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Humanity has long dreamed of finding the elixir of immortality, or at least a remedy eternal youth and longevity. With some stretch, such a substance exists in the body of every person - this is the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA S, DHEA). It is DHEA that is called the mother of all hormones, since it is the progenitor of all sex and steroid hormones. DHEA is responsible for sexual desire in the body, for a clear mind, strong memory, for muscle strength and physical endurance.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in our body is synthesized from cholesterol, yes, that same cholesterol, which for many years was so unfairly considered harmful substance and almost poison. Fortunately, modern scientific research has debunked the entire inconsistency of the theory about the dangers of cholesterol that we get from food - meat, nuts, eggs, dairy products.

By not getting enough cholesterol from food, we deprive ourselves of the building material for the production of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and, accordingly, a whole bunch of its derivatives - sex and steroid hormones.

A DHEA test must be taken from women during pregnancy, since the influence of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone as a regulator of sex hormones in all processes of pregnancy and lactation can hardly be overestimated. The level of DHEA hormone during pregnancy is extremely important for proper development fetus and preparation of the mammary glands for lactation. A DHEA test is taken starting at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy.

Due to such a wide functionality of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone, drugs and supplements made on the basis of the substance have an equally wide range of applications. DHEA Sulfate. There are still no exact pharmacological indications for the use of hormone-based drugs to increase libido and sexual desire, but analysis shows that those men and women who have elevated DHA, as a rule, do not have any deviations in the sexual sphere. This is due to the fact that the hormone is the progenitor of all sex hormones, in particular testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire.

Analysis for DHEA shows that drugs and supplements based on this hormone have an unusually beneficial effect on mental acuity and memory strength, and have a positive effect on mood and mental health in general. This is especially evident in the treatment of older people.

The hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate has the property of dissolving body fat, which is actively used by modern nutritionists, cosmetologists and athletes (this steroid is prohibited in elite sports). Experiments on animals have shown that such nutritional supplements actually help get rid of excess weight due to the burning of fat deposits, but, unfortunately, only in cases where the drug is used in truly “horse” doses. So the newspaper and magazine noise about the fact that a panacea for excess weight has been found somewhat distorts reality.

Analysis for “DHEA S” is prescribed in the following cases:

  • dysfunction of the ovaries and testicles;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • infertility, amenorrhea and hirsutism;
  • puberty disorder.

Analysis shows that the youth hormone is elevated during puberty and pregnancy, and by about age 60, DHEA levels drop by as much as 90% in men and 60% in women. Maybe this is why women live longer than men?

Contraindications and side effects

It seems, well, what contraindications and side effects the hormone that is called the hormone of youth? It turns out that the ancient medical wisdom that any substance can be both a medicine and a poison, depending on the quantity, works here too. This is exactly the case with our wonderful DHEA. As already mentioned, the hormone is maternal to many steroid and sex hormones, which include testosterone - the key to male beauty, strength, aggression and sexual desire.

So it turns out that if artificially, with the help of drugs and supplements, you maintain an excessively high level of DHEA in the body, this inevitably leads to an increase in testosterone levels. A high testosterone threatens men with diseases prostate gland And hairline By male type– to women. In an even sadder case, excessive use of supplements that cause an increase in testosterone and estrogen can threaten women with breast cancer.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Most common case recommendations for supplements based on the substance dehydroepiandrosterone to combat chronic fatigue and fatigue in older people. DHEA Sulfate supplements work wonders in the treatment of fatigue - after just two weeks of using the supplement, older adults experience increased strength, increased energy and muscle activity.

Analysis for “DHEA S” shows a stable concentration of lipid and androgenic steroids for 20-30 days after weekly therapy with DHEA. In women during pregnancy, the use of supplements is of great importance for the prevention of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is an excellent remedy for restoring the immune system after past diseases, surgical intervention, during the period of autumn-spring outbreaks colds. Moreover, it has been experimentally proven that when DHEA is increased in the body, even chronic pathologies associated with a disorder of the immune system begin to recede.

It is very important that DHEA is elevated in women during pregnancy because high activity The immune system during this period is very important for normal gestation and protection of the mother and fetus.

Autoimmune pathologies

This back side immune system, the case when, as a result of genetic or acquired disorders, our defense system rebels against our own body, more precisely, against its individual organs or cells. This often concerns pathologies thyroid gland in women, when the immune system begins to produce antibodies against thyroid tissue.

