Products with probiotic and prebiotic properties. Difference from probiotics

Probiotics are currently on the crest of a wave of popularity, thanks to a huge amount of new research. They confirm that consuming “good” bacteria can normalize stool and increase immune protection body and even But products that have probiotic properties will not surprise anyone - they have surrounded us for thousands of years and are an integral part of the traditional cuisines of different peoples of the world.

Everyone knows the probiotic properties of yogurt and its effect on the digestive tract. However, it is not the only representative of the group of products containing natural probiotics. “Different types of bacteria grow in different fermented foods, and each of these types is beneficial in its own way,” explains Justin Sonnenberg, associate professor of microbiology and immunology at Stanford University and author of “ Good Gut"(The Good Gut). Therefore, it would be wise to consume a variety of fermented foods to reap maximum benefits. Here is a short list of such “probiotic laboratories” from your desk.


This cousin Sauerkraut comes from Central America. Everyone there calls it salsa from El Salvador, but you can’t hide the truth, and it’s nothing more than cabbage with onions, chili and, sometimes, other vegetables. But they eat this cabbage completely differently. Quertido is most often served with thick homemade corn tortillas called pupusas. Curtido is also often used as a filling in tacos or served as a side dish for fried chicken, fish, rice or beans. And if you ever want to eat chips, it's better to combine them with this fermented salsa.

Aged cheeses

Another reason to love Roquefort or Gruyère is that “the same bacteria that give aged cheeses their wonderful, individual flavor can also add diversity to your microflora.” intestinal tract“says Sonnenberg. However, you should beware of aged cheeses that have been made from unpasteurized milk. Although many disease-causing bacteria die during cheese aging, people with immunodeficiencies should avoid eating such cheeses.

Kombucha or kombucha

The history of the now fashionable carbonated fermented tea dates back to China as far back as 220 BC. In those days, ancestors considered it an elixir of health. Now kombucha is a subject of controversy, because many claim that this drink has detoxifying properties, while others consider it an energy drink. However, some useful properties kombucha proven. In a study published in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology, which was conducted on animals, it was noted that kombucha reduces the concentration of low-density lipoproteins in the blood and kidneys. However, before purchasing such a drink, you need to make sure that it is not pasteurized and contains minimal amount Sahara.


Because kimchi is made from huge amount various vegetables and seasonings (from Chinese cabbage, garlic, chili pepper, ginger, soy sauce, etc.) and fermented for a long time, this spicy and hot korean dish contains an incredible variety of microorganisms. According to an integrative medicine physician (a field of medicine that attempts to combine and traditional medicine) from New York and the author books The Microbiome Diet, kimchi ranks first in health among probiotic foods.

Pickles and marinades

Pickles, or in other words, fermented vegetables, can be an excellent source of probiotics. But they should be chosen carefully. Many of these products are pasteurized and can be preserved in vinegar, which gives them a piquant taste but kills “friendly” bacteria. It is best to eat salted vegetables in brine - our ancestors knew this in ancient Mesopotamia, who invented this method of processing food.

A study of Lactobacillus brevis, which is found in pickles, shows that regular consumption of them significantly reduces the risk of getting the flu. Pickles can probably be bought in any store, especially in those that specialize in healthy eating. Dr. Michelle Chaufro Cook, author of The Probiotic Promise, recommends buying products that are labeled “naturally fermented,” “unpasteurized,” or “contains live cultures.” If you want to experiment, try fermented green beans, cauliflower or beets - these dishes are loaded with vitamins, minerals and beneficial probiotics.


This paste-like condiment, prepared by fermenting soybeans, may be considered one of the reasons for the famous longevity of the Japanese. Animal studies show that consuming miso paste affects the colon and lungs.

The longer the beans are fermented (sometimes with rice, barley or other ingredients), the healthier the final product becomes. Depending on the color, white miso is distinguished, which is fermented short period time, red and brown miso, which have a longer fermentation time. The Japanese add miso everywhere - to rice, sauces and seasonings, and also make soup, which, unfortunately, is not the best option consumption of this product, because it undergoes heat treatment. Are you allergic to soy? You can replace soybeans with chickpeas, which allows even people with allergies to enjoy miso.


Known since the days Kievan Rus, this naturally fermented drink is most often prepared from black bread, yeast, sugar and water. You can also make kvass using beets or carrots instead of bread. In addition to probiotics, kvass will have all the vitamins found in or beet juice, however with a pinch of sugar in order to “feed” the yeast. And take into account that store-bought kvass always contains 2-3 times more sugar than prepared at home according to a regular recipe. If you don't like drinking kvass on its own, you can try adding a small amount to a salad dressing or using it instead of vinegar in dishes that don't require heat treatment(to keep beneficial bacteria alive).

There is evidence that this fermented drink may have anti-cancer properties.

How to buy probiotics at the pharmacy?

Certainly, healthy dietthe best choice to have healthy intestinal microflora. But if you do have to take probiotics, follow a few simple rules.

It is important to understand that not all beneficial bacteria can reach the intestines - most die when passing through the acidic environment of the stomach.

Always pay attention to how many types beneficial microbes contained in one or another tablet, because the more there are, the better.

Do not forget to check the number of CFU (colony forming units) in the dose of the drug on the package. The recommended daily dose varies significantly, but on average it is 1 to 10 billion CFU. Honest probiotic manufacturers always note that this number of CFU is contained in the tablet at the end of the expiration date, and not immediately after production. By purchasing a product with such a mark, you will be consuming required quantity beneficial microorganisms during each dose.

Feed the beneficial microbes

The bacteria in your intestinal tract eat the same foods you do and especially love fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains. All listed products are called prebiotics and contain many various types fiber, which is almost not absorbed. But in the large intestine, fiber becomes food for beneficial microflora. Variety in your diet is key to the growth of different species beneficial bacteria, because each species likes different fiber.

