What do you need to become an honorary donor? Legislative regulation of the issue

Announcement. Who is an honorary donor in 2019? The assignment procedure and where to apply.
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That is why all those who help people live are worthy of respect and encouragement. These include those who donate blood to support the lives of others.

What you need to know

Previous assignment this status was only for those citizens who distinguished themselves in work. Now, several legal amendments have been made that make it possible to obtain this status.

In this case, it is not necessary to expect the arrival of a pension. The title can be obtained immediately after receiving the appropriate certificate.

But there is also a condition - the insurance period is at least 25 years and 20 years for men and women, respectively.

Such citizens receive social support only after reaching retirement age.

Advantages and disadvantages

This procedure has several positive and negative aspects.

Positive sides
  • You can donate blood for money if you already have honorary donor status. There is not a lot of money - 150–3,000 rubles. It all depends on the specific region of the Russian Federation. If it's urgent necessary help, then this is the maximum amount. It also depends on what exactly is being donated - Rh factor, component or blood;
  • issued established sample, according to which you can demand from the employer two days off while maintaining your salary;
  • a person becomes a priority when allocating various vouchers and sanatoriums. A person also has the opportunity to pay for a certificate of incapacity for work for any type of disease. Payment will be equal to full salary;
  • if a student becomes a donor, he has the right to receive a 25% increase in the scholarship within six months;
  • if this is an honorary donor, then he can count on receiving various benefits– monthly and one-time allowance, treatment in medical institutions free of charge, vouchers and vacation at any time
Among the shortcomings we can highlight
  • strict requirements for donors;
  • You can donate blood only on certain days and only during working hours;
  • some citizens cannot donate blood because they do not meet the minimum weight threshold;
  • enough high conditions to receive the title of honorary donor

Replenishing the blood bank is a noble cause that helps save and cure many people. Winners of a special medal and rank " Honorary Donor Russia“are encouraged in every possible way by the state. Those awarded this badge include persons who have performed the following actions:

  • donated blood at least 40 times;
  • donated blood and its components at least 25 times. At the same time, plasma was also donated, and the total number of these procedures was 40 ;
  • donated blood and components of this fluid up to 25 times. At the same time, plasma donation, summed up with the above procedure, amounted to at least 60 times;
  • donated plasma at least 60 times.

One of the conditions for assigning the status of an honored donor, which stands alongside the number of fences, is the implementation of the procedure without receiving payment ().

Benefits for honorary donors in Russia are provided upon availability of a certificate and are as follows:

  1. A donor in Russia has the right to health improvement and spa treatment primarily on the basis of vouchers issued at an enterprise or educational institution.
  2. Rendering medical care V government institutions without payment and out of turn.
  3. One type of privilege is additional leave, provided in accordance with labor standards and paid by the employer.

Procedure for obtaining status

Since the right to be awarded a badge and a title honorary/deserved donor belongs to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection; to obtain this status, you must contact the social protection authorities.

There is a certain procedure that consists of several stages:

  1. Collection of the necessary package of documents.
  2. Drawing up an application and submitting it to the department.
  3. Review of information about the applicant by the responsible authority.
  4. Making a decision by the management and notifying the citizen about it.

From the moment the review of documents begins until the applicant receives information about the decision, there must be no more than 95 days. The result can be either positive or negative, but it must be justified. In the first case, the final moment is the granting of the title and the issuance of the corresponding certificate.

List of required documents

To assign status Honorary Donor of Russia 2019 year, you must provide the following documents:

  • identity card - passport;
  • certificates issued in accordance with legal requirements from medical institution who collects blood and components, about the fact of donation.

Collecting documents is not difficult; certificates are issued at each visit to a special medical institution and collection of blood and components.

An example on the topic of receiving the title “Honorary Donor of Russia”

Christina Steinfeld is running for obtaining the status “Honorary Donor of Russia”. This possibility is regulated:

  • Federal Law No. 125 dated July 20, 2012 (as amended on May 23, 2016).
  • By Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 246 dated March 31, 2005 (as amended on April 5, 2012).
  • Government Decree No. 1228 dated November 26, 2012.

According to these laws, an honorary donor is recognized as a person who has donated blood and its components 40 or more times, or blood plasma 60 or more times.

The citizen meets the necessary criteria, so when she next donated blood at the clinic, she contacted the administration of this medical institution to be included in the personal list of donors applying for an honorary title.

After adding her name to this list, the latter is formalized in the regional or regional center blood transfusions to provide the necessary information to the regional executive authority in the field of healthcare. The list is subsequently submitted to the Ministry of Health for approval.

Ministry of Health during 45 days from the day of receipt of documents, establishes an order to award these persons with an honorary title. Within 15 days the order and the badges attached to it are sent to the place where the application was submitted.

Within one month after receiving the awards, Steinfeld was invited to a gala event at the district clinic, where she was presented with an honorary badge and a corresponding certificate.

During the presentation of awards, the citizen was explained her privileges that arose upon being awarded the title “Honorary Donor of Russia,” including a set of social benefits and regular monetary allowance. The annual benefit amount is 10,557 rubles.


