The best remedy for sputum removal. How to choose the right medicine to treat a cough

For July 2018, it will give you the opportunity to plan the month taking into account the most favorable days for business, health, personal relationships, recreation, repairs and summer cottage work

Based on the phases of the moon, new moon and full moon, you can create your calendar for July, choosing time for work and vacation. Please note that this month we will also have sunny days, so you need to be extremely careful these days.

Moon phases distributed in July 2018 in the following way. The new moon will occur on July 13 at 5:47 a.m. Kyiv time. The full moon in July will occur on the 27th, at 23:20 Kyiv time.

The Moon will be at its apogee on July 27 at 5:45 am. The Earth's satellite will be at perigee on July 13 at 8:30.

The solar eclipse will occur on July 13 at 6:02 am. Moon eclipse will coincide with the day of the full moon and will occur on July 27 at 23:22 Kyiv time.

The first day after the new moon is suitable for new beginnings, starting new projects, parting with old habits, and forgiving grievances. If you have been thinking about going on a diet or quitting smoking for a long time, then it is best to start on the day of the new moon or immediately after it, this will make it easier to tolerate the abandonment of the usual and form new connections.

The following days in July will be energetically saturated: July 3, 7, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24. On these dates you will feel at your best, things will go easily, everything will work out without much effort.

Favorable days for surgical interventions in July 2018, no, it is better not to plan any operations for this month. For dental procedures will do 3 July. It is best to schedule a visit to a cosmetologist for July 3, 8, 17, 14, 27.

Repair and general cleaning, according to the lunar calendar, it is best to carry out on the following dates: July 1, 5, 16, 24, 27. Shopping will be successful during the period from July 2 to 6 and from July 28 to 31.

It is best to make an appointment with the hairdresser on July 9, 10, 14, 16, 23, 24, 26. And for the care of hands and feet, the following numbers are suitable: 1, 2, 15, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29.

For work in the country, the most favorable days will be on July 4, 15, 19, 30. And it is better to completely refuse a trip to the dacha or spend a day without doing any work on July 13, on the new moon, and on July 27, on the day of the full moon.

If you are going to, then it is best to plan your vacation for the days from July 14 to July 26. And for those who are going to celebrate a wedding, anniversary or other special events, the most suitable days for festive banquets will be July 6, 9, 13, 17, 25.

Not favorable days lunar calendar for July 2018 is the day when the Moon moves from one phase to another. In July, these numbers are 6, 12, 27. On these days, it is better not to be particularly active, if possible, avoid driving and exercise caution when signing important documents.

On the day of the full moon, the risk of conflicts, quarrels, and insults is very high. It is best at this time not to sort things out, but to devote time to introspection.

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July is almost synonymous with summer, its epicenter and greatest gift. Enjoy the precious moments of the hottest month of the year, and the stars will tell you how to take the best from it and bypass the undesirable 😊

5'th of July

22nd lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries.

What to expect: an influx of cases. It’s okay, you can handle it and you’ll finally go on a well-deserved vacation. So start planning it in order to distract yourself: look for clues. Now you clearly feel that you have enough strength for a new stage in life, which can be called “leaving your comfort zone.” Something is changing, and you like it, but you are afraid to swim “deeper”. The stars advise diving headlong, but only if the new present already brings you joy.

Beauty tip: put off haircuts and coloring for later (today you may be too impulsive, and suddenly you want a shocking fiery red color or a bob on your leg), but on proper nutrition It's time to move on.

Don't: Ask for advice if you've already made your final decision.

Whom to congratulate: Vasily, Gennady, Yulianna.

July 6, Friday

23rd lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries.

What to expect: new emotions. People around will demand your participation in their affairs. Some of them may take all your strength, so agree only to those that you will enjoy. This Friday is ideal for a relaxing holiday with close friends, but not for wild parties. If I meet you today new person, know that your first impression of him is most likely true.

Don't: trust strangers.

Beauty tip: intense physical exercise not recommended; light jogging or race walking. Cosmetic procedures for the face will result in a visible result that will pleasantly surprise you.

