Smoking girl before and after. Woman's face before and after smoking

The appearance “deteriorates” especially badly smoking women, here the consequences of smoking can be simply catastrophic. So what happens to the face while smoking?

The effect of smoking on facial skin

When smoking, the skin is simultaneously exposed to several harmful factors. It is fumigated by hot cigarette smoke, which prevents the epidermis from breathing normally and pollutes the upper layers of the skin. Under the influence of nicotine, collagen fibers become thinner and blood supply to tissues deteriorates.

As a result of active smoking, the smoker’s face not only looks sick and aged, but also greatly increases the risk of developing such terrible diseases, How squamous cell carcinoma skin, malignant tumors top and lower lip. Simply put, every cigarette you smoke is a “blow” to your face, inside and out.

This is how nicotine and cigarette smoke affect delicate human skin.

The effect of nicotine on facial skin

Getting into the blood, nicotine quickly, within 5-8 seconds, spreads throughout the body, getting into the blood along with the blood. internal organs and skin. But even before this, due to nicotine, a sharp spasm of all blood vessels occurs. The smallest capillaries and arterioles “collapse”, oxygen and nutrients do not enter the tissues, and the skin of the face begins to experience a sharp shortage of all this.

Do you think that doctors are exaggerating the problem too much and nothing bad will happen from 1 cigarette? Just imagine - 1 cigarette smoked causes vasospasm for about 20 minutes, and it reduces oxygen levels by 5%. It is enough to smoke 5 cigarettes a day to develop oxygen starvation, but what if there are 10 or 20 of them?

Photo of twins. One of them smokes, the other does not.

But in addition to vasoconstriction, another danger lurks for the smoker’s skin and face - under the influence of nicotine, the collagen fibers that provide the elasticity and thickness of the skin become thinner, weaker and more fragile. It is not surprising that the face suffers the most from this, where there are few fatty deposits and the skin is open to all external influences.

Nicotine not only causes contraction small vessels, it also reduces the elasticity of their walls, as a result of which a clearly visible spider vein or rosacea appears on the smoker’s face.

And the lack of vitamin C, also caused by nicotine, further aggravates the situation, slowing down the processes of regeneration and renewal of skin cells. Actually, for this reason, smokers and quitters are advised to pay attention to the side.

Effect of tobacco smoke

Not only does tobacco smoke contain many harmful substances, but it is also hot enough to burn the upper layers of the epidermis. And even if the smoker does not feel anything unpleasant when smoking a cigarette, he skin are constantly injured and become tougher and rougher over time. And a smoky, red and flaky face is only good in movies about cowboys, but not in real life.

Photo of twins. One of them smokes, the other does not.

Except external influence When tobacco smoke gets on the skin, it clogs the pores, which disrupts normal skin breathing and the secretion of sebum. Clogged pores become an ideal breeding ground for germs, which can cause unpleasant formations such as blackheads, pimples or blackheads.

Possible consequences

The consequences of smoking will not keep you waiting - within a few years the smoker’s face will begin to lose its freshness and purity. It is impossible to say in advance how quickly and how much smoking will “damage” your face. The aging process will depend on the number of cigarettes smoked daily, environment, heredity, nutrition, other bad habits and many more factors.

But it’s enough to smoke for a couple of years and the so-called “smoker’s lines” appear on your face. These are vertical wrinkles around the mouth, " crow's feet around the eyes, and loose skin on the cheeks and chin. Add to this the redness and roughening of the skin caused by tobacco smoke, the appearance spider veins on the nose and cheeks, as well as pimples and blackheads, which will be very difficult for a smoker to get rid of.

And this is also the safest and most favorable option. It will be much worse if you develop psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus or lip cancer from smoking. But the risk of developing these diseases in smokers is several times higher! And they are much more difficult to treat, leaving noticeable marks on the skin.

