The best quality sunglasses. How to choose the right sunglasses? Tips and examples

Sunglasses are not only a fashion accessory, but also an excellent means of protecting your eyes. Today it is difficult to imagine a person who would walk in the summer without glasses. Modern manufacturing companies supply store shelves with various accessories for every taste and budget. You can find colored or tinted lenses enclosed in a plastic or iron frame. When choosing sunglasses, you need to pay attention to important aspects.

Why are sunglasses needed?

The main task of the accessory is to minimize the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the eyes and the skin around them. However, it is important to remember that not every Sunglasses capable of performing this function.

Fashion trends leave their mark on society. People choose sunglasses without paying attention to their quality. Indeed, in such a matter, the main thing, in the opinion of many, is beauty and compatibility with clothing.

But in fact, you need to choose glasses that are not only beautiful, but also of high quality. Lenses should protect the cornea from ultraviolet radiation and protect delicate skin Around them.

Otherwise, you run the risk of cataracts or eye degeneration. Such consequences will be extremely sad. The sun is especially harmful to people old age, drivers and those who work a lot at the computer.

What can the sun do to your eyes?

Experts in the field of ophthalmology advise to be more careful about the accessories that are used to protect the eyes. Ultraviolet rays damage not only vision, but also general condition human health. After just 2-3 hours of walking without glasses, colossal discomfort begins, which manifests itself in severe eye pain.

More sad consequences are manifested in the following:

  • loss of vision (partial);
  • getting a burn to the eye cornea;
  • the onset of cataract development.

However, it should be understood that direct ultraviolet radiation does not always lead to severe violations functions. Sometimes, after a long stay in the sun without glasses, pain, tearing, decreased quality of vision, etc. appear. This is the beginning of something more, you need to consult a doctor or immediately buy sunglasses.

Skiers, snowboarders, polar explorers or drivers often face the problem of blinding blindness. This is a burn of the eye cornea that occurs due to the reflective surface. For example, snow or water.

There is a single rule: the higher the sun's activity, the more aggressive the effect of ultraviolet rays. If you add to this reflective factors in the form of blinding snow or water, you expose your eyes to danger 3 times or more.

Types of sun lenses

Many people mistakenly rely on the frame when choosing glasses, but in the case of eye protection, such a decision is reckless. To prevent the sun from affecting the retina and cornea, it is necessary to select quality lenses. Dark glass does not always indicate protection from ultraviolet radiation; some coatings simply do not cope with their task.

It should be remembered that low-quality lenses (fake) will lead to further more harm. Under the influence of the sun, the pupil becomes narrow, and in such glasses it absorbs the entire solar wave, as if remaining in the shadow.

Today there are several main types of lenses - glass, plastic, made of polycarbonate. Each material is endowed with its own positive and negative qualities.

Glass lenses

Not many people know that even completely transparent (not tinted) lenses protect against harmful influence ultraviolet rays. If you like this option, you don't have to buy glasses with black or dark brown lenses. The main thing is that they are slightly darkened.

Glass lenses under mechanical impact may be too fragile. But, nevertheless, they resist scratches better than plastic ones. You should not buy glass glasses for playing volleyball or football on the beach, or for those who drive a car.

Plastic lenses
Lenses of this type, unlike glass ones, do not crumble into small particles upon impact. In most cases, a long crack remains in the plastic, which then leads to the lens splitting in two. But the fragments will not get into your eyes.

The material has the ability to pass ultra-violet rays. Therefore, you should not count on 100% protection for your eyes and the skin in their area. In addition, at temperatures above the prescribed norm, glasses may lose their shape. Plastic lenses are stored in a case.

Polycarbonate lenses
For those who don't know, polycarbonate is an impact-resistant material that is also endowed with the properties of protecting the cornea from direct ultraviolet rays. The lenses are made of polycarbonate with a thickness of 1-2 mm, thanks to which the glasses can withstand tests even with a pistol shot (small caliber).

Also, numerous studies have proven that polycarbonate does not break even when hit by a hammer. We can conclude that sunglasses with such lenses will be the most durable. They do not scratch or crack, but you will have to pay a decent amount for the accessory.

Most often, polycarbonate-based lenses are produced by famous Italian brands. They not only do not transmit ultraviolet radiation, but also have the ability to eliminate glare (snow, wet asphalt, etc.). These lenses are ideal for drivers, skiers and those who spend a lot of time near the water.