Dehydroepiandrosterone, when it is increased through therapy with drugs containing DHEA, can effectively combat this pathology on hormonal level. Therapy with DHEA C drugs for 6 weeks gave amazing results in the fight against the thyroid gland in women during pregnancy, when surgery or radiation with radioactive iodine is contraindicated. Analysis for “DHEA S” after therapy in women showed stable remission and significant improvement in the condition of patients suffering from autoimmune diseases.

Malignant tumors

Despite active research in the field of using “DHEA S” as a drug for the treatment of cancer and other tumor diseases, as well as the presence of numerous positive results experiments, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is still rarely used to cure such ailments.

One thing is absolutely certain - if people over the age of 50 have a normal level of the DHEA hormone in their blood, then the risk of cancer is reduced by 40 times, and if the DHEA hormone in the body is increased, the risk of tumor pathologies is reduced by more than 70 times! DHA analysis clearly indicates that all patients suffering from tumor diseases, the hormone content is significantly lower than normal.

Cardiovascular diseases

When DHA levels in the body are normal or slightly elevated, it helps prevent heart attack and stroke, as the hormone helps dissolve blood clots and prevent blockages in blood vessels. DHA also allows you to lower high cholesterol levels, which have an adverse effect on the circulatory system as a whole, due to the fact that cholesterol is used as the main building material for the production of the hormone DHEA.

The question of preserving and prolonging the body’s ability to give birth, strong immunity and youth in general is always of considerable interest. The fact that over the years, the hormones that have such an effect on the human body, on all its systems, fade away, and then aging begins, has long been known. The desire to minimize this process and slow it down makes scientists and inventors look for possible ways solutions. Considerable interest surrounds the drug dhea, the instructions for use of which are unknown to many.

Dhea in the human body

The progenitor of testosterone, estrogen and progesterone, the hormone of youth is synonymous with DHEA. The term stands for dehydroepiandrosterone (in English DHEA). Often, instead of the indicated abbreviation, dnea is widely used, most likely to simplify writing.

No matter how strange it may sound, but first of all, dehydroepiandrosterone is not a drug for oral administration, but a multifunctional one steroid hormone, present in men and women. It reaches its maximum value in the human body at the age of 25-30, then its production fades and, accordingly, youth and everything connected with it fade away.

The hormone is designated as DHEA C - dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. Or as they often write, the s hormone is a substance responsible for sexual desire, strong memory, a clear mind, strength and endurance. The hormone is synthesized from cholesterol by the adrenal cortex and a little by the ovaries, and is one of necessary tests in a woman when determining the causes of infertility.

It is logical that if such an important DHEA helps maintain the youth of every cell, then it directly affects the possibility of conception. And it is quite reasonable that DHEA drugs are prescribed to women before an IVF protocol.

Medicine, dietary supplement, hormone

In the territory Russian Federation the product is not registered as a medicine. Purchasing dhea in free sale in a pharmacy is rarely possible. It is classified as a dietary supplement that can only be purchased with a prescription. Thus, the originality of the product will be guaranteed, without the risk of purchasing a counterfeit.

Therefore, there is a certain popularity for this anabolic steroid. It should be noted that slightly modified dehydroepiandrosterone is used as a sports nutrition supplement.

Some manufacturers sports nutrition dhea is widely used for bodybuilders, sports athletes in particular, explains that dehydroepiandrosterone helps get rid of fat.

The drug DHEA before IVF is more often used when there is a low ovulatory reserve of the ovaries in a woman. The diagnosis is usually confirmed by low readings AMH hormones and FSH. Since the quality of domestic supplements can be confusing to a certain extent, it is better to try to purchase the Israeli or American version of the drug. In the USA, the drug fertinatal based on DHEA is in demand.

By the way, a large-scale study was conducted at the Israeli in vitro fertilization clinic. Its results confidently demonstrate that drugs with DHEA taken by women before IVF significantly increase the effectiveness of the protocol. Successful pregnancies occurred three times more often.

Admission Guide

Since the drug dnea or dgea is not official medicine on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is logical that its instructions for use will also not be freely available. Before you decide to take it yourself, you should definitely consult your doctor. Selecting the correct dose plays a role important role, since there are a number of side effects and limitations.

How to take dhea? The dose of the drug depends on the purpose of its use. If the product is used literally as a biological active additive to the diet to maintain overall vitality, then usually the dose does not exceed 25-50 mg per day. If we are talking about infertility or preparation for IVF, then only a doctor can prescribe a dose. Usually it does not exceed 75 mg per day for 2-3 months. The tablets should be taken in the morning, before breakfast.

The instructions for the drug dhea also describe side effects in case of overdose. These include profuse acne, unreasonable aggressiveness, irritability, and hair loss on the head. In women, uncontrolled use of the drug sometimes causes facial hair growth.

Contraindications to taking DHEA are diseases of the prostate or mammary glands, age under 18 years, pregnancy, lactation. While taking the drug, it is advisable to monitor changes in the concentration of the hormone in the blood in order to promptly adjust the dose.

No matter how wonderful they are different descriptions drugs based on DHEA, they will not do the impossible. Aging is a physiological natural process.

You can slow it down by practicing the right lifestyle and taking good care of your health. And if the analysis showed that the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone is reduced earlier than normal, then it would be more correct to look for the cause of this phenomenon. But! When the chances of conceiving and carrying a child are small and decrease even more over time, with the consent of the doctor, it is worth trying all available, approved and possible means.




A growing body of research suggests that DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) may prevent or reverse the diseases that anti-aging experts have identified as the most known causes, accelerating aging. These are atherosclerosis (hardening and blockage of the arteries), cancer, diabetes and decreased immunity. In addition, growing evidence indicates that the level of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in a person's blood is an excellent indicator not only age problems with health, but also with aging itself. “DHEA is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in diagnosing age-related diseases,” according to Ronald Klatz, MD, President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

There is no doubt that DHEA increases the lifespan of animals and protects against degenerative diseases of aging. But can the hormone really increase human lifespan? While the scientific literature strongly supports this claim, it remains unproven.

The final answer should be found soon. Previously of minor importance to the scientific community, DHEA has now become the subject of close attention. Weight scientific research are under the auspices of the National Cancer Institute, the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute on Aging and the American Cancer Society. These and other major agencies conduct DHEA research, as a potential drug to combat the syndrome chronic fatigue, depression, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes, lupus and other autoimmune diseases, symptoms of menopause, osteoporosis and even AIDS.

What can the average healthy person expect from DHEA? And while everyone's experience is different, people report feeling more energy, dealing with stress better, thinking more clearly, and generally feeling better. Other benefits include increased immunity (better resistance to colds and flu), and lower cholesterol levels.

Anti-aging effect.

Your adrenal glands are responsible for producing DHEA. In fact, the steroidogenesis cascade begins with cholesterol, from which the steroid hormone pregnenolone is formed. Pregnenolone is then transformed into DHEA. And DHEA, in turn, serves as the starting material for all other important hormones that the adrenal glands produce, including the sex hormones estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and the stress hormone cortisol.

DHEA is the most abundant hormone in our body. But peak production occurs around the age of 20. Beginning at this age, Dehydroepiandrosterone levels decline steadily with age. By the time you reach forty, your body will produce about half the DHEA it did at age 20. At age 65, DHEA levels drop to 10-20% of optimal levels, and at age 80, less than 5% of optimal DHEA levels are produced.

Since DHEA has such wide range action, a decrease in its production makes itself felt in every system of the body, in every organ, in every tissue. The immune system is especially sensitive to decreased DHEA secretion, allowing not only viruses, bacteria and microbes into the body, but also free radicals that can cause degenerative diseases.

If Dehydroepiandrosterone levels decrease over the years, is it possible to reverse aging in the human body by replacing the hormone? Nobody knows for sure. In studies, laboratory animals given DHEA supplements live up to 50% longer than normal. But we humans metabolize DHEA differently than animals, so these results may not necessarily apply to us.

Multiple studies suggest that lowering a person's DHEA levels increases the risk of fatal outcome from age-related diseases. DHEA levels of 242 men aged 50 to 79 years were monitored for 12 years by Elizabeth Barrett-Connor, Dr. medical sciences, hormone researcher, professor and chairman of the Department of Preventive Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. The study showed a strong association between high DHEA levels and a reduced risk of death from all causes. The men who survived had levels of dehydroepiandrosterone three times higher than those who died.

The study determined low level DHEA as a marker for many degenerative diseases and accelerated aging. The hormone has been implicated as a factor in a variety of health problems, including Alzheimer's disease, autoimmune diseases and other immune system disorders, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, memory problems, obesity, osteoporosis and stress.

Moreover, a body of circumstantial evidence from more than 5,000 published studies generally supports the anti-aging effects of DHEA. Scientists now have enough evidence that DHEA:

  • increases immunity;
  • reduces risk cardiovascular diseases;
  • improves blood sugar control, reducing the risk of diabetes;
  • reduces the effects of the stress hormone cortisol, aimed at accelerated aging;
  • prevents osteoporosis.

Why can't a substance that protects us from virtually every major degenerative disease protect us from aging?

