Bacterial infection without fever in an adult treatment. Flu Virus Symptoms

Determining the source of the disease is one of the main points among those necessary for organizing the correct and effective therapy. Despite some similarities in the etiology of bacterial and viral diseases, they also have a number of differences, which are important to consider when treating. Most in a simple way Determining the type of infection is carried out.

In order to understand the main differences between viral and bacterial infections, you do not need to be a biologist; it is enough to consider in detail two types of microorganisms: bacteria and viruses. The first are single-celled microorganisms that have an unformed nucleus or no nucleus at all.

Depending on the shape of the cell, bacteria are divided into the following types:

  • “-cocci” (, pneumococcus, etc.) – with a round shape
  • rod-shaped (whooping cough, dysentery, etc.) – with an elongated shape
  • other forms of bacteria are much less common

It is worth understanding that throughout life, on the surface and inside the human body lives great amount bacteria. With normal immunity and the general protective state of the body, these microorganisms are not at all dangerous, since they are not pathogens. However, any weakening of the body in combination with other factors will transform innocent bacteria into pathogenic cells that can cause serious illnesses.

Viruses have a negative effect on the cell, so their appearance and activation of development are accompanied by the production of interferon.

The latter begins to interact with others healthy cells and provokes the appearance of an antiviral state.This outcome of events forces the human body to stimulate the immune system and activate hidden protective resources, which are used to fight the emerging disease.

Viruses in most cases live in the human body for a short time, that is, only for the period of illness. However, some of the microorganisms of this class can live in the body all its life and become active only in certain situations with certain conditions. Such a virus is often not destroyed either by the immune system or by medications (, etc.).

Blood test for viral infection and its interpretation

A viral or bacterial infection can be determined not only professional doctor, but also by the patient himself, who has the results of a previously performed diagnostic measure.

To determine the source of the disease, it is necessary to carefully analyze each of the indicators presented on the results card. The fact is that, depending on the type of pathogenic cells, some natural changes occur in the structural composition of the blood. By identifying them, you can determine whether you are infected with viruses or bacteria.

So, big picture blood test indicators for a viral infection are as follows:

  • – normal or slightly below normal (very rarely there is a slight increase)
  • – above normal
  • monocytes – above normal
  • neutrophils – below normal
  • – normal or slightly increased

Even if all blood test indicators indicate a viral etiology of the disease, it is equally important to analyze the symptoms that appear. The most significant difference between a bacterial and a viral infection is that the latter has less incubation period(1-5 days).

Blood test for bacterial infection and its interpretation

Depending on the type of bacteria that provoke the disease, symptoms and differences in analysis parameters may be slightly different, but in general, a bacterial infection has the following specific features:

  • – almost always above the norm (rarely – norm)
  • neutrophils – above normal
  • – slightly below normal (less often – normal)
  • – increase
  • the appearance of young forms - metamyelocytes and myelocytes

As for symptoms, if the disease is bacterial, its incubation period, as a rule, lasts longer than with a viral infection and ranges from 2-14 days.

In any case, even knowing the above features of viral and bacterial infections, determined through a blood test, you should not completely rely on yourself in making a diagnosis. It is important to understand that bacteria are often activated as a consequence of the development of viral microflora, and only a specialist can determine this etiology of the disease.

Useful tips: how to properly treat viral and bacterial infections

As noted earlier, determining whether your infection is viral or bacterial is necessary in order to identify the correct and most effective methods therapy.

Below are useful tips for the treatment of ailments of these etiological types:

  • Returning for the last time to the symptoms of illnesses, we note that a viral infection provokes general physical malaise, fever and a sudden increase in temperature, while a bacterial infection, on the contrary, is activated locally (sore throat, otitis media, etc.), develops for a long time and is accompanied by a low temperature (no more than 38 Co).
  • The beginning of therapy for any disease, regardless of its etiological type, should be accompanied by the organization of complete rest and bed rest for the patient. Such conditions should be maintained until almost complete recovery.
  • Choice medications– most interest Ask in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections. The latter must be treated with antibacterial agents (antibiotics), supplementing them various medications to eliminate local symptoms. Therapy for a viral infection should be accompanied by taking antiviral drugs and the same means aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease.
  • It is possible to use folk remedies in the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases, but only if it is rational and appropriate.
  • Inhalations are also not contraindicated, but it is worth understanding that it is correct to use them only when there are no purulent inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract and elevated temperature at the patient.

