Secondary changes in hematopoiesis. The importance of the process of hematopoiesis and the scheme of hematopoiesis in human life

Most owners periodically encounter certain problems with cats. For example, estrus is often accompanied by a clear secretion, which is completely normal. However, what to do if a cat has white discharge? What is their danger and how should such symptoms be dealt with? More on this later in the article.

White discharge from endometritis

Initially, if the cat has discharge from the uterus white color, it can be considered bad sign. Of course, there is a possibility that everything is fine. But you should play it safe and check your pet for common diseases. Among them:

  • vaginitis;
  • endometritis;
  • pyometra.

If white discharge is more or less understandable in a pregnant cat, then in other individuals it can be a cause for concern. For example, this may indicate an infection. Speaking specifically about endometritis, it manifests itself in animals that were given medication for estrus. That is why veterinarians recommend spaying cats whose owners do not need offspring.

There are white discharges in a cat after childbirth. It is often associated with retained placenta. In addition, it happens that the frozen fetus remains right in the uterus. It causes purulent processes that lead to endometritis itself.

This disease can manifest itself in both acute and chronic forms. In the second case, the symptoms are almost indistinguishable, so the cat may seem quite alert. And the fact that these animals are prone to cleanliness will lead to the fact that the owner will not even notice that something is wrong.

Such an ailment, in the absence of proper treatment, can lead to putrefactive processes and even the death of a cat.

White discharge with pyometra

One of the reasons for the production of pus in a white cat can be pyometra. This disease requires a very serious approach and the intervention of specialists. The causes of such an ailment can be both hormonal disorders of the pet, and the consequences of endometritis.

If a cat's discharge has not been properly treated, pyometra can show up very quickly.

The symptoms of this disease do not appear immediately. It's not only vaginal discharge. There may be signs such as fever, loss of appetite, thirst, strange smells. Closed pyometra is considered the most dangerous. In this case, the uterus is closed and prevents the exit of white pus in the cat. Thus, the condition of the animal is deteriorating very rapidly, leading to the fact that the pet can barely move.

Sometimes pyometra appears too late. White watery discharge absent, and pus accumulates inside. Such processes can lead to lethal outcome . The discharge of pus in a cat is not always noticeable, so you should carefully monitor the condition of your pet. This is important, because only the owner can notice and prevent terrible consequences in time.

White discharge treatment

If a cat has white or yellow discharge, this should be a good reason to contact veterinary clinic. Do not hesitate, because time can play against the pet. The doctor should immediately take tests, smears and conduct all studies, assess the situation with the eyes and with the help of ultrasound. This will help to understand why the cat has a white discharge.

The prescribed treatment is often complex. In severe cases, surgical intervention is allowed.

It should be understood that the recovery process will be a huge stress for the animal and can take more than one day or even a month. Therefore, it is during this period that the cat will need the care and support of the owner. The combination of love and medication should help the animal cope with inflammation.

White discharge from a cat

Cats occasionally experience vaginal discharge, which is of little concern to owners. The discharge may be watery, clear, bloody, yellow (purulent), dark green, or brown (postpartum). In this case, the animal periodically licks the causal place, but no other changes in behavior are observed. Let's try to figure out why a cat has vaginal discharge and how it can be cured.

Causes of discharge from the vagina in a cat

Several factors come into play here:

  1. Discharge from a pregnant cat. If they have a reddish tint, then this is a potential threat of miscarriage. IN postpartum period the presence of black and dark green discharge is natural and can last for several days. Traces remain up to three weeks. If the placenta has not gone, then there are abnormal bloody and watery discharge.
  2. pyometra. At the age of more than five years, unneutered cats may begin to accumulate pus in the uterus, which can lead to bloating and pus in the uterus. abdominal cavity. The discharge of pus is seen in open form diseases. The purulent contents are brown, pink or cream in color.
  3. Vaginitis. Occurs on soil endocrine disorder infection (streptococcus, coli, staphylococcus). With vaginitis, a cat has a creamy white discharge. The inflammatory process is treated with douching or oil emulsions.
  4. endometritis. Inflammation of the lining of the uterus begins with small, spotty discharge from the vulva, which becomes profuse and foul-smelling over time. Endometritis is treated with antibiotics, antimicrobial and hormonal drugs.

