Clean face or use Differin as a peel to treat young skin. Differin - indications, instructions, analogues, price, reviews

Acne is a huge cosmetic problem. The patient tends to apply a large amount of foundation to his face to disguise acne. At the same time, makeup, hiding traces of inflammation, only aggravates the problem. After all, it is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. It is worth completely giving up cosmetics for a while and starting treatment. There are many medications on the market that help restore normal function of the sebaceous glands and dry out acne. The drug Differin is popular today. The instructions describe how to use the medicine correctly.

Release form and composition

The medicine is available in the form of cream and gel. The main active ingredient is adapalene. The excipients include carbomer, phenoxyethanol, sodium hydrochloride, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, strip chambers, and purified water. The drug is supplied in aluminum tubes, packed in cardboard boxes.

Adapalene belongs to a new generation of retinoids and is a derivative of naphthoic acid. This component has not only anti-comedogenic, but also anti-inflammatory effects. Within a few days after starting therapy, the patient may notice a positive effect on the skin. The drug acts on the follicles and controls the excretion of sebaceous secretions. The effect occurs on both open and closed comedones.

The drug has low systemic adsorption. No addiction to the medication was previously observed. However, it is not recommended to use Differin without a doctor's recommendation. The instructions describe possible side effects with long-term use of the medication.


Differin cream cannot be used to treat single pimples. Instructions for use describe the diseases for which the medication can be prescribed. It is recommended to use the drug only after consultation with a dermatologist. Differin cream or gel is prescribed for the treatment of acne. It can also be used if there are comedones on the skin. If the patient has mild acne, monotherapy gives excellent results. For advanced cases, complex treatment is necessary. Differin gel alone will not give a positive result. Instructions for use describe the interaction of the drug with other medications. In some cases, additional antibacterial therapy may be prescribed.

Additionally, systemic medications can also be used. These are primarily antiandrogens. During the entire course of treatment, the patient must be observed by a doctor. It is worth remembering that Differin gel or cream in combination with hormones can contribute to the development of side effects. Therefore, you should never self-medicate.

The drug "Differin" is well tolerated by patients. The instructions indicate that the medicine can be prescribed even to patients with sensitive skin. People with oily skin are most often prescribed medication in gel form. For dry skin, a rich cream is more suitable. It is better to consult a dermatologist regarding the choice of dosage form to combat acne.


The Differin medication has very few contraindications. The instructions indicate that in rare cases, hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug may develop. If redness or unpleasant itching appears on the skin, it is better to stop using the cream or gel. A dermatologist will help you choose a high-quality analogue.

Differin medication is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. The instructions for use state that there is no data on the use of anti-comedogenic agents by women during breastfeeding. It is advisable to apply the medicine to the skin only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the possible harm to the child.

The drug should be used with caution in patients with renal failure. Before using the product, you should consult your doctor.

special instructions

Differin gel should be applied with caution. The instructions for use state that you should avoid the lip and eye area. If the medication gets on areas of the mucous membrane, it should be washed off with plenty of water. In some cases, irritation may occur in certain areas of the skin. This phenomenon is temporary and does not require discontinuation of treatment. If the skin becomes very red, therapy can be stopped temporarily. Before using a cream or gel, you should test it on a closed area of ​​skin. A small amount of the product is applied to the wrist. You can observe the reaction within five minutes. If there is no redness or itching, the medication can be applied to the face.

It is advisable to start treatment in the cold season. The fact is that the sun's rays have an irritating effect on the skin. This effect may be enhanced by using the drug “Differin” for blackheads. The instructions warn that the medicine may cause itching and irritation. If treatment is prescribed by a doctor in the summer, the medication should be applied to the face before bed.

During therapy, you should not use products with a drying or irritating effect. It is advisable to avoid cosmetics completely. It is worth remembering that foundations and powders are an excellent breeding ground for pathogens.

Other anti-comedogenic agents can be used together with Differin. Tablets, the instructions for use of which have been well studied, can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Hormones and antibacterial drugs are often used in combination with the drug Differin.


The cream or gel is applied to clean, dry skin. There is no need to cover your entire face. With clean hands, apply the medicine only to the affected areas. It is best to do this in the evening after hygiene procedures. The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved only after 6-8 weeks. Moreover, the first positive results can be noticed already in the first days of treatment. There are much fewer comedones, and inflammation goes away quickly.

