How to take coriander for medicinal purposes. Coriander - beneficial properties and contraindications

It is very important that the beneficial substances in coriander are balanced so that they are perfectly absorbed in the human body. And now in more detail...

Coriander- herbaceous annual plant, used as a spice in cooking, and also to add a pleasant aroma in perfumery. The seeds, roots, and greens of coriander, which is also known as cilantro, are used as a spice.

Coriander began to be grown 3 thousand years ago. Warriors and travelers took coriander with them on the road. They noticed that the seeds of this plant provide energy, increase appetite and help recover from illness and injury. In addition, meat sprinkled with seeds is stored longer, which has a great importance. It was with travelers that coriander seeds came to Europe and Russia.

Many people are mistaken in thinking that coriander and cilantro are two different spices. These are different parts of the same plant, and they have completely different aroma and taste significantly different.

Coriander seeds are round, 3-5 mm in diameter, usually light brown in color, sometimes greenish, taste bittersweet, very aromatic.

Beneficial properties of coriander for human health

Coriander contains organic acids, micro and macroelements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine. And a lot of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, PP. It is very important that these beneficial substances in coriander are balanced so that they are perfectly absorbed in the human body.

The benefits of coriander are known to many nations, and its use in folk medicine very wide. Green coriander (cilantro) tones the muscles of the heart and blood vessels. Coriander seeds stimulate work digestive system, increasing appetite and helping to better assimilate food, have carminative and diaphoretic properties. Essential oils its seeds have a strong bactericidal and anthelmintic effect. Coriander enhances the work of the liver with lethargy and stagnation in it, improves appetite and intestinal motility.

But that’s not all beneficial features Coriander: By accelerating digestion and improving metabolism, coriander promotes weight loss.

Coriander tincture helps treat bleeding gums and stomatitis. Coriander is useful for diarrhea, menstrual disorders, it normalizes blood sugar levels, and also strengthens eye muscles, improving vision.

In the old days, coriander was often used for skin lesions and diseases. Compress of mashed cilantro leaves, applied to the wound, accelerates its healing. Antibacterial action juice is combined with enhancing the regeneration process, so cilantro excellent remedy for skin diseases.

Infusions and decoctions of coriander seeds taken as a choleretic and antiseptic, at gastric diseases, as a sedative and reliever of spasms, they enhance the secretion gastric juice. Among the beneficial properties of coriander is a mild diuretic effect, which allows it to be used to treat edema.

To prepare coriander infusion You need to pour 1 teaspoon of crushed seeds into 1 glass of boiling water, leave in a warm place in a sealed container for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Essential oils of coriander have long been used to treat eye diseases. In the treatment of conjunctivitis, the eyes were washed decoction, in which coriander was an important component. For 200 ml of water 1 tbsp. coriander seeds, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours in a thermos, strain and add boiled water to the original 200 ml. Rinse eyes 2 times a day.

Use of coriander spice in cooking

Coriander is not only useful plant, but also a very good spice that can be consumed all year round. Fresh herbs begin to be used with the appearance of the first leaves. First of all, they are added to salads, as well as rice dishes (), vegetable soups and other vegetable dishes (stews, solyankas), fried pork, goulash (for example, eel), sauces. Very popular in Indian, Mexican, Caucasian cuisine.

Throughout the summer, you can dry the greens to use them in the winter.
The greatest value of coriander is the fruit. The whole plant has a rather pungent “bug-like” smell. Many therefore do not land it on garden plots. But real metamorphosis occurs when the plant begins to dry. It acquires a spicy smell, slightly reminiscent of anise. Green fruits due unpleasant odor are not used. But dried seeds have the most wide application primarily for flavoring bakery products( ), in the manufacture of sausages, canned fish, cheeses, sauces.

IN home cooking they are added to dough products: buns, long loaves, honey gingerbreads, gingerbreads, cookies, marzipans, various dry cookies, crispbreads, etc.