Light transmission of lenses
Accessories sold in specialized optical stores have a passport. There should also be a sticker on the glasses that indicates the degree of light transmission of the lenses.

If you notice a “0” mark on the accessory, this indicates complete light transmission and no retinal protection.

When the number “1” is on the lenses, the accessory will protect your eyes by 40-65%, no more.

With a value equal to “2” up to retina about 35-20% of ultraviolet rays will reach. These glasses are good for use in the city.

Models with an indicator of “3” are ideal for carrying out any work on the street. Also this option Should be chosen by people who spend a lot of time at sea or are going on vacation.

When marked at “4”, about 5-8% of the light reaches the retina. The accessories are suitable for skiers and those who travel a lot in hot countries with the sun constantly at its peak.

If you don't notice any markings on your sunglasses, prepare for zero effectiveness. Such accessories will not protect the retina, so you should wear them no longer than two hours.

The color of sun lenses and the degree of their darkening affect the perception and well-being of the eyes. Conventionally, these characteristics are divided into 2 subspecies; let’s consider them in order.

Green, gray lenses, brown tint They are pleasant to wear and your eyes don’t get tired as much as when wearing other types of glasses.

Orange, red, pink, yellow not advisable to wear. When used, such accessories distort visual perception, affect the psyche, and contribute to eye fatigue.

A mirror coating would be an ideal option, but if worn incorrectly, such glasses will quickly scratch and interfere with “viewing”. The accessory should be kept in its case at all times.

Lens coating

Available in polarized and photochromic lens coatings sunglasses. Spraying plays a role, so let's look into the subtleties of choice.

Polarized lenses
Polarized coating has the best protective characteristics of all available types of lenses. Positive feature It is believed that glasses of this kind protect the eyes equally well, even if abrupt change exposure to the sun.

For example, while driving a car it suddenly began to rain. The asphalt will begin to glare, glasses will prevent the impact on the eyes, reflecting bright flashes. The same goes for relaxing on water or snow.

Glasses with polarized lenses should be preferred by car drivers. This accessory will prevent glare from the wet road and the impact of oncoming headlights.

Before purchasing, make sure that the lenses are of sufficient quality. Ask the seller for a passport, which will contain all the necessary information. It is important to look for the label “polarized lenses” or “ anti-reflective coating».

To be sure of the quality, put on your glasses and pick them up mobile phone. Set the brightness on your smartphone to maximum and rotate the gadget at a certain angle. If the lenses begin to visually darken, this indicates eye protection. You can take this option.

Photochromic coating
In addition to blocking light, sunglasses with photochromic coating also block some UV rays. An accessory with polarized lenses cannot boast of this quality.

This option is suitable for categories of people who are afraid of light or feel discomfort from bright illuminations. To create a photochromic coating, specialists resort to the use of special sputtering materials. They have no effect in sultry heat, but are great for wearing in medium to low temperatures.

Accessories of this kind are not suitable for wearing on the beach. But they will be effective for drivers who spend a lot of time driving at night. Due to its good light reflection, photochromic coating is ideal for skiers when the reflection of snow greatly affects the retina.

Choosing sunglasses for driving

  1. In most cases, drivers choose glasses for themselves based on comfort and the correct shape of the frame. Such people do not follow fashion. The accessory must completely protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Drivers need to choose the right lens color. The glasses should have a green, brown or grayish tint. Lenses of these colors are great for driving and do not create artificial glare from the road. In this case, it is much more comfortable to control the situation.
  3. When choosing glasses with lenses in mandatory An anti-reflective coating must be applied. This addition is present on all high-quality and expensive accessories. Most suitable option There will be an accessory with polarized lenses.
  4. Glasses of this quality improve visibility by filtering out excess light. The only disadvantage of such models is that they are not available with diopters. The use of such glasses is acceptable with temporary wearing of lenses to improve vision.

Choosing sunglasses for children

  1. If you decide to purchase high-quality sunglasses for your child, in this case you should not save. Consider models marked “Polarized.” Points with special lenses prevent bright glare and refract the reflection of rays from bright surfaces.
  2. An accessory with polarized lenses blocks almost 100% of reflected rays. Regular glasses with dark lenses only slightly refract glare and sunlight. As for the material, it is better to choose an accessory made of polycarbonate plastic.
  3. Such glasses do not distort the image and color, they are difficult to break and scratch. For a child, such indicators are important. In case of an unforeseen situation, the baby will not be injured by a shrapnel.

