What can you do with beeswax? Soap from scratch

Beeswax has a white or yellowish tint and smells like honey. Based on the nature of its effect on the human body, it is compared to vitamin A. Scientists cannot establish the exact composition of beeswax, however, its healing properties have been known since ancient times. Today, ointments, infusions, oils are prepared based on this product, and propolis is added to milk. Such folk remedies are used to treat diseases of the joints, gastrointestinal tract, skin, and respiratory viral pathologies.

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    Benefits of beeswax

    Products containing this product have the following effects:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • regenerating;
    • bactericidal (propolis inhibits the development of staphylococci and streptococci).

    Ointments with the addition of this ingredient accelerate wound healing. The wax is well absorbed into the skin, resulting in a quick therapeutic effect.

    In addition, the beekeeping product benefits the entire body: it strengthens the immune system and improves the functions of internal organs.

    The product is actively used in cosmetology. It has a moisturizing and toning effect, softens the skin. Wax is added to creams, tonics, lotions intended for dry, oily and combination skin.

    Folk remedies based on propolis should be taken as a supplement to medications and their use should be coordinated with a doctor.

    Recipes based on the product

    In folk medicine, beeswax-based compositions are prepared for external and internal use.


    The product has an anti-inflammatory effect. It restores skin after damage.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Take 40 g of beeswax, combine with the specified amount of alcohol and mix thoroughly. The base becomes ready for further use after 12 hours.
    2. 2. Melt 30 g of Vaseline in a separate container, then cool and add to the base.

    The ointment is heated, filtered, cooled and applied to the affected areas. To make it absorb into the skin faster, you should dilute it with Vaseline.

    You can store the composition in a tightly closed container on the refrigerator shelf. This ointment retains its healing properties for a long time.


    The product is intended for internal use.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Grind 100 g of beeswax.
    2. 2. Butter (1 kg) is brought to a boil in an enamel bowl.
    3. 3. Add propolis and cook for 15 minutes, maintaining the temperature at 80 °C.

    Strain the composition and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day an hour before meals. Course of treatment for stomach ulcers or duodenum is 3 weeks.


    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Take 30 g of grated wax and combine with 100 ml of alcohol.
    2. 2. The mixture is poured into an enamel bowl and left for a week. It is shaken every day.
    3. 3. After 7 days, the product is filtered through paper.
    4. 4. Dilute the composition with water and use it for compresses.


    This product is not intended for long-term storage.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Take 120 ml of clean water and add 15 g of crushed beeswax.
    2. 2. Boil the liquid for 40 minutes, then filter using gauze.

    Propolis milk

    The product has a gentle effect on mucous membranes. It is used for sore throat.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Take 50 g of grated beeswax and combine with 1 liter of milk.
    2. 2. Cook the product for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

    Drink 1 tablespoon of propolis milk three times a day for 10 days.

    This product has a brown tint and tastes bitter. The wax layer formed on the surface is not suitable for use.

    Alcohol extract

    The product can be used for a long time, it does not lose beneficial properties during a year.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Take 40 g of grated beeswax and combine with 100 ml of alcohol. The product is infused for 5 days, shaken periodically.
    2. 2. Propolis extract is filtered through gauze.

    Treatment of stomach ulcers, colitis and cholecystitis

    For these pathologies, it is recommended to use propolis-based products in the following way:

    1. 1. To alleviate colitis and stomach ulcers, you need to drink 15 ml of infusion of water. The specified amount must first be poured into 150 ml of milk. The composition should be taken one hour before meals three times a day. The course of treatment lasts 21 days.
    2. 2. For stomach ulcers, you should use a 10% tincture of water. It should be added to 150 ml of warm milk, taken three times a day 40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
    3. 3. For stomach ulcers, you can use the following recipe: mince 100 g of garlic, add 50 g of alcohol, mix, filter using gauze. Then add 50 g of honey and mix again. You should take 15 g three times a day, half an hour before meals.
    4. 4. Propolis milk is recommended for patients with stomach ulcers. A tablespoon of a 30% alcohol solution should be poured into a glass of milk and taken three times a day, half an hour before meals. The duration of the course is 21 days.
    5. 5. Products with beeswax can be used for chronic colitis. You need to take 35 drops of a 30% solution and combine it with 200 ml of water (it is acceptable to use milk). You need to take the product 40-50 minutes before meals.
    6. 6. For treatment chronic cholecystitis, in the absence of contraindications, you should take a 30% tincture of alcohol, 40 drops 3 times a day.

    Therapy of respiratory viral diseases

    Oil made from beeswax helps remove mucus. To ease the course of tuberculosis, it is recommended:

    1. 1. Take 1 tbsp. l. oils 3 times a day. Wash it down after drinking warm milk. This treatment lasts no more than 60 days.
    2. 2. Drink healing milk. To prepare it, you need to take 10 g of oil prepared on the basis of beeswax and combine it with warm milk. Take 50 minutes before meals twice a day. Treatment lasts 25 days, followed by a fifteen-day break.

    In treatment bronchial asthma tincture is used. Mode of application:

    1. 1. Pour thirty milliliters of ten percent alcohol tincture into a glass of milk.
    2. 2. Take the cooled product three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 50 days.

    To ease the course of pneumonia, you need to take 20 ml of a ten percent solution prepared in water. For achievement maximum effect should be rubbed chest using alcohol tincture. Therapy lasts 25 days.

    To cure rhinitis, you need to prepare the following formulations:

    1. 1. Grind 20 g of beeswax and mix with 50 g vegetable oil(sunflower or olive). Soak a cotton swab in the product, insert it into the nasal passages, and hold for 10 minutes. Carry out the procedure 2 times a day.
    2. 2. If the disease is accompanied by inflammation of the nasopharynx, you should take 30 g of grated wax and add 150 ml of alcohol. Periodically you need to shake the mixture, filter it after 2 weeks, add 2 times more peach oil. The composition must be used to treat the nasopharynx.