The drug "Differin" for acne can be used as monotherapy. The instructions for use state that additional medications can be prescribed only in cases of severe acne. A dermatologist may recommend taking antiandrogens and antibiotics.

The optimal course of treatment is 3 months. The exact duration of therapy depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, as well as the form of the disease. It is not recommended to use the product for more than 6 months without a break.


The drug has a low systemic absorption coefficient. Therefore, an overdose is unlikely. Side effects can only develop with oral use of the drug. Redness and burning may also occur when applying cream or gel to open wounds. You should not use Differin ointment for a long time without a doctor’s recommendation. The instructions describe possible allergic reactions. They manifest themselves in the form of skin itching, redness and rash.

Overdose does not require treatment. All you need to do is stop using the medication. Repeated therapy is possible only when all the symptoms of overdose go away.

Side effects

At the very beginning of treatment, the patient may notice redness in the areas of the skin to which the drug is applied. This phenomenon is temporary and does not require discontinuation of therapy. In rare cases, skin itching and flaking may occur. If unpleasant symptoms do not stop, you should consult a dermatologist.

In some cases, adverse reactions may develop such as exacerbation of acne, eczema, excessive peeling, change in skin color, allergic conjunctivitis. The likelihood of sunburn increases significantly. To avoid the development of excessive photosensitivity of the skin, it is not advisable to use Differon cream in summer. The instructions for use state that even with little solar radiation you can get a severe burn. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the drug at night.

Drug interactions

The main active component of the drug is highly chemically resistant. Adapalene practically does not react with other substances. Therefore, the medicine can be used with systemic antibacterial agents, as well as hormones. If there is a need to use other external drugs, you should take a break of at least 5 hours between medications. It is worth considering the regimen of medication use in advance. It is better to use Differin in the evening, and other creams and masks in the morning.

It is not recommended to use gel or cream with medications that have a drying and irritating effect. In this case, the likelihood of developing side effects increases significantly. You should avoid alcohol-containing lotions and tonics. It is also not advisable to use medications based on zinc, sulfur, or salicylic acid. I significantly reduce the positive effect of taking the drug "Differin" comedogenic oils.


If you couldn’t find the right medicine at the pharmacy, you can always choose a high-quality analogue. A dermatologist will help you make your choice. It is not advisable to choose a drug to treat acne on your own. Popular today is the Klenzit gel. This medicine is also made on the basis of adapalene. Disodium edetate, phenoxyethanol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, carbomer, sodium hydroxide, as well as purified water are used as excipients. Gel for external use perfectly relieves inflammation, restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and significantly reduces the number of acne on the face.

The medicine can only be prescribed to patients over 15 years of age. The medicine is not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation. During this period, the medication is used if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential harm to the child. The medication is applied to clean facial skin before bedtime. Avoid contact of the drug with the eyes and lips. The side effects of the product are the same as those of Differin cream. The instructions say that during therapy you should avoid direct sunlight. There is a possibility of developing photosensitivity.

"Zinerit" is another popular drug that is widely used in the treatment of acne. It is produced in powder form. The medication belongs to the group of antibacterial agents. The main active ingredient is erythromycin. Diisopropyl sebacate and ethanol are used as excipients. The product "Zinerit" is used only for advanced forms of acne. The medication is not contraindicated during pregnancy. However, treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist, following the dosage described in the instructions.

Gel Differin for external use contains the following components:

  • adapalene – 1 mg per 1 g of pharmaceutical product;
  • propylene glycol;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • carbomer 940 R;
  • disodium edetate;
  • polyxamer 182;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water.

Composition 1 g cream:

  • adapalene – 1 mg;
  • carbomer 974 R (934 R);
  • macrogol methyldextrose sesquistearate;
  • natural squalene;
  • methyldextrose sesquistearate;
  • disodium edetate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • phenoxyethanol;
  • cyclomethicone;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • purified water.

Release form

In pharmacy kiosks and personal care cosmetics stores, the pharmaceutical drug is presented in two forms:

  • Gel for external use white in plastic tubes of 30 g. The cardboard box contains 1 tube and instructions for use.
  • Cream for external use in aluminum tubes of 30 g. An annotation and 1 tube of medicinal ointment are included in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

Differin cream and gel, as a variation of one drug, belong to the group anti-inflammatory And comedolytic agents which are used externally. The therapeutic effect develops thanks to the main active ingredient called adapalene , which is a metabolite retinoid . The biologically active substance normalizes the processes of keratinization and epidermal differentiation at the cellular level.