The effect of cigarettes and nicotine on facial skin has been studied more than enough. Moreover, the longer you smoke, the less chance you have of regaining your original appearance. Unfortunately, wrinkles that appear on the face as a result of smoking are almost impossible to remove. But you can get rid of redness, dry skin and sallow complexion after just a few months of quitting smoking.

Doctors have long noticed that the fact about the dangers of smoking, which affects women (primarily) is negative impact nicotine on a woman's appearance. After all, the substances contained in tobacco not only affect the internal organs, but also the skin, narrowing the superficial vessels, as a result of which the skin gets less food and ages much faster. It is the skin of a smoking woman that reveals her addiction to the bad habit. The woman is in a state of constant stress due to oxygen starvation. Several years of constant smoking of five cigarettes a day is enough for a woman’s skin to change, dull and become dry and gray. The surface of the skin of a woman who smokes is dull and lifeless, and wrinkles appear much faster than that of a non-smoker. If you compare a 30-year-old woman who uses nicotine and a 50-year-old woman who does not have such an addiction, it is not yet a fact which of them will look younger and fresher.

The term "smoker's face" was coined by Dr. Douglas Model in his article in scientific journal British Medical Journal back in 1985. He named the following typical symptoms"smoker's face":

Sagging skin that has lost elasticity;

Deep nasolabial folds;

A network of wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”);

Sunken cheeks with sharp cheekbones and deep vertical wrinkles.

The voice also changes, it loses its sonority, acquires a reduced timbre, hoarseness. Hair, nails, teeth suffer. Nails peel and break, and hair becomes dull and, no matter what shampoo you wash it with, the smell of tobacco smoke will be ineradicable.
A woman’s teeth also deteriorate quickly, and permanent yellow plaque cannot be removed simply by brushing with toothpaste. Caries loves this one very much oral cavity, and this disease is five times more likely to occur in smokers. But that’s not all - in women who smoke, the formation of estrogen hormones decreases, which leads to premature old age, decreased female sexual attractiveness, violation menstrual cycle and infertility.

Even being under the sun is contraindicated for a smoking woman! After all, the skin that is not exposed to nicotine can be exposed to direct sunlight for about 20 minutes, and the skin of a smoking woman is exposed to oxidative processes that cause aging after just 5 minutes of exposure to the sun.

External manifestations of the effects of cigarettes on the skin:

  • grayish skin color due to narrowed peripheral vessels and deterioration of blood supply and oxygen starvation;

  • yellowish complexion due to slagging in the body, harmful effects on the liver;

  • rough skin due to disruption of keratinization processes. Dead particles of the epidermis take longer to exfoliate due to disruption of the functions of many body systems. In particular, due to the toxic effect on hormonal system women. We must remember that a woman’s skin contains many hormone-sensitive receptors. Therefore, the slightest changes in a woman’s hormonal sphere are “written” on her face;

  • sagging skin: substances contained in cigarettes destroy collagen and elastin fibers, and also change their chemical structure, which negatively affects the appearance;

  • dry skin due to constant narrowing of capillaries. The skin does not receive enough nutrients and moisture;

  • dark circles under the eyes: consequence harmful influence smoking on the cardiovascular system;

  • pigmentation disorders: harmful substances unbalance the functioning of pigment-forming cells, so smokers often have an uneven complexion;

  • allergic skin reactions: tars formed during the combustion of tobacco settle in the lungs, causing constant infectious and allergic processes that affect the body as a whole, and the skin in particular;

  • increased sensitivity to sun rays- smokers experience increased oxidative processes, which cause cell aging after just 5 minutes of exposure to the sun;

  • smokers are more likely to experience scars even after acne due to worsening regeneration processes;

  • brittle hair and nails - due to constant oxygen starvation and tissue trophic disorders.

Smoking experience
Manifold negative influence smoking affects all structures and components of the skin. It is impossible to say unequivocally how quickly the appearance of a smoking woman will change depending on her experience, because

genetics plays an important role here general state body. One thing can be said that sooner or later the face of a smoking woman will have all of the above signs. And the longer her smoking experience, the less chance she has of returning her skin to a healthy appearance.

