Dog dishes Korean cuisine. Dog meat in Korean cuisine

Posinthan / 보신탕 / 補身湯 - dog soup November 9th, 2016

Dog soup (Posinthan (보신탕; 補身湯), or Gaejangguk (개장국)) is a national Korean dish, the main component of which is dog meat. It is believed that this dish is extremely beneficial for the body and strengthens the human spirit.

The name "posinthan" literally means "body strengthening soup" and appears to have appeared in the mid-20th century, while "gaejangguk" is an older name meaning "dog soup with soybean paste."

To prepare the dish, dog meat is boiled with green onions, perilla and dandelion leaves, spices (twenjang (soybean paste), gochujang (spicy red pepper paste) and perilla seed powder).

As you can already understand from the composition of the dish, preparing it is not so simple and Koreans eat this soup on rare occasions - it is considered medicinal, and the cost of dog meat has never been low.

Spices for making posinthan

Just like any other type of meat, dog meat is a good source of protein, which was often lacking in the Korean diet, especially among peasants and the poor. In old Korea, oxen were primarily used as draft power rather than as food; a pig required more effort and resources for breeding and care. In such a situation, dog meat turned out to be a much more profitable and economically affordable option.

The photo was taken by me at one of the markets in Seoul, and only at home I noticed the inscription on a yellow background: 개고기 - dog meat.

However, posinthan was not a dish exclusively of peasants, it was also in demand among the rich, and the reason is simple, as previously mentioned, it is considered medicinal.

The dish is one of the most common Korean products made from dog meat and has a long history in Korean culture, but in the 20th century, attitudes towards it became quite critical both within the country and abroad, including due to violations of animal rights.

At the end of the 90s. There were about 6.5 thousand suppliers of dog meat in the republic. They sold an average of 25 tons of dog meat every day, which amounted to approximately 8.4 thousand tons per year.

In reality, its consumption by South Korean residents is much higher and reaches about 100 thousand tons. In total, there are more than 20 thousand points of sale of dog meat in the country.

Nowadays, finding a restaurant whose menu includes dog dishes is not difficult - you just need to “drive” 보신탕 into the search engine, and you will immediately be shown the corresponding places on the map. In general, dog meat ranks fourth in South Korea in terms of consumption after pork, beef and chicken.

In 2005, the government of the Republic of Korea prepared a bill. It does not abolish the tradition of eating dog meat, but it prohibits resorting to cruel methods of slaughtering dogs. According to the weekly journal Chugan Joseon, in particular, it will not be possible to kill a dog in public so as not to cause discomfort to anyone. It will not be possible to resort to methods of slaughter such as strangulation. However, the publication does not specify which methods are permitted.

In addition, the government intends to tighten sanitary standards for points of sale of dog meat to prevent the sale of meat from sick, homeless or animals intended for medical experiments. To achieve this, all enterprises selling dog meat will be required to undergo inspections 4 times a year.

At the moment, in Korea there are protests against eating dog meat, and articles on this topic are also appearing in newspapers and news sites (for example, an article about criticism of a restaurant that opened, the menu of which contains dog meat dishes). While supporters of eating dog meat do not understand why it is considered acceptable to eat cows and pigs, but wildly eating dogs.

You can see the attitude of different generations of Koreans towards eating meat in the attached video, which has English subtitles. Among the Koreans I interviewed who were no older than 28 years old, the number of those who ate and did not eat posinthan was approximately the same, but it is interesting that most of those who tried it said that they did not like it, that for them it was tasteless.

I did not attach photographs of the process of preparing posinthan to the post, but if you are eager, please follow these links (I do not advise anyone who is particularly impressionable to do this).

In Dog in Korean. Not so distantly young, living in a student dormitory named after. NIIZHTA and his son EZhD, in a friendly international family, I heard rumors that the students (from the first dorm, fifth floor) - Koreans sometimes like to eat dogs. With my provincial stubbornness (proletarian consciousness), I could not understand that these pleasant, modest people (and their girls are like dolls) could eat such cute animals?
And here they are! 