Anti-blackhead cream Differin has selective mechanism development of beneficial effects, which consists in the interaction of the active component with specific receptors of epidermal skin cells, resulting in a weakening of cellular connections in the mouths of the pilosebaceous follicles and the elimination of etiological factors for microcomedones .

Along with the mechanism of action indicated above, we should not forget that has strong anti-inflammatory properties , because it is an integral component of a pharmaceutical drug slows down migration white blood cells into the focus of inflammation and metabolism of arachidonic acid, which “switches off” the leukocyte link from the pathological process.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Both forms of the drug are intended for local application to the skin and impact on the epidermal cells of the skin, therefore the absorption of the active components from the surface of the treated area is very low. Excretion of the absorbed part of the biologically active substances occurs mainly through bile.

Indications for use

  • acne or ;
  • acne vulgaris ;
  • black dots ;
  • comedones .


  • hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary components of the pharmaceutical drug;
  • hereditary or acquired intolerance to the drug and its constituent elements;
  • skin neoplasms;
  • childhood;
  • period and ;
  • damage to the skin;
  • burn wound surface;
  • use of systemic drugs from the group retinoids .

Side effects

During conservative treatment with a pharmaceutical agent, the following may develop:

  • irritation of the skin at the treatment site;
  • redness And peeling skin ;
  • feeling or burning sensation ;
  • dry skin;
  • local change in physiological ;
  • contact ;

If these side effects are observed, it is strongly recommended that you immediately stop further treatment and consult a qualified dermatologist. It should also be noted that the drug increases the risk of developing sunburn at normal levels of solar radiation.

Instructions for Differin (Method and dosage)

Gel Differin, instructions for use

Before applying acne gel, you must clean your face , so the therapeutic potential of the pharmaceutical drug will be much higher. However, you should not use alcohol or soap solutions for this; it is recommended to use shower gel . The ointment is applied in an even thin layer over the entire face (if Differin for blackheads is used) or selectively only on inflammatory elements to eliminate them, without rubbing.

The frequency of use is once a day; it is better to use the drug in the evening, before bedtime, since at night the reparative mechanisms of the skin are higher due to the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system. The maximum effect from using the gel is usually observed after a month, but the full course of conservative therapy for getting rid of blackheads or acne lasts 3 months. The possibility of repeated sanitation with a pharmaceutical drug should be further discussed with a dermatologist.

Instructions for the cream

Like the gel, the acne and acne cream should be applied to cleansed and dry skin with light touches. You can use the cream both in the morning and in the evening. Avoid contact of the pharmaceutical drug with the red border of the lips, nasal mucosa and eye area, otherwise the possibility of developing local and systemic side effects increases significantly. The cream is used not only for the face, but also for the back, shoulders and chest area, if necessary (acne or other blemishes are common).


State active or auxiliary components is unlikely, since Differin has a low absorption capacity (only 4% of the applied amount of ointment or gel is absorbed into the microvasculature). In case of accidental oral use or application of the drug to damaged skin, prolonged uncontrolled use, the following symptoms may develop:

  • dry skin ;
  • muscle pain;
  • lacrimation ;
  • symptoms of poisoning in especially severe cases.

Terms of sale

Pharmacies and beauty salons sell the drug without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Adapalene, the main active substance of the cosmetic product Differin, is resistant to light, oxygen and chemically inactive, so storing the drug is easy. Both gel and cream should be stored at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius out of the reach of children.

Best before date

2 years for topical cream and 3 years for 0.1% gel.

special instructions

After being prescribed a pharmaceutical drug, most patients wonder what is better - Differin cream or gel. Both forms of the drug contain the active ingredient in equal quantities, and therefore their therapeutic properties do not differ. What about the auxiliary active substances - based on their combination, it can be argued that the cream, as a rule, is indicated for more sensitive And dry skin , since biological components can improve trophism to some extent, but their beneficial effects develop gradually due to the specificity of chemical interactions.

Differin analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Differin analogues are medicinal or cosmetic products that have similar therapeutic capabilities aimed at combating acne, blackheads or other skin defects. Among the entire group of similar pharmaceutical products, of which there are quite a few, it is worth noting domestic drugs, the purchase of which in the countries of the former CIS does not create difficulties. These include: gel , ointment Vidisem , ointment , solution , Diaknel cream.

