What is the active principle in the inductothermy method. Diathermy

Method characteristic. At the heart of the method ultrahigh frequency inductothermy lies the action of an alternating magnetic field of ultrahigh frequency.

Equipment. UHF inductothermy is carried out on UHF therapy devices using resonant inductors that provide a magnetic field with a frequency of 40.68 or 27.12 MHz (EVT-1 inductors - eddy current electrode). At present, inductors are produced: with a diameter of 6 and 9 cm for UHF-30, Undaterm devices.

primary mechanism of action. The physicochemical processes caused in tissues by an ultrahigh-frequency magnetic field are similar to the changes that occur under the influence of a high-frequency magnetic field.

Physiological reactions. Similar to reactions developing under the action of inductothermy. The higher frequency of the magnetic field and the small size of the inductor determine the predominant effect of UHF inductothermy on the microcirculatory link of the bloodstream. A pronounced improvement in microcirculation underlies the anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect of the method.

therapeutic effect. Anti-inflammatory, causes regression of the inflammatory process, resorption of the inflammatory infiltrate. Trophic and reparative due to increased blood circulation and increased tissue metabolism due to heat generation in tissues. Moderate anti-edematous effect.

Action features: More pronounced than inductothermy, local anti-inflammatory effect. The presence, in contrast to inductothermy, decongestant action. Due to the small area of ​​the working surface of the inductor, it is used to treat small lesions.

Indications. Acute and subacute inflammatory diseases in the face (sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media, neuritis facial nerve, arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint), broncho-pulmonary apparatus (acute tracheobronchitis, pneumonia in newborns and children of early and preschool age).

Contraindications. Same as for inductothermy.

Methodology. To conduct UHF inductothermy, the capacitor plates are disconnected from the UHF therapy device and the wires of the resonant inductor are inserted into the same sockets. The inductor is localized above the surface of the patient's body with a small gap - 0.5 cm. The output power level on the UHF apparatus is selected taking into account the power for which the resonant inductor is designed. The inclusion of the UHF apparatus is carried out in the same way as during the exposure procedure e. n. UHF. UHF-inductothermy procedures are dosed according to the intensity of the patient's thermal sensations, exposure time (duration of the procedure is from 5 to 15 minutes). The course is 8-15 procedures.

In childhood, UHF inductothermy is prescribed from 1 month.

Purpose(example): Diagnosis: Acute right-sided sinusitis.

Write: UHF-inductothermia from the UHF-30 device on the projection area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, an inductor with a diameter of 6 cm, a low-thermal dose (15 W), on the right - 8 minutes, on the left - 5 minutes, daily No. 8 (10)

Mark on the plate: Area of ​​influence, showing the location of the inductor

5.7. Ultrahigh frequency therapy (e.P. UHF)

Method characteristic. The method is based on the action of an alternating continuous or pulsed electric field of ultrahigh frequency - 40.68 MHz (with a wavelength of 7 m) and 27.12 MHz (wavelength of 11 m).

Apparatus. 1. Low power, portable (portable) - up to 30 W: Miniterm-4, UHF-30 with a set of capacitor plates (KP). Are executed on 1 class of protection.

2. Medium power, portable - up to 40–80 W: UHF-66, UHF-80-01 (Undaterm) with a set of capacitor plates (KP), 1st protection class.

3. High power, stationary - up to 100–350 W: Termotur-200 with a set of gearboxes, 1st protection class.

primary mechanisms of action. In the method of UHF therapy, an alternating electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency acts on the human body, however, due to the design of the apparatus, electrical component (8090 %). The electric field interacts mainly with dielectric tissues (connective tissue, adipose, nerve trunks) and causes polarization of dipoles, ions, atoms in crystal lattices. Polarized molecules, especially dipoles (most often proteins) tend to orient themselves along the lines of electric field strength and oscillate due to the variable nature of the electric field - oscillatory (specific) effect. The oscillatory effect causes conformational changes in molecules and an increase in their biochemical activity. The processes of polarization, relaxation and ionic vibrations are accompanied by the formation of insignificant interstitial heat.

Physiological reactions.Local: the formation of biologically active substances, a decrease in the K / SA coefficient, an increase in the activity of tissue enzymes, an increase in metabolism, a shift in pH to the acid side. Expansion of small vessels (arterioles, capillaries, venules) and increased blood flow in them, a change in the permeability of the vascular wall - a decrease for coarse substances (toxins) and an increase for fine ones, which leads to a decrease in osmotic pressure in tissues and a dehydration effect. Activation of macrophages, fibroblasts, mast cells, reticuloendothelial system as a whole.

Are common:

1. Involvement of the hypothalamus in the response of the body - in low-thermal doses, stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system.

2. Vagotonic action.

3. An increase in the threshold of irritation of nerve receptors, which leads to a decrease in pain and, to a lesser extent, other types of sensitivity.

4. The response of the cardiovascular system depends on initial state, often consists in lowering blood pressure and improving recovery processes in the myocardium.

therapeutic effect. A pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, not only secondary, through the improvement of microcirculation, but also direct (activation of reticuloendothelial cells of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow, activation and proliferation of connective tissue, formation of a demarcation shaft), bacteriostatic effect. Dehydration, decongestant, analgesic effect. Improvement of peripheral circulation in general, local improvement of microcirculation with the development of deep and persistent active hyperemia, trophic, antispasmodic, regenerative (especially with respect to the nerve fiber).

Action features: high efficiency in acute purulent inflammation, tissue dehydration, which allows the use of UHF EP in acute injury, acute inflammation in the exudation phase. Promotes rapid scar formation.

Indications: Acute and subacute inflammatory processes of any localization, including purulent ones. Trauma to the musculoskeletal system, spinal cord, peripheral nerve (especially acute). Radiculitis, poliomyelitis, neuralgia, myositis. Peripheral vascular disease (Raynaud's disease, endarteritis obliterans). Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications. General contraindications to physiotherapy. Myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, FC III-IV. Hypotension. Pregnancy. Encapsulated purulent focus. The presence of a pacemaker in the affected area.

Methodology. UHF-therapy procedures can be carried out through clothing, ointment, plaster bandages. KP is placed with a gap (1-3 cm) in relation to the pathological focus transversely, longitudinally or tangentially. The UHF electric field is dosed according to the sensation of warmth to the sick, the output power, the brightness of the glow of the neon light bulb. Allocate doses: athermic (non-thermal), oligothermal (low thermal), thermal and with a pronounced feeling of warmth. In practice, mainly non-thermal and low-thermal doses are used. Exposure time: 10–15 min. adults, 5–8–12 min. children. Course: 3-15 procedures for adults, 3-12 procedures for children. Maximum power: up to 40 W per head for adults, up to 20 W for children; on the body up to 70–100 W for adults, up to 30–70 W for children

In childhood, UHF therapy is prescribed from the first days of life.

