Raw food diet what you can eat list. Types of raw food diet

A raw food diet in the classical sense is a vegan food system when plant food consumed fresh, not thermally processed. But besides the classic, there are other directions:

  • omnivores - consume raw meat, fish, milk along with vegetables;
  • carnivores - prefer food of animal origin;
  • Fruitarians - consume exclusively fruits.

Some allow food to be heated to 40 °C, although this figure is literally pulled out of the ceiling and cannot be explained in any way.

When helping in this article to create the right menu for raw foodists, we will keep in mind the classical understanding of this concept. That is, we are talking about eating foods plant origin without the slightest heat treatment.

Features of the raw food menu

Before you create a menu, you need to understand how it is organized in general.

Grocery list:

  • All legumes are suitable, except for beans, which in their raw form do not have a pleasant taste;
  • mushrooms collected away from highways and industrial enterprises, but you need to be careful with them: not all of them can be eaten raw, so if you lack experience and knowledge, it’s better to stick to champignons;
  • greens: arugula, leaf salad, parsley, sorrel, dill, celery, marjoram, spinach, cilantro, asparagus, chard, tarragon, basil, rhubarb;
  • medicinal herbs: dandelion leaves, quinoa, young nettle;
  • drinks: melt water, fresh juices, smoothies, cocktails, juices (naturally, all this is freshly squeezed, not packaged or store-bought);
  • nuts (any kind, no exceptions);
  • sweeteners;
  • sprouted grains and seeds;
  • vegetables: cabbage (including sauerkraut), carrots, onions, beets, peppers, Jerusalem artichoke, artichoke, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, radish, radish, melon (in this list everyone’s favorite potato is missing, because you can’t eat it raw);
  • cold-pressed vegetable oils - any, but you should give preference to the healthy classic - Extra virgin olive oil;
  • seeds;
  • spices and seasonings;
  • dried fruits (without chemical treatment and drying in ovens, best option- dried at home, not store-bought);
  • fruits (not waxed): cherries, apples, grapefruit, grapes, pears, tangerines, peaches, kiwi, limes, nectarines, lemons, plums, pomegranates, oranges, apricots, quince, persimmons, bananas, avocados, pineapples;
  • berries: serviceberry, raspberry, viburnum, strawberry, blueberry, gooseberry, all varieties of currants, sea buckthorn, rose hips, bird cherry, lingonberry, cranberry, blackberry, cloudberry.

There is a special relationship here with honey. Some people use it and call themselves raw foodists. However, this is not entirely true - in a raw food diet it is a prohibited product due to its not very good attitude to the bees.

Basic principles of menu design

The main principle: raw foodists eat fresh, plant-based foods without heat treatment. It is desirable that all products are environmentally friendly, that is, not genetically modified and in the cultivation of which no chemical fertilizers were used.

The break between meals should be about 4 hours. Portions for lunch and dinner should be impressive. Daily norm greens to maintain favorable gastric microflora - 800 g. The right dish should not include more than 3 main ingredients. Maximum - 5.

Little lifehacks

If there is a lack of proteins, raw foodists need to include as much as possible in the menu:

  • legumes;
  • kelp;
  • nuts;
  • sprouted grains;
  • sunflower seeds

Some people eat fresh, unprocessed food. industrially milk and natural farm eggs (not hatched). This is still acceptable for beginners, but not for experienced ones. After all, these are products of animal origin that are strictly prohibited in Russia.

For calcium deficiency:

  • basil;
  • young nettle leaves;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • poppy seeds;
  • almond;
  • parsley;
  • sesame seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • dill;
  • hazelnut;
  • garlic.

For iron deficiency:

  • legumes;
  • greens: asparagus, spinach;
  • cereals: buckwheat, oats, rye, wheat;
  • vegetables: beets, broccoli, corn;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • dried fruits;
  • fruits: pomegranate, plum, persimmon, apples.