The price of domestically produced Differin analogues is, of course, lower, which, as a rule, is a key factor in choosing a pharmaceutical drug. However, Differin is a premium-level medicine produced in France, the world center of cosmetology, and there is no doubt about its effectiveness.

Which is better: Baziron or Differin?

antiseptic agent based on benzene peroxide in the form of a gel for external use. The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of the pharmaceutical drug is a pronounced antimicrobial effect directed against skin colonies staphylococcus And propionobacteria , the main causative agents of acne. The medicine also nourishes the skin. oxygen , normalizing trophic processes, and inhibits the synthesis and secretion of sebaceous gland excretion, due to which the facial skin becomes softer, moisturized and pathological hyperemia disappears.

It is difficult to compare these pharmaceutical drugs, since their mechanism of action is extremely different, although the therapeutic focus of use is similar, therefore qualified dermatologists have developed a conservative treatment regimen acne , when Baziron and Differin are used together in combined sanitation. Thus, beneficial effects develop earlier, and stable remission lasts much longer.

Skinoren or Differin – which is better?

Like Baziron, Skinoren belongs to the group of antiseptic drugs. The main active component of the gel is Azelaic acid, which has an antimicrobial effect. In addition, the active component affects follicular hyperkeratosis , inhibiting the processes of proliferation of keratinization and normalizing the rate of final differentiation of epidermal elements. Separately, it is worth noting that the pharmaceutical drug reduces the amount of free fatty acid fractions in the lipid structures of the skin, which helps eliminate the problem of oily skin.

At least drugs Skinoren, Differin, Diaknel, Klenzit, etc. are analogues , after all they are different drugs with different composition and pharmacological effects, therefore It is best to choose which drug is right for you with the help of a specialist.

During pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated for use during breastfeeding or pregnancy due to the possible development of vitamin A overdose and subsequent adverse effects on the child.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Differin is a medicinal product intended for the treatment of acne. According to its chemical structure, it belongs to the group of retinoids, and according to its pharmacological properties, it belongs to dermatoprotectors. The dermatoprotective property is to maintain normal metabolism in the skin, nourish it and protect it from the negative influence of various factors.

Differin has the property of regulating the rate of formation of epithelial cells, as well as their keratinization and transformation into scales, as a result of which it effectively eliminates the excessive formation of the stratum corneum of the skin (hyperkeratosis). Differin can be used as monotherapy to treat mild acne, or in combination with other drugs to eliminate moderate acne.

Release forms and composition

The drug Differin is presented on the domestic market in two pharmaceutical forms - gel and cream, which have the same concentration of the active substance - 0.1%. This means that 1 gram of ointment or gel contains 1 milligram of active substance. Gel and cream are available in plastic tubes of 30 grams. The drug is produced by the French pharmaceutical concern Laboratoires GALDERMA, which specializes in the development and production of cosmetics with medicinal effects.

Differin lotion is also available on the market in Europe and the United States of America, the properties and active substance of which are identical to the gel and cream. The lotion is convenient to apply to the skin and can be used to treat the back and face. The concentration of the active substance in it is also 0.1%.

The active ingredient in various forms of the drug Differin is adapalene. The gel uses the following as excipients:

  • carbomer 980;
  • propylene glycol;
  • poloxamer 182;
  • sodium edetate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • phenoxyethanol;
  • sodium hydrochloride;
  • distilled water.
Differin cream contains a wider range of excipients that give the dosage form the property of moisturizing and nourishing the skin, due to which it dries out the skin less than gel. So, Differin cream contains the following components as excipients:
  • carbomer 934P;
  • polyethylene glycol-20;
  • glycerol;
  • natural perhydrosqualene;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium edetate;
  • methyl glucose sescistearate;
  • phenoxyethanol;
  • cyclomethicone;
  • 10% sodium hydroxide solution;
  • distilled water.
The active substance of Differin is adapalene, does not lose its properties when exposed to light and oxygen, and does not enter into chemical reactions with other structures. The gel and cream must be stored in a cool and dry place, at an air temperature no higher than 25 o C. In this case, the gel retains its properties for three years from the date of manufacture, and the cream - only for two years.