Whom to congratulate: Alexander, Alexy, Anthony, Artemy, Herman, Joseph, Mitrofan, Peter, Theodore, Agrippina.

July 7, Saturday

24th lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus.

What to expect: active social life. Visits from close and distant relatives, friendly meetings, birthdays and trips to the movies will give you fresh impressions and will remain in your memory for a long time. If you are invited on a date, agree immediately, and do not hesitate to appear before Him in all your splendor. We recommend learning how to present yourself correctly from Marilyn Monroe herself - find out the details. If you do everything correctly, you will be filled with compliments until Monday, and you will have more than enough self-confidence.

Don't: give in to doubts.

Beauty tip: sports - inactive: yoga, Pilates, stretching; haircuts - without “complications”; coloring - only tinting, shatush and balayage - in other cases you may not like the result.

Whom to congratulate: Anthony, Jacob, Ivan, Nikita.

July 8, Sunday

25th lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus.

What to expect: fulfillment of the plan. Today, don’t run ahead of the locomotive and don’t try to get a hundred things done per minute. Do only what is already planned, planned and inevitable. Give away all your debts - then you won’t borrow for a very long time. If something bothers you, resolve the issue immediately. The good period for dates and romantic acquaintances continues, so anyone who is not yet a couple is highly advised not to get bored in the evening in front of a laptop with a TV series.

Don't: sit idly by.

Beauty tip: new cosmetics from untested brands can negatively affect the skin; haircuts and coloring are successful and “befitting”.

Whom to congratulate: Vasily, Denis, Euphrosyne, Konstantin, Nikolai, Nikon, Peter, Semyon, Theodore; To all my friends - Happy Day of Love, Family and Fidelity.

July 9, Monday

26th lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini.

What to expect: surprises. Whether they will be pleasant or not depends on your actions in the past. Don't worry if things don't turn out in your favor - you can still turn things around, and the opportunity will come sooner than you think. If you are offered help, do not hesitate to take advantage of it, but do not remain in debt: be sure to give a small gift. Money today should be spent only on “long-term” investments, and not on trifles. Birthday people should make a wish more wishes: Great chance implementation of almost half of them.

You should not: show irritation when communicating with others - you may be reminded of this later.

Beauty tip: Oddly enough, today is a great day to change your image. Haircuts and coloring literally transform, refresh and rejuvenate. Taking care of your eyelashes and eyebrows today will give you the desired results.

Whom to congratulate: George, David, Denis, Ivan, Pavel, Tikhon, Ferapont.

July 10, Tuesday

27th lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini.

What to expect: the implementation of ambitious plans. “I thought it, I did it!” - your motto for today. Don’t be scattered over trifles, try to take risks and set the goal of conquering everything and everyone. Fortune itself will fly into the hands of those who decide to complete the job. If you were waiting for some sign, then consider that it was sent to you today. Especially those who are passionate can take part in various competitions, pseudo-scientific and just “for fun” discussions and disputes. As an option - comments in SOKOLOV magazine.

Don't complain about fate. Admit to yourself that it's time to take it into your own hands.

Beauty tip: it's time to plan your meals for the week ahead - for those who are thinking about the system fractional meals. For any manipulations with hair (except dyeing) - green light.

Whom to congratulate: George, Ivanna, Samson.

July 11, Wednesday

28th lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer.

What to expect: an unusual event. It will be different for everyone - both in scale and in inner sensations. If you tune in to the positive in the morning, expect a good gift from the Universe. If gloomy thoughts come into your head, drive them away and feel free to indulge yourself: today “forbidden” techniques can also be used in the form of additional spending on yourself and “perhaps one more piece of tiramisu.” Singles: don’t meet people on social networks, go outside. For those who are confused in themselves: take a look.

Don't: listen to unsolicited advisers. Do as your heart tells you.

Beauty tip: if dyed, then only natural ones, natural colors. Haircut is allowed and useful: it will be easier to style your hair in the morning rush.

Whom to congratulate: German, Ivan, Kir, Pavel, Sergei.

July 12, Thursday

29th lunar day. New Moon in Cancer.

What to expect: Lots of work tasks. Don't fuss and don't give in to general panic, but slowly but surely make your way to the tip of the iceberg. Remember: now you are working for a well-deserved reward. It's not just about material benefits: experience, skills and - yes - resistance to stress will ultimately make you a fighter whose final victory will be early stages no one believed it. In the evening, don’t rush home: take an unusual route or stop by the veranda of the first cafe you come across and put your thoughts in order in the company of refreshing lemonade and your favorite playlist. If the last one hasn’t been updated for a long time, here’s a special one for you.

Don't be sad. Everything will be fine, you'll see!

Whom to congratulate: Pavel, Peter.

July 13, Friday

23rd and 1st lunar days. Growing Moon in Leo.

What to expect: Friday the 13th. But don’t grab your head: paradoxically, on this troubled day the waxing moon will bring incredible luck, which happens once a month. Try to act without fear and reproach, do not allow doubts and self-doubt, but do not take on new things - the moment for them will come. Some person begins to influence your feelings, and you just can’t understand yourself. Just react to it less emotionally, and soon it will begin to seem to you that you invented this problem for yourself.

Don't: give in to provocations.

Beauty tip: any body treatments are useful and pleasant; Only nourishing care is recommended for hair.

Whom to congratulate: Andrey, Arseny, Vasily, Ivan, Jonah, Matvey, Mikhail, Peter, Stefan, Timofey, Tikhon, Philip, Thomas.

July 14, Saturday

2nd lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo.

What to expect: A perfect Saturday. The main thing is not to say “I give up” to offers to get out into the open, into nature, or even to another city. Trips will bring a lot of fun and megabytes of photos in your smartphone’s memory. If they are not expected, go to new places in the city yourself, taking on the role of a guide-organizer for your friends or loved one. Together it’s more fun, and shared experiences bring us closer together. In the evening of these lunar days the waxing moon in Leo favors all visualizations: make a wish by releasing a ball into the sky - it will come true as much as you can believe in it.

Don't: Think about the past. To paraphrase a famous song, only happiness, only joy lies ahead.

Beauty tip: a great day for various beauty manipulations. Lighten your hair a tone or two? Why not. Change your usual manicure to colored nail art? Try it! The mood is guaranteed to rise.

Whom to congratulate: Angelina, Alexey, Arkady, Vasily, Ivan, Kuzma, Konstantin, Lev, Peter.

July 15, Sunday

3rd lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo.

What to expect: a feeling of celebration in the air. Everything around seems to be charged with the mood of summer. Pour into it, forgetting about everything in the world. Awareness is important today: understand that half of the summer season has already passed, and finally start doing what you planned for it, including the most ambitious and small businesses. a wise man give you important advice- note. Today it is important not to withdraw into yourself, but to be visible - you will be able to show off your eloquence, hidden talents and, of course, new ones. Don’t be shy to attract attention to yourself and you will find someone who can’t take their eyes off you.

Don't worry about the impression you make.

Beauty tip: visible result will bring anti-aging treatments; haircuts and coloring will help you “renew” and relieve your head of accumulated worries.

Whom to congratulate: Juvenalia, Photius; all the familiar football fans who followed the Cup in the Championship finals!

July 16, Monday

4th lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo.

What to expect: new knowledge. If you think it’s time to change something, and this is not dictated by the immediate emotional state, do some soul-searching to decide what exactly you are not happy with current situation. Start with small steps. Do you want to change your job, but don’t have enough experience? Professional literature and online articles on the desired topic will help you. Tired of staying in a relationship that is weighing you down? Feel free to break the threads: start respecting yourself, and Fate will also believe that you deserve the best.

Don't: quarrel out of nowhere.

Beauty tip: any are favorable water treatments for body; hair dyeing - only with natural dyes.

Whom to congratulate: Alexander, Anatoly, Vasily, Ivan, Konstantin, Mark, Nikodim, Philip.

July 17, Tuesday

5th lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra.