Face round shape

  1. If you have a round face, it is recommended to choose glasses with wide frames. In this case, the shape of the accessory should resemble cat eye or a drop.
  2. You should not choose glasses with a strict round shape. You can also consider an attribute with rectangular or square lenses. Keep in mind that these glasses are only suitable for thin necks.

Face square shape

  1. Owners of this type of face are recommended to consider an attribute with thin frames and oval-shaped lenses. Keep in mind that when choosing glasses, they should not be wider than your head.
  2. If you accidentally purchased glasses that are wider than your face, your face will appear much bulkier. Also, do not consider models that are too miniature.

Triangular shaped face

  1. This type of face is quite rare. In this case, it is necessary to visually correct the appearance heads. Accessory correct form will reduce the size of the eyes, forehead and hide a small chin.
  2. It is recommended to consider models with round lenses, but the attribute should not be too large. In this case, glasses with additional stickers and decorations will not spoil the appearance at all. Consider classic style glasses.

Face oval shape

  1. If you have an oval face type, you are very lucky. In this case, there will be no problems with the selection of points. Consider the attributes of absolutely any style. If your budget allows, you can change the attribute every season.
  2. The only problem oval face All that is considered is that visually you need to increase the width of your head. It is not recommended to consider glasses with invisible or narrow frames. Give preference to extravagant models.
  1. It is recommended to select an accessory with a plastic frame. If you often visit the beach, metal material is completely contraindicated in this case. This frame reflects the rays better, thereby exposing the face to pigmentation and burns.
  2. If you are choosing glasses not for driving, give preference to mirrored lenses. The latter, in turn, better reflect ultraviolet rays. When vacationing at a resort with scorching sun, you need to wear glasses that will cover most of your face.
  3. Not worth it sunny days wear an accessory with blue or pink lenses. They transmit ultraviolet radiation well and do not protect the eyes at all. This attribute is best worn on cloudy or cloudy days.

If you want to purchase really high-quality glasses that will meet all the requirements, you should purchase the attribute in professional stores. An ordinary accessory with dark lenses does not at all guarantee protection from harmful radiation. Good glasses should have a protective film. Choose the option marked “High UV-protection”.

Video: how to choose sunglasses

To begin with, it is worth noting that there are three types of ultraviolet radiation: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. The greatest danger for us is type B. It is this that gives the skin a beautiful bronze tint, and at the same time leads to the development of neoplasms. But if her skin can somehow adapt by producing melanin, then her eyes remain absolutely defenseless. To decrease bad influence ultraviolet radiation, we reflexively squint, which in turn provokes the formation of new wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. That is why in summer period Doctors recommend using sunglasses.

When choosing sunglasses, the main thing is not to skimp. By buying cheap glasses from an unknown manufacturer, you risk further harming your eyes. The fact is that ordinary tinted glasses do not in any way prevent the penetration of harmful ultraviolet rays. In addition, when it darkens, our pupils reflexively dilate and even more destructive ultraviolet radiation enters our eyes.

Using low-quality glasses can lead to such serious problems, such as retinal burns, clouding of the crystalline and blurred vision. The most common condition caused by harmful ultraviolet radiation is photokeratitis (corneal burn). Redness, itching, watery eyes, and swollen eyelids are all symptoms of photokeratitis.

Considering all the above facts, it becomes clear why it is so important to buy quality sunglasses and not fake ones. When choosing the “right” glasses, you should pay attention to parameters such as lens material and color, shape, frame and markings.

Glass or plastic?

Today, most models are produced with plastic lenses. True, there is still an opinion that glass lenses better protect the eyes from the sun. Firstly, this is not entirely true - plastic prevents the penetration of ultraviolet rays no worse. Secondly, plastic lenses have a number of advantages: lightness, safety, variety of shapes and the possibility of applying additional coating.

Glasses with glass lenses are unsafe - they can easily break and damage the eyes, so they are not recommended for those who drive active image life.


In addition to glasses with conventional protective lenses, today you can find a lot of models with additional coating. For example, motorists should take a closer look at sunglasses with a polarized coating - it improves contrast and protects against blinding glare.

Photochromic lenses (chameleons), depending on the degree of illumination, can change their shade from light to dark, thereby providing more reliable protection from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Mirror coated lenses have better darkening properties compared to regular lenses, and also remove heat rays. Goggles with mirrored lenses are ideal for skiing and swimming.

When choosing high-quality sunglasses, you should also pay attention to such a factor as the color of the lenses. Most best option- These are glasses with gray and brown lenses. Grey colour allows you to naturally perceive the world, A Brown color Provides excellent contrast.

Green lenses provide good contrast and better protection from ultraviolet and infrared rays. Orange color neutralizes the glare of bright light at night.

But glasses with blue and violet lenses are best avoided. The fact is that these shades slow down motor skills and the pace of thinking. At long-term wearing These glasses may cause headaches, irritability and fatigue.


The shape of the lenses must be selected based on individual characteristics perception. For example, some people are more comfortable wearing glasses with flat lenses, while others, on the contrary, are more suited to convex lenses. In any case, if during fitting you feel even the slightest discomfort, then you should discard this model of glasses.


When choosing sunglasses, the material from which the frames are made deserves special attention. After all, not only the weight, strength and appearance of the glasses, but also allergic properties will depend on this. Your skin may react negatively if it comes into contact with nickel, which is often used in many alloys. Hypoallergenic materials include gold, silver, titanium and stainless steel.

Also, do not forget to evaluate the mobility of the nose pads. If they are too hard, then there will be strong pressure on the bridge of the nose, which in turn will cause discomfort and lead to rapid fatigue. The same applies to the temples - they should not put pressure on the area behind the ear and temples.


The most important parameter when choosing sunglasses is the UV protection factor. The "UV-400" sticker means that the glasses provide full protection from ultraviolet radiation. True, this inscription may not be there, since this level of protection is provided for by manufacturing standards.

The CE marking must be present on the temple of the glasses - it is indicated by numbers from 0 to 5 depending on how many sunlight lenses pass through. The zero and first categories include the so-called image glasses. The second category is suitable for protection from sunlight in urban environments. With glasses of the third category, you can safely go to the beach, and with glasses of the fourth category, you can go to the mountains covered with snow.

Where to buy?

When going shopping for such an important accessory as sunglasses, you need to remember that good model cannot cost less than 5,000 rubles. Cheap fakes, which are sold on portable market stalls and in underground passages, not only break quickly, but also harm the eyes. That is why you should buy glasses only in specialized optical stores.

For many people, sunglasses are just a fashion accessory. However, first of all, they are intended to protect the eyes - both in the summer and on a resort vacation at any time of the year, and during winter sports.

The choice must be approached very responsibly, because low-quality glasses can cause harm instead of benefit.

Vladimir Neroev, director of the Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, tells how to choose sunglasses.

Why does the sun harm your eyes?

Pigment provides natural eye protection melanin, the amount of which in the eyes decreases with age. Therefore, intense exposure solar radiation on the eyes can lead to problems and cause eye diseases such as central degeneration or cataract.

For example, even short-term observation solar eclipse without appropriate eye protection led to a decrease in people's vision, which was subsequently only partially restored.

What is sunlight

Sunlight is primarily a combination of ultraviolet (UV) and infrared radiation. Depending on the wavelength, UV radiation is divided into:

Longwave ( type A rays) is the least dangerous range (it is what causes tanning), but the effect accumulates over a lifetime and accelerates skin aging,
- medium wave ( type B rays) – in this range the radiation has more high energy and, being present at sufficient quantity, causes dermatitis, burns and others skin damage,
- shortwave ( type C rays) is the most dangerous range, but it is almost completely blocked by the ozone layer of the earth’s atmosphere.

Ultraviolet radiation is uneven at different latitudes. It is much more intense near the equator, decreasing as it moves away from it. Ultraviolet radiation poses the greatest danger during the daytime.

Its influence increases when reflected from certain surfaces, increasing the total dose. For example, snow reflects about 90 percent of sunlight, water about 70 percent, and grass only 3 percent.

Infrared radiation largely dissipated due to atmospheric moisture, but can also represent serious danger, especially in combination with ultraviolet light.

What to consider when choosing glasses

The selection of sunglasses in stores is so wide that it can be very difficult to sort through them. To do right choice, you need to understand where and how you are going to use your sunglasses.