    For angina and pharyngitis, the following remedies are used:

    1. 1. Fifteen grams of St. John's wort is poured with water in an amount of 200 ml, left for 15 minutes. The product is filtered, 40 drops of 20% wax tincture with alcohol are added, and used to gargle three times a day.
    2. 2. If the patient has a sore throat with a headache, rub propolis ointment into the temples.
    3. 3. For sore throat, make propolis balls. They are placed behind the cheeks and kept for several hours. Even if the patient feels a burning sensation, the procedure is continued.
    4. 4. For tonsillitis, chew pea-sized pieces of propolis.
    5. 5. To relieve redness of the throat during sore throat and bronchitis, chew propolis without spitting saliva. Propolis should not be absorbed for more than 10 minutes, as a burning sensation may occur.
    6. 6. For pharyngitis, prepare the remedy as follows: one part of melted beeswax and 4 parts of ordinary wax are combined with two parts of glycerin. Instead of the latter, you can use peach oil. The components are thoroughly mixed. The resulting product is instilled into the nose.

    Chronic sore throat is accompanied by purulent inflammation nose For treatment, a wax-based paste is used. It restores mucous membranes and prevents the development of complications. Prepare the product as follows:

    1. 1. Take 2 parts of beeswax, 3 of regular wax and 8 of medical ether.
    2. 2. The composition is injected with a syringe into the lacunae.
    3. 3. Before introducing the paste, disinfect the lacunae using a 1% formaldehyde solution.
    4. 4. 7 such procedures are carried out.
    1. 1. If the disease is accompanied by a sore throat, it is necessary to gargle. You need to take 20 ml of a 30% propolis solution and add 100 ml of water. The procedure must be carried out 3 times a day.
    2. 2. To get rid of a cold or flu, you should use the recipe: grind 1 tsp. wax and add to 100 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour. After this time, you need to strain the product and take 1 tbsp. l 50 minutes before meals.
    3. 3. For colds, bronchitis and sore throat, an emulsion with honey is effective. To prepare it, you need to take 80 g of honey and melt it in a water bath, add 20 g of aloe juice and 10 ml of propolis extract. When it enters the oral cavity, the emulsion affects the tonsils and walls of the larynx. The procedure must be carried out once a day. The duration of the course is 21 days.
    4. 4. For the flu, it is recommended to prepare the remedy with Vaseline oil and take two drops 3 times a day.
    5. 5. To prevent diseases, propolis must be absorbed.
    6. 6. To reduce headache for the flu, rub it into your temples butter, mixed with propolis in a ratio of 10:2.

    Beeswax in the treatment of joints and spine

    The product in question enhances tissue regeneration and relieves pain.

    For radiculitis and intercostal neuralgia, a medicine is prepared from honey, vegetable oil and alcohol tincture. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the affected area. For patients diagnosed with radiculitis, it is recommended to apply the mixture to mustard plasters, which should be kept for 15 minutes.

    To treat ligaments and sore muscles, propolis and golden mustache tincture are used. Method of preparation:

    1. 1. Take 70 g of natural wax and combine it with golden mustache tincture. It is prepared as follows: 30 g of medicinal raw material is mixed with 200 ml of alcohol. After 2 weeks, the tincture is ready for use.
    2. 2. 70 g of crushed beeswax is diluted in it.

    The resulting product is applied to a gauze bandage and applied to the affected areas, left for 10 minutes. Such procedures are carried out twice a day. The duration of the course of therapy is 1 week.

    Therapy of dental and ophthalmological pathologies

    Beeswax is used to treat periodontal disease, as well as other dental diseases accompanied by gum inflammation.

    1. 1. To get rid of toothache due to periodontal disease, you need to take 40 g of crushed wax and add 90 ml of alcohol. The product should be infused for a week, after which it is ready for use. It is recommended to apply it to the gums and teeth using a cotton swab.
    2. 2. To overcome toothache, you need to dissolve a heated piece of propolis.
    3. 3. To treat gingivitis, you should use a seven percent solution of propolis in water.
    4. 4. To overcome the symptoms of periodontitis, you need to rinse your mouth with a four percent beeswax solution.

    At ophthalmological diseases use an ointment prepared on the basis of beeswax. It is applied to the eyes and left for 10 minutes. Use and oil extract, mixed with streptocide and infusion of beeswax on water. The course of treatment consists of 7 procedures.

    Remedies for ear diseases

    The following formulations are used in therapy:

    1. 1. Patients diagnosed with otitis should take 40 g of grated beeswax and combine with 50 ml of alcohol. The product must be infused for a day (shake periodically). It must be applied to a tampon, which must be inserted into the ear canal. The pus must first be removed. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once a day. Therapy lasts one and a half weeks.
    2. 2. For otitis media, you need to use an alcohol extract. It is necessary to instill 3 drops into the ears three times a day.
    3. 3. Beeswax can be used to treat hearing loss. The alcohol tincture should be combined with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:3 (sunflower or corn oil is allowed). Before lubricating the ear canal, shake the product.

    Application of wax in dermatology

    Eczema is accompanied by inflammation and peeling of the skin. To treat it, an infusion with walnuts is used.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Grind 15 g of shell and combine with 90 ml of alcohol.
    2. 2. Leave for 5 days, strain, add beeswax to the same amount of alcohol tincture.

    The composition is applied externally twice a day. With the permission of a doctor, it can be used to treat lichen.

    The remedy against lichen, eczema and psoriasis promotes skin healing. Cooking method:

    1. 1. Take 80 g of natural crushed wax (it is recommended to use white), combine with 90 g of resin and dilute with olive oil in an amount of 650 ml.
    2. 2. Mix the resulting product, add 40 g of nettle and 5 g of hemp seeds.
    3. 3. Simmer the medicine over low heat for half an hour.

    Apply the composition to the affected skin once a day.

    Treatment of gynecological diseases

    Products based on beekeeping products are recommended for bacterial infection in gynecology. Beeswax relieves inflammation of the vagina, eliminates the symptoms of trichomoniasis. Directions for use:

    1. 1. To eliminate inflammation of the internal genital organs, you need to use propolis ointment. It should be applied to tampons and applications. The duration of the procedure is 11 hours. The course of treatment lasts 7 days.
    2. 2. An alcohol tincture diluted with water in proportions of 1:10 can be used for douching. It is necessary to carry out the procedure once a day. Therapy lasts 8 days.
    3. 3. To ensure the prevention of trichomoniasis, you need to moisten the tampon in aqueous solution, insert into the vagina and leave for an hour. Treatment lasts 7 days.
    4. 4. When inflammatory process a mixture of propolis, honey and royal jelly should be used. Proportions 10:5:1. In order for the product to acquire the consistency of an ointment, you need to add 2 parts of Vaseline. A tampon soaked in ointment should be inserted into the vagina daily. The procedures should be carried out over 10 days.

