What do the pimples on the head mean? Why do small red pimples appear on the head?

The formation of red pimples on the head of the penis frightens many men, since you can never know for sure what causes it. Most often, red pimples appear when there is a certain type of infections in the body, which affects the genital tract and causes inflammatory processes.

Main reasons penetration of infection into the genitals are:

  • Unprotected sex with a sick partner, while the partner may not know about his situation;
  • Household ways(bed linen, towels, clothes that are shared with the patient);
  • Diseases such as are transmitted by contact of mucous membranes shells (kiss);
  • Dirty hands, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

Well, the factors that provoke This symptom is very common:

  • Infectious diseases;
  • Fungus;
  • Inflammatory processes of the genital organs ();
  • Dermatitis;
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea);
  • Oncology.

Red pimples on the head may appear as a result of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. With a weakened immune system, bacteria that enter the body create a pathogenic environment that harms the body. Men may experience thrush, which causes slight redness of the head of the penis.

Why is it necessary to see a doctor?

If you see red pimples on the head, do not despair and become hysterical; you need to seek help from a specialist. Men, by nature, are not as concerned about their own health as women. This is why many diseases acquire spicy character are in disrepair. Self-medication in such cases is excluded, because it can not only be unproductive, but also lead to more serious consequences, because we are not talking about a cold, but about a vital male organ.

Mandatory and urgent inspection a doctor is needed in such cases:

  • If the rash does not go away on its own for more than 10 days;
  • You began to notice that the number of red pimples is gradually increasing;
  • When the tops of the pimples are filled with white bloody fluid;
  • If pimples burst and ulcers appear in their place.

What symptoms accompany the disease?

Pimples that have formed on the head of the penis may exist and not create discomfort for the patient. But in some cases there may be accompanying symptoms, such as:

It is worth remembering that accompanying symptoms cannot manifest at the initial and early stages of the disease. Their appearance indicates that the disease has already complications and requires immediate treatment.

Possible diseases

Candidiasis. Or as it is also called - male thrush. It's fungal infection, during which a small rash forms on the head of the penis, which is concentrated in certain areas, and plaque appears on the mucous membranes. In the initial stages, only small areas of redness are visible, and there is very little plaque, so it is very difficult to determine the disease. After some time, the plaque increases, it becomes harder, looks like grains and hardens on the head, and cannot be washed off with water.

Trichophytosis. This disease is better known as genital ringworm. lichen. This is a fungal disease that first affects the skin of the scrotum, and then spores are transferred to the head, forming red pimples of various shapes on it. Each pimple differs in size and shape; they are located in a circle in a spiral from the base to the tip of the head. The disease is accompanied by itching, and painful spots form at the sites of pimples. sores.

Genital herpes. The disease is caused by viruses that belong to the group herpes viruses. The lesion occurs in round, blistering blisters filled with blood fluid. After some time, the blisters burst, and cracks appear in their place, since the mucous membranes are overdried.

Human papillomavirus infection. This is one of the most common viruses that causes redness of the head of the penis. Like any papilloma, this disease is characterized by the spread of light red warts on the head of the penis. All warts have different shapes and sizes. They first appear on the pubis, and over time spread to the entire groin area, and also affect mucous tissue.

Syphilis. A sexually transmitted infectious disease that is transmitted by contact. A hard and dense red crust appears on the head of the penis, which disappears over time, and in its place an open wound appears. Such wounds appear one after another and can cover the entire body if treatment is not started in time. Syphilis is characterized by a rapid increase in body temperature.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Treatment of such infectious, viral and fungal diseases consists of drug and local therapy. As a rule, after diagnosing and establishing an accurate diagnosis, doctors appoint:

Naturally, this is not the entire list of procedures that are prescribed to the patient, depending on the disease and the stage of its development. Most of these diseases are quite difficult to treat, and some of them cannot be eliminated from the body at all.

The main way to protect yourself from such problems is through means of protection, contraceptives, which must be used while leading an active sex life. And, of course, you should take your health more seriously and undergo periodic examinations, because identifying the disease at an early stage gives you a better chance of a quick and complete recovery.

Any rash on the genitals is a serious cause for concern for every man. Pimples around the head of the penis are one of the most common rashes of this type. At the first appearance, it is necessary to immediately figure out what is the reason for their appearance, how to treat inflammation, and so on.