Probiotic microorganisms include the following types:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • L. bulgarius ("Bulgarian stick")
  • L. reuteri
  • L. brevis
  • L. plantarum
  • L. rhamnosus
  • L. fermentum
  • Lactobacillus curvatus
  • Streptococcus thermophilus
  • Saccharomyces boulardii
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum


What are probiotics? Why are they so important for the health of our body?

From 70% to 80% of the cells responsible for immunity are localized in the mucous membrane intestines.

Conclusion: healthy intestines- healthy body.

We offer you a list of foods that contain the highest amount of probiotics.

Benefits of probiotics

Beneficial microorganisms are involved in food processing and reduce the risk of reproduction pathogenic flora, protect the body from infections, harmful bacteria, yeast and fungi, protect the body from carcinogenic substances, remove toxins, prevent the development of dysbiosis and generally help maintain the level of immune defense.

1. Kefir

Familiar to everyone since childhood regular product containing probiotics – kefir. Kefir grains contain more than 10 types of beneficial bacteria. In addition to containing probiotics, kefir also has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Regular consumption of kefir improves immunity, protects the body from infections and improves digestion.

2. Yogurt

Numerous studies have proven that regular consumption of yogurt has a beneficial effect on the immune system and digestion. Today there is a large selection of yoghurts on the market. But not all contain live bacteria. Choose only those labeled Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bicfidobacterium bifidum and without additives. You can make yogurt at home by buying bacteria at the pharmacy.

3. Acidophilus dairy products

In acidophilus products, a starter culture of one culture or a combined one is used, consisting of acidophilus bacillus, lactic acid streptococcus and kefir grains. Studies of the action of acidophilus bacillus have discovered amazing abilities: it suppresses the development of putrefactive and other pathogenic microbes, is resistant to adverse factors of internal and external environment. Supports the functioning of other beneficial bacteria. Choose dairy products that contain acidophilus.

4. Pickles (without vinegar)

Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes (not pickled!) – great source healthy probiotic bacteria that improve health digestive system. These products, being in a solution of salt and water, use their own lactic acid bacteria to create an acidic environment. This also includes soaked apples. It is very important that the brine does not contain vinegar - it must be natural and contain live and beneficial enzymes that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Probiotics for the gut

5. Sauerkraut

The main condition for sauerkraut is that it is not pasteurized. Pasteurization kills bacteria, including beneficial ones. Sauerkraut contains probiotics leukonostok, pediococus, and lactobacilli, which improve digestion. Unlike artificial probiotics, which often die from gastric juice, the probiotics contained in cabbage are absorbed into lower section intestines. In addition to probiotics, this product contains fiber, vitamins C, B and K, sodium, iron and other microelements.

6. Kimchi

Kimchi is the Korean cousin of our sauerkraut. It contains a large number of lactic acid bacteria, which are famous for helping to inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in intestinal environment, and also reduce fermentation. This product is also rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, which is partly produced by intestinal microorganisms. But in large quantities this product can be harmful, as it is a rather spicy dish.

7. Green olives

Research beneficial properties olive studies have shown that olives are an excellent source of probiotics. It is a fermented product, which means it is rich in lactobacilli. They can be quite salty, so if your regular food is already quite salty, be careful.

Ecology of consumption: Probiotics today are often recommended as part of healthy eating- along with vitamins and similar nutrients in addition

In general, probiotics are a class of microorganisms and substances typically microbial origin. It sounds a little scary, but probiotics are widely used today in therapeutic purposes, and also as food products and biologically active additives containing living microcultures. Probiotics are believed to be beneficial to a wide range of users, including those who exercise intensively.

Types of Probiotics

Probiotic bacteria, which are most often recommended for athletes, are divided into lactobacilli (Latin: Lactobacillus) and bifidobacteria (Latin: Bifidobacterium). Within this division, there are also many subspecies, and each of them has its own strains.

For example, the Shirota strain of lactobacilli helps strengthen immune system and helps move food through the intestines. And Bulgaricus is very useful for those whose bodies cannot cope with lactose contained in dairy products.

All types of probiotics can also be divided into two groups - dry and liquid.

Dry probiotics include lyophilized (dried) microorganisms. They may come in the form of powder, capsules or tablets. Once in our body, such bacteria emerge from suspended animation and begin to “work” after a few hours.

Liquid probiotics are microorganisms in their original, non-lyophilized form. Such bacteria begin to act in the human body immediately. Being in a physiologically active state, such microorganisms absorb nutrient medium, in which they are located, and as a result they release metabolites - products of the metabolism of compounds necessary for our body.

To enhance the effect, liquid probiotics should be taken together with water-soluble vitamins, micro- and macroelements, amino acids, etc.

Probiotics can be found not only in the form of powders, capsules, tablets, yogurts and other dairy products. The stores also offer wide choose healthy pribiotics in the form of muesli, bars, juices and even chocolate.

Benefits of probiotics

The main goal of taking probiotics is to restore the disturbed balance of microorganisms inhabiting human mucous membranes, that is, the treatment and prevention of all kinds of dysbiosis and related diseases.

In particular, as evidenced by scientific clinical tests, the use of probiotics helps:

Improving immunity;
- prevention of various infectious diseases;
- protecting the intestinal walls from bacteria harmful to humans;
- strengthening the mucous layer in the intestines;
- destruction and removal of toxins;
- preventing the development of dysbacteriosis during antibacterial therapy;
- synthesis in the body of vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, PP, K, C, H;
- absorption of vitamins D, E, micro- and macroelements (iron, calcium, iodine, selenium, etc.);
- breakdown and assimilation of up to 80-90% of proteins and carbohydrates entering our body with food;
- the production of acetic, lactic, formic, propionic and butyric acids, which contributes to the synthesis of creatinine and ATP and, accordingly, the accumulation and release of energy necessary for our muscles.

Today you can come across the opinion that the effect of probiotics on the human body has not been fully studied, for example, with severe disorders of the immune system or diagnosed problems with the digestive organs. However, scientists are unanimous that for healthy body Most probiotics are not only safe, but also beneficial. And this has been proven in practice by centuries of human consumption of dairy products such as yogurt, cheese and milk.