    Removal of calluses and papillomas

    Beeswax is used to remove corns and formations on the skin. The product is applied to pure form or combined with other ingredients.

    To remove calluses, you need to steam your feet, apply beeswax, fix it with a bandage, and leave it for three days.

    There are also several other ways to get rid of calluses and corns.

    First way:

    1. 1. Take 50 g of beeswax, warm it up, dilute with a small amount of water, add 30 g of hot Vaseline.
    2. 2. Grind the ingredients in an enamel bowl. You should get a homogeneous mass.
    3. 3. Cool it and apply it to the affected areas.
    4. 4. To achieve maximum effect, secure the product with a bandage.

    Second way:

    1. 1. Squeeze the juice from one lemon, combine with 40 g of grated heated wax, add 20 g of medical wax.
    2. 2. Apply the product to the callus and secure with a bandage.

    Third way:

    1. 1. Take 15 ml of lemon and 30 ml of lingonberry juice, mix with 20 g of heated crushed propolis.
    2. 2. Prepare 20 ml of lemon balm decoction as follows: pour the indicated amount of dried raw materials into an enamel container and add 150 ml of water, cook for 5 minutes.
    3. 3. Apply every day.

    The wax-based product eliminates calluses, warts and papillomas, and also softens the skin.

    Fourth way:

    1. 1. Prepare 20 g of resin, 30 g of beeswax and 50 g sunflower oil(an alternative is olive).
    2. 2. Heat the oil, add pieces of resin.
    3. 3. After it dissolves, add crushed wax.
    4. 4. Simmer the product in a water bath for 10 minutes.
    5. 5. Store on the refrigerator shelf.
    6. 6. Apply 2 times a day.

    Fifth way:

    1. 1. Forty grams of wax are melted in a water bath and combined with 30 ml of lemon juice.
    2. 2. The product is applied to problem areas of the skin once a day.

    The result becomes noticeable after the third procedure. This ointment is effective in combating calluses.

    Weight loss products

    Pelin wax is not used to combat overweight. Bee bread is used for these purposes. It is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and acids. The product fills the gap valuable substances, provides a feeling of fullness, but is low in calories. If you use 1 tsp. per day, the process of fat breakdown will accelerate.

    To lose weight, you need to chew bee bread instead of one meal.

    To achieve maximum results, you should active image life. Before you take remedy, you need to consult your doctor.

    A single dosage is 10 g, frequency of use is 1 time per day.

    Beeswax in cosmetology

    The product has a dense consistency. To prepare nourishing facial cosmetics, you need to melt it. It is not recommended to place wax in a metal container; you should use a glass one.

    Mask for normal skin

    Preparation and use:

    1. 1. Propolis is simmered in a water bath for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. You should get a homogeneous mass.
    2. 2. The wax is combined with the same amount of vegetable oil and applied to a cleansed face once a day.

    Mask for dry skin

    Preparation and use:

    1. 1. Combine 20 ml of rosehip oil, 5 drops of wheat oil and 20 ml of lemon juice.
    2. 2. Separately melt the wax, mix all ingredients thoroughly.
    3. 3. Add 20 g of water, a teaspoon of vitamin E and the same amount of lavender oil to the mixture.
    4. 4. The mask is stored in the refrigerator.
    5. 5. Apply the product to cleansed facial skin once a day.

    Composition for aging skin

    Preparation and use:

    1. 1. Take 15 g of melted wax and combine with 20 g of rosehip oil. If the skin is dry, add 25 ml of onion juice. To the owners oily skin it is recommended to replace onion juice lemon.
    2. 2. Warm the wax for no more than one minute, then add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. The cooled mask is ready for use.
    3. 3. Apply the composition 2 times a day, after cleansing the skin.

    The product has a tonic effect and also prevents premature aging.

    Vitamin mask

    Preparation and use:

    1. 1. Take 15 g of melted wax and combine with the same amount of carrot juice.
    2. 2. Add 10 g of potato juice, the same amount of sunflower oil and 15 g of lanolin to the mixture.
    3. 3. The ingredients are mixed.
    4. 4. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes.

    It is indicated for those with oily skin.

    Beeswax for lips

    This product has complex composition. It includes more than 250 components, including vitamins, acids, resins and tannins. The beneficial properties are due to the content of vitamin A, which has a regenerating effect. Beeswax-based balm is useful to use in winter, when lips are cracked from frost.

    The cosmetic product has the following positive impact on the skin of the lips:

    • moisturizes;
    • slows down the inflammatory process;
    • heals damage;
    • softens;
    • replenishes the lack of vitamins.

    Hygienic balm, prepared at home, protects lips from exposure to factors external environment.Cooking method:

    1. 1. Grind the wax and combine with base oil in proportions 1:1. It is recommended to take 1 tsp. these ingredients.
    2. 2. Wait 10 minutes, then add 5 g of aloe juice and a couple of drops of liquid vitamin.
    3. 3. So that the balm finds nice smell and the desired consistency, you should add the oily extract in the amount of 7 drops. If desired, you can pour in a large number of dye (orange or yellow).
    4. 4. Place the cosmetic product in a tube and store it on the refrigerator shelf.

    You can apply it not only to your lips, but also to your nails.

    Criterias of choice

    Beeswax is considered a scarce product. In nature, there are also plant, animal, and synthetic waxes. To distinguish natural remedy, when choosing beeswax, the following criteria should be taken into account:

    1. 1. The natural product is white, yellowish or brownish in color. High-quality wax can also be black. The color depends on what plant crops the bees obtained pollen from.
    2. 2. The natural product smells like honey. If other ingredients are added to the wax, the aroma changes.
    3. 3. When strong impact a large stone breaks down into small ones.
    4. 4. If the stone crumbles upon impact, it means there is a lot of paraffin in it.
    5. 5. The structure of high-quality wax is fine-grained.
    6. 6. Beeswax is plastic and wrinkles well; when chewed, it sticks to the teeth.
    7. 7. If the composition contains a large amount of paraffin or stearin, the product becomes fattier.