Depending on the specific type, pimples can be a common signal that something is wrong with the body. But such inflammation is also a symptom of certain already formed diseases. Including venereal diseases. You can find out more about the causes of acne on the genitals.

On the other hand, inflammation can be the cause of normal hormonal imbalance. Of course, it is very difficult to determine the cause of pimples on your own. If at all possible. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor at the first appearance. After a comprehensive examination, you will be prescribed treatment for this pathology. The specific methods and medications used vary depending on what caused them.

If the prerequisites for the occurrence of a rash are not serious, they will go away on their own within 10-15 days. This does not mean that you need to wait this time until the white spots on the head go away on their own. If they are a signal from the body about the development of a serious disease, during this time the pathology can reach a new level of development. This is already fraught with serious consequences. Therefore, contact specialists immediately.

What rashes around the head of the penis are considered normal?

You can determine that pimples on the penis are within the normal range yourself. Non-dangerous inflammations are presented in the form of small light nodules around the head of the penis. They are absolutely not felt by the wearer. No pain or itching bothers a person.

The reason for the appearance of such nodules is similar to the traditional cause of acne on the face in adolescents. The reason is the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. A large amount of secretion is released, which does not have time to be removed to lubricate the skin.

These white dots on the penis are absolutely safe if you:

  • don’t try to squeeze them out with your own hands;
  • do not pierce the tubercles to remove secretions;
  • maintain personal hygiene and wash your genitals daily;
  • avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • Do not use additional products to treat pimples without first consulting a specialist.

As a rule, this kind of inflammation gets better within 2 weeks. The sebaceous glands return to normal activity and secrete a normal amount of sebum.

At this time, it is still recommended to consult a doctor for the reason that improper care of the genitals during such a period can lead to further inflammation and more serious diseases, including infectious ones. After the examination, the doctor will advise you on suitable remedies that speed up the recovery of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the specialist will give you a number of useful recommendations about what personal hygiene products can be used during inflammation, and what accessories it is better to avoid for a certain time.

What causes white pimples on the scalp?

1. Poor nutrition and eating junk food

Nutrients actively affect the glands in our body. If you abuse unhealthy foods (fast food, carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol), it is quite possible that the sebaceous glands will react negatively to the intake of such substances.

The nutrition schedule is no less important. Try to eat at least 3 times a day and at approximately the same time.

2. Hormonal imbalance

This can be influenced by many factors, including psychological ones. Stress and regular nervous system disorders are the causes of hormonal imbalance. It is recommended to take additional sedatives to avoid such problems.

Overwork is another popular cause of hormonal imbalance. Carefully monitor your daily routine and biorhythm to keep your body in order.

3. Personal hygiene

Bumps on the head of the penis may appear if you do not adhere to even basic personal hygiene rules. To avoid problems, be sure to:

  • Use special products to care for the genitals.
  • Carry out water procedures at least 2 times a day.
  • Get a special towel for wiping the penis.

White and red pimples on the head, like a disease

In this case, the situation is much more serious than in the previous one and requires immediate treatment. Such formations on the penis can signal the development of pathologies that are dangerous to normal functioning and even life. The most common reasons for such pathologies:

1. Sexually transmitted diseases

It's no secret that promiscuity can lead to serious health problems.


External contraceptives do not guarantee complete protection from disease. Cases are often recorded where even AIDS is transmitted through a condom. Therefore, be extremely careful.

In this case, the pimples can cause itching or even mild pain. They can have any natural color, from white to bright red. As soon as you notice such inflammations around the head, consult a doctor immediately.

They also do not have fixed sizes of education. These can be either small pimples on the head or pimples of impressive size. Please note that there cannot be wen on the penis, so it is imperative to go to the hospital even if even the slightest tumors appear.

2. Infectious or fungal diseases

Infectious diseases that seem to have nothing to do with the genitals can also signal problems through formations on the penis.

The fact is that the glands in the body are closely related to each other. An infection or fungus can affect the sebaceous glands anywhere on the body. In this case, small subcutaneous pimples appear on the penis. Similar formations also appear on the forehead, back or shoulders, often for this reason.

Only doctors can determine this cause using special tests. Of course, you can get rid of pimples only by completely curing the infection. It is not recommended to interrupt the treatment complex prematurely, even if the pimples on the penis have already disappeared. The infection must be completely eliminated from the body, so take the prescribed medications and regularly visit the hospital for repeat tests.

3. Oncological diseases

Cancerous tumors also affect many processes in the body. Including the work of the sebaceous glands. Here you should pay attention to the fact that pimples appear precisely on the part of the body in the area in which the tumor forms.

If pimples signaling the formation of an oncological tumor appear on the penis, then the cancer itself is located in the area of ​​this part of the body.

The tumor does not produce any additional symptoms in the first stages of the disease, so it is almost impossible to establish a diagnosis on your own. You should not immediately contact oncology at the first appearance of white pimples around the head. First contact doctors who specialize specifically in your problem - dermatologists or venereologists.

The first tests to diagnose pathology are also carried out in these departments. Only after this, if the doctor suspects more serious illnesses, will you be sent to the right department.

4. Weakened immune system

Pimples on the genitals most often appear in the autumn-spring period, when the body is exposed to various infectious diseases. Not even significant. The fact is that immunity weakens in most people at this time.

Pimples around the head may be a signal of this very process. The body, by activating the sebaceous glands, warns you that the immune system is not functioning at the proper level, so additional diseases are quite possible.

In this case, the formation of pimples is a completely normal process, so it is highly not recommended to use additional external agents to get rid of pimples. They will go away on their own as soon as you restore the immune system and the body feels safe.

5. Inflammatory processes in the body

Here we are talking specifically about the genitals. The causes of inflammation are very different - it can be either hypothermia or the same nutrition problems. Inflammation is relieved in the traditional way. For this purpose, appropriate medications prescribed by a doctor are used.

If acne on the glans penis causes discomfort, experts can recommend a number of topical medications that soothe the skin around the glans.

6. Allergic reaction of the body to external irritants

This is especially true for people prone to allergies. At this time, rashes are most likely observed throughout the body, but there are special types of allergies when pimples appear only on the genitals. To get rid of pathology, you need to carefully monitor your diet and external irritants. You also need to determine the specific cause of the allergy. Any doctor specializing in this field can do this. Perhaps the allergy is also caused by sexual contact in unacceptable conditions. Be extremely careful if you often have problems with allergies.

Types of pimples on the penis and features of their formation

Red and white rashes on the head are not all types of formations that can appear on the male genitals. For example, formations may appear. Having learned the main types of rashes and their characteristics, you can independently determine the cause of their appearance. Of course, the result must be further verified with the help of medical professionals.

To learn to understand the types of rashes and protect yourself from possible problems, be sure to watch a video from a professional doctor. It will allow you to quickly understand the situation if you suddenly discover new formations around the head:

Here the topic of pimples on the penis, which appear most often, is especially touched upon.

After watching the video, you may have some questions. The doctor regularly collects them and answers them in detail in his next videos. Here is one of those in which the topic directly concerns rashes on the genitals:

The sebaceous glands on the head are closely connected with all internal organs, so the cause of the rash can be a disorder of almost any of them. There are often cases when pimples near the head appear during problems with the stomach or intestines in a person. Digestive tract problems are also known to affect the sebaceous glands of the face. Therefore, it may be that the rash appears in several places at the same time.

As you can see, rashes on the male genital organs can indicate both serious diseases and ordinary disorders in the body. For example, decreased immunity. To accurately determine the nature of the pimples, be sure to consult a doctor. Remember that self-medication may end badly for you. Especially when it comes to sensitive genitals or if it appears.

every man has– they are sebaceous glands. In most cases, they are clearly visible at the base of the organ.

For some they are quite pronounced, while for others they are barely noticeable. This depends on the individual structure of the skin.

In contact with

In some cases, these formations can change significantly. Sometimes new but similar formations appear on the skin.

White bumps on the penis as a normal option

The human skin contains sebaceous glands. At the end of puberty in a teenager, these small pimples on the penis also complete their development in the penis area. At the same time, they become similar to small whitish seals, and sometimes have a yellowish color.

Such formed white bumps on the penis are called .

They reach several millimeters in diameter and their presence can be felt by touch. In order to see them well at the base of the penis, need to tighten the skin On him.

Pimples on the penis: treatment methods

Let's consider the options of what to do and how to get rid of pimples on penis. Therapy for formations on the penis depends on the disease that caused them:

  1. The process of treating inflamed Fordyce granules can be done very successfully at home.. This does not require additional effort. It is necessary to wash the phallus several times a day with warm water using tar, or better yet, laundry soap. Disinfect the pimples with an antiseptic available in your home medicine cabinet - iodine, brilliant green or peroxide. You should not squeeze out pimples on the penis. If they break through on their own, perform additional processing. A decoction of herbs (St. John's wort, calamus root and chamomile flowers), which is used to wash the granules several times during the day, also has a good effect. Tea tree and fir essential oils are used as an antiseptic. If a burning sensation occurs after treatment, it is recommended to apply an additional thin layer of mustard oil.
  2. In the treatment of neurodermatitis it is necessary to reduce the manifestation of neurotic reactions. Both psychotropic and sedative drugs, as well as antidepressants and tranquilizers, are used.
  3. Herpes is completely incurable. However, in the fight against it during the next exacerbation, the drug Anciclovir helps well.
  4. An effective means of combating scabies mites is 5% Permethrin in lotion, ointment, or gel form. The product is rubbed into the skin and hair of the entire body, but not into the head of the penis. Once absorbed, it does not wash off for 8 to 14 hours. May be repeated after 6 days to get better results.

Preventive measures

Perform hygienic washing of the penis at least once a day is an elementary necessity for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

This action must be performed even if it is not possible to take a shower. After sex washing should be a mandatory procedure.

When carrying out hygiene measures, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • wash pubic hair, skin of the inner thighs, scrotum and lower abdomen with soap;
  • Wash the skin of the penis and the part covering the head especially thoroughly;
  • expose the head and wash the folds of the mucous membrane with running water.

Frequent use of soap to perform glans hygiene can lead to excessive dryness of the mucous membrane.


For an inexperienced person to independently determine what disease caused the appearance of pimples pretty hard. In addition, one must be able to distinguish a contagious disease from a harmless manifestation. Because of this You shouldn’t do your own diagnostics, much less treatment.. For these tasks there is a specialist - dermatovenerologist. You should contact him if growths that look suspicious in appearance have formed on your penis.

Pimples appearing on the head of the penis may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases - genital herpes, genital warts (human papillomavirus) or thrush. Each of these diseases has its own distinctive features and specific treatment. Non-infectious rashes represent a physiological feature (sebaceous glands), allergic manifestations or acne.

Pimples on the head of the penis - what kind of disease?

The reasons why pimples appear on the head of the penis can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Not related to infectious sexually transmitted diseases:
    • physiological “rash” (sebaceous glands protruding above the surface of the skin);
    • allergic reaction;
    • wearing tight underwear and clothing, causing skin friction, irritation and the appearance of a rash;
    • insufficient personal hygiene;
    • acne.
  2. Venereal diseases:
    • genital herpes;
    • condylomas;
    • candidiasis.

If there are any formations on the head of the penis, it is necessary to be tested for the presence of infections - genital herpes, human papillomavirus and candida fungus. The analysis is taken from the surface of the rash and from the inside of the urinary canal.

Non-infectious rash

Physiological rashes that are associated with the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands are called pearlescent papules. They are a variant of the norm. White pimples are grouped and located along the edge around the head of the penis. The size of papules is no more than 1-2 mm. When tested for sexually transmitted diseases, including the papilloma virus, they receive a negative result. The size of papules may increase after taking a shower or bath, as well as under the influence of elevated temperatures. There is no need to treat such papules.

Physiological rash

Since the skin in this area of ​​the penis is thin and sensitive, rashes may occur in the presence of allergic reactions. Allergies occur for the following reasons:

  • Using condoms during sexual intercourse. Allergies manifest themselves both to the latex itself and to the lubricant on its surface (Nonoxylol 9). Latex is made from the sap of the rubber tree. The allergen protein contained in latex is also present in foods such as apples, bananas, figs, kiwi, and avocados. If you have an intolerance to these fruits, then there is a high probability of an allergy to latex condoms.
  • Washing with detergents (soap, shower gels, bath foams).
  • Consumption of highly allergenic foods or medications.
  • Wearing synthetic underwear.
  • Allergy to washing powder used in washing clothes.

First, red spots appear that cause itching, and against their background, in the central part of the spots, small blisters form. Allergies are often confused with candidiasis. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a scraping. If, as a result of a dermatological examination, a sexually transmitted disease has been excluded, then you need to consult an allergist and take blood tests to identify the allergen.

To stop an allergic reaction to latex or condom lubricant, you need to take a shower and wash off any remaining lubricant. After this, you can use one of the antihistamines - Diazolin, Fenkarol, Suprastin, Loratadine, Fenistil and others. It is recommended to use polyurethane condoms instead of latex condoms.

Common acne (acne vulgaris) can also appear on the head of the penis, especially during puberty in boys. As with other areas of the skin, the penis can become clogged with oil glands, causing red bumps to appear. One of the provoking factors for dysfunction of the sebaceous glands is the consumption of spicy and fatty foods.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a simple herpes of the first, or most often the second type, which affects the skin and mucous membranes of the penis. In rare cases, both types of herpes can occur (the first type is in the form of rashes on the lips). Red spots first appear on the head of the penis, on which small (2-3 mm) transparent bubbles with liquid form. The blisters may fester. After opening them, small erosions form, which are then covered with crusts. The rash is characterized by pain, burning and itching.

When the genitals are infected, the virus penetrates the bloodstream and lymph nodes, penetrates the nerve endings and can exist there without showing itself for a long time. The genital herpes virus causes the following complications:

  • damage to the nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of impaired sensitivity and the appearance of pain;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane and cornea of ​​the eye;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders.

Neurological manifestations are detected in every third person with herpes. Pain syndrome can occur regardless of the appearance of skin rashes. Infection of the penis occurs through close contact with a sick person or a virus carrier. The rash appears 1-10 days after sexual intercourse and is most often located in the area of ​​the coronary sulcus and on the leaves of the foreskin.

In addition to rashes, general symptoms of infection may appear:

  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • muscle pain;
  • enlarged inguinal lymph nodes;
  • weakness and malaise.

If symptoms of herpes appear, you should contact a venereologist who will take smears to examine the nature of the rash and confirm the diagnosis. Molecular diagnostics (PCR) is also used, for which blood is taken. The faster the virus is detected, the more effective the treatment will be. When confirming the diagnosis by laboratory methods, it is necessary to treat both sexual partners, even if the woman does not show signs of this disease, since it can exist asymptomatically in a chronic form with periodic relapses. During the treatment period, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse.

Treatment of genital herpes is carried out using two main groups of drugs:

  • Antiviral - Acyclovir (200 mg 5 times a day until the rash disappears), Valaciclovir, Famciclovir, Foscarnet, Panavir and others. The use of antiviral drugs is very effective in the first hours after detection of the disease.
  • Immunomodulatory and immunostimulating - Poludam, Interlock, Interferon, Leukinferon and others.

The following agents are used for local treatment:

  • for the formation of erosions - lotions with deoxyribonuclease, Poldan, 0.5% solution of zinc sulfate; aerosol Panthenol 4-6 times a day for 2 weeks;
  • Panavir gel, 3-4 times a day;
  • 2% Alpizarin ointment, 4-6 times a day for 5-10 days;
  • Vira-MP gel, 4 times a day for a week;
  • 3% Megosin ointment, 4-6 times a day, 5-7 days;
  • 1% Helepin ointment, 3 times a day, 7-10 days.

To prevent recurrence of genital herpes, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • maintaining personal hygiene, washing the penis with water immediately after sexual intercourse;
  • wearing loose underwear and clothing;
  • healthy lifestyle, moderate exercise;
  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • use of complex vitamin preparations;
  • taking adaptogens – tinctures of Eleutherococcus, ginseng;
  • use of vaccine therapy.


Condylomas (genital warts) are formed as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus. This disease is sexually transmitted. The cells on the head of the penis begin to divide rapidly, resulting in small white growths with an uneven surface. The rash occurs not only on the glans, but also on the shaft of the penis, less often on the testicles, and during homosexual intercourse - in the anus. On the head of the penis, the coronal groove and frenulum are affected. In men, this disease is often asymptomatic and manifests itself in cases of decreased immunity.


After some time, small warts grow in the form of ridges, causing pain when walking and sexual intercourse. As a result of mechanical action, they come off and a bleeding wound remains in their place. The disease is diagnosed in several ways:

  • examination of scrapings from the affected area;
  • cytological analysis;
  • PCR diagnostics of blood.

Condylomas differ from pearlescent papules in the following external features:

  • papules are located evenly on the coronary sulcus, and condylomas are located chaotically;
  • the size of papules is the same, those of condylomas are different from each other;
  • Condylomas have a rough surface and grow quickly (within a few days).

Since the papilloma virus is oncogenic, treatment of condylomas is carried out by removing them with liquid nitrogen, laser, electrocoagulation or radio wave method. These procedures are not fundamentally different from each other, since the main mechanism for removing condylomas is burning them out. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, for which an anesthetic is injected under the affected area using an insulin syringe. Treated condylomas die and subsequently fall off, and the tissue underneath scars and heals. If you see a doctor early, less surgical intervention will be required, so it is important to diagnose and treat this disease as early as possible.

The following measures are recommended for the prevention of condylomas on the penis:

  • exclusion of promiscuity, sexual contact with one partner (including oral sex);
  • using condoms during sexual intercourse;
  • Irrigation of the penis with Betadine (Povidone-iodine) solution after sexual intercourse.


Candidiasis in men occurs with the following symptoms:

  • redness of the skin on the head of the penis in the area of ​​the coronary sulcus and on the inner layer of the foreskin;
  • the appearance of small red pimples, dots, formations in the form of pellets in the initial stage of the disease, which then transform into erosions;
  • severe itching and burning in the area of ​​the head of the penis;
  • swelling;
  • milky discharge;
  • redness of the urethra;
  • painful urination;
  • over time, the skin of the head of the penis becomes coarser, becomes thicker and cracks form on it;
  • A whitish-gray coating is a hallmark of the disease.


The causative agent of the disease is a fungus of the genus Candida. Infection occurs through sexual contact from a sick woman. The disease quickly affects the head of the penis, within a few hours after sexual intercourse. Predisposing factors are the following:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • diabetes;
  • carbohydrate metabolism disorders;
  • liver diseases;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • candidiasis, localized in other organs and systems - the intestines, oral cavity, larynx and throat.

Lack of treatment can lead to complications:

  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • inflammation of the scrotal organs - testicles and appendages;
  • prostatitis;
  • potency disorders.

The diagnosis is made by microscopic examination of a smear taken from the affected area. For local treatment of candidiasis in men, external agents are used:

  • Baths for 15-20 minutes 3-4 times a day with potassium permanganate, Rivanol, Furacilin, a decoction of a mixture of medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calendula, oak bark). During the procedure, it is necessary to expose the head of the penis and rinse it with cotton wool or a gauze swab.
  • Ointments – nystatin, Livarol, Nizoral, Pimafucin, Fucis gel.

Since candidiasis is a systemic disease, the use of oral antifungal agents is required: Pimafucin, Fluconazole, Diflucan tablets and others.

Acne on the genitals is one of the most common urological problems that can arise in the life of every man, regardless of age. Pimples on the penis are often symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as signs of other pathological processes in the male body.

Pimples on the head of the penis differ in completely different diameters, shades, and densities. A rash on the skin of the genital organ does not always indicate the presence of serious pathologies - sometimes they can be completely harmless and do not require specific therapy.

Important! If the rash does not disappear after 12-14 days, you should definitely consult a urologist who will conduct an examination, determine the root cause of acne on the penis and help cure it.

Pimples on the penis are inflammatory formations that stand out above the surface of the skin. Such rashes are characterized by different etiologies, shades, and colors. In most cases, pimples that appear around the base of the penis have significantly smaller parameters than acne directly on the head.

Why do red pimples appear on the head of the penis? The most common causes of rashes on the penis:

  • Failure to comply with the basics of intimate hygiene.
  • Regular use of incorrectly selected underwear - too narrow, tight, made of synthetic material.
  • Thrush and other types of mycoses.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, genital herpes.
  • Pathologies of viral and bacterial origin.
  • In addition, red pimples on the penis may appear as a result of an allergic skin reaction.

The occurrence of acne on the skin of the penis during adolescence is closely related to the hormonal changes that occur at this stage in the body of a young person. In such cases, acne often appears on the young man’s face.

Important! on the head of the penis cause a lot of unpleasant sensations - physical and psycho-emotional. A person feels pain and itching during sexual intercourse and cannot fully have sex, which leads to serious problems in intimate life.

But it is not enough to know why pimples appear, because depending on the root cause of their appearance, pimples on the male penis vary in diameter, shade and type of content. Rashes on the head of the genital organ are white, red, purulent, and watery. This must be taken into account when diagnosing the disease.

Small white pimples on the penis most often appear as a result of negligence in maintaining intimate hygiene. In this case, rashes can appear both on the head of the penis and along its entire length, in the scrotum area. In such cases, no special treatment is required - in order to remove them, it is enough to pay sufficient attention to the rules of personal hygiene. Small pimples with white heads in such cases cause little concern or pain and go away on their own after a few days.

Small pimples with a pearlescent hue - this is what pearlescent penile papules, also called Fordyce granules, look like. They may have a slight whitish, pearly or yellowish tint.

In most cases, such papules are completely safe; they do not need to be removed, since they are the result of increased functioning of the sebaceous glands. They can appear not only on the genitals, but also on the face.

Purulent white pimples on the penis may indicate diseases that are transmitted intimately - candidiasis, herpes, gonorrhea. A venereologist will tell you what to do in such cases.

Large pimples, the diameter of which exceeds 1.5 cm, in the vast majority of cases are benign cysts formed from subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Red pimples on penis

If a dense, hard red bump appears on the head of the penis, it may be a symptom of an allergic skin reaction. Most often, the appearance on the head of the penis is associated with prickly heat, urticaria, and local allergic reactions.

Small red pimples on the penis often accompany the development of many sexually transmitted and viral diseases - syphilis, papilloma virus, balanitis or balanoposthitis, as well as lice pubis.

Important! In some cases, harmless red pimples on the head of the penis, which do not bring a man any concern at all, are symptoms of cancer. Therefore, if any rash appears in the genital area, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Watery pimples, which can appear on the foreskin, under the head, on the skin of the penis and have transparent or yellowish contents, are characteristic signs of the initial stage of genital herpes.

Also, a watery, large pimple can appear on the skin of the penis if you regularly wear tight underwear made of synthetic materials or are allergic to condoms or intimate lubricants. How to get rid of acne in this case? To do this, it is enough to change your underwear to products made from natural cotton, and switch to other means of contraception.

Important! The appearance of pimples on the skin of the penis may additionally be accompanied by itching, burning, discomfort, intense or mild pain, which can be localized in the genital area or lower abdomen.

Treatment of the rash

Pimples on the penis are not just a cosmetic defect, but a symptom of a serious problem that requires properly selected treatment. How to treat, what to use against red pimples on the head in men and what to do in such cases? Under no circumstances should you self-medicate without first visiting a doctor.

You should also consult a doctor if the number of acne on the genitals in men gradually increases, they grow in size, or their total number increases. The rashes itch and itch, and in their place appear bleeding, painful ulcers and wounds that cause severe discomfort.

Depending on the nature of the origin of the rash on the genitals, it is necessary to undergo a thorough medical examination by several specialists - a urologist, venereologist, dermatologist. Only after this is the optimal course of treatment selected taking into account the cause of the disease:

  • How to treat acne and what to use to eliminate red pimples on the penis of viral origin? Diseases of an infectious nature are treated with antibiotics and antiviral drugs.
  • For fungal infections of the skin of the intimate area, antifungal ointments and creams are used for external use.
  • If the pimples on the head of the penis are of allergic origin, treatment consists of the use of antihistamines.
  • In addition to drug treatment, various disinfectants and antiseptics can be used, which are available in the form of solutions or lotions.

In combination with drug therapy, herbal preparations (dietary supplements) and immunomodulators are often prescribed, which increase the level of the body's defenses and set the body up to independently fight the disease.

Particular attention should be paid to observing the rules of intimate hygiene - for hygiene procedures you should not use soap, but a special product for intimate hygiene. All underwear should be made from natural materials that “permeate” air and allow the skin to fully “breathe.”

In addition, you should avoid having casual sex in unsanitary conditions. If the rash on the skin of the penis occurs as a result of an allergy to latex, it is necessary to use other means of contraception, and also stop using intimate lubricants for a while.



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