Increased basal temperature the day before menstruation. What is the basal temperature during and before menstruation? Normal basal temperature readings

Before the onset of menstruation, every woman begins to carefully listen to the signals of her body. One of them is basal temperature before menstruation. Not all representatives of the fair sex understand what it is. What can basal temperature show and how to measure it correctly?

What is basal temperature?

BT is temperature internal organs, which is usually different from skin temperature. Changes in basal temperature in women are closely related to reproductive function. However, it is not measured in armpit as is traditionally done for a cold or infectious diseases. There are 3 ways to measure basal temperature:

  • in the oral cavity;
  • in the vagina;
  • in the anus.

There are certain patterns in the change in a woman’s basal temperature throughout menstrual cycle, which goes through 3 phases:

  • follicular;
  • ovulation;
  • luteal

If the “planned” change in basal temperature is disrupted, we can talk about pregnancy or pathological processes in the body. You can also calculate using the basal temperature graph:

  • days of the so-called calendar contraception when sexual intercourse will not lead to conception;
  • days on which conception is most likely;
  • the beginning of menstruation.

A woman can use basal temperature readings to draw conclusions about her own health or reproductive function if it is not possible to regularly visit a doctor or when planning and expecting soon interesting situation.

What is the BT rate?

Before judging the deviations, it is worth deciding what the basal temperature should be before menstruation.

A week before the start critical days basal temperature can increase to 37.1-37.4 degrees, then it begins to drop to 36.8-36.9. After menstruation, the readings may remain within 36.8-36.9 or drop by another 1-2 tenths of a degree. Such changes are considered normal. In the process, the numbers rise again by half a degree, and this change occurs quite sharply. After ovulation, the basal temperature again corresponds to the standard and then rises shortly before menstruation.

Read also:

Typically, the average BT should not exceed 36.7 degrees, but each woman may have her own indicator. To do this, it is necessary to carry out measurements over a period of 6 months or even a year, regularly recording the resulting figures. However, a woman should not use contraception and she is instructed to be sure to lead healthy image life.

BT during ovulation

Basal temperature steadily increases by 0.4-0.5 degrees before ovulation, and the change occurs abruptly. To calculate the days of egg formation, you need to carefully analyze the measurement indicators and draw up a graph. Those days when the graph line jumps sharply upward are the time of ovulation. This usually occurs between days 12 and 16 of the menstrual cycle and is associated with the release of the hormone progesterone, which affects thermoregulation.

When the temperature returns to usual indicators, this means that the time of ovulation has passed, and the egg is preparing to leave its “habitat” - the ovary.

BT during pregnancy

A sure sign of an interesting situation is a prolonged increase in basal temperature during the period of ovulation (an additional 3 days or more) and the absence of menstruation. For example, if previously sharp jump temperature since the beginning of the last menstruation, 12 days have passed, then during pregnancy the second phase will be 16 days or more.

Another sign of conception that has occurred is a basal temperature above 37 degrees for 3 weeks.

The onset of pregnancy can also be judged by the schedule, which will consist of not 2, but 3 phases.

BT and pathologies

Changes in the basal temperature chart may indicate development in a woman’s body pathological processes. There is a particularly high risk of gynecological diseases before menstruation, when the cervix opens slightly and pathogenic bacteria can enter it. So, if your basal temperature is 37.2 before the start menstrual bleeding and you don’t know what this means before menstruation, you can suspect inflammatory processes in the female genital organs. The most characteristic indicators of deviation from the norm are the following.

  • Inflammatory process in the ovarian appendages. A characteristic feature such a disease is sharp increase temperature before menstruation up to 40 degrees. This symptom is accompanied by weakness, pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting and nausea. In the follicular phase, basal temperature can reach 37 degrees. Averages will also be slightly increased.
  • Endometriosis. In this case, the average basal temperature before menstruation is lower than normal. During menstruation it can rise to 37.3-37.4 degrees. Along with these symptoms, chills, pain in the lower abdomen, tachycardia, increased level leukocytes.
  • Hormonal disorders. If there is a lack of the hormone estrogen, there will be an increase in basal temperature to 37.4 degrees. If there is not enough progesterone, then increased levels will be determined during the luteal phase. In both cases, it is better to consult a doctor, because hormonal disorders pregnancy becomes impossible.
  • Risk of miscarriage. A basal temperature before menstruation of 36.9 degrees or higher, spotting, slight discharge during menstruation may indicate a threat of miscarriage. There can be many reasons for this condition, and they must be determined by a specialist. An increase in temperature to 38 degrees may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Premenstrual syndrome. In general, this condition is not a pathology and is characterized by an increase in temperature to 37.4-37.6 degrees. In parallel, irritability, chest pain, and headaches may occur.