High-quality glasses not only protect your eyes, but also provide comfort and image clarity. Ideally, sunglasses should change the brightness of the image, but not change the color rendition.

Choosing material

Lenses made from high-quality polymer materials, e.g. polycarbonate, block ultraviolet rays of types A and B. Glass also significantly blocks ultraviolet radiation, but not completely.

And here infrared radiation, which is also undesirable for the eyes, passes through both plastic and glass.

Light and color

It would seem that the darker the glasses, the better they should protect the eyes. But intensely colored lenses are not always able to block solar radiation.

If the lenses just painted and do not have UV protection properties, its dose is even greater than that received through a transparent lens. After all, the pupils dilate behind dark lenses. Therefore, low-quality sunglasses contribute to more severe damage eyes with ultraviolet radiation.

This is especially true for children and adolescents, since they are more likely to be outdoors during the day than adults.

A good addition to sunglasses - visor or cap. They retain about half sun rays.

Radiation protection

Quality sunglasses have a special marking, helping you make the right choice depending on your needs. The level of protection is indicated in the inserts supplied with the glasses. They also contain information about the conditions in which the glasses are recommended for use (mountains, water surface, city, etc.).

There are five categories of sunglasses filters with different levels Dimming and UV protection:

- «0» – light transmission 80–100 percent. Minimum protection against all types of ultraviolet radiation.
- "1" , "2"– light transmission, respectively, 43–80 percent and 18–43 percent. These glasses are recommended for use in urban environments, since they only partially protect against ultraviolet radiation.
- "3"– light transmission 8–18 percent. This type of glasses can be chosen for regular beach holiday and going out into nature.
- "4"– light transmission 3–8 percent. This is a very dark filter designed for high altitudes and hot countries.

Polarized lenses

Polarizing filters block the eyes intense light reflection from surfaces (wet asphalt, snow, ice, water), leading to poor visibility. By cutting off the harmful part of the “light”, they provide more comfortable and clear vision.

Photochromic lenses

Photochromic lenses are able to respond to ultraviolet radiation changing the amount of light transmitted. They are used in so-called chameleon glasses, which darken in the sun, and in the absence of sunlight their lenses become transparent. There are sun lenses that combine both polarizing and photochromic properties.

When choosing sunglasses with photochromic lenses Consider darkening speed and lightening speed, as well as temperature sensitivity.

By the way, photochromic agents– special substances used in the production of such lenses - when low temperatures more active. That is, in the heat, the darkening of photochromic lenses is less, and the eyes are less protected by them.

Over time, the photochromic agents in the lenses may wear out and the lens darkening will weaken. Therefore, such glasses must be regularly replaced with new ones.

How to choose glasses?

1. Decide in advance what you need sunglasses for.
2. If you have vision problems or eye diseases, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist before choosing sunglasses.
3. Do not buy sunglasses from stalls and markets. Quality glasses don't have to be expensive. Choose from those sold in stores, such as travel stores, that have clear labeling and inserts.
4. Carefully study the labeling of the glasses - it indicates how much ultraviolet rays the lenses of the glasses transmit, whether they are able to adapt to the brightness of the light or remove glare.
5. If you drive a car or often go out into the sun and back, buy glasses with photochromic lenses. To relax in the snowy mountains, it is better to purchase glasses with polarized lenses.

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Glasses are not only the main summer accessory, they protect our eyes from harmful radiation, reduce fatigue and harmoniously complement the image. If, of course, you choose them correctly.

website I decided to figure out how to choose glasses specifically for your face shape and how to distinguish good lenses from the bad ones. And at the end there is a bonus for you.

How to determine your face type

Take a washable marker, lipstick, soap or pencil. Stand in front of a mirror at arm's length. Without deviating, outline the contour of the face, starting from the chin and ending with the hairline. Take a step back and look at the resulting shape.

The goal is to visually lengthen the face, so choose dark-colored frames. They narrow the face and bring it closer to an oval. To balance your facial proportions, choose frames that are wider than they are tall.

Suitable for round face shape:

  • Pointed, rectangular, square glasses.
  • "Cat" frames.
  • Butterfly glasses.
  • Glasses with a narrow bridge of the nose.
  • "Aviators".
  • "Wayfarers".