Today we will introduce you to traditional Korean cuisine, which has a great variety of recipes, but soups and dishes made from boiled and fried dog meat are especially popular. On hot summer days, Koreans often order posinthan soup. It is also made from dog meat. Koreans believe that eating dog meat gives strength, energy and improves health. In the photo you can watch the preparation of a dog meat dish. 1. There were almost 6.5 thousand dog meat suppliers in Korea in the early 2000s. Every year they sold about 8.4 thousand tons of dog meat, which was almost 25 tons per day. (Photo: ChungSung-Jun/GettyImages) 2. About 100 thousand tons of dog meat are consumed annually in South Korea. It comes from both official and unregistered suppliers. 3. Dog meat is in fourth place in consumption in the country after pork, beef and chicken. 4. Conflicts regularly arise between supporters of dog meat consumption and animal rights activists. The first do not understand why it is acceptable to eat beef and pork, but wildly - dog meat. The second claim that eating dog meat is unacceptable. 5. Debates periodically flare up in South Korea, the topic of which is the combination of Korean traditions and Western ethics. 6. One of the stages of preparing a dog meat dish is preparing the vegetables. 7. In 2005, the Korean government prepared a bill prohibiting the cruel slaughter of dogs. However, this document did not abolish the consumption of dog meat. It is known that the bill ordered not to kill dogs in public, not to slaughter dogs by strangulation, but it did not indicate the permitted methods of slaughter. 8. Anyone who violated the animal protection law faced imprisonment in a labor camp for up to six months and a fine of 2 thousand US dollars. In addition, the government is going to tighten sanitary standards at points of sale of dog meat, which would significantly reduce the risk of selling meat from sick, stray dogs. Enterprises selling dog meat will be required to undergo inspections four times a year. 9. The main ingredient in posinthan or gaejangguk soup is dog meat. In Korea, they believe that such a dish increases courage. 10. The soup recipe is quite simple: dog meat is boiled with green onions, perilla leaves, dandelion leaves and spices (doenjang, gochujang and perilla seed powder). 11. Dog dishes have a long history in Korean culture. But are now becoming the subject of controversy and debate due to concerns about animal rights.

Today we will introduce you to traditional Korean cuisine, which has a great variety of recipes, but soups and dishes made from boiled and fried dog meat are especially popular.
On hot summer days, Koreans often order posinthan soup. It is also made from dog meat. Koreans believe that eating dog meat gives strength, energy and improves health.
In the photo you can watch the preparation of a dog meat dish.

1. There were almost 6.5 thousand dog meat suppliers in Korea in the early 2000s. Every year they sold about 8.4 thousand tons of dog meat, which was almost 25 tons per day. (Photo: ChungSung-Jun/GettyImages)

2. About 100 thousand tons of dog meat are consumed annually in South Korea. It comes from both official and unregistered suppliers.

3. Dog meat is in fourth place in consumption in the country after pork, beef and chicken.

4. Conflicts regularly arise between supporters of dog meat consumption and animal rights activists. The first do not understand why it is acceptable to eat beef and pork, but wildly - dog meat. The second claim that eating dog meat is unacceptable.

5. Debates periodically flare up in South Korea, the topic of which is the combination of Korean traditions and Western ethics.

6. One of the stages of preparing a dog meat dish is preparing the vegetables.

7. In 2005, the Korean government prepared a bill prohibiting the cruel slaughter of dogs. However, this document did not abolish the consumption of dog meat. It is known that the bill ordered not to kill dogs in public, not to slaughter dogs by strangulation, but it did not indicate the permitted methods of slaughter.

8. Anyone who violated the animal protection law faced imprisonment in a labor camp for up to six months and a fine of 2 thousand US dollars. In addition, the government is going to tighten sanitary standards at points of sale of dog meat, which would significantly reduce the risk of selling meat from sick, stray dogs. Enterprises selling dog meat will be required to undergo inspections four times a year.

9. The main ingredient in posinthan or gaejangguk soup is dog meat. In Korea, they believe that such a dish increases courage.

10. The soup recipe is quite simple: dog meat is boiled with green onions, perilla leaves, dandelion leaves and spices (doenjang, gochujang and perilla seed powder).

11. Dog dishes have a long history in Korean culture. But are now becoming the subject of controversy and debate due to concerns about animal rights.