Therapeutic effects

The therapeutic properties of the drug Differin are due to the properties of adapalene, which belongs to the group of synthetic retinoids of the latest generation. This means that adapalene is an active form of synthetic vitamin A. The main therapeutic effect of Differin is to reduce the number of rashes on the skin - pimples, blackheads, blackheads (comedones). Adapalene has the following therapeutic effects, due to which the drug is able to reduce the number of rashes and prevent the appearance of new ones:
1. Sebostatic.
2. Comedolytic.
3. Anti-comedogenic.
4. Anti-inflammatory.

Sebostatic effect Differina works by reducing the production of sebum, which reduces the oiliness of the skin and makes the pores much clearer. Excess sebum does not clog pores, clogging them and breaking down. Such old sebum is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which normally always live on the skin. As a result of the proliferation of bacteria, active inflammation begins in the clogged pore, which is manifested by red, swollen and painful acne. Differin causes the sebaceous glands to produce much less oil, which reduces the risk of inflammation.

Comedolytic and anticomedogenic effects are closely interrelated and are possible due to the same mechanism. This action is expressed in the melting of fat plugs in the pores, reducing the rate of formation of horny skin scales, which leads to a significant reduction in the number of comedones and preventing their formation. In other words, Differin helps to effectively remove existing sebum from clogged pores and prevents the formation of new similar plugs.

Differin eliminates the excessive formation of horny scales on the surface of the skin (hyperkeratosis), which further clog pores clogged with sebum. Thus, eliminating hyperkeratosis, Differin allows you to open the pores from the outside and remove excess sebum from them. It is thanks to these effects that Differin prevents the formation of new comedones and effectively eliminates old ones that already exist.

Adapalene affects the production of sebum and horny scales indirectly by binding to nuclear receptors of epidermal cells and suppressing the corresponding activity at the level of protein synthesis. Differin blocks the excessive formation of horny scales and normalizes the processes of keratinization occurring in the surface layer of epidermal cells.

Anti-inflammatory effect Differin is due to the ability of adapalene to reduce the activity of enzymes that are involved in the production of substances that support the inflammatory process. In particular, adapalene reduces enzyme activity lipoxygenase, reduces the release of arachidonic acid, and prevents the formation of inflammatory cytokines. The anti-inflammatory effect of Differin approaches the effects of Indomethacin and Betamethasone.

Indications and contraindications

Differin is used to treat acne vulgaris and acne. For mild to moderate severity of the disease, the drug can be used as the only treatment without resorting to the prescription of additional medications. When treating severe acne, Differin must be combined with other medications, both local (for example, antibiotics: Baziron) and systemic (for example, antibiotics, antiandrogen drugs - Cyproterone, Diane-35, Flutamide, Spironolactone, Veroshpiron, etc.) .

The only absolute contraindication to the use of Differin is the presence of an allergy to any component of the drug, severe sensitivity, or intolerance. Use with caution in the presence of seborrhea, dermatitis or eczema.

Instructions for use

Differin in gel form is intended for oily and combination skin, while cream is suitable for sensitive and dry skin.

Differin in the form of a gel or cream is applied locally in a thin layer to the affected areas without rubbing. Application is carried out once a day - in the evening, before bedtime. Before applying the product, the skin must be cleaned and dried. When applying a cream or gel, make sure that the drug does not get on the skin of the lips, around the eyes or in the eyes.

Improvement in skin condition is observed after 1–2 months of regular use of Differin, but to consolidate the achieved effect, it is necessary to extend the course of therapy to 3 months. After some time, if necessary, you can undergo acne treatment again. If severe irritation appears on the skin in response to the use of Differin, then use of the drug should be suspended until all these signs disappear completely.

During the course of treatment, you should not frequently be in the sun and be exposed to ultraviolet radiation, including solariums. Sun and ultraviolet rays can cause skin irritation. Also, during treatment with Differin, it is necessary to avoid using cosmetics that have drying and irritating effects (zinc, sulfur, salicylic acid, etc.), for example, containing ethyl alcohol (including perfumes: perfume, eau de toilette, etc.). d. Do not use alkaline soap to wash your face - switch to light foams, lotions, gels, etc.

Other medications can be used in conjunction with Differin to increase the effectiveness of acne therapy. In this case, it is necessary to use Differin in the evening, before bedtime, and other drugs in the morning. A 4% solution of erythromycin, a 1% solution of clindamycin, Baziron ointment or other preparations with benzoyl peroxide in a concentration of no more than 10% go well with Differin. You can use makeup cosmetics and moisturizing creams that do not have the property of increasing the formation of comedones. If you are taking other retinoids (ROA, retinoid capsules, beta-keratin), you should stop using Differin.