Purpose(example): Diagnosis: Acute respiratory disease. Acute rhinitis.

Write: UHF electric field on the area of ​​the wings of the nose from the device type UHF-30, 20 W, KP No. 1, gap 1 cm, 10 min., daily, No. 3 (5).

Mark on the plate: Area of ​​influence, showing the location of the capacitor plates.

Inductothermy is a method of electrotherapy, operating factor which is a high-frequency alternating magnetic field. The action of the energy of this field causes the appearance of induced (inductive) eddy currents, the mechanical energy of which is converted into heat. With inductothermy, the field energy penetrates to a depth of 6-8 cm.

Its greatest absorption, and hence the formation of heat, occurs in tissues that are distinguished by good electrical conductivity: body fluids, tissues of parenchymal organs, and muscles. Along with the thermal effect, a specific oscillatory effect plays an important role in the mechanism of action of inductothermy. Both of these factors give rise to certain physical and chemical changes in tissues, which in turn changes them functional state: blood vessels dilate, blood flow accelerates, arterial pressure, improving coronary circulation. Associated with heat generation and increased blood flow

anti-inflammatory and resolving effect of inductothermy. There is also a decrease in muscle tone, which is important for smooth muscle spasm. Metabolic processes are activated, oxygen tension in the tissues increases. The decrease in the excitability of nerve receptors during inductothermy determines its analgesic and sedative action. The application of this procedure to the area of ​​the adrenal glands stimulates their glucocorticoid function. In addition, there is an increase in the calcium content in the tissues, a bacteriostatic effect. To increase the effectiveness of exposure, inductothermy is combined with electrophoresis of medicinal substances (inductophoresis), mud therapy (inductive mud).

Indications for the appointment of inductothermy are subacute and chronic

inflammatory diseases of internal organs, pelvic organs, ENT organs, diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral and central nervous system. Particular contraindications for inductothermy include violations of pain and temperature sensitivity of the skin, the presence of metal objects in the tissues, the impact zone, and acute purulent processes. Procedures are dosed according to the strength of the anode current and the subjective feeling of the patient. Treatment of children is carried out over the age of 3 years, while using a lower anode current and intense heat. Conditionally distinguish low-thermal (140-160 mA), medium-thermal (180-240 mA) and high-thermal (260-300 mA) doses. IN medical practice predominantly use low- and medium-thermal dosages. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes, daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.


For inductothermy, stationary devices DKV-1, DKV-2, IKV-4 are used. All

devices operate at a frequency of 13.5 bMHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 22.12 m.

On fig. 24 shows the latest model of the apparatus for inductothermy - IKV-4.

The device is mounted in a metal case in the form of a bedside table, it is made according to the I class of protection, i.e. it requires grounding. Operates on AC voltage of 127 or 220 V. The device comes with resonant disc inductors (22 and 12 cm in diameter), an inductor cable and special gynecological inductors connected through a matching device equipped with a device for tuning into resonance. On the left side of the device there is a coaxial socket for connecting resonant inductors, special screws for connecting a matching device, and a bracket for fixing the holder.


The technique of the procedure depends on the localization of the pathological focus. For exposure, an inductor-disk or an inductor-cable is used. The inductor-disk is placed in contact with the patient's body. The inductor-cable is used for applying to areas of the body with an uneven surface, rolling spirals of various shapes from the cable. Usually, spirals from one turn are used - to influence the lower and upper limbs, spine; a flat round spiral - on the kidney area, epigastrium, chest, shoulder joint; cylindrical spiral - on the joints of the limbs.

Rice. 24. Control panel of the IKV-4 device (diagram).

1 - time relay handle (in minutes); 2 - knob for switching the output power (dose); 3 - key to turn off the network "On." and "Off"; 4 - a light bulb signaling the inclusion of voltage; 5 - a light bulb signaling the activation of the exciter.

To give the spirals various shapes, special combs are used to

a gap of 1-1.5 cm was created between the turns. If the turns intersect, then they are isolated with sandbags or a cotton towel. After the formation of the spiral, each of the free ends of the cable required for connection to the device must have the same length, at least 1 m.

Gynecological inductors are connected to the device through a special matching device, which is tuned to resonance using a special handle located on the side wall of the matching device.

Destination example. inductothermy epigastric region, inductor-disk, medium thermal dosage (anode current strength 180-200 mA), 20 min. The course of treatment is 10 procedures, daily.

Procedures are carried out in the position of the patient lying or sitting, depending on the site of exposure. Metal objects, including watches, should be removed from the affected area. The inductor-disk is applied through light clothing (not made of synthetic fabric), a bandage, including plaster.

Nurse should warn the patient that during the procedure he will feel a slight warmth. If the patient feels a strong heat, then the current should be reduced. In cases where inadequate sensations do not disappear, it is necessary to stop the procedure, check the correctness of its implementation and the operation of the device and inform the physiotherapist.

Some private methods

Inductothermia in fractures of the bones of the extremities.

To influence the forearm (Fig. 25), an inductor-cable is used in the form

cylindrical spiral with three turns, applying it directly to the plaster cast. The dosage is low thermal (140-160mA), the procedure time is 15 minutes, daily. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures.

Inductothermy in diseases of the liver and gallbladder. To influence the region of the right hypochondrium (Fig. 26), an inductor-disk is used, the dosage is low-thermal (140-160 mA), the duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes, daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Inductothermy in lung diseases (Fig. 27). The procedure is carried out with the patient lying on his stomach. A small or large inductor-disk (a) is used, depending on the size of the chest, or an inductor-cable (b) in the form of a flat spiral with three turns, located in the interscapular region or on the right or left half of the chest. With a bilateral process, an inductor-cable is used in the form of a flat longitudinal loop with two turns, located on both halves of the chest. The dosage is medium thermal (180-240 mA), the procedure time is 15-20 minutes, daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 8-15 procedures.

Inductothermia in diseases of the spine. The procedure is carried out in the position

the patient lying on his stomach. Use an inductor-cable in the form of a longitudinal loop,

directed along paravertebral lines along the spine from the top cervical vertebra before sacral department. The dosage is medium thermal (180-240 mA), the procedure time is 20-30 minutes, daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 12-15 procedures.

Inductothermia of the pelvic organs with gynecological diseases. The procedure is carried out on a chair, to the seat of which an inductor-cable in the form of a flat spiral is attached from below (the number of turns is 2.5). The dosage is average (180-240 mA), the procedure time is 30-40 minutes. Treatment is carried out daily or every other day. Course up to 20 procedures.

Rice. 25. Inductothermy of the forearm.

