Professional toothbrushes: review of models, comparison and reviews. Dentistry

Again about toothbrushes October 11th, 2013

The most expensive part of a toothbrush is the bristles. Nowadays, toothbrushes with natural bristles are practically not produced (except for freaks and hipsters), and the reason for this is low hygiene and short term service of this very stubble. Unlike artificial fiber, natural bristles have a channel inside them and under a microscope they look like noodles. Plaque and bacteria very quickly get into this very canal - and, as a result, the toothbrush itself becomes a breeding ground for germs. And it smells terrible at the same time.

Therefore, in the manufacture of modern toothbrushes, artificial bristles are used. She is expensive. The thinner it is (and the less it injures the teeth and mucous membrane), the more it is required per brush, the more expensive it is. Therefore, the most expensive toothbrushes are soft and ultra-soft, with big amount bristles.

All sorts of silicone inserts, moving surfaces and other nonsense, of course, look beautiful and nanotechnological, but in reality they only reduce the effectiveness of the toothbrush. And allows you to save expensive bristles. Glory to the robots! marketers.

There are three common misconceptions associated with toothbrushes:

1. Natural bristles are better- I already wrote about this.

2. The larger the toothbrush head- the more effective it is. In fact, everything is different - than smaller head toothbrush, the more effective it is, since it can clean even the most difficult to reach places. Some people cannot clean certain segments (for example, distant areas of the upper dentition) at all due to a pronounced gag reflex. From here - .
The coolest ones for hygiene are the so-called. Mono-tuft toothbrushes:

Of course, to properly brush your teeth with such a brush, it takes not 3 minutes, but ten, but you can use it without toothpaste. Well, the quality of oral hygiene is an order of magnitude higher than when using a regular toothbrush.

3. Miswak or rowan sprig. Some freaks seriously believe that for brushing teeth better means you can't imagine. I agree, in the absence of access to normal toothbrushes (for example, on a hike, expedition, space, on other planets), the presence of at least some kind of hygiene is better than its absence, but let’s not forget that dental status modern patients many times better than, say, in patients of the century before last, when the bulk of the people used miswak or rowan. This is a credit modern methods hygiene, including toothbrushes.

Now about efficiency. Here, most of you answered absolutely correctly - a standard-shaped brush with a large number of bristles is more effective. For some (who accused me of almost medical error due to an incorrect question) I will clarify that it is more effective in a normal situation for daily hygiene oral cavity. For patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, after surgical operations who have dentures, etc., the oral hygiene regimen is developed individually, based on the clinical situation.

And finally, the most important thing:

Friends, the quality of oral hygiene is determined primarily by the technique (manual skills) of brushing your teeth. No, even the most sophisticated toothbrush will cope with plaque if you brush only the two front teeth and only for ten seconds. Well, toothpaste has no significance at all for oral hygiene.

Let's remember a few rules:

1. The fewer bells and whistles in a toothbrush, the better. It should be comfortable, with plenty of bristles. And under no circumstances should its size resemble a shoe brush or a toilet brush.

2. We improve our teeth brushing technique, rather than searching for it. simple solutions, buying laser-guided toothbrushes with multiple warheads.

3. Choose any toothpaste, which one you like. Absolutely any.

4. We take the miswak to the museum, and we take the words of some leaders about the effectiveness of wooden twigs for cleaning teeth as a joke.

And, of course, don't forget

It would seem to choose electric or conventional toothbrush maybe most people, but not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Today in the article we will talk about how to do it correctly, what are the nuances of choice and what you should pay attention to so that brushing your teeth does not cause discomfort.

Unfortunately, many people do not pay attention to the selection of brushes. of great importance. This problem stems both from the mind-boggling amount of this product on the market, and from the reluctance of the average buyer to be interested in the differences between them and new products in the field of dental care.

