I'm tormented by heartburn, what should I do? Emergency measures to eliminate the disease

This symptom is known to all of us. However, he may rarely remind himself of himself after eating some special food. It happens that our stomach does not like the same sweet peppers, garlic, onions, etc. However, heartburn may also indicate the presence of a disease. Which one exactly and whether something needs to be done about it, says the professor of the Department of Gastroenterology and Nutritionology of the Belarusian medical academy postgraduate education, doctor medical sciences Julia GORGUN.

Such known symptom like heartburn for a long time was considered a sign of a disease of the stomach and was associated with the presence of erosion, gastritis, and ulcers in it, but in recent decades it has been considered as a sign of a disease of the esophagus. It's about about gastroesophageal reflux disease, dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter. Between the esophagus and the stomach there is a special valve that opens, allows food to pass below and closes so that food does not return back. This valve creates a kind of barrier between the stomach, which has an acidic environment, and the esophagus, where the environment is neutral or slightly alkaline. The word “reflux” itself means “throwback” - due to malfunction valve, stomach contents can be thrown into the esophagus. It may not close, or not close enough, or open more often than necessary.

- Any heartburn means that the same reflux into the esophagus has occurred, but how can you understand that this is no longer just a reaction to some product, but a disease?

Normally, the valve between the esophagus and the stomach periodically opens even when we do not consume food. In this case, gastric juice can enter the esophagus, however healthy man will not feel this, because the esophagus has its own defense mechanism. As soon as acid enters the stomach along with food, mucus is produced, the amount of saliva increases, peristalsis increases, and all this neutralizes the acid and directs the contents back into the stomach. If these relaxations are very frequent or the valve generally remains slightly open, our esophagus begins to suffer. And even in very strong degree when the patient has double reflux, in which not only hydrochloric acid enters the esophagus, but also bile acid. First, bile is thrown out from duodenum into the stomach, and then all this, together with gastric juice, enters the esophagus. Irritation of the esophagus by these components causes heartburn - a feeling of “burning” behind the sternum. If heartburn begins to bother you, disturbs your well-being, or occurs more often than twice a week, a diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease, which has three forms, is made. This is non-erosive, when the mucous membrane of the esophagus is not damaged, nothing appears during the examination, but the person feels heartburn, a sour or bitter taste in the mouth, there is even a cough, a hoarse voice, attacks like bronchial asthma, damage to tooth enamel... The second form is erosive, when during an endoscopic examination the doctor sees redness of the mucous membrane and some defects. The third form is called Barrett's esophagus. This is when reflux bothers us long time, and the surface of the esophagus, trying to adapt to the acidic environment, in some areas became similar to the epithelium of the stomach or intestines. This is called gastric or intestinal metaplasia in the esophagus and is considered precancerous condition, especially if the disease is accompanied by intestinal metaplasia. The more common it is, the higher the risk of developing cancer.

Now most scientists are inclined to believe that these are independent forms. Usually the form expressed initially is retained in the future. However, within one form there are different manifestations. A patient who was not treated did not have healthy image life, mild erosions can become more severe, and gradually there may be more of them.

- So, all forms need to be treated...

Yes. Treatment approaches can be considered using the example erosive form. There is a damaging factor here - hydrochloric acid - and there are medications that reduce the production of acid in the stomach - inhibitors proton pump. The minimum standard course of treatment is two months, but some patients require three or four to heal erosions. It must be borne in mind that the tendency to the appearance of erosions remains even after treatment, so maintenance therapy is required for some time, and in some cases for life.

Such patients need to reconsider their lifestyle. You can’t overeat, gain heavy weight, be obese, which in itself increases the tendency to reflux. It is imperative to quit smoking, because tobacco increases the production of hydrochloric acid and affects the tone of the sphincter. Alcohol should be limited as it also relaxes the sphincter and damages the epithelium. It is necessary to correctly select the treatment for a number of other diseases, since the same non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief also damage the mucous membrane. Any carbonated drinks are prohibited. Be careful with citrus fruits. In general, everything sour, coffee, tomatoes, chocolate, fatty foods should be limited. As a rule, patients themselves already know which foods cause unpleasant symptoms and stick to a certain diet. You need to eat little and often, in small portions. It is important not to overeat before bed - after the last meal, two to four hours should pass before bedtime. Some patients are advised to sleep with the edge of the bed raised. If the patient adheres to these recommendations, then sometimes it is possible to do without medications.

- Pharmacies today have a large selection of medications to suppress heartburn, which are sold without prescriptions. Can't you harm yourself by self-medicating?

This group of drugs is called antacids; they contain compounds of aluminum, calcium, magnesium and neutralize acid due to the fact that they themselves are alkaline. However, their effect is short-term. The stomach is freed from the contents, and literally after 30-40 minutes everything went further along with the drug. Antacids can be used if heartburn is rare. If it is with us many times a day, then in order to effectively remove it, we will have to swallow such drugs every hour. And such frequent use may cause side effects. In general, antacids are almost not absorbed in the stomach, but in large doses they can be absorbed, which will interfere with acid-base balance in organism. Antacids should not be used for a long time or in large doses.