Whatever benefits and payments are assigned to honorary donors, they will always be of this category of citizens. The state encourages such noble deeds with the following:

  1. Annual cash payments for citizens of this category.
  2. Social guarantees and benefits.
  3. Additional privileges that are provided on the basis of regional legislative documents.

The most popular questions and answers to them regarding registration of honorary donor status

Question: I have been donating blood and its components for seven and a half years. The procedures take place in accordance with a special schedule. During this period, my blood was drawn 26 times and plasma 31 times. I donate without payment. I contacted a specialist with a question about receiving the title of Merited/Honorary Donor of the Federation. To which I was told that such an opportunity would come after 40 blood draws or 60 plasma draws. Are there other conditions for the above status?

Answer: Exist alternative conditions, which are stipulated in Law 125, dated July 2012. It states that the title of Distinguished/Honorary Donor can be awarded to a person who:

  • donated blood at least 25 times, and the sum of such withdrawals and donation of plasma should not be less than 40 times;
  • donated blood less than 25 times, and the sum of these procedures and plasma collections must be at least 60 times.

Compliance with one of the above points will allow you to obtain the desired status.

I donated my first blood at 19 for money. Now I am 27 years old, and I am an honorary donor to Russia.

I have been donating blood for the last nine years and have done so more than 75 times.

Every third person will need a blood transfusion at least once in their life. If hospitals do not have spare blood, the patient may die.

Donating blood is not painful or scary. You will help other people, and the state will thank you. I'll tell you how to become a donor and get bonuses from it.

Victor Sikirin

honorary donor

Who can become a donor

Anyone can become a donor in Russia healthy man over 18 years old. Donation has contraindications:

donors per 1000 inhabitants are needed to cover the need for donated blood, according to WHO. In Russia there are three times less of them

  • chronic or contagious diseases;
  • weight less than 50 kg.

Those who have had the flu, ARVI or tonsillitis should temporarily refrain from donating blood. To become a donor after piercing, tattoos, childbirth or surgery, you need to wait 6-12 months.

What is blood donation like?

Whole blood. At one time, doctors take 450 ml of blood from a vein. Men can donate blood no more than once every two months, women - once every three months.

Platelets or plasma. IN modern medicine What is needed is not the whole blood, but its components: plasma and platelets. During donation, the components are separated from the blood, the rest is returned to the vein along with saline solution to normalize the pressure. Blood components can be donated once every 2 weeks. Every 4-6 donations take a break for a month.

If you become a regular donor, you will most often donate blood components. Donate them 10-20 times a year and become an honorary donor in 3-6 years.

Donate blood ahead of schedule It won’t work: all donors are included in a single register and they simply won’t let you through at the transfusion station. Missing the deadline is harmful to health, because the body does not have time to recover.

Blood in quarantine

After the first blood donation, she is quarantined for 6 months. During this time, the donor must again donate blood for examination to rule out infection. If this is not done, the blood will be disposed of.

The blood transfusion station should call you and invite you again. But in reality, donors are often forgotten. It’s better to come yourself a few months after the first delivery.

Where do you donate blood?

Some donor centers only accept pre-registration, I advise you to call and find out. Unified information phone number of the donor service: 8 800 333–33–30.

I advise donating blood at a transfusion station, not at a hospital. Everything at the station is well organized: offices are nearby, the process is automated, the equipment is modern. It can be worse in hospitals.

Blood transfusion station in Voronezh on Transportnaya Street. The main donor point of the city. Here they donate blood and issue an honorary donor certificate. How to donate blood

Three days before the test, you should not take aspirin and analgesics, and two days before the test you should not drink alcohol. The day before, it is advised not to eat fatty, spicy and smoked foods, and dairy products. Be sure to get a good night's sleep and have a light breakfast of sweet tea and something low-fat. You should not smoke before the procedure.

The earlier in the day you donate blood, the easier your body will tolerate the donation. It is best to donate blood before 11 o'clock. Only experienced donors come to lunch.

What to take with you

To donate blood for the first time to a transfusion station, you need to take your passport and fluorography results. Men also need to bring a military ID or registration certificate. From the second donation you will only need a passport.

Present your documents at the transfusion station. Fill out a health questionnaire and an application for monetary compensation for food.

For the first time, blood will be taken from a finger prick to determine your blood type and hemoglobin level. A therapist will see you: examine you, weigh you, measure your blood pressure and ask you about your health. Afterwards you will be invited to the treatment room.

Registration at the blood transfusion station
Donors donate blood reclining in special chairs

Blood or plasma is donated in the treatment room. This usually takes an hour. If you are asked how you will hand over - manually or automatically - choose manually, it’s faster.

Donating blood doesn't hurt. Most likely, you will not feel anything other than a slight sting. Much depends on individual characteristics, sometimes the donor may feel dizzy or nauseous and even lose consciousness. There is no need to be afraid of this: experienced staff is always ready. In nine years of donating, I only felt sick once, and that was because I didn’t eat breakfast. A couple of times I saw girls getting sick, but they easily returned to normal after airing. If you feel strange, tell the staff immediately.

Afterwards you will be given a certificate for your employer and sent home. In the next couple of days, you need to eat well and drink plenty of fluids. It's better to refuse physical activity.