8 Best Natural Probiotics

In addition to special supplements, probiotics are also found in many common foods.

1. Yogurt

It is considered a source of the best probiotics - lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which maintain a healthy balance in our intestines. Research shows that these probiotics may improve lactose intolerance in some people. They can also curb gas, diarrhea and other digestive disorders. It is important to choose yoghurts with live and active cultures.

2. Sauerkraut

Contains probiotics Leuconostoc, Pediococus and Lactobacillus to improve digestion. It is important to choose unpasteurized sauerkraut- pasteurization, used to increase the shelf life of products, kills beneficial bacteria.

3. Miso soup

A popular Japanese soup with seaweed, vegetables and fermented tofu soy cheese, normalizes the digestive system. Miso contains over 160 strains of beneficial bacteria!

4 . Pickles

Must be marinated without vinegar! It is best to pickle cucumbers with sea ​​salt, a solution of which in water promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria and, therefore, improves digestion.

5. Soft cheeses

Not all probiotics beneficial for digestion retain their properties during passage through the gastrointestinal tract. However, the lactobacillus strains of some soft fermented cheeses, such as Gouda, survive the journey. Cheeses can also act as carriers of probiotics, which stimulate the immune system.

6. Kefir

Contains proprietary strains of probiotic bacteria, plus several useful varieties yeast.

7. Sourdough bread

Contains lactobacilli, which benefit digestion.

8. Acidophilus milk

It is low-fat milk fermented by Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria.

On a note

It is worth keeping in mind that probiotics are considered a dietary supplement, which means that, unlike medications, they are not standardized. Thus, depending on the manufacturer, their composition can vary significantly. In the same way, their cost can be very different.
To avoid problems, when choosing probiotics, carefully study their composition to exclude the presence of additional components, to which you may have an allergic reaction.

The label of the probiotic you buy should contain information about the strains and types of probiotic microorganisms contained in the product, their quantity, expiration date and storage method.

Probiotics and prebiotics

Unlike probiotic products containing live bacteria, prebiotics are indigestible food components that selectively stimulate the reproduction, growth, development and activity of one or more types of beneficial bacteria that constantly live in the gastrointestinal tract. Prebiotics, which are also very useful and necessary for human body, found in foods such as asparagus, bananas, oatmeal, red wine, honey, maple syrup and legumes. published

For five decades, scientists have debated what exactly they are. probiotics. However, in 2002, a consensus was finally found, thanks to which World organization healthcare was able to accept the definition of probiotics. So, according to WHO, probiotics are microorganisms that are non-pathogenic for humans, which are capable of restoring the normal microflora of organs, as well as having a detrimental effect on pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria. In other words, probiotics are microbes that normally make up the microflora various organs person.

Currently, probiotics include the following microorganisms:

  • Lactobacilli (L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. casei, L. bulgaricus, L. lactis, L. reuteri, L. rhamnosus, L. fermentum, L. jonsonii, L. gassed);
  • Bifidobacteria (B. bifidum, B. infantis, B. longum, B. breve, B. adolescents);
  • Non-pathogenic Escherichia Coli species;
  • Non-pathogenic species of Bacillus (B. subtilis);
  • Non-pathogenic species of Enterococcus (Enterococci faecium, E. salivarius);
  • Lactic acid streptococcus (Str. thermophylus);
  • Yeast fungi Saccharomyces boulardii.
The listed microorganisms are part of different medicines in various combinations. Some drugs from the probiotic group contain only one type of microorganisms of normal microflora, while other drugs contain several. Depending on the type of microbes contained in a particular probiotic, its therapeutic activity and scope of application.

Probiotics can be found both in food and in specially created and developed medications or dietary supplements. For example, traditional probiotic products used by people for many centuries are kefir, fermented baked milk, cheeses, yogurt, matsoni, ricotta and other lactic acid products. Currently, there are numerous dairy products on the market that are specially enriched with one or another probiotic, for example, Activia, Actimel, Bifidokefir, ice cream with bifidobacteria, etc. In principle, food products, dietary supplements, and medicines containing microorganisms - Representatives of normal human microflora are called probiotics. In the further part of the article we will consider only drugs and, accordingly, by the term “probiotic” we will mean drugs.

That is, prebiotics, unlike probiotics, are chemical substances, which are contained in quite wide range food products. Largest quantity prebiotics are found in dairy products, corn, cereals, bread, onions, garlic, beans, peas, artichokes, asparagus, bananas, etc. In addition, many commercially available products (porridge, biscuits, dairy products, etc.) are fortified prebiotics, which is always indicated on the label.

Prebiotics actually include the following: organic compounds and food components:

  • Oligofructose;
  • Inulin;
  • Galactooligosaccharides;
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • Calcium pantothenate;
  • Lactulose;
  • Lactitol;
  • Breast milk oligosaccharides;
  • Dietary fiber (fiber);
  • Extracts of algae, yeast, carrots, potatoes, corn, rice, pumpkin and garlic;
  • Xylitol;
  • Raffinose;
  • Sorbitol;
  • Xylobiosis;
  • Pectins;
  • Dextrin;
  • Chitosan;
  • Valin;
  • Arginine;
  • Glutamic acid;
  • Glutathione;
  • Ubiquinone;
  • Carotenoids;
  • Vitamins A, E and C;
  • Selenium;
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid;
  • Lectins.
The listed substances are used for the manufacture of biologically active food additives or medicines. In addition, prebiotics can be added to prepared foods. Currently, there are isolated or chemically synthesized prebiotic substances that are marketed in the form of dietary supplements or medications. In the following article we will consider only medications and dietary supplements that are prebiotics.