Once upon a time on our website we published “” and realized that we were not mistaken. They look for a recipe, catch pigeons, people try new flavors and don’t go hungry. We decided to go ahead and publish a recipe for another yummy dish, because today we will be cooking a dog. And what? It seems that there is no law anywhere prohibiting people from eating their four-legged friend, but in Asian countries, dog meat is valued and loved.

Why is a dog better than a pig and why it should not be eaten. Pigs are smarter and this has been proven by scientists, but let the pig not twirl its tail in greeting, curl up into a ball and bring a ball, but it is fried and boiled. This taboo against eating dogs is wrong and outrageously illogical. The French, who adore their dogs, eat the horses they adore. For the Spaniards, a horse is a source of pride and they love their horses, but they also eat like cows. Selective protection of animals with a dog on the top chain? Or do we just not eat our friends? If you cook dog meat correctly, there will be no harm to you, you will be full and your stomach will growl contentedly.
In ancient times, eating dogs for dinner was not considered shameful, but was highly encouraged. Hippocrates found dog meat extremely useful, the Romans ate “milk puppies”, the Dakota Indians prepared excellent dog liver, the Aztecs valued dog as the main source of meat. Historical figures did not disdain dog meat; Captain Cook, Arctic explorer Amundsen ate all his sled dogs and conquered the Pole. The Chinese raise fodder dogs on special farms and then slurp them, and this does not cause any outrage, just as pig farms do not cause outrage in our country.

The only thing that is questionable is the method of killing the dogs before cooking. According to existing beliefs, the adrenaline released during the death of a dog makes the meat uniquely sweet and tasty. To obtain adrenaline, dogs are boiled alive, hung, stoned, or the Hawaiian method (grab the dog by the nose and prevent it from breathing).

A certain group of people are fighting stray dogs, spending millions of dollars on them, while in other countries the same people are starving. Why didn’t anyone think of combining and forgetting the “don’t serve dog for dinner” ban? There are many available, useful dogs that are good to cook running around and do not provide any nutritional benefit. Let's forget about sentimentality and move on to dog recipe.

Dog stew

Close the kitchen stained glass windows tightly, humanely kill a medium-sized dog, and singe its fur over the coals. While the dog is warm, remove the skin and set it aside; you may still need the dog skin. Cut the dog meat into 2 cm cubes. To marinate dog meat, prepare a mixture of black pepper, salt and vinegar, add garlic. The meat must be marinated for at least two hours.

Take out a large cauldron, put it on the fire and fry the dog meat in vegetable oil. Add onions and pineapple to the boiling oil for sweetness and fry, stirring frequently. Pour tomato sauce, boiling water, sweet green pepper, Tabasco sauce and bay leaf into the cauldron. Close the cauldron with a lid and simmer over dying coals until the meat is tender. Take the dog liver, use a meat grinder to puree it and add it to the dish, fry for another 7 minutes.

Bon appetit.

Kya hae is a Korean dish based on dog meat. In Korea, not everyone has dogs, not always and not everywhere. Even before the Olympic Games in Seoul, the government demanded that dog meat be removed from the menu of cafes and restaurants so as not to embarrass itself in front of tourists. Therefore, since that time, dog farms have been located far from cities.

Kya he - Korean dish

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You can only find a restaurant where you can enjoy dog ​​meat on the recommendation of local friends, and then make a personal request directly to the owner of the establishment or the waiter. It is prohibited in the country to include dogs in .

For four servings take:

dog meat - 1 kg,

onions - 500 g,

soy sauce - 4 spoons,

vinegar - 2 tablespoons,

pepper, salt, coriander to taste.

A chain of Japanese cuisine restaurants in Odessa, TOKIOHAUS, offers to deliver Japanese rolls and sushi of impeccable quality and taste to any area of ​​the city within an hour. You can now enjoy other deliciously delicious dishes of Japanese cuisine and treat your colleagues and friends without leaving your home or office, thanks to the restaurant staff.

Kya he is prepared mainly from a one-year-old chow-chow dog. In Korea they are bred specifically for this purpose. In some places they do not disdain ordinary mongrels; noble breed dogs are not of interest to Koreans, since it is believed that their meat is tough.

The dog's breast or leg is soaked for at least half an hour, then the water is changed and boiled for another half hour. Then cut into portions, as for shish kebab, put in a frying pan and simmer for 15 minutes with vinegar, spices, and onions. Serve kya khe with rice.



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