If deviations from normal changes in basal temperature are noticed, you should consult a doctor. However, to be confident in detecting pathology, it is necessary to make accurate measurements over a long period of time.

How to measure BT so as not to make a mistake?

There are strict rules for measuring basal temperature, following which you can obtain the most accurate readings:

  • BT should be measured at the same time, preferably in the morning before 8.00;
  • before taking readings, the duration of continuous sleep should be at least 3 hours;
  • measurements should be made with the same mercury thermometer, placing it in advance near the bed;
  • take measurements in a lying position before the first manifestations of activity;
  • It is best to insert the tip of the thermometer into anus: in this case the readings will be as accurate as possible;
  • you need to measure for at least 3-6 minutes;
  • Immediately record the received data in a notebook specially designated for this purpose and draw up a graph based on it.

May affect the outcome of measurements general state women, namely:

  • illness, overwork;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages the day before;
  • not sleeping long enough;
  • sexual intercourse that took place less than 6 hours before manipulation with a thermometer;
  • taking medications, side effect which may result in an increase in body temperature.

Basal temperature before menstruation is a good way to analyze women Health. However, independent measurement of BT requires regularity and patience from a woman. Only in this case can you get reliable indicators. Subsequently, they can be used to plan pregnancy, identify days of calendar contraception, or simply check the stability of your own health.

Basal temperature monitoring technology has been used by gynecologists for a long time. It is considered one of the most reliable means to track existing female body processes.

Basal temperature before menstruation is within certain limits. Its discrepancy with the usual value for a girl may indicate some changes in the functioning of the body. Therefore, this diagnostic method is considered quite informative for a medical specialist. Based on this, additional examinations are prescribed.

The concept of basal temperature

Basal body temperature (BT) is one of the reliable methods for diagnosing the functioning of body systems. It was widely used in the last century. This method examines the temperature state of the mucous membranes, changes in which are provoked by sex hormones.

This is the lowest value, which is usually determined during sleep. A woman simply needs to understand what the temperature should be during the cycle. Deviations from the standards should be a reason to visit a gynecologist.

How to measure temperature?

To obtain true results, it is necessary to measure BT strictly in accordance with existing instructions. It can be placed in the vagina, rectum or mouth. Most often this is done in the rectum, since this method is the most reliable. In this case, the result is called rectal temperature.

The measurements are presented in the form of graphs. To evaluate indicators, it is necessary to collect data for at least 3 months, and preferably more than six months. How longer woman controls her schedule, the more accurate the conclusions about the state of her health.

Measuring the secretory phase will tell a medical specialist a lot. However, a woman must follow clear rules when measuring. She shouldn't accept contraceptives. Should be removed contraceptive device. You can only protect yourself with condoms.

Measuring rules

After making the decision to measure body temperature such as rectal, it will be advisable to familiarize yourself with the technique of performing such a manipulation. It is recommended to strictly adhere to the rules, otherwise the study will turn out incorrect:

  1. BT measurements are taken exactly at one hour in the morning. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a weekend or a workday.
  2. It is necessary to take measurements after continuous sleep for at least 4 hours.
  3. Without getting up, moving as little as possible, you should take a previously prepared thermometer. The less activity, the more correct the measurement result will be.
  4. The narrow side of the thermometer must be inserted into the rectum (no more than 2 cm). You should not cover yourself with a blanket that is too thick.
  5. When measuring, you cannot have sex in the morning until you get the result. You should go to bed as soon as possible calm state. Stress and insomnia affect the results.
  6. You should stop drinking alcohol.
  7. Measuring rectal body temperature lasts 5 minutes. After which you can look at the thermometer and write down the readings in a notepad.

