Out-of-body practice. How to have an out-of-body experience


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Aaron Senthil Kumar Joseph Puringer Todd E. Grup Phil Hansford Sigrid E. Mortensen Jeno Baiglow Christian Domsha et al. heavily abridged and distorted translation) I would like to thank Senthil Kumar for preparing the original version of this document and for supporting my work. I also express my gratitude to all those who sent me proposals taken into account. Aaron. Content. 1. Introduction 1.1. Recommendations 1.2. Starting points of out-of-body experience 1.2.1. Dreams 1.2.2. Relaxation 1.2.3. Dream 1.3 Terminology ─ I missed it, everyone already knows ... 2. Steps to achieve an out-of-body experience. 2.1. Relaxation 2.1.1. Borderline sleepy state 2.1.2. Self-hypnosis 2.1.3. Meditation 2.1.4. Gradual muscle relaxation 2.1.5. Built-in relaxation mechanism 2.1.6. Meditation on the chakras 2.2. Typical physical manifestations. 2.2.1. Vibrations 2.2.2. Paralysis 2.2.3. Votes 2.2.4. Fear 2.3. I think I relaxed. Now what? 2.3.1. Lifting technique 2.3.2. Turning technique 2.3.3. Visualization technique 2.3.4. Submission under guidance 2.3.5. The body of light 2.3.6. Strong desire 2.3.7. Monroe's Techniques 3. During an out-of-body experience Are there any dangers in an out-of-body experience? four. controlled dreams 4.1. Lucid dream 4.1.1. If consciousness is clear, can sleep be controlled? 4.1.2. How do you get lucid dreams? 4.1.3. How to prevent awakening 4.1.4. Relationship between dreams and astral projection. 4.5. States of consciousness. 4.6. Effects of electromagnetic fields. 5. Superstitions, prejudices, problems, etc. References. 1. Introduction Out-of-body experience (astral projection) is a popular idea in occult literature; this concept covers travel to other worlds or places while the physical body is asleep or in a trance. astral travel not dangerous ─ they are as safe as sleep. Most dreams are, in one way or another, unconscious astral travel. Although much has been written on the subject, out-of-body experience remains difficult for many people. The main difficulty is the tendency to forget the dream consciousness after waking up. And accordingly, the successful practice of astral travel requires work. Modern psychology rejects the idea of ​​an actual out-of-body experience (in which the soul temporarily leaves the physical body). However, the idea is very old. The Tibetans have a whole system of yoga (sleep yoga) based on astral travel. And here we have an important assumption ─ you are involved in an out-of-body experience (at least for a little bit) always when you sleep. What separates you from a full out-of-body experience is hazy consciousness during it and faint memories at the end of it. Many people completely forget most of their dreams. The study of astral travel requires some mental clarity and vigilance. 1.1. Recommendations Diet - certain diets can help with this, especially in the beginning. These include fasting, vegetarianism, and the general consumption of light food. Carrots and raw eggs especially favorable, but all nuts should be avoided. Overeating should also be avoided. And no food should be eaten before attempting to leave the body. If you are going to practice while sleeping, set aside 2 to 4 hours beforehand without eating or drinking (other than water). In general, there are the same dietary recommendations as for kundalini yoga. Yoga and breathing ─ yoga, mantras and breathing exercises equally help physical relaxation. The practice of kundalini yoga is especially appropriate because it is associated with altered states of consciousness. In nature, raising the kundalini requires a state of consciousness similar to an out-of-body experience. And an open mind ─ think how great it is to learn new things and explore new worlds! 1.2. Starting Points of the Out-of-Body Experience Most of the ways in which astral travel is done involve the creation of certain conditions. It always involves some form of trance or altered consciousness. No one leaves the body consciously while fully awake (but some think they do). Although there are many techniques used for astral exit, described in Section 2, they all have much in common. While they may seem immediate, they all require effort. Astral travel is usually taught. There are 3 starting points for OBEs: 1.2.1. Dreams They are divided into 2 categories: a) Vivid dreams are when you know that you are dreaming and you can go wherever you want. b) Dream association ─ this was invented by Muldoon. And it is based on an old theory that there is a connection between a certain type of dream (when you are flying, falling, driving a car, riding an elevator...) and out-of-body experience. You create such a dream (a classic example is going up in an elevator) and imagine it when you fall asleep. You become fully conscious and out of the body. You have imagined these dreams several times before. 1.2.2. Relaxation You relax your body and mind when you lie down and "forget" that you feel your body. After that, it is easy to leave the body with the help of special techniques (see section 2). 1.2.3. Sleep You are using a need (sex will not help here) that you have and without the satisfaction of which you cannot live. Then you invite yourself to wake up in a certain place where you are going to go to satisfy your need. The astral body will leave the physical in order to satisfy the need. At this point you will be fully conscious and you will notice that you are out of your body here. 1.3 Terminology ─ I missed it, everyone already knows... 2. Steps to achieve an out-of-body experience. There are many methods to start an out-of-body experience. In the end, you can experiment and find out which works best for you. I should put it this way ─ teaching out-of-body experiences is like teaching someone how to fly an airplane without knowing what an airplane actually is. 2.1. Relaxation All methods are connected firstly with relaxation. It's a good idea to go to the bathroom first if you don't want to be biologically interrupted (most know from experience that sleeping with a full bladder is difficult...and out-of-body experiences too). Try not to have distractions around and make sure you won't be disturbed. It's a good idea to find a very quiet place so that noises don't bother you. The use of earplugs, especially on first attempts, is highly recommended. The human mind tends to get distracted by noises, especially when one is trying to get rid of them. Sudden noises, etc., can cause "repercussion" ─ a quick return to the physical body. It is the same feeling of suddenly waking up after a dream of falling. Repercussion is usually unpleasant, and in some rare cases may cause physical harm. Right Thought ─ avoid them. Loosen tight clothing, or if it is more comfortable for you, do not wear clothing. There should be comfortable temperature conditions ─ in winter it is a good idea to cover yourself with a blanket. Ideally, there should be no time pressure (like I have to go to class at 4:30) and nothing else to worry about (like my neighbor will come and watch while joking). Get material topics out of your head. If you're worried about being interrupted, it's best to wait until a better time to try. There are many ways to relax. Everyone has their own technique. Below are several methods. Experiment with them and find the one that suits you best. The usual result of relaxation is that the person is completely oblivious to the outside world. 2.1.1. Borderline Sleep State This is perhaps the easiest and most natural method, usually providing both body and mind relaxation at the same time. Lie down in any comfortable position, preferably when you are tired and sleepy. As you relax and begin to fall asleep, keep your mental attention on something while keeping your eyes closed. When you reach the borderline state between sleep and wakefulness, deepen your relaxation by concentrating on the darkness behind your eyelids. The trick is to maintain a thin line between the conscious and the dream state. 2.1.2. Self Hypnosis The fastest and most effective way to learn self hypnosis is through training with an experienced hypnotist. He can set up a post-hypnotic suggestion that will have an immediate effect. However, choose your teacher carefully. Reliable practices are rare and teapots are numerous. 2.1.3. Meditation is also a good way to relax. Find yourself a comfortable place. A common technique is to keep your attention on something specific. The main idea is to focus the mind on one thing and take all attention away from the outside world. There is another method of meditation that is more suitable for our case. First you should try to get rid of all thoughts by imagining your mind as a calm lake (this is the 1st difficult point here). After 1-2 minutes, you need to think that I and my body are not the same, and that I am lying in the body, as if in a sleeping bag. Further, one must think that I and my feelings and desires are different things, that is, one must also abstract from the astral body. After that, you need to think about the fact that the mind is not me, but only my tool, and I use the mind (this is the 2nd difficult moment). Thus, my self is something special, separate from all bodies. First, at each moment they are delayed for a minute, but then you can lengthen this time. For some people, this meditation causes the astral body to come out, although this side effect and that is not the purpose of meditation at all. 2.1.4. Gradual Muscle Relaxation This is one of the main techniques used by hypnotists and self-hypnotists. Physical relaxation can help achieve the desired trance state. These techniques begin with relaxation from the toes, and so gradually throughout the body. Again, lie down in a comfortable position. Think of all parts of the body, from head to toes and vice versa, and relax them until they are as relaxed as possible. Relax your head, your temples, your eyes, your jaws, and all the muscles you may never have thought about - relax everything. It may also be nice to imagine some kind of peaceful and calming scene (like stretching out on a lawn on a sunny day, for example). The human nervous system does not notice the difference between vividly imagined scenes and reality, visualizing a relaxing scene will make your body relax. 2.1.5. Built-in Relaxation Mechanism The body has a built-in relaxation mechanism that is the opposite of the response to stress. It automatically regulates relaxation in the vegetative nervous system(low blood pressure and pulse, alpha brain waves, etc.). What needs to be done is to inhale using only the muscles of the diaphragm. Usually when you do deep breath, top rib cage rises outward (try it yourself). With diaphragmatic breathing, you don't use these muscles at all, if you do it correctly, the chest will not move. Only your belly should move in and out. Take the deepest breath you can and hold for a few seconds before exhaling slowly. It takes some practice, but the skill is invaluable once you get it. Combine this with the gradual muscle relaxation described above. 2.1.6. Meditation on the Chakras According to Indian philosophy, a person has 7 main chakras or mental centers body. Each of them is a bridge, connection or energy transformer that converts pure (higher) energy into various forms, and connecting 4 bodies (buddhic, mental, astral and physical) together. The chakras are located along the nadis - the network of psychic channels - and follow the autonomic nervous system along the spinal cord. The first chakra, located at the base of the spine, is the root chakra, Muladhara. The second, known as the sacral center, Svadisthana, is located above and behind the genitals. The third one is solar plexus, Manipura, is located near the navel and corresponds to the emotions and mental vision (clairvoyance). The heart chakra, Anahata, is above the heart and corresponds to psychic touch. The fifth, the throat chakra, Vishuddha, is located at the base of the throat, where the thyroid gland is, and corresponds to clairaudience. The remaining 2 chakras are very important. They refer mainly to elevated states of consciousness. The front chakra, Ajna (3rd eye) is located between the eyebrows (slightly above). Ajna is the center of psychic forces and can produce many psychic effects. Meditation on the Ajna is meant to heal nervousness. Finally, the crown chakra, Sahasrara, located at the top of the head (pineal gland) is also called the thousand-petalled lotus and corresponds to the exit of the astral body and enlightenment. Available special type concentration meditation, called chakra meditation. Basically, this is kundalini yoga ─ a practice that makes the psychic energy of kundalini flow up the land, filling various chakras with its energy on its way. This practice, considered dangerous by some, causes physiological sensations and psychological effects if it lasts long enough. It should not be attempted by epileptics and persons in an unstable mental or psychic state, or who have heart problems. Certain drugs, such as those used for epilepsy, can slow progress. Although this technique is very simple, it can sometimes produce significant results. Results may first appear a few hours after practice during sleep. As each chakra is energized through this practice, occult powers (siddhis) must be added until the last chakra, the crown chakra, is reached. With this, complete enlightenment is achieved. Sometimes the kundalini awakens on its own. To practice this chakra meditation, you simply have to concentrate on the chakras, starting from the bottom, moving gradually upward as you visualize the psychic energy rising up the sushumna and revitalizing each higher chakra. As we have pointed out, the chakras have special attributes associated with them, so this type of visualization can "lift consciousness" and provide an astral exit, as well as others when you reach the Ajna and sometimes the crown chakra. You can usually meditate in this way for 15 to 30 minutes a day. The rising of the kundalini is sometimes experienced as a "vibration" or buzzing or light or warmth. 2.2. Typical physical manifestations. The normal reaction of the conscious mind is to fight these feelings. It's more productive to give up than to try to fight for control. The trap that most people fall into is that they expect dramatic effects for a short time. And the other is an unreasonable fear that the following events might happen, especially if you are trying to rationally analyze what is happening to you. You only have to move forward a little each time and become familiar with these sensations. 2.2.1. Vibrations You will achieve this, sooner or later. It feels like electricity is going through your body. At first, this scares most people. Further, it becomes like an unconscious fear, as if you saw a snake crawling. You just want to kill her, and it doesn't matter that she doesn't hurt you. There is a chance that the first few times a person is truly completely relaxed, the conscious mind will automatically cut off the vibrations due to the undesirable nature of the phenomenon. There is a trick some people use to start the vibrations when the state is unconscious. Tell yourself in advance that your consciousness will awaken when the vibrations begin. In this way you will find yourself at the center of the phenomenon. 2.2.2. Paralysis This is also a common thing and often happens. It is as if your body has become heavy, like lead. And you can't lift a finger, even if you try your best. It seems that when we fall asleep, the brain turns off the mechanism by which we move our limbs, because we are not going to do anything physically while we sleep. Very few find themselves in this state of paralysis upon awakening. The first type, known as paralysis A, is a state achieved by entering a deeper layer of consciousness from a state of light trance during sorcery, an out-of-body experience, or a lucid dream. The second type, B, is the opposite of A, and happens when you return to physical reality. Type A occurs approximately in the following way : "Mmm... I know I'm awake, I can think... But my body is sleeping." Robert Monroe called it the focus of 10 minds). "Wait a minute, something's going on, I can't seem to move, my body seems to be full of lead, why can't I move? Hey! Something's happened! (Sentry!)" Typical paralysis B goes something like this: "Mmm.. "I'm completely drunk. That it was just now, it must have been a dream... So, wait a minute, what kind of noise did I hear? It seems from the door... I have to check, maybe it's a thief... But I'm so tired, so sleepy... I have to wake up, this might be important. Eh! I can't seem to wake up, why won't my legs wake up, why won't my hands respond? Guard! I have to wake up! I don't want to die! Hey body, Wake up, eyes, open! Get up! Finally! I can move, I'm awake, my body is covered in sweat and sitting on the edge of the bed. It's amazing why I just couldn't wake up! Thank God, it's over. I'm so glad to be back in my usual physical environment." One way or another, type A paralysis should not be resisted; if a person allows himself to "go with the flow", then an altered state of consciousness will begin, which one way or another a person is trying to achieve. Type A is the one mentioned by Robert Monroe, Sylvia Muldoon and others. 2.2.3. Voices According to Ophiel, in The Art and Practice of Astral Projection, the beginning of the movement towards the out-of-body state is accompanied by strange sounds. He believes that this is because the hearing is not carried to the higher planes and your mind is trying to recreate the input of information and is already reaching the subconscious state. These noises can take any form ─ including voices, malevolent, creepy, or even your mom, they get worse and worse and nastier until they reach their peak, then they fade into a constant background hiss that continues throughout the time of your out-of-body experience. The final noise may sound like an exploding radiator. He says, however, that all noises must be ignored ─ voices and not only, since they are only the noise of the subconscious and do not represent any being, not even oneself, in nature. 2.2.4. Fear One of the main obstacles in the way of students is fear. Many fear that they may die or be harmed in any way during their journey. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Canterbury Institute, famous for its occult research, did an experiment with the release of the astral body, in which more than 2000 people participated. None of them suffered from this, and now, three years later, none of them faced new problems. I think the reason that the out-of-body experience is frightening is that it is an unnatural state of the ego, a threat to it. best definition what I have seen is that the ego is the connection between your body and the higher self. (Here it is necessary to understand the ego as a person, or lower "I" ─ approx. per.) It is interested in uniting both. Any threat to your body is a threat to your ego. If it perceives the astral exit as a threat to life, it tries to prevent it. My sister (who knows how to release the astral body at will) once went to some higher level and felt very ancient. She said she remembers how the ego felt uncomfortable, as if it didn't belong there. This does not at all mean that there is a real danger in the out-of-body experience (I do not believe this). It simply means that the ego cannot be focused anywhere but in physical reality and finds non-physical reality frightening. 2.3. I think I relaxed. Now what? Very good landmarks showing the coming out-of-body state ─ the physical manifestations described above. But, it should be briefly noted that they are not necessary to achieve an out-of-body experience. Once you feel ready for some action, the first thing to do is to completely disengage from your physical body. Note that the techniques described below overlap with the relaxation technique, but they are quite special. 2.3.1. The Ascent Technique It seems that the simplest method to separate from the physical is the ascent procedure. Think that you are becoming lighter and floating upwards. Be sure to think that this must be very good, as subjective thoughts are most important. 2.3.2. Turning Technique The second method is the turning technique. Try to slowly roll over as if you are trying to turn over in bed to take in more comfortable position. Do not attempt to assist the rotation with your arms or legs. Begin the movement by turning your upper body, head and shoulders first. Move slowly, applying gentle but firm pressure. 2.3.3. Visualization Technique It involves a type of extended clairvoyance or vision of a distant environment. The more familiar the setting is to you, the easier it is to visualize the scenario in your mind's eye, so to speak. So it's a good idea, early on, to imagine places or people you know well. If you can express the feeling of being there, so much the better. For example, you may think of a distant friend or loved one, and how you will feel love for them when you are close to them. Although this technique is essentially a mental projection, it can be deepened into the astral through visualization. Crowley taught a similar technique ─ a) imagine closed door on a white wall; b) present the meditation symbol on the door; c) imagine the opening of the door and yourself entering there. and J. H. Brennan describes similar technique, where the door has the appearance and coloring like a tattva, or the selected tarot card is visualized and people enter it. 2.3.4. Guided View Much like a visualization. However, there must be a guide (or voice on tape) guiding you through descriptions. As with visualization, it is not the astral projection that is more suitable, but the mental projection. 2.3.5. Body of light The old technique of the Golden Rising. Imagine a double (mirror image) in front of you. After that, transfer your consciousness and feelings to the duplicate ("body of light"). 2.3.6. Strong Desire This is a type of creative visualization experienced in the present. This is when you express a strong desire to get out of the body by willpower while you visualize yourself doing it. 2.3.7. Monroe's Techniques This is a series of steps developed by Robert Monroe to: a) relax the body; b) enter a hypnotic state; c) deepen this state; d) develop a sense of "vibrations"; e) separate from the body. The Monroe Institute has developed some cassettes that can help with this. To some, this technique seems to be superior to others because it does not require intensive visualization, which many people cannot perform. Relax the body. According to Monroe, "the ability to relax is the first necessary condition, perhaps even the first step" to getting out of the body. This includes both physical and mental relaxation. Monro does not offer a method for achieving relaxation, but it is known that the gradual relaxation of the muscles, coupled with deep breathing exercises, works well. Enter a borderline sleep state (hypnotic). Again, Monroe does not provide any method on how to do this. One way is to keep your arm up, but press your elbow against the bed. As you begin to fall asleep, your hand will fall and you will wake up again. With some practice, you will be able to go into a hypnotic state without using your hand. Another method is to concentrate on the object. When other images begin to come into your thoughts, you have entered a hypnotic state. Passively observe these images. It will also help you maintain a sleepy state. Monroe calls this state A. Deepen this state. Start clearing your mind. Observe your field of vision through closed eyes . Do nothing for a while. Just look through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of you. After a while, you may notice light spots. It's just neurons firing. They don't have much effect. When they are over, the person enters state B. From here, he must enter an even deeper state of relaxation, which Monroe calls state C ─ this is when you lose all body sensation and stimulating feelings. You are almost in a state where only your own thoughts are the source of stimulation. The ideal state for leaving the body is state D. It is like state C, but arrived from a rested and fresh state and is not the result of ordinary fatigue. To achieve state D, Monroe suggests practicing entering it in the morning after a short nap. Enter into a state of vibration. This is the most important part of the technique, and the most obscure. Many noticed these vibrations at the beginning of the exit. They may be felt as a slight trembling or as electricity passing through the body. Their cause is a mystery. Perhaps this astral body is really trying to leave the physical. To enter this state, the following directions are offered: 1. Remove all jewelry and other items that may come into contact with your skin. 2. Darken the room so that light does not penetrate through the eyelids, but do not completely turn off the light. 3. Lie down in the meridian direction with your head towards magnetic north. 4. Loosen all clothing, but be covered so that you are somewhat warmer than you would normally be comfortable with. 5. Make sure that there will be absolutely no noise at this place and at this time that may disturb you. 6. Enter a state of relaxation. 7. Give yourself the mental set that you will remember everything that happens during the session and will be useful to you. Repeat this 5 times. 8. Breathe through a half-open mouth. 9. As you breathe, concentrate on the void in front of you. 10. Pick a point a foot from your head, and then change your mental direction point to 6 feet. 11. Rotate the dot 90° up by drawing an imaginary line parallel to your body above your head. Focus there, reach the vibrations at that point and bring them back into your body. Learn to control the state of vibrations. Practice control by bringing them mentally into your head and moving them to your toes; pass them through the whole body, producing vibratory waves from head to toe. To produce this wave effect, concentrate on the vibrations and mentally push the wave from the head and through the whole body. Practice this until you can summon waves on command. Once you have gained control of this state, you are ready to leave the body. Start with partial separation. The key here is thought control. Keep your mind firmly focused on the idea of ​​leaving the body. Don't let him wander. A misguided thought can make you lose control of your state. Now that you have entered the vibrational state, begin exploring the out-of-body experience by releasing the arm or leg of the astral body. Monroe suggests lengthening the limb until it comes into contact with a familiar object, such as a wall beside a bed. Then push it through the object. Return the limb, bringing it into correspondence with the physical, reduce the frequency of vibrations, and then complete the experiment. Lie still until you are completely back to normal. This exercise will prepare you for complete separation. Disidentify yourself from the body. Monroe offers two methods for this. One method is to rise above the body (see 2.3.1.). To do this, think that you are becoming lighter and lighter as you enter into a state of vibration. Think how great it would be to fly up. Keep this thought in mind and do not let extraneous thoughts interrupt it. Usually, exit from the body occurs in this place. Another method is "turning over" (see 2.3.2.) ─ after reaching the state of vibration, turn over as if you were turning over on a bed. Don't try to roll over physically. Try to turn the body from above and roll over into your astral body just above the physical. You will be out of the body, but next to it. Think as you float upwards and you will find that you are flying over the body. Monroe suggests that you start with the "raise" method, but he proves that both are equally effective. 3. During an out-of-body experience, you can "revive" your previous incarnations in all details. Examining the mistakes of past lives is important if we are to achieve true enlightenment. It is possible to travel everywhere on earth, underground, in the sky and even to other planets, although this requires special work. It makes the space program child's play compared to that. Much can be explored. If scientists knew and accepted all these worlds, the world would be a very different place. Are there any dangers in out-of-body experience? There are dangers, but they are fundamentally different from the dangers Everyday life . You need to be taught something, otherwise not everyone will come back. It is better not to try to project into the 1st and 2nd dimensions. People who say there are no dangers don't know what they're talking about. But the chances that something bad will happen are very small. I just want to point out that it's not impossible. 