Moving on to this system nutrition, it is worth considering that the body will constantly lack some vitamins and microelements that usually come from food of animal origin. And the use vitamin complexes and drugs are prohibited by the vegan worldview. However, to improve your health, you can always make an exception if at some point a deficiency of calcium or iron is discovered and you have to take medications containing them as prescribed by your doctor. Although with a properly designed menu, problems of this kind can be avoided.

Famous raw foodists. The following people adhere to a raw food diet: famous people, like Alexey Voevoda (Russian bobsledder), Jim Morris (baseball, USA), as well as Hollywood actresses Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore, Natalie Portman and actor Mel Gibson.


To correctly create a raw food menu, you need to know little secrets. We offer lists of products from which you can combine a light breakfast, a full lunch and a hearty dinner.

Breakfast (should be light):

  • fruits (bananas, citrus fruits);
  • fresh berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • seeds;
  • smoothies, fresh juices, juices.
  • vegetable salads;
  • soups are a must (like gazpacho);
  • cocktails, smoothies made from greens (dill, parsley, celery).

Dinner (should be filling and high in calories):

  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • seeds;
  • sprouted grain;
  • combined salads from seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits (beets, carrots, apples);
  • porridge (beans, pumpkin).

Snacks (to satisfy hunger):

  • selected vegetables;
  • individual fruits;
  • nuts;
  • raw food desserts;
  • beverages.

Pay attention to the main difference between a raw food diet and a conventional food system: instead of a saturated, hearty breakfast- a light smoothie, and instead of a low-calorie and minimal dinner - hearty, hearty dishes.

Helpful advice. Vegan nutrition experts and nutritionists recommend that everyone who adheres to a raw food diet include a glass in their menu beet juice in a day. According to studies, it increases endurance and allows you to not feel tired even after intense workouts.

Meal options

It is believed that creating a menu for a raw food diet is very difficult, because the number of dishes that can be prepared from permitted products is limited. In fact you can find great amount, and they cannot see the end of the edge. There are cutlets, cabbage rolls, cakes, pies, marshmallows, ice cream, and even truffles - and all this is made exclusively from plant foods.

  • Orange smoothie;
  • green smoothies (there are a huge number of recipe options);
  • fruit icecream;
  • fruit salad;
  • almond crackers;
  • raw truffles.

For lunch:

  • different versions of gazpacho - cucumber, strawberry, tomato, traditional;
  • soups - nut, vegetable, spicy, spicy;
  • cold soups - cabbage, borscht;
  • different salad options: lingonberry, cabbage and onion, sea, bean, summer, vitamin, brush.

For dinner:

  • nut, fruit, apple pastille;
  • porridge - pea, lentil, legume, flaxseed;
  • zucchini pasta;
  • pecan pie;
  • hummus;
  • chickpea pate, avocado;
  • beet dumplings;
  • raw cabbage rolls;
  • champignons: Greek style, with pomegranate, salad;
  • vegetable cutlets;
  • raw spaghetti.

So when creating a menu, the problem will not arise with the choice of dishes - you can find a huge number of recipes. The difficulty is to have a balanced diet. And here without sample diagrams food is indispensable.

Curious. Nutritionists have different opinions about the raw food diet for weight loss. Most of them, based on recent research, argue that raw foodists themselves cannot be obese and suffer from obesity. Such a nutrition system automatically reduces caloric intake and, accordingly, weight. However, there are those who argue that in order to get rid of extra pounds, even here you will have to cut down on portion sizes. The latter point of view is increasingly being criticized and does not stand up to it.

Several menu options

When preparing a diet, it is advisable to rely on sample menu a raw food diet, in which the caloric intake, the ratio, and the presence of vitamins and microelements that the body needs are calculated. And take into account first of all your own life situation. If you are an athlete - look for nutrition for building muscle mass, if you need to lose weight - for weight loss, etc.