    To check the quality of the purchased product, you can place it in water. Natural beeswax is heavy, so it sinks. The counterfeit comes to the surface.

    The beekeeping product has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Every person knows that honey is one of the most unique products in terms of its benefits for humans. However, not only this result of the work of bees can be used for health and beauty.

Wax is a product of the wax glands of bees.

The labor process of bees consists of collecting pollen, processing it into nectar, and then producing honey, and it is not laid out randomly, but in small portioned containers called honeycombs.

To form these “containers,” insects produce a special, slightly fat-like product. This is beeswax.

Obtaining wax from hives is a labor-intensive process and involves melting down the honeycombs and straining the resulting substance until all dirt is removed and it acquires a uniform color. After this, the liquid wax is poured into molds, where it hardens and becomes suitable for use.

Depending on the production technology, melted and extraction wax are distinguished.

Melted wax is obtained by melting wax raw materials using wax melters. Extraction wax is obtained from merva using organic solvents (gasoline, petroleum ether, etc.).

Useful composition of beeswax

The wax produced by bees is a mixture of esters and higher alcohols. fatty acids and fats (75% of the total mass), as well as a small amount of carbohydrates (about 15%).

The remainder consists of minerals, vitamins and natural flavors, a small amount of water (from 0.1 to 2.5%), carotenoids (12.8 mg per 100 g of wax), coloring, aromatic and minerals, as well as foreign impurities - larval shells, propolis, pollen and etc.

Pure wax produced by the honey bee (Apis mellifera) consists of 284 different compounds. 111 of them have been identified, at least 50 of which impart flavor to the wax

The composition of wax has not been fully studied to date, so perhaps it contains some other substances that are worthy of special attention.

Physical properties of beeswax

Beeswax is an inert material with high plasticity at a temperature of 32° C. The wax dissolves when heated in acetone, benzene, gasoline, chloroform and ethyl alcohol. The melting point of beeswax varies from 60 to 68° C.

The physical characteristics of wax depend on the quality of the wax raw material, the method of its production and processing.

Wax always looks different and this primarily concerns the shade. It can be found in colors ranging from white to deep brown and even reddish.


Sometimes beeswax has a greenish tint. This may indicate great content it contains propolis.

Its properties do not depend on the color of the product, but it is advisable to learn to distinguish between natural wax and industrially processed wax.

Everything is clear about the first option, but the second happens when all the useful substances are removed from the wax for some purpose and the result is unnecessary and completely useless whitish residues, which are sometimes tried to be sold as natural.

Natural beeswax has crystal structure, at the break it is homogeneous and granular, and has a pleasant honey smell, which intensifies when heated. Waxes obtained from high-quality raw materials are tasteless or have a peculiar weak aftertaste.


In order for natural beeswax to retain its beneficial properties, it should not be heated too much.

Main uses of beeswax

The material used for the construction of honeycombs is used in many sectors of human activity.

We will not dwell on the industry and how candles are made, but we will pay special attention to issues of health and beauty.

The use of wax in cosmetology and pharmacology is explained not only by its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and other abilities, but also by its ability to be well absorbed into the skin.

Based on this product, cosmetic creams, medicinal and healing ointments, moisturizing balm, plasters, etc. are prepared.

Wax can be applied not only to the skin, but also to the mucous membranes, and also used internally.

Regular use of it instead of chewing gum helps not only to overcome diseases oral cavity, speed up recovery from colds and infectious diseases, but also strengthens teeth and gums, and also helps get rid of such bad habit like smoking.

In case of poisoning, you can use wax instead activated carbon and other sorbents.

Using beeswax - recipes

Those who want to buy a beekeeping product initially know why they are doing it, but, as practice shows, most often treatment with beeswax is limited to only applying melted wax to the affected areas of the skin (ulcers, inflammations, etc.).

In fact, you can prepare a lot of medicines and cosmetics at home.

We bring to your attention the most proven recipes.

  • Beeswax ointment

For healing of abscesses and open wounds(externally 2-3 times a day), for sore throat, cough, constipation, etc. (internally 1-2 times a day) use a medicinal balm.

To prepare it you will need

  • 250 ml vegetable oil;
  • 25 grams of wax;
  • half a boiled chicken egg.

All components must be mixed and cooked in a water bath for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, the resulting mixture must be strained through two layers of gauze and transferred to a hermetically sealed jar. It is advisable to store the ointment with beeswax and yolk in a cool, dark place.

  • Compress for joint pain

For rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and other problems with bones and joints, a beeswax compress helps.

To prepare it, you need to melt a teaspoon of wax, mix it with 50 ml of vodka (you can use diluted medical alcohol) and with two teaspoons of calendula extract (can be replaced with a steep chamomile decoction - 100 g per glass of water).

Heat the mixture so that you can lower your finger, soak a canvas cloth with it, apply it to the sore spot and wrap it with cellophane on top. Leave it like this for 20-30 minutes. Do it at least once a day for 7-10 days.

  • Wax for calluses, corns and cracked heels

This recipe has been tested for years and gives a truly magical effect.

You will need 100 grams of beeswax, 100 ml of propolis tincture and the juice of one medium-sized lemon (by the way, to make it easier to squeeze the juice out of the lemon, you must first roll it on the table, lightly pressing it with your hands). The ingredients are mixed (for this you need to heat the wax slightly).

Make cakes from the resulting mass and apply them to problem areas for 5-10 hours. The result will be noticeable the first time, but for it to be lasting, it is necessary to carry out at least a couple more such procedures.

Note! You can also use this ointment on your hands.

In order for beeswax with propolis to give a more noticeable effect, you can first make a steaming bath with soda.

  • For lips

This recipe is suitable for any girl. It is intended to treat dry and cracked skin, but can also be used instead of lipstick or foundation.

You need to mix a teaspoon of wax and almond oil, and then add two tablespoons of cocoa butter. Melt the resulting mixture and pour into a lipstick container. Use as often as needed.

Making a healthy face cream is not at all difficult. You need to take half a glass of olive and almond oil, add 50 grams of melted wax to them.