The vein puncture site is generously treated with a disinfecting solution. All instruments are disposable and sterile, they are unpacked right in front of you. With modern donation it is impossible to become infected.

What do donors expect?

Extra days off. After blood donation, the donor is entitled to 1-2 additional days off: a day off with the same average salary on the day of blood donation, as well as an additional day of rest. These days can be used immediately, or they can be transferred to any other day during the year or added to a vacation. If you go to work on the day of blood donation, you have two days off. Important condition- going to work must be agreed upon with the employer, otherwise the second day of rest will not be given. This is also true if you donated blood before the start of the working day or after it ended. If you donate blood or components several times a year, you can get from 6 to 20 additional days off and extend your vacation.

Weekends cannot be compensated with money.

To receive rest days, submit certificates from the donor institution to the accounting department: 401/у (about medical examination) and 402/у (about subsidies) or, accordingly, a certified certificate in any form. Two days of rest will be paid, even if you donated blood on a day off.

Compensation for lunch. The donor is paid 400-700 R compensation. Instead, according to the law, they can give you a free lunch, but I have not seen this.

Discount travel. If you donate blood at least twice, you can apply for extraordinary discounted vouchers for spa treatment. Vouchers are received at the place of work or study.

1💉 = 2 days off + 400 R

Donation for a fee

A donor can donate blood for money in public or private clinics. But paid donors are not needed everywhere. Usually required rare groups blood. If you want to donate blood for money, call 8 800 333–33–30 and ask where they accept it. Or better yet, to a specific station or donor point.

How to become an honorary donor

To become an honorary donor in Russia, you need to donate blood free of charge 40 times or donate blood with components 60 times. The donor then fills out an application at the transfusion station, and after a few months receives the main documents: an identification card and an honorary donor badge.

My ID and honorary donor badge

Honorary donors of Russia receive an annual cash payment(in 2017 - 13,000 R). They are served without waiting in line at government agencies and given a 50% discount on prescription medications. An honorary donor goes on vacation when he wants, and not when his employer lets him go. In practice, benefits may vary depending on your region.

Donation for a fee is not taken into account in the standards for honorary donation.

Honorary Donor of Moscow

In the capital, there is the title of honorary donor of Moscow. The standards here are to donate blood 20 times or components 30 times. Donations must be made at donor points subordinate to the Moscow Department of Health. They are located near the city clinical hospitals Moscow, as well as research institutes and blood transfusion stations.

An honorary donor of Moscow with a Muscovite social card rides free on public transport, receives a 50% discount on housing and communal services and a 50% discount on payments medicines in city pharmacies.

After receiving the title, you must donate blood at least 3 times or plasma at least 7 times within a year. After receiving an honorary donor of Russia, all the benefits of an honorary donor of Moscow are preserved.

How to negotiate with an employer

I've heard that some employers don't like regular donors: they cost more than regular employees.

Such problems have never happened to me. When I worked at school, I donated blood before classes and did not bother anyone. I went to work after donating blood. At the end of the year I went on vacation a little earlier thanks to unused time off.

By law, you may not notify your employer that you want to donate blood. They handed it over, went away for the weekend, then brought the certificates to the accounting department.

But I always warn you: it’s more honest and simpler. The manager may be dissatisfied: the employee unexpectedly took and arranged a mini-vacation for himself. In order to reach an agreement with the employer, a few days before the donation I draw up an application to free form, where I indicate what I plan to do with the weekend: will I go to work on the day of blood donation or will I take a day off.

In my experience and the experience of familiar donors, it is better to agree with the manager in advance. Tell them that you are a donor and you are entitled to benefits. Check with your manager and colleagues when your absence will not be so noticeable. Make compromises.

What to do to increase your salary


  1. You can donate blood if you are healthy and weigh more than 50 kg.
  2. For the first test, you will need a passport and fluorography, for men - a military ID.
  3. After the first blood donation, you need to donate blood again within 6 months.
  4. The donor is compensated for meals and given 1-2 paid days off.
  5. You can donate blood for money. In 2016 in Moscow they paid 3000 R for 450 ml of blood.
  6. For 60 donations they are given the title “Honorary Donor of Russia”, for 30 donations - “Honorary Donor of Moscow”. Honorary donors have benefits.
  7. The employer cannot prohibit you from becoming a donor or not giving you days off; the law is on your side.


A person who has earned the status of an honorary donor first of all deserves great respect from all humanity.

general information

For that to become a donor, you need to clearly set a specific goal for yourself, why you need it. Many people start donating blood because they want to save the lives of loved ones who are in dire need of help. Some want to save all the people who need support, help, and who are in a critical situation.

A There are also donors who donate blood for the sake of their health.. But in any case, both of them, having fulfilled a certain norm for donation, become honorary donors to Russia, and new opportunities open up for them.

In order for a person to become a full-fledged blood donor, he must follow certain and important rules:

  • this process is carried out on a voluntary basis, absolutely no one can be forced or forced to donate blood;
  • to become a blood donor, You must be over 18 years of age, otherwise this process may reverse and cause harm to your health;
  • and the most important thing, To start donating blood, you must obtain all the necessary certificates from the hospital, indicating that you are absolutely healthy and can begin this difficult task.