Thus, if a cat has discharge during or after childbirth, then this should not cause concern, however, if the discharge is accompanied by elevated temperature, loss of appetite and lethargy, you should consult a veterinarian.

In some cases, the owners do not suspect that the cat has problems with the reproductive organs. A signal of painful processes in the body of a pet is white, yellow or bloody discharge from the vagina. In the article I will describe their types and provoking diseases. I will tell you what needs to be done, whether it is possible to treat and what first aid give to the animal.

What discharge in cats is considered unhealthy


  1. Inflammatory process in the genitals, there is a white discharge from the loop. It is the result of hypothermia or infection. The cat licks under the tail. Urination is speeded up. When pathogenic bacteria reach the bladder, cystitis develops. It is forbidden to walk the pet and stay in drafts. Self-medication is ineffective. Prescribe necessary drugs it is possible only in the study of urine.
  2. Serous vaginitis- inflammation of the walls of the vagina. It is typical for organ injuries received during lambing. Possible as a complication past illnesses. This occurs after taking antibiotics due to a violation of the microflora.


  1. Sexual cancer and reproductive organs. The cat loses weight for no reason, is indifferent to food. Liquid regularly accumulates under the tail. The pet stops taking care of itself. Looks messy.
  2. Catarrhal-purulent vaginitis. Inflammation of the walls of the vagina, complicated by an abscess. There is a viscous consistency and cloudy exudate.
  3. Phlegmon of the vagina. Swelling of the vulva and womb, accompanied by boils. It comes out with mucus.
  4. Pyometra - purulent inflammation mucous layer of the uterus. It occurs against the background of a hormonal failure, provoked by both the consumption of drugs that reduce sexual activity, and advanced endometritis. The individual does not show activity, looks depressed. The most dangerous closed form. Pus does not stand out. The state of health deteriorates sharply, why not going to the doctor threatens with death.

Any purulent discharge have an unpleasant odor.


  1. Oncology of the urogenital organs. Accompanied by the discharge of pus with a deterioration in the general condition.
  2. Decomposition of the placenta at incomplete output placenta The cat does not feel well, feels weak, does not eat, there may be bleeding from the anterior passage. Body temperature rises. Delay is fraught with peritonitis. The patient needs urgent surgery (cleaning) in a clinical setting.
  3. Damage to the uterus associated with careless surgical intervention, especially in spayed cats. Blood flows from under the tail. The victim needs to create as much as possible comfortable conditions: arrange a resting place in a room where no one will disturb the peace. It is not possible to determine harm on your own. Inept transportation is life-threatening. It is necessary to call the veterinarian at home for examination and acceptance appropriate measures for salvation.
  4. endometritis- inflammation of the mucous layer of the uterus. It is provoked by infections, as well as by taking medications that suppress attraction to the opposite sex. The discharge is strong and smearing.
  5. Threat of abortion. Bleeds between the fourth and eighth weeks.
  6. Blood clotting disorder. Leads to the release of characteristic blood clots and red liquid.

All of the above facts require reference to veterinarian. It is possible to prescribe a course of treatment only when conducting research: examination, ultrasound, urine, blood, smear tests.

Allocations considered a physiological norm

Let us consider cases where an unpleasant-looking spectacle occurs due to natural causes.

  1. Estrus. The name speaks for itself. Indicates mating time. Continues 3-7 days. The female is in an excited state. Meows loudly and hysterically. Sleeping badly.

    What causes discharge from the uterus in a cat and how to treat them?

    The front part of the body bends down, the back, on the contrary, lifts up. The exudate is clear and has no odor.

  2. postpartum period. Usually, a woman in labor recovers after lambing within 21 days. Reddish-brown bleeds are possible. They have a metallic taste. The newly-born mother is cheerful, shows a natural instinct (feeds, licks, protects kittens).
  3. During pregnancy considered natural liquid mucus up to the third week (a cork is formed) and bloody a day before delivery.


To avoid unaesthetic manifestations, it is required:

  • provide Murka proper living conditions(it is not recommended to stay under fans, air conditioners, in ventilated rooms, it is unacceptable to get wet in cold rain, to stay outdoors for a long time in sub-zero conditions);
  • observation of behavior and well-being pet;
  • comprehensive examination in the clinic for detection, including the listed diseases (twice a year).

When a cat has discharge in the area anus Don't neglect the health of your pet. It is much easier to visit the veterinarian once again than to lose a living creature due to your own negligence.