Rice. 26. Inductothermy of the hypochondrium.

Rice. 27. Inductothermy in lung diseases. using an inductor-disk; b- using a flat loop of the inductor-cable.

inductothermy- one of the methods of treatment using physical factors. In this case we are talking about a high-frequency magnetic field.

During a physiotherapeutic procedure under the influence of an alternating electric current so-called eddy currents are created in the human body.

What is this? Oscillations, according to the law of electromagnetic induction, leading to the formation of heat in liquid substances, internal organs and blood-supplying tissues.

Mechanism of action

Deeply located muscle tissues during the procedure warm up more than the upper structure of the skin. The mechanism of action is determined by the influence of heat, which activates the energy of the movement of molecules. Small particles contact spread interstitial heat throughout the body.

Due to which chemical and physical changes occur in cells and tissues. The mechanical effect is maximally concentrated in liquid crystal structures. The process is accompanied by a response from various vital important systems organism.

With a short-term exposure, inductothermia allows you to increase the sensitivity of nerve receptors and the speed of neurotransmission, to eliminate muscle spasm.

The long-term influence of the method contributes to:

  • decrease in muscle tone;
  • expansion blood vessels, including inactive capillaries;
  • increased blood flow and diuresis;
  • excretion of nitrogenous decay products from the body;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • permeability cell membranes and vascular reactions;
  • acceleration of metabolism and lymph circulation in tissues;
  • activation of immunity.

The high efficiency of the procedure in the improvement of internal organs was noted. Inductothermia stimulates the glucocorticoid function of the adrenal glands and hormone-synthetic processes of the endocrine glands.

Electrotherapy restores the ventilation and drainage properties of the bronchi, improves renal filtration, increases the secretory activity of the stomach, regulates the formation and outflow of bile, and reduces the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

Considerable importance is given to the method in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The ability of inductothermy to accelerate blood and lymph circulation, the exchange of enzymes in tissues allows you to influence the course and development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in articular elements and bone structures.

The technology is conducive to increasing the functional abilities of the joints, activating regenerative processes, increase in bone synthesis (strengthening), epithelialization of wounds.

Inductothermy indications

The positive effectiveness of inductothermy is predetermined by its ability to have an analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, muscle relaxant effect.

Thanks to a wide range actions, indications for the procedure are considered such painful deviations as:

  • post-traumatic syndrome;
  • pathologies associated with metabolic-dystrophic disorders;
  • functional disorders of the nervous system;
  • subacute and protracted inflammatory processes of internal organs, functional units female genital area, ENT organs;
  • prostatitis;
  • prevention and treatment adhesive disease and colloid scars;
  • bursitis;
  • adhesive capsulitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • "frozen shoulder", "tennis elbow", "runner's knee".

Inductothermy helps to fight pathologies that are slowly or not amenable to complete cure.


The obstacles to the application of the methodology are:

  • inflammatory diseases in acute form;
  • malignant tumors and unspecified neoplasms;
  • acute purulent processes;
  • myocardial infarction in the acute period;
  • chronic ischemia;
  • angina pectoris aggravated by frequent attacks;
  • autoimmune diseases of the circulatory system;
  • the presence of a pacemaker or metal implants;
  • period of gestation (when exposed to the trunk);
  • conditions accompanied by fever;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • increased pain and temperature sensitivity.

In pediatrics, the appointment of inductothermy is considered when the child reaches 5 years of age.

To create a therapeutic magnetic field, the DKV-1, DKV-2 and IKV-4 devices have been developed, which are equipped with generators of high-frequency electrical oscillations and step-by-step power adjustments.

The equipment is complete with:

  • an inductor disk - a spiral of metal wire, dressed in a plastic frame with a diameter of 20 and 30 cm;
  • induction cable - rubber insulated stranded wire up to 3.5 m long.

For use in gynecological practice IKV-4 is supplemented with vaginal, lumbar (small, medium, large), collar applicators.

Also, when conducting inductothermy, it is appropriate to use UHF therapy devices with capacitor plates. The small dimensions of resonant inductors and a low-power UHF magnetic field make it possible to use the devices not only for chronic and subacute pathologies but also in acute inflammatory diseases.

How does an induction session work?

The procedure is prescribed by the attending physician after a complete assessment of the patient's condition, taking into account possible contraindications. Inductothermy is indicated for use in conditions specially equipped for this purpose in physiotherapy rooms of medical institutions.

Treatment takes place under the supervision of qualified personnel. The patient is placed in a position convenient for him (sitting or lying on the couch). Light clothing or plaster cast. To avoid unwanted interference, metal objects and electronic gadgets are removed.

For exposure to an electromagnetic pulse, an inductor disk is installed above the pathological focus. The device is placed without gaps from the surface of the body. If it is not possible to cover the entire affected area with a cylindrical inductor, an inductor cable is used.

Separating combs, on which the cable is placed, help to form a spiral in accordance with the required contours. For the treatment of extremities, the cable is shaped into a cylindrical loop.

In such cases, a spacer is placed between the body and the cable to avoid excessive overheating of the surface tissue structures.

The procedure is conditionally divided according to the strength of the current and the intensity of thermal perception into weak, medium and strong dosing. The low-intensity magnetic field is used mainly for the treatment of diseases in the subacute phase. At chronic pathologies high intensity is recommended.

With correctly selected parameters, the patient feels pleasant warmth. The physiotherapist during the inductothermy must prevent the patient from feeling severe burning sensation and profuse sweating.

To enhance the effectiveness of inductothermy combined with other physiotherapy procedures.

In combination with drug electrophoresis, the method allows you to increase the activity pharmacological action medical preparations, accurately delivering them to the pathological focus. Studies have shown that drug ions penetrate deeper and in greater quantities during electrophoresis ductothermy.

In tandem with galvanization, inductothermy is called galvanoinductothermy. The method improves the electrical conductivity of tissues and eliminates the irritating effect of galvanization. The antitumor effect of this procedure was noted.

During mud inductothermy, the magnetic field enhances the penetration of the chemical components of the mud to a depth of up to 12 cm. The generated heat does not allow the mud application to cool down, but rather increases the temperature by 2º - 3º, which makes the procedure more comfortable.

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Source: https://proartrit.ru/induktotermiya-chto-eto-takoe/


inductothermy(from the Latin inductio - guidance, introduction and the Greek th?rme - heat) is a method of electrotherapy in which certain parts of the patient's body are heated under the influence of an alternating, predominantly high-frequency (from 10 to 40 MHz) electromagnetic field.

This field induces in body tissues organism(from the medieval Latin organizo - I arrange, I give a slender appearance) - a living being that has a set of properties that distinguish it from inanimate matter. Most organisms have a cellular structure.

