The meaning of primary kidney in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE. Primary kidney

A person develops three generations of kidneys: 1) pre-kidney, 2) primary, or head, kidney - pronephros, 3) secondary kidney - mesonephros, or permanent kidney - metanephros.

The preference apparently occurred in the extinct ancestors of vertebrates in adulthood. In most modern lower vertebrates, the preference kidney functions only in the embryonic state and is replaced by the primary kidney in adults.

In the kidney, which develops very rudimentarily in humans, only prerenal tubules are found, but there are excretory duct- Wolffian stroke, subsequently reaching the cloaca. The Wolffian tract is the primary ureter, which is formed already in an embryo of 5 mm in length.

The primary kidney, or Wolffian body, is much more complex organ, which is located caudal to the preference along many segments of the body (hence its other name “trunk kidney”); in each of the segments of the body there are tubules of the primary kidney, as well as branches of the tubules. Initially, the pre-kidney and primary kidney have common duct- Wolffian canal, and then this channel is divided into two: one for the pre-kidney, the other for the primary kidney. The canal related to the preference is called the Müllerian cord or filament, and the canal of the primary kidney is called the Wolffian canal. In humans, rudimentary renal tubules do not form any duct. The Wolffian canal is the only duct of the primary kidney. Later, a cord splits off from its wall, which acquires a lumen and becomes the Müllerian canal. The Wolffian and Müllerian ducts open into the cloaca with separate openings.

A significant difference between the primary kidney and the preference is the connection of its tubules with circulatory system. The tubules of the primary kidney open into a special pair of long canals - Wolffian ducts, which are directed caudally and flow into the cloaca. In higher vertebrates, the functioning excretory organ in embryonic life is the primary kidney, and in the second half of embryonic development it is replaced by the secondary kidney.

Secondary kidney is formed in the human embryo from metanephrogenic tissue (poorly differentiated embryonic cellular material). From metanephrogenic tissue, renal tubules are formed, which come into contact with the branches renal arteries, in this case, Malpighian corpuscles appear: the opposite end of the tubules passes into the renal pelvis. Blind outgrowths arise from both Wolffian ducts and go to the secondary kidney. These outgrowths become the ureters, and their expanded ends, grown into the metanephrogenic rudiment, become the pelvis.

A characteristic feature of the secondary kidney is its localization in the caudal segments of the body (pelvic kidney); she has a huge amount tubules and glomeruli, closely connected with the circulatory system. The urinary drainage tract of the secondary kidney is the ureters, which open into the cloaca in some forms of vertebrates, and into the bladder in others. The bladder develops from a protrusion of the cloaca, and in higher vertebrates it is a derivative of part of the allantois.

The secondary kidney is divided into two sections: cranial, or mesonephrogenic, and caudal, or metanephrogenic. Reverse development begins in the cranial region. Later comes reverse development caudal section; middle section lasts the longest. U adult woman the remains of the cranial part of the secondary kidney are found between the leaves of the mesosalpinx in the form of a comb-like formation - an epoophoron; it is easy to detect when stretching the mesosalpinx near the ampullary end of the tube. The remains of the caudal part of the secondary kidney are called paroophoron; they are found adjacent to the epoophoron. From these remains, a racemose tumor can form - a parovarian cyst.

The remains of the primary ureter can be found in the form of an intermittent course at the lateral walls of the uterus and vagina; from them can be formed vaginal cyst, the so-called Gartner's cyst.

The external genitalia develop from the anterior part of the cloaca membrane. First, a protrusion is formed - a cloacal, or genital, tubercle. The genital tubercle grows, covers the membrane of the cloaca and divides into two ridges. The cloaca membrane also splits into two sections: the urogenital and anal membranes. The urogenital membrane soon communicates with the cloaca, and the anus opens outward and forms the vestibule of the vagina.

The genital tubercle gives rise to the head of the penis (in women, the clitoris), as well as the urethral groove and urethral lips. The scrotum is formed from the two ridges of the genital tubercle (in a woman - big lips). The urethra is formed from the genital folds; in women, the labia minora. A triangle is formed from the remains of the sinus urogenitalis Bladder and part urethra. From the so-called “Müllerian hillock” the hymen and the transition to the vestibule are formed.

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    , -i, w. 1. A plant shoot that has not yet developed; rudiment of a flower, leaf. Buds on trees. The buds swell, burst, and bloom. 2. ...
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    kidneys, g. (biol.). 1. A plant shoot in an undeveloped state (flower primordium, stem with leaves). The buds on the trees have not yet blossomed. ...
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  • Primary kidney ANIMAL EMBRYOLOGY

    PRIMARY KIDNEY, MESONEPHROS, TRUNK KIDNEY, WOLFF CANAL - paired excretory organ of vertebrates. It is a network of convoluted tubules that open into the Wolffian duct. In anamnia, the mesonephros functions throughout life. In amniotes, it is a temporary organ of excretion in the embryo, then replaced by a metanephros. In female amniotes, the mesonephros is reduced; in males, the mesonephros is transformed into an epididymis and, together with the Wolffian duct, forms the vas deferens.

    General embryology: Terminological dictionary - Stavropol. O.V. Dilekova, T.I. Lapina. 2010 .

    See what a “primary kidney” is in other dictionaries:

      PRIMARY KIDNEY- the same as mesonephros... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      primary kidney- the same as mesonephros. * * * PRIMARY KIDNEY PRIMARY KIDNEY, the same as mesonephros (see MESONEPHROS) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      Primary kidney- the same as Mesonephros... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      PRIMARY KIDNEY- the same as mesonephros... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

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      primary kidney- see Mesonephros... Big medical dictionary

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    The kidneys are paired organs that resemble beans in shape. The kidneys have rounded upper and lower poles, anterior and posterior surfaces. The inner concave part of the kidney forms the hilum. Veins, arteries, nerves and the ureter pass through them, which originates from the pelvis and passes into the vesical ( distal) end into the bladder. Normally, the kidneys are located approximately at the level of the 12th rib on both sides of the spinal column in the retroperitoneal space. Left kidney is slightly higher than the right one. On top they are covered with dense fibrous membrane. The weight of each kidney is approximately 150-200 g.

    There are two layers in the kidney:
    The dark-colored cortex consists of renal corpuscles and nephron tubules. They carry out filtration ( cleansing) blood;
    The medulla is more light color consists of 15-20 cone-shaped renal pyramids, which are longitudinally striated with tubules. The apices of the pyramids protrude into the sinus of the kidney, where they merge to form the renal papillae. The papillae smoothly pass into small and then into large renal calyces in an amount from 2 to 4. Large renal calyces are ducts connecting the small renal calyces with renal pelvis.

    Nephron is functional unit kidneys, which have a complex structure. It contains a body and a tubule. The structures of the nephron are functionally connected to the vessels. There are 1 to 2 million nephrons in total. Almost 80% of nephrons are located in the renal cortex.

    Kidney functions

    Urine formation.
    The process of urine formation consists of: 1) glomerular filtration; 2) tubular reabsorption; 3) osmotic concentration of urine. From 100 to 150 liters of blood pass through the filtering surface of the kidneys per day, from which only 1.5 -2.5 liters of secondary urine are formed. The kidneys filter the blood, returning useful substances to it: protein, sugar, enzymes, vitamins, etc.;
    Regulation of blood pressure.
    In the thickness of the cortical layer of the kidney, between the arterial and venous capillaries, there are cells that synthesize the hormone renin. Under its influence, the regulation of subtle and complex mechanism ensuring constant vascular tone and blood pressure;
    Hematopoiesis function.
    In addition to renin, the kidneys produce erythropoietin, which gives the command to replenish on time bloodstream fresh red blood cells;
    Regulation of the constancy of the internal environment.
    The kidneys regulate blood levels various proteins (oncotic pressure) and acidic – alkaline balance. The balance between alkalis and acids is achieved through the elimination of either acidic or alkaline foods from the body.

    Development of the kidney during the embryonic period and in the child

    Kidney development occurs in three stages:
    1) preference ( pronephros); 2) primary kidney ( mesonephros); 3) final bud ( metanephros).
    The final kidney begins to form from the 7th week of embryo development, gradually moving into abdominal part from the pelvis. In newborns, the kidney tubules are narrower and shorter than in adults. Until 2 years of age, the nephron is poorly differentiated. Only by the age of 5 do the structure and functioning of a child’s kidneys resemble those of an adult.

    Kidney diseases

    Pyelonephritis– inflammation with subsequent deformation of the cup – pelvic system and involvement in pathological process kidney parenchyma. The cause of the disease is often associated with infection, which can enter the kidneys by hematogenous or upward path. Hypothermia promotes infection from the urethra or bladder through the ascending route. You can easily catch a cold in your kidneys if you wear out-of-season clothes and shoes in the cool season. Very often, people with diabetes and pregnant women suffer from pyelonephritis. With pyelonephritis, as a rule, lower back pain occurs. At first, this pain can be confused with myositis or osteochondrosis. In addition to pain, swelling, loss of appetite, increased body temperature, changes in blood and urine tests are possible ( increase in ESR, leukocytes, etc.);
    Cyst kidney disease is an abnormal, benign change in the structure of kidney tissue. The walls of the cyst consist of a thin connective tissue membrane. The cyst cavity is filled with lemon-like fluid yellow color. They can be single or multiple and occur at any age. The size of the cyst is from 1 to 10 cm. As a rule, small cysts do not interfere with the functioning of the kidney and often do not manifest themselves;
    Polycystic kidney - a disease in which even during the period intrauterine development Multiple cysts form in the child’s kidney tissue. The causes of polycystic disease are associated with certain viral diseases that a woman could suffer during pregnancy. The disease, in most cases, occurs without symptoms. In the case where the tumor occupies large area renal parenchyma and disrupts their functioning, possible following symptoms: dull pain in the lumbar region, polyuria ( large urine output), loss of appetite, thirst, etc.;
    Cancer kidney is a disease with a malignant course, the causes of which are not fully known. But predisposing factors have been well studied, which include: smoking, radiation, chronic diseases kidneys in the terminal stage, frequent use some medicines, contact with cadmium, etc. Patients in the first stage of cancer do not notice any signs of the disease. When the tumor begins to grow and metastasize, patients note: fatigue, lower back pain, hematuria ( excretion of blood in urine), anemia, arterial hypertension and etc.;
    Hydronephrosis– disruption of the outflow of urine from the renal collecting system, with its subsequent expansion ( pyeelectasia) and an increase in hydrostatic pressure in it, atrophy of the kidney parenchyma and deterioration of its basic functions. The causes of acquired hydronephrosis include: inflammatory changes in the urinary system ( pyelonephritis), kidney stones, traumatic constrictions, tumors, injuries spinal cord, which lead to disruption of the innervation of the urinary organs and the outflow of urine. Hydronephrosis is dangerous due to its complications. One of them is rupture of the pelvis or calyx. In this case, the accumulated urine is poured into the retroperitoneal space.

    Diagnosis of kidney diseases

    #1. Laboratory methods:
    A general blood test can determine inflammation ( increased ESR, leukocytes);
    Common urine tests for kidney disease include general analysis and Zimnitsky's test. According to the changed general analysis urine can indicate many diseases not only of the kidneys, but also of other organs. Increased content protein and hematuria indicate inflammation, which occurs with pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc. Glucosuria ( increased amount sugar in urine) indicates diabetes mellitus etc. Zimnitsky's test helps determine the concentration function of the kidneys.

    #2. Instrumental methods:
    Inexpensive, publicly available, informative method The study of the kidneys is ultrasound. With its help you can determine the shape, size, location, and kidneys. Various pathological formations are successfully recognized: stones, sand, tumors, kidney prolapse ( nephroptosis) and etc.;
    Help determine the cause of kidney disease modern methods: MRI and angiography;
    Excretory urography is a radiographic examination of the kidneys that allows one to judge the patency of the urinary tract. The method is also informative for kidney failure.

    Treatment and prevention of kidney diseases

    Conservative treatment in the form of prescribing various medications is effective for pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis etc. In combination with traditional therapy quite effective traditional treatment. Herbs such as bearberry, lingonberry leaf, horsetail, etc. are actively prescribed by therapists to relieve symptoms of inflammation. Good for coping with various diseases kidneys specially designed diets No. 7, No. 7a, No. 7b.

    Prompt removal are subject to various benign and malignant tumors. As a rule, when malignant tumor Not only the kidney is removed ( nephrectomy), but also the tissues surrounding it. In addition to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

    One of the common kidney diseases is kidney stones. She is being treated by a therapist and a surgeon. Depending on the size, number and location of the stones, the doctor decides on the method by which they will be removed. Previously they did it open abdominal operations, which were characterized by long recovery and various complications. Modern surgical methods differ fast recovery. These include: endoscopic method, stone destruction through a puncture in the lumbar region, stone crushing using shock wave lithotripsy, stone removal through urinary tract and etc.

    Kidney transplantation

    In the event that the kidneys do not perform their function or require their removal, as replacement therapy A healthy donor kidney can be transplanted. Important requirements for the donor and recipient: matching blood type and Rh factor, age, gender and weight. A kidney from a living donor survives better. The kidney is not transplanted immediately, but only after special training. It is processed and stored for up to 72 hours in a special solution. Typically, recipients do not have their kidneys removed. Donor kidney placed in the iliac fossa, usually the right one. Kidney transplants are performed in all developed countries. The price of a kidney in the Russian Federation ranges from 10,000 to 100,000 dollars.

    Prevention of kidney disease comes down to compliance general rules healthy image life. It is important that there are no foci in the body chronic infection (carious teeth, inflamed tonsils and etc.), which are a source of infection entering the kidneys hematogenously and causing various diseases.

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    "primary kidney" in books

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    From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 15 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

    Wandering kidney This is very unpleasant disease, in which the kidney moves from the lumbar region to the abdomen or pelvis. Most often this happens with right kidney. People who suffer from this mainly suffer from heavy loads for a long time. Reasons may also


    From the book Practical Healing. Healing through harmony author Sheremeteva Galina Borisovna

    Yang Kidney Weak energy in the Yang Kidney (Fig. 19) A person’s will to live, his vitality and sexual potency decreases. May occur: general weakness, impotence, frigidity and mental disorders. Rice. 19. Meridian

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    Bud and flower The question naturally arises: were the Iron Age civilizations created in different parts of Africa branches of the same tree? They have many things in common: the use of stone in construction, irrigation, preservation of soil fertility, mining and metal processing,

    Axillary bud

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    Primary kidney

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    Wandering kidney

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    From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PO) by the author TSB

    Secondary kidney

    From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (VT) by the author TSB

    Trunk kidney

    From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (TU) by the author TSB

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    ren, renis m – kidney

    From the author's book

    ren, renis m – kidney (not a bud from a flower, but the beginning of a “ureter”) Approximate pronunciation: ren.Z: Boy’s warning from the Ministry of Health: If you want to save your KIDNEYS, don’t suck too much beer

    39. Horseshoe kidney. Kidney doubling. Spongy bud. Polycystic kidney disease

    From the book Urology author Osipova O V

    39. Horseshoe kidney. Kidney doubling. Spongy bud. Polycystic kidney disease Horseshoe kidney - fusion of the kidneys by the lower or upper poles, the pelvis is located on the anterior surface, the ureters are short, bend over the lower poles of the kidney, the isthmus is more common

    4. Accessory kidney

    author Osipova O V

    4. Accessory kidney The accessory kidney is located below the normal one, has its own blood circulation and ureter. Clinic. Pain, dysuric disorders, changes in urine tests with the development of pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis or urolithiasis in such a kidney. At

    5. Horseshoe kidney

    From the book Urology: lecture notes author Osipova O V

    5. Horseshoe kidney Horseshoe kidney - fusion of the kidneys by the lower or upper poles, the pelvis is located on the anterior surface, the ureters are short, bend over the lower poles of the kidney, the isthmus often consists of fibrous tissue. Occurs with frequency 1:

    7. Spongy bud

    From the book Urology: lecture notes author Osipova O V

    7. Spongy kidney Spongy kidney – an anomaly medulla kidneys, in which the collecting tubules in the renal pyramids expand and form many small cysts with a diameter of 3-5 mm. The renal cortex is usually intact; As a rule, both kidneys are affected, more often



    2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs