Treatment of infected skin wounds at home. Treatment of wounds on the leg at home

Even the smallest wound of the foot brings great discomfort while walking. This part of the leg is involved in movement, balancing the body, depreciation when running and jumping. Due to regular loads, foot injuries occur quite often and interfere with the usual way of life. The causes associated with the appearance of damage can be different, from a banal superficial puncture to a serious incision.

You can injure your leg different ways. Based on how the damage occurred, determine the type of wound. The following types are divided:

  • stab - have a small inlet, a long and narrow wound channel;
  • cut - have smooth edges and shallow depth;
  • chopped - differ in greater depth and degree of damage to the tissues of the bottom of the wound. Often the bone is damaged;
  • torn - the edges of the wound are uneven in shape, the depth and severity of tissue rupture depends on the pressure force at the time of injury;
  • scalped - characterized by detachment of the upper layer of the skin without subcutaneous fat.

Injuries can occur at home, at work, on the street, and they can be obtained both by walking barefoot and through the sole of a shoe.

Distinguish also wounds of the closed and open type. The former are not dangerous, because. arise from above, without affecting the inner layers. An open foot wound is characterized by soft tissue damage and requires urgent medical intervention.

Stab wounds occur if you step on a sharp object: an awl, a nail, an armature, a pin, etc. Even a seemingly insignificant puncture can cause serious complications. Therefore, it is extremely important to provide first aid to the victim.

Depending on the type of wound, certain therapeutic measures. First aid for a stab type begins with the release of the foot from shoes and clothing. Next, the puncture site is washed with clean running water and disinfected with an antiseptic - hydrogen peroxide. The edges of the wound are treated with iodine, brilliant green, a solution of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

Regardless of the degree of injury, it is better to lift the leg up and fix it with a splint. So you can reduce blood flow to the damaged area and stop bleeding. After the first manipulations, you should see a specialist as soon as possible.

Urgent hospitalization is necessary in the following cases:

  • the presence of a whole and broken object in the wound;
  • the damage is caused by a dirty or rusty object;
  • blood vessels or nerves are damaged. In this case, the patient feels pain, numbness of the foot, disturbances in motor processes appear, internal bleeding may begin.

In the clinic, the victim will be examined by a specialist, an x-ray will be prescribed to establish the fact of the presence foreign object in the wound.

First aid for a cut wound of the foot

A cut wound in the foot area occurs when the foot interacts with cutting objects: glass, a piece of slate, a shell fragment. The danger with incised injuries is that the length of the wound does not always correspond to its depth.

A minor cut at first glance, can reach the farthest layers of the foot.
First aid consists in washing the wound, disinfecting and stopping bleeding. Next, a bandage should be applied to the wound and bandaged with a bandage or a piece of clean cloth. In the case of a shallow incision, the treatment can be continued independently at home. If there is a deep and long incision, you should consult a doctor.

A variety of incised wounds are torn and chopped cuts. The first arise as a result of dissection of the skin of the foot with an object with jagged edges. This type of injury takes a long time to heal. Chopped incisions are often characterized by a fairly deep wound, down to the bone. First aid in these cases is similar.

Irresponsible attitude to the wound can lead to serious complications, lameness and even disability. Ignoring the treatment of the affected area leads to microbes entering the open wound of the foot and, as a result, inflammation. The most common causative agents of wound infection are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus bacteria.

A dirty object that gets into the wound can cause tetanus. This is an extremely dangerous disease, as a result of which a person can remain disabled or die.

With staphylococcal lesions, an abscess is formed with cream or yellowish discharge. The spread of streptococci is characterized by pain, inflammation and redness of the skin.

As a result of a stab injury, a fragment of a foreign body may remain in the foot, which will cause a complication in the form of osteomyelitis. Its appearance is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa or mixed flora. After a long stay of a foreign object in the foot, there were cases of the formation of epidermal cysts.

Scheme of the development of tetanus

Tetanus is caused by a bacterium that belongs to the Bacillaceae family. It is interesting that they quietly live and multiply in the human intestine, without harming him. But when it enters a closed wound, they begin to release a toxin - one of the most powerful poisons. This happens due to the lack of oxygen access to the wound.

Which doctor to go to for foot injuries

Having received an injury, it is necessary to immediately carry out the first therapeutic measures on the spot. After that, go to the hospital and pass necessary examinations. A logical question arises: “Which doctor should I contact?” With injuries of this type, they usually go to the surgeon. He spends visual inspection, if necessary, directs to x-rays and conducts intensive anti-inflammatory therapy. If the foot wound is deep and it is likely that it reaches the bone or communicates with the joint cavity, the doctor will prescribe a revision of the wound or excision of the wound channel.

Foot cut treatment

The sooner treatment begins, the more likely that everything will pass without complications and the victim will be able to return to daily affairs. Removal of edema and inflammation is achieved by applying ice to the cut site. You can treat a foot injury at home, provided that there are no serious indications for hospitalization. Daily activities include washing, disinfection with manganese or saline solution, dressing the injury site. It is advisable at first not to load the leg and lie more. The first couple of days the wound may hurt. Ketanov, Nurofen, Nemisil are prescribed as an anesthetic.

With the right approach to treatment, noticeable relief will come in a week. If after 2-3 days the condition has not improved, you need to go to the hospital. It is likely that an infected wound will require surgery, procedures in the doctor's office, and complex therapy to treat it.

In contact with


All people are familiar with various injuries, wounds. Some wounds heal fairly quickly. Some people have to work hard to get well. Why does a non-healing wound occur? There may be several reasons. We will consider them further.

A wound that does not heal for a long time is a reason to seek medical help. Only there you will receive the appropriate treatment. The question arises, what time of wound healing is considered normal? Normal healing proceeds within no more than three weeks. In the event of complications or deviations, this process can be delayed for a month and a half. The reasons for the wound long time does not heal, are divided into external and internal, as well as their combination.

Internal factors: chronic diseases endocrine system, such as diabetes, exhaustion of the body, vitamin deficiency, overweight, circulatory disorders, varicose veins, infectious diseases, oncological diseases. All these diseases lead to a decrease in immunity. As a result, wounds do not heal.

If a person is injured sharp object, it is possible to get an infection directly when injured. Although it can happen in other ways. For example, infection in the wound during dressing. If the wound is not treated in a timely manner with disinfectants, infection may spread. Then a long-term treatment is needed.

Promotes healing of abrasions and small wounds cream "ARGOSULFAN®". The combination of the antibacterial component of silver sulfathiazole and silver ions provides a wide range of antibacterial action of the cream. You can apply the drug not only on wounds located in open areas of the body, but also under bandages. The tool has not only a wound healing, but also an antimicrobial effect, and in addition, it promotes wound healing without a rough scar. 1

There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions or consult with a specialist.

Symptoms of wound infection: body temperature rises, swelling appears in the affected area, the skin becomes red and hot, suppuration appears. Infection is the reason that the site of injury for a long time does not heal. Treatment will require antibiotics. It will also require special treatment, removal of suppuration and suturing if necessary. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe a blood transfusion and vitamin therapy.

Treatment of a non-healing wound in diabetes mellitus

With such a disease, any minor cut becomes a real test. High blood sugar has a detrimental effect on blood vessels, destroying them. The blood supply is disturbed, especially in the lower part of the legs. In addition, sensitivity is reduced nerve endings. As a result, a person does not feel injured because of this. common corn, small cut not treated in a timely manner, it can become a non-healing wound, and later turn into an ulcer.

You should be extremely careful and try to avoid injuries or cuts, carefully check the condition of the legs. At slightest violation skin, see a doctor. Suppuration of the wound in diabetes mellitus often leads to amputation of the affected parts of the limbs.

Promotes rapid healing: timely treatment with antiseptics, the appointment of ointments with antibiotics, proper nutrition, foods rich in B and C vitamins, additional prescription of vitamins, proper care of the affected area of ​​the body, treatment, dressing.


When treating a non-healing wound on the leg, you can combine drug therapy and folk methods. This combination will speed up healing.

Fresh cucumber juice antimicrobial action. They need to lubricate the wounds, make compresses for several hours.

Celandine leaves have a healing effect. Can be used for treatment both fresh and dry. Dry leaves should be steamed before use. Bandages are made with celandine leaves, applying them to the wound.

A mixture of burdock roots and celandine boiled in sunflower oil will also help. How to make it? Now we'll tell you. To do this, you need 100 ml of sunflower oil, chopped burdock roots 30 g, celandine roots 20 g. It is worth cooking on low heat for 15 minutes. After cool and strain. Lubricate the affected area with the resulting mixture two to three times a day for a week.

Wounds in diabetes

If a person has diabetes, how to treat non-healing wounds? Now we'll tell you. When treating a non-healing wound in diabetes, you need to remember how to properly treat the affected area and do the dressing:

  1. The wound must be clean. To do this, change the bandage as often as possible. When doing this, use disposable sterile gloves. Treat non-healing wound disinfectant. For processing, use a solution of "Chlorhexidine".

It is worth following the prescriptions of the attending physician, consulting if you wish to use traditional medicine recipes. Self-medication, the wrong choice of drugs can significantly worsen the condition of the wound and slow down healing.

Effective ointments for non-healing wounds:

1. Solcoseryl. Used for dry wounds. Accelerates tissue regeneration, promotes effective healing. 2. "Actovegin". For healing deep wounds a gel is released, after the wound has begun to heal, an ointment is applied. Analogue of "Solcoseryl". 3. "Levomekol". An antibiotic drug. Used for treatment festering wounds, burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers.

4. "Baneocin". A drug that contains antibiotics that protect the skin from infection. Available in the form of ointment and powder.

Non-healing weeping wounds

A weeping wound is accompanied by the release of ichor in large quantities. This happens if a person is injured due to a burn (electrical, chemical, solar), skin inflammation, bacterial or fungal infections, skin is torn off, there are diaper rash, abrasions and calluses.

In order to avoid infection in such a wound, an antiseptic dressing is needed. If there are foreign objects in the affected area, the damaged skin diverges by more than one centimeter, there is severe bleeding, then you should immediately go to the emergency room. If all this is not there, you can treat the wound and apply a bandage yourself.

To wash an open weeping wound, you can not use iodine or brilliant green. These products will burn the tissue, and the liquid will not drain. And this can cause inflammation and suppuration. Better to use hydrogen peroxide. It can be treated with a solution of "Chlorhexidine", "Unisept", "Decasan" or "Miramistin". For subsequent cleansing and treatment of the wound, you can use a solution of furacilin or an isotonic solution ( boiled water with table salt, 5 grams per glass of water). These products can be used to remove a dried bandage and to treat the surface of the affected area.

Weeping wounds. Treatment

How to treat non-healing wounds that get wet? Until a crust has formed on the affected area, ointments should be discarded. For treatment, use solutions or powders with a drying effect. Salt solution works simply and effectively in this case. How to cook it? Dilute salt in water in a ratio of 1x10.

To speed up tissue regeneration and eliminate the infection, an antibiotic powder should be used. For this, appoint the following means: Streptocide, Penicillin, Levomycetin.

Combined drugs are also used to suppress bacteria and fungal environments, such as Baneocin. A thin layer of powder is applied to the treated surface of the wound with a cotton swab. Then it is covered with a sterile gauze and bandaged. After 4-5 hours, the bandage should be moistened with saline. After that it should be replaced. If the wound heals, there is no pus or there is very little of it, you can not wash it with saline, but limit yourself only to treating the affected area.

If the pain does not go away, the edges of the wound darken, the inflammation spreads to nearby areas of the skin, you should urgently visit a doctor. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and antibacterial drugs to avoid infection, sepsis. In addition, vitamins are necessary to maintain resistant functions of the body.


Correct and timely treatment will give a positive result within one to two weeks. In some severe cases, therapy will be required for a month with the use of physiotherapy: heating, quartz treatment, laser treatment, massage. Long healing wounds lead to damage to adjacent skin areas and the formation of keloid scars that may stay forever. You need to be attentive to your health.

1. E.I. Tretyakova. Complex treatment long-term non-healing wounds of various etiologies. Clinical dermatology and venereology. - 2013.- No. 3.

    • How to treat a non-healing wound
    • How to treat cut wounds
    • Choosing a broom in the Russian bath: birch, fir or eucalyptus
    • - onion, carrot, olive oil;
    • - pine resin, beeswax, honey, vodka.
    • treatment of non-healing wounds
    • Site's disease and Raynaud's syndrome
    • Site's disease
    • Video: Treatment of Raynaud's disease with an alternating magnetic field
    • ulcers in diabetes mellitus treatment in 2018
    • - ointment dexpanthenol;
    • - Eplan.
    • - gum resin coniferous trees;
    • -butter.
    • - wax;
    • - honey;
    • sunflower oil;
    • - spruce resin.
    • - burdock root and celandine;
    • - sunflower oil.
    • - sterile gauze;
    • - antiseptic solution;
    • - tourniquet;
    • - iodine solution;
    • - ointment "Levosin" or "Levomekol";
    • - adhesive plaster;
    • - bandage;
    • - saline.
    • how to heal a big wound
  • A broom helps to choose the right one individually for each organism temperature regime and, acting as a massage, increases the load due to additional moisture in the Russian bath.

    They use different types of brooms, starting with oak and ending with wormwood. But the most common are birch, fir or eucalyptus. The popularity of birch brooms among the majority of the population is not accidental. Firstly, birch can be found almost everywhere, because there are over a hundred of its species. Then birch brooms are suitable for all age categories due to delicate small leaves.

    Birch brooms are harvested in the spring, before the Trinity holiday, when there is enough juice and leaves in birch shoots normal size. For more later dates when harvesting, the leaves begin to crumble, and therefore healing effect absent. Birch broom effective in the treatment of colds, kidney diseases and respiratory tract, and is also used as a disinfectant and tonic after various surgical interventions.

    Coniferous brooms - fir, although less popular than birch, but have more healing power. Presence in a fir broom a large number phytoncides, the effect of which is enhanced by the hot steam of the Russian bath, has a calming effect on nervous system, has a tonic effect on the human body. Gout, rheumatism, skin diseases, rickets and non-healing wounds are treated with fir broom. However, the roughness and whipping of such brooms is not suitable for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases. You can soften their effect on the skin by brewing for up to half an hour and then adding branches of hardwood trees.

    Eucalyptus broom is the best, and in some cases even indispensable for the treatment of articular and neurological diseases. Also used to treat diseases respiratory system. It is also used as an effective wound healing and pain reliever. However, a broom made from eucalyptus shoots can be called exotic, since the type of eucalyptus suitable for its manufacture grows only in the south of the country.

    Weeping wounds are damage to the soft tissue structures. The skin is a natural barrier of the body that performs many functions.

    The superficial skin is exposed to aggressive external environment.

    Exist various degrees defeat. Localization: skin, blood vessels, bones, sometimes internal organs.

    With a non-healing wet injury, inflammation occurs. Scars form during the healing process. Treatment consists of regular dressings, antibiotics and disinfectants. medicines.

    Ointments for drying

    Treating with drying agents means using ointments and gels.

    Means that protect the skin from infection:

    1. Levomekol. Disinfecting, drying ointment has an antibacterial effect, prevents the formation of pus. Improves the activity of the immune system, actively fights against pathogenic microorganisms. Usage: for weeping injuries, suppuration, the agent is applied with a syringe, directly into the lesion.
    2. Solcoseryl. Regenerating, drying ointment composition. Promotes the production of new cell fibers, stops the process of fluid formation. Application: apply the ointment to the affected area, no more than 2 times a day. Apply to semi-closed dressings. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. There are no contraindications.
    3. Povidone-iodine. Gel medication with a regenerating, anti-inflammatory, drying effect. The gel penetrates deep into the dermis, neutralizes the lesion, restores skin structure, prevents the formation of scars and scars. Application: rubbed on the wound surface, washed off after 25 minutes. Contraindications: renal pathology, allergic reactions to iodine, is not recommended for children whose age has not exceeded six years.

    These drugs have antimicrobial, drying properties. Before use, consult a doctor.

    Means for healing

    When the dermis is traumatized, a person experiences pain, discomfort.

    In order to avoid negative consequences and complications, wound healing agents are used that prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and accelerate the regeneration of the skin:

    1. Bepanten. Wound healing cream, effectively cares for damaged skin that separates exudate. The components of the drug normalize tissue metabolism, enhance the healing process.
    2. Eplan. Regenerative, wound healing medicine, has analgesic, bactericidal effect. Apply directly to the lesion, several times a day. Can be used as a compress.
    3. Argosulfan. Healing cream the basis, which includes salt (silver). The drug heals the dermis, has an antibacterial effect. Used to treat weeping injuries, purulent lesions, trophic ulcers, burns.

    Choice wound healing drugs will depend on the location, area and severity of the lesion.

    Antibacterial drugs

    During the treatment of weeping lesions, sterile dressings are used.

    • Furacilin solution;
    • sodium hypochlorite;
    • Miramistin;
    • Okomistin.

    Antiseptics reduce the release of exudate.

    If the injury does not heal for a long time, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

    • Streptocid ointment;
    • Mafenides;
    • Streptonitol;
    • Fudisin (gel).

    The funds are applied to wound surface, a sterile dressing or swab is applied over the top. Often, Xeroform or Baneocin powder is used to treat the skin layers.

    healing process

    If the injury oozes, does not heal for a long time, there is a possibility of a secondary infection. As a result, a wetting surface is formed.

    The immune system tries to fight the inflammation on its own, while the production of excess blood plasma increases.

    Damage to the skin on the leg with the release of fluid occurs as a result of trauma, varicose or erysipelas, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus.

    The main task of treatment is to create a systematic outflow of fluid. When accumulated purulent fluid inflammation spreads to nearby tissues.

    In a hospital setting:

    • treatment with antibacterial solutions (Dioxidin);
    • at pain symptoms painkillers are used (spray Lidocaine, Xylocaine);
    • to cleanse from necrotic masses, powdered medicine Trypsin is used (a napkin is wetted in the preparation, applied directly to the affected area).

    With shallow weeping injuries on the legs, therapy is carried out at home. Salicylic acid or Ichthyol ointment.

    Streptocide (tablets or powder) is used as an antiseptic. Before applying the ointment compositions, the skin is treated with hydrogen peroxide.

    Reasons for a long delay

    Weeping wounds that do not heal for a long time indicate the presence of a pathology in the body and the addition of an infection.

    Why skin abrasions do not heal:

    1. Incorrect treatment of wound surfaces.
    2. Diabetes. With the disease, limbs swell, blood circulation is disturbed, and the activity of the immune system decreases. The cells of the dermis are undernourished.
    3. Age criteria. The immune system of the elderly is weakened. Therefore, the body is not able to fight inflammatory processes on its own, regeneration slows down.
    4. Lack of vitamins in the body. The wound does not heal with beriberi.

    Cell regeneration slows down in people diagnosed with cancer, obesity, malnutrition, HIV.

    Oozing liquid

    The fluid that oozes from the wound is lymph. Its release is normal natural phenomenon. It removes salt impurities, proteins, toxins, water from tissue structures. Then returns them to the circulatory system.

    If the ichor is not abundant, there is no cause for concern. It is recommended to carry out the prescribed course of treatment.

    The abundant flow of lymph from the wound surface is affected by:

    • Poor processing of the dermis;
    • polluted ecology;
    • alcohol and nicotine;
    • the presence of vascular and dermatological pathologies;
    • excessive physical activity.

    Process and dry

    Any wound, regardless of location or origin, needs to be treated.

    • provide free access to the damaged area of ​​the skin;
    • touching the wound surface is allowed with gloves or tweezers;
    • should be cleaned of contamination, rinse the damaged area with clean water;
    • apply an antiseptic (initially treat with hydrogen peroxide, then brilliant green or iodine);
    • cover the area with sterile gauze;
    • stop bleeding (if any).

    The independent use of medicines (gels, ointments, powders) is prohibited. The doctor examines the injury. Then a course of treatment is prescribed.

    Any weeping wound, including a burn, is accompanied by bacterial infection. Wetness occurs when the immune system is unable to deal with inflammation.

    It is they who are able to ensure the outflow of fluid, tissue regeneration, and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

    Step-by-step therapy of weeping lesions:

    1. Antiseptic treatment. These include Miramistin, Furacilin.
    2. Use of a hygroscopic dressing, which is changed every 2-3 hours.
    3. When changing the dressing material, the damage is treated with an antiseptic. Then superimposed antibacterial drug Betadine. It can dry out the skin.
    4. In the presence of pain, painkillers (tablets, aerosols, injections) are used.
    5. In case of purulent injuries, ointment compositions Levomekol, Levosin are applied under the bandage.

    After the elimination of inflammation, the use of a patch from burns is recommended. At the stage of recovery and scarring of the skin, Solcoseryl ointment is applied under the bandage, at least 4-6 times a day. Vitamins of groups A, C, E are taken in combination with the main therapy.

    Folk recipes

    Together with pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of weeping injuries, traditional medicine preparations are used, which are prepared at home:

    1. Potato juice. Fresh potatoes are rubbed with a grater. Juice is squeezed out. A sterile napkin is wetted in the liquid, applied to the wound, bandaged. The compress is applied before going to bed. The medicine draws out bacterial exudate.
    2. Onion. Vegetable (1 large head) is grated. The gruel is laid out on a gauze fabric, applied to the damage (20 - 30 minutes), 4-5 times a day. The drug reduces puffiness and cleans the surface.
    3. St. John's wort oil. The leaf and inflorescence (100 grams) of St. John's wort are finely chopped, a golden mustache (50 grams) is added. The mixture is poured olive oil(250 ml). The medicine container is covered with paper, infused for 15-20 days in a warm place. The product is filtered, stored in the refrigerator. The napkin is wetted in the drug and applied to the wound 2-3 times a day.

    Folk remedies are used after consultation with the attending physician.

    Open festering wound

    • antibacterial drugs;
    • detoxification measures (toxins are removed from the body);
    • drugs that stimulate the immune system.

    The goal of treatment in the formation of a purulent focus is to clean the wound, reduce inflammation, and eliminate pathogenic bacteria.

    For accelerated process skin regeneration is prescribed:

    • Vishnevsky ointment;
    • Synthomycin liniment;
    • Ointment composition of Tetracycline.

    Medicines are applied to the bandage. Use once a day, preferably at bedtime. To eliminate pus from extensive wounds drainage is installed.

    What is prohibited

    For effective treatment weeping abrasions, it is recommended to follow certain processing rules. If the wound does not heal for a long time, you need to seek the advice of a surgeon.

    What to do is prohibited for weeping injuries:

    1. Interrupt treatment. Dressing is carried out every day, in some cases 2-3 times a day.
    2. Treat injury with contaminated materials. Bandages gauze bandages, nets for fasteners must be sterile.
    3. Do the dressing with clean hands. If there are no sterile gloves, the palms of the hands are washed with soap and treated with an antiseptic.
    4. Rip off dried bandages. They soak with water.
    5. Use expired drugs, violate the rule of the instruction.

    If during therapy the amount of fluid discharged increased, the wound grew, throbbing pain, swelling or redness appeared, all parts of the body ache, it is recommended that the injury be examined by an experienced surgeon.


    With improper therapy, weeping ulcers and wounds spread, affecting large areas of the skin and nearby tissues.

    Pus is formed, the infection provokes:

    • erysipelas;
    • lymphadenitis;
    • lymphangitis;
    • sepsis.

    In advanced stages, damage develops into gas gangrene. Then the treatment is carried out surgically.

    Man in Everyday life repeatedly receives injuries of a different nature, after which he encounters a not always favorable healing process. The recovery period depends on the correct first aid, the immune system, as well as the presence chronic diseases. In this article we will tell you what to do if the wound on the leg does not heal.

    Causes and conditions of wounds

    The main function of the skin is protective: it prevents the mechanical and chemical effects of the external environment, prevents the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into our body.

    From the actions of aggressive factors, the organ often receives defects in the form of abrasions and scratches.

    A wound is damage to the integrity of the skin and underlying soft tissues. Its characteristic features include: sensation of pain, bleeding, gaping. Small abrasions affect the upper layers of the skin, extensive ones form a wound channel, affecting muscles, tendons and blood vessels.

    The trigger for the development of weeping, subsequently purulent, wounds is increased secretion blood plasma through injured skin. Such a process is considered essential in regeneration, because. with plasma, cell decay products are released, but its excess provides nutrient medium for microbes.

    Inflammatory causes:

    • getting an infection;
    • chemical and thermal burns;
    • close contact of the wound with clothing;
    • chronic skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis);
    • allergic manifestations;
    • circulatory disorders;
    • reduced immunity;
    • increased sweating.

    Types of wounds on the leg

    They are divided into several types, taking into account the origin, nature of the damage and the clinical picture of healing.

    According to origin, they are divided into:

    • intentional ─ operating rooms, applied in clinics for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes with sterile instruments on skin previously treated with an antiseptic;
    • accidental - received in everyday life with an injury, mandatory infection occurs.

    Depending on damage:

    • cut;
    • chipped;
    • chopped;
    • bitten;
    • torn;
    • firearms;
    • poisoned;
    • bruised;
    • mixed.

    In the course of healing, there are:

    In the process of regeneration, a crust (scab) is formed on the wound surface, it performs a protective function, preventing bacteria from entering the wound, its density depends on the method of treatment.

    More often formed on burns and abrasions.

    Minor injuries can be treated open way, without the use of bandages, in this case, the crust is formed immediately after the injury, there is a release of fluid with a yellowish tinge, which is mistaken for pus.

    If the wound does not dry out and constantly oozes, this indicates the addition of a secondary infection and the formation of a weeping surface.

    In this situation, the immune system tries to eliminate the inflammatory process on its own, increasing the production of excess blood plasma.

    Weeping wounds on the legs occur against the background varicose disease, erysipelas, with thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. Also a contributing factor is diabetes mellitus, which provokes the development of trophic ulcers on the legs.

    Marked selection purulent exudate from the wound channel, nearby soft tissues are edematous and hyperemic, pain appears with a feeling of fullness of the wound, necrotization of damaged areas is possible. Subsequently, toxic decay products are absorbed into the bloodstream, causing general intoxication of the body.

    General processing principles

    Why is it important to render the first correctly? health care? Compliance with the rules of primary treatment provides for rapid wound healing.

    After assessing the degree of damage, you must proceed to the following actions:

    • after injury, the victim may be in an excited state, so it is necessary to provide him with maximum peace;
    • observe sterility: do not touch the open wound with bare hands - use disposable gloves;
    • if contamination is visually found in the wound, it should be washed under cold running water, then with 3% hydrogen peroxide - it has a hemostatic and disinfecting effect. Try to remove debris and dead tissue with tweezers;
    • treat the edges around the wound with an antiseptic "brilliant green", fukartsin, without getting into the affected areas. Also already used finished preparations Miramistin, Dioxidin, Chlorhexidine, you can independently dilute the solution from Furacilin tablets, "potassium permanganate";
    • then apply a sterile dry bandage. Remove it after soaking it with a disinfectant.

    Serious injuries with damage to the blood vessels must be seen by a doctor within 6 hours, in some situations sutures or special staples are required. It is not recommended to use aseptic powders and aerosols at your own discretion, such actions may complicate access to the wound.

    There is always a risk of being hit especially dangerous infection─ tetanus, so it is necessary to get vaccinated in advance. Bitten wounds by wild animals pose a threat of developing rabies - such cases require a mandatory visit to the hospital.

    Treatment of an open weeping wound

    Considering the stages of formation of a weeping wound on the legs, the treatment consists in a sequence of therapeutic measures:

    • in case of severe lesions, they give the leg an elevated position, improving blood circulation and outflow of secretions;
    • use bandages with hypertonic saline, which allows you to remove swelling and reduce the amount of separated fluid;
    • as the bandages soak, it is necessary to change the dressings regularly;
    • locally prescribed water-soluble ointments;
    • a severe degree of weeping wound requires antibiotic therapy.

    During treatment, follow good nutrition, eat foods enriched with vitamins B and C: they are responsible for tissue repair.


    The most commonly used drugs by doctors are:

    • Levomekol, Levosin, Fuzidin ointments containing antibiotic and immunostimulating substances. Apply directly to a cleaned wound or on a gauze pad;
    • Baneocin is a bactericidal agent with a cooling effect. Carefully prescribed for wounds of a large area and for patients with allergies;
    • Xeroform ─ powder with characteristic odor, aseptic, astringent action, well dries up wounds;
    • Betadine - an iodine-based solution, used for washing wounds;
    • Biaten Ag ─ bandage with silver antimicrobial action absorbs and holds wound secretions. The dressing is allowed to be left for 7 days (before use, it is recommended to use Proteox TM cleansing dressings).

    Folk remedies

    In addition to the main treatment, it is possible to use folk recipes:

    • Raw potatoes - the crushed mass is squeezed out, a gauze napkin is soaked in the resulting juice and applied to the wound all night, in the morning they are dressed with pharmaceutical preparations.
    • Onion ─ has natural phytoncides, well cleanses of dead particles, relieves swelling and reduces pain. Rub the onion and put it in gauze on the damaged area; there will be a temporary burning sensation.
    • Willow bark is used in crushed form as an aseptic, hemostatic agent.
    • A slurry of aloe leaves, a golden mustache is applied to the wound with a compress: these plants have a regenerating effect.
    • Yarrow juice heals, nettle improves blood circulation and helps the formation of a crust, plantain stops bleeding.

    Treatment of an open purulent wound

    It is more difficult to cure a wound with the formation of pus: the task is to prevent the spread of the inflammatory process to the surrounding tissues, because. you can get a more serious complication ─ sepsis.

    Perform the following procedures:

    • Provide a constant outflow of purulent secretions, according to indications, expand and drain the wound.
    • Rinse regularly with Dioxidine solution.
    • To improve the rejection of necrotic areas, the proteolytic enzymes Trypsin and Chymotrypsin are used: they fall asleep in a dry form or diluted in physical. solution, then moistened swabs are injected into the wound cavity for two days.
    • Treatment includes antibiotic therapy.
    • Immunostimulating drugs are prescribed.
    • Individually recommend a course of physiotherapy.

    How to speed up the healing process and prevent complications?

    In a severe inflammatory process, in order to exclude the spread of infection, the patient should not self-medicate at home. Recommend treatment in medical institution where is assigned intravenous administration antibiotics and absorbents.

    In the granulation period, dressings should be done carefully and less frequently. Levomekol ointment continues to be used, or they switch to other drugs: Panthenol, Bepanten - they are aimed at restoring the protective layer of the skin, accelerating the regeneration process.

    An open wound is the result of damage to the skin and deeply located tissues.


    In some cases, such injuries can lead to quite serious consequences:

    • The likelihood of bleeding, which may result in anemia.
    • In some situations, the integrity of vital organs may be compromised.
    • A state of shock leading to organ dysfunction.
    • development of infection.

    Most often, this category of injuries does not pose a particular danger. And when a person begins to treat an open wound immediately, the healing process is much faster. However, there are situations in which the simplest home methods do not help.


    Varieties of open mutilations can be divided into four states:

    1. Cut. Its difference from others is in clear, even contours. Typically, these injuries are caused by thin objects with sharp edges, as well as their inaccurate use. Sometimes, through carelessness, you can injure yourself with a simple sheet of paper. With the right approach, healing a cut is not difficult.
    2. Stab. It has a small area of ​​damage, but can be quite deep. Injure yourself and inflict stab wound can be a thin, sharp object such as an awl or a nail. This variety can be dangerous, as a stab injury can damage internal organs or muscle tissue.
    3. Lacerations are rupture of soft tissues, accompanied by their exfoliation, blood loss and acute pain.
    4. The operating variety is processed only by a specialist in a surgical manner.

    What to do immediately in case of tissue damage

    If the injury is minor, and the tendon and muscle fibers are not damaged, open wound injuries should be disinfected with an antiseptic and bandaged. It is possible to replace it using a patch, if the size of the damage allows.

    stab wound

    With this variety, the first step is to treat the open wound and deal with the bleeding. If the blood loss is not stopped, a sterilized bandage is put on until the problem of blood loss is resolved. With this type of open injury, the patient should see a specialist, as the help of a surgeon may be required.

    Jagged Damage

    Treatment of a lacerated wound begins with the treatment of the wound site with hydrogen peroxide. Next, apply a sterile bandage.

    In the event that the injury is serious, the victim should not touch open wound injuries and try to collect it. on your own. It is necessary to contact a surgeon who can assess the situation and apply the necessary stitches.

    Injuries are classified according to the following characteristics:

    • Causes of occurrence.
    • Injury level.
    • infection rate.
    • The level of microbial contamination.

    How to treat an injured leg

    What to treat and how to do it, the doctor knows best. On examination, the surgeon determines the features of the injury and symptoms. If the leg is injured, the following symptoms can be pronounced:

    • Sharp pain.
    • Profuse bleeding.
    • tissue defect
    • Leg dysfunction.

    An open wound on the leg, in some cases, can also cause a state of shock, traumatic toxicosis and infections. After a certain period after the injury, the zone will recover, but the rate of healing will depend on the circumstances under which the injury was received.

    In order to quickly and without complications heal open injuries of the wound on the leg, which were made with a sharp object, this process should be taken seriously.

    The main points that affect the healing process:

    • Competent.
    • Consistent rules for the first surgical treatment.
    • Daily and methodical execution of all appointments.

    What should be done immediately with an open leg injury

    When heavy bleeding use a tourniquet or tightly tied fabric. It is necessary to treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide. If foreign elements are present on the tissues, it is advisable to carefully remove them using sterilized tweezers. A sterile bandage is also suitable for this task.

    Sometimes foreign particles can be located quite deep under the skin. In such cases, only the treatment of an open wound is performed. Diagnosis and removal of foreign bodies should be entrusted to a specialist who, if necessary, in advance of cleaning, will anesthetize the injured area. In addition, the hospital will provide prophylaxis against tetanus.

    Noticing traces of infection, you need to carefully but carefully wash the affected area and apply an antiseptic to it, and only then apply a bandage.

    Cuts of the upper limbs

    How to treat an open wound on the arm? The principles and recommendations are the same as in treatment lower extremities. The site of damage should be washed with a solution of peroxide, and also use iodine. Do not forget that the medicine should not be applied to the center of the injury, otherwise burns cannot be avoided.

    I would like to remind you that when treated open wounds, competent processing is the key to a speedy recovery. If after a couple of days there is no manifestation inflammatory reactions, there is no purulent discharge, it is reasonable to connect Vishnevsky's ointment or medications containing streptocide to treatment.

    Perhaps, in this period of time, the most popular means, capable of quickly healing injured tissues, is Panthenol. It contains a lot of vitamin B and normalizes protein metabolism.

    head wounds

    Help should begin with the treatment of wounds and abrasions. At the same time, it is desirable to exclude such material as cotton wool, since in the future it will be problematic to remove the particles remaining on the surface.

    If the wound is on the scalp, before treating it, it is necessary to cut the hair so that the injured area is accessible. Places around the affected area are smeared with iodine or a solution of brilliant green.

    In case of severe bleeding, gauze swab, and superimposed on top pressure bandage. This area should not be opened or disturbed until the bleeding stops. For pain and swelling, you can relieve the condition with ice or a heating pad with cold water.

    How to deal with weeping cuts

    In the treatment of weeping injuries, it is necessary to change dressings more often. Fulfilling this procedure, the wound should be treated with a solution of furacilin. Sodium hypochlorite or antiseptics in a liquid state are also suitable: miramistin, okomistin and the like.

    To reduce the amount of discharge, doctors use a ten percent sodium chloride solution. Dressings should be done every four hours. In the treatment of weeping injuries, antimicrobial drugs are used in the form of ointments: streptocid ointment, Mafenide and Fudisin gel. The medicine must be applied to a sterilized bandage or swab and treated with the affected area.

    Xeroform powder will help dry the injured area. Its ability to remove inflammation will come in handy in the healing process.

    How are open purulent injuries treated?

    This type of open injury is the most difficult to treat. With each treatment, it is necessary to remove pus from the damaged area. Drainage systems are used to be able to withdraw purulent discharge. As antibacterial agent use Dimexide.

    To stop the necrotic process, doctors prescribe powders such as Trypsin and Chymopsin. In order to enhance the effect of treatment, the patient is also prescribed drugs antibacterial property, which are taken orally, as well as in the form of injections.


    For those who prefer folk medicine and plan to treat open wounds on their own at home, the following remedies are suitable:

    • An aqueous solution of propolis is well suited for the treatment of weeping open lesions.
    • Decoction medicinal chamomile, St. John's wort, eucalyptus leaves, yarrow, raspberry twigs, calamus or comfrey root, and calendula flowers.
    • For shallow open injuries suitable medicine from aloe juice, sea buckthorn oil and rosehip oil. All ingredients are combined in the same volume.

    These remedies do not carry any harm and are quite effective. However, before starting treatment with folk methods, you should make sure that there are no allergic reactions of the patient to these plants.

    Of course, in the treatment open wounds should rely on the opinion of experts. A qualified doctor will be able to prevent the development of complications and prescribe appropriate medications. In the event that you still decide to be treated at home, especially carefully monitor your condition in the early days.

    If the body temperature begins to rise, and the pain increases, you should still contact a surgeon who can accurately determine the situation and prevent the development of dangerous forms of the disease.

    This form of the drug, as an ointment, usually has a soft structure and contributes to the formation of a smooth, continuous and resistant protective film on the wound surface. In the case of purulent wounds, the film should not prevent oxygen from entering the wound.

    The ointment is more stable when applied than an aseptic liquid, since even with a strong increase in temperature, it turns into a thick suspension without signs of pronounced fluidity. In addition, the ointment for purulent wounds, in addition to medicinal, also has a resorptive effect. At the same time, the dense form allows you to achieve high concentration therapeutic components on the surface of the skin and in the depths of tissues.

    Using an ointment for purulent wounds is simple and safe, unlike injections and internal preparations. At the same time, the outer thick agent more economical to apply.

    Of course, not all ointments can be used to treat purulent wounds, since most similar drugs creates a significant "greenhouse" effect, which prevents the healing of damage. But there are special external remedies designed specifically for the corresponding skin pathologies.

    Names of ointments for purulent wounds

    Ointments for purulent wounds must meet the following requirements:

    • destroy the infection inside the wound;
    • help cleanse the wound from pus and dead tissue;
    • inhibit the development of the inflammatory process;
    • do not interfere with the free exit of pus;
    • create a barrier to prevent additional external infection.

    At the first stage of healing (usually on the third day), it is possible to use ointments on water based, such as Levomekol, Dioxin 5%, Sulfamekol, etc.

    On a cleaned wound, to restore damaged tissues, drugs are used that inhibit the growth of bacteria and activate regeneration processes. To accelerate the formation of high-quality granulation, it is possible to apply ointments with antibiotics, such as Gentamicin, Tetracycline, etc.

    There are also universal combined ointments for purulent wounds, which tend to stimulate healing and eliminate the formation of pus. Among these drugs, the most famous are Vishnevsky's ointment, Levomethoxin and Oxycyclozol. These medications are especially often used under dressings to stimulate the formation of scar tissue.

    Ointment for the healing of purulent wounds

    Ointment Levomekol

    Ichthyol ointment



    Combined ointment for purulent wounds with the antibiotic chloramphenicol and the immunostimulant methyluracil.

    Antiseptic with ichthyol, which has the property of an analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.

    Does not enter the systemic circulation.

    It can be used on small skin surfaces and for a short time.

    Can be used by pregnant and lactating patients.

    Contraindications for use

    The likelihood of an allergic response of the body.

    The likelihood of allergies, children under 12 years of age.


    Rarely - allergies.

    Dosage and administration

    Sterile gauze wipes are soaked with ointment and filled with the wound. The recommended duration of therapy is 4 days.

    Apply without rubbing, under a bandage, up to 3 times a day.

    The probability is minimal.

    Considered impossible.

    Not observed.

    Simultaneous application of several external agents on one area skin may have unpredictable effects.

    Keep up to 3.5 years under normal conditions.

    Store in a dark place for up to 5 years.

    Antibiotic ointment for purulent wounds

    Ointment gentamicin




    Antibiotic ointment a wide range activity. Kinetic properties have not been studied.

    Antibiotic of the lincosamide group.

    Use of ointments for purulent wounds during pregnancy



    Contraindications for use

    Allergy, pregnancy.

    Pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergic sensitivity.

    Side effects of ointments for purulent wounds

    Allergic manifestations.

    Allergic manifestations, candidiasis.

    Dosage and administration

    Apply to a previously cleaned wound up to 3 times a day.

    Distribute a thin layer on the affected area of ​​the skin. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

    Overdose of ointments for purulent wounds

    Information not provided.

    Not observed.

    Interactions with other drugs

    It is undesirable to use with other antimicrobial agents on the same skin area.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    Keep in a cool place up to 2 years.

    Keep 3 years in a cool place.

    Ointment for enzymatic wound cleansing




    Ointment for purulent wounds based on clostridiopeptidase and chloramphenicol. Provides enzymatic cleansing of the wound surface without negative side effects. Accelerates granulation processes.

    Use of ointments for purulent wounds during pregnancy

    Allowed under the supervision of a physician.

    Contraindications for use

    Diseases of the blood, a tendency to allergic manifestations.

    Side effects of ointments for purulent wounds

    Rarely - a short transient burning sensation.

    Dosage and administration

    Apply to wet wounds once a day, distributing over the entire wound surface.

    Overdose of ointments for purulent wounds

    Cases of overdose have not been recorded.

    Interactions with other drugs

    Simultaneous application with any other external means is excluded.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    Keep in a cool place up to 5 years.

    Altai homemade ointments for rotting wounds

    Traditional medicine, based on the knowledge of famous Altai herbalists, also offers its own recipes to speed up the healing of purulent wounds. However, despite assurances of the effectiveness of Altai folk remedies, we would not recommend using them for the treatment of extensive purulent skin lesions.

    • Wound healing remedy with cranberries:
      • 2 tbsp. l. yarrow herbs;
      • 1 st. l. hypericum;
      • up to 10 lingonberries.

    You should prepare an infusion of the listed herbs. The berries are boiled and rubbed. For the procedure, a gauze napkin is wetted with a decoction, placed on the wound, and rubbed berries are laid on top of the napkin. Hold on the wound for up to 40 minutes.

    • Prepare the bottom leaf of aloe, a small carrot, a tablespoon of honey and melted butter. Aloe is ground with carrots, mixed with oil and honey and applied under a bandage for several hours.
    • Squeeze the juice from the lilac leaves, get wet with a napkin and apply to the wound several times a day.
    • Mix juice from grape leaves with onion juice. Used for lotions on purulent wounds up to 3 times a day.

    Do not cook large quantities at once remedy, since the ointment does not contain preservative components and cannot be stored for a long time.

    Purulent wounds occur when the integrity of the skin is violated, when there is purulent content in the lumen, and an inflammatory process along the edges. Pathology develops after infection of a clean wound (after a cut, puncture, etc.) or is formed due to an abscess rupture.

    Possible reasons

    Such wounds are also found in the period after surgical operations: even with careful observance of sterility, up to 30% of suppuration is noted during their implementation. The causative agents in them are pyogenic microbes (strepto-, staphylococci, Proteus coli or coli, pseudomonads. Less often - mycobacteria, salmonella, shigella, pneumococci).

    It is believed that any wound resulting from an injury is already infected (it contains bacteria). In order for an infection to develop, several factors are required:

    • presence in the wound of a foreign body, blood clots or pieces of dead tissue;
    • high levels of microorganisms that are pathogenic.

    The main reason for the development of purulent stab wounds is insufficient outflow of fluid from the wound due to a narrow wound channel and a small hole on the skin surface.

    Suppuration of torn-bruised wounds occurs as a result of contamination of crushed tissues and a large number of dead ones. Suppuration of incised wounds is less common (their edges are slightly damaged, the wound channel is often shallow).

    Other factors that increase the risk of developing suppuration:

    Characteristic symptoms

    All manifestations of purulent wounds can be divided into general and local.

    Local symptoms:

    • the presence of damage to the skin with purulent contents;
    • regardless of the amount of pus, granulations and areas with dead tissues can form under it.

    The color of purulent contents and its consistency depends on the type of pathogen:

    • yellow or white thick pus - with staphylococcus aureus;
    • brown-yellow liquidish - Escherichia coli;
    • greenish or yellowish watery - streptococcus;
    • brown with a fetid odor - anaerobic microbes;
    • yellowish, changing color in the air - Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

    The appearance of pus in the wound is accompanied by bursting or pressing pain. With the difficult outflow of purulent contents from the wound (during the formation of a crust), the production of pus increases, the affected area becomes inflamed. Throbbing pain appears due to increased pressure in the wound.

    The skin around the wound turns red, hot to the touch. In advanced cases, the skin acquires a purple or purple-blue hue. The temperature rises, there is swelling of the tissues around the wound. Physiological functions broken (due to severe pain and puffiness).

    General symptoms are due to general intoxication as a result of toxins entering the body from a purulent wound:

    • body temperature rises;
    • general weakness;
    • increased sweating;
    • chills;
    • loss of appetite;
    • at laboratory research leukocytosis is noted in the blood, accelerated ESR, in the urine - protein.

    Purulent wounds that have not been previously treated are treated by surgeons. If suppuration occurred after the primary surgical treatment, traumatologists are engaged in treatment. Festered surgical wounds treated by operating physicians.

    Antibacterial drugs are selected taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. Treatment of purulent wounds includes:

    • the appointment of antibacterial drugs;
    • carrying out detoxification measures (hemodialysis, hemosorption, forced diuresis are used to remove toxins from the body, in outpatient settings - plentiful drink);
    • (to increase the production of tissue protective factors and interferon by the body).

    When a purulent focus is just being formed, the goal is to thoroughly cleanse the wound, reduce inflammation, and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. At the next stage, it is important to speed up the regeneration processes.

    The greatest effect gives the use of:

    • Vishnevsky's ointments;
    • synthomycin liniment;
    • tetracycline ointment;
    • neomycin ointment.

    How to cure folk remedies?

    If the wound festered, and you do not want to apply medical preparations, you can use traditional medicine:

    • use aloe juice for irrigation of wounds and lotions;
    • gruel from grape leaves, applied to the wound, will cleanse it of pus during the day (it also has a hemostatic effect);
    • lotions from sauerkraut help remove dried blood and prevent the development of inflammation;
    • powder prepared from calamus root can be poured directly onto the wound (has a bactericidal effect);
    • washed plantain leaves are applied to the wound for 20 minutes (the release of pus from small festering scratches stops and healing begins);
    • apply fresh garlic paste to the area with a purulent wound for several hours (itching may occur immediately, the wound will gradually begin to clear of pus, the bactericidal properties of garlic accelerate healing);
    • chopped fresh leaves and flowers are applied to the wound, left for a few minutes. You can prepare a decoction of chamomile, use for lotions. Simultaneously with external use, it is recommended to take an infusion of chamomile inside.

    You can not apply bandages with ointment to an open purulent wound - this makes it difficult for the outflow of pus and contributes to its penetration deep into the tissues. For dressings, gauze pads and bandages should be used (instead of band-aids) to allow air to enter the wound.

    In the presence of purulent wounds, one should refrain from visiting the bath, sauna, swimming pool (in the summer - from swimming and sunbathing). Before the end of the course of treatment, it is not recommended to use essential oils(they are able to increase the flow of fluid to the affected area).

    Prevention measures

    To prevent suppuration of wounds, it is necessary:

    • treat any scratches, abrasions, cuts and other damage to the skin (with a solution of iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate);
    • when treating wounds, use sterile instruments;
    • make timely dressings of existing wounds;
    • follow all doctor's orders;
    • properly care for the skin;
    • use personal protective equipment at enterprises (where provided).

    In the treatment of purulent wounds at home, treatment with simple and safe means that have bactericidal properties accelerates the healing process.



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