Useful video - How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one:

Only the attending physician can give further advice on the treatment of diseases in a particular case, since it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics illness.

In general, determining a viral or bacterial infection based on the results is not a difficult undertaking, requiring only some knowledge. It is important to understand that sometimes own strength not enough for organization correct diagnosis And effective treatment, so you shouldn’t ignore visiting the clinic.

Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms without a cell nucleus that can live in almost any environment. They live in water, air, soil, penetrate host cells and are causative agents of bacterial infections in humans. The main places of localization of microorganisms are the respiratory tract, intestines and outer integument of a person. To effectively treat an infection, it is necessary to correctly diagnose what type of pathogenic bacteria caused the disease and choose effective ways suppression of the vital activity of microorganisms.

Main pathogens

Bacteria are among the most ancient microorganisms on earth. They are single-celled microbes without a nucleus. Genetic information is stored in the cytoplasm. Microorganisms are covered with a dense shell that protects them from negative factors environment. Bacteria were first accidentally discovered in the 17th century by the Dutchman Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, who examined them in a puddle of water through the world's first microscope. Louis Pasteur paid a lot of attention to the role of microorganisms in the infectious process back in the 19th century, outlining the relationship between bacteria and disease. But effective mechanisms against pathogenic microbes were developed much later.

Many types of bacteria live in the human body, providing it normal functioning. However, most cells are pathogenic (or pathogenic) with varying degrees of virulence and toxicity.

Representatives of the microworld cause infectious diseases varying degrees gravity. It became possible to fight them after the invention of penicillin, which suppresses the growth and reproduction of bacterial cells.

Until the twentieth century, bacterial infections were fought in the same way as viral ones, which was completely ineffective. Microbes have significant differences, and only diagnostics can reliably identify the causative agents of diseases and choose a treatment method.

Symptoms of an attack by pathogenic bacteria

All bacteria are classified into:

  • non-pathogenic - do not harm humans;
  • opportunistic - coexist peacefully with humans until a certain point;
  • pathogenic – dangerous bacteria, cause serious illness.

In addition, all types of pathogens have different virulence. This means that under equal living conditions, one type of bacteria will be more toxic to humans than another.

The release of toxins (poisons) into the body is the most important point in development infectious diseases. Bacteria can produce endotoxins. This occurs in the event of cell death and destruction ( intestinal infection). The second option for intoxication of the body is the release of exotoxins during the life of a bacterial cell (diphtheria).

Depending on the location of the microorganisms, there are several types of bacterial infections, each of which manifests itself with different symptoms:

  1. Sexual infections in women. Some of the most common diseases are vaginosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, and yeast infection. Pathologies of women genitourinary system as a result of change vaginal microflora manifested by the following symptoms: the formation of vaginal discharge of various characteristic colors and consistency, a feeling of burning and itching, pain during urination, discomfort during sexual intercourse, specific bad smell. Provoke women bacterial diseases may douching, taking medications, changing hormonal levels, decreased immunity, frequent change sexual partners.
  2. Intestinal infection. Occurs as a result of direct toxic effects bacteria on the epithelium of the digestive tube and tissue of the gastrointestinal tract. Salmonellosis is characterized by increased body temperature, fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Staphylococcal intestinal infection occurs with a runny nose, sore throat, slight increase temperature, loose stools, skin rashes, nausea, vomiting, painful sensations in the abdominal area. General state the patient looks like food poisoning. Typhoid intestinal infection - joints and throat hurt, loss of appetite, stomach pain. In severe cases - delirium, coma.
  3. Childhood diseases. The most common diseases are mumps, rubella, scarlet fever, measles, and tonsillitis. Toxins released by bacteria are damaging internal organs child. Symptoms of a childhood bacterial infection include: fever above 39°C, cough, general weakness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, plaque on the tongue and tonsils, skin rashes, severe intoxication of the body. To avoid complications, you must consult a doctor immediately. Children are almost always given antibiotics for a bacterial infection as treatment.
  4. Throat diseases. For infection respiratory tract characteristic following symptoms: deterioration general well-being, pronounced focus of the disease, purulent discharge, white coating in the throat, low temperature on initial stage development of the disease. Often a bacterial throat infection is preceded by a cold. Bacteria can live in the body without showing themselves in any way, but after an acute respiratory viral infection, immunity decreases, and the rapid growth and reproduction of the pathogenic microbe begins. Effective treatment is impossible without taking antibiotics.