Menu for the day

  • Breakfast: 200 ml Orange smoothie.
  • Lunch: 1 grapefruit.
  • Lunch: 200 ml cucumber gazpacho, 200 g salad of radish, spinach, celery, parsley and dill, 200 ml orange juice.
  • Afternoon snack: handful walnuts.
  • Dinner: 250 g of bean porridge, a small piece of nut marshmallow, 200 ml of fresh berry juice.

Menu for beginners for 2 weeks

Very important has a menu for beginners, because most people refuse a raw food diet only because they were unable to switch to it correctly. Here main principle- gradualism. You can't eat for 30 years fried meat and hot soups, and from tomorrow start eating everything raw.

The transition should be stepwise. On average, it takes 2-3 weeks. This can be seen from the proposed menu, detailed in detail for these 2 weeks by day:

  • first, you give up meat and fish and eat raw food for dinner;
  • in the second, remove dairy products and eggs, include non-thermally processed foods for breakfast;
  • the third week is not scheduled, because it already assumes a complete transition to traditional menu within the framework of a raw food diet (an example will be given below).

For muscle gain

Don't believe the myths that when eating raw food, muscle gain suffers due to lack of protein. It is also found in plant foods, so when preparing correct menu such a problem will not arise.

You can focus on the following diagram nutrition for one day of a bodybuilder - developed by specialists and successfully tested in practice:

  • in the morning, half an hour before breakfast: 200 ml of raw water;
  • first breakfast: 200 ml lemon-orange juice;
  • charger;
  • after 15 min: 250 g green soup, 200 ml apple smoothie;
  • strength training (in an hour);
  • immediately after training: 200 ml banana-mango smoothie;
  • lunch: 250 g green soup, 200 ml pineapple smoothie;
  • afternoon snack: 250 g of green soup, 200 ml of banana and papaya smoothie;
  • dinner: 1 avocado, 250 g green salad, 200 ml tomato smoothie.

If there are not enough calories, on days when there are no workouts, you can eat an additional 500 g of watermelon or grapes.

For weight loss

If you plan to constantly adhere to a raw food diet, then this menu is of no use to you - it is better to turn to the traditional one. This nutritional plan is offered by nutritionists to those who want to go on such a diet for a week and then return to their normal diet.

Unlike the classic raw food menu, portion sizes are limited for weight loss, and only one dish is offered for lunch instead of two. In addition, nutritionists do not recommend using sweet fruits like bananas and grapes here, not consuming dried fruits and nuts, and excluding corn.

The result under strict restrictions is minus 3 kg per week.

Calcium-rich menu for the day

  1. Breakfast: green smoothie, which must include basil, parsley and dill.
  2. Lunch: a handful of almonds.
  3. Lunch: chickpea hummus, carrot salad (or), but always with garlic. Green cocktail (parsley and dill are constant ingredients).
  4. Afternoon snack: a mixture of ground poppy seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.
  5. Dinner: salad of young nettle and dandelion leaves.

Menu with recipes for the day

A sample menu for one day with recipes will show you how varied and tasty dishes on a raw food diet can be. If you eat normally, you probably haven’t even heard of them.

Breakfast: green shake


  • 2 bananas;
  • 1 mango;
  • 1 peach;
  • 1 sour green apple;
  • 1 orange;
  • 50 g spinach;
  • 100 ml raw water;
  • 3 raspberries;
  • 3 mint leaves.


  1. Cut the fruits, peel and seeds into large pieces.
  2. Chop the spinach.
  3. Beat them together in a blender.
  4. Before serving, garnish with raspberries and mint.

Lunch: orange cream soup


  • 200 g of sprouted (or soaked) green buckwheat;
  • 200 ml raw water / cabbage brine;
  • undiluted juice of a third of a lemon;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • 5 sprigs of dill.


  1. Grate half a carrot.
  2. Chop the dill.
  3. Cut the other half of the carrots into large pieces, mix with buckwheat, add water / brine, lemon juice, add salt and pass this whole mass through a blender.
  4. Decorate the plate before serving grated carrots and chopped herbs.