4. Controlled dreams 4.1. Lucid sleep This term refers to that dream when you know you are dreaming. It means more clarity of consciousness than vividness of sleep. This usually happens when something strange happens and you become aware that you are dreaming. Most of those who remember dreams have experienced this occasionally, waking up immediately after this realization. However, it is possible to continue the dream while remaining fully aware that one is dreaming. 4.1.1. If consciousness is clear, can sleep be controlled? Usually clarity brings some degree of control, which can vary from person to person and from dream to dream. After all, dreamers can choose how they will respond to dream events. 4.1.2. How do you get lucid dreams? There are several methods. First, regardless of the method used, it is necessary to achieve recollection in order to remember at least one dream per night. If you had a lucid dream, you will remember it. You will become more familiar with your dreams, and in this way it will be easier to recognize them when they happen. If you do remember your dreams, you can immediately begin two techniques for inducing lucid dreams. Dreamers have a habit of "reality checking". It means to examine the environment to determine if you are dreaming or not. Ask yourself several times a day: "maybe I'm dreaming?". After that, check the stability of the current reality by reading a few words, looking to the side and reading again, wishing that they were other words. If they have changed, then you are asleep. The instability of dreams is the easiest clue to distinguish between sleep and wakefulness. You must be drowsy long enough to reach the "rapid eye movement" state. If you are napping, you are more likely to achieve clarity than with a normal night's sleep. Focus on your intention to recognize the dream as you fall into drowsiness. 4.1.3. How to prevent awakening At the beginning, beginners face the difficulty of how to stay in the dream after they have achieved clarity. This obstacle prevents many from realizing the value of pit sleep, as their experience is limited to nothing more than a flash of awareness that they are asleep, followed by immediate awakening. To overcome this, two simple techniques. The first is to remain calm during sleep. The emerging clarity is exciting, but the state of excitement can wake you up. Suppress your feeling and turn your attention to sleep. If the dream is showing signs of the end, such as fading, loss of clarity or depth of imagery, "twisting" may help bring the dream back. As soon as the dream begins to "fade out", while you still do not feel the physical body in bed, spin your dream body like a top. Spin around like a child trying to get dizzy, but you will most likely not feel dizzy while sleeping because your physical body is not spinning. Remind yourself, "Here's the next dream scene." When you stop spinning, it is not yet obvious that you are sleeping ─ take a reality test. If you think you are awake, you may be surprised to find that you are still asleep! Waking up in the morning, remembering the dream that you just had, give yourself the installation: "The next moment I'm dreaming, and I want to be aware that I'm dreaming." Then imagine yourself in a recent dream, but imagine that at this time you know that you are dreaming. Then repeat the suggestion and presentation until you get it or fall asleep. To turn a lucid dream into an out-of-body experience, you need to realize that you are out of your body. Repeat this to yourself several times to avoid falling into lucid or normal sleep. Now you're out physical world . To have an out-of-body experience in the physical world, tell yourself to return to your physical body. If you like, you can visualize the physical body by giving the command. If you have ever managed to return to the physical body without awakening, you may be within the physical body again, but you will not feel connected to it. You may feel like you are flying inside your body. This is the right moment to take off from it. 4.1.4. Relationship between dreams and astral projection. (from: Phil Hansford) Dreams are the door to the subconscious, which can be used to comprehend mental and spiritual truths, and sometimes foresight. The content of the dream is subject to external events. For example, the loud sound of a passing train is likely to be reflected in your dream (unless, of course, it wakes you up). Dreams are also affected by the events of the previous day, your mood, your thoughts. Usually a person dreams about every 2 hours, 4-5 dreams per night. The longest dreams are closer to the morning. You probably don't remember the details of your dream when you wake up. To better remember the contents of dreams, you can write down the contents of dreams, this will develop your memory for dreams. To do this, you can use a tape recorder or a pencil located next to the bed. Before you go to bed, say to yourself several times: "I want to remember my dream when I wake up." When you wake up, write down the contents of the dream, and the next day, reread your notes and try to remember the details. Dream control is one of the most important techniques. It involves your awareness in your dream that you are dreaming. There are several ways to do this. Oliver Fox recommends paying attention to unreal events that occur during sleep. One student of the occult, while awake, visualized a white horse that he could ride wherever he wanted. After some time, when the horse appeared in his dreams, it became a signal that he was in a dream. Don Juan informs Castaneda that the latter should look at his hands in his sleep in order to track the moment of falling asleep. Another method is that you tell yourself every time you go to sleep: "I can fly." If you see yourself flying in a dream, you will be able to understand that you are dreaming. When you realize that you are dreaming, you will be able to control your dream (projection), and try, for example, to get out of your physical body, to be in the place you need, etc. (from: Thomas Fruin) Each person leaves their body one or more times a night, as during sleep we go into the astral plane. The only difference between a dream and a real astral projection is that in a dream we are not aware of our exit from the physical body. What we usually see in a dream is not the astral plane, dreams are the fruits of our mind. I have developed a special technique that you can practice during the day, in addition to any other "night" techniques. You have probably noticed that many events that happen to us during the day are then repeated in our dreams. The technique is that you begin to ask yourself during the day whether you are sleeping or really awake. You should do this every time you see something unusual or strange (such as you can see in a dream), such as a balloon on skis, etc. If you see something strange, ask yourself if you are dreaming and then jump up with the intention of flying up. Of course, being on the physical plane, you will descend to earth, but this is not important. If you repeat this exercise for several days, it will soon appear in your dreams. The point of the system is that when you are in a dream, when you jump, you will really take off and find yourself in the astral plane. The dream will stop immediately, you will gain full consciousness and begin your first astral projection. 4.5. States of consciousness. (from Phil Hansford) The electrical activity of the brain was studied and classified using an electroencephalograph; the signals were taken by electrodes from the scalp, filtered, amplified, and fed to the recorder. For the main states of consciousness, the following ranges of brain activity are defined: delta rhythm 0.2-3.5 Hz ( deep dream, trance state) theta rhythm 3.5-7.5 Hz ( daytime sleep, recall) alpha rhythm 7.5-13 Hz (calmness, heightened consciousness, meditation) beta rhythm 13-28 Hz (tension, "normal" consciousness) As you can see, alpha, theta and beta rhythms are generated during some physical relaxation. This is achieved through deep breathing, hypnosis and other similar techniques. Astral projection occurs during these brain states, and the delta rhythm is probably the most important here. A particular problem is maintaining mental clarity during altered states of consciousness. Experiments with an encephalograph do not show a discrete transition from falling asleep to sleep, it happens gradually. Astral projection apparently occurs between wakefulness and sleep, the falling asleep state known as the hypnotic state, or variations thereof. By carefully managing the state of falling asleep one can directly induce astral projection. 