- Proton pump inhibitors - for example, omeprazole - are also sold in pharmacies without a prescription...

Any medications have side effects, so they must be prescribed by a doctor. Abroad, by the way, only 10 mg of omeprazole is considered an over-the-counter dose, and 20 mg is considered only with a prescription. Those who have already received recommendations for use from a doctor can purchase medications without a prescription. It could be daily intake low dose or “on-demand therapy” for mild form diseases, when after the main course of treatment the patient himself adjusts the dose depending on how he feels.

- Is there a connection between reflux and Helicobacter pylori infection?

This infection affects acidity levels in different ways. If there is inflammation in the stomach due to Helicobacter, then increased acid production is often observed, which, if the esophageal sphincter is not functioning properly, can lead to heartburn. Therefore, removing Helicobacter pylori infection can remove unpleasant symptom. It also happens that against the background of infection, acid production decreases - the bacteria lowers its level. Some studies show that after removal of Helicobacter, the amount of hydrochloric acid even increases, and reflux disease worsens. However, European scientists are inclined to believe that treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection should be carried out regardless of the presence of gastroesophageal reflux disease. They are treated separately, starting with removal of the infection.

- Surgical interventions Are they carried out for reflux?

- What examinations are performed to diagnose reflux disease?

If you suffer from heartburn every day (after eating, at night), then this in itself indicates the presence of pathology. However, in order to find out the form of the disease, a gastroscopy is performed, which will show whether there is damage to the esophagus, whether there is a suspicion of Barrett’s esophagus and whether there is a hernia hiatus. The diagnosis of hernia is also made after x-ray examination esophagus and stomach. There is also such a study as pH-metry - the gold standard for diagnosing reflux disease. This study is primarily necessary for those whose disease is atypical, if there is no effect of treatment, and there is a cough, which is associated with the reflux of hydrochloric acid. To carry out pH measurements through the nose, a thin probe, which measures the pH level in the esophagus throughout the day. Recently, equipment was purchased to conduct such a study in children, but there is no widespread practice of its use in Belarus yet.

- Is it possible to “quench” heartburn with regular soda?

Baking soda quickly neutralizes the acid, but its effect is even shorter than that of antacids. In addition, in the process of neutralizing reactions, carbon dioxide, which increases pressure in the stomach and further enhances the production of hydrochloric acid. Taking soda may be accompanied by an “acid rebound” - an increase in acid production after its effect has ceased. Also, soda, unlike antacids, is easily absorbed, and when consumed in higher dose can disrupt the acid-base balance of the blood and body.


A burning sensation starting in the chest, an unpleasant sour taste in the mouth, pain in the stomach are the first signs of heartburn. The phenomenon is very unpleasant. If simple things cause irritation, it is difficult to enjoy food and favorite drinks. It is especially unpleasant when heartburn reminds you of itself every day and does not plan a retreat. What are the causes of this symptom, and how to get rid of it yourself at home?

Why you may experience severe heartburn every day

  • A common cause is overeating and late dinners. Our stomach is a very delicate organ that can also get tired. You should not overload him with heavy, fatty foods, especially at night. An average of 3 hours should pass between bedtime and dinner. Citrus fruits are tricky. Due to their excessive consumption, the level of acidity in the stomach increases significantly, which leads to heartburn. If you really want to eat, snack on fruit or drink a glass of kefir. This will have a beneficial effect on digestion, and therefore on well-being.
  • Fatty foods such as fried meats or butter, provoke heaviness in the stomach, from which it begins to send “alarm signals” in the form of heartburn. By reviewing your diet, you can get rid of a number of problems. Such as, for example, excess weight, rapid aging skin, heartburn, abdominal pain.
  • Physical activity provokes heartburn and stomach discomfort if exercise is performed immediately after eating. The stomach has not yet had time to digest the food, but physical activity causes her to “shake”. Shake a bottle of soda, can you imagine what happens in your stomach? If you exercise regularly, try to arrange your schedule so that at least an hour passes after eating to avoid heartburn.
  • Surprisingly, heartburn can be caused by nerves! High susceptibility to stress, insomnia and other psychosomatic disorders weakens the body, which, in turn, “signals” us such in an unpleasant way like heartburn and stomach pain. And it doesn’t matter what lifestyle you lead, healthy or not.
  • Pregnancy is a time of waiting for a miracle, great patience. During the period of pregnancy female body literally tests himself for strength in every sense of the word. For example, during a certain period of pregnancy (often closer to childbirth) future mom may complain of persistent heartburn, stomach pain, bad job intestines.

Causes of constant heartburn after eating

The cause of heartburn after eating is stomach overload. For the average person, the volume of food eaten at a time should not exceed 1.5 liters. It's even better to completely reconsider your diet. For example, you can increase the number of meals you eat during the day. This will improve digestion, you will immediately be able to feel lightness that you did not suspect before.

As for heat treatment of products, it is better to give preference to such types of cooking as boiling or steaming. Steamed dishes retain their beneficial features, contain a low percentage of fat food acids, have a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora and help the functioning of the stomach. Baked products belong to the neutral category.

In the evenings

Another secret recipe for heartburn is not to eat before bed. The stomach is active only while we are awake. When we sleep, all processes in the body slow down. Remember folk wisdom? “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.” There is no need to be your own enemy. Dinner really needs to be made as light and juicy as possible. Important: recommendations for not eating after 6 are relevant for those who go to bed no later than 10 o’clock. Therefore, calculate your schedule individually, do not go to extremes.

During pregnancy

Only heartburn was missing during this already difficult period in a woman’s life! While carrying a baby, every third expectant mother suffers from it with enviable regularity. Heartburn occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy, when the baby is already large enough to “communicate” with the mother’s organs. He actively moves and “kicks”, which causes not only sighs of tenderness. We feel the baby’s blows only on the surface, but in fact they are clearly felt by each of our organs: stomach, liver, kidneys.

In this case, the recommendation is simple: go to fractional meals to relieve the stomach. Every woman during this period of time remembers that her diet should be extremely healthy. You need to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, natural ingredients, freshly squeezed juices, preferably not citrus fruits. Fatty meat is contraindicated; it puts a strain not only on the stomach, but on the liver, pancreas and kidneys. In the last trimester of pregnancy, a woman's organs shift and become difficult to function.

If heartburn bothers you for more than half a day, consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. During pregnancy, diseases may arise that are not directly related to it, but are provoked by it. Regular medical monitoring will help avoid acute diseases, which sometimes occur during pregnancy. Take care of yourself and your baby, watch your health. At this time your internal organs very vulnerable, especially the stomach, liver, and intestines.

What to do: effective means at hand

When heartburn takes us by surprise, we often strike back. Either we relieve the symptoms by unloading the stomach, or we eat something tasty. The degree of success of this struggle depends on the contents of our bag or refrigerator. Take a look at your supplies and tell me if there is anything from this list for heartburn:

Baking soda really helps with heartburn attacks. But you should not use it regularly, it is harmful to the body. Activated carbon is another universal remedy for the stomach for all occasions. It helps a lot, the main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage. Seeds in moderate quantities (otherwise the stomach will suffer, there is a high probability of gastritis), like candy, distract from the irritant, but do not eliminate its cause. On the contrary, lemon in large quantities will cause harm, increase acidity in the stomach, which will lead to heartburn, and in small quantities it will distract attention.

Separately about liquids. Mineral water, like regular warm water, helps to normalize the acidity level of the stomach and cleanses the esophagus in case of heartburn. It is best to drink it in the morning half an hour before breakfast. This way you are guaranteed to feel light throughout the day. Juices are refreshing, give positive emotions and fight heartburn, delighting your stomach with freshness. But your coffee consumption will have to be limited, although for many this will seem difficult.

Many of the methods listed are not always appropriate during pregnancy. Contraindications are caused by diet, exacerbation of chronic diseases, which manifest themselves in the form of heartburn, or various pains. Pregnancy is a difficult time when you have something to fight, but nothing to fight with. Expectant mothers are helped out folk remedies from heartburn. Herbs are mostly harmless during pregnancy as long as you don't overdo it.

Apples are extremely beneficial for the stomach. They normalize digestion and eliminate heartburn. Regularly eating apples will help combat this problem, at least at the level of masking symptoms. Either way, your stomach will thank you. Heartburn can't last forever if you don't feed it. Apples, like kefir, cleanse the body. They are especially recommended during pregnancy, when it is important to monitor the tone of the uterus and avoid junk food.

Treatment of heartburn with folk remedies

All folk remedies for diseases were obtained empirically, which is why there are so many of them. With the help of juice and decoctions, it is easy to cure a sore stomach and esophagus and increase intestinal motility. Folk recipes for heartburn are conventionally divided into two camps: herbal infusions and potato juice. If everything is clear with the second, then the first require detailed decoding. Herbal treatment is suitable for allergy sufferers. Although allergies also occur to herbs, they are much less common than to synthetic drugs.

Here are a few folk recipes for heartburn and stomach pain on a herbal basis:

  • Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of chamomile, St. John's wort and plantain. Leave for 3 hours and divide into 3 parts. Drink half an hour before meals.
  • A teaspoon of mint per glass of boiling water. This infusion quickly eliminates the burning sensation.
  • Take a pinch of anise, dill and fennel and brew in a glass of water. Drink in small doses only when heartburn worsens. Not only is fennel healthy, it can cause damage to the stomach and intestinal tract if consumed regularly. The course of treatment with this herb should not exceed 5 weeks.

Pharmacy drugs

When heartburn knocks on your door, buy something for your stomach at the pharmacy. Heartburn should be treated immediately. Do not tolerate it, otherwise the consequences may not be the most rosy. Heartburn and stomach pain are only a symptom of the disease, so you need to consult a doctor and find out the cause of its occurrence. Use this list of medications that can eliminate or relieve heartburn:

  • Rennie. A popular product with a neutral composition. Rennie can be consumed even during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Gastal. Contains a combination of magnesium and aluminum, which improves intestinal motility.
  • Almagel line of drugs (regular, A and NEO). Envelops the walls of the stomach and relieves irritation.
  • Line of drugs Gaviscol ( chewable tablets and viscous suspension). Reduces acidity gastric juice.
  • Vikair (or Vikalin). For heartburn, it relieves pain, burning, and coats the walls of the stomach.
  • Gastrofarm. Allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Reduces acidity, relieves pain, contains lactic acid bacteria, creating a favorable atmosphere to protect the walls of the stomach.
  • Maalox. An analogue of the drug Almagel, but from a different manufacturer.

Before taking any heartburn medication, be sure to read the instructions carefully. It is important to consult a doctor in order to diagnose in time possible diseases esophagus, intestinal tract, stomach and begin treatment. Possible contraindications and special recommendations when combined with other drugs. The dosage of the medicine for daily heartburn is indicated in the instructions or it will be prescribed by a doctor.

Heartburn is an unpleasant sensation that occurs suddenly and worsens a person’s quality of life. If discomfort and burning in the esophagus are taken by surprise, and there are no necessary medications at home, it is possible to use traditional medicine methods to alleviate the condition.

At self-treatment the main thing is to do no harm. It is important to monitor the body's reaction to accepted remedy and do not use components that cause an allergic reaction.

Treatment at home

Heartburn in the esophagus and stomach cannot be tolerated. The symptom requires elimination in short time. People who believe that medications are not suitable as a treatment for unpleasant phenomenon, traditional medicine will help, which has created a lot of recipes for combating the disease, in which improvised means are used. Many traditional methods really effective, able to reduce the acidity of gastric juice and protect the gastric mucosa.

Ways to eliminate burning and discomfort in the esophagus:

  • Herbal therapy.
  • Treatment with freshly squeezed juices.
  • Eliminate symptoms using infusions and decoctions.
  • Eliminating symptoms with food.

Some common medications should be taken with great caution. Soda and ash have contraindications and side effects after use. In case of sudden unbearable heartburn, if gentle methods are not available, remedies quickly help eliminate discomfort at home.

Cigarette ashes are a dubious method, but it is believed that it helps relieve the burning sensation as quickly as possible.

A burning sensation in the stomach and esophagus occurs with increased acidity. Acid backs up into the esophagus and heartburn begins. They help eliminate an attack medical drug and folk remedies for heartburn. But the symptom will reappear if you neglect elementary rules. Recommendations for preventing burning:

  • It is not recommended to eat before bed. The last dose is taken two hours before bedtime.
  • You need to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly, do not talk, and do not be distracted while eating.
  • When eating, you need to loosen the tight belt. After eating, avoid squeezing organs with belts and corsets.
  • Medicines that increase acidity are best taken after eating.

The fight against burning in the esophagus and stomach will be successful if you eliminate bad habits and eat right.

Herbal treatment

Healing plants are successfully used for burning in the esophagus, belching and other symptoms. From medicinal herbs prepare decoctions and infusions. Healing herbs have contraindications and may cause allergic reactions. It is better to consult a doctor before use.

With the judicious use of plants, the level of acidity is normalized, burning is eliminated, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is restored.

What herbs help?

There are many herbs and decoction recipes. Effective recipes traditional medicine from plants:

Fresh juices

Juice from fresh vegetables relieves discomfort and has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. Juices are drunk separately or mixed. Drinks help prevent the phenomenon. Juice almost never happens side effect. Vegetable juices – the best remedy to prevent the symptom.

Carrot, beet, and cabbage juice should be consumed 3 tablespoons before meals, and the unpleasant symptom will not bother you after the meal.

Potato juice

Potato juice is considered the most effective remedy for heartburn. Improves the condition of a patient with gastritis. The product is safe and available. Pregnant women are allowed to take it.

You need to prepare a healthy drink before drinking. The tubers are thoroughly washed, peeled and rubbed. The mass is squeezed through gauze. The drink is left to stand for 5 minutes and drunk.

If attacks are regular, you need to drink a glass of drink in the morning an hour before breakfast for 10 days.

carrot juice

Carrots are excellent for increased acidity, can provide relief if heartburn medications are not available. You can eat carrots raw or make juice. Boiled root vegetables help calm the stomach.

To make juice, you need to take the root vegetable and put it through a juicer. It is recommended to add cream for better absorption of the product. The juice is diluted with water if the drink is too concentrated.

If you don’t have a juicer, it’s easy to grate the root vegetable and squeeze through cheesecloth.