Skin type (which is primarily affected by smoking)
Where the skin is genetically weak (that is, thin, transparent, white, like parchment paper) bad habit, like smoking, will do its dirty deed very quickly. This is exactly the skin people have around their eyes - and it ages much faster.

Passive smoking
It makes no difference to the skin whether a woman smokes actively or inhales smoke passively. Bad influence It's just as great on the skin. And many non-smoking women suffer from this problem, who, due to their profession, are forced to stay in smoky rooms. Through certain time they begin to notice on their skin all the signs of smokers: grey colour, peeling, dullness of the skin, fine wrinkles, skin irritation, etc.

Harmful Ingredients
Ingredients contained in cigarettes (nicotine, tar, formaldehyde, lead, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, benzene, methanol, etc.) are dangerous for a woman’s appearance. Each of the listed components cigarette smoke has its own target organ. But the degree and speed of damage to an organ by toxins largely depends on genetic characteristics body. Therefore, the order in which signs of aging appear is very individual. For some, their complexion will deteriorate significantly, for others a fine network of wrinkles will appear, for others all the signs of aging will appear simultaneously. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure which of the ingredients is more dangerous.

Dangerous amount of cigarettes
There is no safe amount of cigarettes. Every one or two cigarettes is a step towards problems and diseases. Main active substance tobacco is an alkaloid nicotine, lethal single dose which for a person is 0.06-0.08 g. It is contained in 20-25 cigarettes. However, a smoker does not die from smoking that many cigarettes. This is explained by the fact that nicotine comes in small portions and causes not acute, but chronic poisoning body. Under the influence of nicotine, the activity of the sympathetic nerves increases - the pulse rate increases, arterial pressure, pulse filling; due to increased contractility of the myocardium, its excitability increases. If there is atherosclerotic vasoconstriction, myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia, and ventricular fibrillation may occur. In other words, nicotine enhances heart function and increases myocardial oxygen consumption.

Type of cigarettes
Many people believe that light cigarettes are less harmful, but this clean water self-deception When smoking light cigarettes, a person takes deeper puffs and smokes more often. Of course, the filter performs some kind of barrier function between harmful substances and the body, but its role is highly exaggerated.

Differences (between cigarettes, cigars and pipe smoking)
"Inhalation of tobacco smoke by any means is equally dangerous," said Dr. Graham Barr, professor of medicine and epidemiology. Medical center at Columbia University. His work was published in one of the magazine issues Annals of Internal Medicine. A number of nicotine lovers are of the opinion that cigars and pipes are less harmful on the grounds that when smoking them, tobacco smoke is supposedly not inhaled deeply into the lungs. In the USA l an experiment was carried out, as a result of which it was established that Fans of both pipes and cigars and cigarettes are almost equally susceptible to the toxins contained in tobacco smoke entering their bodies.

Salon procedures contraindicated for smokers
One can hardly call visiting a solarium a salon procedure, but it is strictly contraindicated for a woman who smokes. Selectively, peelings, microdermabrasion, thermal masks, vaporization when cleaning may not be suitable for sensitive skin smokers. But a competent cosmetologist will cope with the selection cosmetic procedures for any skin.

Treatments (salon) to help smokers look better
The selection of procedures in the salon will be determined by the task at hand. But, knowing what happens to a smoker’s skin, we can note a number of priority procedures:

· The following will help improve skin color and texture: microdermabrasion, peelings, mesotherapy, IPL, photorejuvenation, laser peelings, fractional laser procedures.

· Dry skin can be removed by: biorevitalization, iontophoresis and ultrasound with appropriate medications, and moisturizing salon procedures.

· WITH vascular network Vascular coagulation using IPL, photo-coagulation, laser coagulation(Nd:YAG laser) , salon care aimed at strengthening the vascular wall, tissue detoxification.