Afternoon snack: green ice cream


  • 300 g avocado;
  • 50 ml undiluted lime juice;
  • 50 g lime zest;
  • sweetener;
  • a pinch of vanilla.


  1. Squeeze the juice from the lime and chop the zest.
  2. Peel the avocado and cut into pieces.
  3. Mix all ingredients and puree in a blender.
  4. Place in a container.
  5. Keep in the freezer for at least 12 hours.
  6. Serve in dessert plates in the form of balls.

Dinner: raw cabbage rolls


  • 6 leaves of young beet tops;
  • 100 g white cabbage;
  • 1 small zucchini;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 carrot;
  • half an onion;
  • half a bell pepper;
  • a handful of walnuts;
  • 15 g sunflower seeds;
  • 15 g;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 ml undiluted lemon juice;
  • 50 ml raw water;
  • a little olive oil;
  • a bunch of any greenery.


  1. Walnuts soak overnight in cold water, dry.
  2. Wash the beet tops and trim the ends. Dry.
  3. Pass pepper, cabbage, carrots, onion, and tomato through a blender into the minced meat.
  4. First grate the zucchini, then chop the resulting strips with a knife.
  5. Prepare a sauce from walnuts, flax and sunflower seeds, garlic, herbs, lemon juice, water, mixing all these ingredients in a blender.
  6. Mix vegetables and sauce. Season with oil.
  7. Wrap the filling in beet tops like cabbage rolls.

Menu in a raw food diet, in contrast to existing myths about its scarcity and imbalance, may include diverse and very delicious dishes. There is no shortage of recipes, there is no shortage necessary products This is also not observed in modern hypermarkets. Today even under New Year You can find fresh strawberries and all kinds of greens. You just have to try it to understand whether this is your power system or not.

Curiosity and the desire to be healthy and beautiful are the two main ones. driving forces for the person who is interested different systems nutrition. Today we will tell you what raw foodists eat, and what list of products is available to each of the followers of this non-standard, but popular approach to nutrition. The widespread desire to be closer to nature often comes upon people tired of city life, and starting with your own menu is one of the most logical steps.

This is why more and more people are becoming interested in a raw food diet, finding out what foods they can eat and switching to live food.

Living food is a favorite name among raw foodists. It clearly emphasizes their main principle - to use ONLY RAW PRODUCTS for food, i.e. thermally untreated.

Therefore, any direction within the raw food diet completely excludes the consumption of many dishes that are familiar to us every day. And all because we constantly heat our food.

What do raw foodists eat?

An ordinary cook is, first of all, a cook who has perfectly mastered all the secrets of cooking, baking, stewing and frying.

While a raw foodist is the exact opposite of traditional cooking. The raw foodist excluded from his diet any food that was heated above 35-40 degrees. In addition, a raw foodist initially tries not to complicate the recipe with many components.

This approach is based on the belief that heating foods above 40 degrees destroys enzymes.

Enzymes are special active substances, which are contained in products and contribute to the high-quality digestion of this food in the human gastrointestinal tract.

When enzymes are destroyed during heat treatment, food ceases to be easily digestible. Some vitamins and other beneficial nutrients are also destroyed, thereby reducing the nutritional value of the food.

To top it off unpleasant consequences high temperatures, we must not forget about the emergence of new harmful compounds in processed food, for example, trans fats, dioxin and various carcinogens.

As a result, it is created additional load on the human body, because it gastrointestinal tract must itself produce enzymes for high-quality and safe digestion of cooked dishes.

Where the load on digestion is greater, the process itself is more difficult. It means that useful material are absorbed much worse. And at the same time, the cleansing of metabolic residues (toxins) occurs less effectively.

As a result, according to raw foodists, boiled food causes daily harm to all systems of the body, because building material and useful components- less, and pollution - more.

And only switching to a raw food diet can help a person smoothly restore his body, returning it to high level health.

Moreover! Getting acquainted with the lists of products for raw foodists, we constantly come across the thesis that a raw food diet is the only universal method for recovery from civilization-killing diseases.

It also attracts attention that food for raw foodists restores the beauty of the skin and makes it easy to achieve ideal weight, strong immunity and good spirits.

Agree, with such promises it is difficult to resist delving into the system in all its details.

Raw food diet: list of foods you can eat

A generalized list of products for raw foodists includes the following items:

  • Fresh fruits(preferably organic): apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, quinces, persimmons, wrens, ripe bananas, citrus fruits, avocados, coconut, pineapple, watermelons and melons (only in season);
  • Fresh vegetables: all types of cabbage, carrots, beets, celery, Jerusalem artichoke, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, radishes;

  • Fresh berries: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, red and black currants, etc.;
  • Fresh herbs(all types of lettuce leaves, parsley, dill, celery, cilantro, etc.);
  • Raw mushrooms: views of your own lane, from unpolluted areas, far from roads;
  • Raw seeds and nuts- walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, Azerbaijani peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios (without drying in the oven or frying in a frying pan, you can pre-soak them in water at room temperature);
  • Sprouted seeds(wheat, rye, flax, naked rice, buckwheat, sunflower, corn, oats, mung bean, lentils);
  • Green buckwheat and some legumes: chickpeas, mung beans, peas, lentils (soaked in water at room temperature for 8-12 hours);
  • Dried fruits(no chemicals, no drying in high-temperature ovens. Naturally dried is best);
  • Seaweed: seaweed– these are 20 amino acids, fats, vitamins, minerals and polysaccharides. Soak the dry and salted ones in water for 2 hours and rinse well in running water;
  • Honey and pollen;
  • Seasonings;
  • Sweeteners(natural only);
  • Vegetable oils– unrefined, cold-pressed only. For example, sesame ( great source calcium!). Olive, pumpkin seeds and peanut is the most harmonious combination of omega fatty acids. And a variety of other useful oils - cedar, walnut, mustard, etc.

In addition to the list of raw food products, one of the narrow areas uses the compatibility table proposed by Shelton for any human food.

The main secret of success for beginner raw foodists

A good understanding of the essence of the system is extremely important: raw foodists eat only raw and live food. And this means that the list of products should contain not only raw, but also environmentally friendly food - without chemicals, GMOs and mold.

If we take a closer look at what raw foodists can eat, we will rightly note the sufficient variety and high nutritional value allowed food.

The list also includes protein products, but the lack of proteins is the first thing that confuses all people who are interested for the first time in what raw foodists eat.

Let's mark the positions where there are quite a few proteins. The permitted list for a raw food diet includes seaweed, nuts, seeds, sprouts and legumes.

However, many followers are afraid that their diet will be critically depleted of proteins. Therefore, in addition to listed products On a raw food diet, they also eat dairy products, considering them the least dangerous of the classically forbidden ones.

On this path, various methods of preserving the epithet “alive” for food are used, for example, the use of natural starter cultures for milk and.

Of course, for any strict raw foodist, banal pasteurization of milk is already a prohibited procedure. But it’s hard to blame novice followers for not being ready to dramatically change their diet, especially since in any case this will require long-term adaptation.

It is no coincidence that there are many people who implement a raw food diet as a moderate or temporary system. Most often this happens for the purpose of periodic healing, weight loss, detoxification or rejuvenation. We discuss all the benefits of a raw food diet in detail in the article “Raw food diet: pros and cons.”

Concluding the story of what raw foodists eat, we hope that you will once again return to the specified list of products to evaluate its applicability in your diet.

It only takes small steps to reap the many benefits of this system. For example, every day for breakfast there is a salad of raw vegetables, seasoned with cold-pressed vegetable oil.
And if you regularly add sprouts of the most unpretentious grains to sprout (wheat, lentils, oats and mung bean) to your salads, you will significantly enrich your diet with healthy nutrients.

Not all raw foodists eat the same thing. There are several directions in the raw food diet, and each has its own rules regarding foods allowed for consumption. But all raw foodists have one thing in common: food nutrition when cooking, they should not be heated above 35 o (maximum - 40 o). This requirement is due to the fact that with more high temperatures are destroyed in food protein enzymes– enzymes necessary to maintain immunity and for the proper functioning of all body systems.

Thus, all dishes from boiled, stewed, fried, steamed foods are not “live food” and are prohibited in all systems raw food diet.

By the way, not all products are allowed to be heated to 35-40 o, but only some - those that do not lose their useful qualities(for example, carrots, cabbage).

What can a raw foodist eat?

Not alone raw vegetables and fruits, as many people mistakenly believe, but also many other living foods. The list below includes foods that are allowed by almost all raw food diet systems:
  • Leafy greens: lettuce of all kinds, spinach, dill, parsley, chard, tarragon, lovage, basil, mustard greens, arugula, dandelion and young nettle leaves, quinoa, wild garlic and other wild edible herbs.
  • Fruits and vegetables grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and, of course, not genetically modified; they can be consumed both fresh and dried (dried in the sun or in the oven, not exceeding t o +40 o).
  • Berries - garden and forest, fresh or dried.
  • Nuts (including coconut), oilseeds (for example, sunflower, rapeseed, pumpkin, sesame, flax, etc.), sprouted grains (wheat, buckwheat, lentils, chickpeas), legumes (including raw cocoa beans) .
  • Seaweed.
  • Dried spices.
  • Vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, mustard, sesame, etc.) cold pressed.

You can drink it neat raw water(spring or rain). Mineral water is prohibited.

From this set of products, raw foodists prepare a surprisingly diverse range of dishes. For example, bread is made from dried seeds; from nuts - a drink like milk and cheeses; Smoothies (thick drinks) and cocktails are prepared based on fruits and herbs; herbal teas insist on cool or slightly warmed water. Sugar is replaced with honey, as well as syrups from sweet plants - stevia, Jerusalem artichoke and agave. From dried fruits, nuts, oatmeal And various seeds prepare sweet bars.

Types of raw food diet. Permitted and prohibited products

There are five main directions in the raw food diet:
  • Omnivore;
  • Carnivorous;
  • Vegetarian;
  • Vegan;
  • Fruitarianism.
Raw food omnivore
Almost any product of both plant and animal origin is considered permitted; including meat, fish, eggs, milk, seafood. They are consumed raw or dried.

Raw food carnivore(otherwise - raw meat diet)
This type of raw food diet differs from an omnivore in that most of the diet consists of raw animal products, and fruits, vegetables and other plant foods are kept to a minimum.

Vegetable oils, grains and legumes, and dairy products are considered prohibited.

Raw vegetarian diet
Differs from the usual vegetarian diet by consuming thermally unprocessed food.

Allowed following products: vegetables and fruits; legumes; cereals; milk and dairy products; eggs; leafy greens; edible herbs and roots.

Meat and fish are prohibited.

Raw vegan diet
Allowed exclusively herbal products, including sprouted raw cereals.

All animal products are prohibited.

Allowed only fresh fruits and berries.

In addition to animal food, vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, radishes, etc.), and cereals are prohibited.

Raw foodists of the first four directions do not prohibit, but limit the intake of onions, garlic and regular salt: these products are considered medicinal. Also considered limitedly permitted are yogurt, Apple vinegar and sauerkraut.

Very often, people who first learned about the raw food diet want to get more information about this food system. They do not turn to specialized literature for answers to questions about the raw food diet, but read reviews on forums and blogs.