Eliminating heartburn with food

Products present in the kitchen of every housewife will help get rid of heartburn in the esophagus.


Drinking a baking soda solution is a common method of combating burning in the esophagus. Baking soda effectively helps relieve severe heartburn and can quickly neutralize acid. But it has contraindications and is not recommended for frequent use.

Baking soda should be diluted in warm water or milk, then drunk in small sips. Severe heartburn goes away after 10-15 minutes.

Potassium bicarbonate - remedy instant action for severe heartburn, it helps relieve the burning sensation. Contraindicated for mild attacks.

A burning sensation in the esophagus cannot be treated with soda. Sodium bicarbonate can temporarily relieve sensations, but will not eliminate the cause. It can cause complications in people with gastrointestinal diseases. It is better to deal with frequent heartburn without soda, but through more effective and safe methods.

Disadvantages of soda

Soda is contraindicated for people with the disorder nervous system. After use, the person becomes irritable. Accompanied by migraines and depression.

At frequent use soda solutions there is upset stool, bloating, flatulence, nausea, the abdominal area hurts.

Sodium negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys - fluid accumulates and potassium is excreted. A person’s blood pressure increases, which affects the heart and threatens serious illness. of cardio-vascular system. This heartburn remedy should be used correctly, as a last resort.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon can be found in every first aid kit. The product helps not only with poisoning and digestive disorders, but also in the fight against heartburn. It absorbs excess acid, relieving pressure in the esophagus. At the same time, it does not irritate the mucous membranes; pregnant women can use it to combat discomfort.

To eliminate an attack, drink two charcoal tablets, or crush them into powder and stir in milk.

Activated carbon is safe to use. If not exceed permissible dosage, there will be no side effect.


A person must understand that prevention is easier than cure. Helps avoid heartburn proper nutrition. The first thing you need to do is adjust your diet - eliminate spicy dishes, fatty, fried foods. It is recommended to consume dairy products.

Overeating is not allowed - it causes discomfort in the stomach and esophagus, pain and attacks of nausea. You need to eat often and in small portions. If you suffer from heartburn at night, you can eat dry cookies.

To avoid discomfort, you need to eat easily digestible foods.

A home remedy for burning is effective if heartburn is caused by overeating, eating spicy, salty, or fatty foods. First aid is correct use food products. If heartburn is persistent and treatment at home does not help, you need to seek medical help.

There are many methods to extinguish heartburn at home using improvised means. Which method to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But do not forget that heartburn is only a consequence poor nutrition or a symptom of a serious illness. If the causes of the sensations are pathologies of the internal organs, it will not be possible to cure heartburn using folk remedies. The symptom will appear again. For heartburn to go away forever, you need to eliminate the source of the discomfort by undergoing examination and treatment. The goal of therapy is not to eliminate the symptom, but to get rid of the cause that caused the sensation.

Heartburn occurs when stomach acid comes into contact with the lining of the esophagus and irritates it. Many people suffer from this illness only occasionally, usually after eating.

Why does it appear and what to do when heartburn does not allow you to live in peace? There may be several reasons:

The valve that holds gastric juice in the stomach has weakened.

Some foods (sugar, alcohol, coffee, mint, fatty and fried foods, chocolate) have the ability to relax the lower esophageal sphincter.

Eating a large meal, especially before bed, tends to increase compression of the lower gastric valve, thereby causing it to relax.

Pressure on the abdomen due to constant sedentary image life, tight clothing or excess weight also provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.


Stress increases stomach acid production and slows gastric emptying.

Heartburn every day can be a consequence of an abnormal structure of the esophagus, neoplasms in it or neighboring tissues.

What is the danger of this disease?

Pay attention to the frequency of symptoms. If heartburn appears once a month, this is light form this problem. Once a week - moderate. But if heartburn appears every day, you are faced with a severe form that requires treatment.

You can get rid of rare attacks of heartburn by reducing body weight, switching to healthy eating and taking advantage simple tips, given below.

In the presence of a severe form, such measures can only bring relief for a period of time. a short time. What to do if heartburn manifests itself in severe form? Treatment cannot be delayed. Daily attacks may be a sign serious illnesses with possible dire consequences.

For people who suffer from GERD, heartburn causes scarring in the esophagus every day. Such damage makes swallowing difficult and narrows the esophagus.

Chronic exposure to acid can increase the likelihood of esophageal cancer.

Heartburn every day: how to learn to control it?

1. Three abundant intake replace food frequent meals in small portions.

2. Train yourself to eat slowly. To discourage the desire to quickly swallow food, place a spoon or fork on the table while chewing food.

3. Eating an evening meal three hours before bed will help reduce stomach acid production by the time you go to bed.

4. A high pillow or a raised head of the bed will make it possible to prevent the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus during sleep. Therefore, you should pay attention to how you sleep.