What to expect: active communication. The people around you are not at all random characters in the film where you play the main role. Distribute roles for them too and stop mixing important with unimportant. In other words, do not deprive your inner circle of attention, taking into account those who managed to make a favorable impression on you. The waxing moon in Libra is a chance to fulfill some small but important dream for you. Believe me, you can do it. What dream did you think of when you heard these words? Take action.

Don't: ruin someone's mood.

Beauty tip: Stretching exercises will help relieve accumulated stress better than a bar of your favorite milk chocolate. Both you and your friends will like the haircut, although at first it will be unusual to see yourself “in a new light.” Coloring is successful only for those who have decided to become brown-haired.

Whom to congratulate: Alexandra, Alexy, Anastasia, Andrey, Maria, Marfa, Nikolai, Olga, Tatyana, Fyodor.

July 18, Wednesday

6th lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra.

What to expect: successful negotiations. The period of the “social” waxing moon in Libra is still ongoing, so quickly convince the person on whom some of your business depends that you are right - but do not go too far. Now you can agree on anything if you act according to the scheme “I give you, you give me”: don’t forget about gratitude. Today there is another rule - “what goes around comes around,” so be careful in your words and actions.

Don't: show your dissatisfaction.

Beauty tip: it's time to think about strengthening nail care: they have suffered a lot from chemical varnishes.

Whom to congratulate: Anna, Afanasy, Varvara, Elizaveta, Sergei.

July 19, Thursday

7th lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra.

What to expect: an attentive attitude towards yourself from your loved one. If you don’t want to go somewhere with people who aren’t very nice, don’t go. If you don’t agree with your friend’s opinion about your new fan, don’t listen. Try to honestly admit to yourself how often you deceive yourself, even in everyday little things. Drive away the feeling of guilt. The day is extremely successful for any, even expensive, acquisitions, so allow yourself what you have been dreaming of for a long time! In fact, you are no worse than beauties like Angelina Jolie or Jessica Alba, so don’t forget to pamper yourself from time to time, and how exactly - take a look at. 😊

Don’t: think long and hard about making a decision.

Beauty tip: arrange a SPA session (at home or in a salon); take care of the nutrition and shine of your hair.

Whom to congratulate: Avvakum, Anthony, Valentin, Vasily, Innocent, Julianna, Martha.

July 20, Friday

8th lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio.

What to expect: love! ❤ Together with your loved one today you are on the same wavelength (happiness), and everything else seems like a mere trifle. Remember the period of your first dates and reboot the relationship with new ones. For those who have not yet found their soulmate, this summer will definitely give them a chance, and more than one. But first, figure out what and who you are looking for. Take the "?" test and get useful advice as a result!

Whom to congratulate: Herman, Evdokia, Luka, Thomas.

July 21, Saturday

9th lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio.

What to expect: acceptance. Some people won't change, and it's not your fault. Limit communication with those who are accustomed to perceive you exclusively as a “vest” for endless complaints. Try to focus only on what makes you move forward. Today's Saturday is a time to remember an old hobby. In short, let everything that contradicts your ideas about personal hedonism (reasonable, of course) remain out of the game.

Don't: fall for the bait of energy vampires.

Beauty tip: any relaxing body treatments will come in handy. This also includes a bike ride, a brisk walk in your favorite park, or a jog on the embankment.

Whom to congratulate: Prokop.

July 22, Sunday

10th lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius.

What to expect: cleansing of energy, completion of important tasks. Solve issues with vacation, finances, debts. Today is the day of successful searches: contacts the right people can be found on the Internet quickly and easily. Start getting your house in order country cottage area, throw away unnecessary things, and along with them, the accumulated negativity over the years. If someone needs your help, do not put off their request until later, and they will definitely help you at the right time.

Don’t: tell only part of the truth.

Beauty tip: postpone the haircut until a more favorable day; give up the idea of ​​getting bangs altogether. If you want change, it’s better to start small - selecting new accessories. Look for ideas.

Whom to congratulate: Kirill, Pankratiy, Fedor.

July 23, Monday

11th lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius.