Interaction with other drugs. No chemical interaction has been identified between clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide when used together, so it is possible to use these drugs simultaneously for the treatment of acne. Differin can also be used simultaneously with Tretinoin, Isotretinoin, Azelaic acid and Salicylic acid.

Differin from blackheads

You can fight the notorious blackheads on your face with Differin, but you must carefully follow safety precautions, otherwise there is a high risk of getting a skin burn, severe peeling and other unpleasant effects. The effect of using Differin will last longer than from scrubs, masks, film masks, exfoliants, creams, lotions, gels, peelings, etc., since the listed cosmetics affect the final result - they eliminate blackheads, but do not affect their processes in any way. education. And Differin reduces the production of sebum, thereby preventing the formation of new blackheads, so the effect of this product will last much longer. That is, the duration of the drug’s effect is determined by its effect on the cause of comedones.

So, if you decide to get rid of blackheads with the help of Differin, then at the same time do not use masks, scrubs, peelings and other cosmetics that exfoliate the stratum corneum and open the pores, as this will increase the risk of peeling of the skin, traumatization, inflammation or even a chemical burn on the face. Also decide what you need to use - gel or cream. The cream is used for dry or sensitive skin, and the gel for oily and combination skin.

To combat blackheads, use Differin 2-3 times a week, with an interval of 2-3 days between two applications. Apply the product in the evening, after cleansing your skin as usual and giving it some time to dry completely. Apply Differin in a very thin layer at the rate that a pea-sized amount of gel or cream is enough to treat the entire facial skin. Therefore, if you do not apply Differin to the entire face, but only to the nose or cheeks, or chin, then squeeze out and distribute an even smaller amount of the drug over the surface of the skin. On average, blackheads disappear after 3 – 5 applications of Differin, after which it is necessary to take a break of 3 – 6 weeks - depending on skin type, tendency to form clogged pores, rate of sebum secretion, etc.

After two to three applications of Differin, itching and flaking may appear on the face, which is a normal reaction to the drug. After the next two or three applications, the condition of your facial skin will return to normal, and you will get the desired result - a clean, smooth face without blackheads for a more or less long period of time. Small pimples will not be felt to the touch when you touch the skin with your fingers.

If the peeling is severe, or there is a suspicion of a burn, then use moisturizers - best Bepanten or Panthenol. To eliminate skin burns, it is optimal to use only Panthenol. Remember that Differin has the property of thinning the skin layer, as well as significantly increasing its sensitivity, so you should use foundations, self-tanners and other decorative cosmetics very carefully.

Differin for acne

Actually, Differin is intended for the treatment of acne. In this case, it must be used in a course, as stated in the instructions, or in combination with other drugs prescribed by a dermatologist. When treating acne, after 1 – 2 applications the condition may worsen, but this should not be alarmed, since this is the skin’s reaction to the application of the drug. After another 2–3 applications, this effect will pass, perhaps even the top layer of skin will peel off and peel off, but pimples and blackheads will begin to disappear. The skin of the face will become thinner and become very sensitive and tender. Therefore, take care in advance of purchasing special moisturizing creams and cleansers designed for sensitive skin.

In addition, the skin may become red and painful, but you will have to come to terms with this and go through the entire course of treatment, consisting of several months, until the bitter end. Soreness, dryness and redness can be combated by regular moisturizing with thermal water, which is sold in pharmacies. Also, psychologically prepare for the fact that the effect may not occur immediately, but after some time - from three weeks to a month and a half.

Differin peeling

The possibility of peeling with Differin is quite possible. There are special retinoic peels. These procedures are performed with drugs from the retinoid group, and the active substance of Differin, adapalene, belongs precisely to this class of organic compounds.

Peeling with Differin can be done by applying a large amount of cream or gel to the skin of the face and leaving it for 2 to 3 hours. After this, you should wash the drug off your face. Peeling will perfectly eliminate blackheads, reduce inflammation, and lead to the involution of pimples and blackheads. But a side effect of this procedure may be increased sensitivity of the facial skin. Sensitivity after peeling with Differin usually lasts for a short period of time - from one to three days. After this, the skin returns to its normal state, which was observed before peeling.