Decline immune defense- the main cause of many diseases caused by the fact that opportunistic microbes become pathogenic and very dangerous for human body. Late application for qualified medical care is fraught with serious consequences.

Routes of transmission of infection and types of diseases

IN environment millions of bacteria live constantly. They are found in food, water, soil, air and in the human body.

There are main ways how the infection is transmitted:

  • household contact – objects common use(dishes, textiles);
  • nutritional – with food or contaminated water;
  • sexual – through sperm or saliva (venereal diseases);
  • airborne - when sneezing, coughing, talking, breathing;
  • transplacental – bacteria transmitted from mother to child.

The group of diseases caused by bacteria is the most extensive, and microbes can affect different organs person. Many of them are life-threatening and untimely treatment can lead to death:

  • meningitis, plague, cholera, typhus, anthrax;
  • diphtheria, dysentery, salmonellosis, brucellosis;
  • pneumonia, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, mumps, measles;
  • syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, vaginosis.

Serious skin diseases and eye infection is also a consequence of the work of bacteria. Maintaining personal hygiene, keeping the body in good shape, careful processing of food and maintaining immunity are the main ones preventive methods aimed at preventing bacterial infection.

Diagnosis of diseases

Laboratory testing is the main method for detecting bacterial disease in adult patients and children. For analysis, material containing bacteria is taken - sputum, scrapings, mucus, blood, urine. Exist following methods microbiological diagnostics infections caused by bacteria:

  1. Direct microscopy. The material taken for analysis is placed under glass and examined under a microscope. In this way, it is possible to quickly identify the origin of the disease.
  2. Cultural method - inoculation of the pathogen on nutrient medium and growing microorganisms for a certain period of time. The analysis requires a minimum of 48 hours, and weeks to detect tubercle bacilli.
  3. Linked immunosorbent assay. Aimed at determining the total amount of antigens and antibodies in the test material. Bacterial infection a blood test reveals it very accurately (shift in the leukocyte formula).
  4. Immunofluorescence reaction. To detect the presence of infection, pathogen antigens are associated with a specific antibody labeled with a fluorescent agent, with the microbe further identified by its glow.
  5. Polymerase chain reaction(PCR). IN biological fluids taken for laboratory analysis, the amount of nucleic acids is determined and, based on the data obtained, a conclusion is made about infection.

Diagnosis of bacterial infections allows you to accurately determine the causative agent of the disease in order to prescribe effective treatment. Women who suspect a vaginal infection can conduct a preliminary test at home on their own (later a trip to the doctor is required). To do this, it is necessary to determine the deviation of the pH level from the norm.

With help test paper For the test, analysis is carried out at home. Paper (pad for detecting vaginal infections) is used to inside vaginal area. Compare the test with a colored paper sample. How to identify a genitourinary tract infection:

  • normal pH level is between 3.8-4.5;
  • the test paper has a level between 1 and 14;
  • if the sample color is different normal range, there is a vaginal infection.

The test only allows you to preliminarily determine the presence of harmful microbes in the microflora. More accurate and detailed testing is carried out in laboratory conditions. Self-medication is excluded, no matter what the home test is. If symptoms of infection are present, medications should be prescribed by a specialist. Features of bacterial infection are:

  1. The incubation period is long – it takes from two days to two weeks.
  2. There is often no prodromal period of the disease - it begins immediately, locally and pronouncedly.
  3. A general deterioration in health does not always accompany a bacterial disease, but is more often a sign of a respiratory viral disease.
  4. Another sign is how long the temperature lasts. Its value usually does not exceed 38 degrees, but the readings are constant.
  5. Blood picture for this infection: increased level leukocytes, increased number of neutrophils, high ESR, decreased lymphocyte content.

By examining biological material, it is possible to accurately diagnose the cause of diseases, identify the causative microbe and identify methods of effective treatment, which is based on the use of antibiotics.

Medicines for infection

Antibiotics that are recommended to eliminate infections caused by bacteria are divided into two: large groups: bactericidal action(complete destruction of microorganisms), bacteriostatic action (reduction of growth and number of bacteria).