What to expect: greetings from the past. You may find out that a distant relative or a school friend is looking for you. Perhaps you yourself want to get in touch with a person who can’t get out of your head - then feel free to write/call him first. Everything that was once damaged today has a chance to “stick together.” Today you need to remember about karma - and forgive all your offenders with a calm soul, leaving Fate to deal with them. If it works out, you will notice the first positive changes in your life as early as next month.

Don't: tell someone a secret that was entrusted to you.

Beauty tip: hair, eyebrows and eyelashes today need to be groomed and cherished, and not tormented with dyeing. Choose unedged manicures and pedicures: there is a risk of injury.

Whom to congratulate: Alexander, Anthony, George, Daniel, Leonty, Nestor, Peter, Stefan.

July 24, Tuesday

12th lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius.

What to expect: inspiration. From the very morning, something will charge you for the rest of the week. Some will be overwhelmed by a wave of love, others by a creative impulse. Everything that comes to your mind today must be written down, otherwise it will not come true. Today you should let go of your feelings and not be afraid to do good, confess your love, make friends without expecting anything in return. Focus on your happiness" inner child“And do what he asks: the truth speaks through his lips.

Don’t: restrain yourself in your desire to be happy.

Beauty tip: massage day. Body, arms, legs. A haircut will refresh the look, but don’t overdo it with shortening the length.

Whom to congratulate: Arkady, Euphemia, Leo, Nicodemus, Olga.

July 25, Wednesday

13th lunar day. Growing Moon in Capricorn.

What to expect: A busy day. Neither new projects, nor demands from management, nor minor everyday problems should not seem like a disaster to you. Everything is going as it should, and only for the better - exactly a month later, on the 25th, you suddenly fully realize this. Evening is a time for romance, as well as for making fateful decisions in this “field”: someone will enter into serious relationship, someone will meet the one they were looking for, and another will come up with an idea where exactly to look for their soulmate. And even if it’s the other end of the world, you shouldn’t immediately drown out the voice of your heart with the proverbial rationale.

Don't: Be aggressive.

Beauty tip: along with your cut hair, all your hair will disappear into oblivion. negative energy. Today it is better to use exclusively natural cosmetics for the face and body.

Whom to congratulate: Anthony, Arseny, Veronica, Gabriel, Gregory, Euthymius, Ivan, Mikhail, Serapion, Simon, Fedor.

July 26, Thursday

14th lunar day. Full Moon in Capricorn.

What to expect: good luck with your work. The chances of reaching an agreement and resolving joint issues are really high. Transactions will result in mutual profit, and the projects started will be successful. All this is facilitated by the active Capricorn, into whose sign the Moon enters. Today, gather around you people who think the same way as you - together you can achieve brilliant results and earn a “star” from your superiors. However, such “ team game“applies not only to work: if you need to find like-minded people for a joint trip to the sea, also start taking action.

Don't look for something to complain about.

Beauty tip: worth visiting: dentist, hairdresser (but not for coloring), massage therapist. Those who are on vacation at the seaside are advised to apply protective cream in two layers.

Whom to congratulate: Anthony, Arseny, Veronica, Gabriel, Gregory, Ivan, Mikhail, Simon, Fedor.

July 27, Friday

15th lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius.

What to expect: emotional outbursts. It’s better to spend the day with those you know well—you risk appearing “on the wrong side” in front of new acquaintances. The energy of the 15th lunar day is very powerful, but it can put pressure on people who are not too confident in themselves, but for leaders by nature it brings good luck. Today is an extremely unfavorable time for talking with higher officials, quitting your job, or borrowing money. Put aside everything “serious” and spend this Friday with your loved ones.

Don't: Appear better than you are.

Beauty tip: a manicure with red polish will help you attract attention, a haircut will help you lift your spirits, and a facial will help you gain confidence in your attractiveness.

Whom to congratulate: Ivan, Nikodim, Anisim, Stefan.

July 28, Saturday

16th lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius.

What to expect: compromises. Misunderstandings are possible in a family, and the only path to success is dialogue. In general, Saturday is very bright, positive and “relaxed”. Today it is necessary to make an attempt to break the established traditions of a “typical” weekend. Go not just for a walk, but for a picnic, take your children not to the zoo, but to go horse riding, buy tickets not to the circus - to be “just a spectator,” but to go karting or to a water park. In a word, give impressions so that this summer remains in memory as one of the best.