Coriander improves the taste of dishes made from peas and beans, lentils and cabbage. It is added to game dishes, . Vegetable purees from carrots, pumpkin, red beets with the addition of coriander change their taste qualities V better side, become more aromatic and spicy in taste.

In summer, crushed coriander seeds are lightly sprinkled on raw meat (with the addition of vinegar) - it lasts longer and acquires a spicy taste. In home canning, coriander seeds are used for sauerkraut and pickling mushrooms (preferably in combination with cumin).

Coriander seeds improve the taste of beans, lentils and cabbage, and are also an essential ingredient in Thuringian sausages and Turkish shish kebabs, widespread throughout the world. Coriander is the most important component in Indian spicy masala mixtures; it is used in the Ethiopian mixture “berbere” and the Tunisian “offak”. It is very good in combination with garlic and chili pepper, as is often done in the Caribbean.

In Greece and Cyprus, crushed seeds are used for canning olives, they are added in large quantities to lamb dishes and they are used to prepare simple, but very tasty dish"Aphelia" - pork stewed in red wine. Apparently, aphelion is so successful among the Greeks that even the French, who do not hold coriander in high esteem, call all dishes prepared with coriander “in Greek.”

Coriander is contraindicated during pregnancy and during exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Be healthy!

The beneficial effects of coriander on the human body were known back in ancient world. All parts of the plant are useful - roots, leaves, fruits. Rich chemical composition helps relieve symptoms of anemia, rheumatism and arthritis. Improves general state stomach and intestines, coriander reduces cholesterol levels. The plant has beneficial properties and contraindications. Before using coriander decoction or infusion, it is best to consult a doctor.

What is coriander?

This is otherwise called cilantro or Chinese parsley. Fresh is used in salads and main courses, giving them a specific aroma. Cilantro begins to bloom in June-July. The fruits can be collected in August-September. Its spherical seeds have brown tint. Coriander is used in marinades, sauces, fillings, alcoholic drinks. The fruits of the plant are added to baked goods, which gives them a distinctive smell.

Coriander is an annual plant. In addition to the specific smell, cilantro is often used as a medicinal plant. Already in Ancient Egypt coriander was valued for its beneficial properties. And in Greece, the plant was called "buggy" because of its unusual aroma.

Currently, coriander is popular in Indian, Mexican cuisine, the North Caucasus, Europe, America, Russia, and Morocco.

Coriander can be dried throughout the summer. Beneficial properties and contraindications exist for everyone medicinal plant. So that dried cilantro does not lose its therapeutic effect, it is better to store it in a sealed glass container.

Beneficial effects of the plant

Coriander is considered a mild spice, so it is suitable not for treatment, but for the prevention of diseases. It is used for the diuretic effect of the herb, which helps remove stones and reduce swelling.

Coriander improves liver function and promotes appetite. It removes accumulated impurities and toxins. The bactericidal properties of the plant increase protective properties the body, improve resistance to infectious diseases.

Coriander strengthens the heart, brain activity. It strengthens the gums and prevents the occurrence of stomatitis. Coriander has a choleretic and analgesic effect, helps fight inflammation and can disinfect Airways, reduces high blood pressure.

You should not abuse this plant. Coriander can cause poisoning. The beneficial properties and contraindications of cilantro should be taken into account when preventing diseases. IN large doses the grass can cause vomiting, sleep disturbances, and memory impairment. That's why maximum dose green coriander per day - 35 g, fruits - no more than 4 g.


Each medicinal plant has its own contraindications. Coriander should not be taken during pregnancy. Plant greens should not be consumed by people with diseases such as:

  • asthma;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • ischemic disease;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • thrombosis;
  • cholecystitis.

Chemical composition of coriander

Greens and seeds coriander contains magnesium, keratin, pectin, iron, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, C, B1, B2, B4, B9, E. Dodecenal is a natural antibiotic that is part of coriander and is effective against infectious intestinal diseases and salmonellosis.