· Large wrinkles are a priority salon treatments, How contour plastic surgery, botulinum toxin preparations.

· A woman who smokes should not be left without thorough cosmetic home care. Daily care should contain vitamins A, E, coenzyme Q 10, oxygen.

Many smokers think like this: I’ll have plastic surgery and that will solve everything. aesthetic problems. But in the questionnaire filled out by the patient at the plastic surgeon, there is always a column “Do you smoke?” This means that women who smoke postoperative period not always calm. Sutures heal worse, rehabilitation takes longer and is not always predictable. Smoking has long ceased to be a fashionable habit, and a girl sitting at a table in a cafe and smoking, albeit an elegant one, thin cigarette, no longer evokes the respect and admiration of men. Now “in fashion” are women who smell of freshness and youth, not tobacco!

Copyright: Anastasia ZVARICH (for the magazine "KEY",

Our consultant:Latinskaya Alla Nikolaevna, dermatologist, cosmetologist.

Women, as well as men, spare neither money nor effort for their beauty. But, paradoxically, every day they undermine it with smoking. This habit is explained by everyday hassle, the fast pace of life, the need to relax and relieve stress.

How does smoking affect your appearance and image?

▪ Bad breath, yellowing of teeth, and dental whitening helps smokers for a very short time, and any lipstick only emphasizes the unaesthetic color of teeth and gums. Expensive perfumes also “fly past the cash register.”

Unpleasant smell from hair. Like bad breath, this is one of those factors that put an end to successful communication and even more so the proximity between smokers and non-smokers.

▪ Burnt holes on clothes – okay, even on jeans, but what if it’s a Dior dress?..

▪ Decreased sense of smell, change taste sensations. You won't be able to pass for a gourmet or a perfume connoisseur.

▪ Dry cough, especially in the morning. Agree, the sight of a young lady bursting into a hoarse “cackle” does not give rise to romantic thoughts. The same applies to men.

▪ Decreased immunity and stamina. It will be difficult to show off at a corporate summer picnic or during a group trip to the pool. And even during fitness classes, smokers run out of steam even during the warm-up.

But that is not all. Have you heard the term "nicotine face" ?

It can be recognized by premature wrinkles, dry gray skin, and a yellowish tint to the whites of the eyes. Although no one has ever died from wrinkles and unattractive skin color, these unpleasant metamorphoses are still a compelling argument in favor of quitting smoking. Especially if you started smoking, considering it a sign of glamor. No one argues that wrinkles are an integral sign of aging, but smoking accelerates this process so much that a woman who smokes looks much older than her true age.

The concept of "smoker's face" was invented in 1985 by Dr. Douglas Model. He proved that when toxins from cigarettes penetrate the skin, they narrow blood vessels. This especially affects the tiny capillaries that are located nearby in upper layers facial skin. Plus, due to cigarette smoke, the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood increases and the oxygen content decreases, which means that the skin of the face is poorly enriched with oxygen and nutrients that are beneficial to it.

The main symptoms of “smoker's face”

(appears after three years of regular smoking):

▪ sharply defined nasolabial furrows and deep folds extending from the corners of the mouth;

▪ a network of wrinkles around the eyes - “crow’s feet”;

▪ sunken cheeks – wrinkles form on them, perpendicular to the lip line;

▪ sharply defined cheekbones;

▪ emaciated, atrophic skin of a gray and sometimes purple hue;

▪ circles under the eyes – reddish, lilac, orange and brownish shades are obtained due to the fact that the normal supply of oxygen to the skin is disrupted.

Will a cosmetologist help?

There is only one way to prevent the impending metamorphosis - quit smoking. After a few weeks, the color and texture of the skin will improve. But not everyone can cope with the habit, which, as you know, is second nature. Is it possible to neutralize the harmful effects of tobacco on the skin?