Don't be lazy.

Beauty tip: you can safely experiment with manicure; Do sports in good company and certainly in the fresh air.

Whom to congratulate: Agrippina, Vladimir, Matrona, Peter.

July 29, Sunday

17th lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius.

What to expect: pride in yourself. All events scheduled for today (weddings, large-scale birthday celebrations, award ceremonies, etc.) will go smoothly. Today it will take a lot of effort on your part to resolve some long-delayed issue - when you do it, you will feel satisfied. Overall, you come to the conclusion that you need to worry less about trifles and listen to yourself more. This is correct, and the main thing is not to turn off this path.

Don't: Speak disparagingly about someone.

Beauty tip: if you decide to dye your hair copper-red, chestnut, chocolate - so be it. For a fresh complexion, nothing beats a regular walk.

Whom to congratulate: Alevtina (Valentina), Afinogen, Yakov, Ivan, Yulia, Matrona, Pavel, Peter, Fedor.

July 30, Monday

18th lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces


What to expect: change. They will concern work or personal moments. You may have been waiting for them for a long time and were afraid of them, but in the end they will play into your hands, you will see. If you are offered a new position, a vacation in an unusual place, or some other option from the “outside your comfort zone” series, this is what you need now. Throw yourself into the game headlong.

Don't: refuse the gifts of Fate.

Beauty tip: there is a risk that you won’t like a manicure, and so do haircuts and coloring. But sports will help “recharge your batteries.”

Whom to congratulate: Veronica, Lazar, Leonid, Marina, Margarita.

July 31, Tuesday

19th lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces.

What to expect: rewards. Possible options: profit, gift, praise from someone important to you, compliment from a stranger. Creative people Today we are characterized by intuitive insights and non-standard solutions to problems. For everyone else, clues can also come literally from nowhere. The first half of the day may turn out to be ambiguous, but in the second it is better to completely distance yourself from work issues, put aside your smartphone, and devote precious hours last day July to my beloved. Singles: do not look for a prince “according to given parameters”, look for a person close in spirit. Take a look at the “” section to make sure that you can be happy together, despite some differences.

Don't: Think about missed opportunities. You just don’t know yet what kind of happiness is moving towards you!

Beauty tip: not the best day to go to a beauty salon. Better replenish your makeup bag 😉

Whom to congratulate: Apollinaris, Athanasius, Ivan, Leonty, Stefan.

Do you use hints from the lunar calendar? Tell us in the comments! 😊

July 2018

Table: Moon in zodiac signs, phases of the Moon and working with plants

July is the peak of summer.

In July, during active growth, pinching (pinching) of shoots of the main fruit crops - apple trees, pears, plums, etc. is carried out. This ensures inhibition of shoot growth, and the process of their lignification begins. As a rule, they pinch competing shoots and those branches that the gardener wants to quickly transform from growth into fruit. Watch the trees carefully, and if there are a lot of fruits growing on apple, pear and plum trees, then you need to put supports under the branches, otherwise they may break under the load of the harvest.
In July, the berry fields are harvested: raspberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries, gooseberries and other crops.
In addition, it is necessary to constantly water and fertilize the plants. We must not forget about the fight against pests and diseases. For tomatoes at the end of July, the biggest danger is late blight; for prevention, it is advisable to treat them with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture - it will not spoil tomatoes that are beginning to ripen, since its salts cannot pass through the protective shell of the fruit... But if you are afraid that children can pick a tomato and eat it unwashed, it is better to process it aqueous solution iodine (slightly yellow), perhaps it will not protect against fungal diseases so well (one way or another, iodine is a general-spectrum antiseptic), but there will be no toxic salts on ripening tomatoes (for these reasons, until the idea of ​​treating with iodine came up, I I did not treat ripening tomatoes with anything at all).
July is the time of intense yield for cucumbers. The calendar specifically mentions the periods of the most favorable days for pickling cucumbers.