5. You need to reduce your consumption of foods and drinks that can cause heartburn. These are citrus juices and carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol; tomatoes and chocolate, mint and onion, fatty food. Write down all the foods you eat in a food diary to understand which ones lead to heartburn.

6. You should stop smoking, as nicotine has the property of weakening the lower esophageal sphincter.

7. It is necessary to wear loose clothing, as tight clothes compress the stomach, which helps push the stomach contents upward.

8. It is important to monitor your body weight. Excess belly fat, as well as tight clothes, create pressure on the stomach. The result is heartburn every day.

9. Learn to drink warm liquids. Cup herbal tea or slightly warmed water after meals helps to dilute gastric juice and reduce its acidity.

Heartburn manifests itself as a burning sensation in the chest area, accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the esophagus, as well as warmth in the stomach or larynx. An attack can manifest itself once, or it can make your life simply unbearable, depriving you of sleep and peace for a long time. Heartburn does not go away on its own if it is caused by a disease. Very strong constant heartburn talks about diseases such as:

  • Stomach ulcer
  • Pancreatitis
  • Gastroduodenitis
  • Esophagitis, etc.

An important aspect of the occurrence of heartburn is the specificity of human life. Even in the absence of chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, the symptom may make itself felt. It occurs among people who frequently lift weights, pregnant and nursing mothers, and those who suffer from nervous disorders and is overweight.

It is important to distinguish between heartburn and heart disease. A characteristic burning sensation in the sternum can also be a sign of pain in the heart. In order to understand the causes of discomfort, you should take a Nitroglycerin tablet. If the burning sensation goes away within 10-15 minutes, you should think about going to a cardiologist. Angina pectoris of the heart muscle is one of the possible reasons warmth in the chest.

Frequent heartburn is more dangerous than it seems at first glance. The symptom is accompanied by the release of stomach contents through the sphincter that separates the esophagus. Thus, food and stomach acid moves in reverse order- from the stomach cavity towards the larynx. Gastric juice irritates the delicate lining of the esophagus and can lead not only to discomfort and burning sensations, but also to cancer.


The causes of heartburn are individual in each case. Therefore, frequent heartburn requires a mandatory trip to the doctor. Let's look at the 10 main reasons why heartburn occurs.

1. Overload

Heartburn occurs when a person lifts heavy objects. The process is explained by an increase in pressure inside the abdominal cavity. Then the food and acidic contents of the stomach, under the influence of this same pressure, are thrown into the esophagus and cause pain and burning.

2. Drinking coffee

Black coffee, if consumed too often, leads to an active increase in the amount of acid in the stomach. It is this acid that causes the symptom.

3. Overeating

Excessive food consumption, overeating and unhealthy diet rich in fats and flour products stretches the stomach and makes it weaker and less healthy. Heartburn every day in this case is caused by the formation of too much acid that digests food. Excess acid backs up into the esophagus and causes pain and heartburn.

4. Tight clothes

Tight outer clothing deforms the position of the internal organs and causes the contents of the stomach to rise up involuntarily. In this case, all the contents affect the valve leading to the esophagus and cause pain.

5. Excess weight

Too much fat formation in the abdominal and chest areas puts pressure on a person’s internal organs and very often causes pain in the stomach and gallbladder. Controlling your own weight can relieve numerous chronic diseases and symptoms of heart and gastrointestinal diseases.

Important: Nutritionists recommend eating 5-6 times a day, limiting portions to the size of a fist. This will help you lose weight, quickly digest food, speed up your metabolism and maintain your body at a normal weight.

6. Drugs and antibiotics

Why does it happen that heartburn appears after a long cold or other illness? This is not caused by a decrease in immunity or bacteria, the reason lies in the medications that a person uses for illnesses. Medicines cause an increase in the production of acidic enzymes in the stomach cavity. Excess enzymes and the resulting acid penetrate back towards the larynx and cause an unpleasant and irritating symptom to the lining of the esophagus. This is why most medications are recommended to be taken after or during meals.

7. Neurosis

Constant heartburn can be the cause of neurosis and the most various disorders nervous system. If such a situation arises, then it is impossible to do without the help of a psychologist. The doctor prescribes complex treatment, which can calm the so-called “nervous heartburn”. Worth avoiding depressive states, stress, and if anxiety occurs, it is recommended to use natural sedatives of plant nature.

8. Pregnancy

Constant heartburn can also be observed in women carrying a child. It is impossible to answer unequivocally why such a symptom occurs during the gestation period. There are two main reasons. The first is overeating: pregnant women very often take liberties. The daily routine and diet ceases to exist as such. A large amount of chocolate, flour products and sour fruits are consumed. The serving size also becomes “free”. These elements cause heartburn in the expectant mother.

The second reason why heartburn occurs is the growth of the fetus. As pregnancy progresses, the baby inside grows and displaces the mother's internal organs. Under the influence of pressure, the stomach throws its contents into the esophagus, bypassing the sphincter.