Types of toothbrushes

Toothbrushes now come in many types and varieties. They are classified mainly by their operating principle:

  1. Conventional or traditional - the most common and cheapest tools for oral hygiene, respectively, the most popular in the world. In turn, ordinary toothbrushes are divided according to the degree of hardness into:
  • hard and very hard;
  • medium hardness;
  • soft and very soft.
  1. Electric ones are rapidly gaining popularity, despite the significant price difference compared to conventional ones. The operating principle is the automatic movement of the brush head in different directions. At the same time, it is worth noting the huge selection of such brushes, in which an inexperienced buyer can simply get confused, this is due to the fact that the process of improvements and progress in the production of this product is extremely rapid.
  2. Ultrasonic – the most technologically advanced toothbrushes, including many developments modern dentistry. The principle of operation is to produce sound waves that clean teeth more effectively. Naturally, the prices for such brushes are very high (on average 2500-8000 rubles), however, for example, in Japan they are rapidly replacing even electric ones.

How to choose a brush? Nuances of choice

If you want a budget option, then obviously a regular toothbrush will suit you, the main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing the degree of its hardness. So, for children and people with extremely sensitive gums, only soft toothbrushes will be most suitable.

Brushes of medium hardness are suitable for virtually the majority of the population, but as for hard and very hard brushes, they are suitable for cleaning dentures, etc.

It is worth noting that the choice is not limited only to rigidity; they are also distinguished by the types and number of tufts of bristles. There are mono-tuft toothbrushes, which, due to the peculiarities of their structure, are able to penetrate into any point oral cavity, which has a better effect on the quality of dental care and is considered an advantage over others.

The disadvantage of conventional brushes is that they have a fairly limited range of motion, which significantly reduces their effectiveness, but this is compensated by their relatively low price.

Toothbrush rating: which one is better?

As for electric brushes, Oral-B also occupies a leading position, but has several serious competitors: Braun, Philips and others. It is worth noting that these brands are distinguished by quality, but the price indicators are significantly higher than in Oral-B.

Advantages and disadvantages of an electric toothbrush

Like any other type of toothbrush, electric ones have a number of pros and cons. The advantages can safely be called:

  • more convenient and high-quality teeth cleaning compared to conventional brushes;
  • saving effort and time, because the bristles on the brush head are driven by its mechanism and perform movements independently and efficiently;
  • reduce the likelihood of disease not only of teeth, but also of gums, due to the principle of action.

The disadvantages come primarily from the fact that it is quite complex mechanism, which embodies all the achievements of modern dentistry:

  • price;
  • difficulty in maintenance, because the attachments need to be changed regularly (every three months) and at the same time look for those that are suitable specifically for your model;
  • accuracy in use, because this is a rather complex mechanism that requires appropriate treatment.

How to choose an electric brush for an adult?

For an adult, the most important factors when choosing an electric toothbrush are the shape of its head and the movement of the bristles on it. It is best to choose a brush with a round, small head, which should make it easier for you to access all areas of the oral cavity.

The frequency and nature of the movement of the bristles is also important factor, on which the quality of cleaning your teeth depends. The brush must have various kinds movements: pulsating, progressive, circular.

Such characteristics will significantly increase the effectiveness of preventing dental diseases and will bring more benefits to your teeth. Based on this, try to choose a brush from the most wide range movements.

The presence of additional features (for example, a timer) should not be decisive. Often, buyers opt for a more “sophisticated” toothbrush, sacrificing more important characteristics: cleaning efficiency, safety and ease of use and care.

Video: “Everything will be fine” – choosing a toothbrush

How to choose an electric brush for your child?

When choosing electric brushes for children, there are some characteristic features.

  • for example, a children's brush should be softer and indicate the age of the child at which it can be used.
  • It is highly not recommended to buy such brushes outside of specialized sales outlets, without the advice of a dentist, because the future health of your child and his oral cavity depends on this choice;
  • You should take a particularly close look at the materials from which the toothbrush is made, whether it has all the necessary certificates, whether it has undergone laboratory tests in the country in which it is sold;
  • Also, the type of children's toothbrush and its shape should help children develop the habit of brushing their teeth, should not scare the child away, and the bristles should be nylon (silicone is also suitable).

Unfortunately, in lately There has been a significant increase in cases where brushes made from extremely low-quality, untested materials caused serious harm to the users’ oral cavity. In the case of children, this danger is many times higher than with adults, because children's gums and teeth are much more sensitive.

We hope that now you will not have any difficulties when choosing this product for oral hygiene. If you still have some additional questions that we did not mention in the article, feel free to ask them in the comments and expect a response as soon as possible.

The effectiveness of cleaning the oral cavity can be reduced to a minimum by an incorrectly selected brush. Therefore, the use and selection of this tool should be taken extremely seriously.

The importance of using brushes

The health and beauty of your teeth directly depends on how high-quality the instrument you use. Enamel, protecting their hard tissue, without necessary care begins to lose strength and collapse, which leads to the development of carious formations. Besides, it's too hard brush can damage the gums and leave microtraumas. Selected with current state In the oral cavity, the instrument will allow you to most effectively remove food debris from the interdental space, protecting delicate mucous tissues.

What types of brushes are there?

The most important parameter for classifying toothbrushes is the stiffness of the bristles, from the point of view of which it (the brush) can be:

  • hard;
  • average;
  • soft.

The material used to make the bristles is of great importance. There is a small cavity inside the natural bristles, due to which they absorb moisture and promote the proliferation of harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity. Also, devices made from natural materials quickly become unusable due to brittleness and abrasion of the bristles. Ideal choice will become an instrument made of synthetic fibers (usually nylon).

Toothbrushes are made with cleaning heads different sizes and shapes. Products with rounded and rounded corners are considered less traumatic for the mucous membrane.

The cleanliness of the tooth surface depends on the width of the head. Its length is usually no more than 30 mm. Small size allows the brush not to injure the teeth or mucous membranes of the opposite side of the mouth during cleaning.

The area of ​​the brush head affects the number of tufts of bristles located on it:

  • instruments for adults have from 47 to 55 tufts;
  • There are 23 tufts on children's brushes;
  • devices for teenagers are produced with 39 beams.

Mono-beam products are also worth mentioning. With just one beam, they help maintain the cleanliness of the oral cavity with orthodontic systems and irregularities in the dentition.

Depending on the cleaning method, there are manual (mechanical or conventional) brushes and electric ones.

Mechanical brush: features and selection rules

The simplest and most common tool for oral hygiene. It is distinguished by its reasonable cost and the absence of the need to select components and attachments.

When choosing such a brush, you should pay attention to the degree of stiffness of the bristles (it is always indicated on the packaging). The type of bristles is selected based on individual characteristics a person, the main ones being his age and the presence of dental/gum diseases. So, hard brushes should be used when advanced education plaque, dentures, smoking or excessive consumption coffee. It is recommended to choose them only after talking with your doctor. Tools with soft bristles will be needed by young children, people with sensitive enamel, and the elderly. Medium hardness is the most popular because it is suitable for teenagers and adults who do not have significant problems with the oral cavity.

Depending on the age, you need to pay attention to the size of the product (both the handle and the cleaning head). For young children, instruments are produced in bright colors.

Mechanical toothbrushes also include orthodontic toothbrushes. They are designed specifically for those people who wear or dentures. There are three types of such instruments.

  1. With V-shaped bristles. The bristles, located in the middle in the longitudinal direction, are made very short - in the shape of the letter V. This allows you to better clean both the braces and those areas of the teeth that they block.
  2. With L-shaped bristles. The brush is a handle bent in the shape of the letter “L” with a small bunch of thin bristles at the tip. This design helps to effectively clean areas around orthodontic systems.
  3. Cleaner brushes. Helps remove food particles under the arch of braces.

These devices can only be found in specialized stores.

Before purchasing a toothbrush, you should talk to your dentist. Instruments that are too soft may not sufficiently clean the enamel, while instruments that are too hard may cause microtrauma and irritate the mucous membrane. Only a specialist will give accurate recommendations regarding your teeth specifically.

Electric toothbrushes: types and differences

Electric toothbrushes have a small motor in their design that automatically rotates the bristles while cleaning the oral cavity. These products operate on AA batteries or rechargeable batteries. Each variety has its own differences.

Table. Types of electric toothbrushes based on power supply.

Nutrition methodFlawsAdvantages

Many components that require extra space(stand, power adapter, brush itself). Expensiveness of the product.The presence of an adapter that allows you to recharge the battery yourself and does not require any expenses. A large number of options and modes. The ability to combine rotational and pulsating movements of the bristles, providing the most effective cleansing.

The need to periodically change the power supply (battery). There is no possibility of changing the nozzle. Modest number of options. Low cleaning efficiency.Light weight of the device. Simple system changing the battery. Reasonable price.

The main advantage of such brushes in comparison with mechanical ones is the effectiveness of cleaning the surface of the teeth. For example, ultrasonic models are capable of performing up to 60 thousand scrolls in a couple of minutes. The same number of movements can be done with a regular brush in only half an hour.

Electric tools have several other benefits.

  1. Are different high level safety, which can be suitable for cleansing sensitive enamel, gums, as well as veneers and braces.
  2. They have a wide range of options - pressure indicator, backlight, programmed shutdown system, head replacement timer and others.
  3. They have different technologies (rotational or sonic) and operating modes (cleaning the surface of the tongue, gentle, whitening enamel, massaging and others).
  4. They can really effectively remove plaque.

Depending on the speed at which the bristles move, electrical devices are divided into ultrasonic, sonic and standard.

Standard tools are considered budget option, because they cannot cope with plaque as effectively as sound ones. They usually have minimal amount nozzles and do not differ in a variety of cleaning modes. The most common options are capable of performing up to 18 thousand spins in 2 minutes.

Sound products can perform many times more vibrating movements in 1 minute. With help sound wave They penetrate the upper layers of the gums to a distance of up to 5 mm, due to which plaque is eliminated even from invisible areas of the teeth. Sonic brushes are often recommended for use by people with oral health conditions who are not suitable for ultrasonic instruments.

Ultrasonic brushes are the most expensive of all those described. In technological terms, they are a complex device that removes stone and plaque without affecting the enamel. This effect is achieved through ultrasonic waves.

You can buy ultrasonic brushes only after consulting a doctor, since these instruments have a number of contraindications.

It is worth noting children's electric brushes for cleaning teeth. They have soft bristles that do not injure the oral cavity, are lightweight and have an interesting design for kids. Such a tool performs its functions of cleaning teeth in a veiled manner, in the form of a game. Light vibration, lighting and catchy design allow you to turn unloved hygiene procedures into an interesting adventure. Some models can be cleaned without using paste. There are devices with ceramic bristles that produce negative ions and preventing the appearance of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Table. Advantages and disadvantages different types electric toothbrushes.

Type of electric toothbrushMinusespros

Enough high price products.Reduces the number of harmful microorganisms even in areas inaccessible to cleaning with an irrigator. Effective destruction of pigment plaque ultrasonic waves. Maximum frequency of rotational movements.

High price compared to standard brushes. Low frequency of bristle movements compared to ultrasonic instruments.Safe for use on fillings, veneers, braces, sensitive gums and areas with damaged enamel. Provides a dynamic influx of liquid penetrating into hard-to-reach areas. Impact sound vibrations helps reduce the number of bacteria on the surface of the teeth.

Risk of damaging the mucous membrane if used carelessly. Low efficiency cleaning enamel.Modest price. The ability to alternate circular and pulsating (down-up) movements.

In order not to get lost in front of the variety of electronic brushes, it is enough to follow a few simple recommendations.

There are a number of contraindications to using this type of brush. The most important of them are white pigmented spots on the surface of the teeth, high abrasion of enamel, the presence wedge-shaped defects on the necks of teeth, as well as inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Rating of popular toothbrushes

Having identified with the help of a specialist the problems in the oral cavity that require attention, it is time to take care of choosing an effective cleaning tool. Many well-known manufacturers (and others) will surprise you with the variety of brush models and their modifications.

What care does a toothbrush require?

In addition to the characteristics of the brush, it is important to monitor its storage conditions. Classic way- a corresponding glass near the sink. However, such conditions do not ensure long service life of the product and preservation of hygienic properties. This especially applies to tools that are stored in a cup along with the brushes of other family members. In this case harmful microorganisms easily move from the bristles of one product to the bristles of another.

Most favorable conditions creates the use of a special holder for brushes. They fix the dental care instrument in a suspended state, due to which it occurs maximum ventilation. This is detrimental to bacteria and prevents their penetration from one device to another.

Do not forget that after cleaning the bristles must be thoroughly rinsed with water and dried.

For those who travel frequently and take the brush with them, it is necessary to purchase a case that will protect it during the trip and keep it clean.

Video - Review of the best models of ultrasonic toothbrushes

For every person, a toothbrush is an object that is used when carrying out hygiene procedures. Everyone remembers well the need for daily brushing of teeth and periodic replacement of this personal hygiene item, but not everyone knows what a toothbrush should be like. We will now talk about which toothbrush to choose so as not to harm your gums and teeth, and also not to provoke the formation of oral diseases.

Nowadays on store shelves and pharmacy kiosks You can find a large number of different toothbrushes, each of which has its own specific features. May occur:

  1. A mechanical or in other words a regular toothbrush is the most popular and is in high demand among the population. This is explained by the fact that it is not so expensive, it can be changed often and selected to suit the characteristics of the teeth and gums.
  2. An electric toothbrush. It will save time and minimize the expenditure of effort when brushing your teeth. Besides positive thing is that such a brush thoroughly cleans the teeth and removes plaque, preventing the formation of stones on the teeth. Please note it may have various functions, which make it more convenient. The question of which electric toothbrush to choose for yourself is up to you.

A very good 3D brush, because it is characterized by movable bristles that effectively remove plaque even from hard-to-reach places, eliminate darkening of the enamel, which in turn makes teeth whiter.

An electric toothbrush can be equipped with a special timer that regulates the duration of cleaning not only the entire oral cavity, but also individual areas.

An electric toothbrush can also have special replaceable heads, for example with a dental floss effect. It easily penetrates into areas that are located between the teeth and where the bristles of a regular brush cannot reach. As a result, teeth cleaning will be more perfect and effective. This fact answers the question of which brush is better, electric or conventional.

Please note that despite the large number positive aspects It is necessary to remember that it can only be used by people who have healthy teeth and gums. In some people it may cause headache and nausea, such pathological symptoms appear in response to vibration.

  1. Ultrasonic. Its peculiarity is that teeth cleaning occurs at a distance. Such cleaning can be called non-contact, because it removes plaque and destroys pathogenic flora occurs at a distance of 5 mm. from the surface of the teeth. Positive properties what is also considered is that it provides therapeutic effect on the gums and eliminates inflammatory processes in them. Brushing your teeth with this brush does not require the use of toothpaste. There are several manufacturers that improve ultrasonic brushes with additional attachments to remove hard plaque and whiten tooth enamel.

The only negative side is their high price. Please note that you are only allowed to use this type of oral hygiene products three times every seven days. An important point What requires attention is that the use of such brushes is prohibited for persons with implants and braces, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the heart muscle.

  1. Orthodontic. Designed specifically for those people who wear braces, it is considered mechanical, but it has a special groove made for structures that are localized on the surface of the teeth. It is almost impossible to find it on pharmacy shelves and in stores, this is explained by the fact that it is made to order and has a high pricing policy.
  2. Ionic. By appearance practically no different from a regular brush with even bristles, the only difference is that the handle body includes a rod made of titanium dioxide. When pressing on the metal plate located on outer surface The handles create a flow of negatively charged ions, which are endowed with the ability to attract positively charged ions of dental plaque. It allows you to recover faster and more intensively acid-base balance in the oral cavity and activate positive influence toothpaste.

Characteristics of brushes by degree of hardness

Depending on their hardness, toothbrushes are classified into:

  1. Very soft – intended for children and people suffering from inflammatory diseases gums or not carious lesions enamels. In any case, when choosing an item for oral hygiene of this type, you must consult a dentist.
  2. Soft. Dentists recommend using them for patients with a tendency to bleeding, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as persons with a history of such illness as diabetes. It is these conditions that require thorough and at the same time gentle cleaning.
  3. Medium hardness. They can only be used by adults who do not have problems with the condition of their teeth and gums.
  4. Hard - considered an option for individuals who are overly addicted to smoking and drinking coffee. Please note that only those people who have strong enamel and healthy gums can choose them.
  5. Very hard, which are recommended for use by individuals suffering from excessive plaque on their teeth or who have orthopedic or orthodontic structures.

Characteristics of brushes depending on the location of the bristles

Over time, items intended for oral hygiene have been improved and now their production uses bristles of varying hardness, which are collected in bunches and arranged in rows. Depending on how the bristles are arranged, toothbrushes are:

  • single-level;
  • two-level;
  • three-level;
  • multi-level.

In brushes good quality the bundles are placed parallel or at an angle to each other, depending on this, oral hygiene products are divided into:

  • treatment and prophylactic;
  • hygienic;
  • special.

Hygienic - equipped with bristles of the same length, which are arranged in parallel. Brushes of this type are used extremely rarely, because they are characterized by poor cleaning of the tooth surface.

On therapeutic and prophylactic brushes there are multi-level bristles, those that are long, clean hard-to-reach places between the teeth, short chewing surfaces, and soft bristles, which are located obliquely, clean the areas where the teeth meet the gums. The surface on which the tufts of bristles are localized may additionally have various inserts made of rubber; they massage the gums and polish the tooth enamel. Nowadays, these brushes are considered the most popular and most often used.

Special ones are usually single-beam or small-beam, they are considered the option of choice for cleaning teeth with uneven surfaces, orthopedic structures and implants.

Nuances to pay attention to when choosing a toothbrush

When choosing a brush special attention requires:

  1. The length of the working part should be at least 2-2.5 cm, this is the size that will allow you to grab several teeth when brushing. This allows for thorough cleaning of teeth that belong to the chewing group.
  2. Head and its working part. This part should have a rounded shape, this is what will prevent injury to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. On back side the working part should have inequalities (roughness) that will provide the opportunity to cleanse the mucous membrane of pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. The area where the head and handle connect. In the case of a movable connection, the pressure on the areas of localization of soft and hard tissues is regulated, which in turn minimizes the risk of injury to these areas.
  4. Pen. It is necessary that it be thick and have inserts made of rubber on its surface; this will give additional convenience when using the brush and prevent it from slipping.

Features of care

First of all, you need to remember to regularly replace your toothbrush and keep it clean. However, not all people know how to properly care for this personal hygiene item. Care is very simple, all you need to do is wash it periodically using regular soap and water. If possible, you can use a special sterilizer, but even its use does not eliminate the need for periodic replacement.

It is not recommended to use the same oral hygiene item after past diseases viral or infectious nature(for example, after pharyngitis, stomatitis, flu, sore throat), it must be replaced with a new one.

So you have learned about what types of brushes there are and what you need to pay attention to when purchasing them.

To summarize, I would like to say that there is no categorical answer to the question of which toothbrush is better, because it is selected individually for each person, depending on the characteristics of his teeth, the condition of his gums and financial capabilities.



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