Probiotics and prebiotics - what are the differences (what is the difference)

The difference between prebiotics and probiotics is that these are fundamentally different biological structures that simply complement therapeutic effects each other and having similar names. The similarities between prebiotics and probiotics lie in the fact that both have a beneficial effect on the human body by normalizing the intestinal microflora. Thereby positive influence prebiotics and probiotics are widely used in complex therapy intestinal diseases characterized by the presence of dysbiosis, discomfort, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, painful spasms, etc.

Returning to the differences between probiotics and prebiotics, it must be said that the former are living microorganisms, and the latter are chemical organic compounds. That is, the difference between probiotics and prebiotics is the same as between any living creature, such as a dog or cat, and some organic chemical compound, For example, ethyl alcohol or glycerin. Moreover, probiotics are microorganisms that make up normal microflora human intestines. Prebiotics are organic compounds that provide the most favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of bacteria of normal microflora, while simultaneously inhibiting pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.

To summarize, we can say that probiotics are microorganisms of normal intestinal microflora. Prebiotics are substances that provide optimal conditions for the growth and development of normal microflora. Both prebiotics and probiotics have beneficial effects on the human condition.

The reason for the confusion between probiotics and prebiotics is the similar names that differ from each other by only one letter, as well as the general scope therapeutic use. After all, both are used to treat various digestive disorders and intestinal diseases.

Positive effects of probiotics and prebiotics on the human body

Probiotics have the following positive effects on physiological functions And general state person:
  • Colonization of the large intestine by representatives of normal microflora, which take root, begin to grow and multiply, suppressing, and subsequently preventing pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic bacteria, viruses, yeast or fungi from becoming active. In fact, thanks to the colonization of the intestines with representatives of normal microflora, dysbiosis is cured;
  • Improving the balance between representatives of normal microflora and pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms in favor of the former, which prevents relapse of dysbacteriosis;
  • Bacteria of normal microflora, breaking down food components in the colon, produce vitamin K, biotin, niacin and folic acid;
  • Probiotics promote the breakdown of salts bile acids, which allows you to lower the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Improving digestion, as well as normalizing intestinal motor function, eliminating bloating, flatulence, colic, etc.;
  • Transit time optimization food bolus through the large intestine;
  • Elimination of intoxication by activating components of the local immune system;
  • Stimulation and improvement of functions local immunity(Peyer's patches of the intestines);
  • Have a detrimental effect on Helicobacter bacterium pylori, which provokes the development of peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis;
  • Reduces the amount and severity side effects antibiotics used in the treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • Restore intestinal microflora after antibiotic therapy;
  • Relieves diarrhea caused by acute intestinal infection.

The described effects are, to a greater or lesser extent, characteristic of all microorganisms related to probiotics. However, the mechanisms of these effects have not yet been fully elucidated.

Prebiotics have the following beneficial effects on functioning digestive tract and the general condition of the person:

  • Promote a 10-fold increase in the number of representatives of normal microflora (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, E. coli, etc.) while simultaneously reducing the number of opportunistic microbes (staphylococci, non-lactic acid streptococci, etc.);
  • Suppression of the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microbes in the intestines, such as salmonella, listeria, campylobacter, shigella or vibrio cholerae;
  • Eliminate excess mucus from the walls and lumen of the large intestine;
  • Accelerate the healing process of the colon wall;
  • Maintain optimal acidity (pH) for the life of bacteria of normal microflora;
  • Increase volume feces, stimulating intestinal motility and thereby eliminating constipation;
  • Reduce gas formation in the intestines, relieving a person of bloating;
  • Stimulates the synthesis of vitamins B and K;
  • They have a moderate antibacterial effect on representatives of pathogenic microflora due to stimulation of local immunity mechanisms;
  • Restore normal intestinal microflora.
As you can see, probiotics and prebiotics have similar therapeutic effects on the human body, improving the functioning of the intestines and normalizing the processes of food digestion. However, probiotics and prebiotics are often used together because their effects are complementary rather than mutually exclusive.

Effects of probiotics and prebiotics - video

Are probiotics beneficial - video

Classification of probiotics and prebiotics

Prebiotics are classified depending on the composition of the drug into two large groups:
1. Pure prebiotics. In these preparations as active ingredients Contains only prebiotics. Examples of such drugs are lactulose syrups, produced under different names. commercial names, for example, Duphalac, Normaze, Lactusan, etc.;
2. Prebiotics combined with enterosorbents that bind and retain various toxic substances in the intestinal lumen. These toxic substances are excreted from the body along with feces and the sorbent that securely bound them. An example of combined prebiotics are Laktofiltrum, Laktofiltrum-Eco, Maxilak, etc.

There are currently no other classifications of prebiotics. Prebiotic drugs are available in various forms– syrups, tablets, powders, granules, etc. Each drug usually indicates which prebiotics it contains.

Depending on their state of aggregation, probiotics are divided into two large groups - liquid and dry. Liquid Probiotics– these are solutions or suspensions that were not initially subjected to the lyophilization (drying) process. These solutions contain a certain number of living bacteria, as well as the substrate on which they feed. In addition, liquid probiotics may contain additional ingredients (vitamins, microelements, amino acids, etc.), as well as various substances, produced by bacteria during their life, such as lactic acid. Bacteria from liquid form probiotics begin to act immediately after entering the human body. In addition, an additional benefit of the liquid form of probiotics is that you can not only take it orally, but also insert it into the vagina, rectum, nose, mouth, throat, ears, or apply it to the skin and hair.

Dry probiotics– these are specially dried (lyophilized) cultures of microorganisms, which are a fine powder. Dry probiotics can be sold in the form of tablets, capsules, or powders for suspension. After taking such dry probiotics, it takes 1 to 4 hours for the microorganisms to emerge and activate, so their effect does not begin immediately after use.