Cats often experience vaginal discharge. There is nothing to worry about if the animal has started estrus or the body has not yet fully recovered from childbirth. But if a cat, especially a sterilized one, does not stop excreting long time, have Strong smell, strange color or inclusions of unknown origin, this may indicate the development of various pathological conditions. Most often, the appearance of secretions is provoked by inflammatory processes and tumors.


The cat constantly licks itself, so it is not so easy to notice the appearance of discharge. If the discharge from the genitals became too abundant, the animal stopped “washing”, this is an occasion to watch the animal more carefully.

Discharge from the uterus in a cat is of two types: natural and life-threatening, caused by disease or injury.


Natural secretions appear:

  • During the flow. They mean that the cat is ready to mate with the male. They continue for several days. At this time, the behavior of the cat changes. The animal becomes more agitated, tries to play and fight with the owners or other animals, arches its back, raises back body. Allocations during estrus are homogeneous, without inclusions, transparent color. They don't smell.
  • After childbirth. Normally, discharge should be observed no more than twenty-one days after lambing. During this time, the cat's body is completely restored. The first few days after delivery, the discharge may be reddish or Brown, with patches or streaks of green and a metallic smell. The behavior of the animal does not change, the appetite remains good, the cat is cheerful, fully cares for the kittens. If the discharge continues for longer, the animal becomes lethargic and refuses to eat, this is a reason to go to the veterinarian. Such symptoms may indicate birth trauma or infection in the body.
  • During pregnancy. During gestation, a cat may shed fluid or mucus until the third week and 24 hours before pregnancy. labor activity. In the first case it will be transparent stringy discharge odorless, which indicate the beginning of the formation of a mucous plug. Before childbirth, the mucous plug departs, discharge appears yellowish color, which during the period of contractions are replaced by bloody. Between the fourth and eighth weeks of pregnancy, there should be no discharge.


The appearance of some secretions requires attention and speedy provision help. They can be provoked by:

  • Development malignant tumor. With cancer, purulent discharge with a fetid odor comes from the uterus. They indicate the destruction of soft tissues. Treatment of pathology at home is impossible, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Decomposition of the placenta. Sometimes after childbirth, the placenta does not come out completely. The cat begins to behave sluggishly, watery discharge with bloody clots appears from under the tail. Needs to be cleaned at the veterinary clinic.
  • Uterine trauma. The animal may be injured if the surgical intervention. In this case, the discharge from the anus is abundant, contains a large number of blood. The cat needs to ensure complete rest, keep other animals away. Put the bed in a separate room. It is impossible to determine the nature of the injury on your own, the help of veterinarians is required.
  • Inflammation of the genitals. Occurs by different reasons: with hypothermia or infection after childbirth. The cat often licks, she has a rapid painful urination. Often, the infection enters bladder leading to cystitis. It is necessary to protect the cat from drafts, do not let it out into the street. If infections are found in the urine, a course of antibiotic treatment should be given.
  • Vaginitis. acute form disease may be the result of trauma during childbirth. Chronic vaginitis occurs as a complication after serious diseases, such as chlamydia. Vaginitis happens different types. With serous vaginitis, the discharge is cloudy, transparent, accompanied by the appearance of ulcers on soft tissues vagina. Catarrhal-purulent vaginitis is characterized by cloudy yellow or white discharge and inflammation of the area under the tail. If vaginitis is left untreated, it will progress to other diseases such as cystitis and endometritis.
  • Phlegmon of the vagina. The genitals of the cat swell, ulcers appear on them. The animal's temperature rises and there are purulent discharges with pieces of dead mucosa.
  • Endometritis. During this disease, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. inner surface uterus. The causes of the disease are varied, but most often it is a sexually transmitted infection and side effect drugs that cause suppression of desire. Allocations with endometritis are spotting, abundant, with an admixture of blood. The cat becomes in a pose, as if preparing to urinate, meows and arches its back.
  • Pyometra. This is one of the forms of purulent endometritis. It is only safe for a neutered cat that has had its uterus and both ovaries removed during spaying. The main reasons are problems with hormonal background, which are most often caused by drugs against attraction, and not completely cured endometritis. The cat has bad feeling, lethargy, white discharge from the vagina appears.

The article helps to better understand this issue, and also offers answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the solution of such a frequently occurring problem.

Purulent discharge in a cat during pregnancy from the uterus, what is it and how to treat it

The discharge of pus from a cat's uterus is called pyometra. It occurs due to a failure in hormonal system animal, can be caused by an ovarian cyst, the use of contraceptives.

Treatment needs to be surgically: remove the uterus and ovaries of the animal. If the cat is pregnant, then you can save the offspring with the help of drugs: oxytocin or prostaglandin, brullomycin, cloprostenol, amoxicillin. An appointment can only be made by a veterinarian.

Purulent discharge in a cat from a treatment loop, are they dangerous to humans or not

Purulent discharge from a loop in a cat often indicates a disease of the animal. Treatment various secretions in a cat occurs by prescribing antibiotics, chemotherapy, restorative therapy. Unfortunately, drug treatment gives only a temporary effect.

The most reliable way is to remove the uterus and ovaries. It does not pose a danger to humans, but the animal may die.

Purulent discharge from a cat after childbirth, removal of the uterus, sterilization, removal of pyometra, miscarriage, causes and what to do

After giving birth, the animal may experience discharge within 7-21 days, with good health, this is a normal physiological process.

After surgeries or miscarriages, there may also be secretions that cleanse the body. Therefore, it is necessary to judge by the mood of the pet. If the cat is active, eating, no more symptoms, then you can wait 7-10 days. If the animal is lethargic, does not eat, other signs of intoxication of the body are observed, it is worth contacting a veterinarian for treatment.

Discharge in cats of white, yellow, green color what does it mean

The reasons for withdrawals can be:
Estrus. Appearance secretions - transparent, homogeneous, odorless.
Childbirth. A few hours before and during childbirth, the cat may have vaginal discharge.
Pyometra is a purulent inflammation of the uterus. Allocations are observed with an open form of pyometra.

Hematometra - accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, due to dysfunctional bleeding caused by a change in the endometrium or trauma.
Hydrometer - accumulation of serous fluid in the uterine cavity (secretion of the uterine glands, transudate, etc.). May be a consequence chronic endometritis.

Cat bleeding after giving birth

Discharge in a cat after childbirth for 7-20 days is normal, provided wellness animal.

Danger signs:
- Abundant bleeding lasting more than 10 minutes.
Blood discharge with green clots and strong smell.
- Blood discharge with yellow and gray patches.
- Bleeding with breast milk.

If these signs are found, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian.

The article will talk about a problem that manifests itself only in some pets, but this does not mean at all that it is not serious and on ...

Cats are very neat animals, but sometimes the owners notice that some kind of bump has appeared on the tail of their pets. What could it be? Cone n...

Often, discharge from a cat on the outer labia is not considered normal and signal a violation of the health of the animal. Of course, you should not immediately panic and think serious illness, because in some cases, discharge from the loop does not pose any danger.

But it doesn't hurt to show your favorite good veterinarian, because self-diagnosis here is ineffective, fraught with complications and consequences. Allocations can be of various kinds.:

  1. purulent;
  2. blood;
  3. watery;
  4. transparent;
  5. cloudy;
  6. white;
  7. grey;
  8. brown.

What is considered a physiological norm?

It is perfectly natural for a cat to have discharge during estrus or estrus. The color of the discharge during this period is transparent, and the consistency is homogeneous without an unpleasant odor. Estrus does not stop for several days, and the cat arches its back, exposes the back of the body, shows excessive playfulness and affection.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Discharge during pregnancy may appear in a cat up to the third week. This is due to the fact that a mucous plug forms in the cervix, the excess of which flows out. It is usually a clear or stringy mucus that is difficult to see as it is passed out with the urine. Up to 6 weeks, very rarely observed in small numbers yellowish discharge- excess amniotic fluid.

And only a day or two before the birth, the mucous plug is rejected (at week 9). This is a small clot of yellow or greenish tint.

During contractions and attempts, the cat has the presence of brown and spotting from the uterus is normal. For some time after childbirth, liquid greenish discharge, gradually brightening, and then completely disappearing.

Scarlet blood at any stage of a cat's pregnancy is always a sign of pathology and can be a signal of uterine rupture. The reason for the release of brown clots is placental abruption or fetal death. Greens with bad smell- talking about bacterial infection, most likely due to the death of the kitten and the start of the decomposition process.

Unhealthy discharge from the uterus

Inflammatory diseases of the uterus lead to the fact that pathological substances accumulate in its cavity - the waste products of bacteria, ichor, particles of the epithelium, and so on. Blood or pus from the vaginal fissure may be a symptom of cancer of the urogenital tract. The cat suffers from discharge in the presence of such dangerous diseases:

  • vaginitis;
  • pyometra;
  • hematometers;
  • hydrometers;
  • endometritis.


This inflammatory process into the vagina, which may be acute or chronic. Ulcers form on the surface of the mucous membrane, and the cat is worried about discharge:

  • cloudy or clear;
  • viscous yellow-white;
  • mucous purulent.

A mild form of the disease is treated with douching; in severe cases, systemic antibiotics are indicated.


Life-threatening inflammation of the uterus, requiring emergency assistance doctors and surgical intervention. If the cat licks frequently, and brown wet spots remain everywhere on the bedding and carpets, then such symptoms should alert the owner. There are also other warning signs:

  • tight or bloated stomach;
  • increased body temperature;
  • lack of appetite, but intense thirst;
  • frequent urination;
  • decline physical activity pet, lethargy

In some cases, purulent discharge in a cat increases in quantity so quickly that the symptoms of the disease simply do not have time to appear. The walls of the uterus do not withstand the load and are torn, and the contents spill into the abdominal cavity. Naturally, it is no longer possible to save the life of the pet.


The condition is characterized by the accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, which disrupts the functioning of the organ. Often the blood cannot come out due to a blockage or narrowing. cervical canal, so the discharge from the uterus in a cat is very scarce. The reason may be:

  • congenital anomalies;
  • spasm of the muscles of the cervical canal;
  • surgical procedures performed incorrectly;
  • miscarriage or abortion;
  • pathological childbirth (especially if they are more often 1-2 times a year);
  • uterine myoma.

The blood is rich nutrient medium for breeding harmful microorganisms, which is why sooner or later inflammation of the uterus begins.

The cat is feverish, cramping pains appear. When assisting an animal, clots must be scraped out of the uterine cavity and prescribed antibiotic therapy. If the hematometer is not diagnosed in time, then purulent contents form in the uterus and the disease is complicated by pyometra. Fortunately, this disease is quite rare.


In a cat, discharge from the uterus may be a symptom of inflammation of the walls or mucous membranes of the organ. Acute endometritis happens more often after childbirth due to a delay in the release of the placenta, infection of the vagina and cervix.

Mucopurulent discharge appears in cats from the genital slit 2–6 days after the birth of kittens.

Urination becomes more frequent, milk production decreases, temperature rises. The animal arches its back and meows plaintively because of pain in the uterus. In the absence of therapy, the pathology turns into chronic form. The infection spreads to the muscular and outer layers of the uterus, penetrates into the blood. As a result, the pet dies due to sepsis. The occlusion of the cervical canal threatens the development of pyometra.


Fluid accumulates in the uterine cavity - secretion of glands, mucus, transudate in an amount of up to 10 liters. If the excretory channel is open or partially blocked, then the cat has a white or transparent discharge. They are usually scanty, smeared or drop-shaped. The disease often develops against the background of chronic endometritis., due to which the uterine walls become thinner and stretched, adhesions and scars are formed. Without timely treatment the cat dies.


In addition to careful medical examination, for staging accurate diagnosis Your cat may need the following types of tests:

  • deployed and biochemical analysis blood
  • Analysis of urine;
  • sowing;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and abdominal cavity;
  • radiograph.

Prevention of discharge in a cat

Such physiological processes, as childbirth or estrus is often accompanied by discharge, which is considered a variant of the norm. Avoid the same pathological discharge from the uterus and infectious diseases body allow methods of prevention:

  • Do not abuse hormonal means to control the estrus of an animal (Antisex, Sex barrier, Stop-intimacy, Contrasex and others). Never exceed the recommended dosage and course duration.
  • Always follow the rules of antisepsis during the delivery of the pet. Also help a young cat with hygiene during estrus until she learns to take care of herself.
  • Visit the veterinary clinic from time to time for an ultrasound of the uterus if the cat is neutered.
  • When choosing a partner for mating, be sure to study the documents confirming good health cat and the absence of genitourinary infections.
  • Remember, if a cat has strange discharge of any kind, then this is an occasion to visit the doctor as soon as possible.


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