Coriander extract

For treatment colds, measles, scrofula, cough, hemorrhoids, eczema, nervous disorders coriander is used. Extract recipes boil down to infusing the seeds of the plant in vodka. In a ratio of 1:10, the fruits are poured with vodka or alcohol. The extract should be infused for a week in a dark place. After straining, take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

You can make a tincture not only with vodka. Red wine will also enhance medicinal qualities plants. To do this, use 100 grams of seeds and 1 liter of wine. The tincture should be kept in a dark place. After a week, strain, take 100 g (1 glass) 2-3 times a day.

The extract is useful for depressed people, depressive states. Improves sleep, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums.

Coriander decoction

Coriander promotes longevity and improves potency. The beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant cannot always improve the condition of diabetes mellitus. Therefore, before using coriander decoction, you should consult your doctor.

Coriander for diabetes can be prepared in the form of a paste. Dry leaves (10 g) pour into a glass (200 g) cold water. Boil for 5 minutes. Grind the mixture in a blender and store in the refrigerator. The gruel must be taken with food. The finished mixture should be consumed during the day in 3 doses.

A decoction of seeds treats sore throat, sanitizes the oral cavity, alleviates stomach diseases and duodenum. Relieves abdominal pain and is used to treat colic, flatulence, and constipation. To prepare the decoction, take a teaspoon of coriander seeds (pre-crushed). Pour a glass of boiling water. After cooling, the broth is ready. Take 50 g half an hour before meals (up to 4 times a day).

Pregnant women are advised to drink tea from the leaves of the plant 1-2 weeks before giving birth. It will promote contraction of the uterus, strengthening labor activity. It will help prevent subsequent inflammation.

Compresses made from coriander decoction improve the condition of the skin with eczema and dermatitis. Wounds can be treated with a pulp of the crushed plant.

Coriander is a favorite seasoning that can be added to various dishes, used as a cosmetic and remedy. When using a plant in folk medicine, it is important to strictly adhere to precise dosages and monitor your condition to prevent the development of an allergic reaction.

What are the benefits of coriander?

Coriander contains a large number of useful substances, which allows it to be used to treat many diseases and unpleasant symptoms. Among the main characteristics of the plant are:

  • elimination;
  • relieving spasms, including in the muscles of the back and legs;
  • helps avoid constipation while taking antibiotics;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which helps digest food faster;
  • provokes the removal of toxins from the body;
  • thanks to improved intestinal and stomach motility, the process of losing weight goes faster;
  • eliminates inflammation processes;
  • accelerates the healing of wounds and cuts;
  • kills pathogenic bacteria;
  • treats prostatitis and frequent urination in men;
  • removes mucus from the bronchi and lungs;
  • kills pathogenic allergens, gently removing them from the body.

Coriander can be used in the form of oil, infusions and seasoning for main and second courses.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Coriander is not only very healthy, but also a low-calorie product that can be used in unlimited quantities. 100 g of green plant and seeds contain only 23 calories, which is very beneficial for those people who adhere to proper nutrition and diets.

In addition, coriander contains the following: unique substances, like carotene and rutin. The plant also contains vitamins B, P and K. Coriander is very beneficial for women’s health, thanks great content it contains potassium and vitamin E.

The plant is shown to people with low content iron in the blood. At complex therapy normal level substances are achieved much faster than only when taking medications.

It is also important for people suffering from gastritis and ulcers to eat coriander. It contains significant amount selenium and copper.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the large amount of vitamins and minerals, coriander has several important contraindications, which cannot be violated:

  • pregnancy and lactation, the use of coriander and its essential oil greatly affects the fetus and women's health, which can cause miscarriage and serious pathologies The child has;
  • presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • vein problems;
  • renal failure.

If the above contraindications are ignored, there is an almost 100% chance of a serious exacerbation of the disease and hospitalization. When using coriander and essential oil in large dosages people with heart disease may experience death.

Use in folk medicine

To improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach

For cooking medicine you need to take 10 g of seeds and pour 250 ml of them hot water. Place the container in a dark place and let the plant brew for 24 hours.