Depending on which bacteria are contained in the preparation, probiotics are classified into the following groups:

  • Lactic acid strains - probiotics contain L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. bulgaricum, L. casei, L. fermentum, B. lactis;
  • Donor strains - probiotics contain B. bifidum, B. longum, B. infantis, B. adolescents, L. rhamnosus, E. faecium, L. salivarius;
  • Antagonists – B. subtilus, S. boulardii.
Lactic acid strains are bacteria that normally produce lactic acid and, thereby, create the necessary for normal height and the life of the main microorganisms, the acidity of the intestinal environment. Normally, lactic acid strains make up from 5 to 7% of the total intestinal microflora.

Donor strains are bacteria that make up the normal intestinal microflora. Normally, such strains make up from 90 to 93% of the total intestinal microflora.

Antagonists are bacteria that do not normally live in the human intestine, but have useful action when taken orally. These bacteria are completely removed from the intestines within about a day after the last dose. While antagonist bacteria are in the intestines, they inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes such as viruses, Shigella, Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae, etc. Due to this action, these probiotics are often used to treat diarrhea caused by intestinal infections.

This classification of probiotics is necessary for selecting the optimal drug for the treatment of various types of intestinal microflora disorders.

Depending on the composition of the drug, all probiotics are divided into the following groups:

  • Monocomponent - contain only one strain of bacteria (for example, Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Colibacterin, etc.);
  • Multicomponent - contain several varieties of bacteria (usually 2 - 3). Examples of multicomponent probiotics are Bifilong (2 types of bacteria), Bifinorm (3 types), Acylact (3 types), Acipol (2 types), Bifidin (2 types), Linex (3 types), Bifiform (3 types), Polybacterin (3 type);
  • Combined (synbiotics) - contain bacteria of normal microflora and any substances that create optimal conditions for these microorganisms, for example, Kipacid (lactobacillus + immunoglobulins), Bifiliz (bifidobacteria + lysozyme), Bioflor (Escherichia coli + soybean and propolis extract);
  • Sorptive - contain bacteria of normal microflora in combination with enterosorbents, for example, Bifidobacterin-forte, Probiofor, Bificol forte, Ecoflor;
  • Recombinant - contain genetically modified bacteria into which a gene with certain characteristics has been implanted, for example, Subalin.

Various types of probiotics are successfully used in treatment different options dysfunctions and intestinal diseases.

In addition, there is a classification of probiotics based on the time of their creation:
1. The 1st generation includes drugs containing only one type of bacteria (for example, Bifidobacterin, Lactobacterin, Colibacterin, etc.);
2. The 2nd generation includes self-excreting antagonists (for example, Enterol, Baktisubtil, Biosporin, Sporobacterin, etc.), which are bacteria that do not normally live in the human intestine, but are capable of suppressing the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microbes;
3. The 3rd generation includes drugs containing several types of bacteria (for example, Bifilong, Linex, Bifikol, Acipol, Acilact);
4. 4th generation includes combination drugs containing bacteria and substances that promote their growth (for example, Bifiliz, Kipacid);
5. The 5th generation includes multicomponent preparations containing several types of bacteria and substances that promote their growth (Bifiform).

In addition, all probiotics are divided not only by the quantity and quality of components, but also by the genus of the bacteria included:

  • Probiotics containing bifidobacteria (bifido-containing), such as Bifidumbacterin, Bifidumbacterin-forte, Bifiliz, Bifiform, Bifikol, Probifor, etc.;
  • Probiotics containing lactobacilli (lacto-containing), such as Lactobacterin, Acipol, Acylact, Linex, Biobakton, Gastrofarm, etc.;
  • Probiotics with E. coli (coli-containing), for example, Colibacterin, Bifikol, Bioflor, etc.;
  • Probiotics containing bacilli, saccharomyces or enterococci, for example, Bactisubtil, Bactisporin, Sporobacterin, Biosporin, Enterol, etc.
Enterococci are contained only in imported probiotics Linex and Bifiform. The above classification is used by practicing doctors in Russia and the CIS countries.

Probiotics, prebiotics, eubiotics - definition and differences

Currently, the term "eubiotics" is used as a synonym for "probiotics". However, it was previously believed that eubiotics include only those strains and varieties of bacteria that live in the human large intestine, making up the normal microflora. The concept of probiotics is somewhat broader, since they include all microorganisms that can have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and the general condition of a person. That is, probiotics also include those strains of microbes that normally do not live in the human intestines, but when taken orally they bring tangible benefits. An example of such probiotics are yeast fungi Saccharomyces boulardii or representatives of bacilli - Bacilus subtilus, which effectively suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora, quickly stopping diarrhea caused by acute intestinal infection. That is, using the old meanings of the terms, we can say that eubiotics are representatives large group probiotics.

However, at present, no one puts the same meaning into the old terms, and doctors, when they say “eubiotics,” mean probiotics. That is, both terms are used as synonyms. The presence of two options for designating the same thing is due to the fact that on the territory of the countries former USSR doctors have traditionally used the term “eubiotics,” and their foreign colleagues have used probiotics. However, with the advent of contacts, doctors began to use both terms, each of which remained in the lexicon.

Thus, eubiotics and probiotics are the same thing, and they differ from prebiotics in that they are living cultures of microorganisms. And prebiotics are organic compounds that create the best conditions for the growth and reproduction of bacteria from probiotic groups.

Probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics - definition and differences

Symbiotics are medications that contain several types of probiotic microorganisms or several strains of the same type of bacteria. For example, any drug containing 2 - 3 types of lactobacilli or bifidobacteria and lactic streptococci will be a symbiotic.

Thus, a symbiotic is several probiotics in one preparation. This means that it differs from a probiotic in the quantitative and species composition of microorganisms. And both of them - a symbiotic and a probiotic - differ from a prebiotic in that they contain living microorganisms.

Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics - definition and differences

Synbiotics are medications that contain a combination of probiotics and prebiotics. That is, synbiotics are complex preparations that combine both probiotics and prebiotics in one capsule.

In addition, there are also probiotic complexes that contain probiotics, prebiotics, sorbents, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other substances that are beneficial for intestinal function.