An increase in temperature before menstruation on days close to menstruation may indicate both disturbances in the functioning of body systems and some quite common ones. female body states.

Following all the measuring rules, it turns out quite exact result. Any stressful situations, wrong actions during measurement, other factors will affect the graph, distorting it. Therefore, after each case of non-compliance with the measurement rules, it is necessary to indicate this in the comments.

Why use the method?

A doctor may advise a girl to monitor BT in the rectum for a number of reasons. Basal temperature during menstruation is recognized as an indicator of the health of the body. Even without a doctor's prescription, it will be quite wise to monitor the functioning of your body using the presented method. It is used for a number of reasons:

  1. Suspicion of hormonal abnormalities.
  2. Possible infertility.
  3. Determining the moment for conception.
  4. Protection from unwanted pregnancy.
  5. Diagnosis of inflammation.
  6. Probability of menstruation.

This allows us to draw conclusions about the processes in the female body during the entire cycle. However, the indicator before and during menstruation can tell a lot of interesting things about the health of the fair sex.

Second phase

The follicular phase on the chart pages lasts 14–20 days, depending on the individual cycle. During this period, the data normally has a value of 36.4–36.8 degrees. Normal result BT studies for the second (luteal) phase of the cycle should be different from such values.

Standards for the second phase

Basal temperature before menstruation in classic version should be in the range of 37.2–37.3 degrees. This indicates that the egg has been released from the ovary. The body has produced an egg intended for fertilization. However, what matters here is the temperature difference between the first and second phases. It should increase by no less than 0.4 degrees.

In the case when a basal temperature of 36.9 degrees is observed in the luteal phase of the cycle and before menstruation, this indicates the absence of ovulation. This situation is possible even for completely healthy women once a year or every six months. This should not cause concern provided that you undergo a routine examination and do not have any illnesses.

3 days before your period rectal temperature the body should be slightly lower. This is considered a normal decrease. The basal temperature during menstruation should be less than during the entire luteal phase.

Increase in temperature before menstruation

After ovulation occurs, progesterone production increases. This hormone influences the process of thermoregulation. Therefore, the basal temperature before menstruation can decrease within a week. After it starts, the BT value decreases again.

IN in good condition temperature during menstruation should be 37.0–37.1. Then it decreases further. If in the second phase the indicator increased, but did not decrease with the next menstruation, this may be caused by a number of reasons:

  • Inflammation of the appendages.
  • Endometritis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Estrogen deficiency.

Past stress, illness, and inflammatory processes are the main factors why the value rises to 37.3 degrees. Whatever the reason causes such an increase, you need to find out it with your doctor.

When the basal temperature before menstruation exceeds 37.4 degrees, this may be an indicator of estrogen deficiency. Whatever the result is determined as a result of studies in the luteal phase of the cycle, if it is higher than normal, you should contact a gynecologist. After passing the tests, medical specialist will be able to conclude why the level may increase so much.

BT can become an indicator of estrogen deficiency. Whatever the result is determined as a result of studies in the luteal phase of the cycle, if it is higher than normal, you should contact a gynecologist. After passing the tests, a medical specialist will be able to conclude why the level may increase so much.

If the result before menstruation rises no more than 37.2 degrees, but there is no menstruation, this most likely indicates pregnancy. In this case, the increase is absolutely natural. You will need to take a test and see a doctor. The correctness of this assumption will be confirmed by the results of laboratory studies.

By monitoring the processes occurring in the body using measurements over a certain period of time, a woman and her attending physician can quickly identify abnormalities in the body’s functioning and eliminate them. Therefore, this technique is recommended for almost any girl.

A woman’s health is an important parameter that allows her to feel good for many years. The basis of the functioning of women reproductive system located hormonal balance, which affects the functioning of the whole organism, including thermoregulation. Therefore, basal temperature before menstruation and monitoring this indicator allows you to understand cyclic changes and learn about violations in time.

Basal temperature before menstruation is an indicator that gives a woman a unique opportunity to independently diagnose pregnancy and determine the time and condition of her reproductive system.

Measuring basal temperature before menstruation can be called in an exact way provided that it is carried out correctly and regularly for at least 3 months.