Live better than ever.

Whether DHEA has an effect on lifespan or not, the hormone undoubtedly improves life quality. Most people take DHEA because the hormone helps them cope better with stress, makes them feel more energetic, and makes them feel young again. Patients taking DHEA almost always report that they simply feel better. And this is not a placebo effect. Research has shown that blood levels of DHEA are very closely related to overall health, vital energy, a sense of well-being and increased resistance to stress.

In 1994, the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism published the first placebo-controlled human study examining medicinal effects replacement therapy DHEA. (A "placebo-controlled" study means that some participants received DHEA while others received empty "fake" pills.) Those who took DHEA had more energy, slept better, and were less stressed than those who took a placebo. The researchers concluded that “DHEA improves quality of life over a longer period and inhibits some unpleasant effects aging such as fatigue and muscle weakness.

In another scientific work, researchers at the University of California, La Jolla, gave people 50 milligrams of DHEA daily for 6 months. 67% of men and 84% of women reported increased energy, improved sleep and mood, feelings of relaxation and resistance to stress, and an overall increase in physical and psychological well-being.

Maximizing immunity.

Can DHEA Rejuvenate the Immune System? How could he! The hormone increases the production of antibodies; enhances the activity of monocytes – immune cells, which attack cancer cells and viruses; activates natural killer cells, special cells of the immune system that attack and destroy viruses and other foreign cells; and maximize the anti-cancer function of immune cells known as T lymphocytes. In laboratory animals, Dehydroepiandrosterone restores cytokines (immune chemical compounds, having protective and medicinal properties) to a high level corresponding to a young body, and reduces the production of autoantibodies (antibodies that attack healthy tissue). Administering DHEA concomitantly with the influenza vaccine significantly increased vaccine effectiveness in aging mice and elderly humans.

The power of Dehydroepiandrosterone in strengthening the immune system is closely related to its anti-aging potential. Remember, increased immunity directly leads to protection against oxidation, which, in turn, protects against degenerative diseases. Therefore, anything that strengthens your immune system also has the ability to increase your lifespan. The deterioration of the immune system with age is accompanied by an increased incidence of atherosclerosis, autoimmune diseases, cancer, cataracts and various infections- this is all evidence of accelerated aging.

An important study conducted by DHEA lead researcher Samuel Yen, MD, at the University of California, San Diego, highlights hormonal activation of the immune system's anti-aging functions. After measuring baseline immune parameters in healthy elderly men ( average age 63 years old), Dr. Ian prescribed men to take 50 milligrams of DHEA daily. After 20 weeks of use, subjects showed significant improvements in all indicators of the immune system, including an average of 45% increase in monocyte count, 29% increase in antibody-producing B cells, 20% increase in T cell activation, There was a 40% increase in the anti-cancer response of T lymphocytes, and a 22-37% increase in the number of natural killer cells.

Perhaps the most significant effect of all is DHEA's ability to increase the production of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), a hormone-like molecule that is used to measure levels of another powerful compound with anti-aging functions—human growth hormone. (Since it is not available to the general public, injections cost around $10,000 per year, HGH is beyond the scope of this article).

Stopping stress in all its forms.

DHEA protects your body from the hormone cortisol and the stress this hormone causes. Like DHEA, cortisol is synthesized by the adrenal glands. When cortisol is produced in excess, it damages body tissue. When you are under stress, your adrenal glands produce a large number of cortisol. In people who are able chronic stress, there is a constantly high level of cortisol (if their adrenal glands have not yet been overdoed, in this case, the level of cortisol is low). The presence of a high level of cortisol leads to the acceleration of age -related changes. Since stress has been accumulating for decades, the cortisol level has a tendency to increase. Most people aged more than 40 have increased level cortisol.

The hormones Dhea and cortisol have opposite actions. When you are faced with prolonged stress, the ratio of content cortisol/DHEA- The ratio of the state of health and aging can be 1: 5. Это означает, что избыток кортизола истощает protective properties Dehydropiandrone. DHEA food additives increase stress resistance, reduce the ratio cortisol/DHEA, and protect against damage to cells caused by the action of cortisol.

Stocking the work of the heart.

The community of researchers of cardiovascular diseases is literally buzzing about the potential of DHEA to become #1B America in the treatment of heart disease. Several studies on the role of Dhaa in the treatment of heart disease gave intriguing results.

Studies have shown that the reduced content of dehydropiandrosterone is a more serious cause of heart attack than an increased cholesterol. In men who died from heart attack, the dhea level was significantly lower than those who were healthy.