The peeling procedure with Differin makes the skin smooth, clean and even, small and medium-sized comedones are removed. In some people, after the procedure, the top layer of skin exfoliates or peels off after 2-3 days, and underneath it remains clean, smooth and even skin, and the remaining comedones are very easily removed.

You should not overuse the Differin peeling procedure; this manipulation should be carried out no more than once a month.

Differin during pregnancy

Animal studies revealed an adverse effect of Differin on the fetus, which manifested itself in a teratogenic effect (formation of congenital deformities, stillbirth, etc.). For obvious reasons, studies of the effect of the drug on the body of pregnant women and the fetus have not been conducted. However, given the experimental data, it is recommended to refrain from using Differin during pregnancy and lactation. In some cases, the use of the drug in pregnant women is justified, despite the possible risks.

What should you pay attention to when treating with Differin?

Differin allows you to free the ducts of the sebaceous glands (that is, pores), reduce the amount of sebum and establish the process of its normal secretion. Therefore, the drug eliminates acne by normalizing sebum production and reducing inflammation. The therapeutic effects of Differin allow it to be considered the drug of choice in the treatment of mild to moderate acne.

The drug must be used every day, covering the entire surface of the facial skin with a thin layer. Do not apply the product in a thick layer - this will not enhance the therapeutic effect, but will increase the risk of side effects. To treat the entire face, it is enough to squeeze out a gel or cream the size of an average pea from a tube. Acne can be treated with Differin alone, or other drugs can be added to it, if necessary. Differin is most successfully combined with antibiotics for external and internal use. When used together with other topical medications, they should be applied in the morning, or several hours before Differin. Do not apply Differin gel or cream to skin with wounds and cuts, sunburned, or dry and chapped skin.

The duration of acne treatment with Differin depends on the severity of the rash and its type. Improvement in skin condition is observed after a 3-6 week course of therapy, but usually treatment must be continued for several months to achieve a lasting effect and maintain the achieved results. After several weeks of treatment, when the skin has cleared and the number of rashes has significantly decreased, continue to use the drug for several more months, but applying it only once every few days. Then you can avoid the recurrence of acne after discontinuation of the product. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and avoid visiting solariums. If there is a need to spend a long time in the sun, then you should refrain from applying the product one day before the planned trip, on the day of active insolation and another day after. You can then use Differin gel or cream as usual.

Side effects

Only local effects are possible, so side effects manifest themselves in the form of peeling and irritation of the skin in areas of excessive application of Differin. Skin irritation usually develops in 7% of patients. That is, the incidence of side effects is quite low. Irritation is manifested by dry skin, peeling, itching, redness, a burning sensation and an inflammatory reaction.


By analogues we usually mean the actual analogues and synonyms of a particular drug. Synonyms are medicines that contain exactly the same active substance. Analogs are drugs with the same type of action and similar therapeutic effects, but with different active ingredients. The drug Differin has both synonyms and analogues.

Synonyms of Differin include the following drugs:

  • Adapalene gel (external);
  • Klenzit gel (external);
  • Adaklin cream (external);
  • Adolen gel (external).
Analogues of the drug Differin are the following products, also intended exclusively for external use:
  • Videstim ointment;
  • Retanoic ointment;
  • Isotrexin gel;
  • Gel Effezel.
  • Retasol solution.

Baziron or Differin?

Today, Differin is the drug of choice for the treatment of acne and pimples. Neither Differin nor Baziron contain either antibiotics or hormonal components, therefore they do not cause addiction and “withdrawal syndrome”, when in response to stopping the use of drugs the situation sharply worsens, and acne appears in even greater numbers than before treatment.

But Baziron and Differin have a fundamentally different mechanism of action. Baziron simply relieves inflammation, destroys bacteria and, in fact, removes the external form of acne and comedones. And Differin fights the causes of acne - it reduces sebum production, cleanses pores, reduces the number of scales in the stratum corneum of the skin, improves breathing and oxygen supply, preventing the proliferation of microbes that cause inflammation. Both drugs can cause irritation, but this effect is much more pronounced in Baziron.

In principle, Differin is a more preferable option, since it eliminates the cause of acne formation - it reduces the amount of sebum and horny scales of the epidermis, improves the secretion of fat, which opens up pores, and prevents the accumulation of a nutrient medium for bacteria, thereby preventing the formation of new eruptions and reducing existing ones.