To make the cream more effective, it doesn’t hurt to add vitamins A and E, as well as your favorite essential oils.

  • Hair Mask

You can use the power of beeswax on your hair too.

To strengthen, nourish and prevent hair loss, soften 50 grams of wax, mix it with a decoction of hop cones 1:10 and apply for 15-20 minutes, and put a plastic cap on top to enhance the effect.

Contraindications to the use of beeswax

Natural beeswax will not cause harm to the body, unless the person has individual intolerance this product.

Allergy sufferers should use it with caution (it is advisable to limit it to external use on the skin), and in no case exceed the dose prescribed in the recipes, and if unpleasant sensations appear, such as irritation, peeling of the skin, rashes, itching, etc., you should immediately stop using of this product beekeeping.

How to distinguish a fake?

All useful qualities Beeswax refers exclusively to a natural product, so before purchasing you need to learn how to distinguish the real from the fake.

You should not focus on the color of the wax. It can be white, yellow and even black, and sometimes green and pink. It depends on what the bees ate and how the wax was processed.

It doesn't hurt to pay attention to the smell. It will smell like propolis or emit the aroma of those flowers whose pollen the bees collected.

If the product is sold in pieces, you can hit its surface with a small hammer. The fake will not crack, but cracks will appear on the wax, and through them you can see the inside, which has a fine-grained structure.

On extreme case you can cut the block. The surface at the cut site should be matte. And most importantly, remember, the natural product does not change its color when heated, and when chewing it does not stick to the teeth.

How to store beeswax?

Wax can be stored for a long period of time without changing its basic characteristics.

There is a known case when it lay in the ground for 1100 years and did not change in physical and chemical parameters.

Storage conditions: dry, dark and cool room. Wax does not lose color and aroma if it is placed in stainless steel, glass or plastic containers in wrapping paper.

Beeswax is a very valuable and useful product.

Often, out of ignorance, it is classified as recyclable material and is not even paid attention to, but you now know how to use and apply it correctly.


What is beeswax?

Beeswax is a waste product of bees, a complex organic compound. Registered as food additives E-901.

Beeswax is secreted by special glands of honey bees, from which bees build honeycombs.

It is a multi-component solid from white (with a slight yellow tint) to yellow-brown color with a characteristic honey smell. When exposed to sunlight in thin layers, beeswax lightens. If there is an admixture of propolis, beeswax may acquire a greenish tint.


Wax is an essential building material for bees, and they produce this material themselves. Starting from 12 days of age (almost half of its life in the hive has already passed), the bee, which has not yet flown out for a bribe, but has already stopped producing royal jelly, intensively processes nectar and pollen and begins to synthesize wax.

The wax produced by bees as a building material has unique properties. First of all, it is plastic, which is especially important in the manufacture of complex structures of honeycomb cells. At the same time, it is strong enough to bear a heavy load. At a temperature of 20 °C the wax is harder, when raised to 35 °C (hive temperature) it is more pliable. And if we add to this its resistance to oxidation and consumption by micro- and macroorganisms (it is inedible for them, only the wax moth larva can digest wax), then one can envy the bees, which produce ideal building material.

To date, about 300 bees have been described in wax. various substances. Many of them are present in small, trace quantities, but perhaps it is thanks to them that the unique properties of the wax are achieved.

The high inertness of beeswax to damage by microorganisms or consumption by macroorganisms is explained by the absence of appropriate enzymes that ensure the breakdown of wax substances.

Beeswax is divided into apiary wax, obtained after melting honeycombs, wax scraps and wax caps, and industrial beeswax, obtained from melting. The quality of wax is assessed by its color, smell, structure, proportion of water and mechanical impurities, etc.

Having an idea of ​​the requirements for natural wax, you can easily identify impurities that falsify it.

Application of beeswax:

Speaking about the importance of wax as a product for humans, we should, first of all, note its use in various areas of human activity. The importance of wax coatings on artistic paintings and wooden products is widely known ( musical instruments, sports equipment, etc.). Wax has been a popular commodity since ancient times. First of all, it was used for making candles, which were used both for lighting and for ritual purposes. With the development of industry, the scope of wax use has expanded significantly. It began to be used in painting and sculpture, in the processing of wood and leather products, and later in the radio engineering, metallurgical, paint and varnish, textile industries, as well as in printing, shipbuilding, and electroplating.

Beeswax is present in varying quantities in honey, propolis, and bee bread. In turn, wax also contains various quantities honey, pollen grains, propolis.

A very large use of wax remains in the cosmetics industry. Here wax is used as a base to incorporate many active ingredients cosmetics. This takes into account its high inertness to the included components, which allows them to maintain their activity for a long time. In addition, wax is a natural emulsifier and at the same time has a high affinity for human sebum. Considering that it softens at body temperature, it is convenient to store wax-based cosmetic creams at room body temperature, and use the temperature of the skin itself to activate its consistency.

IN medical practice the same properties are used as for the needs of the bee itself. In addition, just as in the manufacture of cosmetic creams, wax is included as the main element of many medicines in the form of ointments and liniments. Usually 2 types of wax are used: white (Cenaalba) and yellow (Ceraflava). The purest wax is obtained by cutting off the caps of sealed honey (cap wax).

Beeswax, due to its specific properties, such as plasticity, softness, the ability to dissolve in organic solvents, oils, fats, not to dissolve in water, not to be wetted by it, gas-water resistance, ability to form emulsions, shine when polished, etc., is used in more than in 40 industries, including medicine, cosmetics, perfumes and pharmaceuticals, apitherapy. Wax was used as a treatment for ulcers, boils, burns, and wounds; Chewing wax was recommended for sore throats and sinusitis. Currently, wax is used for inhalation in dentistry.

What does beeswax cure?

Wax is a good bactericide, contains antibiotic and preservative substances; stimulates tissue growth, strengthens gums, helps quit smoking; effective in treatment skin inflammation, burns, wounds; Pharmaceutical emulsions, creams, suppositories, ointments, and patches are prepared from it; You can't make lipstick without it. Wax-based preparations are successfully used for treatment purulent pleurisy, open wounds, etc.