9. Smoking

Smoking can also cause the symptom. Most often, heartburn occurs when swallowing cigarette smoke. It manifests itself as a bitter or sour taste in the mouth, belching and pain in the esophagus.

10. Soda

Carbonated drinks and even regular carbonated water promote secretion. large quantity acids and enzymes in the stomach. Due to excess, these substances are forced out of the stomach cavity.

Important: A similar reaction in the body is caused not only by soda, but also by a well-known recipe for suppressing the symptom of burning in the esophagus - slaked soda. This mixture should not be consumed, although it can eliminate discomfort in a short time.

Thus, there are a huge number of reasons for the occurrence of the symptom, and this unpleasant illness can affect almost everyone. Let's consider what to do if you suffer from a burning sensation and how to overcome it yourself.

Fighting methods

Natural ingredients to combat symptoms

Folk remedies for heartburn are often underestimated. There are many methods that can be used to easily get rid of burning sensation in the chest in a short time. Let's look at several ways to treat the symptom to your advantage.


Mint not only has a pleasant refreshing taste, but also has a calming effect. Mint decoctions are considered very effective for heartburn. It is necessary to prepare a decoction using one spoon of dry mint per glass of boiling water. The decoction should sit for about 10 minutes. For taste, you can add a teaspoon of sugar and drink it before meals, like regular tea. This method is not just therapeutic, but also preventive and is excellent in cases where a person suffers from constant heartburn and cannot understand why.

Potato juice

If heartburn is tormented and a person does not know what to do, regular potato juice can help. You need to take it 20 mg. every morning.

Important: After taking fresh potato juice It is recommended to lie in bed for about 20 minutes.

The course of treatment for symptoms using potato juice lasts exactly 10 days.


Anise is almost always a fail-safe method of combating burning in the hypochondrium. The only condition is the preparation of the infusion: the anise must be infused for exactly 30 days. After this, the finished anise tincture can relieve a person from heartburn for a very long period, and in some cases, forever.


It is no secret that honey can save a person from many diseases. Honey, aloe and cranberry juice can relieve heartburn. Helpful this composition It will also be for those who search for “belching causes and treatment.” You need to take one spoon of the resulting mixture before each meal.


Walnuts are affordable and found in almost every home. But not many people know that if you add to 100 grams walnuts 100 grams of almonds and take the resulting composition one tablespoon per day - you can rid yourself of the symptom of burning in the chest for a very long time.


Buckwheat porridge is a great way to get rid of heartburn forever. For treatment, you should eat a small cup of buckwheat porridge on an empty stomach and wash it down with 1-2 glasses of water. After 10-12 days of such treatment, the symptom will go away.


What to do if the heartburn has gone away, but the possibility of a second occurrence still worries the person? To do this, it is worth taking preventive measures.

The basis for preventing heartburn is proper nutrition. But besides this, there are other important factors.


To avoid heartburn from recurring, you need to make sure your body is as comfortable as possible. Clothes should not be too restrictive chest and abdominal area. The black list includes such wardrobe items as corsets, tight jeans, tight belts, and bras that compress the sternum too much.

Bad habits

Smoking, drinking alcohol and drinking coffee in the morning are nice habits, which should be abandoned completely or reduced to a minimum. Coffee on an empty stomach has a detrimental effect on the condition of the stomach cavity and causes an influx of acid. For desperate lovers of black coffee, doctors recommend diluting the drink with medium-fat milk or cream. Alcohol irritates the walls of the esophagus and affects almost all internal organs.

Although smoking is breathing exercises, but nicotine and tar that accidentally enter the esophagus make it vulnerable. In addition, cigarettes speed up metabolism and cause an influx of acid to digest food, but at the same time, they also dull the feeling of hunger. Based on this, gastric juice, without receiving food, is thrown into the esophagus.


You should avoid any stress conditions. In case of excessive anxiety or nervousness, doctors recommend drinking chamomile decoction or using medicines more powerful action.


You should eat more than 4 times a day. By avoiding large portions, a person helps his stomach digest food faster and not lose its natural shape by stretching. You must eat food in a strict posture, chewing thoroughly and slowly. When eating, it is better to be in a calm atmosphere. It is advisable to exclude TV and books during meals. These elements distract from chewing thoroughly and contribute to poor absorption of food.

Daily regime

The daily routine can calm the entire body and digestive system. Correct differentiation between sleep and wakefulness, as well as meals, is the key to the body functioning “like a clock.” This will not only help get rid of heartburn, but will also speed up the metabolism in the body, and this in turn will help you lose weight to your natural weight and bring all body systems into a state of proper, healthy functioning.

Aspects of proper nutrition

Food should be healthy. If you pay enough attention to it, it is possible to correct the entire gastrointestinal system yourself. In addition to your eating regimen, you need to know which foods will help speedy recovery and excellent health.

It is worth limiting your sugar consumption, sweet soda and strong tea. But on the contrary, adding protein foods with a low-fat structure to your diet will be useful. Excellent substitutes for fatty foods, fried meat legumes, soybeans, beans, peas and lentils will become.