Along with taking antibiotics, antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs, prebiotics for the intestines, vitamins and medications that strengthen the immune system are prescribed. Treatment of a bacterial infection is based on the following antibiotics:

  • bacteriostatic drugs – Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol;
  • bactericidal - Penicillin, Rifamycin, Aminoglycoside;
  • antibacterial penicillins - Amoxicillin, Amoxicar, Amoxiclav.

All antibiotics have a strong targeted effect. Accept medications can only be prescribed by a doctor who will select effective remedy depending on the location of pathogenic bacteria, the form and severity of the disease and biological species pathogen. If the patient is contagious, it is necessary to limit his contact with healthy people.

What is more dangerous: a viral or bacterial infection? This question is difficult to answer unambiguously. But bacteria are definitely more widespread in the environment and can live and reproduce outside of a living cell, unlike viruses. For years, these microorganisms can coexist peacefully next to or inside a person, but when immunity decreases, they become pathogenic, dangerous and toxic.

In the spring-autumn period, the incidence increases respiratory infections. Symptoms of diseases may vary. It depends on the type of pathogenic bacterium, its location, physiological characteristics of the body and the degree of spread inflammatory process. In respiratory diseases initial stages usually not provided specific diagnostics, because a specific disease can only be suspected based on clinical symptoms.

It is important to start treatment on time and not let infectious agents cause complications.

Bacterial infection

Bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract can be caused by bacteria such as corynebacteria, Haemophilus influenzae, whooping cough pathogens, meningococcus, pneumococcus, streptococcus and others. The route of transmission is predominantly airborne and contact. The frequency of damage and susceptibility depend on the degree of reactivity of each individual person. Persons with weakened immune systems will suffer from any infections much more often.

Bacterial colds require the prescription of antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) to prevent the development of complications in other organs and systems.

There are several periods of bacterial infection:

  1. Incubation- time from first contact with a sick person to clinical manifestations of the disease. One of the main differences between a bacterial infection and a viral one is a longer incubation period: from 3 to 14 days. In lengthening this period important role plays a role in the body's sensitivity, stress, overwork or hypothermia. The pathogen, entering the respiratory tract, may not immediately cause illness, but weakening of the immune system will provoke the development of the disease after a few days.
  2. Premonitory- time of the first manifestations of the disease. Some bacterial infections do not have this period, and the infection itself is a complication of a previous acute respiratory viral infection. The viral one begins with an erased picture and is manifested mainly by a general deterioration of the condition. Bacterial - has a specific point of application, all symptoms of the disease will be associated with it.

For example, streptococcal sore throat. The causative agent is beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A, which acts on its point of application - the tonsils and manifests itself as tonsillitis or sore throat. But if you don't treat a sore throat antibacterial drugs, streptococcus is capable of infecting the heart and joints, which are also its point of application in the event of dissemination (spread) of the pathogen through the blood. In such situations, acquired heart defects and joint deformities may occur.

Sore throat is often observed in children.

Pathology can be caused various viruses, chlamydia. If there is no runny nose, cough, or manifestations of conjunctivitis with a sore throat, it is a streptococcal form. It can penetrate into the upper respiratory tract from the skin, where it is found as an opportunistic microflora. You cannot put off going to the doctor, especially if an inflammatory process develops in a child. By virtue of physiological characteristics child's body the infection tends to settle on the tonsils and degenerate into a chronic form.

Localization of bacterial infection

In the clinic separate forms Bacterial lesions of the upper respiratory tract have their own characteristics, often associated with the localization of pathogenic bacteria:

Disease Localization Symptoms
Bacterial pharyngitisIn the throat
  • pain or sore throat, difficulty swallowing, if the infection has already gone down, a cough is noted;
  • bad breath due to the release of metabolic products from bacteria in the throat;
  • headache, weakness, general fatigue;
  • Availability skin rash, especially often when streptococcal infection and it happens more often in children
Bacterial rhinosinusitis Inflammatory process occurring in the nasal mucosa and sinuses
  • runny nose with green-yellow discharge, pain in the projection of the sinuses, which can radiate (shoot) to the ear or jaw;
  • a sore throat;
  • nasal congestion;
  • cough, more pronounced in the morning;
  • fever, more common in children
Inflammatory disease flowing in the epiglottis
  • sore throat;
  • increased salivation, hoarseness of voice;
  • cough, mostly dry;
  • dyspnea
Laryngotracheitis Inflammatory lesion larynx and trachea
  • loss or hoarseness of voice;
  • cough, dry or barking (a common manifestation of laryngitis in children);
  • dyspnea;
  • attacks of apnea, that is, holding your breath

Inflammation is not always local; within a few days, bacteria colonize nearby anatomical structures, and the pathological process becomes more widespread. At the same time, symptoms of intoxication increase, specific clinical picture becomes erased. Diagnosis and treatment are difficult. The volume of therapeutic manipulations increases and the rehabilitation period is prolonged.

Differences in the pathological process depending on the pathogen

A person can distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral one on his own; to do this, he will need to monitor the condition and determine the symptoms, the timing of their occurrence and other features of the disease:

Sign Viral infection Bacterialinfection
PrevalenceUbiquitous, often causes respiratory diseasesRarely occurs as primary disease, usually as complications
Incubation periodFrom 1 to 5 daysFrom 3 to 14 days
Constant persistence (presence) of the pathogen in the respiratory tractCharacteristic only for adenovirusesCharacteristic of most pathogens
Prodromal periodQuite pronounced, lasts up to 24 hoursInvisible
Color of nasal dischargeTransparent, liquid consistencyDark green, yellow-green color
Onset of the diseaseBright, accompanied by high and rapidly increasing feverErased, temperature does not rise above 38 degrees
Locality of the lesionNot expressed at first, general manifestations come firstSevere, bacterial infections are manifested by otitis, sinusitis, rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis, etc.
Allergic manifestationsYes, almost always observedNot typical
Blood analysisIncreased number of lymphocytes in the bloodIncreased number of neutrophils in the blood
Treatment with antibioticsNot required, the most effective treatment is considered to be taking antiviral drugs during the prodromal periodNecessary and most effective treatment

It is possible to distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral one at the onset of the disease by carefully analyzing the symptoms. It is important to start treatment according to the etiology of the disease as soon as possible.

How to treat bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract?

Bacterial respiratory diseases require hospitalization of patients only if complications develop or with severe intoxication syndrome. The doctor examines and conducts necessary examinations and prescribes appropriate therapy, which the patient is able to carry out independently at home. Treatment regimen:

  1. Antibacterial therapy. The main purpose of using antibiotics is to destroy the pathogen, reduce the risk of chronic infection, prevent complications and reduce clinical manifestations. Drugs commonly used wide range actions. Only a doctor is competent to help with the choice, since there are many nuances when certain types pathogens, taking into account the patient’s age and the presence of concomitant pathologies.
  2. Prebiotics and probiotics. When prescribing antibiotics for a course of up to 7 days, lactobacilli preparations are taken together as a preventive measure for the development of dysbiosis. Antibacterial agents have a detrimental effect on all microflora. You need to take Linex, Bifidumbacterin, etc. They promote recovery and increase immunity by restoring intestinal microflora.
  3. Mucolytics and expectorantsdrugs are prescribed for dry coughs to remove sputum. If it is not there, then it is advisable to take antitussives.

For detoxification, Regidron is used orally, which helps remove bacteria and their toxins from the body.

If the process bacterial inflammation limited, then you can stop at local rinsing with antibiotics, without systemic administration of the drug. They have a proven antimicrobial effect water solution chlorhexidine and Miramistin. They are indicated for local irrigation of the throat, nasal passages, etc.

Broad-spectrum antibiotic

First the patient is shown bed rest, for 3-5 days at home, with restrictions on hypothermia and visits to crowded places. Intoxication of the body implies exhaustion and loss important microelements so you need to drink more clean water and include in the diet fresh vegetables and fruits.

Prevention helps prevent the development of bacterial infections:

  • vitamin therapy;
  • elimination of stress and frequent, prolonged hypothermia of the body;
  • use of preventive vaccinations;
  • correct diet;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Alternative medicine

It will not be possible to cope with a bacterial infection without antibiotics, but treatment folk remedies has a pronounced auxiliary effect. Vitamins and herbal teas help relieve intoxication, eliminate signs of inflammation, and strengthen the immune system. Will help with the development of a severe cough pharmacy fees based on coltsfoot, licorice root and chamomile (they are taken 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks):

Compound Cooking method Admission conditions
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 liter of boiled water
Cut the lemon in half, squeeze out its juice, chop the pulp and add them to the water. Mix the drink with honeyConsume throughout the day
  • 200 g cranberries;
  • 1.5 liters of boiled water
Squeeze the cranberries and bring the pulp to a boil; after cooling, add the freshly squeezed juice to the broth. Can be sweetened to taste with a little sugarDrink 200 ml during the day
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 200 ml milk
Warm the milk in a water bath, melt the butter and honey in it. Indication for use is coughing with difficult to clear sputumTake at night for 5-10 days

Raspberries, black currants, and chamomile have a good anti-inflammatory effect. Decoctions and herbal teas based on them have no restrictions or contraindications for bacterial infections. They are used both at the time of treatment and during the rehabilitation period. After recovery, a gentle work regime and restriction are indicated physical activity for 1-2 weeks.

For any disease, it is very important to determine the source of its occurrence. Majority known to medicine Pathologies are proven to be caused by bacteria or viruses. For many people these concepts are the same and are included in general group pathogenic, aggressive agents dangerous to the human body. But in fact, this is the wrong line of thinking - viruses and bacteria differ both in their effects on the human body and in their treatment technology. Therefore, before taking medications, you need to clearly know whether it is viral or bacterial infection. And to answer this question there is laboratory diagnostics. How can a blood test determine whether a viral or bacterial infection is the cause of the disease?

What are viruses and bacteria and what are the differences?

A bacterium is a single-celled microorganism with an unformed nucleus. The bacterium is translated from Greek as “stick” and belongs to the largest group of microscopic organisms. They are full-fledged cells that have their own metabolism and the ability to reproduce by division.

The most common forms of bacteria are:

  1. Round (cocci).
  2. Rod-shaped.
  3. Sometimes other forms of bacteria are found.

Some bacteria found on skin, mucous membranes and in gastrointestinal tract, are safe for humans as long as strong immunity keeps them under control. Costs defense forces the body weakens due to various reasons whether it's a cold or autoimmune condition how such “safe” bacteria become active and move into the aggressive stage. The behavior of viruses in this case is partly similar to the principle of action of bacteria. Certain viruses may be present in human body long time and even throughout life.

They can remain in a latent (hidden) form for a long period and are activated only if the immune system the person begins to weaken or undergoes increased load and does not cope with its responsibilities in full.

The insidiousness of this state of affairs lies in the fact that being in latent form, a viral infection cannot be destroyed by either drugs or immune antibodies. While the carrier of any virus during this period acts as a spreader of the infection. But, despite the secrecy of viruses and the absence of eloquent symptoms, they are detected when laboratory diagnostics, especially when the biological material is organic " outpatient card"of the whole body, that is, blood. The main thing is to know how to use a blood test to determine whether a viral or bacterial infection has entered the body.

How to distinguish bacterial from viral pathology using a blood test

Upon closer examination of how to determine whether a viral or bacterial infection is a viral or bacterial infection using a blood test, it becomes clear that this can be easily done by looking at the laboratory form of the test result for the number of immune system cells such as:

  • Leukocytes, including neutrophils and monocytes.
  • Lymphocytes.
  • Plasma cells, belonging to the class of leukocytes, are formed from B lymphocytes.

White blood cells are the main defense tool of the immune system. Therefore, a deviation in the numerical value of leukocytes towards an increase or decrease clearly indicates the presence pathological process in organism. When infected with bacteria, the human immune system responds by increasing the number of white blood cells. With a minor exception to the rules, in the form of some diseases that do not fall under this specificity. When laboratory analysis blood shows a decrease in the number of leukocytes, then this a clear sign availability viral pathology. So, a blood test will make it clear whether it is a bacterial or viral infection.

As for lymphocytes - the main immune cells that are responsible for the production of antibodies and other important functions, then the classification of infections according to them is somewhat different from the previous one. Because when the level of lymphocytes increases, the presence of viruses in the body is confirmed. And, conversely, with a decrease in the quantitative indicator of data immune cells diagnosed infectious process bacterial origin.

A disease caused by bacteria is also indicated by the neutrophil ratio. The normal ratio of segmented and band neutrophilic granulocytes should be 10:1. If a blood test reveals a predominance of band white blood cells over segmented ones, a conclusion can be drawn about bacterial infection. Monocytes tend to multiply during viral pathology, accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature.

An increase in plasma cells is also associated with the penetration of viruses into the human body.

Another marker for recognizing bacterial and viral infections in a blood test is ESR. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate will increase when an inflammatory process provoked by bacteria occurs. For a viral infection ESR indicator may be normal.

Determining the presence of a viral or bacterial infection using a blood test is not difficult. But it is better if the interpretation of laboratory research of quantitative and qualitative indicators shaped elements the blood will still be carried out by a competent person medical worker. To avoid incorrect or inaccurate interpretation of the blood test and erroneous diagnosis.

In contact with

The most basic stage of any diagnosis is identifying the focus or cause of the disease. This plays a big role in further eliminating the disease. Similarities are observed when a disease of viral or bacterial origin appears. But it should be taken into account that there are some differences that make it possible to determine the etiology. In order to carry out differential diagnosis it is necessary to draw sufficient blood for laboratory test. In practice, in any hospital you can conduct a blood test and determine viral or bacterial disease in humans.

How to determine a viral or bacterial infection?

Differences between bacteria and viruses

To understand the difference between a bacterial infection and infectious origin you don't have to be a doctor. You just need to carefully study these varieties. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms. In a cell, the nucleus may not be present or may be unformed.

So, depending on the type, bacteria can be like this:

  • Coccal origin (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.). These bacteria are round.
  • In the form of sticks (dysentery and the like). Long, elongated shapes.
  • Bacteria of other sizes, which are relatively rare.

You should always know that throughout your entire life, the human body or organs contain a large number of these representatives. If a person’s immune system does not suffer and functions sufficiently, then no bacteria poses a danger. But as soon as there is a decrease in the level of human immunity, then any bacteria can threaten the body. A person begins to feel unwell and develop various ailments.

But the cell also does not sleep; as soon as the virus multiplies, the body acquires a protective state. Based on this, the human body begins to fight, due to the immune system. The defense mechanism is activated, which is a fundamental factor in providing resistance against foreign penetration.

Unlike bacteria, viruses do not last long until the body completely destroys them. But according to the classification of viruses, there are a small number of viruses that are never eliminated from the body. They can live throughout life, and become more active if the immune system is weakened. They are not controlled by any drugs, and most importantly, their immunity is not a threat. Such representatives are the virus herpes simplex, human immunodeficiency virus and others.

Interpretation of a blood test for the virus

To determine, based on a study, whether a disease is of viral or bacterial origin, you do not need special medical professionals. Even a common person can determine for himself based on analysis.

In order to determine the cause of the disease, it is enough to special attention analyze each column.

For detailed consideration pathological change for viruses, you need to know certain indicators:

  1. A slight decrease in the level of leukocytes, or no fluctuations.
  2. Moderate increase in the number of lymphocytes.
  3. Increased level.
  4. A sharp decline neutrophils.

Analysis transcript

If the analysis shows that a person is sick, due to the penetration of the virus into the body, it is still necessary to study clinical manifestations. To make a differential diagnosis based on symptoms, the virus has a fairly short incubation period. The duration is up to 5-6 days, which is not typical for bacteria.

As soon as a person becomes ill, it is necessary to determine whether the infection is viral or bacterial.

Interpretation of a blood test for bacteria

As for bacteria, there are some difficulties. Sometimes blood tests and clinical manifestations may be slightly off. But in most cases, laboratory testing gives us a positive answer. Basic indicators:

  1. In 90% there is an increased level of leukocytes.
  2. Increased levels of neutrophils (neutrophilia).
  3. Moderate decrease in lymphocytes.
  4. A sharp jump in the ESR level.
  5. Identification of special cells - myelocytes.

As mentioned above, the incubation period of bacteria is relatively longer than that of viruses. Usually up to two weeks.

You should also always be aware that bacteria in the human body can be activated due to viruses. After all, when a virus appears in a person’s body, immunity decreases and the bacterial flora gradually begins to infect the body.

Using a blood test, it is quite easy to determine whether a viral or bacterial infection is present. Based on the results, we can say with confidence why the disease appeared. You must always remember that it is not always possible to cope with the disease yourself, so you need to see a doctor and be treated based on his recommendations.



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