Probiotics and prebiotics - medications (list)

Here is a list of probiotics - medications and standardized dietary supplements available for sale on the market in Russia and the CIS countries. We will include in the lists only those dietary supplements that have been standardized and are produced in strict accordance with technology and production regulations medicines. In principle, in essence, these dietary supplements are medicinal products, but due to the difficulties of registering and introducing a new drug into circulation, manufacturers prefer a simpler path - including them in the registers of dietary supplements.

To avoid a long list and maintain systematization of probiotics, we will divide them into four large groups:
1. Probiotics that contain only one type of bacteria (monocomponent);
2. Probiotics, which contain several types of bacteria (symbiotics);
3. Preparations that contain probiotics and prebiotics at the same time (synbiotics);
4. Preparations that contain probiotics and sorbents simultaneously (probiotic complexes).

Monocomponent probiotics

So, probiotics that contain only one type of microorganism (monocomponent) include the following:
  • Acylact (lactobacteria);
  • Bactisporin (Bacilus subtilus);
  • Bactisubtil (Bacilus chereus);
  • Biobakton (lactobacteria);
  • Biovestin (bifidobacteria);
  • Biosporin (Bacilus licheniformus and subtilus);
  • Bifidumbacterin (bifidobacteria);
  • Bifinorm (bifidobacteria);
  • Colibacterin (non-pathogenic types of Escherichia coli);
  • Lactobacterin (lactobacteria);
  • Narine (lactobacteria);
  • Primadophilus (lactobacillus);
  • Probiform (bifidobacteria);
  • Regulin (lactobacillus);
  • Rela Life (lactobacteria);
  • Sporobacterin (Bacilus subtilus);
  • Flonivin BS (Bacilus chereus);
  • Euflorin-L (lactobacteria);
  • Euflorin-B (bifidobacteria);
  • Effidigest (lactic acid bacteria).

The name of the microorganism that contains this probiotic is given in parentheses.


Probiotics containing several types of beneficial bacteria (symbiotics) include the following drugs:
  • Acidobac (9 types of lactobacilli);
  • Acipol (lactobacteria, kefir fungi);
  • Bacterial balance (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli);
  • Biovestin-Lacto (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli);
  • Bifidin (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli);
  • Bifidobacterium (bifidobacteria, lactic acid streptococci);
  • Bifidobacterin-Multi 1 (5 types of bifidobacteria);
  • Bifidobacterin-Multi 2 (6 species of bifidobacteria);
  • Bifidobacterin-Multi 3 (6 types of bifidobacteria);
  • Bifidum-BAG (bifidibacteria, lactobacilli);
  • Bifikol (non-pathogenic types of Escherichia coli, bifidobacteria);
  • Bifilong (2 types of bifidobacteria);
  • Bifiform (bifidobacteria, enterococci);
  • Bifiform baby (bifidobacteria, lactic acid streptococci);
  • Bonolact Pro+Biotik (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli);
  • Bonolact Re+General (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli);
  • Darm-Symbioten Pasco (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli);
  • Yogulact and Yogulact forte (lactobacteria and lactic acid streptococcus);
  • Linex (lactobacteria, bifidobacteria, enterococci);
  • Polybacterin (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli);
  • Primadophylus Bifidus (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli);
  • Protozymes (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli);
  • Santa-Rus-B (lactobacteria, bifidobacteria);
  • Symbiolact (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli);
  • Trilact (3 types of lactobacilli);
  • Florin forte (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli);
  • Enterol (Saccharomyces boulardii).


Preparations containing both probiotics and prebiotics (synbiotics) include the following:
  • Algibif (bifidobacteria and sodium alginate);
  • Algilac (lactobacillus and sodium alginate);
  • Bion – 3 (lactobacteria, bifidobacteria, vitamins and microelements);
  • Bioflor (Escherichia coli + soybean and propolis extract);
  • Bifidumbacterin 1000 (bifidobacteria + lactulose);
  • Bifilar (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, fructooligosaccharides);
  • Biphilis (bifidobacteria + lysozyme);
  • Bifistim (bifidobacteria, vitamins, pectin, MCC, fructose) separate forms for children and adults;
  • Bifainol (bifidobacteria, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E);
  • Vitabs Bio (Lactobacilli, bromelain, rutin, sea buckthorn fiber);
  • Vitabs Bio (Bifidobacteria, bromelain, rutin, sea buckthorn fiber);
  • Calsis (lactobacillus, selenium, vitamins E and C, oat bran, citrus fiber);
  • Kipacid (lactobacillus + immunoglobulins);
  • Maxilac (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, fructooligosaccharides);
  • Narine forte (bifidobacteria, vitamins C, PP and B, amino acids);
  • Normobact (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, fructooligosaccharides);
  • Normoflorin-B (bifidobacteria, lactitol);
  • Normoflorin-D (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, lactitol);
  • Normoflorin-L (lactobacteria, lactitol);
  • Senior (bifidobacteria, vitamins, microelements);
  • Flora-Dophilus+FOS (lactobacteria, bifidobacteria, fructooligosaccharides);
  • Evitalia (lactobacteria, lactic acid streptococcus, propionobacteria);
  • Eubicore (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, dietary fiber and vitamins).

Probiotic complexes

Preparations containing probiotics and sorbents simultaneously (probiotic complexes) include the following:
  • Bifidumbacterin-forte (bifidobacteria and activated carbon);
  • Bifikol forte (bifidobacteria, non-pathogenic types of Escherichia coli, sorbent);
  • Probiofor (bifidobacteria, activated carbon);
  • Ecoflor (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and SUMS-1 sorbent).
All of the listed probiotics are produced and used currently.

Below is a list of prebiotics that are available in the form of medications and standardized dietary supplements. Numerous non-standardized and untested supplements containing probiotics are not included in the list, since their effect on the condition of the human body, as well as methods for obtaining raw materials and components, are not known.

So, the following drugs are classified as prebiotics:

  • Goodluck (lactulose);
  • Duphalac (lactulose);
  • Importal N (lactitol);
  • Inulin (inulin);
  • Lactulose syrup (lactulose);
  • Lactusan (lactulose);
  • Lactofiltrum and Lactofiltrum-Eco (lactulose and lignin sorbent);
  • Livoluk PB (lactulose);
  • Normase (lactulose);
  • Portalac (lactulose);
  • Prelax (lactulose);
  • Romphalac (lactulose);
  • Stimbifid (oligofructose, inulin, vitamins E, C, PP, B, trace elements selenium and zinc);
  • Transulose gel (lactulose);
  • Hilak forte (substances produced in the process of life coli, lactobacilli and non-pathogenic streptococci);
  • Exportal (lactitol);
  • Eubicore (fiber).
As can be seen from the above list, the most common “pharmacy” prebiotic is lactulose, which is associated with the high efficiency of this substance, the relative ease of obtaining, purifying and standardizing ready-made dosage forms. In addition to the listed medications, prebiotics include numerous options for fiber and bran, sold in stores or pharmacies. Additionally, remember that sources of prebiotics include fresh dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and unrefined grains.

Mixtures with probiotics and prebiotics for baby food

There are also probiotic and prebiotic blends available for baby food, which reduce the frequency of diarrhea, flatulence, digestive disorders and regurgitation in infants. Prebiotic mixtures include the following:
  • Agusha-1;
  • Agusha-2;
  • Agusha gold;
  • Grandma's basket;
  • Lactofidus "Danone";
  • Baby with dietary fiber and nucleotides;
  • MD cute goat;
  • NAS fermented milk "Nestlé";
  • NAS 6-12 months with bifidobacteria "Nestlé";
  • Nestozen prebio;
  • Nutrilak premium;
  • Nanny with prebiotics;
  • Similac with probiotics;
  • Similak Premium;
  • Frisolac Gold;
  • Hipp Combiotic;
  • Humana with prebiotics.
Infant formulas with various probiotics are shown in the table.

Mixtures with live lactobacilli (NAN Premium, Similak Premium, Agusha Gold) also contain prebiotics.

Hilak forte, Bifiform and Linex are prebiotics or probiotics

Bifiform and Linex are probiotics containing several types of microorganisms. Bifiform contains two types of probiotic microorganisms - Bifidobacterium longum (bifidobacteria) and Enterococcus faecium (enterococci). And Linex contains three types of probiotic microorganisms - Lactobacillus acidophilus (lactobacteria), Bifidobacterium infantis (bifidobacteria) and Enterococcus faecium (enterococci).

Probiotics for treatment chronic conditions usually taken 3 - 4 times a day, 20 - 60 minutes before meals, for 14 - 21 days. If probiotics are taken to treat an acute intestinal infection (diarrhea), then they are taken 4–6 times a day for 2–4 days until stool normalizes. If a probiotic powder is used, then before ingestion it is diluted in warm water, capsules and tablets are simply swallowed with a small amount of liquid. If a person suffers increased acidity gastric juice, then before taking probiotics he needs to drink alkaline mineral water or antacid drugs (for example, Maalox, Almagel, Gastal, etc.).

It is very important to choose the right probiotic to treat a given condition. To select a probiotic, you can use the following simple rules:

  • If you suspect viral infection intestines (acute or chronic), it is recommended to take drugs containing lactobacilli (for example, Lactobacterin, Narine, Biobakton, Primadophilus, etc.);
  • If you suspect bacterial infection intestines (acute or chronic), it is recommended to take complex preparations containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria simultaneously (for example, Bacteriobalance, Bifidin, Linex, etc.);
  • If you suspect a fungal infection of the intestines and genitals (intestinal and vaginal candidiasis), it is recommended to take medications containing bifidobacteria (for example, Probiform, Biovestin, Bifidumbacterin, etc.).
When treating dysbiosis, it is recommended to first take drugs with lactobacilli, then with bifidobacteria, and only after that with colibacteria (for example, Colibacterin). You can immediately start taking complex medications that simultaneously contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Probiotics and prebiotics can be used either individually or as part of complex therapy the following diseases, the presence of which is considered an indication for use:
1. Colon cancer (it is recommended to take prebiotics and 4 types of probiotics);
2. Acute infectious diarrhea (lactobacillus and enterococcus); enterocolitis

IN Lately gastroenterologists and therapists prescribe along with the main therapy additional medications- probiotics and prebiotics. What is this? Many patients encounter these drugs for the first time, and they are interested in how they work and whether they can harm health, especially children's health.

What are probiotics and prebiotics?

For a long time, scientists debated which definition to choose for these drugs so that it would be clear, accessible and correct. It was only in 2002 that the WHO adopted the exact wording.

What are probiotics? These are drugs that contain non-pathogenic microorganisms that are normally found in the intestines.

They are distinguished by types and strains. Each strain has its own effect on the body, but it is always positive. It has been established that all probiotics improve intestinal function, because the stomach (in ancient Russian the word meant “life”) is the most important regulator of the health of the entire body.

Probiotics are available in different forms - capsules, drops, powder. Some of them must be refrigerated, without which the bacteria die and become ineffective. Among the most popular bacteria are non-pathogenic strains of bifidobacteria, enterococci, enterococci.

Prebiotics are substances that feed non-pathogenic microorganisms in our intestines and contribute to their improved growth and development.

Prebiotics are not absorbed into small intestine, but create a favorable environment for his work. These substances are contained in large quantities products - first of all, these are dairy products (which is why they are recommended for poor digestion), corn, bread, onions, garlic, beans, bananas. Many manufacturers add various products(cereals, yoghurts, etc.) prebiotics. Their composition varies - they include lactulose, inulin, oligofructose, chitosan, arginine, vitamins A, E, C, etc.

They go on sale in the form of medicines or In addition, they are added to ready-made food products.

How are probiotics different from prebiotics?

Prebiotics - what are they? They are chemical structures and components of food. Probiotics are live microorganisms that die if stored incorrectly. Therefore, you should definitely read the instructions when purchasing these drugs.

From the above information, it becomes clear that intestinal prebiotics are food for bacteria that are part of the main composition of probiotics. The main task of both the first and second groups of drugs is to improve the functioning of the digestive system, in which they are similar. However, this is where their similarities end (with the exception of similar names and indications for use).

What are the indications for the use of pro- and prebiotics?

The scope of their therapeutic application is almost the same. They are prescribed for digestive disorders and gastrointestinal diseases. Let's look at the readings in more detail.

Irritable bowel syndrome. It is a disorder of the intestines, which is manifested by disturbances in stool (diarrhea/constipation) and flatulence. The drugs help normalize stools and reduce flatulence, but which one is the most effective is still unknown.

Intestinal inflammation occurs due to disruption of the immune system. It is chronic and periodically worsens. Symptoms also include bowel movements, colic, and even blood in the stool. Research reports that gut probiotics and prebiotics reduce inflammation.

Dysbacteriosis is an increase in the number of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria in the intestines. If you increase the number of beneficial bacteria to normal, dysbiosis will go away - it will simply be “crushed” by non-pathogenic microorganisms.

Diarrhea. There are several types of diarrhea that can be treated with pro- and prebiotics. They are especially effective in treating rotavirus infection in children.

Benefits and effects of pro- and prebiotics

Probiotics have next action on the human body:

  1. Colonization of the intestines with positive microflora, which suppresses viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.
  2. Production of biotin, vitamin K, niacin and folic acid.
  3. Reducing cholesterol due to the breakdown of bile salts.
  4. Improving digestion and eliminating such unpleasant symptoms, like flatulence, colic.
  5. Reduced intoxication due to immune activation.
  6. Destruction of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastritis and ulcers.
  7. Reducing the harmful effects of antibiotics on the intestines. The latter destroy beneficial microflora Gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Relief of diarrhea caused by acute intestinal infections.

Almost all probiotics have these effects to one degree or another, but the mechanisms of their action are still unclear.

Let's look at prebiotics. Preparations whose composition is rich in these substances contribute to:

  1. Intestinal suppression and increase in beneficial bacteria.
  2. Eliminating mucus from the intestinal walls if it is released in excess.
  3. Accelerates the healing of the colon mucosa.
  4. Maintaining normal acidity, under which bacteria can grow.
  5. Improving intestinal motility.
  6. Reducing gas formation.
  7. Production of vitamins K and group B.
  8. Increasing local immunity.

That is, probiotics and prebiotics for the intestines are often prescribed in combination, as they successfully complement each other.

Classification of pro- and prebiotics

Drugs are classified according to their composition and effect on the body. Since this is a very large group, we will conditionally divide them into 4 subspecies.

  1. Monocomponent ones contain only one type of probiotic bacteria: “Acilact”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Biosporin”, “Colibacterin”, “Euflorin”.
  2. Symbiotics include several types of bacteria: "Acidobac", "Bifidin", "Linex", "Symbiolact", "Enterol".
  3. Synbiotics are a combination of pro- and prebiotics: “Bioflor”, “Maxilak”, “Narine Forte”, “Kalsis”, “Evitalia”.
  4. Probiotic complexes - probiotics + enterosorbents: "Bifidumbacterin forte", "Bifikol forte", "Probioflor", "Ecoflor".

The drugs must be prescribed by a doctor, since each group has its own differences. In addition, they also drink them according to a certain scheme, which is announced by the doctor.

The most well-known prebiotics on the pharmacy market are:

1. “Lactusan”, “Prelax”, “Lactofiltrum” (contain lactulose).

2. "DiRezen" and "Gastrointestinal Transit Prebiotic" (inulin).

3. Pikovit syrup.

4. "Evalar MCC Ankir-B" (microcrystalline cellulose).

How to take medications?

The method of application depends on the age of the patient and the form of release of the probiotic. Children under one year of age are prescribed liquid formulations(biogaya), and older children are shown powder, which is diluted with liquid, or capsules. Children under two years old drink one capsule per day, but the dosage increases with age.

Baby formulas

Children are especially susceptible to digestive disorders, so there are special mixtures on sale to reduce the frequency of bloating, regurgitation and bowel problems in children. Formulas for children that contain prebiotics - what are they? This is a small group of baby food, enriched with lactobacilli, lactulose, etc. That is, they are a mixture of pro- and prebiotics.

Among them:

  • "Agusha";
  • "NAN fermented milk" (Nestle);
  • "Humana" with prebiotics;
  • "Nutrilak Premium";
  • "Nanny" with prebiotics;
  • "Similac Premium".

Harm or benefit?

Of course, the question of the harmlessness of probiotics and prebiotics for the intestines has arisen more than once. Scientists are constantly conducting research to find out the effectiveness and safety of probiotics, because the demand for them has especially increased over the past few years. Probiotics are also actively purchased by absolutely healthy people - so to speak, “for prevention.”

As a result of multiple studies, it was revealed that probiotics themselves do not benefit the body if there are no indications for their use. That is, people who do not experience digestive problems can refuse them. In the presence of dysbacteriosis, they have little therapeutic effect.

Also, probiotics and prebiotics have a certain list of side effects. First of all, this is flatulence, which passes quickly enough and does not pose a health hazard. The most serious complications after taking drugs are allergic reactions on the components of probiotic preparations.

Children should buy probiotics only as prescribed by a doctor.

Attention! Probiotics may be harmful for children with Crohn's disease.

Pro- and prebiotics: reviews

The Internet is full of messages from those who have already taken probiotics and prebiotics. Impressions about them are mostly positive; there are practically no side effects. Especially a lot positive feedback Parents of children who have encountered dysbacteriosis report them.

Of course, there are also negative impressions about drugs, because each organism is individual, but there are very few of them.

Today we looked at what prebiotics and probiotics are, how they act on the body, and how to take them correctly.



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