How to measure correctly?

What basal temperature a woman has before her period can be found out by following the recommendations:

  • always take the measurement in the same way - orally, rectally or vaginally;
  • measure only after good sleep(at least 5 hours);
  • The temperature should be measured every day at the same hour, for example, at 7 am (a difference of half an hour is allowed, no more);
  • measure BT without getting out of bed (the thermometer should lie nearby within arm's length).

It is best to take measurements using mercury thermometer and rectal method.

It's important to note anything on your chart that could impact your numbers:

  • use of any medicines the day before;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • measurement time offset;
  • using a different thermometer.

If all the rules are followed, a well-made BT schedule will be useful for the doctor, who will be able to obtain important and necessary information.

What should be or norm values

The question of what the basal temperature should be before menstruation interests many women.

The numbers may vary depending on the phase of the cycle:

  • Most high performance observed in the luteal phase (its duration on average is about 14 days). They can range from 36.8 to 37.1, 37.2 and even up to 37.5 degrees.
  • Before menstruation begins, basal temperature normally drops several notches. As a rule, on the first day of menstruation, the thermometer shows about 37 degrees. At the end of menstruation, BT decreases below 36.5.
  • Regarding the follicular phase monthly cycle, when ovulation begins in the female body, indicators can range from 36.6 to 36.9 degrees.

Basal temperature before menstruation

It is important to start research right from the first day of your period. The figures are a little high, so you shouldn’t be alarmed right away. At the end of menstruation, the temperature will be within 36.5, and this figure is displayed throughout the entire first phase of the cycle. Such temperature conditions of the body are necessary for follicle growth, which occurs under the influence of the hormone estrogen.

Before ovulation, that is, when a mature egg should be released from the ovary, BT rises to 37 and may be slightly higher. These indicators indicate that ovulation has occurred and the beginning of the second phase.

How many days before menstruation does basal temperature drop? It all depends on whether conception occurred or not. After the egg is released from the ovary, a corpus luteum, which begins to intensively produce progesterone. This hormone is responsible for conception and implantation ovum into the uterine mucosa. It is progesterone that increases basal temperature to above 37 degrees, which is necessary for the onset and development of pregnancy in a woman’s body.

During the week

The answer to the question of what basal temperature will be normal before menstruation in a week is from 37 to 37.5 degrees. If fertilization occurred during this period, it will be noticeable on the graph slight decrease numbers by a few tenths. This indicates embryo implantation, which can cause symptoms such as mild pain in the lower abdomen, as well as minimal vaginal discharge with a small admixture of blood. Further, the BT indicators level out and remain at the same level.

If fertilization does not occur, then due to a decrease in the amount of progesterone, the numbers decrease. Therefore, the normal basal temperature before menstruation will be about 37.

In 2-3 days

BT 2 or 3 days before menstruation largely depends on the characteristics of each organism. The norm is between 36.8 and 37.1 these days.

How many days does it take to fall?

If you watch the graph, then before the start of your period you can see how the basal temperature decreases slightly. Typically, this is visible approximately two days before the start of menstruation.

During menstruation, a temperature of about 37 degrees is normal. This indicator indicates that the woman’s menstrual cycle is normal.

During pregnancy

The process of fertilization and further gestation affects the functioning of the entire organism. Therefore, this is always shown on the BT chart.

If a woman takes the measurements correctly and follows all the recommendations, she can easily see on the curve that pregnancy has begun.

When conceiving, you can see on the graph that the readings exceed 37 degrees and persist for at least three days. The numbers must be compared with the same period of the previous cycle. If the temperature rise over time more days than usual, we can talk about conception.

A high level of basal temperature for more than 3 weeks is pregnancy.

Reasons for the increase

Maintaining a high basal temperature before menstruation, over 37 or more, may indicate problems in the body.

The following conditions can cause high readings:

  • Inflammatory processes. With inflammation of the appendages, BT in the follicular phase exceeds 37 degrees. Before menstruation, the temperature may rise to 39 degrees and be accompanied by weakness, painful sensations lower abdomen.
  • Endometriosis. In this case, before menstruation the temperature drops as usual, but at the beginning of menstruation it rises again.