To show the connection of the level of DHEA and the degree of atherosclerosis, using коронарной ангиографии The level of hormone was measured in 200 men and women, as part of a study by David Herrington (David Herrington), doctor of medical sciences, Bowman Gray University Wake Forest at Winston Salel, North Caroline (Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest Univer Sity In Winston-Salem, North Carolina), which was published in the journal of the American College of Cardiology (Journal of the American College of Cardiology). He found that when the dhea level increased, ischemic disease Hearts (measured by frequency and severity of the damage to arteries) began to decrease.

The subsequent study showed that the degree of development of atherosclerosis in 63 patients, with a transplanted heart, was inversely proportional to the level of Dhea. In other words, the higher the patients of the DHEA in the blood, the lower the probability of the development of atherosclerosis after transplantation. Moreover, patients with a transplanted heart with a high level of DHEA had more high coefficientвыживаемости на протяжении 5 лет (87%), чем пациенты с низким уровнем ДГЭА (65%).

But that's not all. In people who have had angioplasty (a procedure to open the diseased artery using a thin catheter with an expandable balloon at the end), DHEA reduced the rate of restenosis, the closure of the treated vessel, from 68% to 28%. U healthy men, получающих тромбо-образующее вещество ( arachidonic acid, found in excess in meat), dehydroepiandrosterone blocked the increase in clotting. (Повышенная склонность к свертываемости – это фактор риска для сердечного приступа и инсульта). У мужчин, DHEA снижает general levelхолестерина и уровень липопротеинов низкой плотности, лучше и с большей безопасностью, чем «статиновые» препараты, такие как клофибрат и гемфиброзил. К тому же ДХЕА не токсичен.

Animal studies show similar encouraging results. Когда исследователи давали DHEA кроликам, с атеросклеротическими артериями, гормон произвел 50-ти процентное уменьшение артериальных бляшек.

Conclusion: Age-related decline in DHEA levels makes us vulnerable to atherosclerosis, while DHEA replacement therapy can be a powerful protector.

Defeating cancer.

Can DHEA prevent cancer? Пока ученые не знают наверняка, но первые доклады звучат обнадеживающе.

Low DHEA levels predict the development of breast cancer more accurately than any other indicator. Women with breast cancer have consistently low levels of Dehydroepiandrosterone. Гормон DHEA может помочь в защите от рака молочной железы путем ингибирования глюкозо-6-фосфат дегидрогеназы, фермента, который принимает участие в развитии рака. Also, since DHEA has antioxidant properties, the hormone is able to protect cells from free radicals, возбудителей рака.

В исследованиях на животных ДХЕА оказывает впечатляющую защиту от опухолей груди, толстой кишки, печени, легких, lymphatic vessels, простаты и кожи. Of course, the way this happens in animals will not necessarily also happen in humans. This is especially true because very little of the hormone DHEA is found in the blood of rodents.

Therefore, despite general opinion anti-aging experts say that dehydroepiandrosterone may interfere with раковым новообразованиям, вопрос остается открытым, по крайней мере, пока.

Польза для костей.

Osteoporosis is like American football. If you are planning сильную атаку, then you will definitely move far ahead. Get by with a weak attack, and the enemy team will push you back to serious losses.

Some nutritional factors and lifestyle give the “enemy” a clear advantage: calcium deficiency, excess protein, preservative-laden foods, alcohol and lack of exercise. You can maintain "ball control" by recruiting players to your team to build bones: regular physical exercise, vegetarian diet low in protein, vitamins (A, B6, C, D3, K and folic acid), minerals(boron, copper, magnesium, manganese, silicon, zinc and of course calcium), and hormones.

Among the anti-aging hormones, DHEA plays a major role with amazing ways to outsmart osteoporosis. Dehydroepiandrosterone is the only hormone that can inhibit bone breakdown while simultaneously stimulating the formation of new bone. Plus, DHEA is a precursor to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, which prevent bone loss.

Bone cells convert DHEA into estrogen, a type of estrogen that in turn increases the activity of osteoblasts, the cells that make bone. The transformation of DHEA to estrone depends on the presence of vitamin D3. (Similarly, D3 is required by DHEA to stimulate osteoblasts. It cannot do this job alone).

Japanese researchers have found a strong relationship between DHEA levels and density bone tissue in women over 50 years of age. The higher the DHEA level, the denser the bones. When these same researchers gave dehydroepiandrosterone to ovariectomized rats, the rats' bone density also increased.

Because the DHEA level in the blood decreases with age, osteoporosis may occur. People with osteoporosis have lower levels of DHEA than people without the disease. When laboratory animals with osteoporosis were given DHEA, their bones remineralized—that is, they became stronger. Although human studies have yet to be conducted, DHEA is likely to increase bone density in humans as well.

Medicine for the mind.

Don't be surprised if in a few years you see reports of DHEA being used to treat Alzheimer's disease and other degenerative brain diseases. While DHEA does not yet treat Alzheimer's disease, there is strong evidence that this hormone is important in maintaining healthy cells brain

The dhea level is noticeably lowered throughout life, while the frequency of degenerative diseases of the brain increases. The level of DGEA in people suffering from Alzheimer's disease is much lower than in those people who do not get sick. Studies show that even very small doses of the hormone reduce amnesia in simultaneous increase long -term memory.

When researchers gave 30 to 90 mg dehydropiandrosterone per day to depressed middle -aged patients, they saw obvious evidence not only to reduce depression, but also to improve memory.

Communication with red lupus.

System red lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease, in which the immune system produces autoantitis that affects healthy tissues. In fact, the body works against its own. Blood vessels, connective tissues, joints, kidneys, nervous system, skin, everything can be affected.

The lupus is usually treated with immunosuppressive steroids and chemotherapy. Treatment is harmful to the immune system, and thus, the process of recovery is undermined. Its side effects can be worse than the disease itself.

Realizing DHEA effects, such as an increase in immunity, researchers of Stanford University Dali Dhea 57 women suffering from lupus. About two -thirds of women were informed of the alleviation of symptoms, including a decrease in the frequency and severity of joint pain, a decrease in headaches, rash and fatigue. Many also reported an increase in tolerance to physical activity and improving concentration. Struck by these conclusions, the administration of Food products and medicines (Food and Drug Administration), supported clinical trials to evaluate the effectiveness of Dhea as an alternative to the usual therapy of the red lupus.

Accepting dhea.

DHEA replacement therapy offers Powerful advantages For health and actually without risk. People who take more than 1600 mg DHEA per day for a month did not observe side effects.

In my practice, I measure the level of DGEA in all patients over 40 years old. If the results of the tests indicate a deficit (and they invariably indicate), I usually recommend DHEA replacement therapy. I propose information articles about DHEA, and we, together with the patient, make a decision.

The recommended daily dose is 10-50 mg for women and 25-100 mg for men. (Women need less Dehydroepiandrosterone than men). I usually begin to appoint my patients - men and women, with 25 mg one or twice a day. Initial dosage is determined by gender and initial DHEA level (the lower the level, the higher the initial dosage).

After one month, I do a second analysis. I increase the dosage until the patient's level of the patient is coincided with a level of 30 summer man The same gender: 200-300 micrograms per blood deciliter in women, and 300-400 micrograms for blood deciliter in men. After the patient’s level in the patient is stabilized within the desired range, testing can be carried out twice a year.

Although most people accept Dhea without a goal to find out the level of hormone in the blood, regular monitoring, this is really good idea. How else can you tell if you are taking the optimal amount? Many insurance, including Medicare, include testing the DHEA level, if it is planned by the therapist.

The ideal anti-aging strategy is to supplement with DHEA and its precursor, pregnenolone. Since the body transforms a certain amount of transnolone into DHEA, any increase in the dosage of the transnolone can lead to an increase in the level of DHEA. (The statement does not work in the opposite direction: the body does not convert DHEA to pregnenolone). The speed with which the transformer is converted into DHEA for each person is different. Therefore, it is necessary to control the levels of both hormones every few months and regulate your dosages until both hormones correspond to the desired ranges.

Many hormones, including cortisol and thyroid hormone (thyroid hormone), are controlled through cycles feedback that stop production when the level of hormones becomes high. But this is not the case with DHEA and pregnenolone: ​​your body will continue to produce these hormones in the same quantities as before you started taking the supplements. In other words, the intake of DHEA and Permenolone will not suppress the production of these hormones, and cause atrophy of the adrenal glands.

For most people, the goal of DHEA replacement therapy is to improve quality and length of life. But the hormone may also be prescribed for some medical conditions, including Alzheimer's disease and other brain diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, diabetes, heart disease, immune deficiency syndrome, lupus and other autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, and stress-related disorders . Patients who, due to family circumstances or other factors, are susceptible to greater risk, may benefit from taking DHEA as a preventative therapy.

Who Shouldn't Take DHEA? People under 35 years of age, and people who have normal DHEA levels (normal is considered the level for a 29-year-old person). They simply do not need additional DHEA. Men with prostate cancer and women with cancer reproductive organs should consult a doctor before taking DHEA, although no side effects have been identified.

DHEA stimulates hair follicles and sebaceous glands, so taking it may cause hair growth in women or acne. (An article in the New England Journal of Medicine linked acne in teenagers to an increase in DHEA levels that occurs during puberty.) These side effects are rare. If they appear, they will disappear with a dose reduction or discontinuation of the drug.

Beware of imitators

Commercial DHEA products are made from diosgenin, an extract of the Mexican wild yam of the Dioscorea family. Biochemists can convert diosgenin into Dehydroepiandrosterone through a cycle of chemical transformations.

The market is flooded with yam capsule products claiming to be “DHEA precursor” or “natural DHEA.” Unfortunately, human body, and indeed any living organism, cannot convert diosgenin into DHEA. This can only be done in the laboratory.

Taking Lioscoria plant extracts cannot lead to the formation of DHEA in the body, says eminent DHEA expert Seymour Lieberman, Ph.D. Medical center Roosevelt, named after St. Luke's - Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York. Products containing Mexican yam or unchanged diosgenin may produce other beneficial hormonal changes, but they will not increase DHEA levels.

Scientific research revealing the therapeutic effects of DHEA, which was made from the actual hormone, not yam extract. Read labels carefully and ask for 99% pharmaceutically purified DHEA hormone.

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Its metabolic precursor is considered dehydroepiandrosterone-3-sulfate, which, along with DHEA, can be transformed into androgens and estrogens. Biological role hormone has not been studied enough, It is believed that it allows you to prolong youth.

Chemical characteristics of DHEA

The hormone was discovered in 1934, it official name- 3β-hydroxy-5-androsten-17-one. The substance is a derivative of cholesterol (they have an identical skeleton), in which the side chain residues are replaced by a ketone group. Molecular formula: C19H28O2, molecular weight of the hormone is 288.43.

DHEA is the most abundant steroid hormone in humans during adulthood. According to the results of the study, its maximum concentration in the blood is reached by the age of 20-30, then decreases by 20% over each subsequent 10 years. Scientists believe that diseases associated with aging (obesity, pathologies of cardio-vascular system, oncology), are associated age-related changes DHEA concentrations.

Where and how is it produced

DHEA synthesis primarily occurs in the adrenal cortex, which are small endocrine glands located above the kidneys.

The hormone is produced on the basis of cholesterol under the influence of several enzymes. The hormone can also be produced in the testes, ovaries, and brain.

As a result, in these organs the concentration of DHEA is 6 times higher than in the systemic circulation.

Biological role of the hormone DHEA in the body

DHEA has the following beneficial effects:

  • Helps reduce fat tissue.
  • Increases energy production.
  • Improves mood.
  • Increases libido (sex drive).
  • Counteracts substances that relieve tension.
  • Normalizes hormonal levels at any age.
  • Increases the body's resistance to adverse factors.
  • Helps protect brain neurons from destructive disorders.
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Helps reduce cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, as a result, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced.
  • During pregnancy, it acts as a precursor for the synthesis of placental estrogens.

Normal DHEA Values

In women whose age does not exceed 35 years, the hormone concentration should be in the range of 2660 – 11200 nmol/l. In men of a similar age group, the DHEA norm is 5700 – 11500 nmol/l.

Happens during pregnancy gradual decline hormone concentrations:

  • 1st trimester – 3.12 – 12.48 nmol/l.
  • 2nd trimester - 1.7-7.0 nmol/l.
  • 3rd trimester - 0.86-3.6 nmol/l.

Note that a child is born with a very high level of DHEA, which decreases sharply, reaching its peak again only after puberty is completed.

Consequences of increasing or decreasing DHEA levels

An increased concentration of the hormone in the blood leads to the following disorders:

  • Infertility or miscarriage.
  • Development of hirsutism (appearance excess hair on the face and chest) in women.
  • Deterioration of condition skin(acne occurrence).

A decrease in DHEA levels is observed in the following pathologies:

  • Addison's disease, in which the adrenal glands cannot synthesize enough hormone. The disease leads to delayed sexual development.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome and fatigue.
  • Oncology.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies.

When is it necessary to get tested for the hormone DHEA?

A blood test for DHEA is prescribed in the following situations:

  • Adrenal dysfunction was diagnosed.
  • Ovarian dysfunction.
  • Pregnancy (6-8 weeks). A normal concentration of the hormone in the blood is necessary for the proper development of the fetus and the preparation of a woman for the lactation period.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Hirsutism.
  • Puberty disorders in boys and girls.
  • Amenorrhea and infertility.