After this, decant the resulting medicine into a separate non-metallic container and take it after meals, dividing the tincture into three equal doses. The course of coriander therapy in this case lasts no less than 10 and no more than 14 days. After treatment, be sure to take a break for two months.

As a choleretic agent

Take 10 g of coriander and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it. After one hour, carefully strain the infused liquid so that not a single seed remains in it.

Divide the infusion into five equal dohas and take it every the same number time. The procedure should be repeated for five days in a row, after which it is necessary to take a break for one month.

To brighten the face and eliminate freckles

Take 25 g of coriander seeds and add one liter of water to them. Boil the spice and simmer it over low heat for five minutes, then strain the liquid into a separate bowl.

After your usual facial cleansing ritual, wash your face with the resulting decoction, and then wipe your freckles with a cotton swab dipped in coriander. Be careful not to get the solution into your eyes or mouth, as it will be quite concentrated.

For the treatment of stomach ulcers

To prepare the medicine, we also need dried sea buckthorn and elecampane root. They are mixed with coriander seeds in equal proportions and turned into powder.

It should be taken half a teaspoon before the main meal three times a day for one week. It is strictly necessary to drink the mixture with 200 ml of water.

Recipe for relieving stress and boosting immunity

Take two tablespoons of the plant and brew them with 200 ml of boiling water. Stir the seeds a little so that they absorb the water as best as possible. Place the glass of coriander in the room where you are until the liquid cools completely.

The seeds will release beneficial particles of essential oil into the air, increasing the body's immunity and killing pathogenic bacteria, which is especially important during periods of exacerbation of respiratory diseases.

If you are afraid to use the plant as a remedy, simply add it to main and second dishes. Even this small use of coriander will improve your overall health and boost your immunity.

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Coriander is the most commonly known name for cilantro seeds. They are actively used in cooking and to treat many diseases. Both cilantro greens and its seeds are famous for their beneficial properties, which can be explained by their rich vitamin and mineral composition.

Corinder is rich in vitamins P, B1, B2, β-carotene, rutin, and big amount.

The seeds and green parts of the plant contain essential oils, useful organic compounds and amino acids.

The spice is rich in plant fibers, magnesium, iron, pectin, manganese and tannins.

Cilantro contains the natural antibiotic dodecenal, which is why it is recommended to be used to treat various inflammatory processes in organism. Dodecenal showed itself effective means to combat infectious diseases intestines, including such complex ones as salmonellosis.

Nutritional value of coriander per 100 g of product: 90 g of water, 1.5 g of proteins, 5 g of carbohydrates, 4 g of mono- and disaccharides, 0.5 g of fiber.

Energy value – 24.8 kcal per 100 g.

The effect of coriander on the body

Coriander has a diuretic, antifungal, antimicrobial and choleretic effect. It is used for depression, colds, allergies, diabetes, to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Regular consumption of cilantro prevents and eliminates vision problems: it stops the development of glaucoma and cataracts, and, thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, removes the symptoms of conjunctivitis.

Coriander strengthens the walls of the stomach, increases appetite, promotes food digestion, has a carminative and diaphoretic effect, and has a positive effect on reproductive functions.

A decoction of the seeds of this plant helps get rid of seizures, epilepsy, hysterical conditions and hemorrhoids. Coriander prevents helminth infection.

Due to its expectorant properties, this spice is recommended for use for bronchitis and pneumonia.

Cilantro greens strengthen gums, relieve stomatitis, and prevent caries.

The essential oil that is part of the spice has a powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect on the body; it is excreted from the body through urinary system, while treating the kidneys and bladder. Therefore, coriander is indicated for diseases such as problematic urination and cystitis.

Consuming coriander reduces allergy symptoms.

Coriander is used for insomnia and to reduce blood pressure. The substances that make up coriander normalize blood sugar levels, have a pronounced antirheumatic effect, relieve joint pain, and remove excess fluid from the body.



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