How to make a schedule?

Basal temperature before menstruation provides a lot of important information.

  • inability to conceive for one year;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diagnosis of infertility.

In addition, a well-made BT chart allows you to find out the following:

  • when does ovulation begin?
  • presence of problems in the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • whether hormones are produced in the ovaries;
  • date next menstruation;
  • Normal schedule basal temperature

    If the graph shows deviations from the norm, it is important to see a doctor in a timely manner. Diagnostics will be carried out to identify pathologies in the functioning of the body.

    What every woman should remember when drawing up a BT schedule is the correctness of measurements, obtaining data always at the same time. This is what will allow you to see the most reliable results.

It’s normal for a woman to want a child, because bearing offspring is hers natural function. Perhaps this is why representatives of the fair sex, who really want to get pregnant, are so happy about the delay in their periods. But critical days are not always delayed due to conception.

In order not to rejoice ahead of time or not to be upset about the arrival of menstruation instead of the desired pregnancy, you should know what basal temperature should be before menstruation, and which indicates fertilization of the egg. It is the construction of a basal temperature chart that will help you choose the right moment for conception and find out about its occurrence in the early stages.

Basal temperature (BT) is the temperature measured immediately after a night's sleep. Carrying out measurements requires compliance with certain rules, which we will definitely provide in this article.

Why measure BT - why do the readings change?

Measuring basal temperature and drawing up an appropriate chart will allow a woman to assess the condition of her reproductive system. Since the body of each representative of the fair sex works in its own mode, then the schedule of each lady will look different. BT indicators can be influenced not only by the characteristics of the body and the presence of pathologies, but also by the day of the cycle.

To get a complete picture, you need to observe changes in BT for at least 4 months. Measurements for 1 cycle will not allow you to make correct calculations. It does not matter exactly how the measurement was carried out: it could be oral, vaginal or rectal temperature, the main thing is that each time the measurement is carried out similarly to the previous one.

The BT schedule can tell the doctor a lot:

  • Most often, these values ​​are used to determine pregnancy when menstruation is delayed;
  • you can find out whether the egg is ripe, that is, the moment of ovulation is visible on the graph;
  • you can determine the presence of gynecological diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • the functionality of the endocrine system is determined;
  • The level of hormone secretion by the ovaries is assessed.

If a woman has been unable to get pregnant for a long time, keeping a BT schedule will help determine the presence of disorders in the reproductive system, such as:

  • hormonal imbalance that does not allow the embryo to gain a foothold in the endometrium;
  • hiding gynecological diseases, causing infertility;
  • infertility due to lack of ovulation as such;
  • problems in the activity of the endocrine system.

By measuring BBT, you can significantly increase your chances of conceiving; some women use such charts in order to conceive a baby of a certain gender.

It should be remembered that you cannot make a diagnosis yourself based only on basal temperature readings; to confirm it, you must undergo laboratory and instrumental studies. Conduct accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can.

Measurement rules

In order for the measurement of basal temperature to provide the most reliable information, you need to choose the right moment for measurements, namely the time when the temperature is lowest. Compliance with the following rules for measuring BT is the key to obtaining accurate information:

  1. Basal temperature should be measured only after waking up from sleep, which lasts at least 5-6 hours without interruption.
  2. Measurements are taken at the following points: vagina, rectum (the most accurate data), mouth. If measuring in the mouth, the thermometer should be placed under the tongue for 5 minutes. At other points, it is enough to hold the thermometer for 3 minutes.
  3. The measurement is carried out at the same time each time with a spread of no more than half an hour.
  4. You need to measure BT using one method and one instrument. For these purposes would be better suited mercury thermometer.
  5. You need to prepare the measuring device in the evening. The thermometer must be knocked down and placed near the bed so that you do not get up in the morning, but take readings immediately when you wake up.
  6. After waking up, before taking measurements, under no circumstances should you get out of bed, stretch or move actively.
  7. The BT value is influenced by each active movement and time. Every hour after waking up, it rises by 0.1 degrees, so measuring it during the day and evening is pointless, the result will be useless.
  8. If night sleep need to be interrupted for some reason, then you need to do the planned things, and then go to sleep for another 3-4 hours, and only then take BT measurements.
  9. You need to take readings in a supine position, which means taking measurements without getting out of bed.
  10. As soon as the thermometer is removed, you immediately need to record the readings on a graph.
  11. If the mercury column on the thermometer is located between two divisions, you need to take into account the lower mark.
  12. If a woman works in night shift, you need to take readings after a nap.
  13. On the graph you need to mark all incidents that may have an impact on the measurement value, such factors include intimate relationships the day before, a long stay on the road, increased body temperature, taking sleeping pills, hormonal or sedatives and drinking alcohol.
  14. Measurements are best taken before 8 am.
  15. Since the chart needs to be completed for about 3 months, measurements are taken daily, even on critical days.

Since the female reproductive system can rest twice during the year, ovulation does not occur during this time, conception can only be suspected if the graph shows that it was in this cycle.

BT standards at different stages

It is quite natural for the female body that BBT changes during the cycle. But to determine what is normal, it is necessary to carry out measurements for at least 3 months in order to obtain reliable data. Let's consider what are the acceptable values ​​of BT on different stages menstrual cycle, as well as what this or that temperature can mean with systematic measurements, and how many days before menstruation its value begins to fall.

You need to start drawing up a schedule on the first day of your period, that is, on this day you need to take the 1st measurement. Its value increases slightly in the first days, so this indicator does not take part in the calculations. On average, basal temperature during menstruation can fluctuate between 36.3-36.5 ° C; this value can remain the entire 1st phase of the cycle. This optimal conditions for follicle growth under the influence of the hormone estrogen.

Immediately before a mature egg is about to leave the ovary, BT begins to fall by a few tenths of a degree, and then sharply increases to 37-37.2 ° C. An increase in basal temperature indicates the onset of ovulation and the beginning of the 2nd phase of the cycle; such indicators can persist until the end of the cycle.

What the basal temperature will be before menstruation depends on the state of the egg: whether it is fertilized or not. At the site where the follicle breaks through the wound on the wall of the ovary, a corpus luteum forms, which produces the hormone progesterone. The result of fertilization largely depends on it. Under the influence of progesterone, BT increases to 37.0-37.5°C. This best time for conception. Until the end of the cycle, the graph will show values ​​within these limits. When conceiving, similar indications are noted before and after the delay - this is the surest sign of pregnancy. To confirm its occurrence, you can additionally use a test.

A week before your period, normal basal temperature can remain around 37°C, the highest point should not exceed 37.5°C. One nuance must be taken into account that with a 4-week cycle, it is at this time that implantation retraction can be observed - BT decreases by several tenths of a degree during the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. Wherein future mom may feel pain in the lower abdomen, and may also experience slight bleeding. Not every woman may experience a decrease in BT during embryo implantation, but over time the value still levels out. If fertilization does not occur, then the level of progesterone drops, and this leads to a decrease in BT on the eve of menstruation.

3 days before menstruation, BT is usually characterized by a drop of 3-5 tenths of a degree. A variant of the norm during this period will be considered its value in the range of 36.7-37.1°. But in general, for each woman before her period, the norm of basal temperature will be individual.

By measuring basal temperature, you can assess the coherence of the female body, you can say exactly when the time has come that is most suitable for conception, and specify the days on which you can not use protection during sexual intercourse. It is best to take measurements several cycles in a row to achieve greater accuracy of the results.

Since the functioning of the female body is highly dependent on hormones, it is quite natural that, due to their level, the BT value can increase and decrease. Low basal temperature is observed immediately before ovulation and during last days cycle. In the latter case, this means that fertilization has not occurred and you need to prepare for the arrival of menstruation. If the basal temperature does not drop at this time, but remains at 37 and a half, or even 38°, this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or disease in the body. During pregnancy, BT does not increase more than to 37.2-37.5°C, which means 38°C is alarm signal for a woman, meaning that she urgently needs to see a doctor.

The basal temperature after menstruation remains within the range of 36-36.9 ° C, but if it remains at this level throughout the entire cycle, it means that this month the reproductive system decided to rest, since when ovulation occurs there would be a temperature rise. Pregnancy will not be possible during this cycle. You only need to panic if a similar situation repeats several cycles in a row - this is a reason to seek help from a specialist.

Basal temperature chart before menstruation

The BT graph is a regular linear graph with 2 coordinate axes, where the number of days in the cycle is plotted along the X axis, and the temperature value in degrees is plotted along the Y axis, the division value along the Y axis is 0.1°, while at the zero mark there will be a value 35.7°C.

Every day, immediately after waking up, right in bed, a woman measures her BT using any method convenient for her using the same thermometer. Having received the value, she places a point at the intersection of the day of the cycle and the reading on the thermometer. These points are then connected. Thus, you can clearly trace all changes in BT during the cycle. The graph clearly shows when it rises and when it falls.

During critical days, BT can be 36.6 ° C, a maximum of 36.7 ° C, then it declines, and immediately before ovulation it has smallest value for several days. After the release of the egg into the body goes sudden jump progesterone, followed by a rise in temperature, reaching 37-37.2°C. This level is maintained throughout the 2nd phase of the cycle, until the new cycle, and then gradually decreases.

Reasons for deviations in basal temperature

BT indicators may deviate from normal values, characteristic of one or another phase of the cycle. If the deviations in basal temperature indicators are significant, then mandatory it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist.

Deviations temperature readings for pathologies may be as follows:

  • progesterone deficiency - the curve on the graph goes down sharply. The temperature may rise slightly, but does not remain longer than a week. The temperature difference between phases is less than 0.4 degrees. The second phase becomes shorter (not 14, but 10 days), menstruation occurs prematurely;
  • endometritis. With inflammation of the uterine mucosa in the first days of the cycle, BT increases to 37 degrees, instead of falling. With such symptoms, you can find out about the presence of pathology, but to confirm it you need to contact a specialist;
  • problematic pregnancy. If BT is noted at 37 and a half degrees, there are no periods, which indicates pregnancy, but bloody “smear” from the vagina begins, this may be a sign of spontaneous abortion. If the test does not confirm the presence of pregnancy, it may be ectopic;
  • no ovulation. When the measurements are arranged haphazardly on the graph, sometimes jumping up, sometimes falling down, there was no ovulation in this cycle and conception will not occur. If this repeats several cycles in a row, consultation with a gynecologist is required;
  • inflammation of the appendages can be diagnosed when, even in the first phase, a high basal temperature is measured at 37°; confirmation of the presence of an inflammatory process is an increase in BT to 38 degrees in the 2nd phase of the cycle.

When taking hormonal contraceptives, scheduling BT will be ineffective, since these drugs significantly distort the measurement values.


Basal temperature measured according to all the rules allows a woman to solve many issues related to conception and the health of her reproductive system. Therefore, every representative of the fair sex should know how to correctly draw up a BT schedule.

Basal schedule allows you to observe the normal course of processes in the female body. Today we will look at the question of what is the basal temperature before menstruation and what values ​​are typical for the functioning of the reproductive system at different stages of the cycle, and especially before the onset of menstrual periods.

Features of measurements

What can you find out using a basal temperature chart?

Any woman, upon reaching puberty, dreams of having an ideal cyclic process, knowing the time of ovulation, in order to become pregnant as planned or, conversely, to prevent unwanted conception. For this purpose, along with ovulation tests and other methods, rectal temperature measurement is widely used. That is why the question of what is the normal basal temperature before menstruation, what should it be during the release of the cell and the standards for both phases is very relevant in the lives of girls. Using a graph you can identify the following points:

  • whether the follicle is maturing;
  • day of ovulation;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • day of future menstruation;
  • onset of pregnancy.

What is the basal temperature before menstruation (normal)

Before determining what the basal temperature before menstruation is normal in your cycle, let us remind you that measurements should be taken for at least 3-4 months to ensure the reliability of the obtained values ​​and follow certain rules:

  • Measurement time 5-7 minutes mercury thermometer or 1 minute - electronic;
  • Use the same thermometer, shaking it off in the evening;
  • Do the procedure in the morning, immediately after 6 o’clock good sleep without getting out of bed and without making sudden movements, preferably at the same time;
  • Enter the data into a graph, under which note the slightest deviations in in the usual way life (colds, stress, physical strain, alcohol consumption, etc.).

Temperature standards at different stages

The study must begin on the first day of menstruation. Values ​​during this period are elevated and therefore are not taken into account. average temperature on the last day of menstruation it will be about 36.3° and, fluctuating within the range of up to 36.5°, lasts throughout the first phase. This is the most favorable conditions for follicle growth under the influence of estrogen.

On the eve of the release of a mature egg from the ovary, it decreases by a few tenths of a degree, and then increases to 37° and higher, which confirms the fact of ovulation and the beginning of the second phase. Such values ​​are typical almost until the end of the cycle.

What basal temperature will be before menstruation depends on the behavior of the egg: fertilization will occur or not. After the follicle breaks through, a corpus luteum forms on the wall of the ovary at the site of the wound, producing the hormone progesterone. It is responsible for fertilization and preparing the uterus to receive the fertilized egg, and increases temperature readings to 37.0-37.5°. These values ​​are the most optimal for the development of pregnancy.

What is the basal temperature before menstruation per week?

A standard graph of temperature values ​​over this period will stably record these numbers. If conception has taken place, a similar picture continues before and after the delay, which is the first sign of pregnancy, which will be confirmed by other symptoms and positive result test.

Answering the question of what basal temperature will be recorded before menstruation a week before their onset, the answer is clear: 37° and above, but not more than 37.5°. Although at 28 daily cycle It is at this time that implantation retraction can be seen on the graph. It lasts for a day, and a decrease in thermometer readings is observed by several tenths of a degree. Sometimes it is accompanied by barely noticeable pain in the lower abdomen and minor bloody discharge from the vagina. They notify expectant mother about the implantation of the embryo into the endometrial wall. However, then the indicators level out and become the same. Moreover, this phenomenon is not observed in all women.

If conception does not occur, progesterone levels gradually decrease, which leads to a decrease in temperature on the eve of menstruation.

What is the basal temperature before menstruation 3 days

What the basal temperature will be before menstruation (3 days in advance) depends on the individuality of each representative of the fair sex. Statistics indicate a decrease of 0.3-0.5°. Values ​​in the range of 36.8-37.1° at this moment are considered standard.

When asked what the basal temperature will be before menstruation (3 days in advance), gynecologists answer that the average temperature will be 36.8-37.1°.

Atypical temperatures

Exist possible deviations from normal due to illness or hormone imbalance, which is expressed in other indicators on the graph. The most typical examples of deviations:

Progesterone deficiency

  • Progesterone deficiency, causing a tendency towards the downward curve of the graph. It is characterized by a slow rise in temperature, which lasts no more than a week. The difference in digital values ​​between the phases becomes less than 0.4°, the second period of the cycle is shortened to 10 days instead of 14, which causes menstruation to appear prematurely;


  • Endometritis, inflammation of the uterine mucosa, on the contrary, increases the temperature in the first menstrual days up to 37°. This is what the basal temperature is before menstruation and on the first day of bleeding business card of this disease. When, after a slight decrease before the start, instead of continuing to drop, an increase in indicators is observed, it is clear that you cannot do without consulting a doctor;

Basal temperature before menstruation and on the first day, if so inflammatory process how endometritis stays at 37°.


  • When pregnancy is confirmed, when the temperature remains elevated - up to 37.5°, menstruation does not begin on time, and there is bleeding from the vagina, indicating a threat of miscarriage. At negative test And high temperature, possible development of ectopic pregnancy;

Lack of ovulation

  • Lack of ovulation, when the resulting graph is a set of chaotic points, sometimes high, sometimes low, without a clear boundary between the phases;

Inflammation of the appendages

  • Inflammation of the appendages increases the thermometer readings, both in the first period of the cyclic process and in the second. In the first half of the graph, an increase to 37° is recorded, followed by a decrease. In the second, what basal temperature before menstruation will be 2 days later, the same remains the same further, reaching a value of 38 °.

In the second cycle, with inflammation of the appendages, the basal temperature before menstruation will remain at 38 °.


You should know that when taking oral contraceptives You shouldn’t wonder what your basal temperature is before your period. Drink hormonal pills distorts the thermometer readings, and the resulting graph will be uninformative.



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