The different mechanisms of action and active substances in Baziron and Differin are the basis for their use in different situations. Thus, Differin is more effective than Baziron in the treatment of acne in the form of comedones with a small inflammatory component. And Baziron is more effective than Differin in the treatment of acne with an active inflammatory component, that is, with papular and pustular forms of acne.

Very often, cosmetologists advise using a regimen for the treatment of acne and pimples, which consists of applying Baziron to the skin in the mornings and Differin in the evenings. The effectiveness of this combination is really high, but there is also a significant risk of skin burns, dryness and excessive sensitivity. Therefore, it is better to adhere to the following tactics - if there is a strong inflammatory component, use Baziron, and then switch to Differin. If Baziron is very poorly tolerated and causes severe irritation, then you must stop using this drug and start using Differin.

Differin or Skinoren?

Skinoren is not as effective in treating acne as Differin. However, the drug deserves attention because it can be used as the main drug for maintenance therapy after the main course of Differin. For example, after using Differin for 3 months, you can switch to Skinoren, which is applied to the entire surface of the facial skin several times a week. Remember that Skinoren has the property of whitening the skin of the face, giving it a marble pallor, which you should not be afraid of.

Differin or Clensite?

Clenzit and Differin are synonymous drugs, that is, they contain the same chemical compound as an active substance - adapalene. But Differin is an original drug produced in France, and Klenzit is a generic produced by an Indian concern. In principle, the choice remains with the buyer; what to buy is decided by the person himself. Clenzit is cheaper than Differin, but the effectiveness may be the same in some people, or significantly lower in others.

In the case of Differin and Klenzit, the question of choice rather moves to the plane of differences between original drugs and generics. Generics are drugs that contain the same active substance as the original drugs, but the technology for producing the finished dosage form and obtaining the active compound can be anything. The chemical purity of the active ingredient of generic drugs may also differ from that in the original drug. You can try Klenzit, and if its effectiveness satisfies the person, then stop with this drug and use it in the future. If Klenzit is ineffective, switch to Differin.

Instructions for use Differin
Buy Differin gel 0.1% 30g
Dosage forms

gel 0.1%
Galderma Laboratories (France)
Dermatoprotective agents
The active ingredient is adapalene.
International nonproprietary name
Adaklin, Adolen, Klenzit
pharmachologic effect
Adapalene represents a new generation of synthetic retinoids and is a naphthoic acid derivative. Adapalene has sebostatic, comedolytic/anticomedogenic and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug affects follicular hyperkeratosis, regulating the process of keratinization and desquamation - it has pronounced comedolytic activity (affects open and closed comedones) and anti-comedogenic effect (prevents the formation of microcomedones). The main mechanism of action is selective binding to nuclear RAg receptors of epidermal cells, in contrast to the indiscriminate binding of previous generations of retinoids. This mechanism regulates the final differentiation of keratinocytes, which normalizes the keratinization process and reduces the prerequisites for the formation of microcomedones.
Indications for use
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Side effect
Local reactions: when applying cream or gel in excessive quantities, redness and peeling of the skin may occur.
No clinically significant drug interactions have been established with the simultaneous use of clindamycin phosphate or benzoyl peroxide.
Directions for use and dosage
Apply the cream or gel evenly, without rubbing, to the affected areas of the skin once a day before bedtime. The drug should be applied to clean, dry skin. The therapeutic effect develops after 4-8 weeks of therapy, persistent improvement - after 3 months from the start of therapy. It is possible to carry out repeated courses of drug therapy on the recommendation of a doctor. Differin cream is recommended for sensitive and dry skin. Differin is indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate acne as monotherapy, and for moderate acne also in combination with other local (antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide) and systemic (antibiotics, antiandrogens for oral administration) drugs.
Due to low systemic absorption, overdose is unlikely.
special instructions
When using the drug, avoid contact with the eyes and lips. In some cases, when using the drug, short-term skin irritation is possible; in such cases, therapy can be interrupted until signs of irritation disappear. During the period of use of the drug, active exposure to the sun and UV irradiation should be avoided due to possible mild skin irritation. During the period of use of the drug, it is not recommended to use cosmetic products with a drying or irritating effect (including perfumes, ethanol-containing products). It is possible to use other drugs for the treatment of acne while using the drug. It is possible to simultaneously use makeup products and moisturizers that do not contribute to the formation of comedones.
Storage conditions
Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C, out of the reach of children.



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