Main indications for use of the drug

Medicines based on DHEA are used to treat the following diseases:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome in old age. The drug allows you to increase energy and muscle activity for several weeks.
  • Decreased immunity. DHEA is widely used during patient recovery after a severe infectious disease, surgery, and therapy for chronic pathologies associated with a disorder of the immune system.
  • Oncology. The drug is rarely used as the main therapy for cancer. However, it has been found that patients who have been diagnosed with cancer have DHEA concentrations in their blood that are significantly lower than normal.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Normal or slightly increased content DHEA can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. This is due to the hormone’s ability to dissolve blood clots, eliminating blockage of blood vessels. Also taking DHEA allows you to significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels.
  • Obesity. DHEA promotes the destruction of fat deposits, which is widely used by modern nutritionists, cosmetologists and athletes. However, to lose weight it must be taken in a very large dose. We also note that in elite sports this hormone is a prohibited drug.

Thanks to high functionality DHEA preparations based on it have a wide range of applications. There are currently no precise pharmacological indications for use. medicines based on a hormone to increase libido. However, studies have shown that increased levels of DHEA lead to the absence of sexual dysfunction in both men and women.

During therapy for older people, a beneficial effect on memory and mental acuity, mood, and mental health is clearly visible.

Directions for use and doses

It is recommended to start taking medications based on DHEA at 38-40 years of age. Nutritional supplements are available in the form of capsules and tablets, dose 25 and 50 mg. Regular intake of the hormone will be effective. morning time, dosage – 50 or 100 mg. At a younger age, to increase testosterone levels, it is recommended to take 200 mg of the supplement per day. The course of therapy is 25 days.

Dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA, DHEA) (English: Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a natural steroid hormone, recognized as one of the main enemies of the aging body. In America DHEA deservedly called the “elixir of youth”. Meanwhile, he has a number of other positive qualities. What is this miraculous hormone and what is its value for the body? You can learn more about this from this article.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): hormone

DHEA is produced by the human adrenal glands and, in fact, is a precursor of sex hormones - in female body it turns into estrogens, and in men - into androgens. It is known that these hormones have a direct effect on the functioning of the entire organism as a whole and determine the biological age of a person. From the point of view of scientists, dehydroepiandrosterone plays a primary role in preserving a person’s youth.

In organism DHEA is mainly present in a liquid state, and its quantity can be easily determined using saliva analysis.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): synthesis in the body

It is known that synthesis dehydroepiandrosterone occurs most actively at the age of 20-25 years, and then its production begins to decline. Moreover, in women this process occurs more slowly than in men. So by the age of 50 synthesis DHEA decreases by 2 times in women and 2.5 times in men, and by the age of 70, production DHEA and completely decreases to 31% of the norm in women and to 22% of the norm in men. According to scientists, this fact explains the longer life expectancy of the weaker sex.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): properties

Beneficial features DHEA is very diverse:

It is the raw material for the production of essential hormones;

Determines the level sexual activity person;

Reduces the amount of fat deposits;

Slows down the aging process of the body;

Reduces the risk of many serious illnesses, including cancer;

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): how to take

Reception DHEA is carried out only in order to maintain the amount of this hormone within the normal limits, and in no case exceed it. You need to start with a minimum dosage: 5 mg per day for women and 10 mg for men. Gradually increase the dose until the required level is achieved therapeutic effect, while the maximum permissible daily intake DHEA should not be more than 25 mg.

Exceeding the specified dose may cause liver damage. Although, according to doctors, even if the dosage is observed DHEA-therapy should be accompanied by additional intake of antioxidants -, and, which protect the liver from oxidation.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): contraindications

Despite the proven effectiveness, DHEA has some limitations in use as it may cause serious side effects in some people. We are talking primarily about the following categories of people:

Pregnant and lactating women;
men suffering from prostate cancer;
women diagnosed with ovarian or breast cancer.

In some cases, use dehydroepiandrosterone may cause unpleasant symptoms and in absolutely healthy people. These consequences include:

liver irritation;
the appearance of acne in men;
facial hair growth in women.

However, all these manifestations practically disappear after discontinuation. DHEA.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): reviews

Although drugs DHEA have been used for quite a long time, the controversy around them still does not subside. Many argue that the reception dehydroepiandrosterone had a positive effect on well-being - energy appeared, resistance to stress increased, and the quality of sexual life improved. Bodybuilders report an accelerated growth rate muscle tissue and reduction of body fat.

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