Folk signs about the weather in July:

If July is hot, then January will be frosty.
July is the peak of summer, December is the peak of winter.
July is a thunderstorm, a month of heavy rains.

Based on one interesting folk sign Together with you, we will try to compile one, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the 2018 gardening season.

Thematic tables - selections from the main one, universal calendar gardener:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time * )

Friends! We are currently working on the lunar calendar for 2018, we are trying to design it in such a way as to make it more convenient to plan seasonal work at the dacha. Our calendar takes into account the phases of the moon, its position in the zodiac signs and work is distributed according to the most favorable days.
Now we can take your comments into account. Please contact us with your suggestions at

Feedback from the forum:

Lunar calendar 2018. I have been using your gardener’s calendar since last spring, but I don’t have internet at my dacha, it would be nice to be able to download the calendar

Work on the page “Lunar calendar of gardener for July 2018” will be completed on July 1, 2018.

The lunar calendar for July 2018 will allow you to always be aware of what this moment The Moon, and what phase of the Moon will be able to help you plan your affairs in May 2018 with maximum efficiency.

The second month of summer promises to be very changeable. And in personal life, and in the professional sphere, favorable periods will be replaced by a series of failures. Find out from the lunar calendar for July 2018 which days this month will be especially successful, and for which it is better not to plan anything. Read the lunar calendar for July 2018 and determine your lucky days.

IN lunar calendar July 2018 – 30 days. New moon and full moon coincide with eclipses; one of them will be extremely favorable, the second - fatal.

Moon phases in July 2018

(time indicated Moscow)

Favorable and unfavorable days in July 2018

In the lunar cycle of July 2018, favorable days, as in the previous month, will constantly alternate with unfavorable ones, which can significantly affect your affairs and endeavors. The main thing is to remain determined and under no circumstances lower your head. After all, despite the Moon, if you cope with your emotions, you can achieve success in any month!

The 13th and 27th will bethe most difficult days in July. Be careful about any warning signs on the health side. Do not plan long trips or important meetings. But most importantlytry not to resolve any important issues these days.

July 3 and 17,on the contrary, they promise to be successful in all endeavors. Be purposeful, show character, intelligence and other skills strengths. Spend these days profitably, because completely new horizons will open up before you, and tasks that seemed impossible will be accomplished with unexpected ease with some effort!

Favorable days: 3, 8, 17, 22

Unfavorable days: 6, 13, 19, 27

Favorable days for haircuts in July 2018

The quality of hair cutting and coloring can depend not only on the skill of the hairdresser, but also on the lunar calendar

Thanks to the fact that scientists have noticed the influence of the Moon, one might even say a magical effect on the organisms living on our planet, according to the phase in which the night celestial body is located, such calendars are made.

Even our great-grandmothers knew that when the moon grows, hair grows faster, does not split, and becomes strong and healthy. But during the period of the Moon that comes, everything happens the other way around: the curls grow slowly, break, split, and become dull.

Favorable days for a haircut in July 2018: July 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.

Gardener's lunar calendar for July 2018

  • July 1–3 – waning moon. It is not recommended to carry out sowing and planting. It is better to collect grains and root crops, mow, and spray. You can also trim bushes and trees and weed. Plant celery, radishes, bulbs, graft trees and berry bushes.
  • July 4–6 – it is recommended to prepare jams and pickles. Good period for cultivation, watering and fertilizing. Favorable time to harvest root crops, fruits, berries, medicinal and essential oil crops, and dry vegetables and fruits.
  • July 7–9 – during the waning moon, it is recommended to plant root crops, tuberous and bulbous crops. Start trimming bushes and trees.
  • July 10–12 – it is not advisable to plant and replant herbaceous crops. At this time, it is useful to remove excess shoots, trim and weed. Prepare your greens and medicinal herbs. Now we need to collect everything that cannot be stored for long.
  • July 13–15 – it is advisable not to plant and sow garden crops. A good time to fight pests and also to collect sunflower seeds.
  • July 16–18 – Do not transplant or plant fruit trees and vegetables. At this time, climbing plants will take root well.
  • July 19-21 – Plant stone fruit trees, they will take root well. Propagate plants by roots, collect herbs. Plant cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkins. Take care of grafting, fertilizing, watering and pest control.
  • July 22–24 – favorable period to plant greens, onions, garlic, peppers, medicinal herbs. At this time it is good to plant home flowers, they bloom faster. Collect vegetables, berries, fruits and seeds.
  • July 25–27 – it is very good to plant and replant pear and plum trees. A favorable time for loosening, fertilizing, grafting trees and mowing. It is better not to plant anything during the full moon.
  • July 28-30 – Harvest grains and root vegetables. It is useful to plant celery, bulbs, and radishes. A good time to prepare pickles and jam.