Not suitable for round face shape:

  • Round glasses.
  • Narrow frames.
  • Glasses with sharply defined corners.
  • Glasses in the form of geometric shapes.
  • Color contact lenses.
  • Eyebrow-covering glasses.

The main task is not to violate harmonious proportions face, so avoid glasses that are too bulky. It is better if the width of the frame is equal to the width of the face or slightly wider. Make sure that the top of the frame coincides with the eyebrow line.

Suitable for oval face shape:

  • Frames of smooth shape: rectangular, oval, round.
  • Butterfly glasses
  • "Aviators".
  • "Cat" frames.

Not suitable for oval face shape:

  • Frames with sharp angles.
  • Frames are too massive.
  • Frames too wide.
  • Narrow frames.

Rectangular or square sharp shapes will overload the face. Rounded frames will help visually balance and soften the proportions of the face.

Suitable for square face shape:

  • Big glasses.
  • Glasses with frame widths equal to the width of your face.
  • Glasses with colored frames.
  • Oval, round, drop-shaped frames.
  • Rimless glasses.
  • "Cat" frames.
  • "Aviators".

Not suitable for square face shape:

  • Square frames with sharp corners.
  • Small, narrow and petite.
  • Glasses with frames wider than the face.

You should visually expand your face. Choose large, chunky glasses. Transparent glasses - with thin frames to match your skin tone.

Suitable for rectangular shape faces:

  • Large frames.
  • "Aviators" (with large frames).
  • Round frames.

Not suitable for rectangular face shape:

  • Narrow frames.
  • Small frames.
  • Bright colored frames.

The task is to balance top part face, making the lower one heavier. Massive ones will make the top even heavier, we don’t need that. Choose glasses whose width is equal to the width of your face, preferably teardrop-shaped. Aviators are perfect.

Suitable for heart-shaped faces:

  • Rounded, round glasses.
  • Small frames with a narrow bridge.
  • Low set temples.
  • "Aviators".
  • "Wayfarers".
  • Rimless glasses.
  • Light and neutral color of glasses.

Not suitable for heart-shaped faces:

  • Heavy and large frames.
  • Acute forms.
  • Eyebrow-covering glasses.
  • Butterfly glasses, drop glasses.
  • "Cat" frames.
  • Frames with bright colors.

Summer, heat, the sun hits your eyes... You can't do without glasses.

How many extra small wrinkles around the eyes they save us from! True, this, of course, is a secondary matter. On sunny days, your eyes simply need additional protection from ultraviolet rays.

But not all glasses can protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. So choosing them only on the basis of “whether they work or not” and even “convenient or not” is clearly wrong. The most important parameters are the material from which the lenses are made, their color and ability to block transmission ultraviolet light. Eye health is associated with these parameters.

Glass or plastic?

The main advantage of glass sunglasses is that they do not allow ultraviolet rays to pass through: as is known, quartz glass, even if not tinted, blocks them. Plus, it doesn't scratch as easily as plastic. But glasses with glass lenses are quite heavy, and the glass breaks easily, which is dangerous.

Today, plastic is gradually replacing glass because it is lighter and stronger. However, not all plastic lenses are able to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation - for this, special and expensive additives must be introduced into the material from which they are made. Cheap plastic glasses do not protect from anything and only harm your vision: they deceive the pupil with a “safe” twilight, it expands, and as a result, more ultraviolet rays penetrate into the eye than without sunglasses at all.

On the surface of modern plastic, reinforcing them protective properties, today they apply various anti-reflective, antistatic, water-repellent, photochromic and photoprotective coatings, coatings and shading. They are absolutely harmless to the eyes. Unscrupulous sellers may advise you of a third option for glasses - with fiberglass lenses. Don't believe them: such material does not exist. They mean plexiglass - a polymer that has nothing in common with glass. Everything that is not glass is plastic, no matter what it is called.

Glasses for shoes

Not all lens colors are equally beneficial for the eyes!

The optimal shades are dark gray and dark green: they do not transmit ultraviolet rays, and all colors in them are natural. Your eyes will also be very comfortable in glasses with lilac lenses with a slight brownish tint.

Green glass does not darken the landscape and emphasizes the colors. This color has a calming effect on the eye receptors and reliably protects from bright sunlight. They are especially recommended for older people and those suffering from glaucoma. When wearing green glasses, outflow intraocular fluid things are getting better and intraocular pressure decreases.