Traditional medicine claims that people who consume comb honey rarely catch colds; Chewing honeycombs develops immunity to diseases of the respiratory tract, cures a runny nose, and relieves inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Chewing honeycomb (5 times a day for the first 2 days, then 3 times a day) can treat hay fever. Wax applications for obliterating endarteritis, chewing honeycombs with honey for periodontitis, and oral use for spastic colitis are useful.

Wax that gets into the stomach is practically not absorbed by the body, but it plays the role of a lubricant that has a beneficial effect on the intestines. However, there is evidence of the successful use of wax internally in the treatment of spastic colitis. In addition, wax is, to some extent, an adsorbent that absorbs and removes toxic substances.

Rubbing mastic (melted wax) into acupuncture points useful for obliterating endarteritis - a disease peripheral vessels circulatory system (usually lower extremities).

Wax ability for a long time retain heat is used like paraffin and ozokerite to relieve pain.

Wax compresses with honey and beebread are used in the treatment of patients with polyarthritis.

Beeswax as a base or as an additive (preservative, increasing viscosity) is used in the manufacture of ointments, creams, etc. Such ointments and emulsions, due to the presence of retinol (vitamin A) and other biologically active substances in them, improve general state skin, promote the healing of damage (wounds, inflammations, ulcers, thermal and ultraviolet burns, frostbite), stimulate tissue growth, prevent premature aging and mutations that cause precancerous conditions.

It is especially effective in combinations and combinations with other bee products, as well as medicinal plants. In particular, propolis wax is a component of many ointments in ophthalmology.

How to treat sinusitis with beeswax?

Heat 20 g of wax in a water bath, add 2 tbsp. spoons of yarrow herb powder, mix, cool to a temperature of 38 - 40 ° C, apply in layers to the projection area of ​​the maxillary sinuses and to the root of the nose, cover with a terry cloth and lie down for 15 - 20 minutes. Carefully remove the wax. The skin where it was healing mask, lubricate thin layer Vietnamese balm “Star”. Repeat the procedure 1 – 2 times a day for 3 – 5 days.

Treatment of polyarthritis and radiculitis with beeswax

  • Heat the wax in a water bath and add honey (1 tablespoon per 200 g of wax). Soak a gauze napkin folded in four with the hot mixture, apply it to the sore joint, cover with compress paper or a piece of polyethylene, the area larger than the gauze napkin, place a woolen cloth on top and leave for 25 - 30 minutes. After removing the compress, wrap the joint with a clean terry towel and lie down for 15–20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 – 12 procedures.
  • To treat radiculitis, heat beeswax and add 10% golden mustache tincture (1 tablespoon of tincture per 50 g of wax). Apply the mixture to the skin in the projection of pain points.
  • Grind 30 g of young stems with mistletoe leaves, 20 g of fresh lard and boil for 10 - 15 minutes, then strain through canvas, add 30 g of wax, 8 g of camphor, heat in a water bath and mix well. Use for rubbing for joint pain, rheumatism, radiculitis.

Treatment for cracked heels:

  • Take 50 g of white wax, 20 g of licorice root powder, 10 ml of sea buckthorn oil, apply to pre-steamed skin of the feet, leave for 10 - 15 minutes, after removing the mask, treat the skin of the feet with spermaceti cream. Such procedures are recommended 1 – 2 times a week for women of older age groups.

Treatment of calluses and plantar warts:

  • Take 30 g of beeswax and 50 g of propolis, heat in a water bath, add 2 tbsp. spoons of lingonberry juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice and 3 tbsp. spoons of lemon balm herb powder, mix and place in a glass or porcelain bowl, store at room temperature. Apply to calluses, corns and plantar warts for 20 - 30 minutes, strengthening the therapeutic mass with bandages with polyethylene, mesh bandage or adhesive tape. Do not forget to steam your feet well in soda water before each procedure.
  • Place 30 g of beeswax and 50 g of propolis in a small saucepan, pour in the juice of one medium-sized lemon and heat while stirring over low heat. Store the resulting ointment in a dark glass jar with a tight-fitting lid at room temperature. Apply to calluses daily.

How to treat periodontal disease with beeswax?

  • In case of periodontal disease, it is necessary to strengthen the mucous membrane of the gums and reduce painful bites. With regular chewing of wax with the addition of 10% alcohol (pharmaceutical) propolis extract (1 teaspoon of extract per 50 g of wax), bad breath disappears. To do this, the wax must be heated in a water bath and injected in drops. required amount tinctures (1 drop per 10 g of wax). Chew for 10-12 minutes after meals 3 times a day. Course – 2 weeks.

Treatment with wax for sprains, muscle inflammation, intercostal neuralgia:

  • Mix 50 g of white wax with 50 ml of 10% tincture of golden mustache (fragrant callisia) and add 20 g of yellow wax. Golden mustache tincture is prepared as follows: 12 golden mustache joints (they should be slightly purple) place in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 10 days, then pour in, after crushing them with a plastic knife, 150 ml of vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking daily. Soak a napkin with the resulting mixture and apply to the sore spot.

Wax treatment of psoriasis, lichen, eczema and other skin diseases:

  • This recipe is more than 2 thousand years old, it was created by Benedictine monks.

100 g of beeswax, 100 g of oleoresin, 700 ml of olive oil, 50 g of prichepa grass, 50 g of stinging nettle, 50 g of nettle grass, 20 g of rozhidnik, 10 g of hemp seeds, 20 g of burdock grass. Place all the herbs (preferably fresh) in an enamel pan, add olive oil and simmer over low heat for 1.5 - 2 hours. In a separate bowl, melt the wax, resin and part of the oil until completely dissolved. Strain the herbal decoction and combine the resulting oil-herbal extract with wax and resin, boil in a water bath and strain. Store in a cool place.

What are the benefits of beeswax for the face?

The bee product is good for its anti-inflammatory, nutritional and softening properties. Wax masks accelerate the healing of damage, effectively affect the general condition of skin tissue, have a rejuvenating and detoxifying effect, and improve the relief and texture of the skin surface.

The applied wax mass forms a delicate film on the face (it is practically not absorbed).

After application occurs significant improvement blood circulation and restoration of lipid metabolism. A facial wax mask is an ideal treatment for dry, aging and dehydrated skin. But oily, greasy dermis will also receive long-awaited relief from inflammation, acne and comedones.