The following products are suitable for garnish:

  • Brown rice.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Whole grain cereals.
  • Pasta made from durum wheat.

Heartburn is one of the most well-known phenomena for people all over the world. age categories. Although it does not seriously threaten human life, many of its manifestations cannot be tolerated. It deprives you of peace and sleep just as it torments toothache. Heartburn manifests itself strong burning sensation in the chest area or in the larynx area. It may occur due to the fact that inflammation affects the mucous membrane in the esophagus.

Factors contributing to heartburn

An illness cannot arise out of nowhere. If you are tormented by heartburn, then you need to first figure out why it happened. For the development of this disease, a number of provoking factors are necessary, which include:

  1. The totality of nutritional preferences of a sick person. When you feel heartburn, you should not be surprised, but you should immediately remember your diet during the day. In the modern world, the disease often develops due to poor nutrition. Provocateurs of ill health are products such as:
  • fatty or fried foods;
  • marinades and smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • sweet and chocolate products;
  • coffee and carbonated drinks.

If you remove them from your diet during treatment, the painful manifestations can be reduced.

  1. Diseases in digestive tract. Such ailments often include ulcers in the stomach or duodenum, as well as gastritis, which has both increased and low acidity stomach juice.
  2. Heredity means genetic predisposition. When the valve, which is located between the stomach and the esophagus, is weakened, it is considered inevitable that juice from the stomach will enter the esophagus area. Medicine calls this gastroesophageal reflux. This factor contributes to the fact that constant heartburn begins to torment in childhood. If you put your child to sleep immediately after eating, he may vomit.

Often severe heartburn, the causes of which are varied, may disappear if the provoking factors are eliminated.

If the disease overtakes you, then you can use a number of recommendations to ensure that treatment is quick and effective:

  1. Bringing it back to normal taste preferences. If you are tormented by an illness, you should remove all of the above-mentioned foods from your diet. In addition, to eliminate discomfort, you should eat small meals during treatment. The portion should be small, and the interval between meals should be 2-2.5 hours. This often helps relieve discomfort. You should not lie down for 0.5 hours after eating. Dinner should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Bed. Raise the head of the bed a few centimeters by placing a blanket under the pillow, rolling it up.
  3. Get rid of bad habits. It is necessary not to smoke or drink alcohol during treatment. They irritate the stomach and esophagus. If they cannot be completely eliminated, then their consumption must be minimized.

More on the topic: What foods cause heartburn? List

How to treat heartburn?

Having understood the concept and occurrence of heartburn, you now need to understand how to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. So what to do? First, you should consult a gastroenterologist to rule out gastrointestinal diseases. He carries out the necessary diagnostic measures and prescribes appropriate procedures. A specialist will help you determine why heartburn is tormenting you and, by selecting the necessary medications, eliminate it.

To eliminate symptoms of discomfort, antacid medications are used that coat the mucous membrane in the esophagus. This relieves inflammation and prevents the possibility of repeated irritation of the esophagus with hydrochloric acid solution, which is integral part gastric juice.

If the surveys showed an excess high level gastric juice, then a medical specialist prescribes medications that help reduce it. But you should not self-medicate so as not to cause harm to your body that will not be eliminated soon.

Emergency measures to eliminate the disease

When heartburn is tormented, a person wants to get rid of it. He wonders what to take to quickly and effectively eliminate uncomfortable feelings. There are several methods:

  1. Usually they try to eliminate the disease baking soda. But this will temporarily alleviate your condition, but the disease cannot be completely cured. This can negatively affect the condition of the stomach, so you should not use this method many times in a row. A solution of soda has long been used to treat constant heartburn. Dissolving a third of a spoonful of soda in 0.5 cups warm water and after mixing thoroughly, you should drink it at once. The unpleasant sensation can disappear within a few seconds. But soon the person begins to suffer from belching, which appears as a result chemical reaction which begins in the stomach. Doctors consider this remedy unacceptable due to the fact that it can provoke gastritis or stomach ulcers.
  2. The next remedy that helps to urgently eliminate discomfort is activated carbon. Even doctors recommend it because it has a gentle effect on the gastric area. 10 tablets should be dissolved in half a glass of milk. First, you should crush the tablets. The solution must be drunk. He can eliminate the negativity within 30 minutes.
  3. Reception sunflower oil. Take and drink 1 tbsp. oil, just for 3-5 minutes. the feeling that interferes with your peace of mind will cease. But it should be taken with caution due to the fact that when using this method of healing, a laxative effect may occur.
  4. Taking calamus roots. If you have calamus root, you can use it to eliminate an attack of the disease. Chew a small amount for a minute and drink half a glass of liquid. Within 10 minutes the discomfort will stop.

Folk recipes for manifestations of the disease

Treatment of heartburn can be effective using traditional recipes. They are safe, so they are used to treat pregnant women and infants.



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