To donate blood it will not take much time, this procedure is very short-lived, but this is the first time, then in subsequent cases of blood donation, much more time will be required.

Doctors and all those involved in this will be able to detect all kinds of diseases and infections that are difficult to trace during the process of donating blood.

If you decide to start donating blood, then don't settle for small results. You will be considered a donor even after two or three of your surrenders, but to become an honorary donor, it is worth putting a lot of effort and time.

But when you are given the status of an honorary blood donor of Russia, you will definitely be given a badge indicating your new status, you will receive some benefits and will begin to receive payments.

But to achieve this success, you will need to donate blood to help other people absolutely free of charge at least 40 times, and also donate blood plasma at least 60 times.

How to become?

In order to earn the status of an honorary blood donor in Russia, you need to donate your blood a certain number of times, and you should pay attention not only to the blood itself, but also to the plasma, which is also taken into account on the way to donation. Having earned it honorary title, you will receive a badge. There are several options for becoming an honorary blood donor:

  • you can donate your blood at least 40 times, then you will receive the coveted title and can rightfully consider yourself an honorary donor of Russia, and it does not matter whether you donated blood or its other components, with the exception of plasma;
  • you can donate your plasma exactly 40 times, while donating blood at least 25 times in total, or again its components, then you will become an honorary blood donor to Russia;
  • the next option, which can earn you an honorary title, is to donate blood even less than 25 times, but the plasma must be donated 60 times or more;
  • Or you can simply donate blood plasma 60 times and then you are guaranteed to become an honorary blood donor in Russia.

Once all your blood donations have been completed, you will be able to receive a well-deserved reward from the Ministry of Health, and then you will be able to enjoy many of the benefits available to every honorary donor.


In general, benefits are available not only to honorary donors, but also to those who begin their activities in in this direction. Which donors have benefits and what are they:

  1. Regular donor just starting to donate blood. It has a minimal number of benefits, but nevertheless they exist on a general basis.

    - such a donor is required to be released from his place of work without explanation on the day the blood was donated.

    The donor receives a certificate at the place where he donated his blood; the document has a certain sample, which is established in accordance with the law.

    He needs to submit this certificate to the accounting department at his place of work, and he will get another well-deserved day off at any time when it is convenient for him, or he can simply add another day to his vacation. And these 2 days must be paid at the place of work in the amount of the average wages for a day;

    - if suddenly the blood donation was carried out during the days of the well-deserved vacation period, on holidays or weekends, then in this case you will be given another day off, which must be paid double;

    - on the day of blood donation, the donor is offered food absolutely free. This includes warm sweet tea, a bun, chocolate - everything you need to restore strength.

  2. A donor who donates his blood absolutely free of charge.
    If a donor visited blood collection points during the year and donated a total of 2 maximum doses of blood, i.e. from 600 to 900 ml, then he receives certain types benefits. For example, if the donor is a student, his scholarship will be increased by 25 percent, and sick leave for employees will be paid at 100 percent.
  3. Honorary Donor of Russia. He gets a sign attached to the chest and the status of an honorary donor of Russia, many benefits and opportunities are open to him:
  • honorary level donors are provided free treatment in public clinics;
  • this type of donor receives right to free denture repairs;
  • These donors can purchase medications at government pharmacies at a 50 percent discount;
  • if your place of work or study suddenly starts issuing vouchers to health facilities, sanatoriums, then honorary donors become first-priority in receiving them;
  • honorary donors can receive the desired vacation when they themselves want it;
  • travel in public transport public order free for donors;
  • All Utilities are paid by honorary donors at 50 percent;
  • if suddenly this donor decides to take a loan to build a house for himself in the future, then he will be provided with preferential conditions here too.

In addition to all types of benefits for honorary blood donors, they are also paid cash benefits.


Honorary blood donors in Russia are provided with certain payments.

If you wanted to know how much blood donors are paid, then you should know that each year donors are paid a lump sum equal to 12 thousand rubles, but it is constantly indexed and changing.

To what extent indexation occurs is regulated by the federal law on federal budget for a specific year.

The most important thing is that This payment amount is not subject to taxation. But in order for the donor to receive this amount annually, he needs to submit a certain package of documents to the proper authority. This package includes the following documents:

  • written a statement that the donor will be paid in full;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • and directly itself honorary donor certificate blood in Russia.

In order for payments to be received annually, you need to confirm your right to receive each subsequent year with these documents.

As for the indexation of this amount, in 2014 the indexation amounted to 5.3 percent of the total amount and the amount of annual payments to donors was determined to be 11,728 rubles.

And 2015 will delight honorary donors with a newly indexed amount, which will ultimately amount to approximately 12,200 rubles.

If donors previously received cash payments due to them for donation on a monthly basis, while the total amount was divided by the number of months and issued in part, now this payment for donation will be made strictly once a year, usually in the first quarter.

Few people will want to become blood donors. Perhaps such a desire may appear only after they themselves are faced with a medical problem, when they or their relatives find themselves in vital need of blood.

But all the blood banks are constantly in need of it, because there is not enough of it at all, and

there are very few good and responsible donors. And only for this reason is the title of honorary blood donor of Russia with all the ensuing benefits and payments provided.

Anyone can become a blood donor if they wish, as long as they are in excellent health, and everything else will follow. After all, by becoming a donor, you can not only receive payments and benefits, but proudly call yourself an honorary person of Russia, because this title is very difficult to earn.


An honorary donor of Russia is a special status of a citizen who regularly donates blood, its components and plasma free of charge for good purposes. It is confirmed by the corresponding badge and certificate, presented in a solemn ceremony by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

How to become an honorary blood donor in Russia and how many times do you need to donate blood? What benefits and payments are due to an honorary donor of Russia under the new law, how difficult is it to obtain the above-described status and how to confirm it? You will read about this and much more in our article.

The procedure for awarding status according to the 2005 law

The status and privileges of an honorary donor in our country are regulated by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, published on March 31, 2005 under number 246 based on government resolution No. 663 Russian Federation for November 19, 2004.

The order specifies and approves updated forms of documentation for obtaining and confirming status, samples of certificates attached to the badge have been published, explanations have been given on the nomination of citizens of the Russian Federation for the award, and other informative data is listed that one way or another relates to this issue. This order replaced a similar document of the Ministry of Health dated October 8, 2002 No. 299 (the latter has lost legal force).

Key points:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation who have donated blood at least 40 times or plasma at least 60 times can be nominated for the award;
  • Submissions for the award are made on the basis of form No. 446-05/у, signed by the head of the regional, regional, regional or republican blood transfusion center with the preliminary signature of the local head of the health department and certified seals. In addition, a corresponding letter is required from the executive authorities that are authorized to nominate citizens for the “Honorary Donor of Russia” award and a document confirming the person’s identity;
  • Preparation of a name list of people nominated for awards, carried out by the authorized body on the basis of a request from a blood transfusion center or station, regardless of their departmental affiliation;
  • The above-mentioned list also includes citizens who were previously awarded the “Honorary Donor of the USSR” badge if they have a certificate for issuing duplicate documents and a new “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge. If a new type of certificate is lost, the procedure for issuing a duplicate is carried out separately from general idea to a reward;
  • Within 95 days, the applicant for the award receives notification of the status or a corresponding refusal;
  • The award procedure itself is carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which issues the appropriate order. The ceremonial presentation of the badge and certificate is carried out by the local executive authority that nominated the candidate for the award.

How many times do you need to donate blood to become an honorary donor to Russia?

Tall and honorary status they don’t give it just like that - in order to receive an award and certificate, you must meet certain rules for the country’s donor, in terms of the amount of material donated free of charge.

The general criteria established by current domestic legislation are 40 or more blood sampling procedures or 60 or more plasma donation procedures. In the explanatory note to the order, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation clarifies these figures.

Nomination for awarding a badge and certificate is possible in the following cases:

  • Donating whole blood or taking its components more than 40 times (excluding cases of donating plasma);
  • Donating whole blood or taking its components more than 25 times and donating blood plasma more than 40 times in total;
  • Donating whole blood or taking its components less than 25 times and donating blood plasma more than 60 times in total.

Only successful procedures for collecting whole blood or its components that were not rejected based on the results of express analysis are taken into account.

All donation procedures are recorded in a single database of official blood transfusion and collection centers, after which they are summarized - a person can count on receiving status, awards and certificates even if he has donated in different cities of the Russian Federation.

Description of the mark and certificate

The “Honorary Donor of Russia” badge is made of a complex material based on brass, copper and zinc. It has the shape of a sphere with a size of 33 millimeters and relief elements. In addition, on the surface of the product there is enamel and finishing types of metal, stylized as gold.

The main image is a red drop of blood with a cross of the corresponding color, having equal sides. The outline of the latter is made of gold-like metal. At the top of the sign there is a white enameled ribbon on which the inscription is written in gilded letters. Parallel to it at the bottom there is also a similar white ribbon with the letters “Russia”. On the sides, the product is framed with the image of laurel branches, which have a structural relief and are made of gold-like metal.

WITH reverse side the sign has a pin to secure it to clothing. According to generally accepted rules, the badge is worn on right side chest, lower than other state awards of the Russian Federation (if available).

The certificate confirming the status and receipt of the award is made in the form of a rectangular booklet Brown, on outside there is an inscription “Honorary Donor of Russia”. When opening the document, on the left side there is an empty white field for attaching and carrying the sign, on the right side there is basic information - the certificate number, to whom, when, by whom, on the basis of what order it was issued, and also there is the signature of an authorized person (the Minister of Health or his deputy) and the main official seal of the department.

Federal and regional payments

An honorary donor of Russia, after receiving the appropriate status and supporting documents, is entitled to cash payments. Their sizes and Required documents for receipt are presented below.

As part of federal support, the donor is paid an annual tax-free benefit.

The amount of assistance is not fixed and is subject to adjustment depending on the level of inflation, agreed upon with the Ministry of Finance and other government departments on the basis of decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. Thus, in 2016, payments and benefits to honorary donors amounted to 12,373 rubles; in 2017, they will receive 13,041 rubles and 14 kopecks.

The required package of documents includes a standard application to provide Money, copies of a civil passport and a valid certificate of granting the appropriate status.

In addition to federal payments regulated by national law, individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation can, on their own initiative, provide cash payments at the regional level if there is an appropriate decision and funds in the local budget.

Thus, people who have the status of a respected donor of Russia, who have retired and are registered in Moscow, subject to the absence of an official labor activity can receive a one-time cash payment in the amount of 1162 rubles.

Honorary donor privileges and benefits

An honorary donor, in addition to cash payments, has the right to a number of privileges and benefits. Some of them were excluded from the mandatory national list as a result of monetization in 2004 - this free pass in any public regional transport, as well as a discount on utilities in the amount of 50 percent of average consumption standards.

Other benefits include:

  • Priority Receipt discounted vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions as if from organs social security, and from trade union committees of enterprises where the donor works;
  • Free treatment, out of turn carried out in municipal and government agencies healthcare provided within the framework of free medical care;
  • Priority right to choose a time period for annual paid leave.

In addition to the above points, within the framework of the general rules for everyone who donates blood for free, the donor on the day of donation receives the right to be released from work, regardless of the form own enterprise or company, and is also provided with a free lunch using funds allocated from the regional budget.

If the donor goes to work on the day of blood donation or the procedure was performed on a weekend or public holiday, then he has the right to an additional day of rest at another time agreed with the employer.

In addition to federal benefits, honorary donors can also receive regional privileges provided by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the framework of their own programs to support regular donors.

Thus, on the territory of Moscow, citizens registered at a permanent place of residence who have received the appropriate status have the right to:

  • Reduced payment amounts utilities (50 percent discount from base social norm) and providing a discount of 50 percent on prescriptions for medications prescribed by a doctor at a municipal medical institution and purchased at the relevant social pharmacies participating in the city program (a full list of them is presented on the city hall’s website in the appropriate section);
  • Free production and repair of dentures in municipal dental clinics(if necessary medical indications and referrals from a dentist);
  • 50 percent discount on travel to public transport in the presence of social card resident of Moscow (not valid in fixed-route and regular taxis).

Features of donation

The status of an honorary donor of Russia is issued for permanent basis and according to general rules does not require periodic confirmation when it comes to using federal benefits.

In the case of receiving an annual cash payment made through the social protection authorities, a person is obliged to confirm his own right to financial assistance from the state.

During the period from December 1 to December 31 of each reference year that precedes a future payment, the donor submits a newly compiled application to the social security authorities requesting the payment of money. Attached to it is a copy of the civil passport identifying the person, as well as a certificate of receipt of the status of an honorary donor of Russia.

In the case of providing benefits and payments at the regional level, local executive bodies have the right to develop their own status confirmation schemes.

Thus, in Moscow, where the fullest range of additional preferences is available for this category of citizens, it is necessary to confirm the current donation not only with a certificate, but also with a certificate from the blood donation center about successful collections of material during the reference period.

The minimum limits are 3 whole blood donations or 7 plasma collections per year. This takes into account procedures performed only in local official metropolitan medical institutions.


Who is a blood donor and who can become one?

The donor is a person age category from 18 to 60 years old, who voluntarily and free of charge donates blood, as well as blood components for medical needs. This person must pass medical examination, which should not reveal any obstacles for a person to donate blood; diseases are also excluded.

Diseases such as: reduced vision from minus five or more diopters, syphilis, people with removed organs, hepatitis A, C, B, HIV, as well as other serious diseases cannot be allowed to donate blood. The person who suffered colds must wait about thirty days. If vaccinations have been given, the waiting period is three to six months. Weight less than 50 kg will also not allow you to become a donor.

Before donating blood, a person must avoid eating fatty, spicy, eggs and dairy products, and not eat oil, fried or smoked foods. You should not drink alcoholic beverages for 48 hours before donating blood. It is necessary to avoid the use of medications and also stop smoking for 12 hours. All these points can greatly affect the result.

Blood sampling lasts about ten minutes and does not cause any particular inconvenience. There is minimal pressure on the elbow pit area without causing pain. After finishing the process, it is necessary to sit for a while, relax and only then get up. Recommended increased consumption water throughout the day, as well as heavy meals. All this is necessary for speedy recovery, you should also not allow any physical activity unless absolutely necessary.

List of benefits for blood donors

What benefits are provided to blood donors? Blood donors have some bonuses from their activities. Benefits for blood donors in 2018 represent:

  • two days of rest are paid (any day of your choice for donation);
  • a distinctive “Honorary Donor” badge, which the Russian government issues to people for donating blood free of charge. It provides the person who donates blood with annual payments and gives some benefits to donors;
  • a ticket to the sanatorium is issued out of turn to a donor who has passed two exams this year maximum doses blood.

The list of benefits is contained in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2012 N 125-FZ “On the donation of blood and its components.”

Honorary donor in Russia

To obtain rank « Honorary Donor of Russia“, any person needs to donate his blood, plasma or some components without charging forty or more times a material fee for this. If blood components, blood and plasma are donated more than 15 times, then there is also the possibility of obtaining status. Decrees on the presentation of certificates, as well as on awards, are issued only by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. The “Honorary Donor of the USSR” has all the rights to the same benefits.

Benefits for honorary donors

Benefits of being an honorary blood donor:

  • health services out of turn in public hospitals, clinics and similar types of organizations;
  • annual free vacation at any time for the donor;
  • tax-free cash compensation that changes with inflation;
  • issuing travel tickets for travel to sanatoriums or resorts so that a person can pass complex treatment. Issue is carried out without queues.

Procedure for applying for benefits

At each visit to a blood donation station, the donor fills out a questionnaire, undergoes an examination by a doctor and a primary laboratory examination. After completing the donation procedure, the person receives a certificate stating that he is a donor and can already take advantage of cash compensation for lunch in the amount of a 5% discount.

To apply for benefits with the title “Honorary Donor”, ​​you must contact the Ministry of Health and social development and present documents. The Ministry will review and study your application within forty-five days, then it will decide whether or not to award the person the status of “Honorary Donor.”

List of documents

Required to obtain the status:

  • medical certificates confirming that you donated plasma or blood;
  • passport.

To receive an annual payment you need:

  • statement. You can view and download here: ;
  • “Honorary Donor” certificate;
  • passport.

Benefits in the regions

There are two types of benefits: federal benefits and regional. Social support for donors did not change in 2018.

Moscow provides additional benefits for people who donate blood free of charge. social benefits in 2018 of such kind:

  • if a Muscovite has a special social card, the honored donor can travel on public transport completely free of charge;
  • has the right to dentures and their repair absolutely free of charge; these benefits do not apply to other prosthetics;
  • this person uses housing and communal services with a fifty percent discount and can buy medicines at the same discount, which is a very good bonus, especially for pensioners;
  • Also, having the “Honorary Donor” badge, a person automatically has the right to the possible assignment of the status “ veteran of labour».

The pension does not depend on donation and does not change in any way, even if you have the status of “Honorary Donor”.

What benefits are provided to blood donors in St. Petersburg, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, and other regions? There are no additional benefits other than federal ones in these areas. Regional fringe benefits were abolished in 2004. Annual payments in other regions are made taking into account the prices of the region; in Moscow they are slightly higher.


  1. The title “Honorary Donor” is given to donors who have donated blood more than 40 times.
  2. Benefits for donors are established by federal legislation.
  3. They are also entitled to an annual cash payment.
  4. Regions have the right to establish additional measures social support.

Despite serious development medical technologies Doctors have not learned to cope without donor blood. Russian authorities encourage people to donate their tissue to help victims. If certain conditions are met, they are issued the “Honorary Donor” badge. The title means not only respect, but also regular financial rewards. Let's consider how to become an honorary blood donor in Russia, what you need to do for this.


The legal basis for assigning status is contained in Law No. 125-FZ of July 20, 2012. In Article 23 normative act the conditions for assigning the status “Honorary Donor” are given. They are:

  • donation no charge;
  • The minimum total number of operations must be:
  • 40 times:
    • blood sampling;
    • or 25 times - blood and components, the rest can be plasma sampling;
  • 60 operations:
    • only for plasma donation;
    • the total number takes into account the sampling of blood and components at least 25 times.
Download for viewing and printing: Attention: the procedure for recording donations is being developed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Each operation must be reflected in the documentation of the medical institution.

Requirements for donors

Tissue selection is not taken from everyone who wants it. A person must fall under certain criteria developed by the relevant Ministry. The main ones are:

  1. Voluntary desire make a donation on a paid or free basis.
  2. Full legal capacity of the applicant, which means:
    1. age - over 18 years old;
    2. adoption by a local government body of a decision on the emancipation of a person aged 16 to 18 years.
  3. Confirmation excellent condition health by undergoing a medical examination. During the procedure, the following questions are clarified:
    1. a list of past diseases (for example, if a person had hepatitis, then his blood is suitable only for plasma);
    2. place of residence of the person (the likelihood of an epidemic danger is determined);
    3. whether the applicant had contact with patients within a certain period;
    4. conditions for carrying out work duties (whether they involve hazardous or harmful substances);
    5. use toxic substances, including drugs and alcohol;
    6. list of vaccinations.
Attention: citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed to donate, as well as foreigners and stateless persons who have lived in the country for at least a year with official permission (documentary confirmation is required).

Responsibilities of persons donating tissue for medical purposes

Biomaterial is most often used for direct transfusion to victims. The operation affects the patient's health, since some diseases are transmitted through circulatory system. In view of this, at the legislative level, the following responsibilities are imposed on the supplier of fabrics and components:

  • provide identification before the operation;
  • undergo a medical examination;
  • inform doctors about previous diseases and other risks.
Important: concealing information about previous illnesses can lead to criminal prosecution if the patient who received the transfusion is harmed.

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At the legal level, individuals who donate blood to help victims have certain rights. These include:

  • choosing a method of transferring biomaterial:
    • paid;
    • free of charge;
  • receiving:
    • from competent persons to protect health and interests;
    • information on the consequences of tissue selection;
    • medical assistance in case of deterioration of health free of charge;
    • compensation for damage to the body, if any occurred due to blood donation.
For reference: at the place of duty, a citizen can receive an additional paid day off. To do this, you need to bring a certificate of the selection of biomaterial and write an application.

The procedure for obtaining a title

The status of an honorary donor gives the right to receive preferences at the expense of the treasury. These are provided on the basis certificates. The document is issued to persons who meet the legislative criteria. A person must apply for status on his own initiative. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Collection of documentary evidence of compliance with regulatory requirements.
  2. Submitting an application to the social security authority at the place of registration.
  3. Obtaining a certificate.
  4. Applying for benefits.
For information: civil servants are given 95 days to check the submitted documentation.

Required documents

The applicant for the honorary badge must confirm full compliance with legal requirements. This is done using the following documents:

  • passports:
    • citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • a foreign national and a document confirming official permission to stay in the country;
  • certificates from the institution carrying out the selection of biomaterial, according to form No. 448-05/u;
  • statements of the established form (you can download them on the State Services website).

A package of documents can be submitted to social security in the following ways:

  • by personal visit:
    • social security departments;
    • multifunctional center;
  • through the State Services portal.
Hint: emancipated persons are required to confirm the fact by decision of the local government.

Obtaining a certificate

Civil servants check the authenticity of the documents provided. If the certificate does not raise doubts, then a decision is made to approve the citizen’s application. Based on the application, an order is being prepared to confer honorary status. The latter provides the basis for issuing a certificate. The following data is entered into it:

  • Donor's full name;
  • name of the body that made the decision;
  • surname, initials and position of the manager;
  • name of honorary status;
  • date of issue.
Hint: the certificate is issued to the citizen against his signature.

Benefits and preferences

Article 24 of this law contains a provision on the annual reward of persons who have received the status of an honorary donor of Russia. These are financed from the state budget in the form of subventions to the regions. The amount of the annual benefit is set at 10,557.0 rubles. The amount is indexed annually and for 2018 was RUR 13,745.36

Within the framework of all-Russian legislation, the status is:

  • provision at the place of duty:
    • annual leave at a convenient time;
    • health voucher out of turn;
  • services in municipal medical institutions within the framework of insurance medicine without respecting the priority.

Regional rules for assigning ranks

Subjects of the federation at the legislative level establish their own rules for granting honorary status. Thus, a resident of Moscow can qualify for a crust if the number of selections is:

  • blood - more than 20;
  • plasma - over 30 times.
Attention: there are no separate payments for people who received the title in the city of Moscow.

Regions establish measures of social support for distinguished citizens. Thus, in the capital, honorary donors are given the opportunity to:

  • free travel on city transport lines;
  • cut bills in half for:
    • public utilities;
    • medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • receive free dental prosthetics(you will have to pay extra for expensive designs);
  • preferential registration of the status “Veteran of Labor” and corresponding preferences;
  • purchase goods in specialized stores at discounted prices.

The authorities of the Moscow region have established a small monthly payment for pensioners with a distinction.

This is provided in St. Petersburg and some other regions.

In addition, honored donors at the level of federal subjects are provided with benefits for utility bills, contributions for major repairs and some others.

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Video: Awarding Honorary Donors

The procedure for conferring the title “Honorary Donor” in Russia is regulated by Federal Law No. 125-FZ of July 20, 2012 “On the donation of blood and its components.”

Conditions for obtaining the title

In Russia, any citizen of the country whose age has reached 18 years, but does not exceed 60, can become a donor, that is, a person who voluntarily donates blood or its components for medical purposes. In this case, of course, the potential donor should not have any contraindications for delivery, of which there are more than 50.

IN currently At blood transfusion stations in our country, blood itself is taken from donors, as well as one of its most valuable components - plasma, which is used in situations where a sick person has a lack of its own vital proteins in the blood.

In order to receive the title of honorary donor, a citizen of the Russian Federation must fully fulfill one of the following conditions:
- donate blood or any of its components, with the exception of plasma, 40 or more times;
- donate blood or any of its components, including plasma, 25 or more times, with blood plasma - 40 or more times;
- donate blood or any of its components, including plasma, less than 25 times, while blood plasma - 60 or more times;
- blood 60 or more times.

Thus, if a donor simultaneously donated both blood and plasma 25 times or more, to receive the title it will be enough for him to have a total number of plasma donations of at least 40. If there were less than 25 such complex donations, plasma, including donating simultaneously with blood, you need to donate at least 60 times.

Benefits of obtaining a title

Article 23 Federal Law No. 125-FZ of July 20, 2012 “On the donation of blood and its components” establishes that persons awarded the “Honorary Donor” badge are entitled to a number of social support measures. Thus, these include the provision of annual paid leave precisely during the period of time that is convenient for them, while in other cases the existing Labor Code requires that the time for going on vacation is determined by agreement with the employer. In addition, they are entitled to receive medical care to the extent guaranteed compulsory medical insurance policy, as well as priority provision of vouchers to sanatoriums at the place of work or study, if available.

In addition, persons with the title “Honorary Donor” annually receive a fixed monetary payment from the state for their services.



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