Apply the wax to previously cleansed skin, preferably with chamomile infusion.

Skin cleansing with wax

  • Take 30 g of wax, honey, onion juice and white lily bulb juice. Heat the mixture in a clay pot over low heat until the wax melts. Then cool the mixture while stirring. Apply a thin layer of it to your face in the evening and in the morning. Keep for 15 – 30 minutes. Pour 50 g of eucalyptus into 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 3 minutes, strain and add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and 1 tbsp. spoon of wax. Use when inflammatory diseases skin, wounds

Anti-wrinkle wax ointment

  • Mix 30 g of white wax, 30 g of honey, 10 ml of aloe juice and 20 ml of white lily flower tincture in a clay bowl and heat over low heat or a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain and store in the cold. Use after cleansing your face.

Wax mask recipes

  • Wax – 50 g, honey – 70 g, white lily bulb juice – 40 ml. Heat the mixture in a clay vessel over low heat until the wax melts. Stir, cool. Apply to clean face for 10 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature. This mask nourishes the skin well, gives it softness and elasticity.
  • Wax – 30 g, honey – 70 g, onion juice – 30 ml, white lily bulb juice – 30 ml. Heat the mixture and mix well. Apply morning and evening, leave on the skin for 10 - 15 minutes, remove excess with a cotton swab moistened with water at room temperature. The mask helps prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Based on the book by Yu. Konstantinov “Beekeeping Products. Natural medicines"

Summer is the peak season for collecting gifts from bee hives. Beekeepers collect not only honey at this time, but also wax. Bees produce it with special glands located on their abdomens. These glands produce waxy droplets that harden into flakes when exposed to air. Worker bees take them into their mouths to soften them into workable material and attach them to the honeycomb.

Beeswax is used in candles, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and cleaning products. Although, few people know about the benefits of beeswax for human health, since today its role is mainly as a thickener for ointments and creams. Meanwhile, it has long been used in folk medicine to treat many diseases.

Benefits of beeswax

Like honey, wax has many beneficial properties. After all, this is the same natural product as honey and propolis, produced by the bees themselves. Due to its properties, it brings great benefits to the human body. The substances it contains dissolve very slowly, making it a highly valuable product in the pharmaceutical industry.

The wax contains moisturizing components. It locks in moisture and helps keep skin firm. Anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties soothe easily irritated skin, making it one of the best ingredients for skin care and treatment for rosacea and eczema.

Able to protect against irritating components. Applied to the skin, it covers it with a thin protective layer, protecting it from exposure environment and extreme weather conditions.

It retains moisture not only in the skin, but also in the hair, stimulates its growth and prevents hair loss.

It can be taken orally. Passing without changing its composition through digestive tract, at the same time “collects” all toxins.

In folk medicine, beeswax is used as an antiseptic to treat wounds, remove ear plugs, various diseases ear and hearing improvement.

Mixed with oil, it is used to treat a disease known as lupus.

It is used to treat wounds and eczema. Since ancient times, wax ointment has been used to heal burns and prevent blisters and other skin lesions. pine resin and lard.

IN Ancient Egypt during embalming it was used to cover the eyes, mouth and nose of the corpse.

Wax is highly valued in Chinese medicine. It has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and overall balance human body. Used in combination with other ingredients to treat various skin diseases, and also as an anti-aging agent.

Few people know that this bee product can be used to treat tonsillitis. If you suffer from this disease, it is recommended to apply a layer of wax as a compress to your neck.

Moreover, it can be used as a cough expectorant. It is believed that it can stimulate lactation.

Wax is used for:


Inflammation of the nasal sinuses;

Throat disease.

They even produce special chewing candies with it. In addition, such lozenges improve digestion because they increase the secretion of gastric juice.

In the stomach, the wax is not digested, but functions as a kind of ointment that facilitates intestinal transit.

Beeswax contains vitamin A, which is essential for normal height cells. Therefore, this bee product is used for various problems health problems that affect the condition of the oral cavity.

Oral administration of beeswax can be used in the treatment of spastic colitis. And the resins contained in it are very effective in treating disorders peripheral circulation at the level of the lower extremities.

This product is also used to treat eye burns caused by caustic soda. Honey and beeswax are very effective in treating damaged corneas.

However, in most cases it is used in combination with other products in various suppositories, pharmaceutical emulsions, dental wax and even sweets.

The use of beeswax in folk medicine

Wax is biological active substance with powerful bactericidal properties. It has long been used in folk medicine, especially in combination with honey.

Creams, ointments, compresses, and suppositories are made on its basis. Traditional healers it is used to treat:

Lupus erythematosus;

Obliterating endarteritis;


Sore throat;

Oral diseases;


and many other diseases.

Stimulating breast milk production in nursing women;

Cough relief;

Healing of various wounds.

It warms and softens the skin, disinfects and relieves pain, improves healing and cell regeneration. Helps with joint inflammation, runny nose, hemorrhoids.



Joint pain.

To do this, it is melted and applied in several layers (up to 40) to the diseased area.

Treatment of ENT diseases

A compress with melted wax applied to the sinuses in the morning and evening helps cleanse them. Keep it for 15-20 minutes and apply an ointment prepared with vegetable oil and chicken yolk.

They make ointment like this. Take:

A glass of vegetable oil (200 grams)

30 grams of beeswax

1 chicken yolk

First you need to heat the oil and melt the wax in it in a water bath.

Separate the yolk from the white and shake lightly. Without removing from the bath, add small portions into the molten mixture, stirring quickly.

When you have mixed all the yolk, remove from the heat and mix everything thoroughly again until smooth.

Pour into a clean jar, straining through cheesecloth or nylon stocking. Cover with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

This so-called “miracle ointment” helps with sinusitis and runny nose. The uniqueness of wax lies in the fact that it does not lose its properties even after heating and melting.

Before use, warm up a small amount of ointment and drop 1 drop into each nostril. You can moisten turundas twisted from a bandage in it and place them in the nasal passage.

Use ointment for skin lesions.

Inhalations with propolis for sinusitis

Place 60 grams of propolis and 40 grams of wax in an enamel mug or saucepan. Melt over low heat or water bath. Breathe for 15 minutes twice a day. Duration of the course is 2 months.

Chewing wax or honeycomb helps cope with rhinitis, oral diseases, and asthma.

Flatbreads for bronchitis

Melt the wax and wrap it in a napkin, making a cake. Place it on your chest and hold it until it cools down. Such cakes can be made for joint diseases.

For whooping cough in children, make a compress by melting 50 grams of wax and goose fat and adding 2 drops of fennel essential oil. Keep it for no more than 12-15 minutes.

Treatment of polyarthritis

Polyarthritis is characterized by a long course of treatment. Apitherapy is used along with other types of therapy. For this disease, it is useful to make compresses with melted wax and honey (100 grams of wax and 1 teaspoon of natural honey), which is applied for 15-20 minutes.

To improve blood circulation, you need to massage the muscles of the limbs.

Wax for pyelonephritis

In this disease it can serve as additional measure. It is applied as a compress to the lumbar region.

Treatment of trophic ulcers

To treat such ulcers caused by diabetes, dressings are made with beeswax, corn oil, butter, and pine resin. All components must first be melted and applied to a napkin or gauze. Apply to the affected area of ​​skin and secure.

For cracked heels

Prepare a cake by melting 100 grams of wax and 20 grams of sea buckthorn oil. Add 40 grams of powdered licorice root to this mixture.

Before applying, steam your feet in hot water. Leave the cake for 20 minutes.

Lung cleansing

In gynecology

Often women suffer from adnexitis. In this case ethnoscience recommends making a warm compress in the lower abdomen from wax, margarine and alcohol tincture of calendula.

To stimulate lactation

The heated wax is mixed with plantain juice (in a ratio of 5:1) and, while warm, is applied in the form of a cake to the chest. Keep for no more than 20 minutes.

Beeswax based ointment

Beeswax ointment is easy to make at home. Such ointments are used for joint pain, to treat coughs, calluses and many other health problems.

Ointment for joint diseases

You will need:

100 grams coconut oil

50 grams of beeswax

2 teaspoons cayenne pepper

2 teaspoons ginger or turmeric powder

15 drops peppermint essential oil

15 drops lavender essential oil

How to do:

It should be noted right away that turmeric is preferable, but you need to take into account that it can stain the skin.

Heat the oil in a water bath. Grate the wax (or buy directly in the form of powder or shavings). Pour into butter and stir until completely melted.

Add powder hot pepper and ginger (turmeric), mix.

Remove from the stove and let cool slightly to a temperature no higher than 40 degrees.

Add essential oils, mix and pour into a jar with a lid.

This homemade ointment penetrates deeply into the muscles, providing a warming, soothing and relaxing effect.

Ointment for treating wounds

You will need:

100 grams olive oil (virgin)

8 grams yellow wax

5 grams of white wax

20 grams pine resin(resins)

1 tablespoon butter (homemade)

How to make ointment:

Place olive oil and butter in a saucepan. Heat and add resin and both types of wax. While stirring, completely melt the wax.

Pour into a jar and store in the refrigerator.

Before use, apply a small amount of cream to a bandage or gauze and apply to the wound.

You can make the ointment simpler. To do this, take:

100 grams olive oil

50 grams of beeswax

Melt the wax and oil and pour into a jar. Before use, the wound should be washed with hydrogen peroxide or a 10% solution of propolis tincture and a bandage soaked in ointment should be applied.

Callus removal ointment

You will need:

30 grams of beeswax

50 grams of propolis

Juice from one lemon

How to do:

First, melt propolis and wax in a water bath. Remove from heat and squeeze out the juice. Mix and store in a closed jar.

Apply ointment to the callus. Cover the top with film and secure. Do this procedure daily for several days. Then soften the callus in a 2% soda solution of hot water and remove.

Ointment with essential oils

You can add different essential oils to this ointment depending on what problem you want to solve.

For the basic recipe you will need:

2 parts beeswax

3 parts sweet almond oil

1 part jojoba oil

0.5 parts rapeseed oil (or vegetable)

How to do:

Of course, you can use other oils or just one instead of those recommended in the recipe.

First you need to melt the wax in a water bath or low heat. If you want a softer consistency, add more butter. And vice versa, for harder ones - beeswax.

Cool the mixture and add essential oil.

You can use different essential oils according to the disease you want to cure:

Bay oil - for rheumatism;

Bergamot oil - for colds and bronchitis;

Cumin or orange oil - for treating wounds;

Cedar - for stress and anxiety;

Lemon - against insect bites and itching;

Eucalyptus - for respiratory diseases;

Gardenia oil - for blood pressure, flu and palpitations;

Patchouli oil is an aphrodisiac (it helps with wounds);

Rosemary oil - for muscle pain.

Treating hay fever with beeswax

Depending on the degree and severity of the disease, it is recommended to chew honeycombs, or even better - chewing. This is what is cut off when opening the honeycomb before pumping out the honey.

In cases where there is no honeycomb, you should take a tablespoon of natural honey with each meal.

In the absence of wax, you should eat two teaspoons of liquid honey with each meal.

For moderately severe hay fever, you should chew honeycomb 5 times a day for the first 2 days, and then three times during the period, the duration of which depends on the individual. This treatment for moderately severe seasonal allergies results in significant improvements in:

The runny nose stops and the nose begins to breathe;

Redness of the eyes and sore throat disappear.

3 months before the onset of the disease, you need to eat 1 tablespoon of honey after each meal for dessert.

It's better to chew honeycombs. But liquid natural honey is also effective. At night, it is recommended to drink a glass of water with a tablespoon of honey dissolved in it.

2 weeks before the expected onset of the disease, you need to start taking a mixture of 2 teaspoons of honey and 2 teaspoons of natural apple cider vinegar, dissolved in half a glass of water (or a glass) before breakfast and at night. Treatment should continue as long as symptoms persist.

If necessary, chew the wax throughout the day to avoid nasal congestion.

Beeswax has been used for hundreds of years. But you still need to remember that now there are quite a lot of other effective medicines. Therefore, when deciding to treat with this beekeeping product, consult your doctor first.

Remember what he can give allergic reaction. Do not apply ointments and creams with it to fresh and purulent wounds or burns. It forms a dense, airtight film under which anaerobic bacteria can begin to develop.



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