July 1, 2018 (Sunday)
19th lunar day from 23:01 // 06:56 Moon in Aquarius

July 2, 2018 (Monday)
20 lunar day from 23:24 // 08:02 Moon in Pisces from 20:31

July 3, 2018 (Tuesday)
21 lunar days from 23:44 // 09:10 Moon in Pisces

July 5, 2018 (Thursday)
22nd lunar day from 00:02 // 11:31 Moon in Aries from 07:50

July 6, 2018 (Friday)
23rd lunar day from 00:19 // 12:44 Moon in Aries 3rd quarter 10:50

July 7, 2018 (Saturday)
24 lunar day from 00:37 // 14:00 Moon in Taurus from 15:51

July 8, 2018 (Sunday)
25th lunar day from 00:56 // 15:19 Moon in Taurus

July 9, 2018 (Monday) 26 lunar day 01:19 // 16:40 Moon in Gemini from 19:59

July 10, 2018 (Tuesday)
27th lunar day from 01:47 // 18:01 Moon in Gemini

July 12, 2018 (Thursday)
29th lunar day from 03:14 // 20:26 Moon in Cancer

Lunar calendar: new moon

July 13, 2018 (Friday)
30 lunar day from 04:18 / 1 lunar day from 05:48 // 21:20

New Moon 05:47 Moon in Leo from 20:31

Lunar calendar: waxing moon

July 14, 2018 (Saturday)
2nd lunar day from 05:35 // 22:00 Moon in Leo

July 15, 2018 (Sunday)
3rd lunar day from 06:59 // 22:32 Moon in Virgo from 20:31

July 16, 2018 (Monday)
4th lunar day from 08:25 // 22:57 Moon in Virgo

July 17, 2018 (Tuesday)
5th lunar day from 09:50 // 23:18 Moon in Libra 22:42

July 19, 2018 (Thursday)
7th lunar day from 12:30 // 23:55 Moon in Libra 1st quarter from 22:52

July 20, 2018 (Friday)
8th lunar day from 13:45 // -:- Moon in Scorpio from 04:13

July 21, 2018 (Saturday)
9th lunar day from 14:58 // 00:15 Moon in Scorpio

July 22, 2018 (Sunday)
10th lunar day from 16:09 // 00:36 Moon in Sagittarius from 13:12

July 23, 2018 (Monday)
11th lunar day from 17:16 // 01:02 Moon in Sagittarius

July 24, 2018 (Tuesday)
12th lunar day from 18:17 // 01:32 Moon in Sagittarius

July 25, 2018 (Wednesday)
13th lunar day from 19:11 // 02:09 Moon in Capricorn from 00:49

July 26, 2018 (Thursday)
14th lunar day from 19:57 // 02:55 Moon in Capricorn

Lunar calendar: full moon

July 27, 2018 (Friday)
15th lunar day from 20:34 // 03:48 Moon in Aquarius from 13:41
Full moon at 23:20

Lunar calendar: waning moon

July 28, 2018 (Saturday)
16th lunar day from 21:05 // 04:48 Moon in Aquarius

July 29, 2018 (Sunday)
17th lunar day from 21:29 // 05:53 Moon in Aquarius

July 30, 2018 (Monday)
18th lunar day from 21:50 // 07:01 Moon in Pisces from 02:28

July 31, 2018 (Tuesday)
19th lunar day from 22:09 // 08:10 Moon in Pisces



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