4.6. Effects of electromagnetic fields. (from Bruce D. Davis) Robert Monroe gives statistics on his experiences of astral projection, with and without the orientation of the physical body on the north-south line. From his figures and from mine own experience it follows that the position of the physical body relative to magnetic poles not indifferent to the success of the operation. Electromagnetic forces that affect all life on earth have led to such a dependence. It is recommended in the literature to pay attention to the distortion of the natural interaction of the human body with the electromagnetic field of the earth, for example, due to the wearing of metal objects in contact with the skin. My own experiments confirm that any such influence should be avoided in the practice of astral projection. Also, you should not conduct classes near power lines, powerful generators of electromagnetic waves, televisions, electric heaters and other devices that distort the magnetic field of the earth. To conduct classes, remove all metal objects that have contact with the skin and orient the body along the north-south axis (head to the north). Magnetic field and brain functions. (from In Cognito) As was pointed out by Persinger (Michael Persinger: "Neuropsychological Bases of God Beliefs", 1987), there is a relationship between the level of the earth's magnetic field and the manifestation of Psi phenomena. Persinger investigated the temporal lobes of the brain (temporal lobes) and related phenomena with them.The temporal lobes show increased activity when a person is outside the physical body.It is interesting that the same activity occurs during the time a person feels the presence of God.During an astral projection, the brain continues to work, and, perhaps, in some way participates in the process out-of-body experience... As for the importance of magnetic fields - the brain generates magnetic fields, and apparently receives and processes information from external magnetic fields.I reflect on the latest processes: I have not seen any research on these mechanisms and I wonder if they exist, and what We know that the brain generates recognizable patterns of magnetic fields - these fields are detected using SQUIDs (Su per-conducting Quantum Interference Devices.), can freely pass through the air and register with devices without any contact with the head. (from: Todd Francis Brown) I have been researching various methods to stimulate astral projection. After reading Michael Hutchison's book "MegaBrain" a few years ago, I learned a lot about various tools for expanding consciousness. Electromagnetism is certainly one of the most interesting. Thanks to the Graham Potenitializer, an appropriate device appeared, and I got the opportunity to experiment. The device is a bed with electric drive, which allows you to gently move the body 360 degrees. If you look at your feet, you will see that they describe a circle. When you relax and close your eyes, you will feel that you have lost (or significantly reduced) weight. In addition, the device sends a strong electromagnetic field through you, the frequency of which can be set equal to the Schumann frequency. The Schumann frequency (7.83 Hz) can be superimposed on the brain wave through an external magnetic field, light, sound, movement. It includes what is now called the computer of the brain, of which we have several. I used this system to induce very deep states of meditation which led to astral projection, clairvoyance, and so on. The Schumann frequency is especially interesting because it is on the border of theta and alpha brain rhythms and is the natural ambient rhythm of the earth. 5. Superstitions, prejudices, problems, etc. "I tried to isolate the astral body, but did not succeed. Am I doing something wrong?" ─ As noted above, this takes time and practice and requires an open and strong-willed mind. Expecting amazing effects at first is the wrong attitude. Some have a "talent" for this, they can do it naturally and easily without any effort, and some (especially people with a rational Western world view) cannot accept an idea without demanding immediate results. "What do we look like outside the body? Are we still dressed?" ─ If you concentrate on what you are wearing, then you will. Robert Monroe talks about this in his book Journeys Out of the Body. You are no longer bound to a form and can take any form you choose. If you do not concentrate on a particular form, you will assume the one that is current for you ─ the usual physical form. Most are clothed because society has taught us that being naked is "abnormal" except in certain circumstances. "Do you see with physical eyes?" ─ During involuntary OBEs (in college, where I mostly rested), I felt that I could not open my eyes. Later I realized that even though they were closed, I knew exactly what was happening around. I could "see". It seemed to me that since my eyes were closed, I could not see in this state. "Because I'm not limited by physical barriers, is there anything that can prevent me from going anywhere and spying?" ─ According to Monroe, some people can sense and interact with you (without necessarily realizing it) and block your presence. However, such actions are usually ineffective, unless you are ready to clean up yourself. Also, the very motive for this is questionable, since concentrating on the material world is not a very constructive idea. As someone said, the subjective mind has more control than the rational mind, so it's hard to force yourself to do something as boring as espionage. References Arguelles, Jose, Surfers of the Zuvuya Asimov, Isaac, Building Blocks of the Universe Barham, Martha Josephine, Silver Cord (The): Lifeline to the Unobstructed Battersby, H.P., Man Outside Himself Black, David, Ekstasy: Out of the Body Experiences Blackmore, Susan, Beyond the Body Brennan, James H., Astral Doorways Brennan, James H., Astral Projection Workbook (The) Brennen, J.H., Reincarnation: Five Keys to Past Lives Cayce, Edgar C., Auras Crookall, Robert Dr., Case Book of Astral Projection: 545 - 746 Crookall, Robert Dr., Out of the Body Experiences Crookall, Robert Dr., Study and Practice of Astral Projection Crookall, Robert Dr., Techniques of Astral Projection (The) Denning, Melita and Phillips, Osborn, Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral Projection (The) Editors of Time Life Books, Mysteries of the Unknown: Psychic Voyages Elkins, Don; Carla, Rueckert; and McCarthy, James Allen, RA Material (The An Ancient Astronaut Speaks Fox, Oliver, Astral Projection: A Record of Out-of-the-Body Experiences Fross, Garland H. D.D.S. Past President, American Institute of Hypnosis, Handbook of Hypnotic Techniques Frost, Gavin & Yvonne, Astral Travel Green, Celia, Out-of-the-body Experiences Greenhouse, Herbert B., Astral Journeys (The) Harary, Keith Ph.D. and Weintraub, Pamela, Have an Out of Body Experience 30 Days: The Free Flight Program Harary, Keith Ph.D. and Weintraub, Pamela, Lucid Dreams In 30 Days The Creative Sleep Program Hoff, Benjamin, Tao of Pooh (The) Hughes, Marilynn, Odysseys of Light, Adventures in Out of Body Travel John-Roger, Inner Worlds of Meditation Karlins, Marvin and Andrews Lewis M., Biofeedback: Turning On the Power o Your Mind Leadbeater, C.W., Chakras (The) London, Jack, Star Rover Michael, Russ, Finding Your Soul Mate Mindell, Earl, Vitamin Bible for Your Kids Mitchell, Janet, Out of Body Experiences Monroe, Robe rt A., Far Journeys Monroe, Robert A., Journeys Out of the Body Moore, Patrick, Stars and Planets Moser, Robert E., Mental and Astral Projection Muldoon, Sylvan and Carrington, Heward, Projection of the Astral Body (Th Ophiel , Art and Practice of Astral Projection (The) Powell, Arthur E., Astral Body (The) Richards, Steve, Traveler's Guide to the Astral Plane (The) Rogo, Scott D. , Leaving The Body: A Complete Guide to Astral Projection Routledge, Andreas Mavromatis and Kegan, Paul, Hypnagogia: The Unique Sta of Consciousness Between Wakefulness and Sleep Shay, J.M., Out of the Body Consciousness Smith, Susy, Enigma of Out-of- the-body Travel (The) Sparks, Laurance, Self Hypnosis: A Conditioned Response Technique Stack, Rick, Out of Body Adventures: 30 Days to the Most Exciting Experie of Your Life Steiger, Brad, Astral Projection Steiger, Brad, Mind Travelers ( The Stephens, Jose Ph.D. and Stevens, Lena S., Secrets of Shamanism: Tapping Spirit Power Within You Stevens, Sandra J., Being Alive Is Being Psychic Stockton, Bayard, Catapult: The Biography of Robert A. Monroe Sutphen, Dick and Taylor, Lauren Leigh, Past Life Therapy In Action Sutphen, Dick, Past Lives Future Loves Swami Bhakta Vishita, Genuine Mediumship or the Invisible Powers Swami Bhakta Vishita, Seership Talbot, Michael, Holographic Universe (The) Twitchell, Paul, Herbs: The Magic Healers Wason, Betty, Art of Vegetarian Cookery (The) Worrall, Ambrose A. and Olga N. with Will Oursler, Explore Your Psychic World Yram, Practical Astral Projection Astral plane. Ramacharaka. Fundamentals of the worldview of Indian yogis. V. Kratochvil. Clairvoyance. I take no responsibility for the quality of this translation. You can use it at your own risk, as is usually done with non-licensed software. Kay Zaetz. I translated mainly the "scientific and technical" part of this text, and, for my part, for a more detailed acquaintance with psychophysics, I can recommend the book "Clairvoyance" by A.G. Lee, as well as the course of lectures of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology, which was published in Russian language in the form of a separate book "Parapsychology". Alex Kozlov (Pastor Bon) This text is a translation of the "alt.out-of-body" Internet conference FAQ. You can address all questions to the compiler of this collection at the address: [email protected] Conference materials can be requested from the address [email protected] or from ftp-server"a nic.funet.fi ( directory "/pub/doc/occult".

Out-of-Body Experience (Out-of-body experience, abbreviated as OBE, English - “Out-of-body experience”) is an altered state of consciousness in which a person feels that he is leaving his physical body. This effect is accompanied by an unprecedented realism, which is why most people tend to consider an OBE as a mystical experience.

Other names for Out-of-Body Experience:

  • Out-of-Body Experiences or Out-of-Body Travel (OBT)
  • astral projection

The main features of the WTO

  • The feeling of leaving your physical body, while the connection with it is completely lost, consciousness can move independently of it. In most cases, consciousness has the usual form of a physical body and is also perceived by the person himself. There are many terms for this "body of consciousness". It is usually called the "subtle body", "astral body", "astral double", "mental body", " etheric body”, “soul”, “second body”, “dream body”, “double”, “essence”, “intangible entity”, “second “I”, etc.
  • High realism of the surrounding space, which often does not yield to ordinary reality, and sometimes even surpasses it. During an OBE, a person feels the world with all five senses of his “subtle body”. Sometimes feelings work better than in reality, for example, vision during an OBE can become much sharper than usual.
  • Most often, an OBE occurs during falling asleep or immediately after waking up from sleep. A person describes his OBE as an unexpected separation from the physical body, with the “subtle body” flying up or sideways. Some people also describe watching their sleeping physical body during an OBE.
  • OBE lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. But due to the subjectivity of perception and the peculiarities of the surrounding space during the OBE (a person is not constrained by physical distance and time and can instantly move in space and time), there is a feeling of a long experience.

Explaining the nature of the WTO

Science explains the WTO phenomenon as one of the varieties lucid dreaming. Characteristic difference- the beginning of the flow of out-of-body experience: there are lucid dreams that arise already in the process of ordinary dreaming, when a person, either accidentally or intentionally, after certain training, is aware of himself in a dream, but the OBE begins immediately after falling asleep or waking up and is experienced as a clear feeling of "out of the body." It may seem to a person that “leaving the body” occurs immediately from the waking consciousness, without falling into sleep, but in fact, there is a short-term and often imperceptible falling asleep before the OBE.

The surrounding space during out-of-body experience obeys the will of a person and at the same time strongly depends on his stereotypes. According to scientific ideas about the nature of dreams, the world of dreams is subjective and exists in the head of the person himself. The unprecedented realism of the WTO world is explained by the huge reserves of memory, which in the normal state of consciousness is inaccessible to a person. Based on experiments in hypnosis, when a person can remember the smallest details of his life, up to the scratches on the house where he spent his childhood, there is nothing surprising in the realism of the surrounding space during an OBE.

Human sleep is divided into phase REM sleep and the phase of slow sleep, which replace each other throughout the night while a person sleeps. OBEs, like normal dreams, occur during REM sleep.

Another point of view on the nature of the OBE is also popular, which considers it as a mystical experience - separation from the physical body of a certain “subtle body”. However, about real large-scale scientific experiments that would try to prove the reality of Out-of-Body Experience either in Russia or in the rest of the world, on this moment nothing is known.

WTO Security

Out-of-Body Experience does not carry dangers and negative consequences. As a matter of fact, this is a very realistic dream, in which the usual daytime self-awareness of a person is present, but at the same time, the OBE, by the nature of the experiences, cannot be called an ordinary dream.

However, an OBE can carry exactly the same dangers as an ordinary dream, but only for a small number of people:

  • due to the vividness, realism and emotionality of the experience during an OBE, it can harm people with poor health;
  • due to the scarce information about the OBE phenomenon, a person may begin to perceive his Out-of-Body Experiences as some kind of mystical experiences or mental illness;
  • the only distinguishing danger of OBEs is the theoretical occurrence of psychological addiction in people who deliberately practice OBEs.

Intentional practice of the WTO


All over the world, there are WTO lovers who specifically seek to experience this experience. There are many techniques for this.

  • The most common technique is through relaxation. Achieving deep relaxation, but at the same time remaining conscious, a person achieves the effect when the body falls into sleep, and consciousness takes control of the emerging dream. Usually this technique is used in the evening, right at the time of going to bed. Despite the simplicity of this approach, only a few people are able to quickly master this technique, mainly because only a few can achieve deep relaxation.
  • Another approach to intentionally inducing an OBE is to immediately start doing out-of-body techniques as soon as you wake up from sleep. The advantage of this approach is that sleep is inherently a natural deep relaxation, so the only thing left for a person to do is to perform exit techniques.


Some people, and most often women, have a natural predisposition to OBE. Often they can describe their sensations during falling asleep as moving to the side, falling, incomprehensible sounds, sensations of flight, rotation, etc. Such sensations indicate a predisposition to an OBE. There is an opinion that the so-called "alien abductions" are nothing more than spontaneous OBEs.

Application of the WTO

The goals for intentional OBE practice can be very different for each practitioner, but they have one thing in common: experiencing unusual and vivid experiences. Without these realistic experiences, the practice of OBE would make no sense. During an OBE, the environment most often, in terms of its characteristics, does not differ at all from the characteristics of the physical world, which creates a feeling of the real.

During the OBE, a person is not constrained by the restrictions that exist in reality. He can fly; pass through walls; visit unusual places, both real and completely “unreal”, created at the whim of the subconscious; meet copies of real people, while these copies can behave exactly the same as their real prototypes behave; simulate any situation, whether it's an ordinary walk down the street or a flight into space; and much more. The main feature is the realism of experiences.

Occult Studies

All over the world, groups of enthusiasts who adhere to mystical interpretations of the nature of the OBE are trying to penetrate the essence of this phenomenon. In Russia, three types of such occult trends are most developed:

  • Astral projection - includes general ideas about the OBE phenomenon. Some aspects of these views contradict each other. The basic principles of these views are set out in popular books on astral projection and out-of-body travel.
  • Teachings of Carlos Castaneda - considers the OBE as a magical dream.
  • Chakra Muni - considers the WTO as penetration into the "higher reality", using the esoteric work of Chakra Muni ("The Essence of Being" - the Sanskrit name Chakra Muni) - a literary and philosophical treatise for study.

Scientific research

  • Lucid Dreaming - The Lucid Dreaming Institute, led by Stephen LaBerge
  • Gates of Perception - The Monroe Institute created by Robert Allan Monroe

In the biblical Book of Ecclesiastes in the last, 12th chapter, there are the following lines:

6 until it breaks silver chain, and the golden band was not torn, and the jug at the fountain was not broken, and the wheel over the well was not broken. 7 And the dust shall return to the earth, as it was; and the spirit returned to God who gave it.

In books that describe ways to enter an astral projection, it is described that a certain “silver cord” connects the physical and astral bodies. Perhaps the book of Ecclesiastes refers to this cord (or, as it is described, the chain), since the next line describes death, and in occult books it is written that the breaking of the cord leads to the death of the physical body and to the separation of the astral body from it.

Article source: redaktora.net

An out-of-body experience, or OBE, occurs when an invisible copy of a person's body, sometimes referred to as the astral or etheric body, leaves the physical body while the person remains fully conscious. Therefore, this phenomenon is sometimes called astral projection. Humans basically can't control the OBE - it just happens by chance. A person in an OBE does not have to be sick or dying. Those who have had an out-of-body experience, as a rule, recognize the life of a person after the death of the body. They believe that they returned to their physical body because their astral and physical bodies were still connected by a silver thread. When this silver thread breaks, it continues to live in another dimension.

The WTO phenomenon has a long history and has been known throughout the world for more than twenty centuries.

Some historical facts about the WTO (briefly)

The ancient Egyptians already described the phenomenon of the OBE and the astral body, which they called "ba".
In the mysteries dedicated to the sun god Mithra, rituals were performed that caused an out-of-body experience.
Plato described the WTO Era in his essay The Republic.
Socrates, Pliny and Plotinus described cases of the exit of the soul from the body.
Plotinus also assured that his soul left the body many times.
Plutarch described the out-of-body experience of Aridaneus in 79 AD.
The Tibetan Book of the Dead describes the copy of the physical body that emerges from it, calling it the "Bardo Body".
Mahayana Buddhism recognizes the existence of the astral body.
The ancient Chinese said they could experience an OBE after meditating.
Some tribal shamans claim to be able to induce out-of-body experiences at will.
The early missionaries in Africa and America were stunned to see that the local tribes had detailed knowledge of everything that happened within a radius of hundreds of miles.

WTO authentication

Dr. Dean Shales has analyzed more than a thousand OBEs in 70 non-Western cultures. The final results of the study showed that, despite the expectations of significant differences in the OBE phenomena, their absolute similarities were recorded. According to Shales, the results were so universal that this phenomenon could not be in doubt. Many of the literary giants have publicly stated that they have had an out-of-body experience: Ernest Hemingway, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alfred Tennyson, Edgar Alan Poe, D. H. Lawrence, Virginia Woolf.

A respected scientist, Dr. Robert Crookall, has analyzed over 700 reports of out-of-body experiences. He determined that 81 percent of people who experienced an OBE were convinced based on personal experience, what . The pedantic scientist was struck by the surprising similarity of reports of out-of-body experiences coming from all over the world, including from mediums high level.

The astral body observed during the exit from the physical body

The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) maintains many reports of OBEs. One of the most curious cases occurred with a person observing the astral body of another person during an OBE, as if he were in the flesh:

Mr. Landau says that in 1955 his future wife told him about her out-of-body experience. One night he gave her his diary and asked her to take the diary to his room during the next OBE. Early the next morning, he saw his wife's astral body fly out of her room and land in his room. He saw how after that the astral body returned to her physical body, lying motionless on the bed. Returning to his room, he found by the bed a rubber toy dog, which he had last seen on a chest of drawers near his wife's bed. When he asked her what happened, the woman replied that she found it inconvenient to carry the diary, because from childhood she was taught that one should never touch other people's letters and diaries.

Alex Tanu

In America, Karlis Osis and Boneta Perscari have spent several years Scientific research out-of-body experience, the subject of which was a man named Alex Tanu, and received important results. In one experiment, Tanu, whose astral body could move for many kilometers, had to visit an office in order to see what was on the table there and tell about it upon his return. Unbeknownst to Tanu, the psychic Christina Whiting was waiting for him in the office. Through her clairvoyant powers, she was able to see Tanu appear at the office and described in detail his appearance and clothing - a shirt with rolled up sleeves and corduroy trousers.

Observation of objects and events beyond the physical perception

Sir Oliver Oyston, an eminent British general, had an out-of-body experience when, during the Boer War, he fell seriously ill with typhus and was in the hospital. Sir Oliver's astral body, fully aware of the environment, passed through the walls, noticing a young military doctor in the next room, dying of typhoid fever. The next day, completely recovered, Sir Oliver told the doctors in detail about what had happened to him. Subsequently, the doctors confirmed everything that Sir Oliver had told them.

Professor Kimberly Clark of the University of Washington reported a now-famous case in which a cardiac arrest survivor in a hospital had an out-of-body experience. Her invisible astral body traveled to the upper floors of the hospital building, where she saw old tennis shoes. When consciousness returned to the woman, she reported what she saw to Professor Clark, who checked the veracity of her story. Everything coincided - down to the smallest detail, even the name of the shoe manufacturer.

Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross claimed that in the course of her research she came across a case when a blind patient, while in an OBE, saw certain events and subsequently confirmed that these events actually happened.

Some controlled experiments

Collaboration with several talented OBE experimenters made it possible to investigate this phenomenon by scientific means.

Dutch scientists managed to weigh the physical body before, during and after the OBE. They found a decrease in the weight of a person by about 50 grams. at the time when the astral body left the physical.
French researchers, including Professor Richet, have been experimenting with astral bodies for many years, during which they observed how these bodies move material objects, hit them at a distance, affect photographic plates and calcium screens. Scientists have photographed the process of exit of the astral body from the physical.
Other experimenters, including Robert Morris of the North Carolina Psychical Research Foundation, spent two years researching out-of-body experiences. Volunteer Kate "Blue" Harari, c early childhood experiencing the state of the OBE, being in a sealed laboratory room, transferred his astral body to another building located at a distance of 20 m. There he read the documents, and then recounted their contents and accurately indicated which of the experimenters was in the house and where they were located .

Robert Monroe

1965 - Dr. Charles, a psychologist at the University of California, conducted controlled experiments with Robert Monroe, an incredibly gifted experimenter who explored out-of-body experience states.
Robert Monroe was president of two cable television and electronics corporations. He has produced over 600 television programs. During the time he experienced OBE conditions, Monroe continued to be active in business and lead a full family life. He died in 1995.

The exit of the soul from the body and the other world

Monroe published several books in which he carefully described the details of out-of-body experiences. He described what he calls "Local I" and "Local II" where he summarized examples drawn from occult literature, such as the soaring of the soul out of the body within a familiar physical setting. Like Swedenborg, Monroe also spoke of a journey to the astral worlds of heaven and hell filled with spirits and thought forms.

Monroe founded the non-profit organization "Monroe Institute", where tens of thousands of people study the travel of the astral body outside the physical, both in the institute itself and at a distance. The institute's program proved so useful that it was adopted by the American military as part of standard remote surveillance training.

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I would like to express my gratitude to Senthil Kumar for
to the original version of this document and the support of my
work. So-
I express my gratitude to all those who sent me
proposals accepted

1. Introduction

Out-of-body experience (astral projection) ? idea
popular in ok-
cult literature; this concept covers travel to
other worlds
or places while the physical body sleeps or is
in a trance.
Are astral travel dangerous? they are as safe as
dream. Pain-
most dreams are somehow unconscious
astral paths
processions. Although much has been written on
this issue
OBEs remain difficult for many people.
difficulty? is the tendency to forget sleep consciousness after
awakening. And
accordingly, the successful practice of astral travel
requires work
Modern psychology rejects the idea of ​​a real
experience (in which the soul temporarily leaves the physical
body). However
however, the idea is very old. The Tibetans have a whole system
yoga (yoga
sleep) based on astral travel. And here we have
there is an important
new guess? you are involved in an out-of-body experience
(at least for
a little) whenever you sleep. What separates you from
complete out-
forest experience? this foggy consciousness during it and the weak
knowledge upon completion. Many people completely forget
your dreams. The study of astral travel requires
some clarity
mind and vigilance.
During an out-of-body experience, you can "revive" your
former vop-
polishing in every detail. Explore the mistakes of past lives
important if
we want to achieve real enlightenment. Can
travel with
de on the ground, under the ground, in the sky and even to other planets,
although it
requires special work. Space program? it's childish
game by
compared to this. Much can be explored. If
scientists knew and
accepted all these worlds, the world would be a very different place.

Diet? certain diets can help with this,
especially at the beginning
le. These include fasting, vegetarianism, and general consumption.
light pi-
cabbage soup Carrots and raw eggs are especially favorable, but all
avoid. Overeating should also be avoided. And no food
gotta eat
before attempting to exit the body. If you are going
practice during
sleep time, determine 2 ½ 4 hours before without food or drink
(except in-
dy). In general, here are the same dietary recommendations as for
no yoga.
Yoga and breathing? yoga, mantras and breathing exercises
help physical relaxation. Practicing kundalini
yoga especially
relevant because it is related to mutated states
consciousness. In natu-
re raising the kundalini requires a state of consciousness,
similar out-
forest experience.

out-of-body experience

I would like to thank Senthil Kumar for preparing the original version of this paper and for supporting my work. I also express my gratitude to all those who sent me proposals taken into account.


1. Introduction

Out-of-body experience (astral projection) is a popular idea in occult literature; this concept covers travel to other worlds or places while the physical body is asleep or in a trance. Astral travel is not dangerous - it is as safe as sleeping. Most dreams are, in one way or another, unconscious astral travel. Although much has been written on the subject, out-of-body experiences remain difficult for many people. The main difficulty is the tendency to forget the dream consciousness upon awakening. And accordingly, the successful practice of astral travel requires work.

Modern psychology rejects the idea of ​​an actual out-of-body experience (in which the soul temporarily leaves the physical body). However, the idea is very old. The Tibetans have a whole system of yoga (sleep yoga) based on astral travel. And here we have an important assumption - you are involved in an out-of-body experience (at least for a little bit) always when you sleep. What separates you from a full out-of-body experience is hazy consciousness during it and faint memories at the end of it. Many people completely forget most of their dreams. The study of astral travel requires some mental clarity and vigilance.

During an out-of-body experience, you can "revive" your previous incarnations in every detail. Examining the mistakes of past lives is essential if we are to achieve true enlightenment. It is possible to travel everywhere on earth, underground, in the sky and even to other planets, although this requires special work. The space program is child's play compared to this. Much can be explored. If scientists knew and accepted all these worlds, the world would be a very different place.

Diet - Certain diets can help with this, especially in the beginning. These include fasting, vegetarianism, and generally eating light foods. Carrots and raw eggs are particularly beneficial, but all nuts should be avoided. Overeating should also be avoided. And no food should be eaten before attempting to leave the body. If you are going to practice while sleeping, set aside 2-4 hours beforehand without eating or drinking (other than water). In general, there are the same dietary recommendations as for kundalini yoga.

Yoga and Breathing - Yoga, mantras and breathing exercises are equally helpful in physical relaxation. The practice of kundalini yoga is especially relevant because it is associated with altered states of consciousness. In nature, raising the kundalini requires a state of consciousness similar to an out-of-body experience.

And an open mind - think how cool it is to learn new things and explore new worlds!

Before moving on to specific methods I want to tell you one important thing you should be doing: keep a journal! It is very important. You must keep a record of all your experiences with altered states of consciousness. Why? Because it is very easy to forget the details of these experiences. You may think that you remember something, but as is the case ordinary dreams you will forget with time.

Another reason to take notes is that when you look at them later, you can find patterns that you might not otherwise find. In particular, this can help to find shortcomings in the development of the personality that limit the possibilities of astral experience and, accordingly, ways to correct them. Journaling requires discipline. Astral projection, like any other art, also requires discipline, and keeping good notes is part of the discipline that will be required to be successful.

It is also recommended to read more about astral world- this can cause a "reverse action" effect - since the experience is unfamiliar, it does not cause associations, but if during an out-of-body experience you meet something and remember that you have already read about it in a book, this can help you identify your personality and recall other facts of your "waking" life. But even if you are fully conscious during an astral experience, you will not necessarily remember everything upon awakening, so it makes sense to try to remember everything while still in astral consciousness. Write down all the "strange" phenomena that you observe in a dream. Subsequently, if they repeat, they will be signals to you that you are in a dream. Before going to bed, you should set yourself up to pay attention to such phenomena.

1.2. Starting Points of the Out-of-Body Experience

Most of the methods of astral travel are the creation of certain conditions. It always involves some form of trance or altered consciousness. No one leaves the body consciously while fully awake (but some think they do). Although there are many techniques used for astral exit, described in section 2, they all have much in common. While they may seem immediate, they all require effort. Astral travel is usually taught. There are 3 starting points for OBEs:

Because society does not take dreams too seriously, this creates a situation in which we are completely ignorant of our dream experience. Therefore, the first thing you, as a potential astral traveler, should do is to change your ideas about dreams and your attitude towards them. Because we live a double life. One life in the physical plane and another in the dream world. They are both real. Although they are different, each is completely real in its own terms. And when you sleep, you are experiencing an experience that is just as real as that experienced in the physical world. Astral projection is the continuity of consciousness between the states of wakefulness and sleep, it is a dream in which we are fully conscious of our life in wakefulness. There is a spectrum of states of consciousness between sleep and astral experience. The question is how much we can transfer our "wake" personality into the dream world. It happens, for example, that we do not remember our name there, but we are aware that we are "again in this place."



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