Brown-tinted glass increases the contrast of perception, shades the illuminated areas and creates a feeling of fullness and depth. They are recommended for those who often drive.

Blue filters the best way will protect from the dazzling sun, as well as infrared rays. But it is better to avoid blue-violet colors, at least with glasses that you wear for a long time. Ophthalmologists have recently come to the conclusion that the lens does not work well with blue flowers. But if you really want to have such glasses as an extravagant detail of the toilet, going with a scarf or shoes, wear them rarely and for a short time.

Yellow, orange filters excite nervous system and increase intraocular pressure (therefore wearing them for a long time in sunny weather is not recommended), but they increase the contrast of objects and protect against excess solar radiation, so they are often used by athletes, drivers during heavy fog or at night. With such glasses, the headlights of oncoming traffic do not seem too bright, and all illuminated objects and the road appear clearer.

Blue sunglasses look beautiful, but the only bad thing is that they are of no use. You won't be able to protect your eyes from the sun with pink lenses. These glasses can be recommended to those who spend a lot of time at the computer, as they increase color vision and prevent the eyes from getting too tired. Red glasses are not recommended under any circumstances: they lead to color distortion and, as a result, poor orientation on the ground. They also irritate the nervous system, so a person wearing such glasses gets tired faster.

Don't push and don't move

The glasses offered to you in stores have varying degrees protection. The category of glasses should always be indicated on the temple of the glasses or on the price tag.

The inscription "High UV-protection" guarantees increased degree protection. These sunglasses are designed for travel southern countries and relaxing on the beach, and are also indispensable in the mountains and any other place where there is a lot of sun and snow.

And finally, a few simple rules for those who are going to wear sunglasses.

  1. If you need glasses for constant wearing, choose not very dark glasses, with a light transmittance of up to 50%, since excessively dark lenses tire the eyes. For mountains and beaches, choose darker glasses - more than 60%.
  2. People with poor vision, for those who constantly wear prescription glasses, “chameleon” glasses are best suited, with photochromic lenses that respond to the level of light: the brighter the light, the darker the glasses, and vice versa. Unfortunately, such glasses may become tired after a few years, that is, their ability to darken and brighten decreases, and they should be replaced.
  3. Uniform darkening of the lens is beneficial for the eyes. Glasses in which the upper part of the glass is darker than the lower part, and even more so having several zones of darkening intensity, tire the eyes. They can be worn for a short time even by those with good eyesight.
  4. When buying glasses, pay attention to the quality of the frames, check how comfortable you feel in them. Glasses should not put pressure on the bridge of the nose or, conversely, slide down. Do not take glasses that are too small - they do not protect the skin around the eyes and do not prevent wrinkles.
  5. If you need sunglasses not only as a fashionable accessory, try to buy them in specialized stores. Unfortunately, nothing prevents sellers at markets and kiosks from re-sticking cheap, harmful glasses with the labels of expensive and safe ones. It's easy to check: trademark reputable companies and the collection number are indicated not only on the attached label, but also on inside the arms of the glasses and in the corner of the lens itself.

Useful tips

To avoid breaking the lenses or damaging the frames, store your glasses only in a hard or semi-hard case.

To avoid scratches, do not place glasses, either glass or plastic, on a surface with the lenses facing down.

Protect lenses from micro-scratches. You need to polish and wipe your glasses with special wipes. Neither sterile handkerchiefs, nor even flannel and suede are suitable for multi-layer coatings of plastic lenses.

All lens cleaners containing alcohol gradually make the lenses dull. It is better to choose one of the multifunctional products that cleans, polishes, and creates water-repellent and antistatic protection.


You can determine the quality of plastic lenses yourself. They should not distort either the colors or the objects themselves. Try an experiment: put on your sunglasses and look around. Then take them off and compare your perceptions. If the world around you has radically changed color while wearing glasses, you should know that it is a fake. Branded lenses keep all colors natural, only slightly changing the shade.

You can check the quality in another way: place the lens on a cloth with a square weave of fabric threads. How better lens, the less distortion of the structure of the tissue covered by the lens will be.

It will take time to check whether glasses are blocking ultraviolet rays: the area around the eyes protected good glasses, after a few days it will remain untanned.



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