The further development of events is predictable, weighing everything pros and cons of raw food diet, most often the disadvantages outweigh. Why? The answer is simple. People tried to become raw foodists, harmed themselves, and now they warn others about the harm.

But, if you look thoroughly, then "woe raw foodists" did not have even the real one representationabout raw food diet. People often think that by switching to new system nutrition - raw food diet, they are not neededrules for eating raw foods. Without regard to the rules the right combination products, you can greatly disrupt the functioning of your body for the worse. For raw foodists there are also certain rules in food. If you will them know and apply in practice, then this pledge your his feeling great.

After constantly eating only raw foods, the first sensations in the stomach are not very pleasant.

Stomach is full, but familiar no gravity. This is because the products have begun the cleansing process of your body. Slags and toxins come out quickly, which is also not usual, but sometimes it's unpleasant. Many beginner raw foodists are not ready for this.

What to do? You start actively to mix raw foods in the wrong proportions. This is a common error for all newbies raw foodists. Habitual satiety advancing T only after mixing for one intake of seeds, fruits, nuts, vegetables. But in reality it is coming slowdown process digestion, foods stop being digested, and as a result of such satiety, putrefactive processes begin.

What happens next? Eating every day you How true raw foodist, but inside you it's still putrefactive processes occur, and as a result - deterioration of well-being, increased craving for a traditional diet.

All the benefits raw food diet can be felt if you know certain rules for combining raw foods, and apply the necessary sequence in the process of their use.

Basic food combination rules for raw foodists.

First rule

So that food does not rot or ferment inside us, but is properly digested, never don't mixsugar and fat. Sugar does not mean the white bits that many people put in coffee, but the natural sugar found in all fruits. Fats for raw foodists are different nuts, coconut and avocado. The following products must not be mixed:

  • dates with nuts;
  • fruit with coconut;
  • dried fruits with avocado;
  • sweet fruits with avocado;

The above combinations of products cause fermentation processes in the body.

Second rule

Various raw foods are completely digested only under the action of specific enzymes. If you mix wrong products, then by this action slow down processes digestionand food absorption. The fact is that enzymes can neutralize each other.

Do not mix in the diet starch and acids. Starch refers to boiled potatoes, bananas and bread. By acid we mean sour things: tomatoes, lemons, oranges, etc. It is not recommended to combine the following products:

  • oranges and bananas;
  • tomatoes and potatoes;
  • tomatoes and bread;

Third rule

It has been proven that when combining products of the same composition, one’s own digestion and their further absorption worsen. Categorically forbidden for raw foodists mix differenttypes of fats. For example: eat salads based on various nuts with the addition of nuts seasoned with vegetable oil.

Fats are hard food for the stomach. Mixing fats in various proportions - swipe according to the digestive system of a raw foodist.

Never mix:

  • coconut and avocado;
  • avocado and nuts;
  • nuts and vegetable oil;
  • coconut and nuts;

Ideally, each product is eaten separately. But, on early stages It’s still difficult to do this on a raw food diet. Concerning dried fruits, then theirs are better do not mix with fruit, and use separately.

Most best combination greens and fruits observed in green smoothies. Green smoothies are the most best food raw food diet, especially in the first stages of transition to a raw food diet.

Raw foodists have a certain principle of consistency in food consumption.

The essence of the principle: from liquid foods to solid foods.

For example, at first are used juicy products(fruit juices, melon, pear) and less juicy products (vegetables). Then come the dense ones(avocado) and very hard products - seeds and nuts.

Should remember what's best on the menu include sour fruits first. change places allowed vegetables and nuts, since vegetables do not cause the fermentation process. Following the above principle of the sequence of food consumption, it is possible to eat even those foods that are incompatible during the day. Main, to in the stomach they were layers and in a certain sequence.

The incorrect sequence is:

  • nuts, then fruits;
  • nuts, then starch;
  • starch, then fruit;
  • starch, then sour fruits;
  • bananas, then sour fruits;
  • dried fruits, then fruits.


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