Modern cosmetology has few procedures that will help get rid of “ nicotine face" One of them is microdermabrasion. It is a mechanical peeling of the skin. Microcrystalline powder is applied to it under pressure, which is instantly sucked out using a vacuum tube. For smokers, this is exactly what they need, because their skin is thickened due to the dead layer. No creams, serums or tonics can get through it. And the money paid for cosmetical tools, are thrown into the wind.

Advice for smokers from dermatologists and cosmetologists:

▪ Be careful sunlight. Both nicotine and ultraviolet radiation age the skin. And the combination of cigarettes and tanning is a very dangerous cocktail. It is also not recommended to abuse solariums. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation should be short-lived, and, in addition, be sure to use sunscreen.

▪ Avoid anything hot: warm masks, baths and saunas, too hot drinks and food. If you look carefully in the mirror, you will see a fine network of blood vessels on the cheeks or wings of the nose. This is rosacea. To one degree or another, every smoker has it. And you need to give up hot foods to prevent the disease from progressing.

▪ Visit a cosmetologist. The selection of cosmetics for a woman who smokes should be carried out as carefully as possible, and this cannot be done without a “confrontation”.

▪ Cream for daily skin care must contain either vitamins A, E and coenzyme Q10 or oxygen. Vitamins A and E are active antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Smokers produce a lot of these free radicals, much more than non-smokers. Therefore, antioxidants are simply necessary.

Will a plastic surgeon help?

Not all women smokers can count on help correcting their appearance flaws. Plastic surgery. The fact is that “correct” cosmetic surgeons measure the level of nicotine in the blood and refuse to perform operations if the level exceeds the permissible value. The fact is that post-operative scars from braces may not heal due to poor blood supply and low regenerative ability of the skin.

And finally - one “interesting” fact. Did you know that the total mass of cigarette butts on Earth per year is more than two and a half million tons? So smoking affects not only the face of the smoker, but also the face of the entire planet.

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Skin is a protective cover, a boundary that protects the human body from all kinds of harmful effects– mechanical, chemical, temperature, etc. She takes the first blow if such an impact occurs, and its consequences are reflected both in her appearance and in functional features. Smoking has an extremely detrimental effect on the skin; however, there is hardly an organ that does not suffer from the influence of tobacco smoke.


Scientists began studying the effects of tobacco smoke on the skin in parallel with the search for the relationship lung cancer and smoking, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and diseases of cardio-vascular system. The first mentions of this date back to the mid-19th century. Even then it was noted early and abundant appearance wrinkles in heavy smokers.

The problem of the effect of smoking on the skin began to be addressed most actively in the 90s of the last century, at which time the term “smoker’s face” or “cigarette skin” was introduced: an increase in the number of wrinkles and their characteristic location around the mouth; pallor, swelling, gray skin, reddish-orange complexion.

Determined that…

...there is a direct correlation between the number of wrinkles on the skin of women’s faces and their smoking experience. Substitute hormone therapy, prescribed to postmenopausal women, and having one of the goals of improving the condition of the skin and preventing its aging, does not have a significant effect in women who smoke.
...sun exposure in combination with smoking ages the skin of the face much more than either factor alone.

…other things being equal, smokers on average look older than they are biological age 2-3 years than non-smokers.
…smoking makes it worse skin problems in patients with diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
...smokers have a longer and more difficult time healing wounds, psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa and oncological diseases– skin, red border of the lips and oral mucosa.
... there is a direct correlation between early graying of hair and smoking.

Mechanisms of the influence of smoking on physiological processes in the skin

The direct effect of tobacco smoke toxins on the metabolism in skin cells: free radicals damage the protein-lipid structures of the cell wall, slowing down the process of their natural restoration.

Spasm peripheral vessels, including small capillary network, nourishing the skin under the influence of nicotine. The resulting oxygen starvation reduces the synthesis of collagen (a fibrillar protein that gives the skin elasticity).

Along with this, smokers significantly increase the amount of the enzyme MMP (matrix metalloproteinase), which is responsible for the destruction of elastin. Elastin fibers become thickened and fragmented.

Thinning of the skin due to poor circulation. A smoker's thinner skin has much less compensation to counteract the negative effects external factors. This is both cold and ultraviolet solar radiation, and wind, and small dust particles, and heat in the summer heat.

Tobacco smoke upon direct contact causes irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as their drying out. In addition, nicotine, acting on the skin from within the body, has some diuretic effect, which reduces the amount of moisture in lower sections stratum corneum.

Also contributes to the appearance of wrinkles infrared radiation, which is subjectively perceived as the thermal effect created by the cigarette. Under the influence of infrared radiation, the number of elastin fibers in the skin increases significantly and they thicken. This phenomenon is called IR-induced elastosis, by analogy with UV-induced elastosis. The presence of a constant source of thermal energy, which, in fact, is a cigarette, increases the likelihood of developing elastosis in smokers and increasing the formation of wrinkles on the facial skin.

Smokers are more likely to suffer from insomnia and experience feelings of fatigue and lack of sleep. This is due to sleep abstinence syndrome - the body experiences a lack of nicotine, which forces the smoker to grab a cigarette as soon as he opens his eyes in the morning. Sleep in this state is superficial, restless, and shallow. The body does not receive the necessary rest. This condition, systematically repeated, causes irreparable damage to the skin of the face - pallor, bags and dark circles under the eyes, folds around the mouth, especially noticeable “crow’s feet” on such a morning...

Smoking contributes to the destruction of vitamins A and C - one of the most powerful antioxidants that prevent aging of the body at the cellular level. The amount of these vitamins in a smoker is sharply reduced, which leads to metabolic disorders in the skin and a slowdown in the renewal of its cells.

Aging is also an increase in the number of mutations in the genetic apparatus of skin cells. In addition to emerging naturally, many genetic damage provokes great amount carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke. Therefore, skin cancer is much more common in smokers than in non-smokers.

The following photographs will help to demonstrate the difference between the skin of a smoker and a non-smoker. One of these twin sisters (Twin B) smoked half a pack of cigarettes for 14 years, and her sister (Twin A) never smoked.
Considering that the genes of these women are absolutely identical, we can confidently say that different condition skin caused by smoking of one of the sisters.

Smoking and psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disease of an autoimmune nature, the causes of which are still not fully understood. However, for its occurrence, a provoking moment is always required, a certain “button” that turns on the disease. The fact that smoking may be such a button is evidenced by data from numerous studies.

The risk of psoriasis increases by 20% in smokers who smoke a pack of cigarettes daily for 10 years.
Twenty years of smoking experience means a 60% risk of developing psoriasis.
Even passive smoking in childhood or during pregnancy can trigger psoriasis in adulthood.

Smoking and human papillomavirus

Obviously, due to the fact that smoking weakens immune system, smokers are more likely to be infected with HPV, the human papillomavirus. This is a whole group of sexually transmitted viruses that cause damage to the surface epithelium and mucous membranes. Manifestations of the disease may be absent, or may be expressed in the appearance of warts, genital warts and even cervical cancer in women. However, one should not be discounted interesting fact: even with an equal number of sexual partners, a woman who smokes has a four (!) times higher risk of contracting HPV than a non-smoker.

"Smoker's acne"

This term was first introduced by Italian researchers from the San Gallicano Dermatological Institute in Rome. They found that women are more susceptible to smoker's acne. With this disease, the skin pores become clogged and pimples form. Data from this study were published in the British Journal of Dermatology. 1000 women aged 25 to 50 years were examined. Acne was observed in 42% of smokers, while among non-smokers this figure barely reached 10%. It was also found that patients who had puberty problematic skin individuals have the same difficulties in mature age, if they smoke – about 4 times more often than non-smokers.
Smoker's acne is a special non-inflammatory type acne(NIA), has been recognized as a new serious phenomenon in the field of skin diseases, the occurrence of which is directly related to smoking.

