcome to sleep, Natasha laughs. - Here you can learn any business or master some skills: driving, swimming, skating - it can be anything. You can also work with your fears and complexes.

Most practitioners of lucid dreaming do not think about what and where it comes from. They just get an unreal buzz from what is happening. But is there some kind of trap here? After all, being introduced into the laws of nature, as you know, is always fraught with consequences.

Scientifically proven but not verified

Interestingly, the church treats such an experience condescendingly. In the practice of lucid dreams, no obscurantism or intrusion into the forbidden was seen in the Ulan-Ude diocese.

“I don't see how this applies to us. Most likely, we are talking about a connection with the unconscious - what Freud and Jung were doing. All this is very close to the field of psychology. By the way, Salvador Dali painted his paintings based on images taken from dreams. And there are a lot of such examples, starting with Mendeleev and ending with Freud, - says Alexey Shevtsov, head of the department for relations between the church, society and the media.

However, the church has its own view of dreams.

- During sleep, a person does not belong to himself. Therefore, having seen some kind of “prophetic” dream or seeing the saints, he can believe what he was told in a dream. But from which side this dream came, no one knows. Therefore, we say that we should not believe and be guided by dreams in everyday life and, moreover, decipher our dreams, look into different dream books.

According to Father Alexei, perhaps such practices are entertaining. But nothing more interesting than life itself has yet to be invented.

“Life is much more interesting. And she is too limited in time to devote her time to things like computer games, virtual reality, or dreamy things like dreams. Moreover, there is a danger of getting carried away too much. The same Jung was led far away, and then he went headlong into esotericism and occultism. A person opens a hole in the soul through these exercises, what will then penetrate there - he will no longer be able to control.

Psychologist Oksana Simonova considers the phenomenon of lucid dreams to be a scientifically proven phenomenon. However, at the same time, this area has not been sufficiently studied by scientists, which means that it may have pitfalls. After all, all people are different, for one such activities will be safe, and for others they can turn into psychological or even mental problems: the appearance of prolonged depression, the development of schizophrenia, or even a split personality.

“Imagine a man lives in the world. He once had many ambitions, plans, but life turned out differently: he did not amass wealth, and even then he does not have his own apartment. On the personal front, too, a complete fiasco. And then he started lucid dreaming. And he became, at least in a dream, an almighty God. There he is lucky, kissed by fate. A lot of money, the attention of women, power, the ability to fulfill any desire. Every time he wakes up, he will regret that it was just a dream. The difference between the two worlds is so striking that a person can withdraw into himself, fall into depression. And there are not far from more serious problems, - says Oksana Simonova.

According to the psychologist, inadequacy of perception of the real world can appear if a person has mental disorders, the presence of phobias or a predisposition to them, as well as if there are diseases or health conditions in which vivid emotional impressions and experiences are undesirable.

– But in general, if there are no contraindications listed above, I have nothing against such activities. The main thing is to understand for yourself why you need it. If to broaden one's horizons - this is one thing. But if you resort to the practice of managing sleep in order to escape reality, then you should think about whether your life brings you satisfaction and what problems you are hiding from in the world of dreams, sums up Oksana Simonova.

Hello, please help, it’s very difficult for me to accept this for real and I don’t want to wake up, because I see dreams every night and they seem to me more interesting than my real life.
A not very pleasant period has come in my life, a problem with school, friends, parents, health, with everything that is possible. I have no one to talk to and few people support me. My parents and sister moved 300 km away from me, leaving me with my grandmother, because I interfere with my mother and stepfather to recreate their family where I will not be because I was from another and was not wanted in principle. It really bothered me and moreover, the problem is in my personal life, I broke up with my loved one. I am alone and there is no one who can support me.
But the most interesting thing is that I have been having dreams for almost two years now, all the time. They're connected, they're interesting, they're light, and I don't want to get out of them. As if I live in two realities, if choosing, then I would stay in another. I started sleeping a lot, I lost interest in life and no matter what I do, nothing comes out. I go to bed during the day, in the evening, on weekends I sleep until 3 in the afternoon not wanting to wake up, because in my dreams I am more comfortable and I am calm there.
I don’t know what to do, but that feeling of hopelessness that fills me binds my hands and I again fall into a dream to that serene life.
I had many suicidal thoughts, I don't want to live in this reality anymore.

Christina, hello!
What you write is a departure from reality, in which there are problems, resentments and, most importantly, loneliness. You are writing:

for I prevent my mother and stepfather from recreating their family where I will not be, because I was from another and was not desirable in principle.

That's the reason for your condition - a feeling of uselessness. Christina, you know what I want to tell you. If the world didn't need you, you wouldn't be born. How many women around the world suffer from the fact that they cannot give birth to a child! How many miscarriages! Have you heard of natural selection? All for the survival of the human race. Now many non-viable children are being preserved, hence the number of disabled children. And you were born on your own, healthy and smart, because the world needs you, it needs your genes. And from the point of view of religion, your soul chose your mother to solve some of its problems. So you are very welcome! Mom, apparently, is offended by your father, and transfers this insult to you. Forgive her.
You live in a beautiful city (my close friends live in Dubna, and I have been there many times), the Volga, the forest! I envy.
Be healthy, get enough sleep - and live!

Surzhina Oksana Fedorovna, child and adolescent psychologist, Voronezh

Good answer 3 bad answer 8

It is after you have triggered the desired lucid dream that it is extremely easy to either wake up or fall back into normal dreaming sleep. Moreover, even if you maintain a vivid lucid dream, there may still be some difficulty in controlling the actions that occur in a lucid dream.

Some lucid dream researchers, such as Stephen LaBerge of Stanford University, have found that intentionally spinning your "dream body" like a spinning top can increase the duration of vivid lucid dreams. The rotation will allow one to influence the place and environment where the action of the dream develops and will serve as a means for traveling, like flying in a dream.

Mastering the technique of spinning in a dream is similar to learning the method of flying in a dream. First, throughout the day, continue to ask yourself if you are in a dream state and confirm your desire to have vivid lucid dreams. Then, in the evening, some time before bedtime, choose the scene of a vivid lucid dream.

However, this time, do not set a common goal to get to New York or Idaho. Instead, choose and be as specific as possible, such as a front-row chair at the Metropolitan Opera on the day La Traviata is in progress, or the student center building on the pastoral lawn of Pocatello College. You can even - although such intentions seem to be much more difficult to realize - choose the destination of a vivid dream in the distant past or future, deciding to chat about this and that with Plato or visit a space settlement near the planet Pluto in 3000 AD.

After choosing the scene of a vivid dream, collect various objects and images that are suitable for the plot of your dream, and place in the bedroom next to the symbol of clear consciousness. (Remove items from the bedroom that were previously used to induce dreams on previous nights.) As clearly and clearly as possible, describe in your dream journal your chosen scene of the dream, and then write down a phrase that expresses the intention to have a vivid lucid dream.

Then turn off the lights and go to bed. To be in a vivid lucid dream at the intended goal, first of all, visually imagine the scene of the dream and calmly confirm the desire, falling asleep, to see a lucid dream. Mentally review the objects that symbolize the intended goal of the dream. It may happen that in a dream you will find yourself in the midst of a lucid dream. However, if you find that you have not reached the desired scene of the dream, simply rotate your dreaming body like a pirouette dancer or a spinning top. Rotate it faster and faster until the surroundings become foggy and the desired surroundings begin to show through.

Use this method if you feel like you are waking up, or if the state of clear awareness you were in is starting to fade. In such a situation, rotate at a fast enough pace, and you will maintain a state of vivid lucid dreaming. However, if you do wake up, don't worry, for mastering the dream rotation technique takes some practice.

While many researchers favor the rotation technique as the best means of maintaining a vivid lucid dream state, we believe that many other methods are just as effective. Carlos Castaneda, in particular, believes that the state of vivid lucid dreaming can be maintained simply by looking at your hands in a dream. In his opinion, if you look at the hands before falling asleep, and then look at them in a dream, then this helps to maintain a state of clear awareness, at least until the image of the hands begins to gradually blur and disappear. We believe that in this case it does not matter whether you turn around, look at your hands or do anything else. If that works, you can hop around like a kangaroo, or just look up at the sky and say to yourself, "Am I sleeping or not?"

If you, before plunging into the world of dreams, gave yourself the task to perform some specific action, and now, when you see a dream, you follow your intention and perform the planned action, then the images in the dream should remain clear and clear, maintaining a state of vivid awareness. dreams. In all likelihood, the degree of conscious desire to keep a lucid dream alive is a decisive factor in the ability to maintain this state. Attention! - As always, don't forget to use dream recall techniques and write them down in your dream journal as soon as you wake up in the morning.



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