The formation of an integral organism is a process consisting of the differentiation of structures (cells, tissues, organs) and functions and their integration both in ontogenesis and in phylogenesis. eddy electric currents.

The strength of eddy currents is proportional to the electrical conductivity of the medium; therefore, the currents are most intense in liquid media of organisms with significant electrical conductivity (blood, lymph, and others).

In the areas of the body exposed to eddy currents, more or less heat is generated, metabolism increases Metabolism(metabolism) - a set of all types of transformations of substances and energy in the body, ensuring its development, vital activity and self-reproduction, as well as its connection with environment and adaptation to changes in external conditions.
The basis of metabolism is interrelated processes: anabolism and catabolism (synthesis and destruction of substances), aimed at the continuous renewal of living material and providing it with the energy necessary for life. They are carried out through successive chemical reactions with the participation of substances that accelerate these processes - enzymes. Occurs in the human body hormonal regulation metabolism coordinated by the central nervous system. Any disease is accompanied by metabolic disorders; genetically determined are the cause of many hereditary diseases., blood circulation increases, and hence the intake nutrients and removal of waste products of tissues, tone decreases Tone- prolonged, not accompanied by fatigue, excitation of the nerve centers and muscles. muscle fibers and nerve excitability Nerves- strands of nervous tissue, formed mainly by nerve fibers. Nerves connect the brain and ganglions with other organs and tissues of the body. The collection of nerves forms the peripheral nervous system. In humans, 12 pairs of nerves depart from the brain, 31 pairs from the spinal cord. A special group is made up of nerves originating from the nodes, trunks and plexuses of the autonomic nervous system. - pain decreases. All this creates conditions for the rapid resorption of the inflammatory focus, even deeply located, and for the treatment Treat- apply medical means to restore health, take measures to stop the disease. diseases Disease- disruption of the normal functioning of the organism due to functional and/or morphological changes. The occurrence of the disease is associated with the impact on the body of harmful factors external environment(physical, chemical, biological, social), with its genetic defects, etc. peripheral nerves.

For carrying out inductothermy, generators of high-frequency electrical oscillations are used. Earlier in the USSR, DKV-2 devices were produced for this medical procedure.

The energy of the electromagnetic field generated by the apparatus is supplied to the patient by means of a flexible cable (cable electrode) bent in the form of a cylindrical or flat spiral, or by a disk applicator - a flat spiral of a copper tube.

The patient himself during the procedure experiences a feeling of pleasant warmth. (V. G. Yasnogorodsky)

During inductothermy sessions, blood vessels dilate, blood flow accelerates, arterial blood pressure decreases. Arterial pressure- blood pressure in the vessels, due to the work of the heart and the resistance of the walls of the arteries. It decreases with distance from the heart - the largest in the aorta, much less in the veins.

Normal for an adult is conditionally considered a pressure of 100-140 / 70-90 mm Hg. Art. (arterial) and 60-100 mm of water. Art. (venous). pressure, improved coronary Coronary(coronal), surrounding organ in the form of a crown (crown); pertaining to the coronary arteries of the heart, such as the coronary circulation.

circulation Circulation- movement of blood circulatory system caused mainly by contractions of the heart.

In man vicious circle circulation: big circle starts from the left ventricle of the heart and ends in the right atrium (supplies the whole body with blood), a small, or pulmonary circle, starts from the right ventricle and ends in the left atrium ..

The anti-inflammatory and resolving effect of inductothermy is associated with heat generation and increased blood flow. Decreased muscle tone is important for spasm Spasm(Greek spasmos, from spao - I pull) - convulsive contraction of the muscles of the limbs or the muscular wall of the blood vessels, esophagus, intestines, etc.

hollow organs (with a temporary narrowing of their lumen). smooth muscles. Decreased excitability of nerve receptors Receptors- sensitive endings nerve fibers or specialized cells (retina, inner ear and etc.

), converting irritations perceived from the outside (exteroreceptors) or from the internal environment of the body (interoreceptors) into nervous excitement transmitted to the central nervous system. provides analgesic and sedative Sedative drug (or healing effect) calming effect. action.

Application of inductothermia to the area of ​​the adrenal glands adrenal glands- Paired endocrine glands. The cortical layer of the adrenal glands secretes the hormones corticosteroids, as well as partially male and female sex hormones, the medulla secretes adrenaline and norepinephrine. adrenal glands play important role in the regulation of metabolism and in the adaptation of the body to adverse conditions. The defeat of the adrenal glands leads to diseases (Addison's disease, Itsenko-Cushing's disease, etc.). stimulates their glucocorticoid function. With this method of treatment, an increase in the calcium content in the tissues, a bacteriostatic effect is observed.

Such diseases are treated with inductothermy like: sharp (like acute nephritis or pneumonia) and chronic Chronic- a long, ongoing, protracted process that occurs either constantly or with periodic improvements in the state.

diseases of various organs Organ- a part of the body that performs a specific function (for example, the heart, liver), fractures, adhesive processes.

Indications for the appointment of this procedure are the same: subacute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal organs, pelvic organs, ear, nose, pharynx, diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral and central nervous system.

In this method of treatment, there are contraindications: in violation of pain and temperature sensitivity Sensitivity- the ability of the body to perceive irritations coming from the environment or internal environment, and respond to them with differentiated forms of reactions. skin, the presence of metal objects in the tissues in the affected area and acute purulent processes.

Joint application inductothermy and galvanization is called galvanoinductothermy.

Read more about inductothermy in the book:

  • Nikolay Mitrofanovich Liventsev, Electromedical equipment, 3rd edition, M., 1964.

Apparatus for inductothermy DKV-1 and DKV-2

Generator lamps are fed with direct current from two rectifiers - kenotron and one more powerful - gas-tron.

Modern Device PHYSIOTHERM-S - for continuous and pulsed UHF therapy and inductothermy

Device features:

  • - Ease of use;
  • - Large LCD display with Russian menu.


  • - System of auto-tuning of the signal phase with graphic display on the display of the field filling level;
  • - Indication of not only the total, but also the effective (received by the patient) power;
  • - Programs for diseases with indication of treatment parameters and location of inductors;
  • - Saving in memory of individual programs;
  • - Perfect security system.

Find something else of interest:

  • Before using the information, consult your doctor!

Source: http://www.doctorate.ru/inductothermy/

Inductothermy (heat treatment) in the fight against aging. Indications and contraindications for inductothermy. Inductothermy procedure

Inductothermy comes from lat. inductio - guidance, introduction and Greek. therme - warmth. This is an electrotherapy method that uses heat. Certain areas of the patient's body are heated using an alternating, usually high-frequency electromagnetic field.

For the implementation of the medical procedure, this current is passed through an insulated cable located at a certain part of the patient's body. A magnetic field is formed around this cable.

This field in tissues human body creates eddy currents. Their strength is proportional to the electrical conductivity of the medium. For this reason, currents have the greatest intensity in liquid media of organisms. It is lymph and blood that have the strongest current conductivity.

Those areas of the human body that are exposed to eddy currents generate a certain amount of heat. The thermal effect activates the synthetic function of fibroblasts, enhances the production of collagen and elastin fibers, reduces the depth of wrinkles and significantly strengthens skin tone.

It also increases metabolism and blood circulation. It leads to best admission useful substances and excretion of tissue waste products. In addition, there is a decrease in the tone of muscle fibers and excitability of nerves, which helps to get rid of pain.

Thus, there is a rapid resorption of foci of inflammation, even those that are located deep.

During the procedure, the temperature of deeply located tissues rises by 2-3°, the temperature of the human skin usually increases by 1-6°. It depends on the intensity and duration of the procedure. During one session, no more than 2-3 areas of the patient's body can be affected.

Inductothermia leads to vasodilation, inhibits excitation processes in the central nervous system, and normalizes disturbed metabolism. In this case, it is released into the human blood large quantity corticosteroids.

Under the influence of inductothermy, there is an increase in redox processes, an increase in bile secretion and diuresis.

Indications for the use of inductothermy

Inductothermia is prescribed for subacute and chronic diseases. different localization that are inflammatory or metabolic-dystrophic in nature. Also treated with this method adhesive processes, hypertension stage I-IIB, Raynaud's disease, pleurisy and nephritis.

It helps patients suffering from atherosclerotic obliteration of vessels of I and II degrees, infiltrates in the stage of incipient resolution. It alleviates the condition with bronchitis, pneumonia, reflex anuria and bone fractures.

Inductothermy is often used to stimulate the function of the adrenal glands in diseases such as: bronchial asthma, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma.

This method of treatment is quite effective in chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, prostatitis. Helps patients suffering from neuritis, spastic conditions of smooth and striated muscles, as well as chronic purulent-inflammatory processes, accompanied by a free outflow of pus.

Contraindications to the use of inductothermy

You can not use the method of inductothermy in the presence of malignant and hormonal dependent tumors. It is contraindicated in patients with endometriosis, blood diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, diffuse toxic goiter.

Do not use this type of treatment for toxicosis, fever, cardiopulmonary insufficiency And frequent seizures angina.

Pregnant women to spend this procedure it is possible, but it is only necessary to refrain from exposure in areas that are close to the uterus: anterior abdominal wall and lumbosacral region.

The procedure is contraindicated for people with skin defects and wearing dry plaster and hygienic dressings.

How is inductothermia performed?

The inductothermic procedure lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. To achieve the best result of treatment, they should be carried out daily or every other day. Usually the course of treatment consists of 8 - 15 procedures. Treatment with inductothermia can only be prescribed by a doctor. The patient during the procedure experiences a feeling of pleasant warmth.

The patient's clothing during inductothermy should not contain metal elements. You need to know that metal objects should not be in the projection area of ​​​​the inductor or at a distance of 8-12 cm from it. Otherwise, they will lead to the fact that the patient will get a burn, especially for ring-shaped objects.

During the procedure, the patient lies on a wooden couch or sits in a chair. The procedure does not interfere with the presence of light clothing and hairline at the site of impact.

If it is required to carry out inductothermy of the patient's arm or leg, then an inductor cable is wound on them in the form of a solenoid. At the same time, it is very important that there is a distance of at least 1-1.5 cm between the skin surface and the cable. To create a gap, use a gasket from a towel or other fabric.

Devices for inductothermy

Inductothermia should be carried out only in physiotherapy rooms of polyclinics and hospitals and only by specially trained paramedical staff.

For treatment, special devices DKV-1, DKV-2 and IKV-4 are used. For the same purpose, devices for UHF therapy at a frequency of 27, 12 MHz can also be used.

There is also a gynecological kit, which includes a vaginal applicator, as well as applicators for influencing the neck and lower back.

Combination of inductothermy with other methods

Physicians successfully combine inductothermy with other types of treatment. So, the combination of inductothermy and galvanization is called galvanoinductothermy. Combined use with drug electrophoresis is called inductothermoelectrophoresis, and with mud therapy - mud inductothermy.

Immediately after the end of the inductothermy procedure, you can use drug electrophoresis, galvanization, exposure impulse currents, medium frequency magnetotherapy and ultrasound therapy.

Vereshchagina Sofia
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Healthy body
Beauty and health

Source: https://www.inmoment.ru/beauty/health/inductothermy.html


Inductothermy is a method of high-frequency electrotherapy using oscillations with a frequency of 13.6 MHz (wavelength 22 m).

With it, the patient is affected by a magnetic field that is formed around the turns of a high-voltage cable connected to the device. At the same time, induction (eddy) currents appear in the patient's body - Foucault currents.

There is heating of tissues, and to a greater extent rich in fluid (blood, lymph, muscles).

Physiological action

The physiological effect of inductothermy resembles the effect of diathermy, but the heating of tissues with it is more uniform, the heat penetrates deeper and the analgesic effect is more pronounced.

With inductothermy, active hyperemia appears, which helps to improve tissue trophism, their functional abilities, the phagocytic ability of leukocytes increases, which leads to the resorption of products that appear during inflammation, tissue swelling decreases, and the antispastic effect of inductothermy is also manifested.


Devices for inductothermy (DKV-1 and DKV-2) are high-frequency tube generators tuned to a frequency of 13.56 MHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 22.12 m.

The device contains a master oscillator with a quartz stabilizer, intermediate and output amplifiers, a therapeutic circuit and a power supply.

Generator lamps are fed with direct current from two rectifiers - kenotron and one more powerful - gastron.

Rice. 25. Apparatus for inductothermy DKV-2

Power of the device DKV-2250±50 W; appearance The apparatus and its panel are shown in Fig. 25. In the center of the panel at the top is a measuring device such as a voltmeter, which serves to check the voltage and set the therapy circuit to resonance.

The inductor-disk is a flat spiral of several turns of a copper tube enclosed in a plastic frame (Fig. 28). Each end of the spiral is attached to a separate rubber-insulated cable; both cables exit through the holes in the top cover of the plastic case (frame) and end with tips, with which they are attached to the patient's circuit in the device.

Rice. 28. Inductor disk for the DKV-2 apparatus.

1 - appearance of the inductor-disk; 2 - disassembled inductor-disk (a copper tube coiled into a spiral is visible; the spiral is the second inductance of the therapeutic circuit. The first is located inside the device and is connected inductively to the inductance of the output amplifier).

During the procedure, a gap of 1 cm should remain between the surface of the inductor and the patient's skin.

Usually, this gap is ensured by the fact that a folded fourfold shaggy towel is applied to the area of ​​the body to be affected, to which the inductor-disk is brought closer (Fig. 29).

The towel also plays an auxiliary role: it absorbs sweat, which can be released under the influence of heat, which prevents the possibility of burns due to overheating of the water contained in the sweat.

Rice. 29. The location of the inductor-disk during inductothermy.

From the inductor-cable, you can roll a flat spiral into 2-3 turns. For uniform distances between the turns, ebonite separator combs are used. The spiral is applied over a towel to the area of ​​the body subject to inductothermy.

When forming a spiral from the cable, it is necessary to ensure that the remaining free ends of the cable connecting to the sockets of the device are of the same length; this ensures the symmetry of the therapy circuit.

With the help of an inductor-cable, it is convenient to carry out inductothermy of the limbs. To do this, a naked limb is wrapped with a folded four-fold shaggy towel, over which 2-3 turns of cable are wound in the form of a cylindrical spiral, using separator combs.

One long loop of the inductor-cable can be used to influence the shin area, and two loops can be used to influence the spine. inconvenience modern devices inductothermy is big size disc inductor.

The duration of the procedures, which are carried out daily or every other day, is 15-20 minutes, 10-15 procedures are prescribed for the course of treatment.

Since the area of ​​the inductor-disk is large and it is impossible to use it to influence small objects, a special inductor with a tuned circuit (ET) with a disk diameter of 12 and 6 cm has been developed.

It can be used for exposure to a magnetic field using a number of devices for UHF therapy (see below) with a power of up to 40 watts.

The structure of such an inductor includes an oscillatory circuit (a capacitor and an inductance of several turns of wire, forming a somewhat flattened spiral).

The latter is enclosed in a plastic case and fixed to it. inner surface so that in the upper part of the case there is a capacitor, in the lower part there are coils of inductance.

When a high-frequency current passes through the turns of the spiral, a high-frequency magnetic field appears, the lines of force of which are directed downwards at the object to be affected.

When using such an inductor with devices for UHF therapy, it is fixed on one of the holders of the capacitor plates. To connect it to the device, there are two wires inserted using plugs into special sockets in the body of the device for UHF therapy.

General indications and contraindications for inductothermy

Indications: some acute diseases(acute nephritis, pneumonia), mainly subacute and chronic processes in the joints, genitals, digestive organs; damage to peripheral nerves, muscles; diseases of the ear, throat, nose, etc.

Contraindications: malignant neoplasms; active tuberculosis of the lungs, kidneys; tendency to bleed; violation of thermal sensitivity in a patient.


1. Physiological and therapeutic effect of inductothermy………………….4

2. Indications and contraindications……………………………………………….5

3. Equipment, technique and methods of procedures………………….5

3.1. Equipment……………………………………………………………….5

3.2. Technique and methods of carrying out procedures…………………………….6

3.3 Dosimetry………………………………………………………………..7

4. Therapeutic techniques…………………………………………………………….8

5. EWT………………………………………………………………………………9

6. Safety and labor protection…………………………………….10




Inductothermy is the effect on tissues of a high-frequency (13.56 MHz) alternating magnetic field, which is formed by an electric current passed through a coil (solenoid). In this case, in addition to the magnetic field, an electric field is formed, which is 20% of the energy produced.

The magnetic field is brought to the tissues with the help of an inductor-disk or an inductor-cable.

The disk inductor is a flat spiral of three turns of copper wire enclosed in a plastic frame.

An inductor cable is a copper wire in rubber insulation, from which various types of spirals can be rolled - flat, cylindrical or in the form of a loop.

When using an inductor-disk, an inductor-cable in the form of a coil or a loop, the magnetic field penetrates the tissues to a depth of 5-8 cm. When using an inductor-cable in the form of a cylindrical loop, the magnetic field acts on the entire thickness of the tissue (limbs or torso).

The magnetic field, penetrating the tissues, induces electric currents in them, called induction currents, eddy currents or Foucault currents. The greater the electrical conductivity of the tissue, the greater the current generated in it.

The appearance of eddy currents is accompanied by tissue heating. The more electrically conductive the fabric, the more intensely it will heat up. First of all, the lymph, blood, parenchymal organs. The skin heats up slightly, its hyperemia does not occur.

1. Physiological and therapeutic effect of inductothermy

The physiological and therapeutic effect of inductothermy is primarily associated with the effects of heat, which determine the indications for the use of this method of physiotherapy.

These effects are as follows: antispastic, analgesic, intensifying blood and lymph circulation in tissues and metabolism. The resolving and regenerative effect of heat is associated with the latter effect (in particular, in inflammatory processes).

Local reactions are characterized by an increase in local temperature from 2-5 to 8-12 degrees, depending on the applied dose of exposure and electrical conductivity of the tissue, a pronounced expansion of capillaries, a significant increase in blood flow in the vessels, a change in the permeability of cell membranes, and an increase in the intensity of metabolism. Heating helps to relax muscles, relieve spasms of muscles and blood vessels.

An increase in the permeability of cell membranes and an increase in metabolism lead to the manifestation of the resolving effect of inductothermy, the elimination of inflammatory changes, and a decrease in the severity of degenerative-dystrophic disorders. Along with the thermal effect, an important role in the mechanism of action of inductothermy is played by a specific oscillatory effect. Both of these factors cause certain physicochemical changes in tissues, which in turn changes their functional state: blood vessels dilate, blood flow accelerates, blood pressure decreases, and coronary circulation improves.

A decrease in the excitability of nerve receptors during inductothermy determines its analgesic and sedative effect. The application of this procedure to the area of ​​the adrenal glands stimulates their glucocorticoid function. In addition, there is an increase in the calcium content in tissues, a bacteriostatic effect.

2. Indications and contraindications

Testimony to the appointment of inductothermy in the sanatorium are subacute inflammatory diseases (maximum temperature 37.1 ° C) and chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal organs, pelvic organs, ENT organs, diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (if there are no hemarthroses, injuries), peripheral and central nervous systems, bronchial asthma, spastic conditions, urolithiasis.

Contraindications: Children up to 5 years of age. Acute stages inflammatory process, purulent inflammation. Severe hypotension, tendency to orthostatic collapse. Violation of thermal sensitivity of the skin. The presence of metal objects in the affected area. Neoplasms in the field of influence. Pregnancy.

3. Equipment, technique and methods of procedures

3.1. Equipment

For the implementation of inductothermy, along with specially designed devices DKV-1, DKV-2, IKV-4, which allow to send an alternating magnetic field with a frequency of 13.56 MHz, inductors are used for the UHF therapy device (EVT). Such inductors with a power of 30 W have a diameter of 6 cm, with 40 W - 9 cm, with 70-80 W -14 cm.

The apparatus "IKV-4" is equipped with inductors-disks (small and large) and an inductor-cable. By additional order, a set of gynecological applicators is supplied: vaginal, lumbar (small, medium and large), collar.

3.2. Technique and methods of carrying out procedures

The procedures are carried out in a comfortable position of the patient on a wooden couch or chair. Metal objects, including watches, are removed from the impact zone. Exposure can be carried out through light clothing, as well as a dry plaster cast.

Inductors are used to supply magnetic fields and ductothermy. The kit for the IK.V-4 device includes two inductor-discs - small and large with diameters of 12 cm, 22 cm, and through a matching device, you can connect an inductor-cable and special applicators: vaginal, collar, lumbar. The maximum output power when working with a large inductor is 200 W, and with a small one - 60 W.

Inductothermy for the treatment of patients can be used according to the method of local, reflex-segmental and general effects. Such a division is somewhat arbitrary, since in all methods there will be both local and generalized responses of the body, but expressed in varying degrees. Inductothermy is more often used according to the method of local exposure.

Depending on the localization of the impact, an inductor-disk or an inductor-cable is used. The inductor-disk is placed on the area of ​​influence directly on light clothing, practically without a gap or with a gap of no more than 0.5 cm. A gap of 1-1.5 cm is created between the turns of the coil inserted into the disk body and its outer cover. the disk is most often used for exposure in the back, abdomen.

An inductor-cable is needed for a more local effect on various sections the patient's body, since it is possible to perform various comfortable shapes coils, using separator combs to secure the turns. The most commonly used 4 forms of coils. To localize the cable inductor along the arm, leg, spine, a coil in one turn is used. On the chest, on the right hypochondrium, the projection of the kidneys, on the lower abdomen, it is convenient to use a flat longitudinal coil in two turns, on the lower back, chest, shoulder, hip joints, a flat round loop-coil in three turns is used on the stomach

An air gap of 1-2 cm is created between the surface of the body and the inductor, for which a gasket made of fabric folded several times is used. During the procedure, the patient experiences a pleasant uniform heat under the entire surface of the inductor. There should be no burning sensation under the inductor, profuse sweating.

In the methods of reflex-segmental exposure, inductors (cable or disk) are placed on the collar, lumbar region, on segments of the spinal cord, corresponding to the levels of the vertebrae.

3.3 Dosimetry

Procedures are dosed according to the strength of the anode current and the subjective feeling of the patient. Treatment of children is carried out over the age of 5 years, while using a lower anode current and intense heat.

Dosage : 1) by the power of the magnetic field, which depends on the strength of the electric current supplied to the inductor. On the panel of the "IKV" apparatus, it is indicated by conventional numbers from 1 to 8. When working with a large inductor-disk, this corresponds to a current strength of 160 to 280 mA and a power of 40 to 200 W;

2) according to sensations of heat: - low thermal dose (numbers 1-3; 160-200 mA; 40-90 W); - thermal dose (numbers 4-5; 220-250 mA; 110-160 W); - intense thermal dose (numbers 6-7; 260-280 mA: 185-200 W); 3) by the duration of the procedure, 4) by the frequency of the procedures; 5) by the number of procedures per course of treatment.

4. Treatment methods

Inductothermy of the chest area. A small or large inductor-disk is used (depending on the size of the chest) or an inductor-cable in the form of a flat spiral in three turns, placing it on the interscapular region or on the right (left) half of the chest. In a bilateral process, an inductor-cable is used in the form of a flat longitudinal loop in two turns, placing it on both halves of the chest. Light clothing is not removed. The position of the patient is lying on his stomach. Low-thermal and medium-thermal doses are used. The strength of the anode current is 180-200-220 mA on the DKV-1, DKV-2 devices and division 2-4 on the IKV-4 device. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes; with good tolerance, the procedure time is increased to 30 minutes. Procedures are prescribed daily in a hospital or every other day in a clinic. The course of treatment is 8-15 procedures.

Inductothermy of the stomach and intestines. An inductor-cable is used in the form of a flat spiral in three turns or a large inductor-disk, placing it on the projection of the stomach or intestines. The position of the patient is lying on his back. An average thermal dose is prescribed. The duration of exposure is 20 minutes. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. 10-15 procedures per course.

Inductothermy of the liver and gallbladder. A small inductor-disk is used, placing it on the right hypochondrium, or an inductor-cable in the form of a flat loop in two turns, placing it on the liver area in front and behind the chest with the patient on his side. The inductor cable is fixed to the body. A low-thermal dose is prescribed. The strength of the anode current is 160-180 mA on the DKV-1, DKV-2 devices, divisions 1-2 on the IKV-4 device. The duration of exposure is 10-20 minutes. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. For a course of treatment 10-15 procedures

5. EWT

Exposure of the body to an ultra-high-frequency (UHF) alternating magnetic field. In a sense, the method is a combination of inductothermy and ultrahigh frequency therapy. According to the technique of conducting, this is inductothermy, carried out using devices for UHF therapy.

The active physical factor is the magnetic field of the coil, excited by the UHF generator (40.68 or 27.12 MHz) of UHF therapy devices. To obtain it, special electrodes (EVT-1) are produced, called resonant inductors, or inductors with a tuned circuit. They come in 3 sizes: 6 and 9 cm in diameter - designed for the power of UHF therapy devices up to 40 W; with a diameter of 16 cm - designed for power up to 90 watts. IN Lately a resonant cable inductor began to be produced. During the procedures, the resonant inductor is attached to one of the holders of the UHF therapy apparatus, and its wires are connected to the UHF generator in the same sockets as the capacitor plate feeder.

The exposure is carried out with a gap of 1-1.5 cm. The duration of exposure (in a thermal and low-thermal dose) is from 3-12 minutes, the course is 8-10 procedures. An important advantage of the method is that it can be used in children from 6 months of age, while conventional inductothermia - from 5 years.

According to its effect on the body, it corresponds to inductothermy, but has a more pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. It also has a vasodilating effect, improves metabolism. Indications and contraindications are the same as for diathermy.

6. Safety and labor protection

All devices with electrical safety class 01 and I are subject to mandatory grounding to the building contour. Do not use heating and water pipes for grounding. Each device is connected to the ground terminal of the starter with a separate wire.

Grounding reliability must be checked once every 1-2 months. Devices made according to the II class of electrical safety are not grounded, and the insulation efficiency is checked monthly. Portable devices can be used in a general electrotherapy room without shielding, placing them at a distance of 3 m from the nurse's table, and also at a distance from other devices, since the resulting electromagnetic field can interfere and distort the measuring instruments in the patient's circuit. Carrying out procedures with high and ultra-high frequency current is permissible only on wooden couches without metal fasteners.

When working with high-frequency equipment, all the above requirements must be observed with special care. In addition, all metal objects are removed from the electromagnetic field both from the patient and from the couch.

Medical personnel should not be in the area of ​​the electromagnetic field unless necessary. It is strictly forbidden to troubleshoot, change fuses, switch voltage, wipe the panels on the device connected to the network. To avoid rapid damage to the device, do not leave it under high voltage in non-working condition.

After the end of the procedure, the device is turned off in the reverse order of turning it on. In the manufacture of coils, the free ends of the cable must be the same in length and not less than 1 m. The coils of the cable are located at a distance of 1 cm from each other, which is achieved by using separator combs.


Inductothermy is the use of an alternating electromagnetic field of high frequency from 3 to 30 MHz for therapeutic purposes.

Inductothermy uses high and ultra high frequency magnetic fields. In this case, the magnetic field formed around the turns of the high-voltage cable causes the appearance of induction, or eddy currents (Foucault currents) in the patient's body. The physiological effect of inductothermy is manifested by the heating of tissues. Heat penetrates to a great depth, tissue trophism and phagocytic activity of leukocytes increase, which leads to the resorption of the products of the inflammatory process and a decrease in tissue swelling. In addition, inductothermia has an antispastic and analgesic effect.

In medical practice, low- and medium-thermal dosages are mainly used. The duration of the procedure is from 7 - 10 minutes to 15-30 minutes, daily or every other day. Course of treatment 7-10 up to 15 procedures

With a weak thermal dose, patients experience a slight pleasant warmth, which corresponds to 1-3 divisions of power. With an average thermal dose, a feeling of pleasant pronounced warmth is noted, the power switch is set at the 4th-5th division. With a strong thermal dose, patients have a feeling of intense heat, the power switch is set to the 6-8th division.

To increase the effectiveness of exposure, inductothermy is combined with electrophoresis of medicinal substances (inductophoresis), mud therapy (inductive mud). Along with local reactions of inductothermy, general changes in the organs and systems of the body also develop. Patients improve coronary circulation, contractility of the myocardium of the left ventricle. Inductothermia has a sedative effect, changes cortical activity, enhancing the process of inhibition, and reduces the excitability of receptors.


1. Health resort and physiotherapy, ed. Bogolyubova V.M. M .: Medicine 1990 - 425s.

2.Technique and methods of physiotherapeutic procedures. Ed. V.M. Bogolyubov. - Medicine, 1997 - 184p.

3. Ulashchik V.S. Introduction to the basics of physical therapy, -M:, 1997 - 233s.

4. Yasnogorodsky V.G. Electrotherapy. - M.: Medicine, 1996 - 310s.

Inductothermy, or high-frequency magnetotherapy, is a method of electrotherapy with a high-frequency magnetic field that forms around the coils of an inductor when an alternating electric current of a high frequency of 13.56 MHz passes through them. In the tissues adjacent to the inductor, due to eddy currents, they are uniformly heated to a depth of 6-8 cm. The largest number heat is released in the liquid media of the body (blood, lymph), which have the highest electrical conductivity, while the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which have a very high electrical resistance, heat up less compared to deep-lying tissues. In addition, in the mechanism therapeutic action high-frequency magnetic field plays the role of the so-called oscillatory effect, which is most pronounced at low thermal exposure doses.

Under the influence of inductothermia, deep prolonged hyperemia occurs in the tissues, blood circulation and lymph flow increase, tissue metabolism increases, neuromuscular excitability decreases, the phagocytic ability of leukocytes increases, the glucocorticoid function of the adrenal cortex is stimulated, catecholamine excretion increases, and the activity of enzyme-forming systems is activated.

Inductothermy has pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects.


    subacute and chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, etc.);

    diseases of the musculoskeletal system (consequences of traumatic injuries, arthritis, arthrosis, etc.);

    chronic and autoimmune respiratory diseases ( Chronical bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma, etc.);

    chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus, appendages, Bladder and prostate.


    malignant neoplasms or suspicion of them, polyps of the stomach, intestines, bladder, blood diseases, active tuberculosis, myocardial infarction in acute period diseases, bleeding, mastopathy, uterine fibroids, pregnancy, suppurative processes, cardiovascular diseases with circulatory failure stage II-III, acute period inflammatory diseases especially diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs.

Equipment, general instructions for the implementation of procedures

For inductothermy, the IKB-4 apparatus is used. Two inductor disks with diameters of 22 cm and 12 cm and an inductor cable are attached to it. The maximum output power of the IKV-4 device with a large inductor corresponds to 200 W and is regulated by eight steps of the intensity switch. Weak thermal dose corresponds to I-III divisions, thermal IV-VI and intensive VII-VIII divisions of the intensity switch. output power with a small inductor of 50 W, it is achieved on the II-III divisions of the intensity switch.

Between the inductor-disk or the inductor-cable and the patient's body, it is necessary to create a gap of 1-1.5 cm with the help of towels, sheets, blankets folded in several layers. The coils of the cable are fixed with special plastic "combs" at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

The procedure of inductothermy is carried out within 20-30 minutes. daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Warning: after ingestion of barium diagnostic purposes inductothermy on the abdomen and pelvis cannot be used until the intestines are completely empty in order to avoid burns of the mucous membrane from heating the barium mass. In order to avoid burns of the skin, inductothermy should not be used if metal objects and structures adjacent to skin are within the range of the device. Do not use inductothermia with an implanted pacemaker.

Some of the procedures

Inductothermia of the lower limb

The patient lies down on a wooden couch. Over the linen, the limb is wrapped with a terry towel, flannelette blanket or sheet. The inductor-cable is applied to the limb in the form of a spiral, the coils of the cable are fixed with special "combs", and the ends are connected to the attachment to the "IKV-4" apparatus. The intensity switch is set to position IV-V. During the procedure, the patient feels a slight warmth under the inductor.

The duration of exposure is 15-20 minutes daily. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Inductothermy of the lungs

An inductor disk with a diameter of 12 cm is placed over the affected lobe of the lung with a gap of 1.5 cm. The intensity switch on the IKV-4 apparatus is set in position I-II

The duration of exposure is 15-20 minutes daily. The course of treatment is 10 procedures.

Induction of the uterus, appendages, bladder

The patient lies down on a wooden couch. A terry towel is placed on the lower abdomen to create a gap of 1.5 cm, an inductor-disk with a diameter of 22 cm is placed on top. The intensity switch is set to position IV-VI.

The duration of exposure is 20-30 minutes daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 12-15 procedures.



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