Cosmetological solution to skin problems associated with smoking

Most women who smoke note a deterioration in the condition of the skin of the face and body, more wrinkles appear, skin color fades, and the skin itself becomes dry and thin. Despite proper anti-aging care, significant improvement it is very difficult to achieve, and there is only one way out of this situation - complete failure from smoking. Only like this radical measure will allow the skin to recover.

Quitting smoking is very difficult for many people. For improvement appearance For such patients, dermabrasion or laser photorejuvenation of facial skin is recommended. However, as you continue to smoke, the effect of these procedures quickly wears off, and wrinkles appear again.
If a smoking patient is planning a more serious cosmetic intervention, which will be accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, she is recommended to quit smoking at least a month before the planned operation. For better healing wounds and prevention of scarring, there should be good blood circulation in the facial skin.

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Skin photosensitivity
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Dermatology has special term to determine the features that the skin of smokers acquires: the face of a smoker.

Any person who takes care of his own appearance pays attention to his face. And women in particular. It turns out to be a paradox: women who spend a lot of money on cosmetics for their face, at the same time have a negative impact on it through smoking. Perhaps this is because they don't even know about it. Let's discuss this in more detail.

Why does a woman need a smoker's face?

  • Cigarettes contain several thousand different toxins. Most of them are immediately absorbed into the blood and directly enter the skin. During smoking, blood vessels narrow, which has a bad effect on the condition of capillaries in the skin. Skin gets little nutrients and oxygen, as a result, collagen production deteriorates. If you have a vague idea of ​​what it is, then this is a substance on which the elasticity of the skin depends.
  • Smoking is the enemy, it completely neutralizes it. Namely, this vitamin should protect collagen and prevent its destruction. Gradually, the skin, which does not have enough collagen, loses its elasticity and becomes wrinkled.
  • Smoking also impairs the skin's ability to regenerate. As numerous studies have proven, after smoking a cigarette, the blood vessels remain in a constricted state for another full hour and a half. And if a pack or even more than one is smoked during the day, then the whole body will suffer from a lack of oxygen for a very long time.
  • The condition of the skin directly depends on the number of cigarettes; the more cigarettes, the worse the skin. A women's skin suffers much more than men's skin because it is more exposed to smoke.

What features distinguish the face of a smoking woman?

  1. First of all, she can be given more years than her non-smoking counterpart.
  2. The skin is mostly gray or yellow, with red spots appearing on it.
  3. It becomes drier and sags.
  4. Smokers seem to have a little sunken cheeks and eyes, and puffiness appears.
  5. Existing wrinkles are clearly visible, especially in the eye and mouth area.
  6. May appear on the skin dark spots. Of course, this fate can befall anyone who overexposes themselves to the sun, but smoking people spots are more likely to appear.
  7. Couperosis may appear on the face, which is a consequence of poor blood flow in the tissues. Over the years, the network of blood vessels will become larger.
  8. you will have to forget about the uniform structure of the skin. As a result of smoking will appear. The smallest particles of soot get on the skin, the pores become clogged, so the number of blackheads increases and inflammation appears.

The skin, of course, may not be in perfect condition and healthy person, but for a smoker the situation tends to be critical.

But not everything is so bad and hopeless. The situation can be improved. And you probably already guessed how. Naturally, by quitting smoking. In addition, it will be possible to take some additional actions.

How to get rid of smoker's face:

  • So, you need to compensate for the deficiency by using various fortified nourishing creams.
  • It is better to take care of your skin and not be in the sun for too long. Foundations should be selected with UV protection.
  • Take care of your diet. The body needs to be filled with vitamins and essential microelements. The problem needs to be solved holistically, inside and out.
  • If you get it right healthy image life, you will use the right cosmetics, then you won’t have to wait long for improvements.

" !" We remind you once again: dear women, because of smoking you risk losing the substances that keep your skin youthful. Therefore, it is better not to smoke and not to start, but if things turn out differently, then try to do everything to restore the skin.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs